Game ruins other games for you

>game ruins other games for you

Attached: botw.jpg (800x450, 167K)

>didn't benefit from an open world

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"dumb opinion" - some faggot

at least he's unhappy

the horses in this game are so fun to ride that it ruined all other games with horses for me, including its sequel

Attached: Red_Dead_Redemption (1).jpg (284x350, 23K)

E-celeb shit, fuck off.
Also his name is Dunkey, stop using his proper name to make it sound more intellectual.

Dunkey's a slav?

He's a mutt.

>benefiting from open world
lel what.

I don't get how people can think that botw innovated on anything. It has the same shit as every open world game, even the ubisoft towers.
Someone explain it to me.

>look up the name
>it's some fucking youtuber
kill yourself


horse butts should be banned from vidya

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Wasn't this sarcasm?

how am i a degenerate for saying they should be banned

felt pretty good that to start tracking something you had to actually see it off in the distance so you could ping it instead of every point of interest being marked on your minimap once you climb a tower.

there's not a brainless wojack image dumb enough for that spider-man comparison

>durr 3D games made 2D games obsolete
>durr open world games made linear games obsolete
>durr procedurally generated games made handcrafted games obsolete
Different games require different approaches, what worked in BOTW isn't necessarily warranted in any other type of game. Not to mention BOTW's implementation of open world freedom and interactivity is the absolute bare minimum, i.e. for isolated cases with no relevancy to the greater picture of the game's progress, in a barren world with no consequences to the story, characters, etc. It's not exactly revolutionary, the only reason it wasn't tried before is because no one thought it would sell, it only succeeded for Nintendo because people had to give it a chance due to the strength of the brand. Plus there's the fact that implementing the same type of interactivity in any type of intricate modern setting would be nigh impossible.

He wasn’t saying that every game must be BotW, but that open world games need to actually use the open world instead of just having missions on the map that you have to go to in order to continue the story (with each of those missions railroading you into a certain area or playstyle), with little of the game actually making good use of the open world.

That's definitely Escape from Tarkov for me. It's very difficult to justify playing a modern military shooter with RPG elements when every one of is them is subpar in terms of raw design and UX.

So that games makes use of the city for witnessed crime and events you can track via eye catchers?

Who are you quoting?

Nintendo fans are so embarrassing.

What's the cutoff for "good use of open world"? Does San Andreas make the cut? Why do open world games HAVE to do that? Why do Quantic Dream games need 3D graphics when they could be FMVs or like Dragon's Lair? Why do 2D platformers use 3D graphics? Why do JRPGs need giant productions when they're essentially visual novels?

Sometimes you just want to do something for the hell of it, because you like it more that way, because you want it to give players a certain feel, because you think it will sell better. There's certainly a ton of difference in how you perceive a world presented by cordoned off levels, and an open world game, and the stories told through them.

Your mum



It felt to me like an adventure in a real place rather than a very big map. I wish it had gone further with quieting the quest imperatives and loosening the importance of armour and inventory.

Well did you play it? No? Didn't think so.

Nintendo fans only play Nintendo games.

He's a nintendo fag. BotW was good but nobody's going to pretend it was even half as good as Witcher 3. Cyberpunk is already better, more successful and more influential than BotW and it's not even out. Dunkey can seethe all he wants but he should stick to comedy

>What's the cutoff for "good use of open world"?
Can I cut down the trees and do the trees have phyics when they fall and can I jump on the log or have the log roll down a kill and hit my enemies?

Red Faction Guerilla = Good
San Andreas = Bad
Mafia III = Very bad

BotW wasn't very good for its open world either. Certainly the sense of wonderment and adventure was there, but when every adventure ends with the same result (either a sphere that ups your numbers or a copypasted breakable weapon) and you are aware of the fact, then there's no point to it. BotW can't hold a candle in this regard to games like Gothic or even the vanilla WoW where you could find something unique and interesting if you wonder.

>Dunkey tries to make reviews
>duhhh it not nintendo so it bad DEAL WITH IT
>oh my god it nintendo they changed games forever every game is a MASTUHPIECE LIKE KNACK 2 BAYBEE LMAO BE SURE TO BUY MY AWFUL MERCH GUYS
This is what happens when your horrible echo chamber coddles your channel into stagnation instead of pushing you to improve.

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2 years, 3 months,2 weeks.

Snoyims on Yea Forums still seething about BotW

This is an overrated children's game. There's a reason the sequel is going to take tips from real games like RDR2.

Attached: botw2 influence rdr2.jpg (963x729, 68K)

Tendies BTFO.

How will they ever recover? LOL.

Good maybe it'll be fun this time.


>"opinion!" - person
wow, this is really important stuff.

Dumb opinion

did you just walk everywhere in the game?

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>Dunkey quote

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Real talk, I loved the horses in RDR2. All the lateral movement and stuff. Felt like a living animal and not a horse-shaped go kart.

I hope one of the inspirational things N is taking from rockstar here is that.

Monster Hunter for every other game that tries doing the same thing

MHW for the rest of the franchise. I just can't play those disjointed flat rooms anymore after experiencing entire sprawling biomes.

It's the opposite for me. On PS4 launch I got tired of the game sooner than I thought and I couldn't fucking stand the rotating events, so I just went to play all the other games.

Old platformers are really hard now without wall jumps and 16:9

San Andreas benefits from the open world in it's free roaming, the gang wars, and the various side missions like taxi and pimping, as those encourage you to use alternate approaches and get things done your way. However the problem with many GTA games is that the actual missions are a bit more confining and have a clearly indicated method they want you to use to do everything. 3, VC, and SA these weren't developed enough to bother the player, but the trend was developing in GTA 4, and in GTA 5 and RDR2 it was a flaw that actually hampered ones ability to enjoy the game.

Games like MGS V or BotW are the best execution of the open world genre in my mind, as both their free roaming and story missions let the player make use of a wide array of whatever equipment to complete the task in different ways. Or in the case where a specific mission has the "right way" to be finished, they at least let you try different things and fail.

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Exactly this.

GTA V might be lacking content and story-wise but goddamn the technological foundation is rock solid, everything flows without a hitch, there's people in the streets, driving and shooting feels so natural from first person, it's almost impossible to go back to the old ones