Why does smash bros have so many cute boys?

Why does smash bros have so many cute boys?

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mad because your other pedo thread got deleted?

It wasn't my thread, I'm not mad and they are not pedo threads
As you can see I have made another

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There is another cute shota Smash could use

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You only notice it because you're a homo.

and also a pedo

nintendo flexing on sony for not making ape escape 4

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I wish cute boy threads wouldn't be taken over by faggot furries every time

You take that back

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It's the same furfag spamming Asriel every single time.

fuck off

Not enough, there's still missing an evil shota boy.

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>there are people who unironically get hard with pictures of little kids
memes aside, don't you feel like you should kill yourself to do society a favor? imagine being you


I need to breed with that kemoshota

off yourself you sick fuck


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to little kids.

Can't, he's dead.


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Villager is grown man.

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Why do these threads always attract shitposters?

Most redpilled post I've ever read in my entire life

Is he really though?

because shota threads are against the rules

There is no NSFW being posted though?

so what?
furry threads get pruned even when its just lewds and not porn, even adult characters like Rouge

And yet waifu threads never get deleted

Mods are arbitrary like that.

brb relistening

they do if they're furry or underage, just like shota

Yes. It's pretty explicit that this is the case in Animal Crossing, it's like the whole point of the series.
Calling Villager a shota is as retarded as calling Tom Nook a shortstack.

What if you combine the two into a juicy kemoshota

Attached: Asriel Semi 2.jpg (587x800, 126K)

Now we're talking