Play a new game today

play a new game today

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Recommend a new game general?
Recommend a new game general.

I like games where you can go on a sidequest for great items, weapons, armor, or you can find them with some exploring.

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fallout new vegas
witcher 3

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All great recommendations, which is why I've played them all extensively.

Suppose I'll install a few new mods and run a playthrough or two.

Im gonna get a lot of shit for this but Borderlands 2 unironically if you can put up the reddit tier memes

i have no money

I bought night in the woods yesterday so I'll be starting that up soon

I claimed destiny 2 back when it was free and just started downloading today, hope warlock is as cool as it looks

I actually kinda liked it, enemies got a bit more bullet spongy than I would have liked.


Been looking for some for while but nothing really catches my eye. Guess i will play some vermintide again later and pray the new dlc won't ruin it, because so far it sure doesn't look very good.

Like RPGs like Fallout 1/2?
Try Atom RPG

buy a console. i was a pcfag for years and had not played shit since 2016. it felt like there were no games but i was just burned out. bought a ps4 recently and now i play every chance i get, and will probably come back to pc later

I've wanted to play some cyberpunk games before Cyberpunk 2077 comes out and I already completed Katana Zero. Should I next try to complete Ruiner, Deus Ex, or E.Y.E? Also are there any other cyberpunk suggestions?

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Deus Ex is great, E.Y.E is a bit of a mess but once you get the hang of it, it's got great Aesthetics and will really satisfy your itch

deus ex, dxhr and dxmd are all great. the only thing that sucks is dxmd was obviously planned as a separate trilogy, so the story suddenly ends, cliffhangers everywhere, and nothing is resolved. we don't even know if they're working on the next one

just pirate nigga

i shall play skyrim

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i have a massive backlog of games and i don't want to play any of them and i still keep buying more and adding onto the pile

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ac odyssey

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i think i`ll play some banished today

name what you want to experience and we'll help

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I played Mario Royale, fucking idiot.

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>buy game
>enjoy like 4 hours
>"this seems like a good point to stop, ill continue tomorrow"

I played a bunch of new games the past few days and I'm not looking forward to going back to any of them
how dare you tell me to try anything

I've been trying to go through my backlog.
I just finished up Yakuza 0, should I
>continue w/ Kiwami
>play the Witcher
>Brutal DOOM

witcher3 because it's a once in a lifetime experience

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Dark Messiah
So many secrets with nice weapons for finding them

I finally started vampire the masquerade bloodlines

I want to clear an RPG out of my backlog, should I play
>Alpha Protocol
>Planescape Torment
>Stick of Truth

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Alpha and Stick aren't too long.


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You should play skyrim

fucking hell, now we're gonna see this fucking raccoon along with that cat and that hamster and that pitball and that tiger aren't we

What is Toddlet doing with those two

shut the fuck up and bow

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its not a pitbull, its a bull terrier

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Just finished playing the Bulletstorm re-release. Why can't you jump? Huge potential for anti-gravity mechanics yet you're glued to the ground. The game pretends to be above modern (at the time) FPS cliches but runs straight into all of them, including the godawful screen filters and arbitrary weapon limits. Don't even get me started on how sloppily the Duke was added in either. Don't know what was worse, the out of character lines or the half asleep delivery.

Alpha Protocol for sure, the purest definition of a hidden gem.

Unsure which game to play after I finish RE2 remake. Which of these should I play afterwards?

Mortal Kombat XL
The Witcher III + dlc
Titanfall 2
Horizon Zero Dawn + dlc
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (2 or 3)
DOOM (2016)
Bloodborne + dlc
inFAMOUS Second Son

drop whatever you're playing and play bloodborne

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gusic thread

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Children of Morta demo tomorrow

Is it really that good? Never played a Soulsborne game before.

But I want to finish KOTOR. I guess I'll start KOTOR 2.

it immediately entered my top 10 of all time, and i've never touched any other souls shit. it encourages aggression and proactiveness instead of making you cower behind a shield
the aesthetics are gorgeous, and the weapons are so varied that you may just immediately start a new game just to try a new build after finishing

It’s the easiest souls game by far and it’s not as good as ds 1

I am

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This is one of my donkeys.

Say something nice about her.

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Tap that ass user

cast him

Dunno. Kinda done with them for awhile. Might get into smash bros a bit. Beyond that tho

Not a new game but I'm almost done with Stormblood but I need to grind for the first time ever for the next MSQ at level 69.

Wish I had a FC to play with

do you ever wash her vulva haha


Add them to the picture

I did, I played Heavy Rain.

titanfall 2 perhaps

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This one is probably better.

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No. I'm enjoying pathfinder.


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I pirated Outer Wilds and just finished it. Any other games with the same feel?

I just finished a game
Now I can go back to complaining about having nothing to play

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Haha, no.
I'm just going to play more Minecraft, Max Payne, and Rising Storm 2 today
And there's nothing you can do to stop me

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Into the breach

Okay let me pirate one quick.


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literally THE most annoying normalfag meme of the year.
the worst part is it's even dead on social media sites, even on instagram, which runs everything into the ground, but you Yea Forumsedditors still post this unfunny garbage 24/7.
just let that sink in. you are literally one step lower than fucking niggergram.

pokemon go back to dilate reddit tranny

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Pick a game for me our of:

Divinity OS2
Shadowrun Returns
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Fallout 4
Yakuza 0

Do you have Enemy Within for XCOM?
If so play that

I decided to play Guitar Hero II. My sister bought all the games and equipment for $10 years ago, played it for 20 minutes and then left it at my house never to touch it again.

I fucking suck at Guitar Hero

>"literally THE"

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Unfortunately I don't. I'll pick it up if it isn't too expensive.


You could probably just wait for the upcoming sale

better than wojakposting

no im playing vtmb


Divinity OS2
And if you like it, buy XCOM 2 collection. Similar combat, less RPG-ness, more tacticoolness

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No i will continue my 800 hour save file of Football Manager

Have Dark Souls 3, MGS V, and something else I can't remember. Pick tor me and I'll play it today.

something else you can't remember

I'll pirate Bloodstained tonight.

based smoochposter


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but i want to play a pre-existing game

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Is lobotomy corp any good?
Also I may finish fallout 4's main quest today. I never have because I just didn't care enough about it.

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I love simple RPGs like Paper Mario and Legend of the Seven Stars, but I've never been able to get into the more complex ones. Are there any RPGs that act as a stepping stone between the easy ones and the more traditional ones?

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Instagram is unironically based, at least more based than reddit

Have sex incel.

Can't really give you a good answer, but how similar is paper mario to seven stars? I really loved it when I played it but know nothing of the paper mario series.

A game that was released recently, or a game I haven't played before? Because I'm playing Planet Coaster for the first time.

Someone add the raccoon to this.

Somewhat. You still have the timed button presses and things like that, but you only have one partner fighting with you at a time, and instead of equipment, you swap out badges which give you special moves and bonuses.

Chrono Trigger

Which ones do you find complex, user?

I've tried out the GBA port of FFV, Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata and some of the old Dragon Quest games on NES.

what game?

Maybe Golden Sun? It's not very difficult, you should be able to manage.

best game with doggo companion?

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dragon age origins
new vegas

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