He won

He won.

Attached: DONhC5JW.jpg (932x589, 98K)

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So is Phil actually hard-off financially or is he just really greedy?

It's funny now matter how hard Yea Forums tries Phil always win in the end. We literally can't beat him.

Why italian americans are so based?


Yea Forumsirgins cannot match Alpha DSP

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even after Yea Forums shuts down DSP will still be making videos

DSP literally cannot lose. he's like a hyper evolved cockroach. nothing is stopping him.

back you go

Attached: e-whores get gassed.png (500x500, 21K)

you guys obviously don't follow DSP. the guy isn't winning anything, he lives a miserable paranoid life of begging.
it's a fantastic train wreck.

Why don't you ever spam this in Giant Bomb threads?

>most subbed channel on twitch
>no money to turn the fucking heat on
Filthy faggot is what he is

Americunts thinking they know cold. Fat pigs!

He's probably just extremely shit with money. I doubt he's secretly buying lambos.

Wait, wheres his wedding ring? Did he get divorced already?

He posted it once, I'd hardly call that spamming
>sucking dark side phils fat cock
I wonder how pathetic someone has to be to fanshill this gay loser

Everything you think you know about him is fake.

Only creepy newfags still care about DSP though.
Like who the fuck makes videos about a guy because he asks for money on Twitch a lot? He's not even shit at games any more since they're all made for casuals and he can look at his stream chat whenever he's stuck.

>most subbed channel on twitch
i don't go in that shithole but that's a bit

from me

I don't either, but Yea Forums posted about it the other day. Apparently he got gifted a ridiculous amount of subs a while back

how do fat people live with themselves?


The begging is the least of it, people make videos of him because he's an old autistic paranoid fat boomer whose only "friends" are literal mentally handicapped people with too much money and 15 years younger than him

Says the guy crying about people criticizing DSP


Yes because that was the big appeal of DSP back in the day, his personal life.
It was all cool until you losers started SWATting and stalking a guy because he's dogshit at games.

he was gifted a shit ton of subs

If he could he would say he is trans-racial and that he needs reparations in tips.

you know those subs run out in a month if it isn't renewed, right? so while he may have gotten a huge bump, I'd bet less than 10% resubbed the next month.

Just give up. The underage have won. Jannies have stopped pruning eceleb cancer threads.

because i never see them, because NO ONE likes niggerbomb and NO ONE even enjoys shitposting using them as subject matter.

Attached: AUTISM.gif (256x256, 342K)

Only peoples that care enough about him to criticize are seething autistic retards from kiwi farms that following his every step

He has 2 mortgages. That's enough to know he's full of shit.

I think its been around 3 years since I had seen anything from DSP, but you are clearly obsessed with him

you're all idiots

>Calls peoples DSP shills
>Calls Phil gay loser
I totally dont care about DSP g-guys

don't call me idiot, i doubted that shit from the start
top subbed is at 43k, dsp is at 500 or so


Yes it took a lot of emotional investment to look down on you, Phil

I don't know many people that condone doxxing or swating the guy, stop making shit up, the SOK are probably worse than Phil. Watching his streams and public social media accounts hardly counts as stalking