This was the best fuckin' Souls game and you can stop hating it now

This was the best fuckin' Souls game and you can stop hating it now.

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It's a great game. Not perfect. I wish they had created a more interconnected world. There was a lot of potential for branching pathways from firelink, but instead you bonfire warp straight away.

I thought the giant coffin in Iudex Gundyr's arena was going to open at some point and create a shortcut or lead to some catacombs. Instead it's just window dressing.

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Fuck souls shit, faggot.

Darks souls 1 begs to differ. Seriously though, with the dlc, orginal dank souls takes the cake imo

it's the worst one, moved away from dungeon crawling and more towards being a straight forward action game

Always difficult to top the original. Technically, Demons was a beta for Dark Souls. That's why DS3 is so heavy on the DS1 lore with all its nods and callbacks.

Thats not Demon's Souls

the dlc is the worst part of ds1.

that's a good thing. dungeon crawling when there's only one dungeon kind of sucks.

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>window dressing
More like the result of messy development.

Nobody actually hates DS 3 besides weirdo contrarian fucks

DS2 >>>> DS3, it's hard to call a game, more like redux of DS1

How so? I feel it added in some ok bosses, artorias in specific, and pursuers was fun, in pve of course.

all four aota bosses were the very first iterations towards more actiony, ds3 style bosses, except you still had the dogshit janky ds1 controls. nothing but an exercise in trudgery. oolacile township was very well made, but that one section just doesn't push the game all that high up

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I can agree. Artorias fight was enough to satisfy me, but manus fucking suckss.


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Dark Souls 1 is the best.
Dark Souls 2 is the worst. Both a bad game and a bad Dark Souls game.
Dark Souls 3 reeks of wasted potential but is overall good and actually feels like a sequel.

why would anyone want to leave majula? its the best place.

it has the pigs
it has the hole
it has the sun
it has the sky
it has the sea
it has the earth
it has the soul

I enjoyed 3 more than 2 or 1, but too many double bosses as you go on and in the dlc.
BB will always be the peak for me.

never played ds2. i've watched streams of others playing, and it looks like absolute hell. no idea how anyone can enjoy it.

It's pure comedy gold due to its awful development and there's crazy "how the fuck did they get away with this?" and "how is this shit still in the SotFS version?" stuff around every corner.

3rd best, 4th if you count Bloodborne :)

I agree with you. Love that game.