What are his chances, realistically?

What are his chances, realistically?

Attached: phoenix.png (1024x580, 671K)

depends on if they stop chasing current trends. he's more iconic than Joker, but just not as popular today.

Great pick, but he falls short of other capcom reps like Dante or someone from RE. He'd be way more interesting tho

he's more unique than Dante because he isn't a fighter, makes for a more varied and novel choice. i'm already thinking about what his specials would be. the OBJECTION!!! is way better than whatever flashy sword or gun attack, just boring.

Phoenix would be a far better pick than bang bang CUHRAZYYYYYY, plus he actually has games on nintendo consoles.

Maybe if they striked a deal with Nintendo. Every other Capcom had a recent title recently, but Phoenix Wright has the nebulous AA7 that could feasibly come out soon if Capcom feels like it. There was still shilling for ports, and both RE & DMC are a bit more prominent than PW, so it could happen, or it couldn't happen.

he needs a game, is what you're saying

dante does aswell


All the DLC characters so far have been in games where they had a moveset to draw from so I really hope Phoenix gets in because it forces them to get more creative since he isn't a fighter
Sure he's already in MvC3 but there are other ideas that can be considered I'm personally hoping for Step Ladder UpB

Personally I can see it being high chance along with Crash Bandicoot.

100% if Capcom announces a new game.

What would be his moveset, Yea Forums?

Up B would be a parrot

Possible but I don't think he would've been one of the characters high up on the smash ballot.

Fuck Smash, I just want my new AA game.

Pretty low but not impossible

Not too bad, I don’t think MH is getting a rep because of Rathalos and the lack of identity and personality in any main hunter. If Leon was decided alongside the rest of the DLC in November, it wouldn’t make sense to give Joker a knife and gun so similar to what a RE rep would have, not to mention that snake has the grenades and all that covered already. Sakurai obviously doesn’t care about overall popularity if Banjo got in over Minecraft.

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Not good, but not zero either.

If he gets into smash you are basically guaranteed a new game

>Defence attorney
>Takes you to court

What would his specials be? Particularly Up-B.

It might be a hard pill to swallow, but I'd say his chances are nonexistent. Resident Evil and DMC have more potential and, even then, I doubt those would even get in. Although, I'd love to see Dante's style switching in Smash.

New AA when