Are you guys still playin tf2?

are you guys still playin tf2?

why the fuck not?

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I just finished a dustbowl game
held in a fat shit during a twenty minute defense on last

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Not at home right now, otherwise I would.


i do

Bots don't work in MvM.

All the servers I like are ded and I hate """"""random"""""" matchmaking

What are some Flashy Loadouts?
I used to play Spy for a short while and then you-know-what happened.
Now I just play Beggars Soldier flying around or Bazaar/Hitman Sniper.

I just want to style on people as hard as possible

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Still did from time to time

All i do mostly is play on 24/7 2fort servers

That thumbnail made me think it was a girl's lower body in red and blue booty shorts

random crits are gay and community servers are dead

no, because you are all so bad at this videogame i cannot have fun in it anymore.

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My pc is on the fritz. Always wish I could be healing you boiz

Nope, not into Online and not into first person shooters shooters, and TF2 is?

Gave it a shot back when it released since it was in the Orange Box though.

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Style on plebs with double donks
Use tide turner and the Persian sword to trimp and dive medics, Upward has some crazy spots on RED

go back to /vg/

Fuck I miss fanboys

Casual mode is garbage and the only good community server I know is in a different timezone and has 0 players until midnight.
The game is still a masterpiece but it's so fucking rare to find a good match.

How was the post-game shit though bro

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what the fuck are those proportions

Like the end of a payload map.

It was one hell of a chokepoint to break though, but it was nothing compared to the god tier defense we had on RED

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I stopped playing practically all pseudo-"competitive" shit 6 years back.
Dota2, TF2, everything.
It simply wasn't fun anymore.
Steam sales also got restructured in a way that made playing those games not "earn" you more games anymore.

Scout is just too fun and eternally rewarding to play
People get so fucking mad it's unreal
I had a pyro main get buttmad as fuck at me cus I meatshotted him for like 160 damage, he burns me to 60 hp and then airblasts me way way up into the air, on the way down I clonk him once with the pistol and then use double jump to avoid the fall damage, he dies and I run to a med pack and live. The salt was so bad from his end their team even had enough of the bitching. Happened on the roof of Suijin bridge.

And that's just one example.

I stopped playing because I play it too much. Nearly 7k hours, I need to stop. Been going strong for 3 weeks now.


Just play scout and play it really well.

Just finished class warfare. Always a fun twist on the game.

Thumbnail looked like an ass

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I play pretty much every day and I still can't aim. Still have fun though. When I don't load into a server with aimbots anyway.

What the fuck am I supposed to do as pyro

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w+m1 in corners
totally disrupt the enemy team by swinging your flamethrower
be a pyroshark or a pybro

you use your shotgun cause its your primary

Dragons breath shotgun when? Why wasn't dragons fury a shotgun...

Spy check, obviously.

>Join pub
>Team has 3 pyros
>Team still getting backstabbed left and right
Fucking this. One pyro with half a brain able to put some flames on everyone they pass makes such a difference.

Because custom servers are dead in my region and the majority of players dont even try to play the game and just fuck around. theres nothing wrong to fucking around but i actually like the competitive aspect of the game.

In a way it's good to hear nothing has changed.
Are there still way too many Snipers on 2fort?


Not as far as I see, it's not more than 2 or 3 at the very very maximum

Different user, haven't played since 2012. Is the pyro meta still Degreaser, Axetinguisher, and the flare gun?

Spycheck, Spam scorch, Stand @ choke and reflect shit, w+m1 anyone stupid enough to get close

Because game is dead. Only bots playing. On top of that Overwatch is far better

nope, the combo got nerfed via the axetinguisher taking longer to pull out now


Run into heavies with Australium Tomislavs

The meta now is Jetpack

>Overwatch is far better
factually incorrect
even with no content updates, tf2 is miles better in every regard when compared to that dogshit

F2P update was final blow before hats update.
Game now have soulless f2p community, fuck that shit.

naw it runs like shit now, and they stuck 50+ things on my hud over the years that don't need to be there
This is coming from a 2k hour comp fag

Is a retard
>Uses souless meme
Checks out boys

Yeah I know right. The thing that kept the game going for 12 years killed it

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The game did great for a few years after the F2P update.
I'd even go as far as to claim that it would have died earlier, if it hadn't gone F2P.
Be glad that it did.

Considering the whole HL3 shit and the current state of Valve, I suppose it will unfortunately take a few decades for TF3, though.

You are like a little baby.

Hats update was a fucking mistake, trade update was a fucking mistake, F2P just killed last old playerbase.
We literally live in cursed world thanks to TF2 hats update. I hated it back then and i still hate it.
>also gambling shit with trade
You can't defend this.

Mfw 1900 hours Foetus

>not into fps
>bought orange box

The probably wasn't hats, it's the amount of them that completely change the class silhouettes that fuck with. If they kept it minimal we won't have had a problem

the older playerbase was already gone retard, it had like 5-10k players max and was dropping players hard. stop larping.
Like fucking little kids screething over stupid shit like a game they like having more players is a bad thing is the shit that triggers me the most


>like having more players is a bad thing
Yes it is, most players are retards and pursuing big numbers literally kills game for core playerbase.

Use flare gun or scorch shot to take out snipers, but then you're fucked if another pyro comes out with a shotgun.

You could also use the backburner and that jetpack to jump behind the entire enemy team during a busy battle, cover everyone in flames quickly and then w+m1 the ones who don't turn around, then jetpack away again when at half health.

You could also be the engie buddy and use the home wrecker or the reskin to destroy zappers in 1 hit and use your flame thrower to actually kill the spies.

You could also go shotgun and volcano fragment and only use the flamethrower to extinguish teammates, cause that's kinda fun sometimes.

Because of what?

Valve hates bullets

get good and pub stomp you retard. I get called a hacker frequently for Just being a heavy main with good tracking

The old playerbase didnt leave you faggot. Im still here, most of my friends are still here and I meet people all the time that started playing with the release of the orange box.
You and a few faggots that never got good and never adapted to gameplay changes bitches about the hats. Accept it, the f2p update added a bunch of new players and you could never keep up, stop blaming hats and f2p for your lack of skill, homo.

>Same fucking people every match
>More and more hackers
>Still forced to get crates/cases
Nah fuck it

t. stupid nostalgianigger retard

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I do, jsut played about 2 days ago. Probs will play soon if I get bored of this megamek campaign

you kids were retarded before and after the update lol
I hate you fucking new gen pubbers thinking your gods because you destroyed actual babies who just installed on their moms laptop that morning

Degreaser/Flaregun for combo kills or Flamethrower/Shotgun for being a based all rounder. If you want to be a complete asshole on defense you can go Phlog/Scorch and build up crits for free. Backburner/Detonator is fun on some maps for flanking. Melee should always be Powerjack unless you're defending a nest, in which case Homewrecker.

How blind are you? Im color blind and got no problem at all seeing the different classes.
Someone post the picture with every class and every hat please.

>spy backstabs you while your crosshair was right on his face, because he was more blessed by lag compensation than you
>he sincerely believes it was a skillful "trickstab" or someshit

>play scout
>run up to a sniper whos comepletely oblivious to his surrounding
>kill him
>"fucking scunts i swear to god"

To be completely honest with you: I enjoyed the trading more than the base game.
The hat update was a godsend.

Didn't you get a hat that practically reimbursed your purchase?
You should have traded that hat for a different game, if you hated nu-TF2 that much.

>play heavy

>spy stabs you anywhere but the back from 2 miles away

Above average game with one of the worst communities of all time. What other game could spawn "friendlies"


The XD CAKE IS A LIE game and my cousin was pestering me to try TF2 with him back then, so i figured i might as well spring for the bundle and give it a try. this was like 12 years ago isn't like i came to the conclusion im not into FPS without trying any (Many).

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Not even once in my life have I ever been interested in Team Fortress.
Believe when I say I tried, but it was futile.

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>play heavy
>nothing but spies and snipers manage to kill me

>have not played it in years
>oh hell might as well give it a shot
>join a server
>its flooded with mic spam
>everyone is spraying porn/memes/ponies on everything non stop

when it went F2P it killed the game.

>being this competitive
also, what other games don't perma ban you for saying fuck

I have the opposite problem, I'm so good at killing and avoiding The counters that Soldiers and Demos are what kill me

>play heavy
>accidentally jump in room full of enemies
>kill them all with 1 hp left

Just don't fucking chase. If a spy is backpedaling with his knife out, he wants you to chase him so he can get an easy matador. Do literally anything else and you have a better chance of survival.

>walk into an obvious sniper sight line like a tard
>run tomislav/banana/GRU and play fat spy, flanking and shooting people in the back
>MVP every time

Replace cake for videogame and we have one of Yea Forums specials.

Tryhard fuck off back to overwatch

>play heavy
>realize how far I have to walk from spawn
>don't want to play heavy anymore

friendlies are faggots and ruin the game more than pubstompers
Tf2 is only fun when its a 20 min hold in small corridors with sentries, and raining gernade spam, with 3+ ubers going off in a min
Instead tf2 90% of the time is LOL YOU REMEMBER THIS JOKE FROM A DECADE AGO

Heavy basically goes normal speed out of combat tho now?
Are you not using 1 of your 5 choices for a speed buff?

"Man I hate those people who just walk around doing nothing, but also FUCK those guys who have the nerve to be better than me"

solders and demos should kill you the most. Only retards die to sniper and spies as heavy in most cases as long as you avoid their instant kills they can't dps your healthbar.
Which is don't stand in open spots snipers love to watch. spaz your back around and listen for de-cloaks.

I personally enjoy the long walks back to the front line it's relaxing.

>never said anything negative about pubstompers
>you assume i did and call me out on hypocrisy
user you need reading lessons

I just masturbate to the porn now.

If there is no medic to suck you off, it's more likely than you think.

Absolutely this. And the fact that retards on Yea Forums defend this shitty update and the shitty market practices speaks volumes for the current quality of the game.

Blame your engie for forgetting to place teleporters.

people defend it because its literally the only reason they can still play the game with actual other people and not bots. retard

The game would of died faster, though.

i am playing tf2
on top of that, i'm making a pub frag movie that no one will watch

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Let's be honest, the real update that killed TF2 was this.

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Your right I won't watch your shitty film

Oh good, now I can play the game with third world bronies instead of bots.
Fuck off. Thanks for killing the game.

>we want a comp mode
>revamps casual, adds config restrictions and shitty map/modes into the comp mode
Why do valve just do stupid shit sometimes
The first time ever I thought valve fucked something up was the one update where they randomly deleted all of demos dps and reverted it a month later
How did that get past testing

That's what newfags believe

Non competitive low test losers should stick to bot games.
Complaining about tryhards makes you barely better.

>a pub frag movie
wow how fucking original and definitely not spliced shit

all the other updates were just giving it cancer, this was the execution bullet

I'd fucking beat you in MGE 1v1 me now

>now I can play the game with third world bronies instead of bots.
Actual yikes. desu user it just sounds like your salty that other people get to have fun in something you thought was underground
you just sound dreadful to be around, and I hope you start looking into some strong rope soon

Play the ps3 version then faggot

The game isn't dead and has never been close to being dead.
The only things that's going to kill it is valve shutting down servers or the Economy Somehow doubling its hyperinflation

I have no idea what MGE is. Is that some TF2 shit? I quit almost a decade ago.

I wasn't even complaining about them Like you faggots are focusing and getting hurt over the weirdest shit
People bitch about pubstompers
so I brought them up i a conversation about the exact opposite
this isn't difficult to understand


Endlessly spam the scorch shot because it's a bloated piece of shit that does too many things.

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>gets a fucking jetpack
>best weapon is still just the flaregun but aoe
Imagine being a Pyro main unironically

It's just a 1v1 game mode where people train their mad scout skills.

It doesn't help that their 'revamp' of casual mode killed casual.

Casual is now an endless cycle of playing matches where the first round has one team half deprived of players, and just as new people join and the teams even out... boom. Round over. Next map. Everyone leaves again.

its 1v1 with some tweaks like overheal on spawn
if you get good at solider vs soldier its actually p fun and intense

>get hit and juggled by scorch shot
>it is now completely random whether it'll hit you a second time or not
Why is that bouncing effect even a thing?

um no thats not what happens but keep being mad
casual is bad because it does what quickplay did but slower, and more annoying

How do you extinguish with it?

I lost my server so if I don't find a server friend playing it again I wouldn't join back because I don't remember thename of the server :(

Why would you do that when literally any other arena shooter exists?

you dont need to kill anyone if half of there team keeps getting juggled in a choke with half health lol

The shit or the game?

Because tf2 is an arena shooter?

Quit after jungle inferno. Paid battlepath tickets suck.


I don't because I never liked it. Annoying when there are a lot of heavies and soldiers backed up by medics. Can't do anything while trying to play casually and I don't care about non-casual play.

People mostly use it to train at scout, soldier and demo. It's a "no bullshit" mode for training since you're always in a fight with no breaks.

TF2 is to checkers as arena shooters are to chess.

mge is not tf2, so clearly being good at mge means absolutely nothing. this is why you'll always be some low div retard.


causes tf2 solider v solider combat is fun? so people play it to have fun
tf2 aircontrol still feels the best and the massive damage drop-off is brilliant
theirs a reason that even tho the game was marketed to be the biggest casual fest since the 2nd big update there was a strong competitive community for a good while until valve killed it by being lazy and halfassing the comp mode.
underneath all of that wackiness lies one of the best feeling, engaging, skill demanding arena shooters to ever exist

ironic since chess is basically class based checkers

I'm an Highlander heavy player. It was just a meme. I do side main scout though

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you never played arena shooters at a high level.
knowing where to postion your medic at uber percentage, or bomin at a good time when the enemy is distracted requires 2x as much brain power than quake alone

From my days of playing TF2, I've found that Pyro is most effective when there's a competent engineer or a couple of them in the team, which is usually Defense.

Your purpose is area denial and using the flank routes to attack the enemy or dissuade them from using it by making them know you're waiting for them there, so that way, they don't have any chance at properly pushing through a chokepoint.

Also spychecking

Yeah, but that goes without saying, spies usually use flank routes to get behind the line and you're obstructing that as their natural counter.

Remember that time almost two years ago when, for 6 months straight, pyro did his maximum possible dps to everyone even slightly touched by his flame an an optimal pyro strategy was literally flailing around?

It can be an evil tactic but I always love when I see someone trying to snipe away at a sentry and I just come up from behind and airblast them right into the sentry's range.

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For a quick guide
What you think Heavy should do, Do that for pyro
What you think Pyro should do, Do that for heavy

solider does all of this but more consistent and better while also being more fun.
Pyrotards literal only job is to airblast ubers, spam, and players into walls for easy kills

I suck at tf2 but still have fun with it

Pyro sucks in general, his only real use is bullying weak teams with phlog.

>flamethrowers at a sniper from across the map

I got gud by playing on instarespawn skial servers

Soldiers do the same thing. Stun people in the air to then kill them.

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came here to say this, would have been cute

sph is my favorite kink

I could never get into TF2 proper but it felt like I missed out.

>tf2 aircontrol still feels the best and the massive damage drop-off is brilliant
My favorite thing about TF2 that no other shooter replicates is that you can have stretches of time where two players can see each other, they can poke at each other, they can react to each other's moves, but they can't just straight up kill each other. It makes player interactions so fun and interesting compared to other shooters.

If there's one thing everyone should have learned from TF2, it's that not every fucking game needs assault rifles. Things are more fun for everyone involved when hitscan is kept on a leash.

>join game

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>near end of round
>get shot from sniper

you should listen to the valve commentary on the old maps, they've been doing dumb shit lately but they understood good gamedesign at one point
the main reason every weapon is a rocket launcher, shotgun, gernade,revolver is because landing 1 shot does massive dmg is far more satisfying then a machine gun which lands a bunch of small damage
and they were right
the thing that drew me into comp was the meta of medic
I thought it was so cool that a player determined the flow of the game for the rest ie. uber percentages force players to reposition or push. I get what you mean from the feeling of you see a player, but theirs nothing you both can do so you semi keep an eye out for them while you do other things. Its really fucking cool and adds to fun moments

>get autobalanced to the better team

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>instead of updating TF2, Valve went all in with developing Artifact instead

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What's the source?

>in game
>helping your engineer bros
>get outbalanced
>have to destroy what you helped build

Wait, is Artifact that important to them now?

> thought the thumbnail was heavy laying on a bed in red/blue underwear with his legs spread out

I'm so fucked up

It was, then it died quick

To think they could've used a small fraction of that money to release one TF2 update per year.

I think that their abandonment of the very franchise that put them on the radar and paved the way for their most popular titles is more concerning.

You mean half life, portal, or l2d right? Tf2 was never that that popular

>Destroy sentry nest that was fucking my team
>Quickly switch to engie to undo what I did

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Degreaser and flare feels fucking amazing in pubs when it works. Sometimes you just have an answer to everything the other team can throw at you until you get ended by a sniper.

>Join a team, seemingly no hope of winning as we are stomped with ease
>With some effort we slowly gain the upper hand
>I am now moved to the previously conpetent enemy team whos combined IQ has dropped to single digits
>My contributions amount to nothing as my former comrades dominate us for the rest of the match effortlessly

>because landing 1 shot does massive dmg is far more satisfying then a machine gun which lands a bunch of small damage

I don't understand how people aren't tired of machine guns by now they make player interactions so fucking boring.

Also it's really tough listening to the developer commentaries today knowing that these same people turned the game into a mutilated test subject.

All the stuff about art direction is especially rough to listen to.

I play a couple matches every so often but it’s just not the same. The experience has been degrading over time as the community slowly dissipated and updates came out. The big change that fucked things was Valve matchmaking to be closer to something like Overwatch’s. Nowadays:
>matches almost always have one side rolling the other, yet there’s no votescramble available
>Players leave after a single match
>no sprays
>alternate weapons have been made almost objectively better than stock and most players use them
>rebalancing of weapons to remove their “cheese” despite them not causing any issues in regular play
>any commonly filled community servers have like 80 ping (and I live in the US Midwest)

>about to lose
>switch to soldier and wait in spawn
>wait like 3-4 seconds then use the equalizer taunt as the enemy team comes in

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Half-Life, obviously, even Half Life 2's purpose is to showcase their Source engine.

Even though I'm mostly okay with the cosmetics and I think even helped establish the game and its popularity, I feel that too. You can tell that they really did spend a lot of time making sure everything was just right. Then you reach nowadays and it's night and day.

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>on team
>pretty balanced
>doing well
>see that the team had 5 snipers and 3 soldiers

This is a good post. Also, to your point about Medic, I don’t play it often but I can play it well, and it’s a great feeling hopping on mic and naturally taking the helm of the team while Medic. Especially when most players these days aren’t experienced enough to know what options are best

>Tf2 was never that that popular
It wasn't reaching Fortnite levels or anything but it was popular. Stuff like SFM also helped establish these characters and the game itself. Basically the community was the one taking the charge in getting the game out there.

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Cosmetics are kinda weird for a game with nice characters when they're all over the place

Get a pocket, spam flares, build Phlog and Mmmph Uber.

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Played it for too long, and the game is kinda soulless right now.

The problem with cosmetics and unlocks is that there's no money in showing restraint, so instead of customization being something that enhances the existing art it always devolves into LOLSORANDOM

My only issue with cosmetics is when Valve decided to forgo any sort of quality. That's my one issue. That first batch of cosmetics was good, nowadays some cosmetics are still good while fitting into both the world, characters and art style. Then you get all the rest. And as time goes by, all the good ideas are exhausted so all that's left is joke stuff.
Also adding green lime and pink colors. I like the joke about scunts and all but those colors are simply terrible.

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I rarely see scouts use those colors anymore. I more often see spys with the most flashy colors


I like the idea of cosmetics but they didn’t draw a line in thematic quality, which they should have. They started off reasonable but nowadays you look at the banana hat and it’s obvious they said fuck it at some point. That coupled with the paint colors, which should have been more limited in spectrum (maybe even just the team palettes). But *money*

Admittedly yes. It tends to be reserved to more meme loadouts. But it's still in the game. Also the unusuals. Nowadays it seems everyone and their mother has some sort of unusual so you get these clusterfucks of effects like you're playing Overwatch.

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Rate my engineer bros

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When I look at a player with an unusual all I see is a big dunce cap, because that player's lack of self control is why Valve went full jew on everyone.

Based God.

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I forgot to even mention unusuals in an earlier post. What a nightmare of visual design. I’ve had two unusuals over the years and sold them both because I think they simply look like shit. actually one of them was a smoking chefs hat for pyro which is a really good, understated one, but I’m not gonna pass on $60 for something I don’t care about



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I actually do use my own unusuals, didn't even trade or pay just won them, but it's mostly because it's to a medic like a flame is to a moth.
>Playing casually in 2fort
>Just fucking around, not trying to go for the intel or anything
>Forget I was using my unusual
>This medic won't leave me alone
>Everywhere I run the guy is right behind
>Lead him into obvious traps and he still keeps going

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Looks cool. I'd try finding something else instead of the leg cosmetic.


I usually use the gunslinger and I don't have anything else

The fact that a hat with a stupid looking particle effect can be worth as much as an entire new game will never stop being insane to me.

All of the people I met on the game stopped playing.
It just isn't the same anymore.

With the gunslinger it does work better.

I mostly just rocket jump these days. It's starting to hurt my hands though.

Agreed. Meanwhile my amazing and rareish Genuine Archimedes that came with its plush is hardly worth anything. My cat loves the stuffed toy though, it’s built extremely well and still looks good after years of cat attacks

2015 gameplay was peak TF2. Afterwards we only got loads of uncalled for nerfs to non-stock stuff, a pyro update that introduced just as many problems as it fixed and matchmaking that was a straight up downgrade to quickplay.

The fact that some people try to sell it for more than what I spend in rent is what truly baffles me.

I wish I got my hands on good TF2 merch. I'm not even a collector or anything but I just love this game too much.

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I understand wanting to feel 'premium' when you literally have nothing better to spend your money on.
But TF2 unusuals are just ugly and in bad taste.


Buy one of those wrist braces. I never used one, but a guy at work wears it while he's at computer, says it helps keeping the hand in the correct position.

Thumbnail looked like a pantyshot

To be honest, I am genuinely stumped and worried if Valve can even surpass TF2 in quality, style, and gameplay.

This is assuming they can actually count to 3, of course, and if they'll give Team Fortress 3 an actual international cast and a time-specific aesthetic, perhaps the 80's or 90's.

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>Not just joining a casual

avoid the failed partyvan revival, it's hosted by merapsco and his gaggle of faggot discord children

I've thought about this too. Maybe it's just by fanboy side speaking but I just don't see Valve, or really other dev, managing to capture TF2's gameplay or humor or characters.
It's more of a joke against stuff like Overwatch nowadays but really, what other game encourages banter like TF2? Stuff like dominations/revenge, taunts, a wide array of voice lines, all sort of weapons that encourage a more fun type of behavior.
>Dominate a pyro wearing the hot hand
>Entire server joins in on the fun as they surround us in a circle
>Pyro and I go back to back, take ten steps and start fighting

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Buildin' a sentry!
>scout rushes in avoiding my sentry's shitty A.I and shoots it to scraps before bonking me to death
Buildin' a sentr-
>demonigger effortlessly shoots stickies around sentry nest before pilling me to death
Buildin' a se-
>screaming Heavy rounds the corner and punches sentry into scrap before taunt killing me
>spy facestabs me and red tape records my sentry
>get sniped by a tiny colored dot living across the map
>soldier shoots in general vicinity of me and my sentry with a crocket
>medic crits me with a solemn vow as my sentry is building before 4 heavies swarm from behind him and destroy my nest
>enemy engineer throws down a mini sentry in under .5 seconds in front of my still-building level 1 sentry
>pyro rounds the corner

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I miss my old servers that had good custom maps.

>punches sentry into scrap before taunt killing me
How the fuck do you get taunt killed if you see the Heavy is right there?

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The game died when the voice actors all quit.
The characters basically lost their voices.

TF2 died for me the day they killed most community servers wirh their quickplay shir and reinforced their sv_pure garbage on valve servers, the final nail in the coffin was the MYM update

>implying he isn't overhealed just as a medic leaves, or takes his side as he enters the base

Weird thing is they didn't quit. I think every single one still works. There was a cancer rumor for the Soldier VA but I believe that was disproved.

But the Heavy's taunt is not only slow, you can see coming from a mile away, and most of all doesn't even register half the time.

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it was ruined with f2p and the addition of countless retarded cosmetics and unbalanced weapons

Well sure it was, this christmas Soldier got a tank taunt with a shitload of new unique voice lines.

It’s what happens when most of your cast was nearing retirement when the game _released_.

Also never forget that the Medic is the same actor that plays Travis Touchdown

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"I would rather have a dead and buried game than a one that's thriving 12 years later as f2p"

What exactly is this mindset? What kind of a bitter, jaded and overall shit person thinks like that?

>stealth nigger joke
how did he get away with this?

I doubt Valve will ever do anything remarkable ever again

Not sure if Nathan confirmed it but I beleive he said he had recorded his lines for the scooter scout a long time ago. it's entirely possible they did the same with Soldier and for whatever reason, just took this long to release them.

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Going by some of the old videos, you can tell Robin Atkin Downes really likes the Medic role.

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I'll play it once the Heavy update comes out.

It's hard to enjoy without alcohol these days

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Play a better/more relevant valve game.

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>my dot is on enemy sniper's head
>his dot is on my head
>hear my firing sound loud and clear
>the game goes "nah, he was first :)"

Is it bad that I use:
for scout still?

how do I get a retarded pyro main gf

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All the better Valve games are less relevant than TF2 and all the more relevant games are worse.

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It's fine to use bonk, but sandman is just ass right now.

By not being an inceI and scream "You're a GIRL?!!" whenever a player mentions they're a female.

>Using the Sandman when it's a literally fucking useless health gimp for zero benefits now

At this point, all that can be done in tf2 has already happened and everyone only plays it for nostalgia. It's the new cs1.6

So should I switch to the wrap assassin?

I thought that thumbnail was some dude stuck in something wearing red/blue underwear for a second.

by having 2000 soldier unusuals stacked stacked on each other, australiums and being very hairy and high t

Be polite.
Be efficient.

>everyone only plays it for nostalgia
And here I thought I was actually having fun.

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If you just want to have fun, sure. But boston basher/atomizer/stock reskin will perform better.

got it thanks bros

Is it normal that installing mastercomfig made my ham shank go from casual jiggle to high frequency vibrations?

Hang on, do wrinkles darken in the art when they raise their eyebrows? I never noticed that

>are you guys still playin tf2?
>why the fuck not?
because as much as i miss it it's so obvious valve doesn't give two shits about it anymore. just let it die

Fuck so i saw the op image and saw heavys arms as legs n shoulders as an ass

>Valve's servers are boring
>Community servers are filled with ads, that even if you block then it will try to load anyways and will take you out of the game for a few seconds
The few good servers without all that plugin and ads bullshit are mostly dead

Just play skial

Nothing wrong with that compared to CSR that gets shilled here be horny faggots daily.

Come over to furrypound, there are good games going on here.

use wrap assassin. That thing makes other's butthurt.

i know what you mean

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Always makes me smile.

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WTF they killed the pub servers in favor of this dogshit system? Used to be you could just play whatever map you wanted without waiting in any queues

Yeah, it's bullshit. Mostly killed community servers as well unless theyre running custom gamemodes

Lame, waste of a good 1 minute of download.

Computer I have to use right now is shit.

The only time I ever remember a really toxic community server was Jiggly's Fun House when they had that special warcraft mod leveling thing. Like the owner guy was a complete and utter asshole. Wonder what happened to him.

only subhuman gypsies from romania and south america play tf2

Imagine TF2 reaching Zimbabwe levels of shitty economy

>MFW keys will never been only a few metals again
Yeah the inflation went insane.

too bad the artist lost his fuckin mind

im so fucking tired of cl_inerpt spynigger shenanigans
thia retarded class should just be removed

Based style user
Life ain't worth it if you're not gonna live in style.

Rocketjumping offline is comfy.

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Who else here /roclet jump main/ ?
I never play soldier in pubs but I have well over 1000 hours on jump maps.

>Bad players that have no idea what they are doing
>5 spies and/or 5 snipers
>Players that don't want to play the objective
>autobalabce that punishes effort
>Random crits
>Hackers and scripters
>etc etc

TF2 now is the worst FPS experience you can get. I deleted the game a few days ago

Do you play on low sens or something?

Yep, it was the beginning of the end with how they nerfed everything slightly fun and made bad weapons even worse then they were before like the Jag, Brass Beast and Hou-Long Heater

tf2 should be treated as a pve game
close chat and remove everything that can make the ennemies feel human, game improves x1000000

I haven't opened steam in a while because my PC running chrome + Steam crashes as hard as a lorry pile up in the middle of a crowded city street, I can't even run shadowverse properly holy shit.
I haven't quit TF2 though


Attached: really fucking bad bait.jpg (625x626, 33K)

The weird thing about Valve is that they seemingly simply drop new games or updates with bare minimum or no advertising whatsoever. While something like GTAV was plastered in every wall and bus all over the world, Valve maybe? makes a small youtube video about it. And that's a big maybe. When Artifact released I doubt most people even know it existed. Why would they? Only reason I knew was because of Yea Forums.

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Do people still play those maps where the object is to rocket jump to dif platform areas to reach the end?

Only reason I knew Artifact existed and will always to me be remember for the "Dota Card Game? AWWWW" video. Really anytime I think of Artifact that quote plays in my head.

Bait? You silly bitch. Nothing of what I posted is bait. TF2 is awful.

Well, the reason GTA V was advertised literally everywhere was due to the fact that everyone knew, played, and recognized GTA, and Take Two Interactive knew it'd be a massive success. Perhaps they didn't anticipate it to be the best selling piece of entertainment of all time, or that GTAO would be VERY lucrative shortly after sacking the very individual who lead its development, but they have the money to waste on advertisments.

As for Valve, the average Steam user might not even play any Valve titles, maybe TF2 or DOTA since they're free to play, but not Half Life. There's this weird thing with corporations in the sense that the next title HAS to be more profitable than the previous one, but even if it makes more than twice what it cost to develop and market it, it's a failure if it didn't surpass the sales of the previous title or another title. Such is the case with RDR2 being regarded unsuccessful by shareholders.

Yeah, and I only saw that because of Yea Forums. My guess is since Valve is top dog for gaming storefront, all they need is a banner on Steam to reach millions so they don't spend anything else in marketing.
The thing is, unlike other top dogs like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, when they do something, the mainstream media picks it up so they barely have to spend money on advertising. But if Valve does something, at most it gets a couple of articles in gaming websites.
If James Cameron said something retarded, it gets picked up in the mainstream media. If Notch says something retarded, at most one or two articles talk about it. So why isn't Valve bothering with actually marketing their games?
The Meet the Team videos were a genius way of introduction people to the game but it's no wonder it never reached Fortnite levels of player base. One barely markets itself, the other is constantly spending money to make sure it's ingrained in people's heads.

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Because I don't want to

I completely agree and there's obviously a clear downside to heavily marketing their games like it's the next big thing and it HAS to be the biggest thing ever. Maybe GTAV took it too far, which was really absurd how far their marketing was reaching, but did you ever see Valve market their games in any way? At most they quietly release a video or a blog post or a banner on Steam. Not even a simple TV spot like any other company. A lot of gaming publishers don't bother advertising in my country and even then I still see the occasional Nintendo/PS4 ads on TV, sometimes a bus spot with a new game.

im playing KOTH maps right nao, dueling people with engie gunslinger. its fun to win a duel thanks to disposable aimbot

>When you keep seeing a butt instead of two shoulders and arms

I can't rocket jump to save my life. Good thing soldier is so braindead easy to play you don't need to in order to top pub scoreboards.

Just use a rocket jump macro for mouse3, nobody will know.

>53 ref for a key
what the fuck

They seriously need some sort of metal sink. I just don't know how it could work.

Just design some stupid furnace hat that starts glowing the more metal you throw into it.

This, but also doing it when getting team balanced 5 seconds before the game ends.

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Where is my fucking heavy update!?

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who /offenseengie/ here?

i love making comfy forward bases during payload and A/D CP maps like Dustbowl/Badwater

legit though, in casual i get matched in brazil servers and it's quite easy to dominate half a team of newbies. then i go to NA servers and get insta rekt by some furry with a pink degreaser or a scunt with a hale's own scattergun. the skill gap in the average player is notorious

Huh, that actually sounds like a simple and effective solution. You can even have it so that after some absurd amount of metal, it adds some unusual effect. After that you keep giving it metal, giving you more options for unusuals or something. So everyone would have a sort of personal metal sink.

>boot up game
>instead of the 10 good title themes the game has had for years I get blasted with loud meme slavic folk music
>1/2 of the screen is the heavy, but dressed up in some eyerape halloween costume
unironically soulless
we've come so far from pic related

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>join game
>swiftwater BLU side
>spawn engie
>game starts
>minisentry wrangler boost over the house to the right of BLU spawn
>run to last
>drop an exit and kill bind
>switch to jag and build a level 3 on last

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It's all about practice.

Macros are annoying when you reach a certain level.

This. i immediately boot up a MVM match as it cuts off the shit audio

I miss the old menus, at least the loading screens are good

Engineer macros never get old.

Bring back cloak charge from metal/ammo on the Dead Ringer.

Just cap that shit so Small/Medium/Large ammokits only restore 5%/10%/20% charge. Building gibs 2%.


came to post this

focus on the basic stuff

just having a decent grasp of shooting walls/behind you turns soldier into a whole different class

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be a pybro with the homewrecker and protect the engis from spies and incoming rockets

Hear me out here, craftable keys.
Sure, it'll fuck with the economy a bit and the hardcore unusual collectors will shit bricks, but it'll stabilize it after a while.
Like, let's say a key is made with 20 ref as sort of a gold standard. Maybe you could deconstruct it too, make 10 hats of varying value, sell them to turn a profit.
It'd bring some life to the crafting system they have, give filthy f2ps an incentive to play longer (give the masses a chance to unbox without spending their money + give themselves a defense in the inevitable lootbox court case), and make trading less of a hassle e.g; Some guy says "trading ____ for 3 keys" you know it's 60 ref (+overpay) and don't have to take a second to look up the new outlandish price for them.
Course, this is all just fantasy.

>tfw got so bored of other shooters I started playing tf2 again

All I do is mini sentry, people get so fucking mad

The issue people had with the DR was that it combo'd too well with the Ambassador.

Amby was nerfed hard, the DR nerf was just salt in the wound. All because comp MLG pro Snipers felt slighted that their niche was being tread upon.

Shit the only real complaint about the DR was Spies being able to feign multiple times in a short duration due to building gibs.

They could have just made it so that the DR couldn't pick up building gibs for cloak charge, but kept it for ammo kits. Hacksaw where a scalpel was needed.

Yeah I meant for rocletjumping.
I made some god-tier scritps and macros back then.
I still have a spy script that allows you to use the 3 keys disguise menu without bringing up the disguise kit. AND that allowed disguising as your own team too.
Pretty proud of it.

I play on the van only

I can sit for hours talking shit with my friends while playing csgo and having a good time.
But there is nothing as fun as playing tf2 on a late winter night with comfy welfare cloths on while listening to lofi

>shooting rocket at feet and not getting kills

Slap my hand!
This is not a trick.

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spam the scorch like a faggot because you can't ambush kill for shit and desperately need that crit kill to make up for you're blunders

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Literally picked this up again 4months ago. +300 hours we're here, fuck i wish my desktop wasn't in storage right now. Feeing the itch

the DR's issue is that it gives a spy a speed boost, and makes him completely immune to afterburn.
all of this makes him a pain in the fucking dickhole to track, so he can get away with a lot of dumb shit.

Okay but you better not explode...

Attached: wheel of highlander.png (350x350, 34K)

>queue for casual
>check all maps
>you are on way to dustbowl

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medic doesn't require much skill. just some good tolerance to stress

>The issue people had with the DR was that it combo'd too well with the Ambassador.
no, it's because it's a shitty crutch where you just run facefirst into rockets and come back later, as well as being the ultimate get out of jail free bailout
it makes spy 2x more annoying to play against and it can stay fucking dead

thought this was a butt from the thumbnail

Not mechanical skill, but to play medic really well you pretty much need several parallel counters in your head at all times for crit heals and enemy uber %.
As far as reflexes go, vacc is actually pretty skill-intensive and rewarding.

Use the phlog and laugh at people who cry that it's OP

I haven't played in years, all of my friends as well. We started playing when it came out in 2007. I don't know anyone who plays the game these days. It's dead.

How easy is to get into this game?
Friend who has been playing this game since the pure beginning, was telling me that is actually very newbie unfriendly and that I should avoid it at all cost.

How true is that?

Sick anecdote, dude. Totally destroys the charts showing a consistent playerbase for the last 7 years.

Your friend sounds like a videya eleitist and you should probably disregard his opinions. Its just an fps with good mechanics, you will suck until you get good and learn the mechanics.

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>download tf2 years ago when it goes f2p
>play for over 360 hours
>buy the orange box and get a premium account
>stopped playing tf2 altogether for some reason

i tried to get back to it but for some reason it just bores me

There's no matchmaking per se, so right away you're thrown in the mix between clueless kids and vets with 5k hours.
I fucking love it that way too, I'm so glad that glicko valve supposedly added to TF2 doesn't work at all.

There's more to take in than in an average modern shooter, but nothing crazy. A lot of mechanics are simply not obvious and never explained.

I just want the new comic

You're going to get wrecked by people who have played the game for years. If you keep playing you'll learn why those people have been playing for years

I abandoned ship at the Mannco update ages ago. When you didn't, you voted for games to continue that trend.

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>persian sword
That means you only get ~six shots for the loose cannon and you can’t pick up ammo. I like to use the claymore instead for the bonus charge length, you can jump into the air by overcharging the loose cannon and then fly around with the tide turner charge. Plus you get full charge on every melee kill

I think the issue is that is bots. Part of the reason why this last christmas there was an increase in players were people activating dummy accounts in the hopes some generous player would give out some unusual.

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Doesn't ELO kind of go out the window when you can form a party to queue up with?

Thanks Tripp. Also melons.

>game introduces microtransactions
>give it money
>more games introduce microtransactions
whoa wtf

Sounds like a terrible friend.
It's very easy to pick up but you can get quickly overwhelmed by how many intricacies each class/weapons has. I'd say get into a few matches, don't expect to do much but learn, specially if you're matched with some pubstomper. Then a couple of videos here and there can help fill in the gaps of what each class and each weapon is capable of. The skill level can be pretty high but you'll quickly see why some people have been playing for 10 years straight.
Most of all, have fun.

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Alot of their good people are gone. If tyler mcdicker’s information about valve work politics are to be believed, it’s just a bunch of old assholes who collect paychecks and go to hawaii once a year. They also don’t actually hire anyone with the intent of them doing a job, valve just likes to flex and say they have super experienced employees. I think all the great games they released and having a near monopoly for so long as gotten to their heads. They think they can just release shit like artifact. Don’t even get me started on how every tf2 update ruins another fun weapon either forever or until they partially revert it two years later. I almost wish they would make one last update and then stop.

Dragons Fury was fine before but Soldiers and Snipers complained about. Result: DDS and a nerfed Dragons Fury which has no place.


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What's a real downer is that in the last 4 years we got nerfs for things that absolutely didn't deserve it.
Who exactly complained about pre-nerf loose cannon? While infinite beggar's bazooka jumping was a problem, why did we also need an aoe nerf afterwards? What are they even doing with shortstop anymore? Why was the one interesting thing about panic attack removed?

the best thing is that they have the script ready but valve is like ''nah i dont feel like it''

lol same


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>dual monitor
>right half of each screen is completely empty
BIG yikes.

Do they actually do anything at valve hq?

>tfw play nothing but death run all day

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I cannot play this game anymore. My computer is apparently way too old for a fucking game like TF2.
After the Gun Mettle update and the delete of the "force_preload" command, my frames per second went to shit and the game stutters way too much.
...I miss playing it though

Attached: ffff.jpg (623x546, 29K)

Try mastercomfig.

Who knows anymore. I'm sure it's not like 400 people just hanging around the water cooler but outside of the hardware people, I fail to see what the rest of the company seems to do.
They took 10 years to develop TF2 properly so I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but damn, it gets difficult.

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I sold all my shit years ago on the community market, gonna reinstall team forting again and see what i have left, might get back into tf2 for when I smoke a bear

Don’t forget how they managed to fuck up both the cleaver and sandman in one go, when it wasn’t even a problem in regular play

No, I fuck around in zombie servers all day, instead. Casual is such a fucking shit show and I'm tired of constantly being placed on a team that gets steamrolled. I'll go back to casual just for halloween and until it's over, though, as it's the only time all year where playing it is bearable.

Unnecessary weapon nerfs and rebalances.

Try deleting all your graphics configs and run TF2 with -autoconfig.

I was getting shit frames even with mastercomfig, I did that and my average FPS is in the 150's. It'll still drop down to 50 in some heavy scenes because TF2 is an old ass unoptimized game, but that's better than the 70-80 tops I was getting with drops down to the mid 30's.

which editor?


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>>everyone is spraying porn/memes/ponies on everything non stop
valve disabled sprays years ago you fucking liar.

>dustbowl 1B
>be me, desperate blu quickfix medic
>red has sentries on roof and field pinning us into upper tunnel
>constant barrage of soldiers and demos backed up by the occasional medic into the back of the tunnel trying to clear out our engie nest
>feels like intractable stalemate
>notice phlog pyro ducking in and out of tunnel to attack but never getting too close
>pyro tells me about his plan
>grab stock medigun off ground from latest red assault and start building uber off pyro's minor wounds
>pyro continues to build mmph
>quarter of blu switches to scout to prepare for impending assault
>our engie dies to stay crocket
>two red soldiers arrive and destroy our nest
>simultaneously pop uber on pyro just as he switches on crits
>invulnerable, critical hit pyro blasts through red sentries in battlefield soaking up aggro and killing everything
>four scouts behind us blitz the point in the chaos
>stalemate resolved so quickly the red soldiers from before are just exiting upper tunnel gate when round ends
>pyro and i thanked by all of blu
>feel genuinely good medic feels I hadn't felt since 2009

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This is actually genius

If you and another person have sprays enabled, you can see each other's sprays. Even on Valve servers. There's been a few rare occasions in the couple thousand hours I've played that I've randomly seen some anime spray on a Valve server.

Just had that today
>barnblitz, last
>less 2 minutes left, 2 useless medics who can never fully charge
>swap to medic
>"I need a scout with boston basher"
>quickly gain uber
>launch a full frontal attack with soldier
>he destroys all sentries
>one of the other medics also charged and ubered heavy
>streamroll everyone
>win with ~10 seconds left
Best feeling

Attached: gentlemen.jpg (600x600, 43K)

After 3500+ hours it’s still possible to find something I enjoy.
New Axtinguisher is loads of fun, I miss the big damage but the speedboost on pyro feels too good.
Anybody got tips for killing heavies? Feels like they have too much health for how much damage I do. Running stock/detonator/axtinguisher?

Actually, every spray you’ve ever seen in TF2 since it’s installation is stored in a cache in TF2’s files. When you see a spray you’ve seen before, the spray is loaded from the cache, despite sprays being disabled on Valve servers.

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There pressed together shoulders looked like a hot pants wearing girls ass when she is on her knees.

Attached: Z1ybo_d.jpg (640x480, 43K)

So they're also oldfags?

That's cool and all but I regularly purge said cache. And I'll actually see the person apply the spray and hear the effect being applied.

stand near teammates
reflect pipes and rockets.
shoot scorch shot at the enemy team (useful when they lack a medic or med packs).
Wait a bit for that to soften them up and then go in.


Run around and flame an enemy for a second or two, airblast them away when they turn to attack you. Their first instinct 9 times out of 10 will be to find a health kit.

Leave them alone and repeat this. Watch the kill feed and see like 3-4 kills suddenly. Don't assume you're a damage dealer, you're more of a support that chips the enemy team down.

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If you walk into it I think it auto dets.

Learn how flame particles and airblast work (that fag sketchek put out some vids on it) by testing in tr_walkway.
Transition that into learning how to combo with flares, shotguns, detonator jumps, axtinguishes, etc.

The spray sound effect plays even if sprays are disabled

I don't know why you're so adamant that sprays are disabled when I've literally seen people apply them.

They just released a beta for a new game, too. It's another game in the DOTA universe...
Valve is really desperate for chink money. If Tyler McNigger aka Valve Shill Network is to be believed it was literally developed in only a few months, the quickest they've made anything so far. Yet they leave TF2, L4D, and HL in the dust. Anyone defending Valve at this point has brain damage.

dude just spam and get free crits lmao

At yet again, what marketing does that get? Maybe a banner on Steam? I haven't seen it. If it wasn't for Yea Forums, I'd have no idea that thing exists.
And it is tiresome how it's always Dota related. It's a Dota card game, it's a Dota game mode, Dota 24/7.

How long has it been since you played? Detonator only does mini crits. Pitiful damage compared to the flare gun or scorch shot.

You probably shouldn't have used the quickfix in dustbowl, but we still need more medics like you

this is the biggest problem, all the stupid shit popping up and making loud sounds blasting in your face when you start up, and the ugly ass menus. I really miss the classy music and clean backgrounds with the basic source game menus.

Imagine being the only engie on 2fort defending intel
You'd probably die of a ruptured colon before the game ends

From the corner of my eye i thought op pic was a girl bending over with her ass up and legs bent upwards.

competitive scene is dead
casual play is infested with furries, brazillians, and children
4 classes overshadow everyone else by a huge margin
gacha hat simulator that started the lootbox cancerfest

I still love TF2 and I will occasionally play just to meatshot people on scout but never for more than an hour or so.

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Inigo Montoya.jpg

I'm the type of person who defends the team's intel no matter what. Even if it means sitting in the intel room for two-four hours as an Engineer.

I don't know why I do it. I just fucking do.

Attached: eggmanengineer.png (676x448, 248K)

Of course I am.

>tfw The Heavy Update is becoming HL3 tier at this point
fuck valve and fuck pc gayman

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>tfw ninjaneer on doublecross into blue base
>BLU can’t figure out how we keep ending up in their base despite never walking across the bridge
>BLU spy figures it out after running through our nest invisible
>suddenly two teams of uberd heavies raid our nest but not before our heavy holiday punches one into a laugh taunt rendering him useless
>our RED heavy distracts them long enough for me to escape with some scout that teled in
>our base gets its shit pushed in but the game ends as we somehow cap the intel that was guarded by the entire fucking BLU team
Apparently a scout bonkd in, distracted the sentries, suicided, long enough for another scout to rush up snag intel and run.
God damn I need to play on replay maps.

Valve fans have to suffer not once but twice with this shit. Does Gaben hate us? Did he actually not like the card we sent him? Did he get a paperclip on it and vowed to get his revenge?

Thrice since L4D3 was scrapped over disputes within the team
Now I understand why people get so bitter about games here. I'm sick of getting burned and betrayed by once great developers.

Looks like some version of Sony Vegas

Only game I play. (besides RTCW)

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fuck sniper

Fuck, wasn't even thinking of L4D. They really do have some chronic issue with making a third sequel, don't they?

Rank the classes based on the type of people who play them.

Ironic shitposter
Tryhard (not a bad thing)
Likes to talk in chat a lot
chill, doesn't say much in chat
either complete bro or 12 year old """friendly"""
"I have less than 20 FPS"
Sensitive guy or female
actual autist
Unironic shitposter

I love everyone who plays TF2.

what's the best pyro loadout?


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>sniper buddy is covering me as I push payload as scout
>phlog’d pyro charging me gets annihilated 3ft from me
>nice shot!
>distant thanks mate
Degreaser, shotty, axtinguisher

Weirdly accurate.
>chill, doesn't say much in chat
True although I find they use the schanfreude more than any other class.

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Killcam shots are such a joy.

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Taking a break from it at the moment. Have been way too tilted in my last few games and I feel a bit burnt out, but yeah, I clocked in another 107 hs. of game recently.

I can't blame them, it's so stupid that I don't even get mad when they taunt after killing me with a trap

Did anyone else mistake their arms for a girl's legs as she was either stuck in something or had fallen over?

Am I just that horny?

Phoneposter? I saw the same thing on my phone but it would be impossible on my PC. Thumbnail is too large.

>valve gives the source to a team of autists
>they fix the performance and hitreg
>main menu usable, sane default settings
>fix balance, bring back qp, compshitters can play on their own servers
>remove the drm so you can setup an offline lan and still have items from unlocks
heres the part that might fuck the economy but i would rather make my $30 backpack worthless and have the artstyle back and since valve obviously doesnt give a fuck why not
>delete all the stupid shit(neon paints, retarded hats/effects)
>metal or an alternative timed drop is untradable and can be used to craft hats, taunts, mvm tickets etc
>good goys can pay for unusualfiers but the effects are toned down alot

And it is a great laugh. I can't stay mad at my mercs.

Attached: How it feels to play Spy.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

>valve gives the source to a team of autists
Within a month there would be such a shitstorm that the game would be dead. There would be a lot of in-fighting among the people in charge, they'd hate the rest of the community who will be complaining about everything. TF2 would implode.
And this without even going into how the art would go even further down the rabbit hole and the autists "mains" would get stupid buffs.

Got that right.

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>Imagine being on 2fort
no thanks

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this isnt a way to prevent a shitstorm
it's how to make tf2 the way i want it to be
if all else fails i might sell my soul and learn the source engine and hack it together to lanparty with the lads or play it alone, drunk at 60

that is if we dont all die of spaceaids in 5 years

Not a killcam, but...

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Just look at how many community servers got abused or died because the people in charge had a temper tantrum over some stupid shit. Or community updates that never went anywhere because of in-fighting. The people in charge would only benefit their buddies work instead of actually looking towards the rest of the community, even if the community hated it.
I get that waiting for Valve is painful but I'll take that over some inner circle of autists messing up my favorite game.

>heavy kills me
>shows a killcam of him facing an undisguised spy with his gin still spinning
>when the game resumed the killfeed showed that the spy backstabbed him
Wish I could see it. And I wish I could find it in my folder.

Attached: attempted suicide.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

>community servers dying
well if the server owner is a fag and does retarded shit it's his fault
i dont play on community servers a lot so i dont really care
>community updates being shitshows
that happenee because valve didnt do shit and left it all to the community jews
the way i imagined it the autists fix the game and spend the rest of the time fragging
if an important issue comes up they fix the shit but no real content updates anymore because the game would be perfect already
if that's not for you it's fine by me just dont expect to get invited to play ebin haxxed supersekrit tf2

Never press m1 and reflect every projectile for win

Should the gas passer be a primary instead of a secondary?

porn addicts

Thumb nail looks like a girl bending over

where do you think you are


I can't stop playing kunai/DR/ambassador spy and topscoring with very frequent mvp, it's just too good, even my main as sniper and soldier I can't get results that good with that consistence.

t.5250 hours.

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Your brain is fried from porn, user. Be better.

god damn all though numbers are hot

>He thinks this is how it'd work
Believe me when I say, whatever shitshows we have nowadays with waiting for the Heavy update, matchmaking issues and the sort; it'd be nothing compared to the nuclear shitshow it'd be with community members having control. It'd be Poe's Law in action. You can't give people this amount of power and not even have them have accountability.
You think Meet your Match was bad? That's a pebble in a puddle compared to the tsunami of shit that would happen with the community getting the keys to the kingdom.

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I'm going to jack off to your post and there's nothing you can do about it.

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No, because the game went to shit in 2009 and Valve has systematically continued to make it worse.

I want to watch can you post link?

Just waiting on that update

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it wouldnt be random community, it would be a team of turboautists with the right idea in mind and they would do what valve's team of 17 or whatever the fuck doesnt
they could be led by someone who worked on tf2 from the start but i really doubt in valve
see factorio, its run by 20 autists and the amount of shit done is astounding

i am just drunkenly bullshitting though, wishing tf2 was as good as it once was

>a team of turboautists with the right idea in mind
That's all well and good until one of them throws a tantrum because he got dominated a couple of times.
Plus you have to take into account the entire economy behind TF2. One small change could mean tanking what actually makes TF2 money.
I want TF2 to go back to its glory days as well but that's not happening with the community in control. It's too volatile a situation. The community has control over their own servers and that's already better than just about any other modern multiplayer game.

Because it's an unrecognizable mess
and I have too big of a backlog

Funny, because TF2 is the sole reason why I even have a backlog
send help

Looks worse than in release


sometimes but i really suck at it

>crashing the economy with no survivors
valve doesnt give a shit and the only way they get money is people buying from the mannco store/steam market so ref prices and similar dont matter to them
i dont know how many keys get sold but they might make more money from market fees by making almost everything marketable - also fucking tradebot jews in tbe process

I quit because
>Mannconomy update and going F2P started to drown the game in ugly as fuck cosmetics, badly balanced weapons (admittedly not as bad as launch demo but still), and new players who were shit and didn't care to join any set community on it but rather pinged between servers being game ruining pricks
>Ugly aesthetics just got worse, Demoknight and other retarded weapons kept getting added that diluted the fun of the game for me, team started adding greedy and dogshit modes like MvM instead of focusing on meaningful and good content updates to the core game
>Performance slid over successive updates even while the graphics themselves got toned down, reached a point where stutters became frequent and I was getting 30% less FPS than I used to so I could no longer run it smoothly as I wanted to
>Matchmaking killed most community servers I gave a fuck about and only memeshit like 24/7 mario kart remained along with some alternate modes like surf and prop hunt, rest were either trash, so far away I couldn't get good ping, or filled to the brim with noobs with no interest in hanging around that just joined and fucked up matches by being shit/ragers before jumping to the next one

It's a shame but the game really is a shell of it's former self. To even get me interested in playing again they'd need to gut nearly every weapon added in the last seven or so years, give an option to toggle off cosmetics, improve performance, and do something for the community problem - though if I'm honest if they hit the rest of those besides the last I'd gladly open my own server and try to build a decent community on it myself, I really fucking miss old TF2.

Since the pyro update, you have all these retard iberians just picking him and W+M1nning like crazy on the point. You can't hit them because they have like 600ms ping.

Meanwhile, there is some god sniper on the enemy team who hits you no matter how erratic your movement is and who uses cl_interp olololol so he can't be hit and has a 20 meter long knife.

>Play harvest
>Round ends
>Everyone votes harvest
>Play harvest again
>Round ends
>Everyone votes harvest
>Play harvest again
>Round ends
>Nobody can vote because valve decided it's time to randomly switch the map now. Apparently, valve can't understand those near unanimous votes as "we want to play harvest"
>Whatever, decide to stick around
>Server is now empty because everyone is just looking for a new harvest server
>Leave too, hope I get a few good rounds before the game decides it's time to switch maps again

Why ? Why did matchmaking have to ruin this so badly?
Also the fucking downtime between matches rounds. And the downtime between matches, even when the map didn't change.
Fucking valve.

I've been seeing this all day no matter how many times I see it.

>hey, some booty
>oh, it's that tf2 thread from the morning, again

Soldiers and Demos get upset when there are other classes that can compete with them.
They already managed to get heavy nerfed to the ground - sandvich nerf, minigun damage and accuracy ramp up, made all his mobility trash as well as any tool that can help him.

Then Pyro got his update, actually got a good weapon and the flying high health class that doesn't need to aim got SEETHING and demanded NURFS

Hey Yea Forums, can you hold this for a second? :^)

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Oh, is that what happens? I thought it was just the spaghetti code bugging out every so often.


It was the Pyro's idea. I was mainly just focused on keeping everyone who teleported in alive.

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It kinda is since this didn't use to be a problem.

>running through the backline Axtinguishing snipers and medics
The dopamine rush this weapon gives me is morphing me into a crackhead.

rate hoovy

also fuck friendlies

Attached: hoovy.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

>TFW no Enemy Territory on Steam

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probably because that class and loadout are specifically made to take advantage of f2ps on the enemy team


Erectin' a bump

Swap the Amby out for the Diamondback and you will become Pubstomp Supreme.

uber is cancer, needing medics to win is cancer, lack of proper matchmaking is cancer, if not for those issues I would've been playing tf2 and would love a tf3 with at least proper matchmaking

i hope they balance kunai+dr before it kills all pub tf2 forever. spy shouldn't have 500 ehp

And how exactly would you fix it, user.

Kunai only gives Spy 125HP max? DR offers zero resistances at all?

How much further are we going to nerf Spy until he gets to where Pyro was for the majority of TF2.

i'd play tf2 if it didnt give me a headache every time i tried to play it
>matchmaking takes for fucking ever to get into a game, even during peak hours
>always some cl_interp 5 deadnigger kunai combo faggot spy on the other team in most of my games
>at least one good sniper in most of my games making it a nightmare to touch the objective without being critically wounded or just killed
>if it isnt a legit sniper its an obvious spin botting faggot spamming the chat with blank spaces making it impossible to communicate with my team while the other team doesnt vote kick him
>sometimes theres packs of 6 of them too but its uncommon
>every time i do anything worthwhile i get auto balanced to the other team then lose
>if i dont get autobalanced i still most likely lose
>hit registration is still fucking trash where i'll hear my melee weapon hit someone but it doesnt deal any damage and running behind a wall to avoid a kritz boosted heavy still gets me killed
i'll play once they fix SOMETHING

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I am. I'm the one sniping your whole team and top scoring.

>top scoring as heavy

Is there anything better?

Attached: tf2_heavy_png_1368030.png (256x256, 39K)

top scoring as scout
alternatively top scoring as any class without any cosmetics on

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DR does its normal damage resist on first hit then drops to 20%, spy is no longer immune to flicker/afterburn for the first 3 seconds.
Kunai starts at 110hp and only heals 50 per kill, max hp being his initial overheal of 185.

funny, whenever I play a round that ends with nobody being able to vote, it just stays on the map I was already on.

Me too. I'm on PC btw.

>sniper smoking

wait a minute.. THE SNIPER IS A SPY

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