...one feature at time

...one feature at time.
I'll start: Game starts with hour long intro cutscene that can't be skipped

Attached: 1546285128535.png (727x337, 9K)

game uninstalls itself after end of cutscene

Game features Quinton Flynn as the protagonist. He's drunk, hasn't read the script and it's all recorded in one take.

You can get past the uninstalling cutscene by downloading a community fix from a shady forum board that requires an active account to download the file

Developed by the worst of Gamefreak and Bethesda

game has ultra realistic body health system. If you run around naked in the rain your character will catch the flu and you need to wait a few days irl to be able to play again.

This also includes broken bones from falling off places slightly too high.

The guy who voiced Dr Light in Mega Man 8 plays a young girl who accompanies your character. Her lines are flubbed constantly and her speech cannot be turned off or skipped.

Game features an unnecessary crafting system

A collaboration between EA and Bethesda. EGS exclusive.

Animations are outsourced to Bioware

You play as a black man

Day 1 50 GB update

The game HAS to be a PS4 exclusive for this to work.

Battle Royale

Three words: Unkillable Child Soldiers.

Microtransations everywhere.
It's also singleplayer.

Diablo style loot plus durability with no way to repair items.

the soundtrack is a five second loop of an already existing song

Graphics makes ET for the Atari look like a artistic masterpiece

It's a playstation VR game

True ending is paid DLC.


Stay ontopic user.
release very little content over time in seasonal updates.

Game requires you to buy a membership to continue after 3 hours

It's a mobile game getting announced at E3

shit ass graphics and requires nasa computer for 20 fps

The game uses untelegraphed autosave checkpoints that lock or otherwise bar your ability to backtrack, leaving items and secrets on alternate paths permanently missable.

he is on topic you pedo resetera fuck

Saving is tied to Save points. The first doesn't show up until about an hour and a half after the intro cutscene.

Only 3 save slots

you have to login to your square enix account to even get to the title screen

It's an RPG that allows you to spec in diplomacy, but there are forced combat sections

Game is made by modern Konami

Mechanical Bullshit instead of In universe stats

Can someone who is fluent in that language translate his post?

Inventory is organized alphabetically, in a grid system, with no way to reorganize

I think it's mexican

He is calling him a megafaggot.

you have to type in words to perform actions

it's a kamen rider game but with ghost as the protag

Fucking Mexicans. Stay on topic

How about, there are no saves and you have to revert to passwords like an NES game. Passwords are 35 characters long with symbols and numbers involved as well

He is calling him a pedophile that posts on resetera. Its pretty clear.

Quest indicator in a multileveled dungeon that doesn't change based on which level you're on. If the quest location is north 10m but 10 floors up, it displays north of you 10m

go fuck yourself i like ghost
but everything else is shit

It's a meta game that gets massive praise by every YouTuber and Twitch Streamer

Every single diverging path in the entire game locks you out of the other one.

Main character is a black man

Markiplier plays it, drawing in a massive child fanbase.

Passwords have to be entered via game pad also. Oh and feature heaps of 0 and O, l and I combinations

Oh okay. That's a little more clear though even in your translation I don't detect any argument from him.

the game was rushed and has a bunch of bugs and glitches

Be more creative, user.

>die once
>game uninstalls and you can never play it again

Attached: 010.png (374x376, 178K)

Game based on traditional RPG tapletop set in a cyberpunk universe except it's broad daylight and there's no roleplaying and it's just a shooter and also you play as a tranny

Please, enough with your racism. This board is not the place for it

Side characters are brown women with colorful hair

main character is a black man with a huge penis
and you can't put any clothes on in the entire game

Fine. Main character is a nigger.

Devs constantly try to take the file off of the internet


I thought of passwords but assumed most of Yea Forums would be too young to even comprehend

>checkpoints are always before unskippable cutscenes

There's a Russian roulette game on stream that is exactly like this and it's actually pretty entertaining.

You need to pay a monthly fee to keep playing the game

first level is a snow + water level

Nah, main character is /pol/.

Each key press is 10c charged straight to your bank account no questions asked

Exclusive to Nintendo

It’s an underwater first person shooting game, but swim up and aim have the same button, and you can’t change the configuration

game features a limited inventory system with a clunky interface. there are lots of item drops with no clear immediate use but are revealed to be important later on

Main character is a nigger who posts on /pol/

there are millions of people on reddit excited for an open world corridor shooter adapted from a pen and paper rpg that they've never played. I wish i died years ago so i didn't have to see my hobby go so utterly to SHIT.

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you need to use switches to raise and lower the water level (like aquatic mine in sonic adventure 2) but you also need to freeze and unfreeze the water so you can walk on the surface of the water. when you walk on ice you slide until you hit a wall like the ice caves in later pokemon games.

More like exclusive to xbox. Or PSV.

I'll raise you
Zi-O as the protag

I was hyped for it to be almost in-depth as the PnP game, but im a bit diasappointed now itseems like they've had to downgrade the scope by a lot. What's wrong with that

every key press as a .3% chance of emptying your entire bank account directly to the developer's off shore tax haven bank.

Variable input delay between 1000seconds to 1000hours

Numerous multiple endings decided by the last action in the game. Credits can't be skipped. You must see all endings before 100% the game. There are only minor differences between them.

Coded by a tranny or non Asian woman

Manlets when will they learn

If you collect 100 coins you get multiple sclerosis (MS) irl

>What's wrong with that
you answered your own question. The game has no ambition, it's basically a ubisoft open world game like far cry now.

Enemies are all steriotypical nazi bad guys and the game is piss easy. Oh wait thats just how to get good reviews

quicktime event happens in the middle of it and makes you watch the cutscene from the very start if you miss it

Nazis are the bad guys instead of the good guys

Screen blacks out and flashes ads every tenteen minutes

The worm system is extremely complex but not realistic at all, meaning erosion is happening all around you and it's hard to walk, you can also see all the worms eating everything and if you leave the game on too long, the erosion gets so intense it crashes the game.

Attached: zlCfzSKP4d4E8mqjAh.png (320x120, 3K)

Merchants have limited money
Merchants' inventory does not refresh

Best girl arc requires you to fuck her brother and dad first before you can meet her

There are two difficulty modes, Easy and Legendary.

End credits are just instructions on how to kill yourself with carbon monoxide

you have to accumulate playtime by playing the games in those "harder than you think" ads

the game is an art project that will immediately uninstall itself and force you to pay for it again. it is also immune to several capture and recording software outside of using a video camera to record the events

Only available from gamestop.
Only physical release, but the disc doesn't contain anything, merely let's you download the game.

the game has no audio as an artistic decision because the protag is deaf

>game has horrible level scaling and every point you use to upgrade your character counts as a level

>We create the worst game EVER
You fucking amateurs think you can compete with the likes of modern day bioware and blizzard?

Hunger bar that lasts like fifteen minutes when idling.

They spent all the money on anime licensing so they hired college interns to do the animations

Gameplay doesn't pause when this happens.

But with trannies

i would pay for that

N64 controller only.

twitch and youtube buttons in the pause menu and the UI is shitty so sometimes when you press down once the cursor moves twice

mouse is not working in menus because the PC version is a shit port

The best part is the underwater escort mission.

All the textures are blown-up, low-res jpegs.

Character dialogue is filled with outdated meme references, including your sidekick who says “That was epic for the win” after every battle. At one point a character tells you a Chuck Norris joke.

All of these combined is the worst game I can think of ever

don't forget the lootboxes separate from every other system of microtransaction that you have to purchase at a dollar a pop and they each contain a 0.001% chance for you to be allowed to play a better game

except the devs patched out that small chance and just left the system in for free money

enemies have hitscan weapons with perfect aim. You have slow projectiles.
Healing is scarce.
Lots of walking with no sprint
Lots of corridors.

Its publilished by EA

Controls use face buttons, control stick, D-pad and Z-button simultaneously.

Turn based multiplayer rhythm game.

Surprise one-off stealth section despite having no working stealth mechanics in the game.

server side AI

Server side single player, client side multiplayer

Enemies are bullet sponges, the only reliable method is using glory kills triggering the same 40 seconds long animation.

The artwork of the box is a dude whit a gun standing there

Attached: argrg.jpg (983x813, 56K)

100ms audio delay.

Input lag ranging from 50ms to 200ms, on a steady 7 minute cycle

Dude, gun, location, artstyle and art quality don't align with the game itself at all.

made me kek

Anyone meant to be royalty has a terrible English accent akin to an amateur Emilia Clarke impersonation, by something who thinks Emilia Clarke's speech is something to aspire to.

Only hosted on Rapidshare

It was fucking gen 2 that had that

But that seems pretty cool.