Yea Forums loves New Vegas like a cult following

>Yea Forums loves New Vegas like a cult following
>Yea Forums hates Outer Worlds for no good reason

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no good reason
>REDDIT AND MORTY """"humor"""""
>Epic exclusive

Pure cancer. It looks like trash.

Everyone is calling it the next New Vegas. You're clinging onto memes from 2018 that have been proven false. It's not even exclusive to Epic.

3 years development with Tim and Leo in charge makes me have high hopes for this. From Leo's interviews at E3 it sounds like Private Division gave them a bag of money and let the two come up with whatever they wanted which is akin to how Fallout came about.

new vegas is overrated

Steam shills only need one reason to ravenously hate a game

The Epic horseshit killed all the hype. But this game is going to be janky ass shit regardless that'll mostly just appeal to turbonerds who enjoyed VTMB, Alpha Protocol, New Vegas and the like. Normalfags, reviewers and all the shitposters here will slam it at launch.

Fallout 3 was shit because bethesda don't know what made fallout good; Fallout NV was good because those devs did understand fallout and were able to use an old story bible for the ACTUAL fallout 3 to make it, so for all intensive purposes FO: NV is the real fallout 3 and bethesda's games can be ignored
Outer Worlds looks bad, is a new IP (dicey considering obsidian's new IPs PoE and Age of Tranny are generic D&D at best and dreadfully written shit at worst) and chink exclusive so they can fuck themselves

>Almost everyone that made New Vegas left Obsidian years ago
>Modern day Obsidian making mediocre games
>No modding
>Hub world
>Epic shit storm
Totally going to buy that shit,

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>Trusting gayman jounalists to know what's special about New Vegas in the first place
I'll believe it when I play it.

Overrated is a brainlet non argument.
First of all if some retarded drone plays a game by a company they love in their favourite genre and loves it, they're going to over-hype it to someone who doesn't give a shit which in turn makes it overrated by default.
A result of the above is that something being overrated can have no bearing on its objective or subjective quality.

So it's my kind of game. Awesome

I don't hate it at all but Obsidian going to Epic means that a day one buy has become a day one pirate.
I'm still looking forward to playing it.

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New Vegas was complete shit. Boring garbage compared to 3 and 4. Also had a terrible map.

>Garbage compared to 3
It's an old bait sir but it checks out

>Garbage compared to 4
Oh shit nigger what are you doing.

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Do we really need to do this everyday?

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You do realize that Obsidian that made NV and Obsidian that makes Outer Worlds are two different companies? Most people who made NV no longer work here and one Tim Cain does not Obsidian make.
That and a trainwreck that was Deadfire kinda soured people to Obsidian.

is it a timed exclusive btw?

>90% of the New Vegas team is long gone
>Obsidian currently has some of the worst writers in the industry
Is the horny faggot that wrote Pillars of Eternity 2 companions still at Obsidian? I think his name was Paul Kirsch.

It will be nothing like New Vegas. Maybe there will be some superficial similarities but they're just using the cult status of New Vegas to sell their new game. A lot of the people who made New Vegas don't even work there any more and look at the crap Obsidian has put out lately.

They've already shown off hours of gameplay and people played it at E3. Even journalists are saying it's the successor to Fallout.

>Even journalists are saying

Journalists also said that Deadfire surpasses BG2 in every way. They say a lot of good things about the game if you pay them enough and have "correct" political views.

He's "Narrative designer" on the project whatever the fuck that means.
>Pronouns in twitter bio
Confirmed giga faggot

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>people who have actually played the game
>angry incel throwing a sissy fit over Epic games store

People don't seem to realize that New Vegas is basically like the first 2 Fallouts only it's in fps/tps instead of isometric. That's one of the reasons why people love it so much. The gameplay at its core was Fallout.

Pronouns are the least of the concerns, he's a literal cuck that writes his cuckold fetishes into his characters. One deadfire companion quest is just a chain of meeting people that fucked the character you can romance and them telling you how nice it is to fuck her.

>compared to commies praising the epic store because winnie good and drumf bad

You should've seen the fag with "they/them" pronouns. I guess he/she/it no longer works there. I think this whole "pronoun" thing is mandated from the top, because every fucking writer at Obsidian has them.

The chick who wrote Xoti and Kills-in-Shadows is a narrative lead. Let that sink in for a moment.

not him, but I have eyeballs faggot. i've watched every piece of footage out on this game and my opinion is that it's total shit. the fact they went epic exclusive demonstrates to anyone with a brain that they have no confidence in it. They took the guaranteed buys because they thought it might not even sell that many. and ofc, with that obvious jank, they can't allow comments or reviews next to it because it would dissuade people even more. They'd have pulled it from wal-mart shelves if reviews were allowed next to games. it's bad, it will flop because of how bad it is, and then the PR money will run out and you'll be working for someone else.

Yea Forums is full of contradictions user. Don't question, just laugh at them.

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>Yea Forums does this
>Yea Forums does that
go back to where you came from.

If a game journalist told me the sky was blue I would go find a window to make sure it hadn't spontaneously turned bright pink.
Anything they say is less than worthless, I'll believe this "It's New Vegas in SPESS" meme when I get my hands on the game.

Isn't this in the Xbox Game Pass?

>obsidian haven't made a single good game since New Vegas
>OP is surprised people have lost confidence in them

Obsidian still have barely ever made a functional game for launch. Even with NV bethesda fixed Obsidians game for free.

Main series:
Wacky memes specials:
Fallout 2, NV, Shelter, 76
TES mods:
Fallout 3, Fallout 4
Fun spin-off:
Fallout Tactics
Brotherhood of Steel

looks like what i want in a game. as long as the weapons are cool/fun and the world is interesting to explore im in

Only zoomers like New Vegas, I can't see how anyone who played FO1 and 2 can enjoy this piece of shit.

>for no good reason
>reddit tier humor
>ebin gay store

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Fuck off. I loved the fuck out of Fallout 1/2 back in the late 90's. NV was a good successor to those games. I would even go as far as to rate it second best after Fallout 1. Fallout 2 was a bit too lolrandomxd in the end and 3 was a travesty. Even Tactics was better than this shit.

It does look very similar the core things are the same it even zooms to their face when you start dialog

imagine thinking this unironically

>Everyone is calling it the next New Vegas
this is the first time ive seen/heard anybody say that. perhaps you hang around with faggots.

I don't think the current state of Obsidian management allows for the production of anything decent.

Fallout: New Venus


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New Vegas has following but plenty of people(like me) think it was dumb. It takes too long to open up, I don't enjoy the writing, and the idea of an army of muscled dudes with swords fighting against men with automatic weapons in open warfare just seems stupid. You probably don't see this said much because I don't go into the threads to dump on fans for no reason.

People are probably fatigued with the general tone or setting of the game after almost ten years, and the EGS exclusive announcement destroyed a lot of good will.

You knew all this before you made the thread don't be that guy.

Bethesda NEEDS to hire Chris, he is not working with Obsidian anymore and he is the ONLY living being capable to write a decent Fallout plot.

>Everyone is calling it the next New Vegas
Only marketers.

Implying OP is not a paid shill

>it takes too long to open up
Why do morons always say this? you can literally walk the fuck away from goodsprings whenever you want. Is it the fact that the game actually has a difficulty curve instead of just scaling to your level at all times like Bethesda trash?

>Nobody's dick is that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus the name.
-Chris Avellone

>living being
So... there's a non-living thing capable to write a Fallout game?

I got level 20 inside of four hours, its not hard if you know what you're doing

Avellone hasn't done anything of value since NV DLCs. He wasn't even the lead writer in NV proper. And now he is just slumming it. Too bad, because I like the guy and his work. He seems to be the only one that didn't drink the "social justice" Kool-Aid yet, if his "games should not be political propaganda" rant is anything to go by.

I love New Vegas and am reserving judgement on Outer Worlds until it comes out

Never said it was, but people bump into a few Deathclaws and think they're being 'railroaded' instead of the game actually just having thoughtful level design

I realize, niggas need to get good. I just go around sneaking through west vegas picking up armor and guns off of fiends whacked out on dope after bum rushing north.

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Yeah, it's actually a lot of fun to try the other weird routes to Vegas, and it's absolutely bonkers to me that I regularly see people bring up what is in my opinion one of New Vegas's greatest strengths as a point of criticism

If my issue was the enemy levels, the answer would be to grind more or git gud, and then I would either be complaining about wasting time in a tedious grind that adds nothing to the game, or I would be complaining about obtuse systems that you have to scry out and exploit before you can enjoy the game. Neither of these were an issue, so I didn't complain about them in the post.

"Takes too long to open up" means getting to Mr.House is more linear than I would've like and kinda boring. It's been awhile since I played the game maybe my memory of it is poor or I missed something.

You don't need to put words in people's mouths so you can be mad at them and call them names in a place like this. I find if you're patient enough people will give you plenty of reasons to insult them all on their own. Found beauty like that has a certain purity to it.


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This is what I'm talking about, you can follow the route along benny, or you can cut through cazadores, or through the deathclaw quarry, it's not linear at all, there's countless routes to vegas, it's not remotely linear

Go back faggot.

Old thing good new thing bad. Until new new thing come out, then new thing become old thing and now good, and new new thing bad.

>Takes too long to open up" means getting to Mr.House is more linear than I would've like and kinda boring
is that an issue outside of repeat playthroughs? If you don't like the leadup to vegas you aren't going to like the rest of the game

Well, he's the lead writer for Dying Light 2, this is the first time he's even done a large-scale project since NV's DLC. It's sad he's only done small roles, because he wrote the only good segment of Numenera, the best Pillars of Eternity companion, and other stuff like the Undeads in DoS2.

>for no good reason

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Isn't Avellone also involved in that new Star Wars game and VtMB2 to some extent? Although, I don't know if Bloodlines 2 would be his thing.

Fuck off with your epic trash shill nigger

it's just the epic exclusivity
Like literally why lmao everyone was gonna buy it anyways why sell out for guaranteed bucks on epic

It's just doesn't seem interesting at all. We've seen all of it already and done better.
Also no waifus.

I rather dislike new vegas

That image really did proved nv is good
How could I be so wrong

Outer Worlds looks too cartoony

Probably because you're retarded

I already said I didn't like the game in the response to the op. It's not terrible but I just don't get the appeal.

Being able to do things like out speech the legion gigachad at the dam was nice. On the whole I kept expecting to enjoy the game more than I actually did.

I tried starting another playthrough with a combat focused character later on. I either got tired of plinking the deathclaws to death with the rifle or I ran out of ammo and just stopped. If I had enjoyed the rest of the game more I probably would've made more of an effort but it didn't seem like it was worth it. None of the characters or the setting did much for me the first time, I doubt the options I missed out on would change my mind.

Outer Worlds doesn't have Avellone

>Epic exclusive

Into the trash it goes

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How a person publicly behaves In relation to a political matter could be an indicator on his job as a writer

Outer Worlds is commie SJW garbage

>Yea Forums loved a game in 2010 that, while having some jenky gameplay, had incredible writing
>Yea Forums doesn't love a game 9 years later from the same team minus the writing staff so you get the jenky gameplay without the good writing

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>Even with NV bethesda fixed Obsidians game for free.
Do you have even an inkling as to how retarded this sounds? Bethesda was the publisher for the game and QA was their responsibility, meaning that the bugs were ultimately THEIR responsibility, not Obsidian's.

Thank faggots like this one for NV being buggy.

>Yea Forums is one person

>no good reason

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This game is literally pozzed.

who are these people and why are they no good for the game

Women are shit at everything they do (barring the super-rare exceptions and chances are good these ain't it), that's all you really need to know.

Bercause they were on the DUDfire writing team

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okay so there's nothing backing up your opinion thanks for letting us know

>I like New Vegas
>new game isnt like New Vegas and looks like a borderlands clone
fuck if I know OP, I really can't put my finger on it


>All of these posts saying the game will be bad because Rick and Morty

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Its just a marketing "narrative".

Can you remember when God of War came out, and shills memed it was "like Dark Souls"?

>no soul
>no art direction
>jankier than jank
>gameplay is LITERALLY 10 years old with nothing remotely interesting added
>all that, on smaller scale then ever before

I don't buy Japanese games either because they remind me of anime and anime fans are total fags

Well it kind of is like Dark Souls. In that it has an interconnected but not very open world, loot to collect and combat that focuses on 1vs1 encounters. GoW1-3 had none of that, DS does have all of that

They literally said that they had small budged and that it's not open world just few open locations, so basically everything went into good presentation of the game , I don't understand how cna people be excited for this shit at all