E3 more than confirmed Nomura did the bare minimum amount of work on KH3 and Square Enix knew the dev team from KH1 and 2 was good at action combat so they put them on a project where getting the combat right is pivotal to its success. KH3 sold 6 million copies on hype and its name alone and will never even come close to selling as many copies now that casual fans know how shit the series truly is now.
This game will make KH irrelevant moving forward
This game won't outsell Splatoon 2
and ?
The game will make all Square franchises irrelevant when the episodic unfinished by design shit crashes the company.
>crashes the company.
Yeah fuckin' right,
on the contrary, it will put square enix on the radar again, and every jrpg in the future will look up to FF7re as the basis of every jrpg in the future
Why are you so bitter? Can't you be happy for once in your miserable life? Is that you Barry?
I am speaking more about episode two since by then normal fags that don't pay attention will know it's an incomplete game and not return.
>Star Wars: A New Hope is not a complete movie
not bitter, just stating facts. long time kh fan that knows the series has been either mediocre or shit ever since the OG dev team left for bigger brighter things.
I don't even believe that. Normies don't think that much, they likely don't see Infinity War/Endgame as two parts of the same story.
I mean, no it won't. Not unless the plot changes. People know how FF7 goes.
>they likely don't see Infinity War/Endgame as two parts of the same story.
God damn it. Every time I think I can give normalfags even a little credit they go and throw it away.
>KH3 sold 6 million copies on hype and its name alone
and FFXV sold like 8 million on hype and it's name alone and it was worse than KH3 in every aspect
Will Square Enix even be able to make any other games now that all their employees are either working on Avengers or Final Fantasy 7 for the foreseeable future? Like is that all we will get from them for the next 10 years?
Good. Fuck turn based fags.
If I wanted action in my JRPGs, I'd be playing Tales. Fuck ADHD zoomers.
Sadly this. Game was painfully awful outside of gummi missions/world scale for disney locations and completely turned me off of the franchise moving forward.
FFVII Remake looks so much better in every way it's criminal.
Avenger's is the Tomb Raider studio.
>for bigger brighter things
Bigger and brighter...
me and some people speculated they would but business division 3 (the new shitty kh dev team) on new projects, maybe even FFXVI even. but i dont think they are that stupid, that would be total shitshow.
Avengers is being developed by Crystal Dynamics
Square Enix just owns CD
obviously you know nothing about SE's dev teams. the original dev team was split off onto different projects, and very few of them even worked on XV up until its rebranding. Most either worked on the XIII series, which wasnt action based, or KH3. But i doubt they put the more important combat people on kh3 seeing how its combat turned out. XV was doomed to fail when they went with a game engine they were making while developing the fucking game. just an absolute clusterfuck. They have alot of them back with a familiar engine in Unreal 4 and the Combat Director from KH1 and 2, Mitsunori Takahashi, heading combat again. So I'd definitely say bigger and brighter things since KH2.
i would have loved to see what that game would have look alike. Any older trailers felt like the game would have been amazing... Maybe Luna would have had an important place in the scenario.
>Most either worked on the XIII series, which wasnt action based, or KH3.
KHIII wasn't in development until 2013, 2012 at the very very earliest