Ooh... do I smell a remaster and PC port for Tales of Graces?

Ooh... do I smell a remaster and PC port for Tales of Graces?

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Graces was good times. Also I felt like it was the game that split the fanbase in two.

Pascal is best girl. Also really fund unique moveset that no other Tales character have.

I loved how graces got rid of TP and replaced it whit a better system that doesn't have me chugging gels just to play the game to its full potential.

Yeah I'm on your side about that. But so many Symphoniabros and Vesperiafags kept bitching.

God, I wish. Graces is my favorite of the 3D games to play. Sophie was so much fucking fun it was insane.

Imagine Pascal and Rita sharing a big, sweaty hug

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Future Arc was absolute shit. The new final boss was also a bitch to beat without a fucking guide.

Isn't Graces infamous for having some of the worst characters/story/OST in a Tales of game at the expense of having the best combat/gameplay?

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I hope so.
I'd love to play this game with English text and JP audio without having to mod my PS3.

>graces got rid of TP
Rebirth, Destiny DC, and Hearts(DS) were all games before it that didn't have TP.

Sophie is the cutest autist.

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mc sucks, story sucks sort of because of the mc
ost isn't any worse than any of the other games by sakuraba
combat is the best yes

I remember loving Graces immensely but I never beat it. No lie, I was bored to goddam tears because of Sakuraba. That's lowkey why I stopped playing Tales games.

So happy that he's gone from the series now.

at least future arc had hilarious skits and playable richard

If it meant I could play it with Kana Ueda as Pascal Id buy it just for that.

Worst tales. Fite me niggers

Zestiria exits. Also Graces combat is still best in the series.

Damn, Baba frenzy really fucked you guys up if you're insane enough to think Zestiria is worse than Tempest, the only game awful enough to lose its status as a Mothership title.

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With me in the middle!

True enough, never even played that one.
With Zestiria its mostly wasted potential and annoyance that it was fucked by one guys waifu fagging.
Symphonia 2 is probably worst Tales as a whole Ive played.

no that was xillia 1/2

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think Sakuraba has been phoning it in on Tales for a long time. When Go Shiina did some of the music for Zestiria there was a very noticeable jump in quality, and then they went back to Sakuraba for Berseria for some reason.

it's not an unpopular opinion, it's a VERY POPULAR opinion
no one likes sakuraba anymore

Letting Sakuraba focus on composing few good songs works a lot better than making him do the whole game. His quality suffers a lot with quantity.

Fuck Graces i want both Xillias and Abyss on pc


I think the ship has sailed on Abyss, but maybe when Xillia's anniversary comes along?

Ah, I see. It's a shame because he used to be a really amazing composer but it's like composing the entire soundtrack for every single game in existence burned him out.

Unironically the worst Tales game. Worse than fucking Legendia and Dawn of the New World. People love it for the combat (because they sure as shit don’t love the godawful story), but I hated how shitty they made free running, as well as the constant micromanagement of equipping titles to learn skills. Had to change titles every fuckin battle so I didn’t waste time learning shit like extra damage against aquatic foes.
Also hated dividing artes into A and B artes, removing the tp system and shoehorning you into predefined combo trees instead of experimenting freeform. The only thing I liked in the entire game was being able to duel party members through skits. Nice touch. Everything else was insufferable.

I dream of the day that Tales of Destiny 1 and 2 get remasters

they would be dumb not to
zestiria/berseria/vesperia made buttloads of money on steam
a port of another game would make them even more money

>ship has sailed on Abyss
Many people love Abyss and it can be easily remastered as Vesperia. They are the same in many ways.

Japanese devs seem to recognize the sales potential of PC ports but it feels like they only ever bother to make them if they're giving the game a second go in general and also porting it to PS4/Switch/whatever. I have yet to see them make a PC port without a console port alongside it.

You should feel very, very lucky the Vesperia remaster came out as well as it did. And you know damn well that was Bamco putting in the max amount of effort, because of its sheer infamy for being a "never ever." Symphonia by comparison was the definition of a hack job, and that's one of if not the most popular entry in the series. Need I remind you that the 3DS version of Abyss technically has more content than PS2, because the JP release contains all the changes the PS2 JP release didn't have, so that is the version they would be remastering it from.

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>Tales fandom: We want remakes of the best Tales of games!
>Bandai: Tales of Xillia 1 & 2?
>Fandom: No! Tales of Vesperia, Graces, and Symphonia

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that might change in the future
after zestiria pc sales exceeded all expectations and bamco started seeing pc as a viable platform to the point that they actually put effort in their pc ports plenty of other quality jrpgs have come to pc from various studios that weren't remasters/re releases
and as the legitimacy of the pc platform keeps growing in japan i can only see more more jrpgs coming to pc

Give Pascal a figure already

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They didn't even bother porting Symphonia 2 even though the Symphonia port was based on Symphonia Chronicles which contained Symphonia 2. I mean sure anyone with a computer can emulate Symphonia 2 at this point if they really have a desire to play every Tales game for some reason, but what the fuck?

I hope
Chaos Graces has been the most fun i have ever experienced in a Tales game

Graces has the best battle system, do not @ me

No you fucking retard. It's a thing where the nips will talk about the game and drink for a few hours, then announce some shitty music concert or something.

This, also "Dualizing" is fucking grindy cancer and the customization falls apart when you realize Acc/Eva are the only relevant stats. It's honestly beyond me how people enjoyed the gameplay beyond it looking flashy.

Though I have to say I thought the political story of Graces was actually good. Not only do you see how the political aspects of the game affect the characters as children and adults, the differences of political views the Kingdoms (monarchy, democracy, and technocracy) was well done. And I've never seen a Soviet Russian inspired place done so well in a JRPG as Fendel.

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I mean they weren't even planning on selling Symphonia separately on PC until everyone started giving them shit for locking it to Zestiria preorders, it remains the only game I've ever refunded on Steam, at least until they removed the fucking ridiculous DRM

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please don't remind me about the bad things

I liked how in Graces, you actually get to go through the regions and see how all three countries have reasons to fight and put your team right in the center of the conflict. It's much more enjoyable than say, Vesperia or Abyss, where you hear about wars happening in the past or far off lands, while in Graces you're always smack in the action. it makes it much more exciting and engaging.

The reason of why Sakuraba composes like that is bc the tales team limits him , also this game is a shit with assderp and his mamoru speeches idiots

The only people that like Sakuraba are those stuck in the past. Nobody wants him there anymore.

Yeah he USED to be good but those times are looooong gone.

>Abyss, where you hear about wars happening in the past or far off lands
Look, I'm not gonna pretend Abyss' story was perfect by any means, but you literally spend like an hour escorting refugees from sinking towns to Kaitzur on foot through an active battlefield.

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Where is my Abyss remaster?

You got your 3DS port and you're going to enjoy it.

Ah yes, the... (30 seconds later) 3DS port.

i love tales of graces f but the idea of starting the game all over again is very unappealing... i mean most people probably didn't have a NG+4 (including four full runs of Future Arc) so i guess this is just a me problem

>you should feel very, very lucky the Vesperia remaster came out as well as it did.

I wouldn't say that when Bandai Namco half assed the English dub.

Well if it's on PC I have no doubt that you can just use a trainer or something to skip right to having that again so that you don't have to start over.

xillia remasters when?

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Don't make me repeat myself.

that'd be an interesting afternoon, trying to recreate my current NG+4 file on PC

tell you what bamco i'll buy it if you let me recruit emeraude and add her as a permanent party member

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>playing Japanese games with English dubs

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Graces was one of those games where I thought it was fucking stupid as I played through it, but at the end of it all I looked back on it fondly. Probably because despite everything I enjoyed the skits a lot and got attached to the characters. Impossible to recommend to friends though.

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Why is Abyss so beloved? I haven't played it but I had a friend who did and he said a full on 1/3 of the game is backtracking and repeating the same dungeons you already did.

>He prefers dubtitles
Good dubs are great and most Tales have great dubs.

I'll never understand why. It has one of the worst casts in the series. Luke's "growth" was BS too.

Good dubs don't exist.

Maybe ones like Vesperia, but Graces dub?
Shit hurt my ears dude.

Graces dub has Laura Bailey who singlehandedly rescues the worst character while in Japanese it's some nobody I've literally never heard of and I watch a LOT of anime in Japanese.

Laura Bailey is the female equivalent of Johnny Yong Bosch.
Bitch has no talent and same voices everything.

Her speaking voice actually sounds nothing like the voice she uses in every game, she does that same voice because the voice directors really like that voice apparently.

Range has nothing to do with your VA talent.
Norio Wakamoto is known to be one of the greatest and most beloved VAs of all time purely on one type of voice and that's all he does.

Both JYB and Laura Bailey are top tier. Plus they do have range. Especially JYB.

Laura Bailey does a pretty convincing British accent in Heroes of the Storm, I'm surprised she only gets to display range like that on some game nobody plays. I think some voice actors get pigeonholed into roles more than they should be.

sakurabacuck cope.
we get it, you spent years propping up this C-tier composer and can't admit that he's turned into a Z-tier soulless hack

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vailla and jaina aren't british

karma is the best OP in the entire series and an all time great song

People like Abyss because of the theme song and that's it?

People liked Abyss because it was the first to introduce a 3D battlefield with free run. Yeah, if you play it for the first time nowadays, it doesn’t look impressive at all, but it was a major leap forward for the series. Kind of a “you had to be there” game. But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend it to newcomers to the series or anything.

I think everyone agrees on the story being one of the weakest in the series but I personally find everything else in it to make up for it (sans sakuraba).

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also, fuck rebirth and not letting you use hi ougi unless the target was able to be dead.

>Lust and Cheria sound the same
why are people incapable of forming a >60IQ take on dubs

>(sans sakuraba).

>things absolutely no one asked for

Shut the fuck up tr*pfag

Waifufags weren't necessarily the problem (Alisha and Rose are both irrelevant), the game was just unfinished and rather than delay the release it was forced out to meet the anniversary date.

no one cares dubfag
Personally I'm sick of Laura Bailey for how shit she sounds in every english original game she's in.

shut up i asked for it

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I'll pirate it if they bring it to PC

I mean I don't give a fuck about the music , but if you wanna be retarded and swallow Go shiina cum go ahead cuck

But hearing the same JP actors in the same voice is okay?

Ah, is that why they don't let you control anyone but Sorey on the map? Did they fix that in Berseria? I haven't played it yet.

Why? Tales of Graces fucking sucks.

>terrible characters, designs, and plot even for the Tales series standards
>The smallest world map in any jrpg that I've ever played
>unmemorable music
>unmemorable locations in the game world
>unmemorable game world lore
>Combat is fun at first until you realize that Abyss, Vesperia, and Xillia have much better combat and you're better off playing those because they don't have shit everything else

Asbel is also completely unlikable, and unlike Abyss, he doesn't become interesting like Luke does. Hes annoying and is basically a bitch the entire game.

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Not even the guy who said bailey samevoices everything. I just think she sounds like shit.
Thank you for wearing a trip so I can henceforth disregard you as a dubfag idiot. 'muh dubtitles, might as well listen in english!' classic cope

He has a cool jacket though.

Berseria lets you run around as whoever you want yeah.

How do you avoid the open world emptiness pitfalls, anyway?

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im sorry but you have terrible taste

>and unlike Abyss, he doesn't become interesting like Luke does
Luke was interesting before he became a boring doormat.

I don't even play localizations anymore like you EOPs. You just can't admit that JP VAs do the exact same thing. They're not perfect and holy.

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Thank goodness. Though nothing will ever heal the pain of being unable to be Edna.

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>luke was interesting when he was acting like a retarded spoiled brat that knew everything when he knew jack shit

nah. He became interesting when he took a bite of humble pie. Filtering you now.

He went from having a very interesting and conflicting dynamic with all the characters around him who have experienced more, and know more to "Y-Yeah I guess you're right" and "W-We can't hurt them".

He didn't take a bite of humble pie, he ate the whole thing one one sitting.

He responded with this:
"He went from having a very interesting and conflicting dynamic with all the characters around him who have experienced more, and know more to "Y-Yeah I guess you're right" and "W-We can't hurt them".

He didn't take a bite of humble pie, he ate the whole thing one one sitting."

It would be nice, at least for the solid combat. I don't remember too much about the story. Characters are fine enough. They need to totally destroy the Eleth Mixer, however.

>worse than Legendia
well duh, Legenida is perfect. ;)

not the best, but it's good. @

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Play Hearts R

make me

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Graces was alright but if you play it on anything higher than moderate, they bloat enemy accuracy/evasion making comboing nearly impossible. The flaws of the combat REALLY shine on higher difficulties.
This coupled with eleth burst almost ruined it for me on NG+.

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You haven't played Rebirth.

Hearts R was really good. My only issue and it might actually just be nothing was that it felt like it overstayed its welcome. Is the game as long as I felt it was? I could be remembering wrong.

Oh damn I completely forgot about those puzzles.

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Graces f never stood a chance in the western fanbase of Tales. After Bandai teased Vesperia PS3 before revealing Graces f, the amount of sheer anger posting in threads on this very website back in 2011 was alarming. I still remember the salt. Makes all the anger a little more hilarious as we eventually got a remastered Vesperia.

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When are we getting Xillia/Xillia 2 HD bundle?

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I couldn't even be bothered to beat Xillia 1 because that shit was fucking blander than plain rice. Xillia and Zestiria are the posterchilds for me "bad" Tales games.

Xillia 1 was pretty boring, I admit. Xillia 2 fixes just about everything about it though. It even makes the characters more likable.

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Is she?
I always had to appoint her to healer role on my chaos playthroughs since Cheria is too slow at casting heals, so I never had the chance to use her.

>Baba wants people to play Hearts
>doesn't give it a PC port

What's his problem? Well, I'm sure it'll be remade someday with an English dub. Listen, I have no problem with playing a game with Japanese voice acting, but what's really fucking weird is when they don't dub it but then they still change the character names. Why?

That's exaggerating. Replay the game is all I can say.

He sincerely didn't want to fight his master or hurt people yeah but it was much better than being a total faggot that the entire party has to put up with.

Also I'm pretty sure its you buddy. I'm touched that you wanted to talk with me about Tales so much you actually removed your name. If it makes you feel better I don't really hate Graces that much. It just felt like shit to me except the combat. I've played every tales game except Zestiria so I just have zero reason to go back to Graces, but I can think of many reasons to go back to others. Cheers.

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Would grace f be safe from censorship? a portable ToGF would be cool, but I'm legitimately worried over namco censoring it due to playstation and that they'd just use that version for the switch

Assuming It's coming

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There's literally nothing in Graces f to censor. The most sexual thing in the game is a picture of a peach.

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>they bloat enemy accuracy/evasion making comboing nearly impossible.
I don't remember this. I played on Chaos when I unlocked it and you could basically stunlock anything as long as you had enough CC.

I know it's a sequel so it should share similarities, but Xillia 2 was such a slog when it came to the world map after playing the first game. Also, the first bit of the game about collecting money was really not needed.

Unless you censor Peaches because they look like bums? It's pretty safe otherwise.

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>every game has been safe
>even Vesperia which has come out as the censorship has all started happening
Is this the new boogieman with weebs?

Games that get censored on PS4 always end up uncensored on Switch and PC.

>as long as you had enough CC.
Nah, man. Most enemies just walk out of your combos if their evasion stat is higher than your accuracy. Don't even get me started on anything that has ironstance, those things are fucking impossible to keep still. I'm really glad they dropped evasion/accuracy, they ruined the game for me. I tried a shitload of things to circumvent it and make higher difficulties playable but it's just not worth the grinding.

Is it true that Pascal doesn't take baths? This is something that has been bothering me for years.

I don't know man, I never experienced that. From what I remember you basically just hold down guard until it's red and you go to town on them. I used several characters too.

>Also, the first bit of the game about collecting money was really not needed.
It was mainly to keep you from walking into areas way above your level, and then used as another reason why Ludger's life is so fucking shit. Once you're deep enough in the story they drop the debt system entirely. I know this turns people off a lot but it's a non-issue.
The world map thing I kinda get but I've played a fuckload of much shittier games so I'm tolerant to re-used assets.

Same, I always charge-guard before any "combo" and I make sure not to hit enemies with their resistance (because that will just straight up drop your combo no matter what) and to stick mainly to weakness strikes and neutral hits but I can very rarely get anything significant happening, or when I do I run out of CC and have to go back to guarding or evading.
The game rewards constant guarding and defensive play a little too much for my liking.

I know I'm going to get shit on for this but Berseria is a way better version of Graces f's combat. All it's missing is a regular attack tree that doesn't use your soul/stamina meter and it would be great.

I've actually really been wanting to finish it. My ps3 broke months ago though I think I was about to go to space or something? I don't remember.

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I understand. I just think they could have done something a little less grueling. I don't think it's a bad game by any means though I personally think the first game is better. The one thing I really like about Xillia 2 were the 'character quests' they weren't nearly as good as Legendia (mainly because I didn't care too much about the cast) but it was a nice throw back.

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It's not too far from Graces. Zestiria's is okay too, but they fucked up making armatizing mandatory. If Berseria didn't make you re-organize all your artes every time you entered a new area, it would probably have been close to my favorite game. Unfortunately it also had that god awful equipment system.
I really liked that they nerfed healing on higher difficulties. Felt great not having to rely on a healer and guarding to be useful.

fuck you bamco

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Elder God tier combat system
Terrible story
Mediocre main characters (only Richard and Pascal had an actual personality)

Is this costume in the English version?

Fuck Graces F. Holy fuck, that game was shit.

Is Graces the FF8 of the Tales series?

The best one? Yes.

That's Abyss

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I don't think FF8 was good enough to be compared to Abyss, which is one of the best Tales games of all time.

In a way you've just proved me right, I'll give you a little bit to figure out what I mean

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I have fond memories of my dad watching me play this game on the living room TV, and he would call it "The Adventures of Assbel".

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fuck this fucking dude and his goon squad

>you have to fight your brother
>game expects you to lose
>think that I can win if I git gud like previous Tales games
>it's impossible to win


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I like Hawaiian pizza. Does this mean I'm enlightened?


I played this at a time where my younger sister and I were both working overnights. She'd watch me play and we'd make fun of it, we had some gay ass little in jokes too. She'll still reference it too, makes me happy it was a good memory.

Even if you could win, he'd still lose in the cutscene. That's always how it works.

>Isn't Graces infamous for having some of the worst characters/story/OST in a Tales of game at the expense of having the best combat/gameplay?
That makes zero sense to think that since both main games that released before and after it are worst to that regard.
The main critics I saw at the times were directed to the MC, but it's more a case of "what I want to see" versus the actual writing. People saw the archetype and never got further than the first impression.
Asbel is one of the only MC in the series to have actual character development and a character arc that makes sense.

When people talk about character development and don't mention Legendia as having the best form of development is the case usually that the person hasn't played the game, finished the character quests or just downright dislike the game? Legendia doesn't have much going for it (hurts to say) but the characters and their bonds between each other is some of the best.

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People didn't play Legendia because the main character is black and America just cannot shake the specter of racism.

Asbel intentionally let an evil asshole roam free because he believed the power of friendship would eventually prevail and convince him to change sides. He is so batshit stupid that he let the bad guy get away numerous times just because they were pen pals for a few years. Yeah, no, Asbel is a fucking dunce and stands alone at the end of the hall of shame as the worst mc in the series.

i don't get it.

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Are you the Legendiafag that owns something like 20 copies of the game? Seek help, user.

Help for what? My life is cruising fine. It -might- be over 30 now.

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Asbel and Grace's are fucking terrible. I would literally rather play the shitty looking ps1 games over it.

What are you talking about? Lambda/Richard always got away on his own or because the situation got critical. The only time Richard got away with "friendship" was by tricking Sophie, not Asbel.

Don't you want other people to play the game? Then why are you buying every copy of it in existence?

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Why do you have so many? Also it seems like a waste to own physical copies of a game where they just literally stopped dubbing it partway through so a huge part of it has no voice acting in English even though it does in Japanese.

I do and there are plenty on ebay for less than $20 and the worst part? They'll sit there forever without ever being enjoyed.

It just happened over the years. I've been collecting Legendia for 10+ years so doubles were bound to happen. The dub stopping halfway is quite an annoyance, but I have the undub patch to play whenever I feel like it.

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People would talk about Legendia if they could play it. Namco is sitting on so many remasters opportunities it's mindblowing.

Trust me, I am still holding my breath for something Legendia related. Sword of Legendia gave me a little bit of a hope, but they tore that away. Still stings to this day. I would also love to see remake/remaster of Eternia.

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Are you doing the world a favor by preventing everyone else from playing ToL?

>expecting anything from scamco
and make sure you put "remaster" in a few layers of quotation marks. judging by Vesperia, they did nothing of substantial note and charged full price for a 10 year old game. if that pathetic practice continues for these """""""remasters""""""""" then I'm going to stick with piracy or a steep Steam sale.

Huh? They localized the content from PS3 Vesperia which people had been wanting for years.

Cheria is a good girl she did nothing wrong!

if the remaster HD shit is real (speculation) I hope the modders can get those costumes

That's a new one after all these years. I'll give you that, user. People didn't want to play it at release so I don't have much faith almost 15 years later.

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oh golly gee willickers that surely took 8 months of hard work for 1 person that scamco hired. what a fucking remaster. you mean to tell me they had to translate ALL THAT SHIT? I take it all back. no wonder they didn't do anything else. they just didn't have the manpower to make it not look like a 10 year old game.

If it's real they probably will just include those costumes. Bamco changed since those days and makes sure to include all crossovers.

most interesting story and characters

What's that thing on the upper right supposed to be?

Banner characters printed on rice paper.

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And... what is the purpose of such an item?

It's unique and looks cool, also it's the first thing you see when you open up the collectors edition, acts like a shield to the items underneath?

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this was the point where baba went full sony dick, released a broken wii version and then a complete fuck you version for ps3, I will never forget it

Well, he seems to have realized that gambit did not pay off because Tales is now solidly multiplat now.

>another Tales of
they all look the same

good observation!

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It's the game changed the combat system in the series forever. TP was removed, and you instead had to juggle different styles to get resource points to use in the other. The game itself is shit, but the progression and combat is pretty decent. There was seemingly an endless amounts of Arts from the Titles.

Xillia had TP so it didn't change it forever. However, it's looking that way now unfortunately.

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TP is shit, who cares. It's a mana bar you can easily replenish with cheap, buyable items, and usually you don't even ever need to use them.

TP always made the most sense to me. It flows better in combat and I don't think anything can change my mind on that.

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this boss gave me nightmares

The male version of Special Week gives you nightmares?