So I finally got around to beating pic related. I played HK first, and while I still prefer it...

So I finally got around to beating pic related. I played HK first, and while I still prefer it, Dragonfall was still really neat. Tell me about your choices anons!
I ended up freeing APEX, mainly because I was interested in seeing how wild it could get, ultimately I regret it though.
Also I freed Feuerschwinge which I don't regret, although being stuck with Lofwyr is definitely fucked up.

Attached: ShadowrunDragonfall.jpg (616x353, 39K)

The game kept telegraphing me "THIS CHOICE GOOD THAT CHOICE BAD", but I still decided to kill all dragons. The end I got was not unexpected, but still disappointing. I shouldn't have expected good writing from a modern game to begin with, but Yea Forums sang praise to this game and I let myself get deceived.

>The game kept telegraphing me "THIS CHOICE GOOD THAT CHOICE BAD
How do you mean? I usually felt that even with the "bad" choices, there was still enough ambiguity in the writing that you never explicitly knew either way.

>suppose for example that you kill off one force *wink wink*
>there's always another force to step in its place *nudge nudge*
>by the way I saw that shit happen
>entire worlds barren because somebody made the wrong choice
>I'm not saying this is necessarily relevant to anything
>but when time comes you'll know what I mean
I mean it's not verbatim, but that's the gist of it.

>there's this kid I want you counter-brainwash
>if you let him stay a FILTHY NAZI I'm leaving your party
>there's no upside to not doing what I ask

I suppose that's fair. It would be nice if they made the human-centric stuff better but, it is what it is.
I'm curious though, what exactly is the deal if you go forward with killing the dragons?

>tfw you side with the evil fortune god in hk
>tfw you get to be a smug piece of shit in the dlc because of it

Attached: dancing rattman.gif (436x436, 3.93M)

Horrors from the deep astral, that the dragons are keeping at bay, come and rape the world.

Nice quints

Attached: C3C296E2-3DDD-48AD-98D1-0B9E519B89A1.jpg (596x447, 31K)

Is that right away? Or do they just leave it for the credit-blurb.
Sweet, I hadn't even noticed

Basically the thing that elf bitch warns you about becomes reality. It's also hilarious how they managed to weave in some global warming commentary at the same time with the average global magic background rising after the dragons are gone. This free magic eventually attracts all sorts of EVIL shit, which eradicates mankind completely

You get a highly different ending sequence and final area to explore. You learn the dragons produced so much magic it acts kind of like a wave/wall pushing out cosmic horrors(you fought a few babby ones during the game). The final scene is the big ones ripping through reality to rot the world and consume the souls of everything on Earth.

But back to the first point, yeah, the issue with the choices is that the game heavily pigeonholes you on which ones are the "right" ones, and every time you try to snub the party line the world suffers. They don't really allow for shades of gray.

Oh and by the way you're wrong in thinking that handling the nazi stuff in any other way was ever an option.

There's a different small ending zone. Your character returns to Vauclair's place, hek ills himself when he realizes that he doomed mankind by killing off the dragons. After that you get the choice to blow your brains out, or share a drink with that scarred orc merc as you watch the world burn.

(you fought a few babby ones during the game).
When was this? I don't recall fighting anything weird like that.
>Oh and by the way you're wrong in thinking that handling the nazi stuff in any other way was ever an option.
Not what I was saying. Ideally the game doesn't overtly punish you for being human-centric. Obviously most players will kill the nazis no questions asked, but those that don't shouldn't be so strictly punished for it.


Like I said, this is not an option.

I'm curious why do people prefer hk over dragonfall. It has been a while since I beat the game so my memory might be off. In HK, a huge chunk of the story is you doing runs mostly irrelevant to the plot (iirc they are vaguely connected to the main plot but not in any influential way)while waiting for new intel to advance. And when Cheng finally gathered enough info you are told it is already end game and only the final mission is waiting ahead of you. There's the beginning, the ending, but nothing solid in between.
To me, HK's story is easily the biggest disappointment of all three. Which is a shame because I actually quite like some of the characters. Racter is an interesting sociopath and Duncan is bro tier.

need some romance campaigns

>In HK, a huge chunk of the story is you doing runs mostly irrelevant to the plot
To be fair the runs you do for the Alice fund are like this, although I get your point. I suppose I just prefer it because it's more grounded. Rather than dealing with the insane country-spanning machinations of Dragons, you're ultimately just taking on a demon with your family. The consequences are less severe.


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