Post yfw you didn't buy into the Anthem hype

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forgot it existed lol

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will EA kill bioware before they rape DA further with 4?

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The first I heard about it was when it fell apart on release lol

Knew it'd be shit since announcement. feels good.

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There can be no face. I didn't buy into the ME3 or DA2 hype, either.

Bioware is dead, EA has consumed all that was good inside it.

After ME3 and TORtanic happened I swore I'd never buy another EA game. Feels good, man.

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>Haven't brought EA since ME2
>feels good

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At least TORtanic still has players.

Who cares?


>didn't buy Andromeda
>didn't buy EA Battlefront 1 and 2
>didn't buy Battlefield 5
>didn't buy Anthem
god damn this feels good

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With all due respect OP, nobody intelligent has bought anything from Bioware since ME2. If it took you until ANTHEM to figure out Bioware games are shit, I don't know what to tell you.

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It's kinda crazy how incompetent bioware is
It's even more crazy that far more competent studios have been shutdown or put on life support for far less [visceral and citerion come to mind].
Bioware gets to embarrass EA over and over with their shitty games but every other studio except dice, popcap and whoever makes those autistic sports games gets shutdown.

You're a literal retard if you thought Anthem wasn't going to be a mess.
>Dragon Age 2
>The Old Republic
>Mass Effect 3
>Dragon Age Inquisition
>Mass Effect Andromeda
wow what a string of truly quality titles released under the BioWare banner in the past 8 years

I don't know how to put this precisely.
But Anthem shocked me and I was of the same mindset as you but it was worse. I expected next to nothing good about this game and they still found a way to let me down.

>I don't know how to put this precisely.

You thought that Bioware had hit rock bottom, but you were wrong. We can only begin to comprehend how far down that drain this goes before it hits bottom. One day we will be thankful to EA for ending Bioware, just to end the suffering.

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It looked like a significantly worse vanilla destiny 1 from the start. Anyone that fell for it is a grade A retard.

Why are they being so dramatic? Its just a game that wasnt as good as they hoped

I knew it was going to be terrible from the moment they released that 100% scripted preview years ago

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When ME2 turned into a Gears of War clone, I was pretty done then and there with Bioware. DA:O might've been underwhelming, but it was still something.

Not sure what the fuck else everyone else was expecting from them. Everything they've made since ME2 has been hot ass.

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How do you make a game un memeable, Yea Forums?

Anita worked on that game should have been all the warning anyone needed

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It looked like a shittier version of warframe and that's only just acceptable. Then tack EA and a studio that has never made a good game on top of it. Anyone who says mass effect/dragon age are good are people you should never listen to about anything.


>kain based
>tassi not based

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Inquisition isn't actually all that bad. It is still nowhere near as good as origins, but it is a serviceable game unlike 2

right there with ya. What's better? I have no desire to EVER buy another EA game again and it is amazing.

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>western gaming in general

have you taken the jap pill?

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Slow news weeks sure are a bitch.

>believing in video games
Just how fucking far have we fallen as a civilization.

EA isn't really at fault aside from dictating what games they should make next and forcing the frostbite engine down everyone's throat.
The problem is that EA lets the devs pretty much do whatever they want, so people try to usurp each other all the time. Eventually people who game the system end up in places where they shouldn't belong and it all goes downhill from there. EA should've supervised everything Bioware did and step in when they noticed people only got to places because they were friends with the right people.

It's routine at this point. I don't even feel good about avoiding flops anymore, I expect that much of myself by now.

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Anyone with half a brain and a fleeting interest in video games didn't buy into the Anthem hype.
I suspect a significant portion of people who play anthem is actually gaming """"journalists""""

Literally had people coming into my non-anthem stream asking if I was gonna play anthem and I had to tell them as diplomatically as possible that I didn't think it was going to live for long.
No one fucking believed me and kept trying to get me to play it.

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Imagine being retarded enough to willingly hand your money over to EA

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I knew this long before it was even announced
bioware hasn't made a good game since neverwinter

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should have just made it single player with unlimited flight

You know what? With all the shit bethesda gets, they are atleast trying to salvage 76. They didnt let it die like anthem or even division 2.

>yfw you have never fallen for any looter shooter

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>Not even Journoshill's can pretend it's good at this point
Yeah, Bioware is dead.

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If they end up publishing Alice Asylum or Mirror's Edge 3 then I'm up a creek. Otherwise, I have no desire to cross paths with EA again.

That's the lowest common denominator for you.

>yfw you had never even heard the term "looter shooter" until Anthem was already out, let alone ever bought one

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It's just crazy how you can point out two dozen serious flaws with something, and the fanboys and shills will try to move the goalposts for every one. "It's not that big of a deal", "they'll fix it", "I haven't had that problem", "yeah but X is cool". It's really sad how people can't tell the difference between criticism of something they like (or think that they like) and a personal attack on themselves.

it's infuriating the other way around as well, though.

i'm honestly baffled that people did. who the FUCK would want a bioware game solely for its gameplay? that shit sounded like a fucking scam from the beginning.

What do you mean? Like when something is good but no one will believe you and give it a try?

Has there been any uphill since the beta?

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A shlooter if you would

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No, if you acknowledge flaws but want to talk about the good things a game or movie does and everything autistically screeches REEEEE SHILL GET OUT

Damn, every week someone has to mention this failed game. I had forgotten about it so many times. Yea Forums is trying to keep it alive.. Stop being shills.

I forgot this game existed desu
Is Bioware done for?

Are we going to see EA live long enough that the evil the cause crosses some kind of event horizon and the actions they take start cleaning up the wasteland that is AAA gaming?

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hot damn. completely forgot this game was a thing until I saw this thread. wew

Anyone who fell for the hype deserves it, at this point there's no excuse for not knowing better.

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I never had any interest, nor faith in it to begin with.

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Yeah RIP

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>Class Action Lawsuit?

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Reddit will still defend that piece of shit. Happened with fallout 76 too.

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Lootboxes user. Lootboxes. The greater the potential for lootboxes the longer you get to stay around. You push back against lootboxes? Goodbye. EA’s CEO created the loot box monster.

mfw all of my friends would go on a rant about how awesome it would have been

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Anyone who didn't immediately realize the game would be shit upon launch is a retard full stop. It's barely a fucking game, at level there are only three strongholds to run one of which is the final quest, there's no reason to do them because the only thing you can do with your stronghold gear is RUN MORE STRONGHOLDS

It has the exact same problem Warframe does but magnified a thousand fold since at least warframe has a lot of useless content to do until you get bored of no endgame

have this

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I admit that I get a morbid enjoyment when I see a shitty publisher/developer and dumb fanbase finally get what was coming.

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>"not only was I expecting something better from Anthem, but in those rocky early days, I went to bat for it."
This man does not deserve his cock.

>buying a Bioware game
>buying an EA game

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reddit defended lawbreakers having literally 0 players at times

How did anyone ever have hope for Anthem? I'm serious, it looked like a blander version of Destiny and Division. It looked pretty but that was it, and it was basically proven to be one big downgrade/fake footage.

>Anthem hype
What hype?

It was easy to do.

I immediately called bullshit on the trailer, knew it was fake in a second

>2017 Yea Forums had threads upon threads of anthem shilling
>w-what hype haha nobody thinks that haha...

Same here user. I didn't even buy the second shadow of mordor game after finding out about the lootbox shit they stuffed into it. Not sure if they fixed it or not

>they bought battlefield games after 2142

"Artifacts just too high IQ for normal players"

But user they are the developers of Mass Effect!!!

I swore to myself I'd never buy into the hype again after being burned by Destiny 1. Glad to see I've been proven right

Thank God I only played the beta.

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Haven't bought an ea game since Dragon Age: Origins

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Unironically yes. EA has completely gone all in on the lootbox. They have almost no IP left at this point. When anti-lootbox legislation passed, they are not positioned to transition their business model. Remember that’s EA makes like 25% of their money from FIFA lootboxes alone. I’d imagine it’s close to or equal that from Madden.

>tfw you knew it was complete garbage the moment it was revealed

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Guess they need a few more diversity hires over at bioqueer. Maybe increase the realism and graphics some more too, these are the most important things in video games afterall.

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Oh nonononono

Meaning that once the legislation passes, the biggest perpetrator of lootboxes will be dead and the industry practice of using them will die with them. EAs reliance on this business model and their own success with it will end up killing them.

Only bought BFront1 and to be honest I have no regrets. It's a fun game, it just lacked content.

Why would someone want to look like that?

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Are you really pretending marketers don't shill here? You must be a shill.

Yet another episode of "no shit, everyone with a brain knew what was coming"

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Only in the US market. Euro and South America will still be EAs money farm.

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This. Got me to read a lot of WWI stuff, but anything not conquest felt so boring.

I fell for BF2 but at least it’s gotten better since then
I got peer pressured into buying BattleFront 2 by a couple of friends and I held back all the way until 11:45 PM release night.
I regretted it in the beginning but it’s now a decent game because p2w has been removed

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I fell for the Borderlands 1 hype back when it came out. Never again, it's the worst fucking genre in all of gaming, up there with MMOs.

I don't get it.

They did last I heard, game is lootbox-free now

Doesn't necessarily mean it's good, but whatever floats your boat

>I regretted it in the beginning but it’s now a decent game because p2w has been removed

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BattleFRONT user. I skipped BF1. Not that it is a bad game or anything, I just didn't play it.

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Nevermind, I was retarded and read that as Battlefield.


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if this legislation passes and lootboxes die, what is the next pivot companies like EA make to turn a profit? Is everything gonna be "always online" now? Are we gonna move to subscription-based games for every new title? I simply don't see them taking a decision like this lying down

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I unironically believe there should be some law that prevents this kind of false advertising

The people who made Mass Effect good are long gone, now it's a bunch of literally whos with no idea what they're doing riding on a name they don't deserve

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do people really find ahegeo face attractive?

No idea.

I'm still mad that I got this shit for free with my rtx card.

lol, oh hell no, we absolutely, positively need to witness the shitshow that will be Dragon Age 4. There was so much "progress" in the last game, the only improvement they can make is to add in the maximum amount of "progress." At this point they'll have fired any one with a decent IQ so the only people left at the company will be diversity hires. I can smell a winner a mile off. This is going to be one of the most glorious roll outs for a video game since Andromeda.

I'm not fucking retarded or underaged so I never buy the hype for any game.

it's slutty, which is kind of hot. attractive is the wrong word.

Games did fine in the pre-loot box era, nintendo does fine without lootboxes in their mains titles.
How about you just remove all the worthless "jobs" from your company (90% of them) and just have a team that actually makes games?

Worst case scenario, they find a loophole like Blizzard did in China with Hearthstone.

Best case scenario, they go back to having to make quality games since sales will actually be the primary means of making money again and microtransactions and all that shit will die off.

So many companies have inflated stock prices because of MTX boosting the fuck out of them and forcing constant growth beyond what the industry has ever seen before to please a bunch of rich old idiot shareholders who just "want a Fortnite." It'll be interesting to see what kind of bullshit they try and pull as they squirm and panic at the prospect of losing the billions that unregulated gambling got them.

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The controversy behind that was extremely overblown. First off, it's single player game so who cares if whales want to waste thier underserved cash on a chance at getting what's offered in the course of regular game. Secondly, if you liked the first game, you'll enjoy the mechanics of the second game. You'll be getting all the same things found in lootboxes just out there having fun killing captains, overthrowing forts etc. The lootboxes were always only for lazy game journos with short attention spans and idiots who spend money because they can.

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if lootboxes become illegal then they'll just sell you all the cosmetics straight up
Blizzard has actually been trying out the "just literally sell everything" option with heroes of the storm and it's been working out great for them.
I'm not talking about the normal "buy skins" bullshit that has been happening with all games like dota and league, im talking about "your account gets nothing, there are thousands of cosmetics and voice lines and items in the shop" that hots and Warframe does.

the illusion of being able to grind for it suckers in more people, who eventually give up and just buy it

you could tell it would be shit just from the gameplay videos
anyone who thought it would be good is a fucking retard

Yes. When im fapping furiously to my ahegoa queen Belle Delphine i often grunt out demeaning sexual phrases in regards to her intellect.
Bitches need to know their place which is below men btw.

Euro won't be far behind. They're much more aggressive than the US in that regard. The only reason they're not the first is that they work slow

hasn't stopped the handful of fags beating off to Outer Worlds. there will always be people who want to believe. and the more evidence to the contrary will only further solidify their favorable belief.

Reminder that Bioware were cheap enough to not do internal testing and instead relied on the community to "beta" test their game and hold themselves to some arcane anonymous NDA to avoid people spreading news about the game being shit ala Fallout 76.
There were beyond retarded corporate cocksuckers for an entire week trying to bury anyone who dared break their NDA as if consumers shouldn't know what a piece of shit it was a month before launch.

I haven't watched gameplay for Outer Worlds, but at least that's an RPG with story and consequences right? Anthem was a Bioware game without any of what made Bioware games special. That alone should have turned people off.

>bioware's side team killed a multi-media spanning AAA franchise with a single entry
>bioware's main team delivered a woefully underwhelming AAA game
The new Cataclysm event is already DOA and it's not even out yet. This overhyped event only lasts like 6 weeks, then it's back to nothing.
Also, Dragon Age 4 was MIA at E3. I don't know if EA can keep them at it for another year or two.

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there was hype?

I used to be that way with MMOs. Always chasing the next hyped up MMO that will bring me back to my childhood. They don't exist, you gotta just move past it. Shame it's so difficult for people to realize that.

I guarantee they're only still around because the brand is worth sjw points. EA has killed devs for far far less

>Dragon Age 4 was MIA at E3

I didn't even notice that. I doubt it matters, though. A lot of damage has been done to it already with that report (or rumor) that it was going to be games-as-a-service, MMO-like, and maybe even always-online.

anytime I hear of people getting squirrely around breaking embargos or having the embargo right before the game comes out, I avoid those games like the plague. 99 times of out 100 they're shit

i didn't necessarily mean to pick on Outer Worlds, there's a ton of games that get hype and then you watch the gameplay reveal and all rational people abandon ship while the rubes intone their rationalizations. Shenmue 3 is another recent example, although who really thought that game was going to be decent?

>Cataclysm supposed to be world-ending storms battering the environment while you tried to survive
>ends up being the same map with a blue filter
I literally couldn't stop laughing at people who were dumb enough to stick with this pile of garbage

If not for the controversy, they probably would have been much more aggressive in the game's balance to push you to buy microtransactions.

>tfw EA actively sabotage arguably one of the best FPS in recent years , with full length campaigns, zero lootboxes & fun multiplayer.
>tfw EA force the dev to make FOTM lootbox sim that is Apex Legend
>tfw tf3 never ever

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>EA put the entire Sims4 catalog as 50% off
>Still over $200
>Pirate it for free
Fuck EA

>Fortnite will get the Gundam License before Titanfall 3 does.

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You will get a Titanfall Autochess game at the end of the year and you will like it

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Not that guy but they blatantly said Titanfall was shelved for apex when it first launched, then backpedaled and said "oh but theres a titanfall something for later this year!" then when Apex got hot they immediately went "titanfall is pushed far to the wayside we need to focus on Apex". It's fucking dead

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>bruh the game only pushes you to buy extra orcpacks every 30 seconds it's not that bad
Fuck off shekelstein I'm not buying into your shite game built around commanding slaves via skinner boxes. Not even LoTR deserved this fate.

I was done with Apex, but that new character unironically looks fun to play

you have to be a complete literal retard to buy anything with the bioware name on it after mass effect 3. or EA for that matter.

>yfw you didn't buy into the Anthem hype

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Fuck, I hope EA burns from the inside out.

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Definitely interesting but at the same time they will put her out and nothing else will happen till another 3 months goes by except extremely minor balance changes and more epic skins which I could give a fuck about.


if the legislation passes T-rated and above games are officially dead.

What hype?
From what I remember everyone knew it was gonna be a steaming pile of shit

In case you were asking for the pic, it's homegrown /tfg/ drawfag

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I worry that I'm just cynical and don't look forward to much.

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It's the title of the thread, retard.

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>mfw was gifted Andromeda and kinda wanna play it without the patches

what a surprise

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don't torture yourself user, the funny factor wears off REAL quick

You do not have permission to post my waifu

There was hype?

Fuck new Bioware.

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Because they're a pedophile turned rat that's not long for this earth.

>fuck Bioware

Topkek at all the cucks who fell and fall for EA jedi jew tricks

Fuck western devs in general, bunch of kikes

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They were good up until the first Dragon Age, after that they shit the bed.

>tfw got the whole Borderlands Franchise + DLC for a whopping 6 bucks

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I don't see the problem with this.
Assuming he doesn't go on to say "Gib easy mode"
There's nothing wrong with both knowing a game isn't for you, but also being a bit sad that means you can't discuss the fotm.

Anyone could see this games failure coming a mile away. Even normalfags had little interest in it and EA's massive marketing budgets are usually sufficient enough to drum up hype for a game.

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You shouldnt be SCARED of a game, you should say "this game isnt for me".
This is victim culture. If there is anything i cant do or dont enjoy, its someone else's fault

>had fun in the beta, planned to buy it
>ended up forgetting about the game before doing so
>didn't think about it again until after launch and all the threads on Yea Forums were roasting it
I'm disappointed it's shit but I'm glad I didn't end up wasting my money. I really did want it to be good.

I guess part of me still hoped Bioware would manage to find its rhythm again after all the Mass Effect horseshit.

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DA:I was shit but it sold above average
EA will give it another try. maybe after that

I don't know anyone who did after that abysmal beta.
I got PAID to stream it on twitch, and it was still so horrible I couldn't even justify installing the free copy I got. And i'm far from the only one.

four million people got anthem and fo76
it's exactly same people, and I'm sure they didn't learn their lesson. God I wish all those retards got Prey or MD instead. I blame lack of reading among youths these days. They have weak comprehensive abilities.

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>Only bought Battlefront

BF1 could have been better if they would have stuck to the first game and then add all the cool shit BF2 did (all that good clone wars shit). I still believe BF1 looks and controls better as well.

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>Bioware's Destiny
The moment that comparison was made its fate was seal.

damn I miss that game. I think I put in a hundred hours at least with just the demo.

>I am not sure if I want to play a video game

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I legitimately felt bad for the devs after seeing them at E3. Motherfucker asked for a hug multiple times while looking constipated. He wants out, whether through contract or tip of a barrel

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I always see this image in filename threads but I never understood the context

it's cossacks writing letter to a sultan, very rude one.
I think point is nothing changed in 300 years.

oh that explains why it's DEAR GABEN

I find it arousing

>bought starforge

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>company has a history of making story-centric RPGs
>the quality of their games has been consistently getting worse over time
>now suddenly they want to make an overly ambitious game in a totally new genre, completely outside their comfort zone, with many technical hurdles
In retrospect, I am surprised it wasn't WORSE.

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No, but I find it hot as hell when women in real life make ugly or screwed up faces while cumming (like they smelled vinegar), that's how you know they're really cumming hard.
The ahegao face looks forced and faked for a performance act, even when women in real life do it.

>Asked for a hug
That did not happen. No way in hell, if it did then I feel awful for those devs, Anthem is one of the few GaaS titles that deserves a mercy kill.

they were ordered to, it was single player at first, they slapped current anthem in 1.5 years
EA wanted to get on 4 year old trend that's already dead, just like with TOR, and Bioware is their "bring me tea boy"

I bet with a friend on the "Bioware killed before any kind of gameplay of DA4 will be shown" back in december.
Looks like im gonna win the bet.

This is an hard choise, watching a shitshow and laughting at die ahrd DA fans losing their shit when the game will be revealed as a Game as a Service and being even worse than Anthem, or pulling the plug when Bioware ha still one last drop of dignity?

They're already fighting the legislation claiming the wording is too vague, I expect them to keep the bill tied up in court for as long as they can while they try to shift gears and find something else to sell.

My money's on them doubling down on the Season Pass train. It's not gambling in any way, shape, or form (so long as you say whats in it before selling it), its a practice long familar with consumers, and its very easy to cut a game into pieces and sell them all separately for maximum profit. Whether people call out companies on that shit and vote with their wallet remains to be seen, though if history shows up anything its that the average gaming consumer eats lead paint chips and couldn't see the difference between a scam and a scallop.

I just realized they said absolutely nothing about the DA4 teaser. Not a single info or even passing words

Did they actually thought they'd bank on Anthem?

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i think i've been angry at every Dragon Age game in some fashion or another. I did think the first one was probably the best, second one was an improvement imo in a lot of ways but the small scope and backtracking practically ruined it and the 3rd game...well, it was somewhat enjoyable at the time despite being awkward and a little too drawn out and lots of empty spaces. Trying to play it again a few years back, i couldn't even get 10 hours in it was so bad.

While I do think the series has some merit, it's progressively gotten worse particularly, and most importantly, in the writing and gameplay. They're going to fuck up DA4, it's just a matter of how bad, and I'm personally hoping for a total shitshow. Letting them crawl into a dark hole with w/e dignity they have left is not an option. They need to crash and burn spectacularly for my amusement. and they will.

>Did they actually thought they'd bank on Anthem?
they thought they would bank on DA4 but it didn't create enough buzz for EA to acknowledge

It's probably going to be another two years before Jason Schreer puts out another article about Dragon Age 4's messy behind the scenes. I wont be surprised if that game is in dev hell and they're desperately relying on Anthem to keep people preoccupied until that releases.

The only good one is the first one, the other two are sub par RPG worse than almost all of the big names of the genere.
People that liked the sequels usually are people that starter palying rpg with the first DA, that is the only excuse to liking those games.
If you already palyed many rpgs, playing thse two is almost unbearable.

>didnt even buy mass effect 3

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>people actually, legitimately, unironically thought Anthem would kill Destiny 2
Such a hilarious timeline we live in.

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My first exposure to it was completely writing it off / calling BS on its 2017 E3 trailer, then I didn't really hear about it again until it's launched pissed everyone off.

I liked it.

I even started playing the game after everyone on twitch/Yea Forums was hating on it. The game looked fun enough to try, and it was.

What's sad is that you're letting zoomers tell you how to feel about a game. Zoomers. Think about that.

I'm just a sucker for any RPG, I've played plenty of good and bad ones prior to DA2 and Inquisition. Yes, they are extremely generic, but they had their moments. Personally, that series won't be missed by me and my only interest in DA4 is to watch it destroy Bioware and produce funny memes. I doubt I would even play it, even if all the rumors turned out to be false. I was sufficiently disgusted with Inquisition's mediocrity and cringe.

Hey user, want some O P U L E N C E

Destiny was at least able to improve. Then it went to shit again. Then it improved again. And now that Bungie owns it, it looks like it's going to continue improving.

EA isn't going to be that patient. Anthem is just completely fucked.


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>game gets a boost after going F2P
Aaaand it'll go back to being empty in 2 months, happened many times now.

>all these unnamed files

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>played the game, but never bought it, since a friend gave me his code from his video card purchase.
It looked nice, suits look pretty cool, and the color customization was great. and the combat was good if you liked the, I guess now, Bioware Prime-and-Blast gameplay.

But once you get past the inital enjoyment of it, you find that there's really only two or three abilities that a worth anything for each suit, so everyone ends up using the exact same loadouts. Quests were all just "go to arena and fight around three waves of enemies, maybe while you pick up an item, then move to the next arena" And you have to REALLY like the bioware combat to keep yourself interested in that.

Anyone that actually payed for this though? I can only imagine there's very, very few people that felt that was money well spent.

The base game isn’t going F2P until September.

Play Divison 2.
That game is ruined by developer incompetence, not corporate producer greed.

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I knew anthem was going to be shit from the first trailer

I know that feeling bro and I doubt I will ever buy another EA game again

actually literally who?

what "hype"?
anyone who bought this obviously shit game is a complete retard

ah yes the "unmemeable" game

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That thing released already?

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don´t forget how they praised Hallo Games for not abandoning No Mans Sky. Eventhrough the final game still looks nothing like any of the promotional footage they used to show before release. It´s still a boring, ugly mess where every planet and every animal acts the same

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No. Bioware will bury DA with themselves and they will go down with a BANG that i can assure you.

Anyone with basic pattern recognition? It's not even just one pattern, you have the bioware pattern, the EA pattern and the live service garbage pattern all there to warn you to be cautious.

Looked shit on day one.
>All those Xcucks who spent two years shilling it
Fucking lol

I knew that Bioware were a bunch of talentless hacks after ME2 and TORtanic

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not when 3d roasties do it no

>paul "terrorists could be communicating with messages written with coins in mario maker right now!" tassi

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When they removed the lootboxes it came with a serious balance overhaul to make progression natural without lootboxes, meaning that progression was gimped while the lootboxes were there and you'd have to use 3rd party tools to "fix" it before that.

Cossacks writing an answer to a Sultan who offered them vassalization for their lives. The letter is basically „lol no fag ur wife ugly“ in old timey words.

>very rude one
They were in the right, the Sultan can go fuck himself.

Maddens a long way off. Gridiron footballs only big in murica, and madden really isn't that big here. It's a surefire profit every release, but it's nowhere near fifa

Don't worry fella, titanfall 3 was killed by the timeless masterpiece, apex legends. I look forward to when zoomers find a different game to leech onto and EA shuts down respawn due to lack of battle pass sales

>Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.

Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia,Podolianthief,catamiteof Tartary, hangman ofKamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!

So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

-Koshovyi otamanIvan Sirko, with the wholeZaporozhian Host.

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wtf this exactly like forum shitposting

humans never change do they

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>tfw tf3 never ever
I just want the entire industry to collapse already, so we can have fun with video games again. No more pivoting, no more bargaining, just all the finance and investment capital leaving and creating a vacuum where fun can flourish once more.

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Like the guy in the article, I didn't hate Andromeda and a few more fixes (and the promised DLC) would've made it a good game. I wanted to buy Andromeda but as soon as they announced it was a shoot-looter I knew there was no point. I mean how do you make a dense story out of that genre? Bioware is dead, no question, and I'm dreading how they'll rape DA4.

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Marketing and turning the vidya industry into Hollywood was a mistake. Day of the rope when?

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>ppl actually feeling smart about not buying into any online only games

Its like feeling smart about not jumping off a building any of these always only games is doomed to fail

I don't remember him asking for a hug multiple times but he did get a hug at the end of his interview. It was p depressing though

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When it was revealed I told myself, the graphics looks to good to something coming from Bioware. I was right. The beta testing just showed how terrible the game was.

>that one autist that doesn't get board culture

Literally me.
Also literally me but not literally cuz i bought inquisition with my PS4 which i dropped midway.

>there is people still having hope for bioware next game

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If the face itself is attractive...


What happens if EA dies will all their IPs just fly back to their owners like when Shang Tsung died in the Mortal Kombat movie and everyone's soul returned to the afterlife?

Most likely as an asset, it will be liquidated and up for grab for the highest bidder.

They all go up for auction like with what happened to Interplay. That happening is why Bethesda owns Fallout. God knows who will pick up all the licensing EA holds.

>capcom buys deadspace just so there is never competition for resident evil ever again

I will tell you who

Would make sense the Chinese have a habit of buying dead old obsolete things

Make the saddest, blandest fluff imaginable. Hey! That's Anthem!

"It's like Iron man the game!", Friend.
>His demonstration is mostly loading screens and disconnections.

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> haven't bought an EA game in store since The Godfather II when it was already down to ten bucks

Get on my level fampai

How can we save Bioware? Would a Gofundme help them?

Mass Effect 2 was the last EA game I bought.

I haven't purchased an EA game since Mass Effect 3. I have yet to regret this decision.

I tried to get hyped for it. But then i played the beta. Low effort trash game.

i haven't purchased a bioware game since EA decided to make their games exclusive to Origin
Actually EA abandoning Steam was a blessing since i've never been impulse-sale tempted to pay a penny for any EAshit.
i'm glad Anthem cost Sweeney a week or two of zoomer bux pouring into Fortnite, though

Huh? How's Sweeney related?

>never bought an EA game ever

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>I got money from Bioware, now I need more

Lights are on but no ones home is a good description of games """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Journalists"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>haven't played an ea game since beetle adventure racing
try that on for size

>budd lods of peepul wer stweemin on twidch

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Only in 2D.
Does not work at all for 3DPD and kills any interest I had instantly.

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Legit forgot this shit existed

Semen demon

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I didn't even knew it existed until the shitstorm.

>Game gets revealed
>Roommate goes apeshit, says it will kill Destiny 2 and Borderlands
>Hear from him two days ago that he bought Destiny 2 and loves it

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Not even reddit defends it.

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It was destined to fail and everyone with a brain knew.

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Do people that bought the vanilla game get anything once it goes F2P?

True. Best is when their faces turn red and they are gasping for air.

Bioware Magic will save DA4
you all laugh now but i will be the one with the last laugh

>the one with the last laugh
You can chuckle but don't think you can skip the queue at the breadline

We don’t know yet. We’ll probably know more in a month or so.
I’d imagine some special emote, emblem or ghost or something. They did something similar when Forsaken launched for everyone that had played in year 1.
The transition to making all of year 1 content free is kinda already underway since the first two smaller DLCs, Curse of Osiris and Warmind are now freely available to anyone that owns the base game.

Wow, fucking 10/10 Reddit.

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EA will never EVER see my money. It's time for the rest of the world to get with the program and stop buying EA's shit.

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>Havent bought an EA game since NBA Street 2

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>buying anything from nu-bioware

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>people actually, legitimately, unironically play Destiny 2
Such a hilarious timeline we live in.

Called it.

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I knew it was bad from the moment i saw the heavily scripted gameplay
If its heavily scripted, then that means that they couldn't film this naturally

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Same here. Feels good.

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You LITERALLY had to be fucking retarded to be hyped for that AAA dogshit burger.

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Fuck, it feels so good to not be the target market for these types of games. Kek.

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Haven't even looked at one since BF3

I don’t understand how people dont see how much of piece of shit some these games are a mile away. It’s so obvious. Anthem was No mans sky level of obviously bad. Same with Fallout 76.

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>mentions NMS in the same breath as Anthem.
I wish I could reach through the internet and slap you.

There were people in my fiance’s Stream telling her that destiny 2 was gonna be goty when it got released. People on twitch are fucking retards.

Tortanic is a shitty ass wow close but its still an imitation of something better.
Anthem is a cluster fuck of shit.

You mean like ID at e3 when they claimed to revolutionize/start the FPS genre while showing videos of fucking wolf3d and hover tank and shit?

Oh shit thank you user, the perfect reaction image to the scum that think spewing their blatant reddit memes are welcome here.
>guise im only ironically shitting on the walls!

Who is the target audience anymore?

Why faggot?

>not cropped
thanks user

>tfw been free from the curse that are multiplayer games for years now
I wish I had realized sooner

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they will after DA sells and turns out to be an unfinished mtx filled pos

Only a complete moron would have fell for it

episodic games to string out subscription services

I haven't bought an EA game since Dead Space 2, and I ended up having to take it back because the code that came with the sealed copy "expired". Not before I cracked the .exe of course.

Anyone could see it was trying to hop on the Destiny style bandwagon and Bioware has been shit for at least a decade
Nobody who bought this trash deserves sympathy

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As if i'd had the money to buy any modern release, least of all some soulless EA lootshooter

no mans sky has been continually updated since release at least. anthem is just gonna cut and run it looks like.

Subscription based games or $80-$100 games with overpriced expansions.

I don't know why anyone would buy into another looter shooter games as service

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The first mistake is to buy an EA game

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are you me?

I agree. ME1 was really good albeit clunky. ME2 was just a broshooter.

My exact reaction.

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>DA4 developers felt like they finally figured it out
>felt like they were working on something great
>"The game’s focus would be on creating player choice and the consequences of those choices, with a reactive world that changed based on what players did. It would also focus less on fetch quests and be more contained overall than its predecessor"
>gets cancelled so people on team could be put on the shit heaps that were Andromeda and Anthem
>many of the most talented people behind DA leave because of this
>DA4 is brought back into development but started from scratch
>Now they're developing it to be another games-as-service title that lasts for years with micro transactions and drip feed content
>"this new version of the fourth Dragon Age is planned with a live service component, built for long-term gameplay and revenue.”

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>havent bought a single EA game after dead space 2 and ME2

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None of the people left at bioware have any talent whatsoever. Thinking DA4 would have been good is just wishful thinking.

Whatever it could have been would have been objectively better than what we're going to get now

We should send Bioware a package to cheer them up.

>he didn’t play 3

i haven't bought an EA game since need for speed high stakes for the playstation 1

>believing in BioWare
>any time post Mass Effect 2

You are like a little baby, watch this:
I haven't bought an EA game, literally ever.

Still just wishful thinking.

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It's not wishful thinking. Even if what it was originally was shit, it's better than trying to make a single player story driven RPG a live service multiplayer game

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>game hard
its a fucking combat rhythm game

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but it went free a number of times

>haven't paid money for a bioware game since KOTOR or Jade empire

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>Play Destiny thinking something better will come along eventually since the game isn't that great
>5 years later and still playing Destiny 2

Division is ok, but it lacks longevity. Anthem is irredeemable. Fallout 76 might be good eventually.

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>anthem hype

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