Dragon's Dogma thread

Ze arizen Aroze late zis dey, eh?

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reads more German than French OP.

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after beating BBI does doing it a second time unlock more of the lore?

>not opening with the superior heaving version.
DD2 when?

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any good mods for this game

She would have easily slept with the Arisen if the Arisen had flirted with her more. I mean, you do end up fucking the petite blonde queen, so that's still nice.

>tfw no she-goat to warm you with her skin at night

there are some pretty good visual enhancing mods that make the colours look less washed up and more saturated and the models just the tiniest bit sharper.
I don't know if there's anything too crazy though.

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Yes, get back in there. Talk to barroch he'll have something to say about it

wwhat do the moon runes say

why is she exposing her hole??

>using Eroquis’ pawn
Those were fun days.

cute tanned boy

Just post the pasta already

do I have to fight the boss again?

The queen was ugly as shit, not to mention a literal fucking midget.

If you were a lolifag then it probably appealed to you more.

fuck that conniving slut i ended up fucking her by accident on my first playthrough despite thinking she was worst girl.

Of course, which explains why the Pawns online consist of 90% fucking lolis, who are also wearing the Queen's garb. Bunch of unoriginal faggots.

There's no room nor need for originality in matters that concern the boner.

Completely disgusting thread, lads.

>boss constantly guiding you and encouranging you as you work you way to kill it
fightning Grigori felt like fucking sex, what other games do this?

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Reminder true sorcerers only use frazil. The BBC obsessed fuck boi maelstrom "sorcerers" use the floppy black funnel cause they're addicted to locking their selves in place while wishing it would toss them around.

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I wonder if those DDO classes were originally supposed to be in DD too. They feel tacked on, but I can't tell if it's because I'm used to what we have in DD or because they're actually tacked on.

>not posting the superior version with a big fat cock

Am I the only one that gets Vietnam war style PTSD flashbacks whenever I get to the room in BBI with 3 Garm in the cramped hallway? Fuck that room

>moves unnaturally

I don't get what Mystick Knight has to do with Blight town
To be fair the Queen's Garb is overpowered as shit when you get it

I need to know why my pawn is bad! Too me she's been very useful with her bows skills to torpor enemies with rusted goldforged bow, but she keeps getting rated 3 stars all the time and I don't get my pawn hired much.

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so, thanks to you folks with these threads got me interested in playing
just got it recently and it's installing rightnow
any tips for a beginner?

Wolves hunt in packs, keep that in mind.

Not that guy, but it's a framerate joke.

It ain't Skyrim so there are strong monster in some places. If you're getting your ass beaten, come back later.
Also push forward, most people give up early and don't experience the sweet nectar that this game provides later on.

Show your pawn inclinations

Your pawn seems good i have mine with almost the exact same build, maybe you have not fully upgraded her armor or people has gotten her killed by Death in BBI or drown.

Think hard about what inclinations would be best for your pawn, they make a huge difference and are often neglected. It can get kind of complex so don't be afraid to read up on them. You also may want to consider having your pawn be the same vocation as you so that you can teach it things and reinforce good techniques.

Is it wrong to like redheads?

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This too maybe she loves picking up items in the middle of a fight.

try out all vocations in the first couple of hours and find what you like best. depending on what you pick it can feel like a different game every time.

Should I buy Dark Arisen for the switch even though I've already bought the first dark arisen remaster on console?

If I fork over enough shekels will DDO be properly brought to the west like PSO2?

no but it's wrong to like ducklips

No user, its ok

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This, in fact I would suggest trying each vocation for 10 levels on your first playthrough. If you find one you really like just stick with it


Warrior only gets 3 ability slots and by hardmode you'll just be spamming your jump attack over and over because it's the only thing you have that doesn't take ten years to actually swing

>playing mystic knight
>drake outside shadow fort
>run up to him
>frost trance
>abyssal anguish
>great cannon
>full moon slash
>it takes out a fourth of his first health bar and drops my framerate to a silky smooth 12fps
God I love this vocation.

it's actually the only vocation i didn't try yet. you make it sound fun, i might give it a shot

You should be fine then. Maybe don't cover her face to tempt more people, and consider replacing mighty bend.

still worth it if only for pulling off arc of deliverance on a dragons heart and seeing three healthbars dissapears as the framerate tanks

Get Ruinous Sigil, Magic Cannon, and Full Moon Slash on your weapon, and two elemental enchants and one elemental parry (Frost/Flame Riposte, etc) for your shield and you're golden. With this set up you can en chant your whole party's weapons, place down an automated tripwire that hurts enemy that step on in, and a turret that shoots anything that touches it (including aforementioned tripwire). Sit back and enjoy the light show.

Okay but Exodus Slash is fucking great though
Yeah you could do that or you could use other fucking awesome MA skills like stone forest, abyssal anguish, and demonswrath. Best fucking vocation

If you're going to cannon spam, the weaker version of full moon slash is actually better than the upgraded one.

Compass Slash? How does that work? Damn I'm gonna have to reinstall it to see for myself.

I want to say yes but we all know that capcom is gonna keep on dangling the possibility of DD2 till a decade later. You should still get DD on Switch because nothing says comfy like stabbing the back of a golem for an hour straight in your bed.


My loli is my daughteru desu

>get cute matching clothes for my pawn
>go to NG+
>sell off half my gear
>get to encampment
>realize I sold my cute clothes by accident
>have to get far into the game before I can get them again

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ahh yes moar colours me like fortnite

me no like colors collors is for babby game, me like dark like last of us

ok retard.

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i just finished the game for the second time but i haven'ttouched BBI yet.
what am i in for?

>How to spot a zoomer who's childhood games were during the brown and bloom era

The actual embodiment of Death one-shotting all your pawns, instantly sending them to the rift.

sounds neat.

Flock off featherface.

The only thing thats arisen is my cock now get over here so I can satisfy my goat lust.

meant for

Killing him with 4x conq periapts tenfold flurry blast arrows absolutely ruined fighting Death as any other class for me.
I used to think he was terrifying and then I figured out all I had to do was stunlock him and now the fucking Grim Reaper is my bitch


>tell pawns to come
>they go even further away

>fighting fire drake
>mage has fire affinity and ice affinity
>mage gives me fire affinity

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>"Right away!"
>runs off to fight some wolves solo
>fighting Direwolves
>"T'is weak to fire!"
>gives me electric enchant

>condemned gorecyclops picks you up
>picks up greenwarish while i get eaten

Why are pawns like this? Are they autistic?
>can't really emote without being told how to act
>no personality of their own, just inclinations
>do shit like this

Bad AI
I know I'll get attacked for this but the Pawn AI is so fucking terrible
>b-b-b-but it learns things the more you mess with it!
that doesnt stop the AI from being bad
Maybe DD2 will have multiplayer or better pawns to compensate

>two fighters in my party
>both use shieldrum
>chimera still targets and stunlocks me fulltime

even when they do shit right the game hates them

damn guys i didnt know there was a dragons dogma fan base here...
its nice to see im not alone


Whats a good inclination for a Warrior/Fighter pawn for a Sorcerer arisen?

Yeah the AI is pretty dumb. Hopefully a future game can use it as a framework for a learning AI that isn't autistic.



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it's very liked here, it's just we've been expecting a sequel or a localisation of DDO for several years and it never came, so there's a drought in threads

I wish people would hire my pawn on xbone. I need RC

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They will defend this

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Rule of thumb. none of the inclinations are bad EXCEPT guardian
NEVER recruit a pawn with a Guardian inclination

Solo Mage.


Warrior, and throwblasts for aerial foes.

Magic Archer.

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Dragon's Dogma didnt have 15 years of development and not even half as much funding
but ok

>DD is the most overrated game on Yea Forums
Prove me wrong

>Dragon's Dogma thread
>get excited
>turns into loli dress up shit
>get sad
Can we just talk about whether to play like Guts or Gandalf?

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you just made this thread and it failed miserably. why do you keep trying?

Guardian, so he can target enemies that get too close to you.
If you tend to pick out weaker enemies first, make him go Scather to distract stronger enemies for you. If you tend to attack stronger enemies first, make him go Mitigator to thin out the weaker numbers.

The AI is usually bad but once in a while they'll do some crazy shit

You could use mitigator/nexus so they keep hellhounds off your ass while you try to cast
This guy is wrong the only bad inclination is Acquisitor. Only people who don't understand how inclinations work think Guardian is bad in all situations. It's definitely terrible in some but most are.
See Guardian isn't too great on melee classes when you're a caster because they tend to lure monster aggro towards you and i think it'd be better if they were far away from you so you could cast.

>shifting goalposts this hard
The game is SHIT you dumb berserkfag and objectively INFERIOR to the SHITtiest Final Fantasy game EVER MADE

where do you get that tabard?

the magic is objectively cooler

This is the most mediocre game ever made

>he doesn't play as a trap Arisen

boner every time I play, yay

You better explain to me why Guardian is anything other than horrendous dog shit
And yes acquisitor is bad too I forgot about that one

>90+ posts
>Ctrl+f "loli"
>4 results
get a load of negative nancie over here.

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Dress up is like 60% of the fun though

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your shitposting needs work

Divine Surcoat, I forget where I picked it up

Guardian is pretty shit when there's a caster in the mix, if you're melee and your caster is Guardian then they're probably just going to get hit when you try to take aggro, and the opposite. I like to use guardian on fighter pawns with springboard when I'm playing assassin, makes climbing trivial.Guardian is also probably pretty good if you are a sorcerer and you want to spell sync with another sorcerer although they tend to stay close in that situation anyway. Plus, Guardian/Medicant is the absolute best inclination for a Mage pawn, the guardian inclination synergies with medicant so they prioritize healing you first.

>Plus, Guardian/Medicant is the absolute best inclination for a Mage pawn, the guardian inclination synergies with medicant so they prioritize healing you first.
Never have I given a mage either of those inclinations and they still prioritize healing over anything else.
It's actually kind of annoying how often the mages use Anodyne
>oh a bat bit you for 2 damage?
>let me spend the next 10 minutes starting and stopping Grand Anodyne after you walk out of my casting range

To wake up the mindless sheeple who fall for your retarded shill threads for this festering anal-juice spatter of a game.
I honestly don't think you even like this garbage, because it has unenjoyability down to a science. You have these shill covens because you're actually sadistic chaosfags who enjoy people pumping 30$+ for a rancid piece of garbage thinking it's a masterpiece. Well i'm not letting another human being fall for your tricks you sick fucks.

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cute and not useless!

I'm not sure if this is pasta or if you're this autistic
all I know is there is always one autist in these threads demanding we all wake up and stop doing things we enjoy

The wiki says that medicant makes it so that they heal when health is at 40% rather than the usual 60%. Take that with a grain of salt.

giving your pawns direct commands can fuck up their inclinations, so be aware of that.

I love DD and Souls, but I don't think comparing the magic systems is fair - ESPECIALLY to DS1.
Souls games pre-DS2 were fairly low-fantasy and the magic system reflected this. Just casting magic bolts.
DS2 and DS3 had some highly anime spells.

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i've been constantly spamming "come" to get their slow asses to catch up, how does that affect them

The comparison between the three games is relevant because they all released in the same generation all within a year of each other

My #1 wish for a sequel is that the game adds "Fight" and "Stop" commands for Pawns

where's the donkey rape in DD i think i missed it

But context is important. Dragon's Dogma is not as grounded as pre-DS2 Souls, so the magic's flair can't be compared fairly. DS1's magic is cool for what it sets out to be - simple spells. Dragon's Dogma spells are also badass for an entirely different reason.

what's the lad's name?

Increases the Guardian inclination when in battle, and the Medicant inclination out of battle

Gives them Guardian
That is a fucking genius idea, maybe then i actually use Sopor

I beat the game blind two weeks back; can you actually lose to the Seneschal? The fight felt very scripted

Great game, though - a firm 9/10

It could give your pawn the Guardian Inclination, which basically makes them useless.

So many times I've wanted my Pawn to stay behind while I scout out a room, or I've wanted them to rush in and start fighting while I cast something, etc.
Both of these commands would be infinitely better than the nondescript "Go" command.

There's an achievement and a cutscene for losing to him. The cutscene has huge lore implications, watch it.

This. I'm waiting for that version.

Yeah, you get a special ending if you lose to him.

Fucking this. I was struggling with fucking GOBLINS in the post-game, and I was supposed to fight God himself in the end? In the end he was easier than my first Chimera fight.

>magic's flair can't be compared fairly
it's not supposed to be a fair comparison
in the original context of the making of that webm is that all 3 games were released in a specific time frame all with a similar openworld-esque formula to their worlds, so they're comparing the magic between the three.

can I fight UR dragon once a day?

You haven't beaten it until you fight your first Arisen as the Seneschal and beat BBI 2.0

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I beat Daimon - was a great fight
I know BBI resets and gets some new stuff, but I just wanted to see how the game ended at that point
You can fight your original Arisen?

You can fix it don't have to teach them could use potions to increase which ever one you want

If you regularly use the Knowledge chair it shouldn't be a problem. If you're inclinations are totally fucked then you buy potions that change inclination numbers from the guy next to rift stone in the encampment near Cassardis.

BBI hasnt ended until you beat Daimon 2.0
It's a new fight and everything

And yes your original Arisen becomes Seneschal in your new playthrough as long as you're in offline mode, they make it some rando when you play in online mode for some reason, looks really wacky if someone's arisen and pawn look dumb

think of it as a bit of a victory lap, god was not so much fightning you as he was giving you final teases and tests of your resolve even though he knows you're up for it because your proved it to grigori, i'm pretty he could've wiped you off existence with a snap of his fingers if he wanted to, but that's not his job, his job is simply to ensure that you are a worthy successor.

How's DDO?

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great anime.

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What is it? I only like pre-2000's aesthetic anime like this.

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Record of lodoss war

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Then how do you not know what Record of the Lodoss War is? It's not like there are many.

I think you can only search by gamertag, it's Bully Hunter34. Pawn's name is Jeanne, wearing this. Started NG+ and trying to level her as a fighter

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>start new game
>play for a while
>max out assassin
>ditch party because fuck pawns, they just keep jumping off
>decide to try magick archer for the first time
>just fuck everything up
>kill grigori solo with ease
>currently in BBI
>still rekting everything
>destroy gorecyclop, elder ogre and gazer with ease
goddamn this is fun, ricochet and imolate are my bae

BBI resets with harder monsters and big fuck you Daimon

>Tfw alchemist

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Ricochet is fucking great, i like to fire one off when i open a chest solo in case its a mimic. Sunflare and Ascension are my jam, they scale really well with enchanted weapons

This went exactly how it should have

I shoot a ricochet and imolate myself before opening chests

gotta be safe

my skills for dagger are imolate, ensnare and instant reset
for my bow ninefold arrows, ricochet and the explosive flurry one

I can pretty much deal with everything I'm thown at with that

I love arc so goddamn much.

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Her skin is too light to be french though.

>did a new run
>doing the quarry mission with ogres
>shit hits the fan real quick, realize i'm underleveled and didn't bring any curatives
>try to make a run for it
>ogre snatches one of the support female pawns and runs off with her
>keep running and don't look back
She got raped. by an ogre. i couldn't hire her again. i couldn't bring myself to look her in the eye. sorry karla, i'll erase ogres from existence when i'm god.

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You're operating from the wrong premise that she didn't enjoy it.

Tried to get Mercedes both times I played the game. First time I got merchant lady, second time I got FUCKING REYNARD.

Next run I'm just gonna SLUMCHILD.

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The young girls of Gran Soren are cute and I feel Capcom knew what they were doing when they made them romanceable.

I love Quina.
wish there was more art of her.
dumb she-goat hogs the spotlight.

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i liked both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i miss dragons dogma
why didn't the general come back on /vg/

Mercedes cosplayer milkers in my face when?

>the general died the day i installed
it's not fair bros

You have to really know what you're doing and/or follow a guide to get Mercedes. She's worth it, though.

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I've played this game once and all I can remember is that the secondary quests were incredibly boring and generic, and something about a bullshit boss in a staircase or something, before giving up on the thing. Convince me to give this game a second chance, Yea Forums.

It's not that hard, just do her escort quest, get her drunk, and let her get btfo by Julien

what vocation did you try?

You're not supposed to actually go do the noticeboard quests, you just pick them up and complete them as you go through the game

just give her the bond and then rush the main quest
also fuck with everyone else you have maxed out before that they can't be your lover

Just gotta ignore that bitch stuck in the manse.

The problem is that she disappears with no way to give her more milk wine if you don't know what you're doing.

unless you want julien shield

I'll assume vocation means class or something like that. I chose a stealthy guy, I think.

just get it in ng+
or use cheat engine :^)

She hangs out in the castle

>tfw kept losing to snsechal because I couldn't figure out what to do when the pawn was holding him from behind

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Don't cheat bro got it on my first play through he was my beloved....

Honestly this, fuck farming dragons for dragonforging pawn equipment

Not if you do her quest. Then she fucks off back to her home country and if you have higher affinity for anyone else at that time, there's no way to get her as your Beloved.

I have yet to find another fantasy rpg that can top my unforgettable experience with dragons dogma.
>explore the forest with my faithful bros, doing some quests
>spot a fuck huge enemy on the distance
>a chimera. pawns comment something along the lines of trying to go sneak around it
>try to sneak around, but came across some fucking goblins
>cleared them quickly but caught the chimera aggro because of the spells
>the chimera hits like a truck because playing on hard
>realized my save was from hours ago and I ain't backtracking that far
>lets do this shit. Fought the chimera for almost an hour, spanning 2 days and 2 nights of in-game time.
>Kept reviving my pawns, retreating so I can be healed. Used my all my restoratives, my lamp oil was about to run out.
>my character stunned, about to suffer the final blow
>my pawn casts a fire spell, hitting the chimera. Fires spawned everywhere illuminating the dark night. The fps drop made it more cinematic.
>suddenly this ost plays youtu.be/bzBwlrHmWcE>"It's fallen! Now strike!"
>chimera enters a staggered state. Rushed to my other fallen pawns and revived them.
>mashed my controller's button like a madman while shouting like pic related
>killed the chimera, claimed the loot, levelups everywhere and ending the battle with a sunrise from the horizon

It was the best.

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Cursed dragons have a 40% chance I think

That's pretty much right before Deny Salvation anyway

this game has the best dragons

pick fighter or magic knight.
it'll feel like a different game, class play very differently and you're bound to find a style you like

is she just downing mayo? what a slob

It's NUT wine

>made loli pawn
>am not a pedophile
My mc is an old man, and I just wanted the opposite. Everyone online that I've seen makes Amazons.

Just replayed this for the first time since the PC launch. Some annoying aspects like Pawn AI and gear vs level pacing in the base game, yet I found myself enjoying the BBI grind more than I thought or remembered. Shame there's nothing to do at max level.

And fuck you, Olra; don't need yet another Revenant Wail or Sanguine Stalk.


It amazes me that even after having reached max level twice, I still have not found all the clothing items in the game

Amazing. That song playing when the enemy staggers is SO good.

Why does this game feel so unfinished? You can literally see where they cut corners

i wouldn't be surprised if Capcom gave them a short deadline.

Because it was unfinished


>tfw PS3 got banned so I will never know how my old pawn is doing
she was such a great pawn and I spent so much time making her ridiculously aggressive with her inclinations, skills and equipment.

vased and definitely credpilled



Post your pawns, bros

>first time using dragonsbane on myself and seeing my pawn transform into me
>she was female, i was male
the transformation scene was so weird lol, nearly bursted into laughter when she nodded at me with my own body than ran off with the duchesse, effectively cucking me.

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my pawn is a dumb stupid bitch, I fired her and took away all her gear and then I've thrown her to the brine.

stupid bitch kept jumping off cliffs, god I hate her.

Solo is the only way to go

same to me didn't know that would happen

If I do a ng+ will I still have everything plus whats in my bank?

Who the fuck thought everfall's design was a good idea?

ur mom

i have my pawn as a fighter
i really dont get why sometimes she just stops trying to block attacks
i dont fucking understand because her inclinations are fine, challenger/mitigator
her ai can basically manage monsters like undead wyverns or garms
then suddenly we meet living armors then she starts climbing the thing and dont even bother blocking their normal slash attacks

its starting to piss me off
because she does her job like 70% of the time but 30% of the time her ai breaks

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Yes. Your equipped items will also be banked, and you'll need to reselect your abilities and perks.

>Mercede's escort quest

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>equipping shields on a pawn
I hope you didn't equip shield skills as well. The only things a fighter pawn should have is a sword, blink/burst strike and dragon's maw. Also, I forgot the name of the inclinations but you want the one that makes them travel further away from you as primary and the one that makes them pick up fights as their secondary.

How do I get into this game?

Post your arisen+pawn duo and their background:

An agile, quick-witted, but clumsy okayish looking Assassin. Just like in my shounen maymays.

A stoic, huge as fuck, bald warrior, that has sworn to protect me. Probably like Kimahri from ffx.

Jap Mercedes is way better because she is voiced by best girl miyuki sawashiro. Selene is still best girl though.


English voices are perfectly fitting for both mercedes and selene though

I'd like to see a polearm weapon class added in 2. Both spears and halberds would belong to it. As for a new ranged weapon, I think crossbows would be the obvious choice. They also should let us switch weapons real time. Another thing I'd like is the ability to use a staff in the left hand. Finally, they should add more core skill combos. I really enjoyed the one handed sword pause combo a lot more than I probably should have. It just felt weighty and satisfying to execute so it would be nice if they added a few more basic combos.

I'm a weeb so I prefer jap to english for all voices with the exception to Grigori who is objectively better in english.

It's the same woman doing both Mercedes and Selene.
Nothing wrong with that.

>for some reason

Online picks a random player character to reinforce the whole timeskip bit between playthroughs, offline uses the character you cleared the game with as a sort of treat and/or implying that your character reigned that whole time.

The dialogue after the fight explicitly reveals that they're fucking EXHAUSTED spiritually by that point too, basically only going on out of sheer sense of duty. Grigori was possibly a little too good at one half of his job.

France colonized Africa and owned Mauritius for a long time..

Simple dude who just wanted to protect his village and got dragged into a huge mess. At the moment he's even learning about magic from other pawns.
Cute and pragmatic assassin that's enjoying learning about the world with the new Arisen.

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ehm yo.. bro.. u got any slides?

How much Strength/Magick is recommended for a Magick Archer in BBI? I have around 1000 on both my staff and bow, and 900+ on my daggers but i feel like I'm not doing decent dmg to anything.
I played 80% of the game as MA, did i fuck up? Should i change to Ranger?

>just realized i played with all female gang 90% of the time
Should i try playing as a fatass for better carry weight?

why don't you make this same post in dark souls threads?

difference is that ffxiv is shit and for faggots and dd is cool and for good boys

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>thing I don't like
>thing other people like but I want to pretend I don't like

I hope you're twelve

You're fine, you can't fuck up in this game. You just need the LVL2 BBI magik bow, once you break around 1.5k magic you can steamroll everything. Before that, you can use magik rebalancer(you can stack it 4 times) or periats to boost your damage.
Make sure You're exploiting enemy weakspots, and also their elemental weakness. I just got done with the BBI challenge as a magik archer, which is essentially going into BBI at level 6ish and staying until you beat Daimon's second form.
No. Just make sure character taller or use sinew + leg strength

I love the fact that they speak in their tongue and only you can understand what they are saying always talking about things related to your destiny. It makes their fights very awe-inspiring and surreal.

Left actually looks better. Lot better color balance than ORANGE.

I'd like to imagine you see the kid falling from the sky a few moments later.

I didn't feel like I was doing much damage until 140 or 150 as MA; had about 1200 magick by then with shitty daggers. Once you get some Helmbarte and dragonforge them you'll feel the Strength difference.

If you really can't kill much, just buy a bunch of Tagilus' Miracle or Salomet's Secret and carry a billion on you and chug a bunch for harder fights.

>he doesn't play as a guy so he can be princess carried by his pawnfu

embarrassing. but I understand yuri undertones.

Yes. Make sure you do LOAD game and not NEW game. Even though you're doing new game plus, you must still pick load game

>>have to get far into the game before I can get them again
Merchants retain the same stock as they did at the end of your first game in NG+.

they return with 3 stars when they die and get sent back. that's most likely what's happening, or people just aren't bothering to rate

To expand on this, you generally want everfall or BBI tier 1 weapons for your first run of BBI. For your second run, you generally want a dragonforged BBI2 weapon. Make sure You're also using the strength/magic boosting augments, and using the skill rings. (Ninefold ring > 90+ magic ring)
Having these isn't necessary, but it allows you to easily break all of the enmy thresolds without needing periats or ridiculously long fights.

I fucked up and got Fournival in jail, should I restart the game or can I buy the buffs from someone else?

Are you me?

Apprentice sorcerer coming from a forgotten noble line in the past. Coming to terms with the fact the world depends on him and his status as the Arisen as been hard, and his mind is always racing with doubts about himself and about his identity. Has great potential as a Sorcerer, held back by his own insecurities and past.

Big, burly, no-nonsense Warrior childhood friend, accompanying the young sorcerer on his quest. Always felt like it was his duty to protect him, since the apprentice always seemed in need of a helping hand and a chance to prove himself. Has sworn to be by his friend's side, no matter what the sorcerer decides to do with his status as the Arisen.

>put nude mods for the heck of it
>play the game without any armor just to see if it works
>now I keep getting boners everytime I do a quest
Fucking hell this is amazing and gameplay disrupting at the same time, I can't play like this

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It's not necessary, the periats are just a crutch. If you're playing magic archer, than just use magic rebalancer until your bow hits hard enough to break the damage thresolds. Magic Rebalancer + skillful knowledge of the enemies weakness will allow you to survive in BBI until you get better weapons.
But if you insist on starting over, then just choose hard mode from the main menu, and then once you get in the game toggle back to normal. Hard mode starta the game over with all of your current progress, so you can rush to Gran Soren in about an hour and regain acess to Fornival

Anyone play Dragons Dogma online? Is it good?

A child needs to be with his parents

fucking hell those eyes still creep me out

What's the point of getting max level ig there is no additional content and bosses can be killed in 5 seconds? Grind online ur dragon?


To get every single piece of equipment and play dress up

>Hard mode starta the game over with all of your current progress
That's what I did after "accidentally" finishing the game early, I didn't know that giving the pawn the 20 wakestones would be the final quest. I had barely explored the Everfall and didn't even touch BBI so that was kind of a bummer. My second playthrough was on hard and i just rushed through everything and got around 35 lvls.
Would switching to Ranger be worth it or is my dmg too low? I'm around lvl 100 and most of these lvls were as MA, can i keep switching between both vocations or is it better to stick with one?

If you don't feel like there's anything you want to do just stop.
I found it fun to replay a couple of times, fight my old Arisen and Pawn (had to be offline for that), get all the items and set up the outfits/characters I wanted then again.
Level the vocations you haven't fucked with enough, try goofy shit out like, start being a philanthropist with low level Pawns.
It becomes a sandbox "fuck around" game at that point so it's only as interesting as you make it.


Suck that NG+ is completely fucked and boring as hell to play because the enemies don't change according to the players level making it piss easy. Here's hoping that this will change in the sequel same with hard mode.

This plus I usually go for 50/50 str/mag build with 4k HP and 4k stamina so I can play any vocation I desire without fucking myself up by having wrong stats for the job aaand before ya'll gimme shit about "Equipment is enough for stats" - yeah nah my dudes.

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I'm ready for a sequel bros... I 'm ready !!!!!

Everyone's been ready for years now.

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How many re-releases and remasters have we been through now?

I wish the seneschal wasn't such a pushover. All that build up only to get one shotted by my sword

Then dark arisen for those
Then what, PC after like 3 milion years with NO berserk extras aka fuck off capcom
Then PS4/Xbone
Now switch + in the meantime DDO for chinks.
7 fucking years now, isn't it?

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>PC after like 3 milion years with NO berserk extras aka fuck off capcom
Did that ever get ripped and modded in?

Yeah you can mod it in but it's ps3 quality and doesn't look good with the rest of the stuff.

Really? Post the link, google gives me nothing for some reason.

Hmm I swear I've seen it done sometime at launch but I might've been mistaken then.

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This game really rarely manages to put you in that sweet spot when you are not too strong, but not too weak to fight a boss. Either boss takes 0 damage and decimates you or gets killed in a couple of hits.

>ctrl+F "Travis"
>0 results
I've searched EVERYWHERE online and can't find ANY news. Can someone please just tell me if they canceled the Travis Touchdown pawn?
>just make it urself, bro

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>with NO berserk extras
and no fly into free

>could have gotten DDO2
>get dmc5 instead

Never ever.

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Fuck you all, I'll have to play DD again. Is it dead on the ps4?

Idk, but I think I need to play it again too.

>tfw all my pawns end up becoming obsessed with picking up items instead of helping out in fights because I obsessively grab every last item I see laying around

You are that dumbfuck that went from dmc vs ff to ff vs dd?

I've got a similar story.
>friend of mine asks me if I'd found the pond filled with healing water
>I respond that I had no idea such a thing existed and he tells me roughly where to go to find it
>stock up on empty bottles and off I go with my pawns
>search the entire area in search of this mythical pond, desperately trying to fend off enemies that are way stronger than I was at the time
>end up having to seek high ground to escape a bunch of wolves
>after a long trek, finally find the pond, which looks fantastic in the moonlight
>now with a truckload of bottles of restoratives on my person, me and my pawns waited for sunlight on a nearby boulder
>feel like a proper adventurer that had just gone off in search of treasure after hearing a rumor in a tavern

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Are mage and sorcerer pawns the worst?
>casts spell
>about to finish
>whoops tough luck pal enemy just got within 20 meter radius from me, better take 1 step back and start casting all over again
And i can't even ignore and not have them in party, when i play pure physical damage vocation

Sorcerer pawns are amazing if you are using spell sync, otherwise they might be either very dumb or very useful.


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Ha jokes on the dragon, only person I actually care about is my tiny pawn daughter!

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>played through the whole game as warrior
>beat nearly every boss in the everfall
>go through BBI and beat daimon
>now at level 78 and practically oneshot anything that's not a boss

What else should I do? This game is fun as fuck but I don't know if there's really anything left to do at this point except sidequests and the Ur Dragon but fuck hitting those wing hearts as warrior

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Your damage is fine. Grab the Sorcerer and Mage augments that boost your magic, and then grab a LVL2 bbi Magic bow and you will be fine. You don't need to minmax in this game

Did you do a second run of BBI? It completely changes on your second run.

Switxh to any bow class and you enjoy laughable damage with bow, this will make game hard again

I did not, user. That should be fun. Thanks

Do the bow classes have any satisfying skills? I play as warrior because the big meaty slashes of a greatsword are the fucking bomb.com and i'd hate playing as a bowman without something cool like arc of deliverance

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Do your 2nd run of BBI of first before you change your vocation. Be prepared for rooms with 5 living armors, or 7 eliminators, double diredragon rooms, 3x garms, or any of the 3 new dragon variants. Not to mention that the Daimom battle gains another stage that's twice as hard.

Is the pawn community still active on PC? I started playing this, and got about 30 hours in, then for reasons I don't remember, I stopped playing. That was about three years ago. I don't think I can just jump back in to where I left off, so I was going to just start from the beginning.

>mfw i can finally play the game with an ENB installed and keep it above 60fps
The GPU was worth it for that alone.

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>living armors

Okay, how the fuck am I supposed to kill these things as a warrior? In the one room in BBI where it was required to kill one, after breaking its armor, I had to stall for like 10 minutes for my sorcerer pawn to decide to do a damaging spell.
Do I have to find/use an enchanted weapon? Because being granted an element affinity by my pawn only let me do mere pixels of damage to its health bar

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- enchanted weapon
- gravity kill
- single-use magick scrolls and tomes (Surging Light Tome is the best IMO)

I actually never tried but is it complete the game as a healer?

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Don't sexualize Jillian she's actually useful.


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>tfw you accept Reynard's escort mission in your first playthrough
>"The Greatwall uh? Doesn't sound too bad"
I got nearly erased by the chimera in the forest before the mountain pass, then the cyclop before the bandit fortress threw a pawn off the cliff. It ended up with me running for my life from another chimera, a bunch of harpies and orcs, completely blind thanks to the swamps, and reaching the camp by miracle. All the pawn left behind to buy me time.

Then half a minute later a blind, poisoned, nearly dead Reynard ran into the camp, completing the mission.

Again with this cherrypicked webms?