Is Dragon Quest V best on PS2 emu or DS emu...

Is Dragon Quest V best on PS2 emu or DS emu? I know the PS2 version is completely orchestrated and has better cutscenes but DS has Debora. What do you all think?

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Debora > All

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Unless you really really want Debora, PS2 version all the way.

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Why would you want ugly graphics and a mediocre fan translation?
Play the DS version. Also, I know IV's phone port has a higher quality soundtrack than it's DS version, can anyone confirm if it's true for V too?

For comparison, IV DS:

IV mobile:


Android with controller or DS emulator. The ps2 version is awful, don't ruin the game before you play it

DS is superior.
It has best wife and I don't like the 3d models of the ps2 version.
Especially in combat.

PS2. Hands down. The fan translation is 100 times better than the horrific DS version's OCH WEE LADDY IM JUST AN AULD SCOTTISH LAD OCH!

My opinion begins and ends with Debora.

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>fan translation
>Eurobong localization

Mobile version

Easily PS2, it has a far better script.

DS version is better. It also has the best wife.

V on DS
IV unironically on Mobile.

5 and 6 have same OST on DS and Mobile and are better played on DS.
Only 4 is better on mobile due to bugfixes, music upgrade and Party Talk being translated.

And just to prove I'm not lying:

PS2 version has a higher encounter rate than DS/Mobile

If you have good taste, play on the DS for best girl

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>amerimutt cucks want the cuck non-canon waifu
as expected

>cuck non-canon waifu
no need to beat down Florafags, they have it rough enough already

I've played a lot of DQ5 DS and haven't touched the mobile version, but from the gameplay clip you linked of the mobile port, it's apparent that the soundtrack sounds slightly different. Most noticeable for me in the battle theme

>calls other people cucks for wanting the waifu with the least cuck porn
what did he mean by this

>Pick Deborah
>The game guilt trips you for not picking Bianca
I hate this shit so damn much.

t. Crispin

I just beat DQV with the best wife and I don't remember the game guilt tripping me at all for not picking Bianca or the blue haired shitter.

At least you played the DS version.
In the original version the guilt is even harder and her dad dies.

>being so mad that the non-canon choice outclasses the wetblanket canon choice that you make up bullshit headcanon.
>being such a fag you can't handle a waifu who brings the bantz.
What a wanker

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Doesn't Bianca end up marrying some fat shop dude? It's been a while

Debora has the best party chat. Also what she tells you before the final boss is pretty cute.

Mobile version, best of the DS with better quality graphics and ost.
>no buttons
for an ancient rpg it doesn't hinder it at all but you do you

PS2 version is great for replays but as much as you want to hate on the official translation it's measurably better than a fan-translation done by a literal who. DQV story deserves better than that.

>wife debate
I raise to monster debate, posting best boy

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Debora/Slime Knight
best wife and best monster, prove me wrong

Rude. Slime Knight is the son I never had.

Is there a way to keep the Android version from soft-resetting while minimized? I hate minimizing the game and then coming back to the title screen and losing progress.

I checked the "gaming mode" settings on Android and it doesn't look like there's anything there.

the only thing the PS2 version has going for it is the orchestrated OST, its not even translated last I checked

>its not even translated last I checked
When did you check? Because it was translated ten years ago.

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what phone? I had a shit phone and my gacha games kept resetting back to the menu when I minimized them and spent more than 30 seconds without bringing the game back

Oneplus 5. It's a bit old but nothing that wouldn't handle a DS game.

Who's that girl with the blue hair? I've never seen her before.

The text accent stuff in V is nowhere near as bad as 4

Yes you have. I can understand how you might have forgotten her though.

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I'm pretty sure the fan translation makes it worse than it actually was.