Are there any must play VR games right now on the PS4?
And is it worth buying for watching 360 video on youtube?
How about 3D movies?

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Deracine is cool

It's unremarkable.

There are no must plays anything for VR because it is a gimmick.

Astrobot, Tetris Effect, Blood & Truth, Moss, Fnaf VR, Trover Saves the Universe, Resident Evil 7, and WipEOut Omega Collection.

Stop being obtuse and actually try the damn thing. Never had anyone not say VR wasn't amazing. Never gets old either.

VR is great. Deracine is not.

Calm down! Relax!

Beat Saber is a must. The game is amazing but it doesn't have a lot of songs. Do any one know if OST3 is gonna be paid or free?

I refuse to get Beast Saber on PSVR since it doesn't allow custom songs so I'm just missing out on the game.

Yeah that sucks but I don't want to fiddle around to get PSVR working on PC so I just bought it, the game is fucking amazing as is.
It also might be one of the sharpest game in vr on basic ps4

How is the cinematic mode for 2d games? Is it blurry or is really good and immersive ?

Wrong, it does some really smart things with VR that other studios haven't figured out yet. I like the way it focuses on people, unlike most VR games that are all about the environment or robots or shooting things far away. It's also atmospheric as fuck with a good story

It's fine but nothing amazing. Don't believe in the "cinema screen before your eyes" shit, the fov is too small to fully enjoy it.

Don't forget any of the Nintendo VR games can be played properly using PSVR.

Isn't it distracting that the enviroment is static if you're not interacting with npcs?

Cheers thought it be like that but hey better than nothing and probs still really cool

I'm assuming the motion controllers are pretty much mandatory?
If so, which bundle is better:
Blood & Truth and Golf with your Friends
Borderlands 2 and Beatsaber
Deracine looks good to me but I'm into walking simulators. The person I'm thinking of getting it for isn't really into walking sims.
The Invisible Hours looks really good to me too, but I'm not sure if people here think it's good or not.
What I want to know is, does it work with the 360 videos you see on youtube? And are there any great 360 degree 'virtual vacation' type videos available?

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no, most of the time you don't notice whether time is stopped or not because you're exploring a big victorian building

100% beat saber, blood and truth is great but it was released physically so it's gonna be easier to find it cheaper. Beat Saber was never even on sale in PS Store.

I might pick that up then

RE7 and Astro Bot are must plays for PSVR. Haven't tried Blood & Truth yet.

Cool thanks.
Also Fisherman's Tale looks good but again not sure.

Not really. RE7 and Astro Bot are the only standout ones. Everything else quality varies depening on preference.

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I would wait for PS5 VR, that should have the hardware to make it a little more worth

put my PSVR in storage months ago.

is there a 'virtual cinema' app yet?

you can just plug PSVR into anything with HDMI to get that

i mean a virtual cinema where you can look around and see the seats, aisles, etc.
i expected there to be at least a paid one on PS4, because samsung has a virtual cinema app that is pretty nice and free.