Fuck this overpowered little shit

Fuck this overpowered little shit

>Literally impossible to see on Dagobah

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Other urls found in this thread:


mmmmmm Disney I am
Crash pandemic servers online so people will buy my corporate schlock alternative I must

Anyone else think the Fest map really favors the Empire?

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>drop mine or shoot rocket

The only scary Heroes are the ones that can shoot.

Who's up for GA on the Pandem Nai map?

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Starfighter Assault on Lokud 7 is always a good time!

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Defend the transports on Taloraan!

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2005 Classic is still playable online though
In fact I'm playing it right now

Traveling to Ord Biniir....

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Threadly reminder that Twi’lekfuckers get the Rancor pit same as the Jedi

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>not wanting to squish sexy lekkus

Really glad DICE added the Brentaal IV map

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wtf are these shitposts

Thank you so much DICE for CS on Myrkr!

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Togruta are better anyway

>that U-Wing
muh dik

This is your last warning lekku licker

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Hats off to our boys at EA and DICE for the Lamaredd map!

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paid shill

Whenever I attempt to play multiplayer the game just closes immediately
I don't know why
Also the mouse acceleration on multiplayer is horrible

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Mustering forces at New Plympto because matchmaking doesn't suck anymore!

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Another shot of Lamaredd! DICE really swung for the fences!

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I was replaying it recently with a friend in co-op and the game does not hold up. Gets dull fast. Combat is brainded

The boring world of Savareen truly brought to life by DICE!

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Stop the Zann Consortium's contraband from leaving Fort Ypso in a new Extraction map!

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>Most of the planets mentioned ITT are either obscure as shit worlds from the EU regurgitated into the nucanon ,and probably bastardized, or literal who planets of Didney wars that only appear in some shitty board games or books
What is the purpouse of your posts, user?

Increase your diplomacy score to bring rebel cells together in BF2's new Conquest mode!

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Whoa! Maintain your own hanger with your teammates on Foerost! Coming soon!

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Favorite class?
Mine would have to be the Clone Commander

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Whats with the shill on this thread wtf, is this some sort of meme?

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Is there any hunt mode map as one sided as Wampas vs Rebels?

While waiting for a match to begin, freely explore Coronet City with your favorite heroes!

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But why didn't GAMERS play Space Muslims vs Jewas?

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The nefarious First Order is attacking peaceful Grail City! A new Capital Supremacy map for you ST fans!

Attached: Grail_City, Ikkrukk.jpg (1000x751, 114K)

More like White Supremacy map, Empire > Rebel losers

And not even good shills tbqh, seriously if you want to sell the game by pretending that DICE will even consider to put planets that not even on a lifetime will appear in any game anymore shill B-List planets like Kuat, Felucia, Mygeeto, Dathomir,Raxus Prime or even fucking Dagobah

Favorite mod?
Coruscant: Modern Warfare for me

You guessed it! Beloved worlds like Oslumpex V coming to GA, Blast, and Strike modes!

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Forgot your image

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imagine being born on a planet called Osumplex V
holy shit

Brave the unforgiving world of Daxam IV in a new Drop Zone map! That's right, this mode is coming back!

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Couldn't be worse than maul on Polis Massa.

what the fuck is going on in this thread, none of these maps are in BF2

they're only working on Mygeeto and Felucia right now

Ready to strike a garrison on Berchest? Buy the new flight prep DLC and gas up your fighter!

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When the galactic civil war only gets shit special classes, not even true Commandos or Droidekas.

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Battle for supremacy on the windswept world of Diddlon XI! Can you do any less?!

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Thanks I hate it.

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More like Kiddie Diddlon XI

Run to Dagobah
R-Run to Dagobah


romania isn't an alien planet silly

In an upcoming mode....race your buddies on Er'Kit or blow them up instead!

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I wonder what hes getting paid considering both new games are bargain bin 5-10 dollars now

every hunt map was one sided for the native team

Holy shit! Play as your favorite and recognizable heroes on Heroes vs. Villains on the moon of Hubin!

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Battle Imperial forces for custody rights in the New Singliosis system!

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I don't think so
maybe the one in mos eisley with the tuskan raiders and jawas
but nothing is as broken as those wampas

Using the aforementioned Diplomacy System, clans can band together and decide the fate of the galaxy....or splinter apart and carve out your own territories!

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Hey, what's that? A new Heroes vs. Bodyguards mode! Send your thanks to DICE!

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Keep the peace in Tythoni Square with the new Occupier tank! Can house multiple teammates!

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Please let this end...

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>Dabs on your entire race

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>Hmm we have the most wanted man in the galaxy outnumbered, and we have captured his companions
>Shall we use our numbers advantage to ensure his defeat?
>No, let me 1v1 him with my sick dual wielding

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Speeder bikes on Abafar? You demanded, DICE supplied!

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choke on my shit

Free-roam on Nar Shaddaa before matches? DICE was listening! Add suggestions at their forum today!

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I know we all love EA and DICE here, that's why we have Empire vs. Rebels on Naboo now! Stop the evil Lerr Duvat before he destroys the planet!

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I don't think there's much more I hate than this...

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How's the battlefront thread go-

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Silence mandalorefag everyone knows you wanted to be boba fett and mandalore was only ever created as a coping strategy for kids like you not getting to be the special snowflake.

You asked for it! Explore the dark jungles of Hissrich as the Galactic Republic! Thanks, DICE!

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Battle royale for your favorite bounty hunters and outlaws? You know it! We love DICE!

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Ever wanted to manage a city on Hosnian Prime? Check out our new mode!

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Was hoping the new Jedi game could be good, but it seems like its DOA since you can't even dismember people with a lightsaber. Why have games gone backwards? CDPR save me!

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My favorite class is the fathier jockey! A well-rounded new unit type!

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>Why have games gone backwards?
They haven't, that's just the usual console trash.

Wanna place a bet on Abregado-Rae? You can now with a new Sabacc mode!

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This Sullustan resort town will be occupied by Imperials soon! In our new campaign, build bases and manage resources to send the enemy packing!

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>Why have games gone backwards?
EA. Just look at nu-Battlefront.

Our friends at EA and DICE know you miss Hero Hunt, so be prepared for Manhunt mode in August! Chase your prey on the streets of Denon and Lexrul!

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I cant tell if this is an actual attempt at shilling or just shitposting.

Harvest precious doonium on Lothal! Defend the mining droid and see your credits skyrocket!

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Bacta stations and med droids now on every GA and CS map! Coming in August!

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Holy cuntflaps! Pilot those fuck-ugly Resistance transports and drop your buddies on the frontlines in an upcoming Mamkoda Spaceport map!

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The Imperials are getting away with those kyber crystals! Stop them in a new Extraction map! Coming in October! Thanks, DICE!

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Why are there pilots actively fighting in a ground fight?

The waters of Iskalon are deadly....so stay in the skies, flyboys! Sink the destroyers in a new CS map!

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Hello! The Fest map allows you to choose new pilot skins for ground battles! Just ask DICE!

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ask pandemic

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Yeah right. They’d never remove regenerating health just because a lot of people are nostalgic

They weren’t fast enough to get to their ships duh

That's why we're only testing it out on GA and CS. If the reception is positive, we'll move on to other modes!

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You’re dedicated to your LARP and I can respect that

Dunno what you mean but stay tuned for updates! We all love BF2 over here!

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