Destiny 2

Yea Forums BTFO once again

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And it'll be dead by the end of the month.

Why now? It isn't September and the new expansion isn't out yet

Pill me on this. I don’t know the difference between the colors of pill.

different people have different tastes in games
also the game is going in the right direction with the base game going free to play in september

Why, there isn't even anything specific going on in game now? If anything the closer to Shadowkeep and the F2P part, the higher the count will be.

Destiny 2 has bar none some of the best raiding mechanics I think I've seen in any game

Who cares if it is? People playing this game are wasting their precious time on Earth. I call it natural selection

that's really depressing, it's such a shitty game. all those hours being wasted that could be spent on good games instead reminds me of all the shitty games i wasted time with.

I remember all the threads about how Bungie was trying to get out of their contract with Activision so that they could ditch the IP and start anew, but if anything they got out of bed with Activision so that they could double down on making D2 a great game, even going so far as to postpone D3 for the foreseeable future, if not indefinitely.

It's high because they gave two expansions out for free recently.

Opulence was decent for a small expansion of content (far better than Joker's Wild and Black Armory), and also with the announcement of the changes coming Sept probably drew a lot of absent players in.

Lots of people own D2 and lots of people want D2 to be good, the player count has always been decent despite what Yea Forums will have you believe. I think it's going in a good direction but the changes in Sept will make or break the franchise.

Because they are making all the right decisions. I have no fucking idea where the story is going anymore since it's just been an endless foreshadowing circle jerk about Savathun since the game launched, but at least they are pandering to their core audience now in the gameplay and mechanics department. Eververse is still cancer and I really hope the lootbox bill goes through so Bright Engrams go the way of the dodo.

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>do daily/weekly quests for powerful gear
>nothing to do until they reset
I don't know 5 other dorks who play this to do nightfalls. Is there any other way to progress?

>t. javelincuck

if they were making all the right decisions they would have bundled forsaken with the new expansion
I don't want to pay $100 for a full game

I doubt Forsaken will be full or even half price when Shadowkeep launches.

how much closer is it to the first game now?
Its not Aksis but this theme gives me an undead alien boner

>Great art direction
>Cool lore
>Story from Forsaken onward has been actually pretty good
>Gameplay feels great
>It's not particularly grind compared to most games like it
>Incoming rpg elements and customization in the fall
>F2P and Buy what you want pricing model starting in the fall

I know Destiny became THE game to rag on and Bungie certainly hasn't helped along the way. But honestly D2 has always had a great game somewhere inside it and for the past year a lot of that great game has shone through.

I'm fine with them making the game less story-focused. Making story content like the D2 vanilla campaign takes a lot of resources, I'd rather they focus on using resources to create replayable content. Menagerie is a fun little activity that I think goes towards this direction.

I am confused about what they're doing with the Dreaming City shit though, and Mara and all that. She fucked off and Uldren has not shown up yet. I'm afraid we'll never get closure for this whole arc seeing as the next expansion has nothing to do with the Dreaming City and every expansion is going to be "independent" from now on.

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It's surpassed it since Forsaken in terms of QoL and equipment management. September will bring back more RPG elements (rumors to be like D1's ability trees) and also armour transmog, or some sort of progression system added to armour.

By not being Anthem


it's currently $40 for forsaken and shadowkeep with the annual pass is $60
that's $100

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Im really tired of the Savathun shit. It's going on 3 years. Stop tiptoeing and fucking put her in the game.

Because they made the game free you dumb nigger

In the fall it will have even deeper stats than the first game. All armor will have Int, Discipline, Strength, mobility, resilience, and restoration stats out of 100 plus the ability to add any perks you want and level up to unlock more perk slots. The only thing D1 will have over it at that point is Sparrow Horns.

desu most of those players are probably AFKing in rumble for rune drops lmao

check the price on steam instead

its free in september
they gave the game for free on battle net and ps plus but that was a year ago

On one hand you've got a developer who broke free of Activision and finally making their own decisions about what to monetize and how much to monetize.

On the other hand you've got the realization that even free of Activision it's a crap shoot as far as whether or not part of the problem was also the fact that Bungie is past it's peak and has only barely avoided BioWare levels of failure.

It's not free until September buddy.

>All armor will have Int, Discipline, Strength, mobility, resilience, and restoration stats out of 100
Where did you hear that? I didn't see that in the announcement or interviews.

Riddle me this.
How did they manage to completely fuckup when launching the sequel?
Was it on purpose to sell the expansions that will finally fix the game?

All the content from release up until last September is going to be f2p this September, plus some story stuff from D1, just pick it up then, play it and see if you enjoy it. The game has people who love it and people that hate it. I enjoy it in 1 month bursts followed by 4ish months of downtime. The gunplay is solid in my opinion, again, entirely my opinion. Get it when it's free, decide if you want to dish out 40 bucks for the new expansion.

The recent stream and Y3 reveals heavily indicated that Bungie is doing the right things and that it was Activision that stopped them from adding depth to the game. Eververse I still on them but I suppose you gotta pay the bills somehow without a big publisher behind you.

Hopefully speculation is true that the next raid boss in Shadowkeep is Quria, which would probably transfer in Savathun actually showing up akin to Oryx showing up after Crota got bullied
Honestly I just hope the next raid isn't Taken/Hive and its actually Vex/Taken

Activision liked lootboxes and absolutely insisted that loot in Destiny use them to some extent.

That alone was enough of a kneecap for Destiny 2 to get off to a shit start. It was also hilariously fuckin short because both Activision and Bungie wanted to leave the first game behind.

I read somewhere that they have two teams (development and live team) and these two teams never fucking talked to each other or collaborated. So while the live team was cleaning up D1 the dev team was making D2 and not paying attention to the fixes the live team was making. Same thing happened with 2

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>How did they manage to completely fuckup when launching the sequel?
It was plainly obvious that some higher up, whether it was Bungo or Activision, wanted to steer the game in the direction of casuals. I'm not sure if Bungie's recent jabs at Activision are them trying to put off the blame to Activision, but at least they have openly acknowledged that they are focusing on making the game catered to its core playerbase instead. That is, focusing on endgame content, raids, worldbuilding and lore.

It's taken two years to recover from that shit and the franchise is forever tarnished by it, really. It's fine where it is now but there's still a lot of crap to iron out.

>make game F2Play
>playcount goes up
holy shit this is revolutionary

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>People dislike your mediocre game
>A bunch of truly shitty competitors come out
>People reluctantly log in and play your mediocre game

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my dick

I hope all gear gets this treatment, including blue and even green gear.

To be perfectly clear, I'm watching the same shit you are watching and I'm hopeful at the moment as well.

But AAA in general is a fucking trash heap right now. Destiny 2's complete crisis of identity under Activisions thumb is just one small part of the clusterfuck the industry has under way. Having too much faith in a Dev can and will lead to disappointment. I'm firmly of the train of thought that I'd rather expect nothing and be surprised than hype myself for this shit to be a big revival and have it not live up.

It's not free yet though.

They got the memo after year one and got their shit together, ESPECIALLY in the lore department. Fucking hell the lore has been exquisite so far
Content is also there. Not my cup of tea (taken king tier) but still good. People tend to downplay this game but it consistently tops microtransaction sales (silver) and day 1 raids on every DLC puts the game on top of twitch views because not many games have activities like those

Not f2p yet. That launches in September.
They did give the base game away last year but since that's the shitty version you still have to pay to get in with the times.

As someone who has put over 500 hours in Destiny 1 and nearly 250 hours in Destiny 2:
It's not worth it. This is how they actually get you, they release a game that is unfinished and take your money first and intentionally set you up to buy more dlc that fixes the game that should have been there since release. CoO and Warmind both should have been part of vanilla Destiny 2 and it's insulting how they are still going about their design philosophy of "just fix it later". If you count up all the dlc from both destiny 1 and 2, you get well above over 100 dollars and hitting barely over the 200 mark. The amount of money and time that is invested in this game in order to be considered "good" is simply not worth it. Your time is much better spent in something like Borderlands 2 if you want a true looter shooter experience. I'm not buying your shitty dlc that should have been in the base game anymore, I'm not letting you leech off my wallet just to crush my hopes for the future anymore

I'm afking Rumble right now, nigger. I need to get me that god-rolled Erentil before they fix the Menagerie chest glitch.

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It's...likely? They seemed to hint that all gear is essentially just aesthetic now, as in it drops pretty much as a blank slate for you to customize how you like. The vidoc features gaurdians wearing at least legendary armor from all over the past 2 years indicating it'll work for pretty much every set in the game. But again at least just legendary.

I'm kind of bummed they're apparently moving away from story content and focusing on endgame shit. I even liked the base game story and I really hate pvp and raids

>I even liked the base game story and I really hate pvp and raids
I'll give you pvp but the story content is ass and the only fun parts of the game are the raids and endgame stuff like mangerie.

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Do I have to buy like three seasons worth of content to get all the new gear or do I just have to pay for a season pass and get everything

I remember playing destiny 1 raids with my bros. Then I bought 2 when it came out and stopped playing after about 10 hours.

If you want to play Foreskin then yes but come September you can completely ignore Forsaken's content.

They're saying that you should be able to play raids within hours of playing the game.

forsaken is not bundled with the new expansion
and the new expansion is $40 or $60 if you want the annual pass with al lthe shit (forsaken not bundled even in the $60 version)

>doesn't like pvp
>has a picture of shaxx saved

Fuck you.

So is the DLC worth buying on sale?

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You can dislike crucible all you want but you can't hate my nigga Shaxx.

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I meant specifically with the season passes and not the expansions. Is your answer still the same? I'd have to pay for opulence and the other two? Or is that not how it works. Sorry if it's a dumb question

based and fatpilled

How the fuck will moving from BNET to steam work??

This game got no depth, it's just some casual fps with beautiful armor and weapon.

Your data is stored on bungie's site. So I guess you'd just log in with your bungie account and it'll download your characters through their site

we just don't know

I'm thinking of giving this game a try since Warframe has gotten stale and I don't have anything to play currently.

Do I go with blue man or robot man for race?
Also any tips for classes?

Race doesn't matter at all. It's cosmetic.
I haven't played for over a year so I can't give accurate information on the classes.

Destiny is great, the only reason you hate on it is because you wanna be a hipster

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Shaxx would be disappointed in you.


What does current D2 do better then D1?

I got this game for free with my GPU when it came out but that was when it was a part of activision so it is attached to my blizzard launcher I think. How do we play it now that it is separated from it?

It's on pc instead of consoles only

Eververse was Bungie's idea, a lot of the decisions were Bungie's ideas. Activision played less of a role than what people think.

It's how it works now. It's all 3 or nothing. It's changing to a piece meal system in the fall.

It separates in September. You'll just log in with your bungie account when it comes to steam and it'll have all your shit there.

Oh I have a toy of that guy

shadowkeep isn't in the complete collection on bnet you fuckin goober

Thank you user. I appreciate the help.

I busted my ass for two weeks to get to blue runes and that glitch saved my ass once I could start getting random drops of 500 Chuck-e-Cheese tokens.

Destiny 2 would be perfect if they added Destiny 1 content into the game and just changed the name to Destiny. They need to bring back the Destiny 1 crucible since the crucible was their biggest fuck up in 2.

Games shit grow a pair stupid zoomer

Gun balance is several orders of magnitude better, the split between energy and kinetic not being based on weapons, abilities adding sorely needed depth to the game, no hilariously broken shit. I could go on.

The only thing missing from the D2 Crucible is the maps, some of which were utter shit in D1. Overall meta balance is better in D2.

>Devils best gun for 90% of the games life span
>Gun balance
>abilities adding sorely needed depth to the game
>give all abilities longer cooldowns so you can't use them as often
Peak fun user

ah ok, so I only have the base game but OP says they gave away some xpacs? I never even played the game btw.

How? I can't even find pvp matches.

I would write it all out, but I'm too lazy

In summery:
>Warlock is excellent for pve, mediocre at pvp
>Hunter is for cunts, also good at PVE and PVP
>Titan doesn't really have a place in the current meta, but is decent at both PVP and PVE with skill and effort and an affinity for punching people

Aw, I wanted to play a titan and i'm mostly interested in pvp I guess.

Titans punch. Do you like punching things? Then Titan. It even has classes dedicated to just punching, or throwing hammers at people. Do you want to throw hammer at people and punch them?

literally how?

I'm guessing they go well with shotguns? I do love shotguns.

When it goes to steam it'll also have the free base game, which will also include the Osiris and Warmind expac

please respond Yea Forums

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Then have multiple ways and reasons to get in close, yeah. One of the arc subclasses gives you health when you melee kill an enemy, so you can shotgun n punch your way around the battlefield. Shotguns are in a good spot atm, but most of the god tier ones are a pain to get since you're looking for specific rolls or specific shotguns. Acrius for example requires raid completion, lord of wolves is rng drop from bounties.

Destiny is gay

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It depends on which one. Osiris is kind of OK. Warmind was disappointing and apparently forsaken is p good but I stopped playing at that point. I'm guessing people are either going to say "wait for the new one or only get forsaken and the new one"

Depends which dlc you mean. COO and Warmind will be free in september. Only Forsaken, Season Pass and Shadowkeep will be paid. Forsaken is worth, season pass is hit or miss, if you want more content after Forsaken, then get Season pass, otherwise just wait for Shadowkeep and return to the previous question after you finish it.

No, they never will be. The people in this thread are people who literally spent nearly 200 dollars on a game that was worse then the game before it which had nearly the exact same issues on launch as Destiny 2.

Devils was the best gun for the first two weeks of the game before everyone went to Midnight Coup and the ability times were cut in half over 18 months ago you retard. At least play the games you want to shitpost about first.

Summer break. Zoomzoom.

Titans are definitely still a choice.
They, while sitting in the role of a tank in the trinity outside of a "classical" mmo that can't properly be executed in an FPS, are quite powerful especially in PVP
They have one hit kills on most of their melee abilities, and decent grenades once you learn how to use them
Their supers are decent for PVP but lacking mostly in PVE - Titan's void bubble shield is largely neglected in PVP yet it is versatile given the right tactics

Reminder that the people that play Deadstiny and frequented the dead general on /vg/ are in real life gayer than /ffxiv/ generalists.

They're also shit at Deadstiny.

I am the best player in the world at destiny.

>seething Warcuck
keep crying baby.

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Don't listen to that guy. Titans wreck shit so long as you play as aggressive as the class demands and learn how to go fast.

do existing owners get the free xpax?

Literal bullshit because up until the second DLC no other gun had more play time in PVP. You know that usage of weapons is tracked on third party sites right?

>grind forever just for the sake of grind
why would you waste your time like that instead of playing something fun

Did you guys know about the man in the destiny general on /vg/ who had his dick kicked off when he was a kid cause this other kid had metal cleats during a soccer game

And now hes still friends with the kid who did it whose also a fury

Everyone gets the free expac famalam. The "base game" that is free is actually just all of the year one content. So everyone is getting base, Warmind, and Osiris free.

>Most used gun
>Over Crimson
>Over Uriel's Gift
>Over Nature of the Beast
>Over MIDA spam
>Over Graviton (post buff)
You can just say you haven't played in two years and have no idea what you're talking about.

>Ever going to /dg/
The point of that place was to find the few cool people you could form a fireteam with before you abandon the general to tripfagging and trap posting.

Can I be Robocop in tbis game?

I went there once, got into the discord, was all set to raid, and then I had to drunkenly apologize when I didn't have enough gear and everyone was fucking waiting on me to get leveled. Pretty embarrassing. I never even raided.

I come and go in the threads but I've never seen that kind of faggotry? Sure there was some tripfaggot drama during D1 but there's never been anything that degenerate outside of that. Nowhere near as close as /xivg/.

The only thing that's on sale is the complete collection and the annual pass, is it worth the 35 britbongs for everything?
But I'm not spending 200 dollars on it

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'87 or '14?


It's your own fault for joining a discord.

Just wait until September when more of the shit is free, maybe

Warframe trannies on suicide watch

Buy it in piecemeal honestly. It's quite easy to get burnt out and lose interest, especially when you're going through the slog of Forsaken.

You're right.

Most of the retarded bullshit came after Taken King and D2's launch. Luckily, the period of dead time between the launch and Warmind killed the general for a few months and let all the rats die out or go to other games. I haven't been back much in years since I got my fireteam and bailed, but the little I saw had all the turbo-faggots absent.
IIRC they all switched to PC, joined private discords, and started hating each other. Console play has always been more comfy and chill.

Yeah, there's a few armor pieces for titans that look right. You wouldn't have the mouth though.

Alright I'll hold out for the steam release then and see what they do with the expansions, thanks for the answers

Solely because of steam.

they are not free yet that starts augest

Throwing orbs? Only a handful of raids were good and even then they reused the same mechanics. Rewards were trash

Imagine breaking your back trying to get your sister's blue pussy only to find out she's getting the horn.

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I've raided in WoW and XIV and can safely say that throwing balls at your m8s in Destiny raids is more fun.

Whats the lore of the blue guys?

They still can’t have unique or interesting guns because it upsets the balance of pvp

The Awoken were humans who fled Earth when society was collapsing and got sucked into a wormhole at the edge of the calamity. Since they were close to the metaphysical properties of both dark and light, they changed and became something in-between. They're your basic elf lore done in space.
Exo are where it's at.

I haven't played since Forsaken came out. Have they done anything with revived Uldren yet or is that being saved for Destiny 3?

Nigga there is a grenade launcher that makes webs of lightning and we're getting a gun that shoots magical wellness bullets in two weeks. What are you on about.

Not to say Warframe is any better but how are they the cucks when it took Bungie finally having to remove Activision to make the game remotely appealing? Up till now Destiny players were Blizz-Activision's cucks. Still grats on Bungie for seemingly making the game more appealing.

They were asked about it in a recent stream and said he's off doing his own thing before shutting up. They're probably saving his reveal for something important, kinda like how they showed Tifa at E3 5 minutes after being asked about her.

I honestly thought this was a huge update to the game, but after studying the image all the did was add old stats from D1 that at best fix how crippled the abilities were to begin with and they changed some icons around and increased the level cap

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Why is that anyways, that console users are sometimes more relaxed than PC users?

The image literally shows taking your stats and abilities from one armor set and putting them on another.

warframe is still owned by chinks and hasnt improved at all in years, while trying its hardest to copy destiny and failing

What are the robots then? Blue people sound boring and humans are just humans.

I played the game like everyone else when it came out but the raid was weak as hell and the PvP was boring 1 shot kill shit.
Has the game become anything other than a 60$ regret?

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PC culture, probably.
In my experience, PC players are really spastic. and always looking for the next thing to play only to drop it after two weeks too. There's a big emphasis on getting things done fast and the best and being at maximum efficiency at all times. It's really telling that PC on D2 has one of the smallest overall populations but the highest raid populations and almost all of them are streamer cancer.

Call me when they bring back specific raid gear attributes that affect shit outside of raids like the old kings fall stuff. Stats mean nothing to me

But the big complaint when the game came out was that the pvp kill times were too slow and required team shots.

You mean like the mods you can only get from the raid that give you heavy ammo whenever you kill a Taken? They made them not affixed to the raid gear itself so that you can put them on whatever gear you want.

>Call me when they bring back specific raid gear attributes that affect shit outside of raids
Raid mods have been in the game since forsaken, you fucking idiot.

You wanna know what bothers me about Destiny? The fact that they can fucking barely add any new enemies in the sequels and expansion.

None of the Destiny 1 expansions added any new enemy types, just a bunch of shitty reskinned enemy factions.

Destiny 2 added only one enemy. ONE fucking enemy, and it was a fucking cabal dog. Again, the expansions for Destiny 2 also didn’t introduce any new enemies. Just more fucking reskins.

Have they stopped doing raid lair shit?

Forsaken added an entire new faction of enemies, shut the fuck up.

Exo are probably the coolest race, they're basically liches.
Humanity built exoframe bodies for some war in the past and had mad scientists on Mars that were able to put a human mind into a robot body that could fight forever and be rebooted if it broke. All Exo have a number after their name that represents how many times they've been rebooted from a critical system failure, but doing that basically wipes their minds and gives them a new personality. The humans who were the first test subjects ended up going insane because their human minds couldn't deal with being in a robot body so the mad scientists had to eventually make them more human like so they'd stop killing themselves. There's also some sinister background stuff with their history since many Exo share dreams and all Exo have a vision of a massive stone pillar that they believe is the code that let them gain sentience and just coincidentally looks like a Vex spire.

It’s literally just reskinned Fallen, you fucking moron.

Yeah, that stopped in Forsaken.

And the Taken were just reskins of other races, they still had unique mechanics to them. All the new race has some gimmick that makes them play differently from normal fallen you mental manlet.

There’s only 4 different ones, arguably two of which are useful, and only for 2 separate classes, and basically only 1 mod is full time active. It’s shit

While they do resemble reskinned fallen you can't say that they behave the same way. I haven't seen a regular fallen run at me swinging a lantern before or crawl at me to blow up

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Meant 2 separate enemy factions

>it’s not what you wanted but it’s 20% of what you wanted so you can’t complain!

Hello person who obviously doesn't play the game, please stop replying to topics you obviously have no fucking idea about. Scorn fight nothing at all like the fallen and have entirely different abilities and weapons. I don't remember the last time a fallen captain put a totem behind me and teatherd my ass from running to cover.

Reminder that Destiny 3 will remove Fallen and Cabal as enemies.

Who the fuck wants faster reloads in an aura when I can swim in heavy ammo just by killing things? You're retarded.


I hope so. Tired of facing those idiots.

Good. I'm sick of Cabal.

Meant for

I'd just like faction rallies back for more chances to embarrass the virgins who didn't roll with the Monarchy.

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>Destiny 3
There's not gonna be a 'destiny 3', they're just going to drop the '2' and keep building on the current game forever.

Because they’re introducing the shitty new faction “Darkness” faction. So they c.ucks at nu-bungie think it’s hip and cool to have enemies team up with the guardians. The dumbasses probably don’t even realize how stupid this is because they’ll end up with 3 enemy factions instead of 4.

Say goodbye on September, Destinykeks

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We both know you can’t proc that anywhere that it matters. Also don’t forget raid armor sets that look remotely decent don’t exist. Goodbye forever d1 raid armor that remotely resembled the enemies you fought. D2 has piss poor art direction

Close, but not exactly. They have a team working on D3, but it's not as much of a priority at the moment and they've moved people from that team to the D2 team to develop it more. They've probably abandoned the 10 year plan thing and will take as much time as they want, but I expect D3 when they've done everything they can with D2. The engine for sure needs a retouch.

The Forsaken bounty bosses are actually pretty fuckn tough! The rider and the Hangman took me forever.

>He hasn't teamed up with the Kell of Light and stolen shit out from the pretender's nose.

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>epic games

>bootleg iron man shaders and some of the worst looking kinght-armor in the game (hello titan-underbite)
>edgy teenager cringe shit and armor that somehow looks more hobo than the scatterhorn sets
Anyone who doesn't side with the FWC is probably an idiot.

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So how many hours have you got on D2 Yea Forums? This is all from a solo pve player. Also got like 879 hours on D1.

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>Mod clearly says that killing any X enemy with a grenade makes heavy drop
>Wear appropriate mod when fighting the appropriate enemy
>Swim in heavy
No user, YOU are the retard.

None of this has been relevant since vanilla launch though...

A million flies do flock over heaps of shit, huh?

How's those one win and clown suit shaders treating you?

What kind of fucking bizarro world do you live in, holy shit

I mean, thats what it is. A badass an epic game

>no Gaige
No thank you

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Listen, I can defend the fact that I launched worse than D1, however at this point it is without a doubt a much better game than D1 by a longshot.

Only on the base game. They did say they wanted to bring back everyone eventually

This, very much so.
D2 has a decent base-game handle but a lot of people felt that postgame content was awash with too much reusage and rehashing of content, even surpassing what's expected of a looter shooter. I tend to agree strike-wise as they can really just play the same or almost the same each time, but raids offered something, at least - barring when retarded niggers who felt entitled decided to kick/bar players from higher-level raid parties.
Honestly, vanilla was ok but a bit unbearable past 60-80 hours, and some Y1 dlc was oooooookay, but a bit of breath was brought back after all that stuff. It's worth checking out, but it can feel very, VERY braindead at times.

>clown suit shaders
You mean literally the only good blue shaders in the game? Yeah, pretty good, thanks. And the majority of people who play this game are retarded children, it's no wonder DO wins almost every rally.

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thanks. i actually try to spend equal time between all my characters but titan is still my favorite. dont really care that they're the worse class or whatever people say. i play fine with them.

I was about to give you shit but then I saw what exotic you're wearing. You're cool, user.

the same as yours retard
>destiny 2 has loading screen player ships
>warframe adds loading screen player ships
>destiny 2 has raids
>warframe adds raids (then removes them because they are too retarded to fix them)
>destiny 2 has a fleshed out PvP where you can use your PvE gear
>warframe expands on their pvp which fails
>destiny 2 has planetary open roam areas
>warframe makes planetary open roam areas but reduced to per mission shit with tacked on resource gathering

they tried to revamp melee but its only a mess of mashing "E"
they revamped the parkour which was probably the only notable change, but little changed since you still spam the same moves to go fast
turned most bosses into a convoluted mess of shit with invul phases
revamped the elemental system which was the biggest change, but again, enemies with retarded armor remain

archwing, children mode shit added little to nothing to the game aside additional grind and making gameplay even more of a mess forcing you to swap to the stupid kid every once in a while

Post 'em.

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Remember this is the same company that managed to accidentally make it so heavy became rarer when wearing an armour piece with the scavenger perk.

Is it still bugged to have lower drop rate if you use 2 heavy scavs?

>The Chronicler

Attached: 250px-After_the_Storm.png (250x263, 115K)

If you know dick about coding you know that's literally the difference of a misplaced negative sign.

Everytime I see someone with the Reckoner title on, I vomit a bit in my mouth.

>pre-order game and get the durka durka edition, $100
>game is complete trash, can't even use mic or keyboard to talk to other people unless you're in a group, even then only keyboard
>have to use an app to manage guild and find groups
>trash it
>apparently Forsaken fixes the tragedy of a game
>another $40
Not playing this shit until the fixes are free too, fuck Destiny 2

>tfw the only chad title is Blacksmith but I don't have it in my to get 500 kills with Izanagi's Burden at the suicide bomber forge

Chronicler + the D1 veteran's lorescholar emblem is the patrician title choice.

God damn was Activision killing them?

Goddamn that new vest is sexy as fuck, I haven't fucked around with it because I've been focusing on getting my main to 750. This is what I tool around with.

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They more or less explicitly state that Activision was the reason they couldn't do some stuff they wanted in the latest vidoc.

Think I made good time for having 6 titles

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Vanguard Dare is pretty good too. I've been waiting a while to make a proper gunslinger look.

I can't stand the cape. It doesn't behave under most physics situations.

Destiny is slowly becoming the ultimate realization of the looter shooter genre

>true MMO, D3 will just be an expansion
>adding deeper RPG elements (artifacts)
>perfecting the process of rolling loot mixing rng and player choice (menagerie)
>focus on end game content
>next season putting an emphasis on fixing PVP and making it fun (big team battle, no supers game modes)

Yea Forums is about to be eternally btfo in the coming year

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Lol definitely but you’d think they’d catch that in debug mode.

the fact there are 1million people retarded enough to pay for destiny at all is honestly incredible. i played it for free when activision was giving it out everywhere so people would buy their extremely expensive dlc and it was probably one of the most shallow shooter i ever played.

How did NM go from being the least popular in D1 to the 4 time winning Chad's they became in D2? Was it the shaders with gold?

I forget who, it might have actually been Bungie, but some dev said something that made me realize it. Most devs have maybe 5000 hours of bug test time which sounds like a lot until you realize that if 5001 people play the game for one hour, the players have had more time to find bugs than the devs.
It makes sense that bugs would appear with that in mind.

I’m 85 small blockers away from Reckoner. I hate my life right now. Already done Wayfarer, Dredgen, Cursebreaker and Chronicler. Eternally on 7/10 for Unbroken and one Petra’s Run away from Rivensbane. I’ll probably never run with the Reckoner title, I just wanna buy all the damn seals.

why did you even bother sharing? nobody cares about your 10 minute experience with a demo

Why do titans have the coolest loot but are literally useless to play in PvE? Bungo pls. I wanna use arc yeet boi

None of the longer capes do unfortunately.

>Game is shit forever
>all of the sudden it's going f2p because it's shit
You are not stealthy shills

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Best shaders and most stylish armor sets. Dead Orbit looking like dumpster rejects helped.

I gave up on getting that title at the beginning of SotD. Scambit Prime is the antithesis of fun. I love playing "Overpowered Ads: Invader Warfare"

Every class is about as equally useful in pve if you're not shit at the game. The only people who seriously care are queers who want to go as fast as possible to miss a world first raid by six minutes.
t. Titan main for 6 years.

Jotuun is the only way to play Gambit Prime.

yeah nice. i only got wayfarer. i could have cursebreaker but that one egg behind morgeth is keeping me from it.

Titans are useless at everything in Raids except for being a Melting Point bot

I am confused. This game is going f2p in sept? Like completely free or just base and I have to buy the expansions?

Banner boi is still good in PvE activities but I got my day 1 CoS clear with the help of my titan buddy who ran Striker for add clearing, which did really fucking well.

You literally don't need any class abilities to make a complete joke of a raid encounter anymore. Riven can be killed in under 30 seconds with Prospector and REX can be killed by being able to aim with Whisper and not fucking up your alignment. Play whatever you want to play.

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this, and with the super exotics nerf its more even now, only shit that remains truly useful is well of radiance and maybe bird helmet GG

tell me something hunters are required for in scourge or CoS

in scourge outbreak renders them unnecessary, and they serve no purpose in CoS aside occasional shadow shot which doesnt matter anyways cause shit dies fast regardless

the only super that helps is well of radiance

Base game with the first to expansions and the free-rom area of Forsaken is going f2p

Find a group that wants to just do Morgeth or who just finished. I did and it was 5 other akward people who don't raid, but we managed to beat him and I got cursebreaker and Chronicler as a result. Plus for someone who hates the idea of using a mic, im kinda curious about trying the raids now. It's win win.

i actually played it till the end since i had nothing better to do. i finished it in 2 or 3 days. it was mediocre at best and the final boss is a fuking joke.

they gave it for free basically everywhere.

I love that they expose a bit of the undersuit beneath the vest. It's so good.
Galanor is slim enough to look like it's attached to the undersuit, as well, but the Vanguard Dare arms look like they could be sleeves for the vest with the right shader.

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Telesto has been amazing for everything. Melts anything I need it to.

>96gb just for the free version
What the fuck.

>Telesto cheesing returns in Menagerie and got me 1000 free tokens
Thanks bungle

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Nah I'm alright. Not like getting the title is gonna make the game any better. I'll just wait for a bug or glitch to come out and get it that way. you could get it solo before when the blade barrage glitch was working but it only worked on pc sadly. One day i'll have it and get that nice taken sparrow.

Golden Gun with Celestial? You fucking serious? Using GG while Phase Synergized on Scourge hits for a larger number than what the game engine can display. It just says 999999. Youre also a shitter if you unironically use Outbreak on everything

So am I still going to have to buy forsaken if I want more than just the free roam

sorry that outbreak can 1 phase the robot and makes your meme super useless

also never said outbreak had to be used on everything, but as of right now its the best choice for bosses if everyone in your team managed to do the simple jumping puzzles, sorry you play with braindead morons


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I think the filesize is the whole game, all dlc included. The free version isn't separate from the main game. You get access to all the areas even for the dlc you don't have, you just get locked out of quests and loot basically.

It has everything. You don't just install the base game, you install fucking everything.

If you want the story and raid, then yes

That's because it went F2P lol

Yeah or you could skip it and just buy Shadowkeep. They're stand alone now so you don't need the previous ones to own the latest.


Based retard

It hasn't until September, read the thread you fucking goon.

>but as of right now its the best choice for bosses
You're obviously a raidlet if you think this. You have your Swarm of the Raven with spike grenades, right user?


Reminder to save 8 gambit bounties for the wener bounty tomorrow

As it turns out, Activision is literally as bad as people believe it to be. Even with all the evidence of them destroying Blizzard over time people keep not seeing the proof. Activision and Kotick are exactly as shit as expected and we would all be better off if they didn't exist.

all the buttblasted thirdworlders that play cuckframe are seething

I played destiny 1 but I'm waiting till it goes f2p to pick up d2. I even have it downloaded on ps4 and PC from when it went free but I'm not gonna bother till they add more content to the base free edition.


i refuse to play goblino


>they gave it for free basically everywhere
And this changes the shitty experience how exactly? The DLC is still paid for in the end so the only thing that changed was the price of entry for endgame. Warframe at least has the novelty of being free from the get go as shitty as it is. What exactly did the new shift to F2P do to improve Destiny?

>i actually played it till the end
Wow you beat the vanilla story everyone beat on day 1, congrats.

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Your D2 gunfu Yea Forums. Whats her name? Pic related hasn't left my loadout since Scourge dropped

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I quit the second they kill him.

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Why are you trying to pick a fight with someone who agrees with you?

I really like my Main Ingredient but I recently got a better roll on an Erentil from Menagerie, so I'm going to stick with that.


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The Old Fashioned hasn't left my loadout for less stressful stuff since launch. It's my gun of the forever.

I hear Epicurean rolls are better than Erantil

dude im playing for free lmao

>so desperate they have to make it free to compete with Warframe

Watching paint dry competes with Warframe thanks to how much fucking waiting you have to do in it.

May as well add my roll

Corkscrew Rifling, Tac Mag, Trench Barrel, Quickdraw, Stability Masterwork. Ive yet to get a better Threat Level roll than this one after 43 runs of Scourge

Is pvp still dog shit?


>implying its ever been good

I was going for TL until I saw that the new Menagerie shotgun can roll TB. Fuck running Scourge every week for a chance to be dissapointed when I can easily farm the gun out of a 15 minute Menagerie.

What's so bad about pvp? Balancing?

Either way, they split off from Activision now so time will tell how much we should've blamed Bungie

Problem is that the Menagerie shotgun is an aggressive frame and not a rapid fire like TL

Tryhards. It's difficult to have fun when there's always some cunt on the other team going as hard as he can trying to get footage for his Youtube montage trying to get MotW.
Makes me glad I already got mine.

Yeah but with the nerfs to rapid fire shotguns and the buff to aggressive?

Its a combo of imbalance and simply not being fun. Hunters are far and away the best PvP class and no amount of rebalancing will change that

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How are you guys posting yours. I'm on ps4

Share and link it to a private burner Twitter.

do you know
there's a share button on your dualshock 4

I want Erentil because it's a high impact frame. I got one with maximum impact and it can fucking deletr someone from existence in one burst in crucible, in case I ever need to do some pvp steps for quests. I also just like the look and sounds it makes.

Really hoping one day bungie loses their fetish of forcing people to play their shitty crucible and gambit for exotics. thank god truth was a pve quest. They really should start announcing which quest will pve and pvp so i dont get myself hyped up for anything. thank god for data miners.

Its not a nerf. Its actually a lowkey buff. Rapid Fire frames got a nerf to fire rate but double damage. Aggressive frames got both but rapids are still better DPS wise

>Yea Forums BTFO once again

Imperial Decree with full-auto trigger, trench barrel and assault mag will have more DPS than Threat Level.

Full Auto Trigger is useless now. It doesnt increase fire rate like it used to. Its literally 10%. Not worth the perk slot anymore

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Yes but only with those perks can Imperial Decree out-dps Threat Level. Some autist on Reddit did the numbers as usual and that was the result.

If true thats huge because farming for ID is way easier than hoping for a good TL

Idk why desu
They just nerfed everything for the 40th time
I burned out
Maybe ill play in the fall

Kind of. The damage difference is still marginal to the point where I'd consider them the same DPS, and we've had Scourge of the Past for some time now so many people likely have a serviceable Threat Level.

Basically don't break your back for a good Imperial Decree unless you just like how it looks, if you already have a good Threat Level.

Fighting Lion, Black Talon, Midnight Coup

My babies forever and always

It's 200 damage a second higher than Threat Level with full auto trigger, 200 less without it. The two are so close to being even over 6 shots with trench barrel, that it's inconsequential. Without trench barrel however, Threat Level is superior by a large margin.

What even does one do in solo PvE in this game?

>tfw loved raiding in Destiny 1
>Jumped in with a new group and learned as I played
>No idea how to do the raids but just by playing we learned
>Eventually completed the raids

>Destiny 2 comes
>Every raid group
>Every raid has so many mechanics and hidden mechanics nobody can get into them now without watching a video

>Still no matchmaking for raids

No wonder only 4% have completed the raids.

You must have missed the whole period where groups would kick you if you didn't have Gjallarhorn or blessing of light.

If thats the case then Im sticking with my god rolled Threat Level. At least peoppe who got fucked over by RNG in Scourge got a chance to still get a shotgun in Threat Levels league

Easily one of the most fun guns to use.

Attached: EXPLOSION.jpg (2560x1440, 693K)

>tfw no smg or pistol black armor schematics
feels bad man

Post your weapon bros who didn't make it to D2

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I never played it at launch, just scored it through the free gift from Bnet around Christmas or something.

Legit the best loot/shooter I've ever played, a metric fuck ton of good quality content and heaps of usable gear. Nothing is time gated really, and you feel like you're getting more powerful every time you play

I had played WoW for so long that I forgot what actually feeling enjoyment about a loot based game was. Play for nearly 6 months now and I boot it up for an hour or two easily every day

A criticism would be be that I want a little better designed armour, and the ability to make a more complex build, but exotics really make it so you can pretty much never get bored

Games quality aye

Just gotta find a group that'll run blind with you. I do every raid blind with a group of friends because it's a lot more fun that just following a guide for a braindead 2-3 mechanic per fight game.

Where the hell are you LFGing for raids where you get shitters like this? Blind raids are the most fun Ive had. Learning Crown on Day 1 was excellent

So does it matter if you played destiny 1 or not as far as stuff carrying over? If I play on ps4 with my old account do I get anything unique? If I just start fresh on pc will I miss out on anything? I want to play on PC, but I'm wondering if I should start on ps4 until they do this cross save thing.

aka the "we are too stupid to figure out how we broke it so anyone who worked for it can fuck off"

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Ironically this could easily be fine in D2 now considering you'd only have 2 shots before you were out of ammo on a fresh spawn.

Post peak Exo form

I don't know what color to go for

Blue is the patrician color.

patrol, adventures, story missions, strikes, forges, menagerie and anything with matchmaking really. also solo nightfalls is very fun. i would do the reckoning but i dont play gambit so thats out of the question. also afk in the crucible. My favorite game and been playing solo since D1

D2 has more or less retconned D1. It has almost zero impact on D2s narrative. If you have a D2 guardian you can transfer it to PC

>All of Forsaken's plot is the result of Taken King
>All the shit with Savathun

arctic pearl

Still one of the best sounding guns Bungo has ever made

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I'm one of the million
Its still mediocre and hasnt had real meaningful content expansion since the base game. Shadowkeep won't change that. Still no new enemies. Still no new factions. Still D1 guns sold back as content. Still the same shit done a slightly different way. If you aren't already in don't bother. If you are get out.

not to mention the new dlc is literally just the dark below and taken king again

It's "free" now.

I dare you to post this in /wfg/

Pretty much agree with all this desu, PvP pretty great too with a few flaws

I don't much care for the dreaming city though, bit too fantasy trope for me

>no new factions
Old ones are gone too

I really hope they go back to the city aesthetic instead of this crazy space fantasy shit. I want to be a walking tank or nuclear reactor again.

I actually thought this was something that was good to explore more. They made the Awoken from these blue space peoppe who live on a chain of rocks to an actual culture with an entire hidden city. Shit was interesting yo. But I agree Ive had my fun and want to go to city ruins or Vex stuff

Queenbreaker is similar, but it copped a nerf so now one uses it now

and QB it's skin ornament is trash desu (kingbreaker)

I just want the "Cayde's dead so sad" music out of the fucking tower
I want this blaring during Solstice of Heroes

>I just want the "Cayde's dead so sad" music out of the fucking tower
Didn't that get replaced after Festival of the Lost?

I want people to stop pretending that Cayde wasn't an annoying walking meme who's better off dead. Drifter does his thing better and Shaxx floors them both.

Kinda just want an entirely new enemy race (even two). The 4 we have are really interesting but I hope they add a few more before the games time is up

Renegade humans even? Or creatures of light that are bad bois, I dunno.

Music absolutely A++ in D2, fuck it's so good. They nailed that from the start

Nobody uses it in D2 because they moved it into the heavy slot for some fucking reason. It needs to be moved to special, especially now that Arbalest exists

This. I would unironically be more sad if they killed off Shaxx instead of Cayde

Pretty sure you can run Leviathan in like 20-30 minutes, dunno about the others but I assume they are an hour tops

>Bungie nerfs WotW because they can't design bosses
>Doesn't matter because Outbreak exists

Are these fuckers special needs or something?

Don't say anything bad about my titan, I like it

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I like it, reminds me of the blue beetle.

Pretty sure Shaxx is like the strongest guardian ever at this point, not sure he'd be able to be killed.

Probs between him and Zavala I guess.

All aut rilfes have become obselete with the introduction of the Breakneck. Shit is insane

Throw a Fighting Lion and a Wendigo in there and you are a fucking god in PvE at least

If only Lunafaction boots didnt look fucking disgusting

Strongest Guardian right now is Ikora. She's literally the reason Shaxx is missing a horn

Are Warlocks the best class in Destiny 2? I don't see many of them around, but they seem like they bring everything to the table

Share button takes screenshots, you can then either upload them to Twitter or a USB. How do you not know this?

Warlocks are the shitter class. The most bells and whistles but they still can't jump.

I hate Ikora, shes so boring. Goes full coward mode when she loses her light.

I like her voice actor though

They temporarily change the tower music during seasonal events like FoTL, The Dawning, Crimson Days, and The Revelry.

Yes. You pretty much can't raid without one. But people dont like to play them because

>too many jobs to do
>warlock jump sucks meme


Outclassed by any 150 grenade launcher with spike nades.

I just want this magic space cowboy game to be good.

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>i-it's bungie's fault for all these bad decisions! Activision is just funding them!
>get better immediately after cutting contract
Activision shills BTFO

Maybe, not in a 6man like menagerie though when there is Orbs everywhere

pinnacle grind fkn sucks though

>If only Lunafaction boots didnt look fucking disgusting
Can't help it, I try to hide them as much as possible while keeping the best chestpiece on. They're basically the only exotic worth using right now sadly

my turn

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Destiny will always be this fun but flawed game user. You just gotta accept that it will never be what we want it to be.

Not until September

>no titan exotic
Looks pretty cool tho

Destiny 2 was ok for me until they add the fucking time gating bullshit, oh you enjoy getting stronger by playing? well, too bad, now you can only get like 5 points per week and once you get that you might as well logout and ignore the game until the next epic mission refresh or whatever they were called.

>forgetting Geomags, Phoenix Protocol, Crown of Tempests and Nezarec's Sin exists

>gonna do 2 when it's free in september
>don't know whether to carry my characters from 1 over, who each had completed each main questline, or start new ones to skip the shitty Red War questline
>if i do make new characters, don't know what gender to make each one
Honestly, any game with character creator options should have a "remake character" option, even if it's unlocked by beating the main quest like Dragon's Dogma.

I really like the raids, but I would maybe wait until September if you haven't played in awhile. But if you really want to play now D2 is the best it's been.

1 million is pretty fucking bad if it's counting console numbers

I don't like Laser, Phoenix Protocol is useful in reckoning only and fuck doing reckoning.

You're right on crown of tempest and Nezarec's sin though. I just don't play warlock that much, but you won't be using either in a raid

>He can't get 10+ light a week

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Man youre missing out. Laserlock is fuck as hell

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Whisper's dead, no longer is free ammo.

>lol bro just takes 3 months to catch up, buy the latest dlc to reduce the grind to 3 weeks bro, it's gonna be epic!

what shaders for the hunter?

>Not Darci + Wells

shitsux, don't it?

Nigger I'm max light in two weeks, I don't know what your problem is.

Just roll in with either Sunbreaker, Nightstalker, or Well and use Jotunn if you have it.

Vest and arms are genotypenull-zero
pants are new pacific sink
cloak is temperature wash
helmet doesn't matter because shaders do fuck all to it.

Lord of Wolves would like a word with you

I never thought to even check that shader for the chest/arms.

All of the eververse shit shades so weird for hunter.

It takes like 2-3 weeks tops to get max light, even for a total casual. There are so many sources of powerful drops now.

It's why I run mine in black.

makes sense

I wish i didn't care about my pvp kd, i would be farming rumble afk every night

Imma pass on that one chief

is he ok

Exo or awoken?

Are you a virgin?


Too slow compared to D1, and it still suffers from the map design that was thought with 'balance' and 'e-sports' shit in mind. Not a single D2 map is good so they had to bring shores of time and burning shrine
D2 pvp will never be good unless they embrace the OHKO that existed in D1 and bring back trials and 3v3. You can ape and ohko in D2 but it will most likely net you one, two kills tops because of how slow the game is. Supers are harder to shut down because of mobility and most snipers can't do it anyway, which ends up being more corridor teamshooting, which almost killed D2 in year one

>unironically picking blue space trannys
>not picking chad cyborg people

Then Exo.

Is Nova warp still a guaranteeed team wipe if you're not retarded? I haven't played in awhile

God no. Nova bomb is the super for people who can't play again.

Nova Warp got gutted a long time ago. They rebuffed it since then but its not that good anymore. Best roaming lock ult is bottom tree Dawnblade

>picked green face exo
>he looks like some toy

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Even top/bottom tree stormcaller got a buff. Now it's one of the best trash clearing supers in the game.

>barely any female hunter porn
Yea Forumsros....

Good thing I preferred Titan.

what exactly means the game going free? like just the old expansion, and then the new expansion and DLC are going to be pay2play like the last time? or you can reach max level and max light without spending money now? You don't get anything from having purchased the game and the DLCs up till that point?

This is your raid boss for today

Attached: 72543220_p0.jpg (972x900, 686K)

The base game and the first year of content it free.

Also, the base game and first year of content is shit. Enjoy!

should i get into this? i played destiny 1 and I liked how it felt but there was fucking nothing to do and the PVP was easy as hell. is D2 an objective improvement to the original?

I think the base game with a new intro section. Supposedly it shows your ghost finding (You) like in D1 instead of coming back to the burning tower.

Only good for PvE though, pretty one trick. Lunfaction works with any spec

Bottom tree lock arc and fighting lion is so good, in a grp you get your rift back in like 15 seconds. Melting moments for days

although the bottom arc tree ulti sucks for bosses, add clear yus, boss nah

If Crown of Tempests didn't look aids i'd wear it.

I'm not coming back to this game until Scout Rifles are viable in PvP, fuck you and your "it's balanced because all the guns I like to use are good" bullshit, I bet you're a little Hunter bitch with a Handcannon.

oh... so I'll need a new expansion and a new season pass to be competitive... bleh

I still hate that Ult. Doesn't do enough damage quickly enough for how close up you need to be. Its the missile titan of warlocks, only not as fun. Dawnblade can last a good long while before the super refund perk diminishes away and still does better damage

The crown of tempest is fabulous you faggot

In some ways...wait until it's f2p and try it imo

What Hunter chest is that?

Titan with AR's, handcannons belong in purses like yours. Sorry you're shit.

>have base game Destiny 2 on BattleNet but don't remember buying it
Were they giving it out for free or something? I honest to god don't remember where I got this.

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there is so much to do now

I think it's the one you have to buy from Eververse this season. That set makes you look like Indiana Jones.

The base game plus the first expac are free on steam now, forsaken not yet because the deal with Activision doesn't run out until September, so expect to see that on steam either free or heavily reduced closer to Sept

Annual pass and new expac will cost you though, AP has been absolutely worth it so far in forsaken. They'll have 4-5 seasons after the DLC drops for sure, so AP is the go

If you ever downloaded it during the free trial period then you have the base game for free forever

They gave it out for free sometime last year

SR are absolutely viable in PvP on range maps. Oxygen SR3 fucking dominates

I'm not the guy you're talking to but I need an opinion on where ARs are in the current game. Origin Story felt too good not to use way back when

>buy from Eververse

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I never bought anything except the base game and logging in yesterday I had warmind and coo

Honest question; what's the best mmo-lite looter shooter on the market right now? I tried playing The Division 2 free weekend and it was okay but not really what I was looking for. Should I just wait for Borderlands 3?

because it's so fun to destroy bosses with Wendigo.

>Act like I use Handcannons
>When I just said I use Scout Rifles, which were pretty much DoA in post-Forsaken PvP and eventually even mediocre in PvE by the time I left.

Look you cockguzzling faggot, all you're saying is exactly what I said in my original post
>your "it's balanced because all the guns I like to use are good"

And I don't really fucking care what you use, but don't fucking tell it like Destiny 2's PvP is perfectly balanced, I fucking deleted that PoS because it absolutely wasn't, Handcannons ruled the meta and Bungie was starting to make me fucking livid with how many exotic Handcannons they were putting in the game and drove me to hate them entirely by that point, going out of my way to delete every Handcannon exotic quest I got, even for Ace of Spades, speaking of FUCK ACE OF EASY MODO. Least there was only one flavor of Halo 1 M6D Pistol.

Yes. Great. Viable on like, 3, maybe 4 now that another season has gone by, maps.

Everything else you're at a distinct disadvantage because Bungie thinks Scout Rifles would be too good at close range so they have to do utter shit damage even with headshots but ESPECIALLY with body shots.

I'm just pissed because on PC it takes more effort to outshoot someone with headshots with a Scout Rifle than anything else. And how fucking ridiculously easy it is to headshot with Handcannons.

Frankly I'm not even going to give D2 F2P a chance unless PvP gets a complete revamp in balance to either give up on balancing it or start from scratch. They burned me once with base game, friends gifted me the Season Pass and I still eventually rage-quit the game.

Borderlands has garbage gunplay

You can get it right now for bright dust. Better hurry, because this is the only week that it'll be there.

oh wait...

>wanting to play a shooter where the first and only stat that matters is Gun Accuracy
Fuck borderlands. It looks and plays like ass.

>tfw used to enjoy the highest quality Mara porn but can't bring myself to do it after reading how she turned down Shaxx's had in marriage on Valentines.
I can't do it, I can't cuck my bro. He's in love.

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Imo Borderlands is insanely overrated. The gunplay is shit and the game is overbloated with useless guns

well shes a dyke so i dont know what the fuck shaxx thought honestly.

No women are gay around Shaxx and the two of them were canonically hooking up.

>liking Mara
>not liking superior Riven

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it's clearly one of those "fun with friends" games, and most casuals don't play it long enough to realize how bad it is, so they just praise it for having "cool characters".

Origin Story and guns like it are still good. In PvE you can make do with just about anything if you slap a counterbalance mod on it, though Breakneck is the pinnacle for a reason.
For PvP my personal favorite is my trust Valakadyn. Overall I've also heard good things about Misfit archetypes and Suros Regime after it was buffed.

How do I git gud at crucible, lads?

The only winning move is not to play

Right now? Lord of Wolves or Arbelest.

Auto rifles suck right now. Theyre in the same boat as Scouts, Sidearms and most SMGs. Their damage just isnt high enough. There are like 3 decent auto rifles but even then, why use one over a pulse?

>Why use something that's not 100% optimal
Fun you obnoxious moron. Most every gun in the game can get you results in raids if your light is high enough.

If you REALLY want to use an auto rifle then the best ones are still Breakneck and Halfdan-D

Does everyone just use handcannons or something

I booted it up again for the first time tonight and had some fun. The Menagerie is a cool little romp with a splattering of mechanics and the gameplay feels as decent as ever. Dunno if they've done any tuning passes but skill recharge seemed really fast for melee and super, I saw the modifier had grenadier so I'm not really factoring that in.

I'm assuming everyone that still plays crucible got super sweaty because everyone I fought tonight had outbreak prime and raid titles, so that wasn't as fun as it could have been since I'm out of practice.

Ayy lmao my titan looks the same shader and all but has a reverie dawn chest instead

Meta right now for non special primaries is Handcannons and pulses with Recluse being the only good legendary SMG.

Aww well that doesn't sound so fun. RIP New City

>afk fag
keep it up dumbass, you'll just make my thorn, chaperone and last word quests easier to finish

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>Not having them done

blue = based
red = cringe

Pulses have just been statistically good for months now and it didnt help that they introduced arguably the best kinetic ones in the game. Blast Furnace is insane. Bygones, Chattering Bone and Go Figure are close seconds

>playing crucible

I have only the base game. Would I have to buy anything to have fun? The base game was shit.

So whats with the sudden defense of Destiny 2? Sure you're finally free from Activision-Blizzard but they haven't really done anything to shake up the game other than F2P with Paid DLCs have they? Or is the game still the same boring slog that it was before going F2P?


Because Yea Forums is full of whores who will like anything for free.

How much is it?

they added a lot of QoL changes that reverted every dumb shit back to D1 year 3 levels of good, and combined with the annual pass it's the best Destiny has ever been
With all of that said, it's still pretty darn shit compared to other fps games or even those from the same genre as Destiny.
Right now everyone's hoping the new expansion doesn't fuck everything they've fixed and adds more stuff actually fun

Its still one of the best shooter MMOs that Ive played at least. Does a lot of QoL things and has the potential to really up the ante now

it's currently on sale on pc for 14 euros

I have a feeling is going to be even cheaper when it hits steam though

is it? for some reason steam's preorder excludes forsaken, like, it includes shit like curse of osiris but forsaken's not there, did bungie say anything about it? I was stuck without internet for a month

Didn't it go fucking free to play?

Someone in the thread said they haven't posted anything about forsaken on steam because their deal with acti hasn't expired yet. I don't have any proof though, no. I'm assuming if It's cheap now though it'll be cheaper around shadowkeep because they want to push people into shadowkeep

>tfw got into it recenty

>tryint to do quest that requires
>3 nightfalls
>60 kills with rocket launcher
>that lack of heavy ammo

kill me

Well, Shadowkeep actually doesn’t require any previous expansions.
The way Bungie is gonna do it from now on is that each expansion will be stand-alone.

>Tfw cheesed that and didn't have to do 3 nightfalls
Feels good.

What's the most productive thing you can do with just the base game now?

Yeah but who's gonna but a full price forsaken if shadowkeep is the new hotness? I can't imagine they'll just push for people to *not* pay them for something and just buy the newest thing instead


If you were smart you probably had Petra suddenly manifest 4 map fragments in her inventory. You were actually supposed to find those yourself and the flags for them all are still out there. One of those flags is to do one NF and if you complete all the others first, you can double dip on them and finish that other one you get, which means no NF's and no rocket kills.

explain this to a brainlet. I'm new to the game.

source: your ass

Nerf machine guns

You won't need to buy Forsaken to play Shadowkeep, at least.

Exo are stupid and cringe

>Moon is haunted
>Because Quria is simulating all of the ghosts
oh shit that's kinda kino

There's a quest that leads you on a scavenger hunt across the game world to get fragments of a map, but there's also protection from losing that content with a certain vendor who will have any fragments you find if you abandon the quest. Due to a glitch, that vendor gets those fragments at the start of the quest step without you having to go searching, but the flags to have the fragments "spawn" is still up in the world.
Basically you need to complete 4 fragments but can get 5 to spawn, so people double dip one to not do the annoying one.

based and factspilled

>Not wanting to be a double immortal murder machine.


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>mfw I have Moving Target and Tap the Trigger with Range MW
wish it had Projection Fuse, though

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>that hidden mission where you get the fallen sniper rifle
>found it by complete accident
>tfw no knowledge whatsoever of what i was doing, S+ platforming + level design and spooky fuck-ass music
>rally the gang together to tackle it once we hit the wall of fuck-ass enemies and slowly grind our way through to the end
easily one of the best moments i've had in a videogame for a while. it was such a treat to discover and actually figure out progression completely blind

I am free of this game. Quit during black armory and never looked back. There comes a time when the game is making you kill the same 10 yellow guys along with other mediocre shit for the chance to get something you want while doing gambit and shit pvp to raise a number that doesn't mean anything and gets auto raised 3 months later, and you question if you are actually getting fun out of it

>Dude I drink the same water but still get thirsty, I'm just gonna quit.
This is you.
If you don't like the gun play that's one thing, but videogames have always been gameplay loops.

I remember the day I woke up and that went live, took me and my buddy 14 hours to get together and actually get it done. That was the moment the game pulled itself out of the death spiral it had been in and it's been getting better since.

I like the gunplay but like with anything in life, shit gets old with repetition. This isn't Rocket Science

Perpetual hamsterwheel games are inherently shit user.
Good games are paces in such a way that they end just before the gameplay loop becomes tedious.
It'd be one thing if Density had a social element to make up for it, but it's not designed to be a social game.

Annual pass shouldn't be a thing and frankly Bungie should've been shut down for it. The faggots buying it are killing gaming.

COO and Warmind are already free for anyone who owns Destiny 2

Forsaken will remain a standalone expansion and the annual pass content should still be relevant in New Light

Forsaken and the Annual Pass are worth it on sale.

Normal pvp is shit
Gambit is good

A studio should've shut down because of a season pass in addition to a standalone expansion in a buy2play MMO? You're retarded.

its only free on PC right?


It's free on everything in September, and you can move platforms around so you can play with all your friends.
But the relevant leveled content will cost you like $40 minimum.

Any form of gating content behind additional purchases should be illegal, especially when it's literally any-and-all of the endgame content being made inaccessible to people who've already bought the game.

God you're a retard.

I don't see how me being retarded changes the fact that I'm right.

Yeah no, fuck you for thinking you're entitled to the end game of a buy2play MMO because you bought it three years ago.

Not even a fuckin kike would say this shit

Content segregation is and will always be unjust and is a blatant way to bleed the consumer. It's just as bad as lootboxes.

It's an MMO with vertical progression. You knew what you were getting into with Destiny 2

I actually agree with you, this is why I prefer horizontal progression but jesus christ

The issue here is that DLC culture's gone too far and they've realized it's more profitable to gate content excessively so that you're paying more than the game's worth in DLC than just making a game to make a game.

You're angry because the retard is right.

But is it worth 40 bucks tho.

Forsaken? yes.

>1 million players
haha no, I can barely find people on PC.

>get this game for free with my graphics card a year ago.
>never play it.

works on my machine

you're getting mad at a problem that won't be a problem anymore once the first major release that Bungie is responsible for without Activision fucking things up

New Light unlocks D2/COO/Warmind content for free, Forsaken is standalone, Shadowtower or whatever the fuck is standalone, all the content is rebalanced for LL750 and everyone starts at LL750 upon finishing the tutorial

It shouldn't have been a thing to begin with, especially on top of the new Eververse revamp where they're blatantly fucking gouging your wallet. You can't even get shit for your class with Bright Dust without repetitively waiting for Tuesday resets until it pops up, unlike how it was before- where anything that came up for Bright Dust was for your current character's class.

What kind of people play exo?

so you're mad that they're monetizing a free2play game with standalone expansion packs? you're not entitled to all future content in a buy2play game. Ignore the dumb cosmetics. Buy the content if you like what's being sold. Pretty easy to do.

What the fuck?
Everyone gets ll750?
Why the fuck did i grind that shit then

Yeah everyone gets LL750 at start of new expansion welcome to vertical progression :^)