Here's your fighter pass bro
Here's your fighter pass bro
Other urls found in this thread:
if having a literallywho anime character means we'll get doom guy, then so be it
This is the one outcome that will make me buy a Switch
This, but with Ryu Hayabusa instead of
>Only official Touhou game coming to the Switch is a fighting game spin off that'll be released after the PS4 version (which isn't out yet)
>Definitely won't reach global release at all as well
>Not clamored for at all unlike Banjo
Yeah no
Stop pushing literal who characters.
Persona 5 doesn't even have a planned Switch release, bro.
Persona 5 is at least known globally and Sakurai has gushed about it in the past so of course he'd jump for the chance
If we wanna stretch it, we could also add the spin offs that are on/coming to Nintendo systems
Where's Sora?
>spin off
Did PQ2 become mainline when I wasn't looking?
Reimufags need to leave
Reminder that this is your next DLC female character, it's already confirmed.
You'll be getting Mega Man X and Doomguy. X will will himself out of being a spirit due to his limitless potential and become a fighter. His spirit will be replaced by X (Command Mission). Both X and Doomguy are celebrating their 25th anniversary.
>moving the goalposts
And Dragon Quest only appeals to Japan as well, so your point is moot. And several Touhou spinoffs are already on the Switch. Stop trying to find inane reasons to exclude characters because it just makes you look retarded.
She already has a skin for bayonetta, also that would be lame as fuck.
I'm talking about the Touhou Fighting Spin Off that got announced for the Switch months ago
It wasn't even in development at the time
>mega man X
That’s my all time never ever, but it can’t happen because he’s already also in mega’s ultimate.
Everyone knows you're a falseflagging Reimufag. Just fuck off already.
*Several Touhou fangames are already on the Switch
Several awful, mediocre, overpriced, fangames
And Dragon Quest does have a Western following and as small as it is, its still bigger than the Western Touhou following
Add that with Dragon Quest's significance and importance and Touhou just doesn't compare
Multiply that with how both Nintendo and SE push Dragon Quest to be more popular globally and Touhou is microscopic in comparison
Why do you care if AoCF is a spinoff when the only game with Joker on a Nintendo system is pic related?
And Chrom is in Robin's final smash. But that didn't stop him from being playable. Real talk for a moment. I don't honestly expect X to become playable but I would love it if he was.
At least that got released in the West on a Nintendo system
I didn’t know that. That actually makes X possible I suppose.
>Several awful, mediocre, overpriced, fangames
Have you played them?
>And Dragon Quest does have a Western following and as small as it is, its still bigger than the Western Touhou following
Dragon Quest wasn't added to Smash because it has a small Western following you retard. It was added because it's huge and influential in Japan. Guess what else is also huge and influential in Japan?
>Add that with Dragon Quest's significance and importance and Touhou just doesn't compare. Multiply that with how both Nintendo and SE push Dragon Quest to be more popular globally and Touhou is microscopic in comparison
You're comparing apples to oranges. Both are influential in their own way. Dragon Quest is influential in terms of RPGs, but when it comes to fostering a fandom-driven community, nothing else compares. This is clear from the fact that the number of Touhou fanart and remix albums dwarfs any other video game franchise in comparison.
>Guess what else is also huge and influential in Japan?
Tekken, Souls, Resident Evil, etc
Why are you bringing up other franchises as if their existence devalue anything that Touhou has done? Are you too dumb to understand that concepts like influence are multi-faceted?
What has Touhou influenced?
Your claims for Reimu in Smash may have some merit, but Touhou still lacks popularity in the US and Europe. While the same could be said for Dragon Quest, there's more overlap between Dragon Quest fans and Smash fans than there is for Touhou fans.
I would also like to add one more critical piece of evidence: Japan doesn't even want Reimu! Looking through the reactions to the 11/1/18 Smash Direct from 2chan posters shows that many regard Reimu and Saber as poor additions to the roster. Direct quotes include:
>The words "Smash Bros, Reimu, Saber" put together make me want to puke
>We don't need Saber or Reimu, Smash isn't a game for gross otaku."
>I like Reimu but I don't want her in Smash.
>Saber and Reimu would be much worse than the actual newcomers. Give it up.
>I don't care how popular Touhou is, I don't want it in Smash. Hell it's not even that popular
The facts are all clear, adding Reimu to Smash would be a risky move for Nintendo's DLC plan for Smash. It's very unlikely for her to be in!
Dude, just use this
Granted, they're too stubborn
So has anyone debunked the whole Waluigi/Undertale leak yet
Being the main driving force of the doujinshi industry, popularizing self-published game development and birthing the emergence of indie games as we know it?
Undertale and a shit ton of indie games.
PQ2 wasn't even localized until long after both Joker's announcement and actual release. That being the case, I don't know why anyone gives a shit about worldwide releases to begin with; it's not like Binding Blade or anything was ever localized.
>people are responding to this bait shit seriously
For once, cant we let shit threads like this die out?
This "evidence" is just as valid as using Stevefag threads as proof that the west doesn't want Banjo
>Even Japs acknowledge that Smash isn't for Fate and Touhou shit
I hate typing this word but that is actually based
>Literal Who chick
Stop shilling this character. 2Hu is the most niche franchise that only the the most basement-dwelling incel weebs know about. Shit on DQ all you want, but anyone with basic nintendo knowledge in America knows what a fucking Slime is. Reimu isn't mainstream enough to be recognizable.
That thing is such a fucking joke it's not even worth the effort
Based Wrightchad
based nickposter
based basedposter
Binding Blade was 17 years ago
If Reimu's so popular and supported, where' the art supporting her inclusion?
Even Hat Goomba got OC
Wow its fucking nothing
Pathetic honestly. End this meme please, we all know shes not relevant enough. All smash chatacters were at some point relevant to the normiesphere.
I hate Waluigi, but I want this leak to be true because I like Undertale, and because Waluigi being the last DLc character would make rosterfans go fucking insane
>If Reimu's so popular and supported, where' the art supporting her inclusion?
I don't need to prove that Reimu is supported because she doesn't need the support. She can get in from Touhou's merits alone. Sakurai rarely looks at character demand. Joker's inclusion should make that obvious.
>Wow its fucking nothing
Indies have become a pretty big thing
>Binding Blade was 17 years ago
Cope, seethe and dilate faggot
Nobody will deny that Touhou is unpopular with the smash crowd, that doesn't mean that a franchise needs that to get in. Joker was never a big rosterfag pick yet he still got in anyways.
Another variable is Touhou being huge among the doujin and otaku crowds, the later being on Nintendo's target for a while (see: Fire Emblem). It would be very profitable if their focus was people outside of the smash circles.
As for why the above would make sense, think about it like this: if you already own a switch and the game, how much extra profit can you make with the DLC? Now imagine aiming at a crowd that does not own either, not only they will buy the DLC, but they will also buy the game and a switch (if they don't already own one), the later also opening room for the purchase of more games to justify owning the system. Ultimately appealing to other crowds (read: not rosterfags) is way more profitable.
Keep in mind that I am not claiming that she is confirmed, my point is that she does have some variables on her favor, and it would make sense to include her.
I'm gonna keep making this thread and you won't be able to stop me
Dragon Quest have a west following? Serious?
>People on a community site as cancerous as this one don't want her so it must be true
>Using this logic that also means bandana-dee, waluigi, isaac, banjo, and other popular picks don't get in because faggot manchildren on this site shit themselves at their mere mentioning
Fuck off and never insult Phoenix's intelligence like this again, you humongous giganigger.
Cope with...? We both know she aint makin it in. Unless you unironically believe this joke pic?
Nintendo chose the DLC
If there was a full list they likely would add stuff like Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil, SNK, Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, etc over Touhou
And even if they had Touhou on the list, would Sakurai really pick that over everything else?
Come on user, think like a businessman, you would want the DLC to sell
Its small but its there
11 actually sold pretty well here IIRC
Alstroemeria's Bad Apple was a mistake.
Well he's not gonna add Reimu in Smash and you can't stop him
fake and gay, here are the real final characters.
I'd be happy with her or Phoenix desu
Also, SE and Nintendo wants Dragon Quest to be more popular globally
Pretty sure the guy in charge of Touhou doesn't have that in mind
user NO!
I know
>Otaku crowds
Joker exists and he's in
You're the one begging people stop posting this cute shrine maiden. Not gonna happen.
Keep on posting her
She'll never get in anyways and the Cow will win
It's arguably whether or not ZUN particularly cares for the overseas Touhou audience, potential or otherwise, but Touhou Cannonball wouldn't even exist if he wasn't at least inclined to see the series reach a wider range of people.
Fair enough.
>male character
>attracting the otaku crowd
>Yea Forums seething
Based mooposters.
>Smash DLC needs to fill in an arbitrary gender quota
user stop, you're embarrassing yourself
Wrong Moo
Outside of a few dedicated fans, MK is non-existent in Japan due to being banned outside of import stores
Behold. I'm not even the biggest Rayman fan, I just think its the most realistic.
Shut up bitch
Eat it
Seeing how Barnyard is a CG series, what are the odds of shitposters making a new Otis model for people to toy with?
You act as if these threads have any influence on who gets added in at the end. She probably isn't gonna be in, but it's worth it in the end to educate all the underages and newfags about about Touhou
By the way try out the games, everyone. They're pretty fun. Start with EOSD or PCB.
>a snoy property
>no argument
He's owned by Activision
Crash is owned by Activision now you dense cunt.
They've done it with steve, I'm sure that the largest amount of effort would have to go to just creating a model that actually fits. Also it should be on ganon
>the creator of the Steve model using Otis as a template
You're just reminding people why Touhou has a containment board
People are in the right to shit on you for having the worst taste in Smash and desiring to make the already established shit fanbase that is Smash worse
Now then, would Nintendo really want to encourage ZUN with his pursuits by making Reimu playable?
Okay fags, you guys can root for whoever DLC characters you want, but everyone knows that music is a huge part of Smash. Post themes that you'd want your Smash DLC picks to bring with them.
Hardmode: You get the Final Fantasy treatment with only two songs.
How likely are these 2
But everything I posted is Smash related. Reimu is just as much a valid DLC choice as any other character, so I don't understand why I would need to be contained if I'm actively contributing to the thread.
Everyone, I am disappointed right now
My dad works for shanghai alice and said that she's in
That's a good question. The franchise is old but would Nintendo have any interests in having it expand overseas?
I really doubt they do.
>hard mode
This playlist sums up what I want
I seriously doubt most of current Yea Forums is even aware of the reasons behind /jp/'s creation.
Oh shit
Considering that Nintendo has a history of publishing/localizing or assisting with such for popular indie games in other regions, it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to do the same with Touhou.
I am newfag
Who else is there to add? They added just about everyone and spirited most 3rd party characters.
I swear I honestly believe Doomguy may be one of the final characters
....Nah I don't see it happening. Capcom doesn't care that much about PW anymore.
Sora's been pretty popular on these polls, I think that if Square does get another character he's pretty likely. I guess beyond that there's Jibanyan. Shantae was kinda popular at the time of the ballot as well
why wouldn't there be 2 characters with red backgrounds? Are you really retarded enough to think that Sakurai thought about color composition when he decided who to license for the game? You fucking retard.
you forgot fucking Dante.
It's just 2 random colors, it's not that deep you stupid fuck. Literally just change the hue if it pisses you off so much.
Has Nintendo ever taken interested in putting Jibanyan or Digimon in Smash?
Doom Slayer's got a decent chance, I really wish I could say the same thing about Hayabusa
I'm not saying either one is particularly likely, but they (probably) did have some presence in the ballot. I mean, actual ballot numbers are hard to come by
They’re in. You DID want a shooter rep, correct?
Why not? Ninja Gaiden is iconic and deserves love.
Yo-kai watch started as a manga. I'm not sure if Jibanyan qualifies.
Honestly, I'm happy with the first 3. You could polute the DLC with the likes of Reimu or whoever and I probably wouldn't be mad.
2hu was very prevalent on Yea Forums and Yea Forums back in the day. Partly because of that, and partly because a lot of content pertaining to the franchise wasn't a perfect fit for either board, /jp/ was eventually created for Touhou.
What makes you say that? Theres been plenty of content in the last few years like the new games and the anime.
Still hasn't gotten localized is his point
>Even Hat Goomba got OC
That's most likely that one autist that request it at almost every drawfag thread back then. Everyone here mostly shits on that character ever since it doesn't have any identity other than "I want him in Smash lol".
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed over a game it doesn't play?
>avatar posting thread derailers
>people posting their wanted Smash character
Gee, I wonder
Well, Yo-kai just also (in my opinion anyhow) isn't quite up to Smash level ywt. I think if it would have taken off more overseas it might have been a valid option
Honestly, if people still think Reimu can't make it in because "no popular outside japan" then think again. Everyone knows what 2hou is, even those who haven't touched the series know Reimu. Take dragon quest for example, I know more than the half of the board haven't play it or heard of it. So things that aren't popular on japan won't be in. And yes, people love banjo in japan. So good luck for crash/raymanfags, the least you could get is a spirit.
Bro even Japan doesn't want Reimu is Smash.
Don’t mind me, just posting the best two possible reps.
Better than Gatornigger at least.
Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.
Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.
>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator
Its not 2002 anymore
Nintendo takes this shit more seriously now
Hell, Sakurai said if he knew Mother 3 wasn't gonna be released in the West, he wouldn't have added Lucas
Guess the west doesn't want Doomguy in because some anons are disgusted by the idea
She would be extremely fun to play though, unlike the twenty swordmen in the game.
>Everyone knows what 2hou is, even those who haven't touched the series know Reimu.
Except the support for Doomguy could be seen larger than the detraction
He still ranks high on polls unlike Reimu in her country's
You already posted your cherry picked 2ch comments. Continually repeating it doesn't make it factual, nor does it mean anything due to the fact that Joker was picked.
Stay mad, dumbass.
I'm not denying that, Hayabusa is the only thing that can really hype me up for Smash DLC now. The problem is that Ninja Gaiden as a series is dead, there are already two ninjas in and who knows how autistic Sakurai is about that, & the head of Koei Tecmo said he'd rather have Kasumi from Dead on Arrival.
But his chances aren't the worst. His legacy is enough to be deserving of a Smash spot.
I've seen Reimu place in a few Japanese polls.
Reimu is a bigger meme than Waluigi
Except Nintendo fans know what Dragon Quest is
Nintendo fans don't know what Touhou is because all they get are terrible fangames
God damn it I want a dark souls rep so god damned bad
Fair enough, although Reimu scored 23 on some recent Japanese poll so it may be gaining some traction over there but I wouldn't know.
link and how many votes did she get?
Is Ninja Gaiden even popular in Japan?
I never see it get the same love as Mega Man or Castlevania
Hell, even in the West
I still think that waluigi is the bigger meme
I think you're looking somewhere else, because the fanmade stuff is what makes touhou popular. Not other series has as many fanmade stuff as they have, except for mario probably.
And a ton of amerifats make goku place highly, what’s your point?
No, I'm not digging up the links. In fact, I don't care if you believe me or not. Considering how big Touhou is there, I don't really understand why you're doubting her popularity.
She scored 10 points
You'd have to be in preschool to think that's a big number
How many fighters are left to be revealed?
You're right, popularity polls don't matter. It's just a personal anecdote that I felt bringing up. Only anti-fags seem to think they're any important.
With Reimu in Smash, they could surely promote great titles like pic related to the Smash audience
>Only official Touhou game coming to the Switch
And Genso Skydrift
And there's already Genso Wanderer Reloaded. There's also guaranteed to be a number of other touhou games coming if they get popular enough from their PC releases. I'm pretty sure Aquastyle are already working on their next title too.
>indie shmup character with some moveset potential and a pretty big legacy, at least in Japan
>a character they made mainly to be Wario's partner in the spinoff games who hasn't even appeared in any actual Wario or Mario games and, despite fan-demand in the ballot, remained an assist trophy in this game
I don't dislike Waluigi or anything but he's certainly a meme bandwagon. I would like to see Nintendo do more with him in some way though. Not to mention the people who spammed Waluigi 9/11 shit to Sakurai's twitter when he was revealed as an assist trophy.
Those are fangames. The only official one is 15.5.
>more cherrypicked arguments
Anti-reimufags are this desperate. It's obvious that when just about anyone can make a Touhou game, low quality titles are inevitable. Their existence doesn't invalidate genuinely great titles like Takkoman or Luna Nights.
Jesus, how many Barnyard-Bros are in these threads?
>Luna Nights
I just wish it was longer.
Waluigi is the Bandana Dee of the Mario series. Half of the reason why he got pushed was not because he is an interesting character, but because his fans consider him the fourth member of the gang and his absence triggered their autism like an unfinished collection.
Wow, we can promote Duck Hunt 2, Mr Game and Watch revelations and Pokemon sun and m-Oh, people don't buy 3ds anymore...
>Lasted only a week or two before even the Nips realized it was shit
Tell your Barnyard-bros to come up with new material, because dismantling everything you throw out is getting a bit stale.
So I posted this last night, but this seems to (roughly) be the people we're looking at as a possible Smash rep. I haven't included characters that are spirits, as well as characters that have been deconfirmed by their creators. I'll mention a few of those at the end however.
>Capcom rep
Ryu was Capcom's only new character in Smash, and he was an echo. Capcom may get a DLC slot, and if so it's very possible that a Resident Evil rep or maybe Phoenix Wright will join.
>Namco rep
People have speculated something like a Tales rep for a long time. I dunno what else would work, characters like KOS-MOS have a lot of doubt
Popular in fan polls, though the DQ hero really hurt his chances
Banjo likely killed his chances, though his game is quite popular and Minecraft content has been rumored for Smash so who knows
Been in a lot of leaks, plus Bethesda has at least discussed Smash with Nintendo
>Undertale character
Popular here and in Japan, plus Undertale/Deltarune seems to be pushed hard by Nintendo
If there's an indie rep that could get in I think it's either Touhou or Undertale, though frankly I think Undertale is more likely
Also popular her and in Japan, plus has a few recent Switch games
>Ryu Hyabusa
Been in a few leaks, he's also been around since the NES days
I'm only putting him here because that Waluigi/Undertale leak hasn't been debunked yet
>Jack Frost
He's really cool bro
There's probably a few I'm missing but those are most of the heavy hitters as far as I can see. Now, some characters who iirc have been deconfirmed:
Yoko Taso pretty much directly stated that Nier wouldn't be in Smash
>Travis Touchdown
Suda said the same about Travis
Sega said that Yakuza won't be coming to Smash
I guess it should be noted that this doesn't mean these characters are hard confirmed not to be joining, but it does hurt their chances. Any characters I should add/remove?
Who the fuck is this bitch?
Post one that's actually good and on the Switch
Man, Jack Frost got fucking shit on in Joker's DLC pack. He should've gotten a spirit at the very least. I hope he gets on as DLC when SMT V comes around or something.
Genso wanderer is fun if you're into rougue-likes.
Sora does not belong to Square Enix. he can still be added as DLC
>Comparing apples to oranges
Shit I hope so. If I got Eight, Joker AND Sora that'd be fucking awesome
They publish Yokai Watch games in the west
Wake us up when Reimu gets in Smash
lmao you posted this thinking at least one person would believe it. What a retard
Disney straight up said that the only clause is that Nintendo would need to get Nomura involved for the sake of getting the character's portrayal right. Which isn't an issue since Nomura is already involved with Smash
What is banjo promoting then? I love him, but he ain't promoting anything. YOUR LOGIC IS SHIT.
Broken shot type
Why is it that Yea Forums only cares about Metacritic when it's convenient?
It's already been leaked that Rare Replay is coming to Switch
Fire emblem is gay. Also, nobody cares about that indie peace of shit too.
Now look at the number of critics and ratings
Banjo is in because he's actually wanted and popular among the Smash fanbase
Reimu isn't
>not the expansion that's actually on the Switch
And I think you're entirely missing the point of Touhou fangames. They're not meant to be critically acclaimed masterpieces with AAA budget. They're humble games made in someone's basement created out of love for the series and the world of Touhou. Judging it on the same scale as AAA games is totally disingenuous.
>people thinking Reimu will EVER happen
Why? Honestly just as bad as ashleyfags.
You actually think the internet vocal minority represents the entire smash fanbase?
>cared enough to post a reply
It's true that everyone likes shitting on that character and idiots like you keep trying to defend it.
post some reimu armpits faggot
And Joker is?
Yeah I was about to say, Sakurai would almost certainly wanna get Nomura involved anyhow even if that wasn't a clause
Its Arale (Puyo puyo)
>Partner theory (She has that little yellow guy)
>Popular rep from long standing franchise
>characters have to push product except when they don't
Not your personal army faggot
Would be neat. I prefer a Tetris rep but they lack a proper mascot.
Sakurai has a hard on for Persona and his game sells globally
They said it themselves
Nintendo, Grant, Rare, Sakurai, Phil
The fanbase clamored and they delivered
If Nintendy thought about just having one DLC fighter exclusively cater to western fans, he might have chance. MK11 did get a Switch release which is the first time MK has gotten a game on a Nintendo console since Armageddon. There's hope.
Why are you trying to start a raid? enjoy the ban
>he doesn't know
What the fuck is up with these goalposts?
Doomguy would be the safer bet considering his game is actually sold in Japan despite not being popular there
They never said that. It's been shown that the internet vocals are a vast minority. Sakurai himself has said so.
Banjo got in because a minority spammed the fuck out of these people. Less then 3 million people even know he exists
>Sakurai has a hard on for Persona and his game sells globally
Thanks for disproving your own argument. A Smash character can get in for reasons outside of character polls and Smash hype.
I saw someone whine that it wasn't casual friendly also it's only ever like 8 people. Also someone was whining that the story wasn't crazy and full of action for the fighter.
The lowest score for Genso Wanderer complains there's a story in his RPG, shows he doesn't know shit all about roguelikes and mystery dungeon games, lots of whining in general and complaints about how it's monotonous. He never once mentions the danmaku system which I've been having a lot of fun with. If anything he seems mad it's not like a normal RPG.
The Nintendo life one whines about the interface and calls it intrusive(bitch probably didn't put the map to the right) when it's actually super easy to understand the information displayed. More whining about the dialogue(I'm thinking they don't know that Reimu is fucking lazy so they're wondering why the protag is a lazy fuck) and then shills some indie game that has a rhythm gimmick.
There's also some in general bitching about combat which just screams they've never played a gimmick-less roguelike before.
Reminder that Reimuniggers are the most delusional people in this board
>You asked. We listened. Nintendo were listening too, and we were happy to work with our old friends to make this one a reality. Banjo and Kazooie are coming to Super #SmashBrosUltimate!
It seems that the fighters pass has a focus to please both sides
Joker - Both
Hero - Japan
Banjo - West
Unknown Jap Character
Unknown West Character
>People now think you NEED to have autistic internet smashboards ""hype"" to get added
I'm so fucking happy the next Smash game is gonna be a lowkey reboot.
No ballot
No "I've been waiting a zillion years for my C-list nobody" oldfags that think they deserve a gold star
No political character camp autism when the roster shrinks and people realize Smash isn't a special snowflake hall of fame anymore
But there's nothing wrong with that post. Touhou built the doujin scene.
Anything Reimu has in her favor, other characters have greater
Yeah see? It was because the minority of Smashboards/reddit users was vocal.
JP character is Arale (Puyo Puyo)
Do you guys think they would have a Fighter Pass 2?
Except Banjo also appealed to Nips
He was clamored there as well
Only under your arbitrary rules
Filthy phoneposter
see you at the game awards
My bets are on a shameless shill first party and some niche action RPG series with waifus. If Incineroar repeats itself we will know that they tend to blow their load early.
Why can't we all just get united to destroy the remaining stevecucks? Then it'll be a "may the best" win situation and no more silly fighting. Besides, we aren't nintendo so our arguments don't really matter. If Sakurai saw these threads he'll be laughing his ass off when every of our guesses are wrong, that he's putting in the character you're trying to fuck up. It happened with Banjo, it'll happen again.
>tfw regardless of the next game, your favorite character will stay
feels good
Apparently there will be 3 from a datamine.
Let me in Yea Forums
I'd be cool with either, but I really want to hear original MK soundbytes in smash
Boo fucking Hoo get over it you soft skinned pussy. Trolls exist. Shitposting exists. It's the fucking foundation of this website. Go back if you're gonna be such an obvious crybaby tourist
The Reimuposter is implying Reimu deserves to be in more than
>A Resident evil rep
>A SNK Rep
>A Tekken Rep
>A Monster hunter rep
Etc, stop being delusional user
>the last characters are revealed
>smashfags flood the catalog as usual
>after the fallout, a sigh of relief from people who were sick of their shit
>Nintendo shows up and reveals the second pass
>the rosterfag autism comes back full force
Sounds like the kind of shit that would happen in this timeline
>She's a popular indie character
Nintendo fans actually know who Quote is
>She'd be a great female choice
Jill Valentine and an SNK female like Nakoruru exist
Also a female Monster Hunter
>But other indies made it in as spirits/trophies
Because they were clamored during the Ballot
Commander Video got a trophy because his devs begged for one
>Smash is gonna appeal to different demographics
Sure, Soulsfags exists
Crash Bandicoot could appeal to the PS1 crowd
Tekken and SNK could appeal to fighting game players
Resident Evil for horror fans
Doomguy appeals to first person shooter fanatics
Haha no
Even besides the Stevecucks, there's always going to be some autists shitting up these threads be it Otisposters, falseflaggers, or whatever the fuck else.
DOOM Guy fags are quickly becoming very obnoxious...
>lets destroy a group of people for not liking the same fictional character as me
>allies themselves with cancerous Reimu anime trash
>They've been trying to tear down Gordon Freeman to make themselves look better recently
I hate this rosterfag shit. But I can get behind this
can I have a pic of where he ends up at, most of the internet is blocked where I am rn.
Otisposters follow one thing
Rosterfag autism will never end. As soon as the final wave of content for Ultimate is over, people will just start shitposting about the next Smash game.
I can't believe weebfags are fighting a literal tranny, this shit has to be made up
Holy shit THIS
That's not what I'm getting from his comment at all. Each of those franchises contributed something to the industry, it's that Touhou created something novel. He's not saying one is greater than the other. You're really comparing apples to oranges.
I actually have zero faith that she gets in but I wouldn't complain
I don't give a shit, I don't think Reimu is gonna get in and there's plenty of more deserving series. But at least they're contributing to the thread more than just the same Otis pictures over and over always derailing the thread into Otis vs Reimu shit. At least Reimu is an actual video game character.
None of those things are true, just for that I am going to break into your house tonight and piss on your toothbrush.
Gabe Newell actually said that he would like a valve rep in smash, proof is in a VNN video if I can find it.
To be fair Reimuposters are begging for get shit on
there is only one ideal Valve rep
>lets destroy a group of people...
Only Masterfags & Stevefags, because they are direct competitors/obnoxious
>allies with reimu
they're coattailing us.
>been trying to tear down gordon
This was a flat out lie.
>At least Reimu is an actual video game character
Given all the shitposting, you'd think people were unaware of this.
Replace weebshit anime reaction girl with a realistic choice like Nightmare as the the Namco rep.
Would Scout be more logical because of his movement especially his double jump.
I'm only defending my favorite video game franchise. You would too if there were people actively shitting on your favorite.
>16 slots were found
>both Joker and the plant were added to them
It's possible, granted Smash games have always had unused slots but it was usally in the 50 and above range
This is getting stupid now.
Heavy's got mascot status plus the last thing we need added is another fast lightweight character
You all keep talking about this Reimu bitch. Who the fuck is she?
I think Gordon is as badass as Doom Slayer so I would be as happy with Gordon as I would be with Doom Slayer
Fuck off with this "alliance" shit. People can like multiple characters at once without making it into meta faggotry.
One thing is defend and other being smug, i want Phoenix and Travis but i don't go here to say they are a lock
Almost all active reimufags are smug
I've noticed this too. They even shit on wolfenstein because it steals their "created the genre" angle
I’m still fucking mad she didn’t get in as an Echo of Bayo. Seriously what the fuck, she’s the perfect candidate for it.
I never said they were a lock.
Is DOOM Guy the next Steve/Ashley?
You won't see it coming
I think she has literal no chance but I still would like her
is sakurai even aware of reimu's existance?
>accusing Reimuposter being smug when the person their arguing against avatarfags as a smug cartoon cow
Specifically, the lines I'm referring to are:
>J: Have you been contacted by Nintendo about getting 2B into Smash Bros. alongside other famous characters like Bayonetta and Cloud?
>YT: Nintendo? I’m not sure, but I haven’t received anything. I think that only characters on Nintendo platforms can actually be in that game.
>[Someone in the room mentions Cloud]
>YT: Cloud is just too legendary.
He mentions after that he'd be down for it, so it might happen and this is just PR talk, but I wouldn't count on it
It's amazing how anybody can post in these shitty rosterfag threads say any type of shit and retards will eat it up
I'm more mad that they wasted time adding Ken when we all know not a single fucking person gives a shit about Ken
Sakurai is aware of sans existence and played Undertale, guess he's in now.
There might be more than one interview, since this one wasn't Taro.
Pretty much everyone in the gaming industry in Japan is aware of Touhou at some compassion
God no.
Why would any of that matter when characters just double jump anyways? Besides, the heavy has way more to work with.
What do you think is Sakurai's Favorite Hentai
Not really. I've wanted both Reimu and Doomguy for months but I never thought either were a "lock-on" and still don't. I'm honestly expecting a Capcom and Bamco rep. I've heard that a lot of the smug assholes are falseflaggers trying to start shit such as "Doomguy/Reimu alliance bullshit vs Leon" which is stupid. I have no problem with Leonbros though I've never even touched RE and I don't care about that meta alliance shit, I just like both series. I'm fine with other people's characters.
Im fucking sick of "is x the next x posters" fucking kys some of you retards are probably the ones behind the shitposting
I have never said Reimu is a lock. I don't even think she's likely, just that she has a genuine possibility.
Stop taking random faggots on an anonymous imageboard of all places and thinking they represent everybody.
Probably one with the biggest tiddies and lactation
Rosterfaggotry is stupid but I think people saying that Reimu has no chance whatsoever are even more retarded
I've heard he's a fan of shmups so probably
I’d honestly bank on it being PR talk, as it was in a similar vein with banjo after all. That being said, Nintendo DOES like to wait until the last minute to tell people they’ve chosen their character.
I do also still think that 2B is likely, as Sakurai has harped on NA pretty damn intently, which means he thinks the game is quite notable and even legendary, aka worthy of a spot in smash, since he said the game amazed him
It's worth noting that he's also praised KH a lot as well, I still think Sora might take 2B's slot if Square get another character considered
>Almost all active reimufags are smug
It's the complete opposite, people are going out of their way to admit that their pick is mostly wishful thinking and that they are ok with whatever happens. This is one thing that seems to be a consensus among Reimufags.
Nope. Only 1 per company
>Not shitposting
He jacks off to Palutena /ss/ doujins exclusively.
Sakurai has sucked Kingdom Heart's cock dry. generic ecchi anime trash girl is not getting in
>Elite Knight set as default
>white phantom skin
>Solaire set
>yellow phantom skin
>Faraam set
>blue phantom skin
>Firelink/Soul of Cinder
>red phantom skin
would be kino
If it was happening, they would've made mention in a Nindies direct by now
Touhou has been a huge driving force, for indie games and fan created content for decades.
If Sakurai didn't know what Touhou was, he wouldn't know pretty much anything about the Japanese games industry as a lot of what Touhou and its huge popularity caused was how things like fan works are dealt with to the point that Japan is like an anti-Disney.
It was also one of the huge driving forces to creating comiket which is now a 4 day biannual event that runs every year(There will have been 97 Comikets by the end of this year)
I'm pretty sure Sakurai would know about something with that much presence especially considering the industry he's in.
The Wahster.
Pretty much, people who feel the need to take a moment and attempt to rp as Samurai to shit on a character they feel threatened by are the worst
I feel like they also constantly falseflag to get more people to hate the character also, if only people here weren't so gullible roster speculation wouldn't be so bad
I can bet my left nut one the western character will be a Ubisoft rep since they been buddy buddy with Nintendo. Either Rayman or Ezio.
For the japanese rep im putting my 2 cents on Gran and his female alt or the Chosen Undead
Yeah hey that's a good point. Nintendo doesn't even advertise the touhou fangames. If Nintendo doesn't want to acknowledge Touhou, what fucking chances are there of Reimu getting in Smash?
>Touhoufags are waifufagging elitists
>combine this with their fear of normalfags/ironic weebs
>Reimu is added as a character
>this pushes Touhou towards the limelight
>new fans flood in and discover the decades of shitposting
>start spouting old memes like a bunch of TF2 players
>/jp/ gets a heart attack and gets catalog bombed
>Yea Forums tries to raid /jp/ during the initial reveal and /jp/ mods accidentally ban a bunch of /jp/ posters during the chaos
>/jp/ also enters a new era of paranoia because they think their board will be invaded when nobody gives a fuck about them and their idolshit anymore
>Touhoufags and /jp/ being forced to talk about the games again mindbreaks them
>Touhou threads on Yea Forums get insta-derailed by Twitter screencaps of random people saying ignorant shit about the games (and Touhoufags are too autistic to ignore them)
>a LOT of porn, mostly armpit screenshots of Smash Reimu
>people speculating about what musical tracks will be in and how hard Sakurai will suck EOSD dick
>Marisa and Sanaefags not shutting the fuck up
>three dozen reaction videos of nobody e-celebs acting confused
>at least half of them are making generic waifu jokes because they have no idea of who Reimu is
>collective outrage and confusion from western characterfags
>Neptunia/Love Live ironic weebs latch on Touhou
>they start bringing fumos to EVO
>they start banning fumos at EVO
>Gokufags become even more obnoxious because "an anime character is in"
>the bullet hell difficulty attracts souls-like fags and e-celebs
>Jap sites can't stop cumming and laughing at the Fatesfags
>2ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
>Pixiv gets nuked so hard by crossover art that it becomes unusable
Ezio would be awesome. Autistic fuckfaces here will seeth at me, but Smash needs at least one AAA western normalfag character. You can't just ignore a colossal chunk of the industry like that. Ezio is the perfect choice for that kind of rep.
Rayman was already trophied once. Reggie said these would be characters new to the series. He's been deconfirmed for a while.
The Switch port of the recent official fighting game just started development and will be out shortly after the PS4 version
Switch Agumon and Crash, then replace Agumon with Master Chief.
ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
I thought that was Saber
do the nips even want anyone now that DQ is finally in?
Why would Nintendo push the fangames and not actual official releases like AoCF?
Its both
But 5ch hates Saber more
imagine the porn with Sheik
That hasn't been advertised yet either and I doubt it will be.
twinks with swords
Like I said in previous post, I heard that some Steveposters or something were trying to push some Doomguy/Reimu vs Leon narrative to try and cause more fighting which is bullshit. I've no problem with other characters like Travis, Crash, Wright, Leon, etc. I know Reimu won't happen but it's nice to dream. Regardless, people will still fall for falseflaggers unfortunately.
So did banjo fags all just move onto wanting Reimu?
it's 2B and Doomguy
Doom Slayer is seemingly and wholeheartedly the most likely at this point.
he has a lot going for him but I am a little worried that the nontroversies associated with classic doom will scare ninty off
Okay. Have you shitty rep, but who will be in the 2nd pass? There surely isn't going to be a new Smash for quite a while.
Doomguy literally nothing going for him outside of bullshit leaks and Pete whatshisface saying he talked to Nintendo.
GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Waluigi (yes, THE Waluigi) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Waluigi air swims into the spotlight!
>b-but he’s an assist trophy! He’s not gotta be in!
Sorry, but Paragon said so, AND this would totally be in his character to do. The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
I hate this. Its so retarded
Replace Klonoa with Crash and you've got my Boomer wet-dream team.
nope she's a boring meme pick and not even popular in japan
this but unironically
>Literal who
>One of the best know video game character in this weeb site.
>the protagonist of the game who gave us memorable memes such as:
Doomguy is a stupid choice and he wouldn't work in smash
I agree, just like Scorpian he would be toned down to the point were you might as well just not add him
Imagine, the Sansfags getting out of the shadows when he's announced. And obliterating the whole boards with puns about other perople's characters not getting in..
The holy trinity of boring soulless smash picks
>Ninja Gaiden guy
This but unironically
>VNN email video
you do realize that all of those emails were faked, right? tyler admitted there is no way to verify them.
>>>>>>Ninja Gaiden guy
fucking triggered
How can you know Kasumi's name but not fucking Ryu Hayabusa
Yeah sorry but I'm thinking shes in
This is close to ideal. Two of the most important characters in gaming history.
Teach from EO is a better pick.
Imagine thinking Touhou is actually relevant.
you have the iq of a four year old
Kasumi is boring, Hyabusa could be intresting but knowing Sakurai he would just be a Sheik with a sword, Scorpion is literally too violent to even be considered. These characters aren't dickwaved as much as Crash, Doom guy and Reimu
Bigger EOfag than you here. I've never even played Touhou and know she deserves a spot more than an EO character.
Touhou never had a presence in any Nintendo console. Also ZUN will never EVER gonna agree.
Master Chief
>Touhou never had a presence in any Nintendo console
There's some shit on the switch but that isn't the point anymore. Its about importance in gaming history. Touhou is probably the most iconic indie franchise outside of Undertale
reimufags are infinitely worse than sorafags. cant wait for steve to dab on your mothers
If banjo can come back, she can too right? R-Right?
No, sorry. Nintendo insider here. Sakurai wanted her in, but part of the Joker deal with Sony needed him to agree not to allow any Senran Kagura characters in, or any characters with tits bigger than B cups
Is that even legal.
>being a stevefag
>classic video game icon
>has remained relevant with consistent game releases since 1989
>has revolutionized his respective genre and is global icon of said genre
>heroic and handsome
>popular with men and women
>beloved in the east and west
>would bring a completely new fighting style to the table
>would bring amazing music to smash
I didn't say his name, but he popped in to your head didn't he?
holy BASED
>Last December, ZUN had officially given Nintendo a license, allowing Band Brothers players to upload music based on all Team Shanghai Alice albums, i.e. the PC-98 Touhou OST, and ZUN's music collections. They followed it up with a Shanghai Alice Remix Contest for players, with ZUN as a special judge. The winners were announced in the previous broadcast ZUN attended; their compositions will be collected in a CD sold at Reitaisai, marking Nintendo's first ever appearance at Reitaisai.
>Z" Wowwow Well ... in the future ... Well ... I wish I could make a good talk with Nintendo-san, it was today's broadcast that makes me feel such a dream. "
>Z" I want to make friends with Nintendo, not only Sony is making friends "
>Z" Because Toho is not so much something, there is a healthy Toho world "
Says the fucking doomfag
close enough
Hey everyone! Guess what? I know you wanna be in Smash, but FUCK YOU, I'm getting in Smash! That's right, you ugly cow! I HATE YOU, and your stupid male udder! I'm taking everything from you, give me your phone! I'm taking over the Mushroom Kingdom, I'm taking over Hyrule, the roster spot is mine, and everyone else can leave! You see that top tier slot!? I'M TAKING IT TOO! I hope you're ready to die, it's gonna be like Evangelion, GET THE FUCK OUT.
Invaderfag, don't you think Erdrickfags BTFO'd you enough?
I agree with you that Reimufags are pests but
Come on son, get some taste
Not so fast, greenie. There's someone greener and meaner in town.
I want raguna from rune factory and someone from the summon knight series
The only thing worse than any characterfags are antifags like yourself
She's like jap shovel knight they'll put her in anything.
I'm happy with one of them i don't care if it's Sans or Frisk is a good choice.
If its Frisk, Sans' opening attack needs to be at least an assist trophy or final smash
EXHIBIT A: `it's pretty cool to be in the midst of shipping a new doom game, while we're also in the 25th anniversary, and we've got a lot of stuff planned at quakecon and uh... who knows, maybe some more surprises for nintendo fans along the way.`
- Pete Hines (E3 2019 nintendo power podcast @ 39:03)
`GameCentral: Have you spoken to them about Smash Bros.?
Pete Hines: Oh yeah. `
>Polls after the official one
Absolutely useless
YES, but no one else wants him. :/
Doom slayer is for MORTAL KOMBAT and Ryu is for DOA.
If Doom Guy isn't called Doom Guy and called Doom Slayer instead, I'll be kind of pissed honestly.
Where's Dragon Quest?
Like it or not, Doom Slayer is what they call him officially now. They still use Doomguy and Doom Marine sometimes but it'd def be called Doom Slayer.
Doomguy never was his official name. Ever. It was a fan name. A fucking. fan name.
His new canon alias is Doom Slayer.
Mark my words it will be Sans and some kingdom hearts rep like Goofy or some shit
Ken didn't take a DLC slot though.
They are not announcing him at QuakeCon
Erdrick may not even be out by then, which would mean that there'd be 3 frickin' characters announced but not released.
Not to mention the notion of announcing a character at a non-'tendo event. Could happen, but would be unusual outside of The biggest events of the year. TGS is the absolute earliest that I'd even begin to look for #4
It's actually Doom Marine, Sweetie.
Toby would probably never let them call his character Frisk since it's a spoiler.
Funny thing is even the Wikipedia page is named Doomguy.
Last time X was in a game, it died with mvc infinite. I dont want Smash to die too.
>no master levels
Dropped. lol
That'd be cool as fuck, I hope that happens.
>Toby would X!!!!
Toby will shut the fuck up if he wants his character in the biggest video game crossover of all time
>not leon
I don't think he gives a shit about being in Smash man
>Fake Touhou logo
Would Doomguy in Smash benefit the series' popularity in Nippon like how DQ is benefiting in the West thanks to Smash?
>No! Sorry nintendo but I'm a little too cool to put my characters in Smash, I will not be accepting your free money
You think too highly of Toby
The closest you can really get to a viable 2hu logo is either WBaWC for the latest game, or AoCF for the Switch release.
you need to have some supreme lack of reading comprehension if you think he's saying there'll be nintendo news at quakecon. he's literally just listing stuff off that's awesome about working on doom.
doom guy is far less violent name to use in a game marketed towards children.
>light blue covering the Moonrunes
Reimu's color is gonna be light blue people
They'd probably use AoCF since it's getting a Switch release... not that it's likely gonna get in anyways.
Yeah, I read what I expected he'd say not what he said, derp
Sure. It's an interesting way of introducing new things. I mean the normalfags seem to be gaining interest in DQ now thankfully. Who's to say the same effect won't work with Doom?
You don't sound like you think at all user.
It very well might.
I don't think you'll ever get the motion sickness capital of the world fully on board with fps games.
>toby wouldn't accept his character being in fucking SMASH BROS or be open to receiving free money because I dont know
The one who does not think is you
Everyone knows him by Doomguy, though. Plus it's a way better name than Doom Slayer, and it's a less violent sounding name as a nice bonus. They're dumb if they don't go with Doomguy.
>Oh boy I sure hope we get an Echo Fighter as DLC
Do me a favor baby and tell me where I said Toby wouldn't accept his character being in Smash. All I said was that he wouldn't want that named spoiled. Even in official Undertale merch Frisk is just called the human. Stop replying now. God I can't wait until you kids go back to school.
Hopefully blue is for Leon/Jill or Ryu Habusa. Green as Doomguy is fine by me.
based and orcpilled
Color theory is not real. Not to mention, Plant already has green if people are gonna go by color theory logic.
>They're dumb if they don't go with Doomguy.
Jesus fucking CHRIST. His alias is fucking Doom Slayer now. Doomguy is and never was canon. If he gets in smash, he'll be referred to as Doom Slayer.
Also the word hell is mentioned in the game and Joker uses a fucking gun. You think a word means anything?
Uh you're gay
Jokes on you stupid faggot
I want both Reimu AND Phoenix
>local shrine maiden is on trial on suspicion of murdering an innocent fortune teller
If Reimu gets in Sanae should be too as her echo fighter.
Reimu must be punished for her evil deeds.
>Despite Sanae sharing no attacks with Reimu.
Ummmm no. Marisa takes priority over everyone besides Reimu. God Sanaefags are cancer.
Youkai don't have rights. They're not even people.
Fortune Teller was a good boy, Reimu is the monster here.
I keep seeing this posted
Is this manga canon touhou material or something? (Sorry, I don't even have enough knowledge to be classified as filthy secondary)
Its canon
There are a few official Touhou Manga and fan books, yes.
Yes. Touhou does have some canon manga spinoffs here and there.
number 15 retard
Back in the day (2006-2007) people would post Touhou on Yea Forums and discuss the lore, doujins and characters mostly. People did not like that because as you know Yea Forums is a board focused around Video Games and every post pertains to Video Games and their gameplay only so they tried hazing Touhoufags. The landscape was very different back then so Touhoufags obliged and went to Yea Forums. Touhou not really fitting the guideline for being Yea Forums related and also some Tripfag using a spambot to derail Naruto and other basic bitch Shonen threads with Touhou imagedumps caused the creation of /jp/ for stuff that was Japan related but not anime. It pretty much became a board centered around Touhou and Visual novels with a bit of idolfag here and there.
Nowadays nobody gives a flying fuck if someone cries that you're not discussing the gameplay specifically so people post Touhou here anyways.