Mfw there are people who want turn based combat in the current day and age

>mfw there are people who want turn based combat in the current day and age

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3D masked (FFXII) is fine with me
3D tactical or with one of those action gauges (VP2) are fine with me
2D (old FE) and iso tactical (FFT) is fine with me

it's only the plain, face-to-face, motionless turn based that is tedious to me

why not?
Let people enjoy what they like
Nobody is making you play

Yes because the modern experiennce is all about acting in the moment and not having enough time to think through your actions... wait

Xcom2 was great faggot

>mfw dense mother fuckers dont want sub genres within their rpg genre

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Turn based combat was a thing long before you bandwagoned on the vidya train

Turn based combat is still the best way to have full control over multiple characters, otherwise you have to rely on sketchy AI.

>mfw when a game has turn based combat

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now that im an old man i prefer playing turn based games from the comfort of my boomer lazboy recliner

>hurr chess is a shit game durrrrrrrrrr

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this but with tank controls

Turn based isn't bad. Though if it's like the old final fantasy with random encounters then yeah. Fuck that shit.

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There is literally nothing wrong with turn based combat you dumb zoomer

Dark Souls killed Turn Based Combat
Prove me wrong

I'd take turn based over mash square to watch the same autocombo on a damage sponge for 5 minutes at a time

Poke'mon is never gonna not be made to be non turn based stop being a faggot and go find another hobby nerd

Go play chess then, faggot. Nobody logs into their PC to play a board game.

Yes, that would be me. Is there a problem?

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Yeah I mean fuck variety right.


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God I wish tank controls made a comeback


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You mean best. That shit was incredible watching it escalate to cover the entire area.

That board game simulator game is quite popular.
Not to mention 100% OJ which you can even play with anons from Yea Forums from time to time.

I just want every single video game to be Dragon Quest.

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Imagine not liking a variety of genres and being unable to enjoy both action and turn-based games.

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Only if the combat is like Paper Mario or M&L. Anything else is just antiquated garbage.

turn based can allow gameplay of scenarios not possible otherwise. darkwind is an example. it lets you have multiple car mad max death battles, and individually control all the cars on your team precisely. theres no way you could drive 25 cars at once in real time

it might take you 12 hours to finish a 3 and a half minute battle, but still

>mfw op is a faggot

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>mfw fully mastering Tomb Raider, Tenchu and God Hand

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>mfw there are people

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>Entire map is on fire
D:OS2 in a nutshell.

There's nothing inherently wrong with turn-based RPGs. I still enjoy them today.

Terrible, piss easy crpg.

Turn based is lame. Just play gaslands at your flgs dumbass. Video games should not be something I can play on the tabletop dumb Yea Forums poster.

Yeah so should we get rid of turns in board games as well?

That's just jrpgs. Honestly they definitely gave turn base a bad rep.

I absolutely hate it when turn based games don't give you control over every character *koff koff* persona 3 *koff koff*

zoom zoom boyo

say the character that is in TWO turn based combat games

Well, apparently that was done on purpose to give it a story telling perspective that they are they're own individual or some shit like that.

Still wasn't a good idea.

Persona 5 and DQ11 are the best RPG's in a decade and they're both completely turn-based.

Most ARPG's are either action game first or suck.

People are just bad at making good turn-based combat (see the garbage that is Octopath Traveler)


What's so bad about Octopath?

I thought it was pretty good.