holy shit, this game looks fucking insane
who else is hyped for eastern europe to actually finally produce anything of worth
Holy shit, this game looks fucking insane
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off chink
Stop shilling your shit.
>who else is hyped for eastern europe to actually finally produce anything of worth
huh? they already made stalker and witcher games
This game is over hyped.
>best game ever made is over hyped
it is, but it'll still be the best thing to come out the next decade.
What is the Witcher series? What is
d-do you think that i made the video?
it was just a random result for cyberpunk on utube
This faggot thought the 2018 demo was an industry revolutionizing masterwork. Are you fucking joking? This is probably overrated shit again.
If the demo isn't available to the public, even just in video form, then the demo does not exist.
If CDPR were confident in their product they would be showing it to everyone, not just people who make a living by being granted exclusive access to things and then gushing over them.
You're a fucking dumbass. They held the first demo to themselves and press for a bit then released it after a month or so. They'll do the exact same with this next one.
It will be public at PAX. Calm you saggy tits bitch
>45 minute gameplay demonstration
Are you referring to the demo from a full year ago?
I'm excited for this game because Yea Forums sucks and for no other reason. I haven't seen gameplay or info about it at all beyond what I've seen on Yea Forums.
Fuck this board; I hope this game is all-time amazing.
From the recent things I've heard about the gameplay demo that was shown privately at E3, I'm even more fucking hyped for this game. Apartment shit is be damned, that dogshit is secondary to gameplay.
>After various attacks on the net by hackers, the government quarantined it with a massive 'black wall'
>Net is now divided into local networks
>Behind the Black Wall is a lovecraftian hellscape of rogue AI's and shit.
>Nobody who's gone in here has ever come back
>Part of the plot deals with needing to go in that place through Cyberspace and experience the equivalent of an unprotected dark web filled with dubious hackers.
>Along with attributes, you will have skills that come with subsets/perks that are enhanced from the attributes that you increase. Skills come with with their own trees.
>The skills are Handguns, Rifles, Blades, Hacking, Shotguns, Two-handed, Assassination, Cold Blood, Sniper Rifles, Engineering, Melee, and Athletics.
>Melee and Two-handed skills is an actual thing. From the sounds of it, you could literally play as a fucking cyber crusader.
>If you dedicate into playing as a full on hacker fag and increase it to retarded levels and get the associated implants, you could potentially play the equivalent of a cyber mage who can hack people afar and literally cause internal electrical components to combust inside enemies bodies. Similar to what T-Bug was doing in the E3 trailer.
We also now know that life path decisions have actual playthrough mechanics and start locations.
This is going to be pure fucking kino.
You fags do realize that they hate to hype it to have continued access to their game and revenue generated by it?
I can't wait to play this game as a transgender character. Cdpr is /ourdev/, we're going home cdprbros. #translivesmatter
Exactly. That's why they are given exclusive access in the first place. That's why they're given early review copies. It's all marketing. And it's this way for every single game a journo feeds you info about, not just Cyberpunk.
they fucked themselves by hiring keanu
god what a retarded fucking shit move, now the mentally retarded kids will harass the publishers even more. if they had been undisturbed they wouldn't have let you play as a tranny
that stupid poster was a fucking mistake, whoever made it was a fucking idiot
>who else is hyped for eastern europe to actually finally produce anything of worth
They already produced the best game of all time in 2007 though
have sex cuck incel kafkaesque
They had a short demo, and a long demo. This year's E3. They're keeping it until PAX in August for hype reasons. There was a hidden file somewhere that led to:
Finally, after months of preparation, we can share with you two big things we have been hard at work on — CP2077's cinematic story trailer and a brand new gameplay demo! Yes, yes, we know — for now, the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August. Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online :(. "Why are you not treating us fair", "why is the gameplay not being released right away?". The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go. We are putting our hearts and souls into making CP2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story. Also, hype can turn into sales (after all, we are not a charity), and good sales allow us to grow, take creative risks and deliver new, great games for you to enjoy.
And let’s not forget about one more super important announcement — the release date. Less than a year from now, on April 16th, 2020, you’ll finally be able to sink your teeth into Cyberpunk 2077.
[ .. ]
>who else is hyped for eastern europe to actually finally produce anything of worth
What a faggot. Beside Japan only Eastern Europe is producing anything worth playing lately.
>whoever made it was a fucking idiot
she it literally cancer
[ .. ]
As you probably noticed, we prepared 2 editions of the game. Why only two? Because when we pre-order ourselves, we don’t like to go to Wikipedia to compare content. We have a simple deal: there’s the standard edition, the one we think most gamers will choose, and a limited Collector’s Edition. While we're pretty proud of the CE, we'd like to turn your attention to that first one. Why? Because we have really maxed out the physical capacity of the box with goodies. We think this raises the bar for "standard" and we hope you'll think so, too. Also, since pre-orders are live, you might be wondering if there’s any point in placing an order now. Yes, if you want to give us some extra support. Pre-orders help us build anticipation — the more copies you pre-order, the more likely it is for us to get retail (both digital and physical) behind the game. Therefore, if you like what you see, we will appreciate you "voting yes" for CP2077 with a pre-order. If you are still hesitating though, we would rather you wait for more materials or reviews. Our goal is for you to truly enjoy CP2077 and not regret a pre-order.
Take care and looking forward to seeing you in Night City!
My bad, it was gamescom actually. Not that different - 21'st of August.
>They're keeping it until PAX in August for hype reasons.
It's not for hype reasons. It's because by showing it to journos before everyone else, they secure the loyalty of the journo because this relationship between journo and publisher is the only reason the journo is relevant or can make money. In exchange the journo fawns over the game and gives it a good review later on.
Im glad they decided to include real cyberpunks after a lot of incel rage.
>cdpr is base-
>In exchange the journo fawns over the game and gives it a good review later on.
didn't work out too well when rock paper shotgun wrote a negative article about it
Cyberpunk 2077's hype is way beyond what shitty games "journalists" can effect. For better or worse. It's definitely so that they can show it at Gamescom for the "first" time. If the game is mediocre but the "journalists" praise it, it'll still get massively shat on everywhere because of the current hype. If it's good, and "journalists" dislike it, it'll still be praised for living up to the hype.
I don't know what your reading habits are like, or how you check out new games, but I don't know anyone who gives a single shit about games "journalists" at this point. Hype is a lot more important than games "journalists", and this game has a gigantic amount of hype behind it, for good reason - we need a good cyberpunk game. I'm not making any judgements on wether it will or will not be good here, just that whichever way it goes, the hype train will either pick up steam or entirely derail based on if it's good or not.
I fell for the cd project meme twice already and played Witcher 2 and 3. Both had mediocre gameplay. I'm not falling for this Keanu horse shit.
>If the game is mediocre but the "journalists" praise it, it'll still get massively shat on everywhere because of the current hype.
Not necessarily. Witcher 3 is mediocre and it's almost universally adored because it had some good writing and was well polished.
They already gave us Arma
Is he ok?
stop shilling your garbage youtube channel over here
No his company is now full of americans wasting resources on playable trannies.
>if they had been undisturbed they wouldn't have let you play as a tranny
what's wrong with more character customization?
>whats wrong with wasting dev time on a character option that 1% of the playerbase will use if not less
They already planned to let you customize your character basically however you wanted to. Except you do have to pick male or female body to work from.
I mean having unrestricted options in character creation doesn't really require additional resources
Educate yourself
Keanu was the perfect choice, character wise. If you had to pick a celebrity to play that role, he is the one. However, it's also bad because of one simple reason: you've now locked a central character of the franchise into a specific actor's likeness and voice. Keanu will likely always be around to continue that role, so it's probably no problem. But from a future production perspective, that's a really dumb move.
>tranny poster
Same point/reply as for the retard in this picture Cyberpunk: It's a future technology-based dystopia. That people are massive degenerates is part of that, it's bad times for most of humanity. They're living in varying degrees of slums, constantly having the most aggressive mega-corp marketing pushed at them. It's about what happens with humanity in that sort of environment. Trannies are a perfect example of that, morally and spiritually lost people defying creation itself by modifying themselves into the wrong gender, or even into machines, all for hedonistic selfish reasons.
The Witcher 3 is nothing, hype-wise, compared to Cyberpunk 2077. I meant with people, in forums, when people talk (or don't) about the game. Nobody says "But Cucktaku said.. ", nobody.
Wouldn't trannies be extinct in a world where anyone can become fully male or female in literally one day?
Why are they a character creation option?
>The Witcher 3 is nothing, hype-wise, compared to Cyberpunk 2077
Really? There's barely any gameplay footage and it's based on an IP most people have never heard of.
It has way more hype because its getting the attention of GTA kids.
>Why are they a character creation option?
there aren't, you will be able to put female hairstyles on male body. They won't add third gender option because they would have to record additional dialogue with bullshit pronouns.
The PC Gamer's write up said the game was definitely good, but nothing you haven't already done a billion times at this point (basically narrative branches and guns blazing/ stealth option). It was good to hear some grounded reporting on a hyped game for once. Considering Witcher 3 got jerked off relentlessly and was just a shittier, less customizable Elder Scrolls game, I expect this game to be a huge letdown. IT will be decent and have a good atmosphere, but I doubt I will play all the way through it.
So what are we shitposting about today?
Witcher 3 is literally one of the best games ever made
This picture is just a meme. He's just a figurehead not involved in anything related to actual game making, never was. Kiciński was involved in first Witcher games, but then stepped down, and now Badowski is de-facto head of game dev division of CD Projekt.
So trannies aren't playable after all?
Journos described it as picking your pronouns and shit so I guess they're just wrong.
So are we just not doing our own critical thinking now or what?
>Nobody knows of an IP old enough to have been translated into Polish during Soviet times, named the same as an entire genre of old cult movies
It has more hype because it's way cooler. People are into technology. It's flashy, relatable. The Witcher 3 was a competent enough game, but nobody looked at a cinematic trailer and went "Cool!", or thought about the concepts of it and felt that they might want to live that. Cyberpunk has an appeal because it's an escapist fantasy, you can do all manner of stuff that you wouldn't normally, and it's very directly and immediately relatable to real life - it's a possible future scenario in some ways. The Witcher is not. It's a tale of some sort, but you never once think that it could somehow be reality anywhere. It doesn't have the same initial impact on anyone young enough to play videogames. I'm not even that young, I just like cyberpunk as a genre, so that's where my (reserved) hype is from with this game. That they work with the creator of the RPG of the same name is a positive, and I hope it turns out well. You never know.
But one thing is clear: it has a lot of hype behind it.
I mean I expect people who have seen the gameplay to tell me the truth?
I think you're just coping user.
Is this where I say "have sex" or "seethe"?
>I mean I expect people who have seen the gameplay to tell me the truth?
>I think you're just coping user.
My character will be a chick with a huge dick, just what I love irl.
is that woman really working there no wonder anita didn't get hired
>Journos described it as picking your pronouns and shit
I read an interview with cdpr dev and all she said about this is that the character creation choices won't be limited by gender
So you pick gender before choosing body? good to know.
the sun
>talking shit about a cancer patient for no reason
I just want another game to bring back the first-person stripping experience from GTA 5, but improved. I know that it makes me sound like a fucking virgin, but I don't care.
Is nobody around here autistic enough to look through the released footage + 2018 gameplay to note how they address the player? If they avoid things like "Hey man" and just say "Hey" instead and similar things. Get on it.
Thought that thing to the right was a fat-lipped open mouth with some nasty British teeth, turns out it isn't
>literally a fucking hour long
Goddamn this guy probably makes bank
The fat black guy says Hey mr or mrs V.
As you wish
I used to feel bad 'cause I could never get into RPGs and only found enjoyment in flight sims and city builders, like I was missing out on something deeper. Now I just feel lucky.
so how would you act if you were developing a game and one of your trannie employees came up to you and asked if you could represent them in the game
It'd be pretty fucking stupid if you just put in your pronouns and npcs magically follow along.
It should be a perception check for the NPCs to know if you're a male if you are just a dickgirl or something.
Plus some of those hicks in the trailer should refuse to call you whatever you prefer
i know i'll use that option to create a woman with a huge honking penis and i think many others will as well
How the fuck was Keanu the perfect choice? What about him screams "Johnny Silverhand" to you? Look at pictures of the 2020 depictions of him.
No, the only reason they got him is because of marketing.
He's the buzz right now with the demographic that likes the visual aesthetic and gun violence of John Wick, played Johnny in Johnny Mnemonic, and is probably the number one actor trending on Reddit right now. They got him primarily to rope in people who don't play video games.
Also fuck your retarded tranny defense, there's a difference between body modification and deluding yourself into thinking you're female because you decide to be, and forcing your fake reality on everybody around you.
Lucky because you have autism?
How would a perception check in an action adventure game work?
There are no rpg elements beyond what you would see in Deus Ex or Prey 2016
More or less.
There were skill checks in the e3 demo, stop lying
You know the game has stats, right? Just not your normal rpg type stats.
All you would have to do is add an intelligence stat and what I suggested would be possible. Though it would also need some sort of masculine/feminine scale to determine what your assumed gender would be, and many would call such a scale arbitrary or bigoted or somesuch.
>IT will be decent and have a good atmosphere
They changed the game from an rpg to an action adventure game last month, stats might be gone and replaced by that very Prey looking 3 path skill trees.
>I read an interview with cdpr dev and all she
And this is why you never let a woman talk.
sounds like way too much work
>Just not your normal rpg type stats.
There are still standard rpg stats but some of them got replaced by dynamic stats like for example charisma got replaced with "street cred"
True, I was just thinking of the absence of Int/Str/Dex.
What? Isn’t street creds just your reputation/exp points?
I think its just better if they leave gender to the body you pick honestly
Let people use whatever hair and clothes they want though
Street Cred is your rep yes. XP points is something entirely different I think though
We produce Lenin and babushkas and matreshkas!
No, street cred is xp.
I don't think that's confirmed
>witcher 3
>a shittier, less customizable Elder Scrolls game
>there's no one pushing boundaries like this
They didn't even push anything with TW3. It was things learned by other devs like Rockstar and Bioware. Then put into one game. They're doing nothing we haven't already seen here. I have wanted other videos where people weren't that impressed with the demo this year. This guys just being put on a pedestal and being given attention by this dev. I smell a Crowbcat video for this game brewing 10 months away.
From last year
>As you'd expect from an RPG, your character has stats that you'll increase throughout the game, leveling up characteristics including strength, constitution, intelligence, reflexes, and tech. Also: Cool.
>One other stat in CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 that might have a relationship with cool is 'street cred' which is a stat found on the main character's jacket that they can equip. Street cred, we are told, is like a kind of experience point system that let's you get into certain areas or have conversations that you otherwise shouldn't. The implication is that street cred is something that you earn through your actions, but can also influence by wearing especially cool types of gear.
I really hope the game has proper open world activities like taking your romance on a date or doing minigames with your bros.
Also stuff like dealing drugs and stuff, maybe chasing down bounties.
They're saying trans character for points witht he twitter audience, they mean you can slap a robo penis onto your female character.
CD RED PROJECT is in debt actually.
Maybe........and just maybe CYBERPUNK can save the Studio.
how did no one film the demo there are small cameras you can put on a shirt button, fucking kikes and retards i dont care what some chink shill is saying
Watched other videos*
I'd say "We can make a big dick girl poster to offend trannies and normies alike". Then I'd commission Shadman for it, and also include him in the game. When you enter his little apartment in a random slum, he'll be sitting there drawing some sort of poster, walls lined with dickgirls and other stuff made up as ads for companies and local music performers, and your character says "Shadman..", shakes his head, turns around and walks out closing the door behind him. After that, you can only view part of his apartment through a window, and never enter it again.
>>How the fuck was Keanu the perfect choice?
>Lists a bunch of reasons
His previous roles have all been in line with this sort of performance. Name another actor that have been in as many iconic technologically driven, cyberpunk-esque (visually and otherwise) films.
>2020 depictions
Who gives a shit. Why do you want everyone to look like an androgynous 80's faggot? Just because you like cock, doesn't mean every character has to look just like you prefer them (see, I can load questions too, nigger). His looks aren't important, as long as he can play the character.
It's like this guy said (no, that's not me)
>Trans as we understand it today doesn't really fit in at all to the classic, central areas of cyberpunk except as being transgressive, shocking, hedonistic and showing human bodies being cheap.
Have sex would be the correct response here, then they would reply with "dilate" and so on.
they removed the rpg part from the game description one month ago
is the cool stat still in the game? it better be. i want to be cool as fuck.
>CD RED PROJECT is in debt actually.
No they aren't. Jesus christ why do you faggots try so hard to start negative rumors.
It was journos that told us transgender would be a character option.
Yes. The stats from the latest demo were Body, Intelligence, Reflex, Technical Aptitude, and Cool
>muh marketing flavour text that nobody actually gives a shit about with any other game in existance
Don't you ever take breaks to dilate?
They confirmed no minigames
But you can race and fistfight, how is that not a minigame.
What's the point of the open world then?
Just driving and getting random enemy spawn and try to kill you?
This is the Skyrim of this gen.
>people will hype the shit out of it
>it will drop and people won't shut the fuck up about it
>after 2-3 months it will be called out for being what it is "a hyped up let down"
>as the years go by it will be shit on more and more
That's pretty accurate. There was more of a narrative focus but the story was worse than 2 and especially 1
What about real minigames like just having fun and spending time with your buddies?
Even GTA had this shit.
Why yes, I play a melee build. How did you know?
There is racing and fist fighting, like W3.
I was hoping for poker or something to do at bars and spend money on though.
Cool tech cyborg here we come
And kingdom come deliverance
I hate hype, I hate marketing that cultivates it and I loathe people too stupid to fall for it.
Thus I am now hoping for the failure of Cyberpunk 2077. I can't wait for the video essays, the delusions, the shitposts and Crowbcat video to top it off, if we indeed have a flop on our hands.
>Not BMS
God your even a pleb as an autist
There are minigames. Even hacking minigames, if you consider that a minigame. I can't be bothered finding the interview now as I have to get going, but I think I remember pool at least. As for if you can do it with friends, nobody has asked.
Right, racing and fighting too. I think the guy rattled off four or so minigames. Go watch youtube interviews from E3, there aren't that many. The guy did say "No card games", but there is time if people keep asking them about it.
>same shit you'll be doing every mission
This is not how you do open world.
>Hey can I be featured in this dsytopian hell-hole society in the future, which Keanu is going to burn down?
I'd have no issue with it desu. But why do I have tranny employee in the first place?
I just want things to do in the open world that isnt combat or driving.
>How is this talented actor who has played very similar characters fit for the role?
I hope for its failure to user.
e3 was one week ago
>who else is hyped for eastern europe to actually finally produce anything of worth
fuck off retard, Witcher 3 was beyond kino
literally top 10 story in vidya of all time
Be a slut! That's what I'm going to do with my femV. She's going to fuck, fuck, and fuck. After all that, she may have some time left over to fuck instead.
Woah how about... exploring and quests?! Woah
Is this the shitty apartment we have to use for the whole game? I mean they could have at least had end game rewards for Corpo/street/Nomad. I mean it doesn't make sense why a high tier corporate fucker would keep this tiny ass box and not upgrade to some penthouse.
Exploring gets boring after 30 minutes and quests is just more combat.
Then fuck off you drooling autistic nigger
I would never even consider playing a female character because I am male irl.
no minigames?
dropped unironically, hype gone
the game will be more soulless than GTA if combat is all you can do though
You'd have to give me proper criteria for the type of actors you want me to list, because there are too many. And the reasons I stated are not good reasons for why he should be in the game you fucking moron, unless you're actually part of the marketing effort.
>Why do you want everyone to look like an androgynous 80's faggot
>wants trannies in the game
uhm but you can get chased by the cops and race haha
So you are gay? Gotcha
Why would I play female in a first person only game?
Good job proving his point.
>i want to immerse myself as a female gagging for cocks
>lol you don't? what are you gay?
Dumb faggot.
>displaying the empty box for his toys
Jesus Christ.
>You're gay if you don't RP as some female fuck n' suck machine
This is your mind on tranny hormones
Why not?
What are the SJWs snowflakes angry about now?
Fire them.
Eastern Europe already made GOTY 2019 though
That the devs are too white and that Poland will make one of the best games ever
I'm immensely disappointed at the lack of outrage for there not being a CE with a hard backed copy of the RPG book, or a PDF of it on a fancy thumb drive.
I could never really get into Witcher 1, and because of that I never gave 2 a try, which led to me never bothering with 3. Does the gameplay improve through out the series, and how much will my experience be dampened without playing the ones prior?
Being in the game.
You sound like a huge faggot and don’t deserve any answers
The gameplay of 2 and 3 are vastly different from 1.
To be fair to rockstar, all their games have a shitload of minigames.
Is this a shill or bait? can't tell anymore
It used to be a dark rpg game but now its a tranny pandering openworld fps
as open world games should
The train and the last act where the only good parts of the entire game.
>He likes to stare at muscular dudes for dozens and dozens of hours when he plays games
Oh its another repressed homosexual
/pol/fag projecting about trannies again, can you take your obsession to your containment board?
those "kind of" people never are gonna play the game.
Why do they care?
You're the only one talking about staring at muscular men here
>Text Message from CDPR to "shill #27462" - 0.05 cents have been deposited in your account
It's first person.
>"cool we can go through puberty together"
no we're living in the dystopia right now
No one should play the game it's literally cyberpunk fallout 4
what was supposed to be a rpg turned into a generic open world shooter
I guess fallout pandered to trannies to since you could put female clothing on males then too and the dozens and dozens of other RPGs that let you too...all just tranny brainwashing. Looks like all the brainwashing got you pretty bad too, if you are saving all those tranny pics and crying on the internet about it.
the Wiemar Republic won't last forever, brother
How many times are people going to post about the twitter account used for marketing deciding to use marketing buzzwords?
What about the girl with the skrillex haircut in the original trailer, I thought that was your character? So you can't even see yourself in cutscenes?
>only mentions male or female v
It's a smear campaign.
>not enjoying a tranny lolcow that thinks their living in a cyberpunk future
check out the farms thread on this one its pretty hilarious
>>>Behind the Black Wall is a lovecraftian hellscape of rogue AI's and shit.
Ayyyy, I love me some TITAN AIs.
So changing your body from male to female or the opposite is almost guaranteed to be a life path choice?
Which one is this