She killed hundreds of women and children...
She killed hundreds of women and children
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont think they killed anyone. Just people who worked there. If anything, they cost a sector lots of power, which can indirectly starve people with no electricity.
Not him but it is literally stated in the game a lot of people died you goddamn goof.
I used to think the guy on TV was wearing a flesh-colored gasmask.
>ywn be a eco terrorist in a dystopian future
> just people who worked there
It's the "contractors on the Death Star" all over again.
the lives of everyone in the setting don't amount to much, and are often a punchline to some goofy antics.
But he is?
You can start right now.
and shinra just flattened sector 7 slums, but evacuated the top dwellers from the sector.
those were bad guys though right?
They didn't evacuate anyone, it literally shows people falling to their death in the cutscene. They just wanted to frame Avalanche for committing an atrocity instead of attacking strictly Shinra targets.
If I emulate FF7 will it look that nice? What's the best way to emulate it?
There's a lot of gray in FFVII. Even Shinra and the Turks at times are portrayed as good guys.
they evacuated people. i can distinctly remember the
>denzel spinoff
and the news report says "no civilain casualties right after, which means the people on the top.
game's trash
wait for the remake
that looks like the 2012 release, with the 3d models in like 1080p. if you emulate it the models will be dithered and upscaled from 240p
The turks are serious for the midgar portion, they're just joke characters in every scene after that
Watch the cutscene, it shows people in their homes as the plate collapses. They might have evac'd some people but ordinary folks got left to die.
And as we all know, anything that's not the original game is non canon.
you are living in that time right now
Don't step on the flowers!
Cute terrorist!
What if they don't get pancaked and Jessie joins the party?
So did she download the Anarchist cookbook from the internet to learn how to make it?
You'd best start etc etc
They job through pretty much the whole thing, but in Yuffie's side quest the shine a little bit and are shown to be not 100% bad.
Rufus, as well, isn't really that bad by the end of the game. He puts everything he has into trying to save the earth, even if his efforts are misguided and futile.
to sell MILLIONS of games
>they're pushing jessie harder to be a love interest
why must you do this to my heart SE
They got to turn a 5 hour segment into a full game. Adding more Jessie is a given.
she's pretty good
Doesn't she say something to the effect of she just made it exactly how they told her to on the internet?
Did they actually give a body count for the two reactors Avalanche destroyed? It doesn't matter either way, they were trying to save the planet with limited resources.
He also takes down the barrier around North Cave and offs himself in the process.
I don't remember them mentioning an internet or networked computers in FFVII.
media is controlled by Shinra, so couldn't be trusted anyway.
>materia is generally always shown as being baseball-sized
>somehow shrinks down to fit into their weapons/accessories
At least this means loads more Jessie porn.
Rufus did literally nothing evil the entire game. He talks about ruling with fear, but he never did anything bad. Quite the opposite, he saved the world. He stopped 2 WEAPONs and destroyed Sephiroth’s barrier.
His only evil did was sending (((Tifa))) to a gas chamber, but she had it coming.
>Reno was the one to bring down the Midgar plate and kill thousands of civilians
>also Reno is now the funny le wacky comic relief who never had to face those consequences
he was comic relief from his first appearance in the game; see
Reno was just as out of character as Cloud in AC. I loved the Turks in AC, but Reno acts nothing like he does in the game. Even his comic moments in the original were dry humor, nothing wacky like in the movie.
That bothered me to no end while watching AC, especially the scene near the end where he stops to rescue a child while running away from the monsters. Did they just forget that the guy is a cold-blooded mass murderer?
>supporting liberal agenda against capitalism
He was just following orders, Heideggar/President Shinra told him to. If he didnt, someone else would.
if he didn't follow orders he'd probably be "disposed" of.
They are making Jessie the love interest to spare us shitty love triangle drama.
You don't murder thousands of innocent people and get wash your hands of personal responsibility.
Reno does
>kept Heidegger and Scarlett around as executives
>tried to steal Cid's plane
>greedily was searching for the promised land
>wanted to publicly execute you
He isn't perfect, but he has his moments and is a good villian that you can't always disagree with.
It's dynamic. How do you think yuffie shoves so many up her snatch?
>>materia is generally always shown as being baseball-sized
No it’s not
You can say the same about Cloud and AVALANCHE.
Hopefully Jessie replaces Yuffie completely.
You fucking what? I'd rather Jessie replace Tifa, I didn't need that loser to show me the railway map anyway.
You fucking what? I'd rather Jessie replace Cait Sith, I didn't need that loser to get the holy materia anyway.
>those high res models on top of low res backgrounds
jesus christ it hurts to look at
I feel sorry for anyone who played it like this
I'm okay with this, Reeve is a turbofag anyway.
Cait Sith is the best character. Just forces his way into your party against Cloud's will, no ifs ands or buts. And once he's exposed as a spy and traitor he just threatens Barret's daughter and everyone just pretends it didn't happen and he goes back to being a normal party member.
Hopefully we can kill him in the remake
Look where you are. Do you think any zoomer here has seen that movie?
>No, you can't do this morally reprehensible action! Think of how many people would die if you collapse 1/8th of the largest city on the entire planet?
>O-Okay I'll go take my vacation now...
I need Big, Large, HUGE materia
>tfw would unironically cry like a massive bitch when i get to this scene in the remake
they should just delete everything about AVALANCE
She'll probably still die.
Though, having the three stooges lives means maybe you can rescue them when you return to Migdar. I dunno, is there any reason to keep them alive?
>never to be absorbed into the lifestream
Lifestream = heaven and they are sinners?
You didnt forget did you?
>It is a matter of debate if the novella is or is not canon.
It looks a lot better with that shirt under the armour instead of just the skintight suit.
They can't decide what they want to do with any of the backstory. At first the lifestream was just a massive conglomeration of spirits that served as energy for the planet (spiritual energy), lives were then born from the lifestream, grew, and returned to the lifestream in order to increase the planet's vitality (energy) which created a cycle that gave the planet more energy with each iteration. Then with each new entry in FFVII shit just changes and changes.
Dumbest scene. Was I supposed to think that Reeve was no longer in control, it wasn't just an expendable remote controlled suit, and that particular Cait Sith model had become self aware enough to despair its impending death?
They'll flesh them out more than the original to garner an emotional response when they die. Barrett's early motivation was avenging them so it'd be kinda weird for them to stay alive and just hang out in Midgar instead of joining the party
>How do you think yuffie shoves so many up her snatch?
I have a vague idea.
Cait Sith was always an AI. Reeve just overrode its input at times to talk shit to Avalanche\
Nice theory
You can kill him in the original you fucking secondary
How does Cloud go from just a regular cannon fodder soldier, to stabbing and kill Sephiroth... to then emulating a Soldier First Class and eventually going toe-to-toe with Sephiroth? Seems inconsistent. He just got motivated from Nibelheim being destroyed? Later just the effects of the Hojo experimentation?
>You can kill him in the original you fucking secondary
He's in advent children so that killing wasnt canon. I want to canonically kill him.
Autist rage after what happened to Tifa
He leveled up from all his gamer moments
>boob armor
Protagonist power, I guess. Stabbing Sephiroth as a grunt was definitely some bullshit.
He doesn't stab and kill sephiroth. Sephiroth stabs him and cloud with his autist rage lifts him up and throws him into the reactor.
He caught Sephiroth off guard. Cloud was still pumped full of Mako and Jenova jizz so he was physically augmented to be more powerful than he originally was
Hojo's experiments did it, he was considered a "failed" Sephiroth clone but actually turned out to be the successful one
That shit was one of the funniest scenes I've ever witnessed in all my gamer life
Yeah, was Dante 37 or 38¿
He caught seph by surprise for when he stabbed him. but sephiroth then stabbed him back and he used his adrenaline stronk + sephiroth trying to protect Jenova's head to life him and toss him in the lifestream.
Everything later is from being juiced up on mako and jenova's cells in Hojo's tube for a few years. Your real question should be, "Why do all of the non-juiced up party members keep up with Cloud?"
He caught Sephiroth off guard. Later Hojo roids him full of mako and Jenova cells that every Soldier dude already experienced.
BELIEVE and you can do anything
post gif
He had the Preemptive Strike Materia equiped.
Not even joking.
>he didn't let go
How is Cloud still alive.
Hojo. The experiments happen after that scene to him and Zach
Oh shit oh fuck I can't let go
I can see it now. The Remake will have it so Cloud jumps in the way of Seph flying down to stab Aerith, and this exact scene gets reenacted
Aeris is going to die like usual, if she doesn't the planet will be destroyed by meteor.
wasn't she in the shrine casting Holy, which she completed before she died? it was Holy that saved the planet. Her dying didn't actually accomplish anything.
She's met with a terrible fate, hasn't she?
I hope the change that scene just enough so you faggots get one brief moment of hope, and then they have Aeris die anyways
turns out terrorists are shit people
who could've thought
The power of his waifu(zack)
Start at 5:30
Why didn't Claud just throw the black materia into a trash can?
She willingly went to die, Holy can only truly be summoned when her will dissipates into the lifestream. She controls the lifestream at the very end of the game to merge with Holy.
Should I play Crisis Core? I've played FF7 a million times but AC turned me off from the expanded universe.
Found it.
What was Shinra's tax policy?
She committed suicide with a smile on her face
>140 hp
even a sneeze from the level ~30 sephiroth would kill him, much less getting impaled by his sword
Holy shit.
Yeah, just ignore Genesis faggotery and experience the best boy Zack.
>Not even joking.
He already had mako in his veins so he would be even weaker. its supposed to be so shocking that's why sephiroth didn't just let go.
isn't that supposed to be zack?
Go for it. Like other user said, ignore Genesis.
what makes Genesis bad?
The lore deepens
You have autism
He was modeled after Gackt or some shit. Literally just shoehorned for the sake of it and doesn't have any connection to the original game so he's pretty irrelevant.
Never underestimate autist strength.
Wait, I fucked that up. She had succeeded in summoning Holy just before being killed by Sephiroth (Jenova).
He is a shoehorned fan fiction character that SE can't even use anymore. Pretty pointless whenn you think about it. He even shows up in a cut scene at the end of Dirge of Cerberus.
>mfw I played DoC before CC and had no idea who the fag that showed up on the cut scene at the very end
>mfw I have no face
Reminder that Aeris gets raped in the life stream everytime someone calls her Aerith
Nope. Aeris is still alive, that's why Red XIII has so many offspring.
Sir, are you implying that Yea Forums plays video games? That's just silly.
So in other words, Sephiroth is an idiot that foiled his own plan? Just keep her alive, why didn't he know that?
Jeez. It's almost like people in power literally get away with everything...
Why would he know that? You think he had the script in his hand?
Are Tifacucks mad that Jessie gets a sexy ride on Cloud's bike before she does?
didn't he spend like 7 years or something in the Lifestream learning all the ins and outs?
It was always Jenova, not Sephiroth himself
Calling it now, Jessie is the canon romance of the remake and Tifa will be a fembro.
>Tifa will die instead of Aeris
I hope they don't change Zack's voice actor from Crisis Core.
Cloud took Zack's bitch
How can one post be so wrong
And even then, Jenova is a semi-sentient parasitic entity. She is foreign to the planet, and would not know all of its secrets. If it can be said to "know" anything, rather than mimic.
>barret, tifa, and cloud get away scot-free with having gallons of civilian blood on their hands
>never comes up
>biggs, wedge, and jessie have to pay the price
Eco-terrorists tend to universally fuck everything up and just make huge messes, though. They get so high on the ego-fulfillment that they justify things regardless of the actual outcomes.
So that's a really confusing part.
Apparently Jenova mimics people, and gains their knowledge when doing so, and basically killed all the Cetra -- so gained their knowledge. Sephiroth and Jenova's head fall into the Lifestream, and apparently learn everything else in there. Sephiroth is apparently the one is control, and I would assume he would have all the knowledge Jenova had, which basically was all the knowledge of the Cetra, plus whatever was gained in the Lifestream.
granted it's been a long time since I played this -- that was my understanding anyway.
They specifically said they waited until there was no one in the reactor before setting off the bomb.
>jessie and aeris will die again
>tifa will win again
I dont they do, maybe they Just support Cloud in general
Cloud still is stronger tha anyone there
No, it says people died in the bomb that SHINRA planted on the support beam as a false-flag. On the initial mission, they clearly said they waited until they were certain there would be no casualties.
well that contradicts:
samefag cuck
Ah, another man of culture
What does that have to do with the hundreds of employees stationed around the reactor or all the molten debris that fell on all the Sector 5 buildings?
They killed several innocent people that day.
>motorcycle scene
>Jessie on back of Cloud's bike
>Biggs on back of Wedge's bike
>brief shot of possibly car
maybe the end was spoiled and you can save them
Zack was fucking dead and was never serious with Aeris you fucking zoomer.
She's not talking about her direct actions at the reactor. She's talking about their general actions as "terrorists" which led to Shinra blowing up the support beam.
For the Sector 5 run? No.
The second time they waited for no one to be in the reactor.
I had to try, user, I had to put it out there to see how many remember.
>I dont think they killed anyone. Just people who worked there.
>Jessie on Cloud's bike
fucking cute, Tifashitters need not apply
Can't wait to select "is that so" again when Jessie is dying.
The reactors that Avalanche bombed were evacuated, as the story says. The plate falling was causing by Shinra, not by Avalanche. This isn't that hard.
would make deaths meaningless to just bring them back.
Look at the bike, it's not the Hardy Daytona idiot. That is an earlier bike sequence.
Sephiroth was weakened by Zack and then Cloud only took him by surprise. He failed in killing him anyway. Everything else is because of Jenova.
>It's dynamic. How do you think yuffie shoves so many up her snatch?
t. autistic tifacuck even feels threatened by a side character
is it time for another "popularity" poll?
>thinking the game will be a 1:1 copy
I got some bad news for you
>The reactors that Avalanche bombed were evacuated, as the story says
The story never says that, also no one is talking about the plate. We are talking about the reactors.
ptsd and sniffing a whole lot of mako
Why are you signing your posts like that?
We already SAW the fucking Hardy Daytona.
>Should I play Crisis Core?
Yes. The FF7 Remake is gonna be an evolution of Crisis Core's combat.
Stated by a news channel that is likely in Shinra's pocket, I imagine they exaggerated the results of the explosion to paint AVALANCHE in a negative light
Retard strength
You walk passed the destruction and panicked populace of Sector 5 on the way to 7th Heaven.
Why is it so hard for you to accept Avalanche killed innocent people?
she does, Jessie is Aerith(s).
I'm glad they made them look similar in the remake too. they'll have to make the connection more obvious this time because almost no one found the eastern egg
Hold on there buster, I didn't say lie, I said exaggerated. Yes people died in the bombings, just not as many as Shinra said, I think it was like hundreds of people if memory serves. And yes I imagine a populace would be panicked during a terrorist attack, doesn't mean hundreds of people died in the reactors.
t. newfag zoomer ugly fat tifacuck
>t. retard who doesn't know what t. means
t. ugly fat insecure perpetually triggered tifashit continues to embarrass themselves
No the reactors, the whole sector. That explosion was fucking huge, metal debris went every where. It's not a stretch to say that hundreds of people died during that explosion.
Can someone make a webm of Jessie on Cloud's bike? I need it for reasons.
>I don't think they killed anyone, just the people they killed
This is kind of embarrassing. Just so you know. "t." means signed. You are signing your posts as if you are the tifafag.
shinra workers arent people
Just kiss already
Jessie replaces Yuffie
I 1000% support this.
what did they mean by this? isnt FF7 somehow related to X?
hold on there fucko
That would be the opposite of what they should be doing. Telling the people of midgar that the rebellion is winning is only going to make more people be willing to rebel
your IQ is low and so is your height.
>tfw always had the biggest crush on jessie
>so did the sector 7 plate
FF7 will be the game that will show us all the glory of WMAF relationships!
Cloud was a shinra worker, your point?
He is
>press triangle repeatedly
Nah she likely died from bleeding out before the plates fell, assuming she was shot to shit. It's not very clear how she's hurt in the original.
>tfw your waifu goes from 3D to 2D
Yes user, to play video game you have to press buttons
>Be a kid whose mother is in a coma
>Work for years to get money for [contrived life saving operation for the sake of strawman]
>This is the last day of you working for Shinra, literally the last drop that would cover it
>You survive, but mother died in-between the explosion and backup electricity kicking in
>All because some nigger wanted to save the Earth
What a hero
Wait...wait. She's supposed to be dead by the time you get to the bike section.
Wait a fucking minute
I told you faggot, there is going to be more than one bike section.
It's not Daytona and it's in a railway tunnel, not a highway.
>these jessie jokes
>believe Zack's stories to be your memories so much that turn yourself from a shitty soldier to super soldier who can use a giant ass sword while riding a bike
Cloud is weaponized autism.
that explosion is just a couple of centimeters dude, chill
i'm sure the serums and surgeries had a more to do with it, user
To be honest the jokes kind of fell flat for me
>that kid went on to join the shinra military to get revenge
>get regulated to his first mission
>runs into a team of a dog, a big black man, and a some white big ass cat
>sky turns dark and some old white guy appears, blasting all you and your teammates to death
>the kid barely survives with partial paralysis
>big black guy did it to grab an elixir
what a hero
I also hate depth of field shit in modern video games.
You're forgetting
>Nigger does successfully save the earth in the end
Sometimes people gotta die for shit to get done.
dont expect these binary-thinking autists to read between the lines
Who are damaging the planet by paying for Shinra's electricity. Fuck em
He probably also doesn't understand that greentext usally indicates a quote, so he doesn't fully understand when people respond with a (>t. ) as an insult
Aeris saves the earth and last we checked she didnt blow up a reactor to send a point
To make an omelette you have to crack some eggs. Nothing personal.
that's not the original bike section, they've padded the fuck out of Midgar because this entire episode 1 remake is just Midgar.
we havent even got to the rest of the world yet
Why does Midgar need all those wings on the outside.
I've been playing it on my vita. JRPGs on handhelds are so damn cozy.
yo that's a high fucking quality webm
He killed Sephiroth...
Newfags t. their own insults is always one of the more amusing ones
What is Avalanche gonna do, bankrupt Shinra? They are the government. They are the bank. They are their own supplier.
To save Sephiroth.
Exactly. AVALANCHE has no endgame (before they get involved in all that Sephiroth and Jenova business anyway). They just want to break shit. Say they succeeded in bringing down Shinra and stopping Mako energy refinement, what then? Where do all the people living in Midgar go? What about the thousands of Shinra employees they just put out of a job? What happens to Shinra's military, the only one of its kind on the planet? How will they handle counter-insurrection by those who grew up accustomed to the Mako lifestyle and clearly outnumber them?
I'm thinking about getting this on Switch or maybe Senran Kagura
Is there any downside to the Switch version?
>my dillusional theories are reality
It looks like the remake is already starting to retcon the moral ambiguity of the early game, since it seems like the bomb was supposed to create a more controlled explosion and the Guard Scorpion's rampage made the collateral damage a lot worse. That concert trailer even has Wedge say something like, "This wasn't OUR fault, was it?"
When you first meet Aeris, it's in a sector that's gotten blown up. All that damage is the reactor explosion.
Presumably the plates are sized for future construction? Sector 1-B, 2-B and so on?
It's basically the original PC version without any ability to mod it and make it better
Chad af
Was she attracted to Cloud?
For every person Barrett unintentionally killed, shinra killed a dozen more by intentionally dropping a friggin city.
>sephiroth gets killed by a raging weakling
>zack fends off an entire army in CC
>FF7R is going to make CC canon
>there are people on Yea Forums that would defend CC
Yeah but there isn't much to work with in the original, seems like they're making her way more flirty in the remake.
what a chad
She had a major crush.
Zack had the power of love and friendship on his side like every good protagonist should.
Did you both forget that Cait Sith mentions how many people they killed somewhere on disc 2?
>third person perspective
>least I don't have to stare at a dudes ass
Square's got you all covered!
Not really. They fixed the music bug and portable FF7 is comfy. Purists will still say to play the original because of a few hair-splittingly minor inconsistencies you wouldn't even notice if they weren't pointed out, but for most people the QoL features will make up for it. The only thing is mod compatibility, which Switch will never have for obvious reasons
So...perfectly fine?
what did he say exactly?
>"This wasn't OUR fault, was it?"
How do you read that as reducing the moral ambiguity? It sounds like they're engaging with it more, in the original it's barely mentioned until Tifa talks about being unsure of her feelings after the plate falls.
People will bitch, but I'd actually like that for pure shock value. Also that way you literally have no idea what's going to happen next. Of course if Tifa did die I'd probably get upset about losing her as much I did aerith.
Aerithfag here and honestly that was one of the best parts of the trailer. That showed that instead of taking the train to the next bombing mission, you can take bikes instead or better yet, you'll be able to free roam and complete side missions on the bike. The icing on the cake is that Jessie will ride on the back of your bike while the bros ride alongside. I hope you can have aerith and tifa ride on back as well.
Well, looks like i just a game to play after the one im playing now
I completely forgot Jessie even existed until the new trailers showed her and even then I'd forgotten that she died.
It's just translators being dumb as fuck as usual, the Japanese dialogue says "we went overboard, this is too much".
Thank god Japanese audio option was confirmed
They are really pushing for CloudxJessie
fucking godamn shippers
It's kind of a subjective assessment, tbqh
We have neural net upscaled background mods coming soon. It's going to be amazing. And it won't work with your Switch version.
>part 1
Square isn't even trying to hide their greed anymore. Insult to injury is the game itself is going to be disappointing to some degree and you paid $300+ for that.
One person told me I had an autistic idea of love (the better word would be "sexual attraction") for thinking she was being flirty to Cloud, but I always got this feeling in-game. Glad to see others agree.
Cait Sith: Doncha worry none, Marlene's in a safe place. She's with Aerith's
mama. Barret!! What was that scratching just now!? As long as Marlene is safe,
who cares what else happens, right? I been itchin' to say this to ya fer a
while now! When ya blew the Midgar No. 1 up, how many folks d'ya think died?
Barret: ...that was for the life of the planet. Ya gotta expect a few
Cait Sith: A few? Whaddya mean 'a few'? What may be a few to y'all is
everythin' to them who died...... Protect the planet. Hah! Y'all sure sound
good! Ain't no one that'd go against ya. So ya think ya can do whatever y'all
I'm the process of replaying it right now actually, only on disc 1 still so I'm a bit foggy on the details.
No way. Tifa isn't an Ancient for one so Sephiroth doesn't have much reason to kill her aside from getting at Cloud. Also she's not, y'know, the metaphorical representation of life and the spirit of the Planet.
Yeah I noticed there were weird changes in dialogue in the trailers. Might make more sense when actually playing the games, or it might not.
>implying that's a bad thing
Save aerith, save avalanche, hell bring zach back. There's no way this game is gonna please everybody and they're gonna change it anyways, so might as well make it interesting.
They only blew up the reactor, it was Shinra that dropped the plate
If you consider militant vegans an eco terrorist group there is a group in West Australia right now going all out.
And I assure you this place is pretty dystopian.
this was such a good game
wtf I hate AVALANCHE now
We have to stop Tifa and her WMAF propaganda
I'm sorry.
The ID scan problem on the train was all my fault.
I made your ID card special...... So that's why it happened...
I put my heart into making it. But I failed.
Next time, I'll give you something more decent.
I'll be back at the hideout in my research room workin' on it.
...Cloud... I'm glad...... I could talk with you... one last time.
with what fucking testosterone
There's even a dialogue option where you can say you'd be happy for her to make a new card, it even takes a few points away from Tifa.
Daliy reminder Tusk gotten away scot-free.
>no girl will ever care about you this much
Dude, she was pretty flirty with Cloud. She was the one who made the fake id cards for everyone and she said that she made Cloud's special. She had a crush on Cloud.
>Because... of our actions... many...... people died...... this probably...... is our punishment...
t. jessie
It's that pricey because of the model, dipshit. The regular collectors' edition is $80.
At once?
I'm totally okay with them giving non-canon "good" routes and endings that allow you to save people you couldn't in the original.
>$250 worth figurine in the package
Yeah. Didn't even know they had a female companion. I thought Jessie was a guy's name.
That's right anons! Jessie's DEAD! FLAT! CRUSHED! She can't compete for Cloud anymore! Just like that Cetra skewer bitch! NOBODY GETS IN THE WAY OF MY CLOUD! I WILL HAVE HIS CHILDREN!
Then they cheapen the characters and remove the sorrow of their deaths.
It's a well known fact that every special edition bonus figure, statue, and gimmick toy have been high quality and not a single one has ever been lacking.
Get fucking real.
Just like new Tifa
That's just what the cucks in the liberal media want you to believe. Redpilled basedbros know it was AVALANCHE that did it!
uhh.. Tifa I don't think what you're doing to Cloud will make you have his children
The Japanese release is nearly $100. There's no way the English version is going to be dual audio when they couldn't even be arsed to hire the original voice actors.
PAK figures is not top tier definitely, but they are still breddy gud
>tfw you realize Tifa was just pretending to be sad when those deaths happened
FF7 is overrated trash. Square Enix needs to remake actual good jrpgs such as Chrono Cross.
This looks pretty cool
>wanting Square to touch any Chrono game when literally 99% of the team is gone
>Chrono Cross
That's just prepping,
chrono cross is just a pile of wasted ambition, fuck that bloated mess
I liked that Zack's original death was just getting shot up by 3 grunts. Giving him a glorious last stand takes away from the tragedy.
More like Chrono SHIT
That's exactly what i just said, learn to fucking read before you quote retard.
>includes summon materia dlc
>willingly went to die
I don't think she wanted to die. Cloud and Tifa had this convo were Cloud said she knew she was gonna die and Tifa disagrees saying Aeris was always talking about the future. I'm on her side, I think she wanted to live.
Regardless, that would be the challenge of the writers this time around. Change the story in a way that keeps the players on their toes and anticipating the next installment. Face it, what would have you more hyped for the next installment? Waiting to continue the story you completed 20 years ago? Or waiting to see what happens next because something happened you weren't expecting?
Dabbing on poors, based Square
It has already been confirmed to be quad audio in NA and Europe, stop speaking out of your ass.
>summon materia that early in the game
Thanks for reminding that this will be shit
I really hope they add more interactions with Yuffie and Aerith. Aerith is probably the only one of the group Yuffie truly liked and respected.
>tfw Yuffie jumps into Cloud's arms and cries if she's in your party when Aerith dies
She jumps into her boyfriend Vincent's arms.
I would actually be happy if they added a summon materia or two. I know you shouldn't get one until the chocobo ranch, but since we won't get that far in this game, if they don't put a couple into the game now thatll be entire cool thing that never makes it into this specific game.
There are multiple summon materia as pre-order exclusives, they're definitely adding some.
Vincent is for Shelke.
>>using dude party members
Except I felt nothing for that, it left zero emotional impact. Compared to CC where they made you keep playing despite no chance of winning. All while the DMW starts glitching out and everyone fades away except Aerith. Even years later I still remember it as one of the most emotionally brutal deaths.
>biggs on the bitch seat
Either they changed how you get to the second bombing site or you get to do extra missions leading up to it.
>on rails
Damn, didn't notice that in the trailer. I hope you can offroad it.
inb4 GTA Midgar, I'd still buy it.
How many games is it going to be if we can't even leave Midgar yet over 2 discs?
The PS5's SSD will come preloaded with FF7R:complete. You will need to buy additional storage
>not only using cid and vincent
If soehiroth is geneover then why come you kill it at the end before fighting himself? Convolated homosexual BULLSHIT
>he doesn't know the trick to make Vincent able to one shot every enemy in the game including weapons
>Midgar yet over 2 discs?
Most of it is just high fidelity audio and high resolution textures.
you're mom gay
Cid and Barret are the best choices at endgame.
That's cool and all, but do you really want a cuck in your party? Also worst limit break in the game
>You can save Biggs/Wedge/Jessie
>If they survive, they decide to stay back in Midgar to continue the fight against Shinra
Good idea?
>Barret: You gonna stand there and pretend you can’t hear the planet crying out in pain?
>Cloud: You really hear that?
>Barret: Damn straight I do.
>Cloud: [after a pause] Get help.
No, that's wish-fulfillment bs. They have to die.
>If they survive, they decide to stay back in Midgar to continue the fight against Shinra
Then we get Episode: AVALANCHE DLC where you play as them during the time the main party is out of the city, right?
why do brainlets seethe about FF7 not giving you a detailed epilogue for the ending
You're right
Holy exterminated the entirety of whatever the metoer left was left of midgar
I want a remake, not some fanfic.
No its better. it's tragic because he has an ignoble death. Besides, you don't even get to know Zack that much to have an impact.
Everyone in Midgar is going to hate them. They'd best go to Kalm.
There is nothing wrong with games having a "good" ending that differs from the Canon true ending
All you get in Midgar in the original is Fire/Ice/Lightning/Restore/Poison plus All, Cover, Steal, Sense, and Elemental.
They don't realize that video games are about player involvement and once the player involvement is done there's nothing left to fucking say.
I don't give a shit if the MC did something 5 years later, I can't play that, it's a VIDEO GAME
He may have been cucked, but now he's in a loving relationship with Yuffie and she's going to become a great mommy!
the blue magic one too: Enemy Skill
Epilogues are nice, New Vegas wouldn't have been near as enjoyable if it just ended after the dam fight and we didn't get to see how everything turned out for the rest
he's not sterile from Hojo's experimentation?
True, but you can't actually learn any until you leave.
FF7 fag here
you're a dumbass
AVALANCHE's bombings are killing civilians, there are various lines about this from Barret, Cait, etc.
you don't recover from getting cucked by Hojo of all people.
But he can't get over Lucrecia.
I understand this to an extent, and that is why epilogues where you can roam around freely and talk to all the people while the story concludes are comfy and the best. Chrono Trigger, Lunar TSSS, and Earthbound did this.
New vegas had a bunch of side shit involving different factions.
The side quests in FF7 were self contained and didn't need more explanation
He's actually even more virile than he was before the experiments.
I think I would rather kill myself.
The spinoffs are cash-grabs made without sakaguchi and should never be brought up, ever
>spending countless hours to kill 65k enemies to overflow his damage when the game is close to its end anyway by the time you can get death penalty anyway
their wutai conclusion is their best scene, what are you, a retard?
Don't. Play on PC with the new threat mod, it's the best game experience you'll ever have, I promise.
he is fucking Shelke from Dirge of Cerberus you retards
Holy kills humanity so there would be no one to talk to
I, too, wish AC wasn't canon.
Reminder that Hojo went completely unpunished and basically told Cloud to go suck a dick in Costa Del Sol while hanging out with his whores even when Cloud could snap him in two
>implying Hojo didn't experiment on him so any kids he has will actually somehow be Hojo's so he can continue to cuck him from beyond the grave
The creators never said everyone died because of Holy, just that the introduction of Red XIII with his kids was to show a massive amount of time passed.
He already has an equally immortal waifu that will stay underage
You kill Hojo during the return to midgar raid
then he uploads himself to the internet so DoC can happen
That was pretty weird. She looks like she belongs in kingdom hearts.
Hojo got to fuck this and Vincent didn't? Nice.
He killed:
2.8 million in the habitat
Probably at least 40,000 on the island it crashed on.
Oh, I completely forgot about that. Still cucked Vincent though
She isn't canon anymore
This is done throughout the game
when cait sith joins he has the 'manipulate' materia
get it
Capitalism demanding a retcon is not the same thing as canon
It's called acceptance
What a dumb thing to type
In the tutorial about materia splitting, Cloud jokes about feeling like he has a split personality
>totally passenger like NPC that doesn't exist past the first hour of play.
>practically irrelevant to the whole plot
>SE makes her look cute in her 2019 CGI model
>NPC suddenly becomes important to the "fans"
why did this game have NTR
I've always like Jessie you fucking cunt
Exactly so much has happened countless times. Characters get killed off, fans hate it, they get written back to life with bullshit. If you can't maintain the integrity of your original vision amid financial strain, it ceases being canon. It's fan fiction at that point.
Says who?
Really, when did anything from FF7 spinoffs get the clear canon-not canon status like Star Wars?
>"Why do all of the non-juiced up party members keep up with Cloud?"
They actually don't. Cloud's worst stat is his Dexterity/Luck and he's still the fourth best in the game at it. After Aerith dies he is the best at both strength and magic.
Jessie was put into ff14 in 2014
Square de-canonized the compilation of FF7 after E3 you dingus
>ywn be a female eco terrorist in a dystopian future
Mako's one hell of a drug.
Game 1 = Midgar, super expanded upon because it's easily the most interesting and iconic setting in the whole game but also the most under utilized. Yuffie appears in this game and Red XIII is acquired earlier to round out the party at 6 most of the game.
Game 2 = The chase and finding Sephiroth leading up to Aerith's death. Expanded content and storylines here and there. Vincent, Cid, and Cait Sith go here.
Game 3 = The end. From the aftermath of Aerith's death up until the destruction of Meteor.
>Barret is the worst at FIVE stats
oh no no no
>Yuffie is a super speedy crit machine whose lower strength doesn't matter because the Conformer is the best ultimate weapon in the game
How can other girls even compete?
The story idea for FF7 was Sakaguchi's alone, the scenario writers basically just fleshed out the dialogue and character details. Without Sakaguchi, it's extended universe fan fiction
>Muh fan fiction
Not how it works. The company owns the game. The company decides what is and isn't fan fiction.
The original game still exists.
>using bombs
>in a world where Materia and summon spells like Meteor and Bahamut exists
If I lived in Midgar I would be in constant fear of mass destruction spells, not fucking bombs.
No that's on the premise of independent contractors hired to work on a private construction project. The people at the reactor would all be Shinra employees, thus it's the Death Star 1 scenario.
I looked it up. Nomura just says Remake and Compliations have no continuity between them. So remake is a different continuity and nothing is de-canonized since if we consider remake canon, then the original will be de-canonized and that would be stupid.
No there's not. The only time that is EVER said is during a propoganda announcement on the TV. For an "FF7fag", you seem to have forgotten to play the game.
Good materia is supposed to be really uncommon though and almost entirely found in remote locales I thought
>barret mentions the people they killed in aeriths house after tseng kidnaps her and reno drops plate
>jessie mentions the people they killed on her deathbed
>reeves brings up avalanche not being innocent with the people they killed with the bombs
Japan treats canon between mediums differently from what's been established before. Think Gundam and all the damn branches and splits between the OG series and the Compilation movies.
It's actually not an AI, Reeve uniquely has magic that allows him to bring dolls and puppets to life. Source: dirge of cerberus
>Game 2 = The chase and finding Sephiroth leading up to Aerith's death.
That seems logical to demark the game there. But you do realize that's 90% of the world map right? The only other places not shown would be Icicle Inn and the Northern Crater areas.
This would make Game 2 MASSIVE.
I wonder if we'll get a cameo, someone in S-E loves her enough to get her into WoFF.
>Square Enix's email to Nomura.png
No they didn't. They aren't Disney.
The simple fact is, canon doesn't work that way in FF due to all the alternate dimensions and timelines.
As it stands, Final Fantasy only has the following universal canon between all games.
1. Every game is connected to the same multiverse, as evidenced by number 2's very existence, but the game worlds themselves have little to no interaction most of the time.
2. Every iteration of Gilgamesh is the same person. Gilgamesh can semi-freely travel between worlds.
3ish. The Void may or may not be the same dimension between all games.
Final Fantasy VII + Compilation is one canon.
Final Fantasy VIIR is a completely separate, new canon.
Both are canon but neither are connected.
Think of it like two different timelines.
god, eco terrorists are SO STUPID and SELFISH
The body is funny like that, sometimes when you're inflicted with a hilariously big wound, the body will just shut down its pain receptors in order to save you from dying of shock.
What's the over/under on a tsundere, trash talking, alcoholic Tifa?
Barret is a moron and can't actually be quoted for anything
>Jessie on her deathbed
She was going delirious from losing so much blood
Okay now we're gonna pay heed to an anti-avalanche group member?
Tifa isn't like that. She's a tree hugging planet warrior and has no time for being an unpredictable and narcissistic Japanese cartoon bitch
Do you believe for one moment that they won't just add more locations and shove some others like Wutai onto game three exclusively?
They're already diverging from the original plot. Why would the world map stay the same?
How do people defend star wars? Its fucking boring as shit
t. dicksucking wannabe Aerisfag
Tifacucks aren't going to give you their cum, get over it.
>Final Fantasy VII + Compilation is one canon.
>Final Fantasy VIIR is a completely separate, new canon.
Low key I think this is Square admitting that the Compilation sequels/prequels aren't that great.
Does Tifa even really drink in the OG game?
Reeve says they did
t. newfag cucks
You already got the dystopian future part.
She literally calls people retards and smacks other women up.
>live in the slums
>manage a bar
>live in the slums with a gaint black man
>said gaint black man probably has a bbc
She fucked Barret, I am positive about it.
The Compilation wasn't about being "good" but trying new game types with an insurance policy that the VII name would still sell units to at least make it break even.
No. She's too young to drink, silly.
I wish you would sign all your posts like that
You just said the R word. Are you sure that that's socially acceptable?
Barret has too much guilt over his dead wife and destroyed village to worry about petty things like sex. All that matters to him is saving the planet and raising Marlene to be a better person than him,.
Reeve also did nothing to prevent President Shinra from dropping the Sector 7 plate and basically writing off Midgar as an acceptable loss once he had access to the "Promised Land."
Wutai will most likely happen before meteor gets summoned IMO
Will probably be a mandatory section after unlocking the tiny bronco since its quite close to rocket town and yuffie could convince the party to go there in the guise of laying low
Can they please fucking replace Tifa with Jessie, Jesus Christ.
Jessie dies and so does Ashley
t. newfag still getting triggered
Until the end of time.
Fanservice dlc would be awesome.
I dunno if “aeris lives” is much in the way of dlc though. Play the game again with your healer-mage?
How about an AU version of the game closer to the oroginal concept (and far shorter obviously)? Seph as Aerith’s bro, an ancient, suffering from mako addiction, etc
All three ladies + Yuffie later need to stick around and not die so Cloud can have the harem of dirty but endearing slum rats and forest hobos he deserves.
It's still weird that a game as big as FF7 has only one official sequel and it's an obscure as hell PS2 game.
Dirge looks good, but some design elements seem more at home in FFX (like some enemies and helis), and it's linear and boring. Holy hell, could you imagine how cool it'd be to explore FF7 world in full 3D and actually talk to people? Instead it's a boring corridor shooter and lifeless Devil may Cry rip-off.
Wonder if they are going to port barrets melee weapons or not
The irony of this post is pretty amazing
Then she shouldn't be a bartender then.
Not saying he’s a good character. Jessie even says they did though.
>Tifa and Cloud are apparently married in AC
>no one ever brings it up in the movie
it's wierd
shut up and get me a whiskey, retard.
Actually you will not be having his children!
>Tifa dies and no one cares
Cloud doesn't deserve shit. But I certainly deserve Jessie and Aeris.
You can have Tifa.
>when they couldn't even be arsed to hire the original voice actors.
They said they're doing that for specifically stylistic reasons. The regular dub cast will play those characters in anything else FF7-related, but they wanted to have a very specific feel in the remake so they wanted a new cast.
They're living together raising two kids together. They're basically married but without the ceremony and ring.
What did she mean by this?
I assume they will move locations from Game 2 to Game 3, especially the ones that you have to visit as part of the Huge Materia Quest. At least that's what I'd do, for pacing reasons, if I had to split the game into three equal length chunks. So that means in Game 2 there'd be no Fort Condor, Rocket Town, Wutai, and maybe even move North Corel and Gongaga to Game 3 too (Cloud could visit the latter for the first time in the remake after remembering his past to pay his respects or whatever).
It’s a confusing part of the story, she says she was guided. So we dont know how much she knows.
Probably because they aren't even together and Nomura himself said he doesn't know if anything happened between them and apparently doesn't care kek
He was too busy writing his Cloud/Aeris fanfiction.
You felt nothing because you knew literally nothing about Zack in the original game, you have no connection to him as a character, you have no real reason to be sad when he dies.
Only thing I care about is how crossdressing Cloud will be implemented
That she wants to talk about the past with jonny
Jonny has another girl taking a shower just a tad offscreen to the left though IIRC
Take that as you will
There's going to be like 5 episodes unless they just aren't uniform or anything in length
oh you're a denialfag
Just as planned
Nomura doesn't fucking write outside of Kingdom Hearts since he rarely gets even partial writing credits until KH3 at least.
Aeris went to summon Holy with her White Materia because it was SUPER urgent and needed to be done right away. Bit of a risk to run off alone like that, but she didn't think she'd get killed by Seph out of nowhere.
Reminder that Yuffie and Vincent will be DLC characters
>But I certainly deserve Jessie and Aeris.
No you don't.
Cloud saves the world. You can't even manage to save enough money to pull yourself out of your shit live.
Marlene is Barret's child and Cloud believes that Aeris brought Denzel to him. He even went against Tifa to keep him because he thought she would sperg about because of Aeris.
Theory is Cloud led Jenoviroth in
>So that means in Game 2 there'd be no Fort Condor, Rocket Town, Wutai, and maybe even move North Corel and Gongaga to Game 3 too what the fuck is actually IN Game 2 then? and there's no reason they couldn't have an area in both
>curious about the fanfiction again after 16 years
>go check some old author profiles on ffnet
>they look bare, know for a fact there were more stories
>use wayback machine to see that indeed either ffnet or the author at some point wiped tons of their stories, some of them I liked and wanted to see again
>wayback didn't actually archive the stories themselves
>author's been awol for almost a decade
I'm getting so much anxiety from this stupid shit being gone without a trace aaaaaaaahhhhhhh why am I so autistic I need help
Aeris saves the world.
And Tifa is shit. Cloud doesn't even want her. He'd rather have a dead girl.
Exactly which is why I didn't mind Crisis Core taking a more dramatic approach since he has a much bigger role.
Marlene really loved that flower girl. Thought she had someone she could talk girly stuff with probably
every single VA in the old English cast was bad so im glad theyre all gone.
What are the chances we get one more part that goes beyond the original FFVII story? I don't want this, for the record, but it's Square-Enix.
>Marlene is Barret's child
barrets a cuck just like vincent
>featuring marlene and denzel
Fuck off
Why wouldn't she have anticipated Sephiroth? Seems like she wanted to die just running off alone like that.
Nobody is even talking about Tifa and you're just rambling on about her for some reason.
Correct. She didn't think she would die, she even told Cloud she would come back. She wouldn't lie to him like that.
Cloud was just trying to lie to himself to ease his guilt because her death hit him so hard he couldn't cope.
Tifa gave much less of a fuck about Aeris and her dying so she had no issues facing the reality.
If they even finish remaking the whole story, I will be impressed. I have a feeling it could end up like Half LIfe 2 Epiosde 3 where it isn't like the game doesn't have demand, but they just get disinterested in it and want to make money else where (read: gachagames)
He's gonna look like Lightning. You know, I know it.
>that bottom right
It happens
New Lion King, looking good.
Doesn't even need to be the whole story. Just the parts that are most interesting. I'm hoping there's a Weapons one.
And why did Sephiroth show up so much later than Clo-
I was talking about Tifa and you got triggered, ugly cuck. She's a shit. A SHIT!
WHITE MALE gamers don't understand the bond of sisterhood. Tifa doesn't give less fucks about Ashley dying. She just understood her better because they became as close as sisters during their journey.
This is why I need feminism
>Tifa gave much less of a fuck about Aeris and her dying so she had no issues facing the reality.
I wouldn't say she gave much less of a fuck. The two of them clearly bonded. Even in spite of their equal romantic rival, they were always talking to each other during those "Walk around and talk to your party" moments.
To the point that Tifa is the only party member other than Cloud to physically interact with the corpse when she kneels down, brushes her face, and runs off crying.
I always got a Better and Veronica vibe off of them. Two rivals for the same heart, but pretty good friends otherwise.
this schizo anti-tifa fag is gonna be a recurring character in these threads isn't he...
Game 2:
>Chocobo Farm
>Mythril Mine
>Cargo Ship
>Costa del Sol
>Cosmo Canyon
>Temple of the Ancients
>Bone Village
>Forgotten City
Game 3
>Icicle Inn
>Great Glacier
>Junon (revisited)
>Fort Condor
>Underwater Reactor
>Gold Saucer
>Rocket Town
>Cosmo Canyon (revisited)
>Midgar (revisited)
>Northern Crater
That literally doesn't mean shit now since there's more to writing a story and how crediting works. Fucking Nojima left Square to make his own freelance company just to write general plots for games now and Nojima and Kitase are listed as the actual writers for the game.