Your shooting yourselves in the feet. Do some research about CD project red and open source front ends like gog2.0 and its just the start of the rabbit hole. They can't hold you back forever eventually they are all forced to innovate and for us to buy that Inovation is options, replay value, progress, no drm, you are not a criminal don't let corporations treat you like one. You have nothing to lose but your chains user. The only free market is the one where we all have a chance to prove ourselves.
One day, you will have nothing to lose but your chains
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my fucking dick lol
I dunno, he's kinda got you guys by the balls here.
It's bad enough our workplaces are dictatorships.
The only actual solution is UBI.
It will lead to a true golden age of videogames and an unprecedented creative explosion in the medium.
>free market
>fee anyone or anything
no innovation will come again until there is a platform or a distribution network that is the wild west, like early PC games.
a second internet, or ways to avoid internet 2.0 or what comes after it, is the only way for interesting vidya.
Communist deserve bullet. I don't understand why this crap is still alive after their death camps and fucked economy. Like worshiping Satan. You have to be total asshole to be communist.
shoo shoo commushit
because russia and china never admitted to or apologized for it like germany did so delusional tankies can still deny it as long as they want
Corporations would just up their prices on everything to compensate for UBI. As much as I would love to see a world move forward with efficiency, which is going to be automation, it's really up to the elites and governments to not fuck it up for the common people.
Truly an economic model that ought to be redistributed to the dustbin of history
UBI is bourgeois-socialism, it's a bandaid applied to a sucking chest wound.
>after their death camps and fucked economy.
Yes Communism is truly terrible, unlike Capitalism which is based on the rock-solid principals of killing millions each year through the hording of wealth by a select few and economic crashes occurring every decade or so.
what's the wound then, that technology is rendering labor obsolete and getting rid of "poor opressed laborers" entirely?
Humans have been doing that long before capitalism tho
Ah yes I miss the times of the average life expectancy being 30 just two hundred years ago, truly those were the best of times.
The wound is capitalism itself, a model of economics founded on the principal of maximizing capital as efficiently as possible with zero regard for anything else. If you merely attempt to redistribute wealth while keeping the capitalist system in operation then it will realign itself to siphon that money back into the pockets of the ruling classes.
Technology rendering labor obsolete is another terrifying matter entirely. All the proletariat has is it's labor to sell, once labor can be manufactured and sold without the proletariat's involvement then entire swathes of the global population are left with literally nothing to offer to a system that has no reason to(and, arguably, is actively against) offer aid in return.
you're right, I'd much rather everyone be equally poor and miserable and have the millions of deaths be those fucking rich people and anyone the state doesn't like instead
Lmao imagine being this retarded
>I'd much rather everyone be equally poor
Unless you happen to own a dozen emerald mines it's highly unlikely the redistribution of wealth would make you poorer than you currently are.
Capitilism lifts people out of poverty all over the world and there would be far more people starving thanks to their shithole countries retarded socialist policies if it wasn't for Capitalist countries having such excess wealth that they literally give it away to them.
Is it true Stalin dindu nuffin wrong?
Extreme poverty...To a capitalist's standard
Basic education...To a capitalist's standard
Literacy...To a capitalist's standard
Congratulations, your system has created a group of people that can just barely afford to feed themselves, are educated enough to operate a conveyor belt and read the warning sign that tells them not to put their hand in the exposed machinery.
Stalin did a lot wrong but when viewed outside of a vacuum his crimes are hardly unique.
What is education and literacy to a communist's standard?
not being able to
>just barely afford to feed themselves, are educated enough to operate a conveyor belt
better than having literally nothing at best and dead at worst
then the solution is non globalist captalism, actually everything that tries to fix the ills of the "large swathes of the global population" is the problem here.
>Capitilism lifts people out of poverty all over the world
Capitalism is a stage, just as feudalism was before it. Capitalism may very well do some good but that doesn't mean it's the ultimate good. Communism isn't intended as an alternative to Capitalism, it's an improvement over it. Just because Capitalism may help some people, that doesn't mean we should ignore it's failings and say "well I guess we've cracked economics, there's literally no way to improve beyond this."
Vote for Yang roundeye. You get 1000 dorru
>"it's an improvement over it"
>loses the cold war to Macdonalds and bepis cola
End commodity production! *honk* *honk*
>a model of economics founded on the principal of maximizing capital as efficiently as possible with zero regard for anything else
The fundamental argument behind capitalism is that the commonwealth is best served by individuals pursuing their own interests, which is true. Look at any measure of quality of life and economic freedom (economic freedom being defined in terms of private property protection) and there's a huge correlation.
Labor will never be completely obsolete until we reach an AI singularity and achieve post scarcity, which will not happen the next hundreds of years. Comparative advantage still applies to technological obsolescence. This is just STEMkiddie doomsday shit.
Video games are new opium for the masses though.
>searching for the ultimate good
the road to hell is paved with good intentions, central planning the desires of the planet is not something that will end in some ultimate good.
Is this you?
>"well I guess we've cracked economics, there's literally no way to improve beyond this."
What are you even talking about? Capitalism is a base concept with as many different executions as there are countries.
>Communism is bad
This fucking meme holy shit
regardless of what it "intends" in practice it's been shown to be far, far worse in literally every way
if you want to "improve" capitalism why not come up with something else instead of clinging to a failed, dead and rotten ideology responsible for the greatest atrocities of the last century?
Hello gomrades! X_DDddDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of ebin revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. X_-DDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :-DDDDd
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all FUG. When capitalists run away we win and I gill you all. Eventually the fungtions of state stob and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :-DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. (BENIS :_DD)
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
>Sdage 4
Nod real gommunism. Nexzt gountry. problems werent. :-DDdd
Compared to what?
> capitalism lifts people out of poverty all over the world
> working in a sweatshop/plantation/mine for 16 hours a day, 50 cents an hour is being lifted out of poverty
We're not talking about Communism here
I’m pretty sure niche non-essential to life interests like video games would not really exist in a communist dictatorship, not once things started to get scarce
Inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunity is not evil, no matter how much you want it to be.
Communism doesn't even solve exploitation in practice. One of the basic tenets of communism is that everyone's needs must be met with no strings attached, but all of those needs require labor. Someone somewhere along the line will have to labor to meet the needs required of communism without controlling the direction of their labor. You move around the pieces but you don't solve exploitation.
>impliment $1000 monthly UBI
>the cost of living increases by $1000 a month
Great job Yang Gang.
Whats the point of UBI? I'd rather pay $1000 less in taxes than be given $1000.
this, every country shouldn't be captalist and there should be bulwarks to stop globalism.
inb4 muh tetris
>Overtaken by fucking Minecraft in the span of a decade
those aren't the same thing at all, please post better in the future
>store next door raises prices by $1000
>I don't raise my prices since my costs haven't changed.
>I get every customer and the retard who raises his prices goes bankrupt has to live on $1000
THIS. UBI isn't inherently inflationary, but Yang can't pay for his UBI even with his VAT so it will be have to be paid for by debt spending which will absolutely cause inflation.
Its time we crash this j*Wish trash thread
>raise my price by $10
>everyone starts coming to my store because more expensive = gooder
thats where we are right now, production costs nothing
Pretty funny seeing Americans talk about basic shit that every other developed country has (and works) as if it was some crazy utopian nonsense that will destroy their country.
This is the future you're heading towards, Capitalists.
Countries that you think are socialist are far from socialist, stop being a moron.