Skyward Sword is the best 3D Zelda game, prove me wrong...

Skyward Sword is the best 3D Zelda game, prove me wrong. The wii motion plus controls are excellent if you aren't retarded and the fact that you can't just spam the attack button to win makes it better than every other game. Imagine actually having to think for a second before attacking.
>b-but it's too linear
How is that a bad thing?

Attached: skyward sword.jpg (800x1080, 176K)

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All the bosses except Ghirahim were pretty meh.

It's my personal favorite, but I'm probably just too attached, I would honestly play through all the others (except BOTW) over before this one just because this one feels so massive

>the fact that you can't just spam the attack button to win makes it better than every other game.
I agree that SS is the best, but you're absolutely wrong. It doesn't make the enemies difficult it just means you have to go through an extra hoop to kill them, which is annoying and tedious

Where SS succeeds is giving you actual incentive to explore by allowing you to find things to upgrade all of your tools and by having the smallest 3D Zelda barren environment that has nothing in it

I liked the characters and story the most.

>The wii motion plus controls are excellent
It couldn't do 1:1 sword swinging so no, it was not excellent.

>It doesn't make the enemies difficult it just means you have to go through an extra hoop to kill them
Is it wrong that I actually like that though? You're right that it doesn't make it more difficult, but honestly I would get bored way quicker if I was just mindlessly attacking.

Same. Loved Groose and Zelda

I like it but Fi and Imprisoned were so annoying

Though Fi did give me a boner

It's got the best one-off antagonist out of any Zelda game.

I'd say it wasn't bad in retrospect but I drop it every time I try to play it again. Imagine a game with good features so bad that they got rid of everything good for the next game

Nah, fuck that. There were so many times that I would have to quickly position the sword in such a way to do damage to an enemy, the game would register that as a swing, the swing that I didn’t mean to do would ineffectually clang off their defenses, and I would get fucked up for my “mistake”. Combat was gimmicky shit that didn’t work right half the time. Hell, even Miyamoto was having trouble with it at that one E3 presentation.

If they could somehow give us a port of SS without all the waggle nonsense, I’d probably like it.

>The wii motion plus controls are excellent
I actually like Skyward Sword, but this is just incorrect. The motion controls sucked. And the worst part is that since the game is completely built around the motion controls, it would be impossible to re-release it with normal controls.

>How is that a bad thing?

Because I want to explore in Zelda games. I can't explore a bunch of corridors that don't even have content.

I haven't played the game since release, but I really liked the waggle stuff.
I thought it was really cool when I first struggled with one stalfos, but by the end I was able to dispatch a bunch of multi armed stalfos pretty easily.
I thought it was neat to have some form of swordplay.

I could see them doing some gimmicky Switch rerelease that fixes some of the issues or has better motion controls

I really enjoyed it, but they could have done with more Skylands

>shit controls
>shit overworld
>mostly shitty bosses and dungeons
It's the worst 3d zelda

What Zelda you currently playing Yea Forums?

Attached: GZ2E01-5.jpg (2560x1416, 1.05M)

None right now, but may replay ALTTP before the LA remake is out

Ghirahim better be in BotW2

Was twlight princess actually good? Played it a while ago but never beat it. I wanna play every 3D zelda game again and actually beat it all the way through.

God, Twilight Princess had ALMA

I enjoyed it
What is ALMA?

i think it´s the most artsy game in the series so... i love it

>Was twlight princess actually good?
It had the best companion, most badass Link and the best story in the series. Yeah.

>What is ALMA?
Soul in Spanish and Portuguese.

>What is ALMA?

I was going to ask the same thing.

There are usually two camps, people who think it's really boring or the best 3D zelda aside from maybe BOTW now. If you liked Ocarina of Time it's essentially that but bigger and improved. The biggest criticism most people have is the wolf sections can be tedious.

Attached: TPHD_Ooccoo_and_Ooccoo_Jr._Artwork.png (530x998, 107K)

I want to FUCK the SWORD

Attached: 4a474a1bd4cd1f97c5082e2bdbf86513.jpg (877x1149, 354K)

Ah, I see. I agree that it has soul

Motion controls made this game unplayable. If there was normal controls I would have actually played more than the first dungeon.

I had no difficulties with the motion controls and I had fun. The weak points for me was the invasive textboxes when you pick something up for the first time after restarting the game. I also found skyloft a little lifeless, not because of the characters but because nothing really changes.