Be 1997 kid

>be 1997 kid
>hated by millennials/boomers for being born in the late 90s like 1999 uberzoomers, rather than the mid 90s
>but also resented by zoomers for being the last person old enough to have experienced sixth gen gaming first hand, as well as early 2000s culture in general
Is there no way out of this hell?

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Other urls found in this thread:



1999 here. Wish I was born 10 years eariler fuck the gay generation

1993 here
I unironically hate every single one of you from the bottom of my heart. Even other 93s are cancer more often than not. 87-91 are usually the based kids.

1990 here, I hate all of you. Fuck off.

1992 here. I hate everyone born after 1995.


go kill yourself fucking halfie. maybe you'll resurrect and have a second shot

1992. I only hate anyone that ends statements with question marks, and it’s usually millennials.

>anon1: I read that youtubefag said that he hated black people!
>anon2: but he never actually said that?

It’s fucking disgusting.

1996 here. I literally don't fucking care what year you were born as long as you don't act like a dipshit.

but that never really happens?


Fellow 97 here, don't beat yourself up over it.
We have a unique perspective that allows us to understand two different generations, instead of being bound to just one.

only homosexuals have a problem with that?

you understand jackshit zoomer


He said he was born in 97 though.
He literally said he wasn't a Zoomer.
Learn to read.

Boomer cope. Enjoy dying before the singularity, stinky old faggot.

97s are already zoomers to me. Kys.

I'm born 89

I can say I was born in the best decade while being a 90s kid. Was playing sonic and Mario by age 3. I actually cried when sonic died from drowning. By age 7 I was playing Duke nukem 3D I think. You faggot Zoomers missed out.

Zoomer (gen z) is 1995 onwards retard.

1988 here, anyone born in the 90s and onwards are irredeemable zoomers

No it isn't retard.
It's 2000 onwards.

Basing your perception of someone off the year they were born is absolute brainlet tier. I was born in 89 and you are the biggest faggot itt so far

Yea you missed out. The internet was still young and Super Nintendo/ Sega was a blast. Got our minds blown going 3D. Got to enjoy wow culture back when it was fun. All while not having to deal with smart phones and apps built to wrangle girls all to one chad. So glad I don’t have to deal with the degenerate dating scene of modern day

yeah, being an individual

this is a board for discussing video games?

I'm a 97 and my parents forbade me from playing games and watching TV until I was 15 so I don't think I belong anywhere

seems like you have understood nothing life after all

A generation is every 20 years. Zoomers are 2000-2020

You don't have to rub it in.

Autistic retard. You are supposed to hate it because they are questioning your statement while at the same time calling you a retard.
Do you sound like a faggot?

zoomer cope

I understand you are a brainlet

Look up when gen z started. Most people agree its mid 90s.

Literally no one puts zoomer any earlier than 97.

None of us in this thread are Zoomers though.
We were all born before 2000.

'97 poorfag, here. I started on the SNES.

97fag here
Who gives a shit nigger? Just play good games.

1998 here, feels good being a sub-2000 chad
>imagine being born after '99

You don't get to be a boomer unless you were at least 10 for 9-11.

1997 is objectively the best year to be born in the 90s to the 00s

95 here

I haven't played a videogame in over a year, and I haven't enjoyed one in longer, and yet I come here everyday to shitpost about ones I've never played and never will

What does that make me? Goomer? Boomhauer? Schumer?

>Born 1992
>Remember being on Yea Forums when I was only 19 myself, back around 2011 and 2012
>I'm now older than most other people on this board

Same, except '96er.

That's a really roundabout way to say you're a faggot

Nobody actually knows you exist in order to hate you. Take heart, user.


It's worse when you could be their dad.
>Fuckton of 97s
>A few 95s
Consensus says that zoomer starts in 97.

I’m sorry. 88 was just a great year to be born. Girls actually had to talk on the phone instead of stupid fucking text games. My favorite memory was a girl coming to the local pool I lifeguarded at because that was literally the only way to talk to me. She stayed as I closed up and we sat by the water talking till 3 a.m. skinny dipped and then fucked.

Oh I understand that it’s indicative of confusion towards a statement, and it’s existence and usage can be attributed to the realities of the limitations of online communication which lacks inflection and cadence. But it’s still fucking disgusting.


Get the fuck out of here, normalfag,

The US census starts it at 2000, and the US census is more reliable with generation stuff than Pewdiepie Research Center.

Don't waste your worrying about trivial shit like that.

This is me, but I'm from 92. Also had this Michael Jackson game for the genesis.

>being 14 years old in 2003
>have own computer with full internet
>internet was the wild west of insanity
>saw CP, murders, rape, everything you can as a kid
>this was the norm
>faggot Zoomers in 2019 act all trilled when someone says nigger
2nd worse generation. Only behind actual baby boomer old faggots that fucked everything up.

I am too old to know what the word trilled means. Please translate. Are you saying they’re surprised at that word, or that they’re so used to it that it’s lost all meaning?

98fags where we at

>remember telling some guy in 2008 or so that still being on Yea Forums in your mid-20s is pathetic
>i'm still fucking here 11 years later

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I already feel ancient due to the fact that people a full decade younger than me will be allowed on here next year.

You can't handle the boom.

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The Internet in 1995-2009 was like the deep end of a swimming pool.
Only cool people could experience it, and you always had the risk of seeing CP or extreme gore.

>Moot was 14 in 2003 when he made Yea Forums

You really do sound like an autistic retarded sperg.

Is this normal anymore?? Because now all you fags have to look forward to is girls lining up to fuck Tyrone. You will never ever ever get to experience something that pure and innocent in the modern era. And if that makes me a normie the so be it

Who /mid-late 90s, but experienced most of the early 90s and late 80s stuff due to having older brothers?/

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Man I remember going on youtube back in the day with my mates and there was all kinds of fucked up shit on there. Remember this car mowing into a group of teenagers on the highway and the ricocheting of the signs suspended above. Also some mexican street fight where some guy landed a flying knee on this dudes head who was on the ground and there was this crack I'll never forget lol

Kill yourself normalfag, you're not welcome here. If you want to brag about how many girls you fucked, go to Reddit or Facebook.

Nobody asked you?

>using proper punctuation annoys you
You are autistic as fuck. However people who capitalize the first letter (phone users with auto capitalize) but don't put a question mark at the end of the question should be wiped off the gene pool.

"Are you playing"
"Where did you go"
"Then why did say you were going to"

Been here longer than you kiddo ;)

Unironically slit your own throat

I did because I agree kys you sperg faggot


Literally nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP: BoOmEr ZoOmEr

Adding a question mark at the end of a statement is not proper punctuation.

>Be 1992fag
>Feel completely alienated and out of place when I'm on Yea Forums these days
>Feel like I'm just on Yea Forums out of habit

There's so many new buzzwords these days. I miss when Yea Forums users just called each other "autists" and implied implications at each other.

Are you from the west coast?

Use Google you autistic fucking retard.

Stop posting this in every fucking thread

I think you missed his point

Nice meme. Do you always latch onto the newest meme format of the hour?

This thread is retarded. Age has nothing to do with whether you can play and enjoy old media.
>inb4 zoom zoom
Preemptively kill yourself

Cringe 92 isn't that old

What do you do for a living?

You replying to him makes him do it more retard. Just fucking ignore.

>born in 89 here
I hate how no one on this board can agree on what age is the boomer/zoomer cutoff. In my mind, if you were born before 9/11 and remember seeing it play out in real time, you're a boomer. Otherwise, you're a zoomer.

The whole boomer/zoomer meme is fucking retarded regardless

>tfw 88 and stuck on this shithole since 05
Kill me

1990, life was good.

1992 is over one quarter-century ago.

>hard lemonade
>pineapples on pizza
Not my thing, but im glad you're happy user

Your mum

You don't come here often or you are one stupid fuck.

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>people born after 9/11 will be able to post here this year

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See Best I could come up with based on experience. Probably means you’ve never seen a vhs unless you were inbred trash either.

Okay big boi

don't yell at me

Zoom Zoom

t. Silvio

Time does indeed move forward

It's older than most other people on Yea Forums these days.

>confessing to being a Zoomer
Are you retarded?

Ok. At least thats a bit more effort. I will accept this

The majority of zoomers dont care about Yea Forums

That's exactly right, user

‘95 here. Thank god my older siblings (‘80 and ‘92) were gamers because they introduced me to the greatest shit of all time from the NES up to the N64 gen and GCN, PC gaming.

Sadly they aren’t into gaming like they used to. ‘80 is a brain dead dope fiend and ‘92 is a music enthusiast and I’m here living for games that are yet to come and those that I haven’t been able to play in my younger years.

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Millennial translation:
don’t #yell @me

92. I fucked every girl from 90 to 98


you're 22 and bitching about shit like this still?
Here's some advice

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93fag here too, officially in the "old man" territory in regards to Yea Forums demographics.

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They already do.

Why would you exclusively have sex with nonagenarians?

Wait I misread. Disregard.

95' here. Started with NES and DOS games so it my age did not effect much.

>I fucked every girl from 90 to 98

it's also possible that older people are less likely to vote on gay ass polls that are always made for some shills ulterior motive

FUCK. i hate this too. when the fuck did this stupid shit start? i don’t remember seeing it until a few years ago.

Have sex

You sound like chatroom underage used to. My my, time has flown. Would still feel a tinge of regret banging.

fellow 97er here, my dad was really into vidya so i got introduced to medium through a bunch of games he had on NES, SNES, and Atari 2600

Beats me. But people that type like that are likely to be left-leaning from my experience. So it's a semi-reliable NPC detector.

>Be 1992fag
>tfw I miss the early 2010s, when I was below the age of 20

Get back to your containment board /r9k/ you autist

>tfw 95
>tfw true midpoint between millennial and zoomer

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cringe and based onions

Having talked to oldfags who experienced it, it was glorious. Just raves and weirdness 24/7.

i think its a validation seeking thing

Thank you for not putting a question mark at the end of your statement.

The main thing I remember from the early 2010s is messing around on Synchtube and Ace of Spades back when those were big things on Yea Forums.

You have autism.

I wish I was born LATER. Why the fuck would I want to be an old cunt? Fuck I wish I was born in 2000 or some shit. My back hurts and my eyes hurt and my hair is going

The early 2010s? Literally not that different from now and raves have been a thing for decades how old are you?

Wait are we talking like 2010+? I meant 2000s. That was the shit.

1991 here. I dont believe any of you id actually older than 17, I hate all of you and I wish you'd leave this site for good

no problem

everybody knows that posting in all lower caps and no punctuation is the new cruise control for cool

Yes. I do. And I’m quite certain that I’m doing much better in life than you. What do you have to show for your life? I guarantee you I am superior to you. You’re nothing but filth.

1997 elder-zoomer here.

I don't care about anyone, I'm playing Halo on steam soon.

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I’d post my wrinkly old hairy balls but I keep them shaved because it feels nice.

Woah we got a tough guy here

Is that you, Sans?

I wish I was born always the year after I was.

It would be good living in an eternal womb of unbeing.

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1992 here. I feel like I should leave this site for good. I'm way too old for this board now.

you're here forever

just jerk off and ignore stupid people like me

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Plenty of older people than you use Yea Forums get off your high horse faggot

I think the last time we had a strawpoll on this kind of thing it showed that the average Yea Forums user is between the ages of 18-25. They could've been bullshitting to avoid getting called underageb&, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

God I wish you were right. Get me out of this place

We going back bro. Be ready for the bantz

I just feel very out of place now that everyone else on here just spams "CRINGE" and "SEETHING" at each other.

Zoomer gen aka gen z starts mid 1995 and onwards.

Kill yourself, zoomer.

People lie on their age on this website, they have been doing it for more than a decade. They also lie on how long they've been here and you can easily see through their bullshit when they dont recognize 2007 memes

Board culture changes over time you sound like an autist if a word triggers you that much

No it doesn't, Zoomer.
It starts at 2000.

Remember when this place had actual discussions, genuine funny OCs and overall good content? No you dont, underage nigger

Zoom zoom, zoomber.

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Oh look, it's an insecure faggot who was born from 1995 to 1999 and he doesn't want to be put in the designated demographic cohort for his age :((

You'll be a zoomer forever, deal with it.

le zoomie zoom zoom zim zam zommer zimmer zloomer blehehehehehehehehe

>late 90s
>not a zoomer
based retard

I wouldn't say I'm "triggered", just alienated by how much things have changed on here now, even though I'm a newfag from the early 2010s myself.

Nope. I'm a boomer.

Late 90s is boomer.

There is very little if any difference between someone who was born in 97 or born in 2000. Only later zoomers born farther into the 2000s are different.
>t. born in 97

everyone unironically discussing this shit top right and then kys

Good for you user. My sis got me into the nes growing up. She still plays older games with me sometimes but I still enjoy gamed daily. I got the career I always wanted and married the love of my life. Extremely excited for classic wow and halo

91 here.
I wanna die

Boomer here. At least I can bear these guys and most of them are pretty cool. Zoomers are literally clown world tier

>did not experience the false flag kino that is 9/11
>did not see the phase 3 of the NWO play out and fail

If you're born in 1995 or later, you're a zoomer. If you don't want to be a zoomer, commit suicide instead of deluding yourself, autismo.

Someone born in 1997 was in the prime years of their childhood during 2003-2004, generally considered the last period before society went to shit. Someone born in 2000 wasn't even aware of their surroundings until around 2005 and the start of zoomer culture like 7th gen consoles. And on top of all this, some people born in 1997 have the possibility of remembering 9/11, whereas it is biologically impossible for someone born in 2000 to remember anything from 2001.

There is a massive difference, bigger than the difference between 1994 and 1997.

>as he uses boomzoomdoomyoomgoomloompoomxoom

It really is.
Millennials aka "boomers" are 1983-1999
Zoomers start Jan. 1, 2000

1995-1999 is a buffer zone. Some people born in that range are Boomers, some are Zoomers.
Everything after is 100% Zoomer.
Have sex and dilate, Zoomer.

Who the fuck cares, user? I'm a 1997 baby, it's actually my birthday today too, but even zoomers can enjoy the shit 80s kids grew up with. Power of the internet and easily accessible entertainment. I'm catching up on 90's JRPGs I was too young to pla. No reason you can't just culture yourself.

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2001 here, salud

>"i-i am not a zoomer i swear!"
fucking LMAO

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Zoomers missed the origin myth of the 21st century. They just live it without question.

hello me
hold on, Crash Team Racing is in 3days

dont play cyberpunk 2077 and shitpost with us

1996 here, I guess I'm a zoomer but I honestly couldn't care less which generation I'm supposed to fit in.

This, desu. In fact I was playing Pitfall 2 a few days ago, I like the music in it. Game itself is good too, probably my favorite Atari 2600 game. Happy birthday, by the way.

>not born during or after the millenium
??? I'll never understand retarded labels.

Zoomers BTFO. Zoom zooms on suicide watch. Ahahahha

Where's 9/11?

Nah, 95 is apt. You guys forget that you do not actually interact and appreciate things around you at birth. The key thing on gen z is that they are used to, not just comfortable with, computer and social media.

It's why millennials are considered born in the 80's.

I like 4 of these things.

I'm not used to or comfortable with social media.
Entering the 2010s for me was very disillusioning, because all of a sudden I saw everyone using phones and social media, and I grew up actually talking to friends in person.

Even the Internet changed in the 2010s. You probably don't even remember Mudkipz and Lolcats.

um yea that's gonna be a YIKES from me dawg

The wiki link literally cites multiple sources though. The congregation is at 95-97, which is pretty apt if you notice the trends.

9/11 was not a major event in our lives.

If you were born in 1996 then it absolutely was though.

it's all about living during the turn of the millennium.

user social media existed even before then, you just didn't realize. They're obviously not facebook tier but chatrooms and blogging were a thing.

I was born in 1997. I can't imagine someone born one year earlier cares or remembers any more.

Then social media existed since the 1980s, since people had BBSes back then.

i have seen several videogame threads be pruned while this nigger stays fat on the front page all day

die reddit

How to tell if you're a zoomer, if you've never used the following:
Dial-up internet
AOL CD's / had an AIM account
Writing media to a floppy disk

I was born that year but don't remember the day it happened, though I do remember all the hate people had for Bin Laden as well as Saddam.

Here's the thing though, all of you are closer to death than me

4. If you didn't have beanie babies as a kid.
If you didn't do at least one of the four then you're a Zoomer.

>be zoomer
>used Dial-up internet

With that said, anyone here who was born in the 80's who didn't really experience online communication until much later? I'm an 88er but I never experienced alt chatting. My first experience were yahoo groups/mailing list.

BBS is for geeks. AIM chats were for normalfags.

I was born in '85 and I don't hate you, user.

what was icq then?

I wonder if there are any literal Baby Boomers here.

You can be a zoomer and still have those. Especially zip drive. Hell I believe they still are affected by saturday morning cartoons.

No, the actual zoomer cutoff is whether they saw original Lion King in theaters

Poor also, but instead of snes it was nes.

Isn't that a AIM derivative

I saw The Lion King in a movie theater when I was little, although it wasn't upon release date.
But since I saw The Lion King in theaters, I'm a boomer.

Real baby boomers don't even know Yea Forums exists.

89er here, feel like a relic of a fallen race

tfw you're on your PC in your room and mom picks up the phone to call some friend and you're only 35% done downloading a JPG of some titties and it stops loading right at the top of the areola ..

Some do. It's not a secret club anymore, the news talks about it a lot nowadays.
Fox infamously talked about the "hacker known as Yea Forums".

>like 1999 uberzoomers
anyone born in '96 - '99 are part of the same age range. deal with it, zoomer

ICQ came before AIM

The original release was 1994.

Are they even still alive? I know it's boomer -> gen x -> millennial -> gen z

also I'm not sure if it's there too but when someone calls the net gets broken, in some cases however it's their line going busy

True. They're called Zillennials, as some of the people in that range are boomers, but others are Zoomers.
I happen to be a boomer.

Ahh wait, mICQ right? though I just know AIM is more popular

Of motherfucking course they're still alive. The oldest boomers are in their seventies.

Kirk Douglas was born in 1916 and he's still alive.

1984 here and big brother is watching.

>its a blog thread on Yea Forums

yeah my bad, was thinking of a different age

I wish blogs were a thing still, fuck modern social media and wanting posts to be small

I wish I was able to go to Disneyland in the 80s/90s. I want to experience Alien Encounters. Or visit Universal Orlando and go to Nick Studios.

its not about when u were born its about how u act

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In the future, scientists may create a transhumanist digital utopia where you will be able to do all of those things.
At the rate technology is progressing, you might be lucky.

It's mostly fueled by being unable to go there despite being born at the right time. Been watching a lot of Defunctland and Yesterworld.

And honestly, no amount of technological progress will make you experience the legitimate feel.

Zoomers can’t remember 9/11.

born in 1996
have step brother born in 2015

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Then people born in 1997 aren't Zoomers. Glad that's settled.

It's almost as if having generation thresholds based off of people's memories is stupid!

Here's the thing though. That world WILL be legitimate. A digital world can be thought of as just as real as the real world. Some people think we're already living in a simulation.

Let's just hope we don't nuke ourselves before we get there.

Guarantee you're an underaged faggot who thinks Yea Forums is some secret cool kids club.

Get the fuck off Yea Forums, don't use it in in highschool you'll regret it when you're an adult and see how edgy your world view has become and how much time you wasted talking to other fucking faggots on this website about how wamen are scum and its "Normies" vs "Us"

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'99 fag here. i know i'm a zoomer but culturally i'm definitely more associated with millennials than anything, same goes for everyone else i know who was born in '95 - '99. kids born in 2003 - 2004 and onwards are what i'd call "true" zoomers, i can't fucking relate to them at all. honestly the '95 - 2000 range is a fucking weird middle ground of millennials/zoomers
>alien encounter
it hurts so fucking much that i never had a chance to experience it. never even been to disneyland at all because i'm a poor as fuck britbong. fucking sucks that the parks are being utterly taken over by IPs now too, can't imagine how bad it'll be by the time i get to finally go in a few years

Millenials are people born between 1985 and 1995. Before 85 is Gen Z, after 95 is Gen Z.

Now say "Sleep tight, Aniki".

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95-99 is what I call "Zillennials". Some people in that range are boomers, while others are Zoomers.

Considering you actually appreciate the past you seem to be more of a boomer, although I don't know enough about you to say for sure.

the new CEO is so soulless, say what you will about Eisner, his peak was amazing

That pic proves the problem of being born in 1997. I literally experienced everything in the bracket of Late Millennial/Gen Y culture despite being categorized as the Early zoomer

you are double retarded. before gen y is gen x and gen y starts ~82 because that's when nerds who graduated in the year 2000 were born

That's the problem with Pew Research Center's retarded labeling, not with being born in 1997.
Some chimpanzee just decided to start the Zoomer threshold THREE YEARS BEFORE the new millennium, which is fucking retarded.

Same, but somehow while also being poorfag i had PC very early and played some 2001 games(while also having SNES, and my older brother friend had Sega)

I think the problem is that people assume the year you are born = your "generation", when it's more of around 4-6 years after, because that's when you engage in pop culture

I was born in mid-1997. I have one sibling born in early 2003, and one born in late 1994. I grew up with the same stuff as the sibling born in 1994 and with none of the stuff as the one born in 2003. Yet people are trying to convince me I'm a generation removed from the 1994 sibling and in the same generation as the 2003 sibling, when this is factually incorrect

but what does it matter

I think it speaks more about trends than individual thoughts honestly

the term millennial was coined in regards to people graduating in the new millennium


t. zoom zoom

I was born in 86

Very true, i vividly remember the day My life as a teenage robot aired. I remember seing harry potter, spiderman, the incredibles, and LOTR in theaters. I started Runescpae in 2004, watched DBZ on toonami. I remember seeing the jimmy nuetron movie in theaters. Yu-Gi-oh as one of my favorite shows when it aired on Cartoon network. I remember the first airing of the teen titans vividly too. This actually brings back a shit ton of memories of experiencing this stuff first hand. This pic could be using bad examples though

So it's apt then, since most 80's are graduating at 2000's, but it also applies with what pop culture they consume

Responding seriously to such an obvious shitpost. Goddamn this board has become even more of a raging dumpster fire

1000% agree, my neighbor/best friend growing up was born in 1995 and me 1997. Our tastes in music, games, and shows were/are almost 1 to 1 of each other.

definitely more of a boomer since i grew up with mostly '90s/early 2000s media and general culture. there aren't really a lot of zoomer interests i can think of that i really give a shit about or were more prominent to me than the earlier stuff
oh absolutely. eisner actually had passion and did care about the parks, then eurodisney happened and his spirit just got crushed more and more over time. iger only gives a shit about the money and branding, i'd still take late eisner over iger in a goddamn heartbeat

I don’t get it Yea Forums. Aren’t thing supposed get better? Aren’t things supposed to improve and get more impressive? Why is everything so terrible?

you peak at 20, everything is downhill after that

maybe if people stopped throwing retarded meme posts around it wouldn't happen as much. Instead there'll often be an easy 5+ reply chain of cringe yikes etc because fags can't act normal


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>Jimmy Neutron movie in theaters

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>tfw 1998
>tfw grew up poor
>experienced 90s culture through old VHS tapes and garage sale consoles

Maybe it wasnt so bad after all. I had friends to show me lots of new stuff too. I essentially absorbed 2 decades worth of culture by the time I was 12

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a faggot

why is paras/parasect so cute

'91 here, I'm cool with zoomers. You guys are much more redpilled than my cucked generation. Maybe you guys will make the holohoax a reality.

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I was born in '97 too, but I was given video games as proxy parents because reasons. n64, ps2, x360, pc gamin' and the mid 2000s internet were comfy.

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It sucks too because most of the "fantastical" aspects of the parks, from what I've seen, are being pulled apart with shit like Star Wars areas

even back then when Eisner had plans for Muppets, they were just mostly walkarounds

are tiger electronics led handhelds still a thing

As dumb as it sounds I have more memory of seeing that movie and stopping to get lunch with my grandma before hand than i do of 9/11 as a whole

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kys brainlet

Gas yourself, kike.

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I would but they don't sell Zyklon B anymore.


I was born in 2000 and experienced at least two years of 6th gen before anyone my age was playing 7th, weren't even holdovers from older siblings

>the last person old enough to have experienced sixth gen gaming first hand
I am angry reading this. T. 1987

93s are already zoomers mentally

Nope only death for you OP.

By the time you were getting conscious at 5, Web 2.0 started and the zoomer shows like Ben 10 and Johnny test were coming out. Younger people, please stop trying to cram yourself into the "last of the old school". You missed that boat.

1998 guy here. i feel your pain. i cant share and enjoy my experience with dreamcast and gamecube without some 90s kid ruining the fucking fun by either shoving their experience in my face or wasting theur tiem telling me why what i experienced was supposedly bad or why i wasnt supposedly old enough to experience something.
i used to pay 90s kids no mind but this past year of boomer spam made me see why people hate folks who shout REMEMBAH DA 90s?????

arent millenials 90s kids?

Fuck off kiddo. This place might have antisocial tendencies but at least we fucked girls.
Agreed. There is a huge conseus on when the trend of females starting to have higher demands for men and men have had less sex. ironically this was in 2008 when most females would be about 18 and the smartphone gain relevancy. For females attention is currency like sex is for men. Once dating apps like Tinder, social media began to explode with Twitter and Facebook and Instagram for attention. Females started to cheat on men and have multiple boyfriends become massive sluts etc. It's kind of why I think Sex Dolls and VR will be men's liberation from woman. And the value of females will finally go down.

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Originally Millennials were people who were school-aged in 2000, those born early 80s-mid 90s (who were in preschool thru 12th grade in 2000). This was coined as a replacement for gen y, which was a lazy name copying gen x.

But the jews who coined Millennial seemed to get too ahead of themselves, since a lot of people nowadays mistake millennials as "born after 2000", which they argue is "what Millennial should've always meant in the first place".

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96. Truly the year of the apathetic.

oh i see i was right.
whats funny my dad is born 1978 and denies being gen x. he considers himself part of the "nintendo" generation.

>Zoomers born in 99, the age range who was in the target audience for very "Early Zoomer"ish things like Bieber, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, MW2, Ben 10, and Web 2.0 are now trying to cram themselves into the "last of the old school"

>what i experienced was supposedly bad or why i wasnt supposedly old enough to experience something.
>i used to pay 90s kids no mind but this past year of boomer spam made me see why people hate folks who shout REMEMBAH DA 90s?????
Nostalgicfags are the worst. Being stuck in the past does not allow society to advance to the future. The worst is when they tell you that the new games suck and the old games had so much soul. Or that they want it to be what it use to be. Instead of accepting that it's a new game made by new people.

Gen X is the "nintendo" generation though, they grew up with Nintendo/NES coming onto the scene

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Mostly late gen x. Gen X is kinda divided into two, the Atari generation (born mid 60s-early 70s) who liked Breakfast club and new wave in high school.

Then the Nintendo generation or Xennials or Oregon trail generation (born mid 70s-early 80s) who liked grunge in high school.


t. zoomer

>I posted it again

Who cares about labels and generations. You fuckers care too much for bullshit things

You're a zoomer, 99' baby. Don't think you're fooling anyone.

1996 here, nihilistic as fuck

Absolutely based

1992 here i don’t give a shit about this generation bullshits.

Back in 2000 people were saying millennials started in 1982 (class of 2000) and were ending in 2000, revisionist kike

the requirement for not being a zoomer is remembering 9/11. like actual remembering not sucking on your mom's tit while she watched the news.

Yeah I'd want to disregard the fact that I was a millennial too

Funny thing is, I distinctly remember back in 2012 when the internet had early 90s borns dominating it, and leaving 98-99 out and bashing them for being "fake 90s kids" or "swagfag twilight beliebers".

But now in 2019, it's "98-03 born minecraft gang rise up" dominating the internet, and fighting with 2004/5+ borns for being "Fortnite jake paulers", lol.

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2000 here


cringe. I think it's pretty hilarious how offended zoomies get from being cringed at. Cringe originates from parents not disciplining their kids enough to where they become self aware of their own actions. This is why so much cringe comes from them since they just have trash parents who either gave up after their first kids and or are too busy to properly bond with them and show them how to act.


you remember shit that zoom zooms don't but you don't remember shit that boomers remember

you are in both worlds but belong to neither

Nope. Not me.
I'm a boomer.

someone make a discord swith servers separated by birth years so we can duke it out properly and settle this

1997-present = zoomer
1985 and any year before = boomer
Boomer can also work as a parasite on some people born post 85'

maybe if you're an americaclap

Anyone younger than me is a zoomer. Nuff said.

A lot of people your age say there's no way you're millennials. But others argue you're indeed millennials, albeit early ones, because the defining rock band of your age group in high school was NSYNC.

Treasure your memories and experiences. You and every generation after will never experience something like that again. Being a normie used to be a good thing, but that's no longer the case. It's all down hill from here.

Back the fuck off?!

I was born in 90 and remember that day like it was yesterday. A lot of parents came and got their kids but mine were both working. After school my mom hugged me and was going on about how our own government did it how she knew that it was an inside job. My mom's a bit of a conspiracy nut but she's also pretty based. She gave me so much freedom as a kid that I'm absolutely shocked I didn't end up on hard drugs and didn't even drink or do drugs til I was out of high school. My teacher was a vet and was pretty shaken up about 9/11. I wasn't really affected. I guess I just didn't understand what was going on and how it affected us. I'd barely seen a city skyline maybe once or twice visiting chicago because I was from a small town so it seemed pretty out there to me.

98 here, it truly is an odd purgatory of a year to be born, gaming wise. I grew up playing Gamecube along with classic PC games like roller coaster tycoon and quake 3, but by the time I was really old enough to pay attention to the gaming industry things had already moved on to the internet age. It feels like I just caught the tail end of the "olden days" while I was in single digit ages.

I remember back in 2015, people born in 98-99 used to be universally hated online and were always slotted into the "first of the new school", with the "last of the old school" birth years being around 95-97.

But now in 2019, 98-99ers are universally beloved and the majority of the site, and trying to insert themselves into the "last of the old school".

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I think that older millennials look at kids born in mid to late 90s and make them the belieber icarly generation, but there was a lot of things going on and a lot of changes. I think it's an unfair assessment.

I'm from late 98'. BO2 was absolute dogshit. Stop this meme.

Well thousands of people your age shared the 98 zoomber meme on facebook and think BO2 is good. So you don't represent the majority opinion.

zoomber is right, blops 2 was the last good cod

Doesn't suprise me too much I guess. I always got along better with upperclassmen in school. Also people under 30 STILL use Facebook? Yikes.

i'm a 94chad and we never, ever seem to get mentioned in these threads.

Everyone has their own dates for when zoomer ages begin but most experts agree that Gen Z years starts around the mid to late 90s (1995 to 1997)

2001 I cant wait until you all die so we can control this board :)

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1990 here, unlike you zoomers, I still remember the world without widespread internet

>tfw based zoomerchads work every single newfag plebbitor that spouts forced memes into a seethe


You're trying to make yourself look older than you are. Your first sharp memories were probably around 1995, the year where Internet became widespread with Windows 95. Maybe not everyone had it right away, but 1995 is still widely considered the "fulcrum" year for mainstream Internet.

1980-1995 = BOOMER
1995-2010= ZOOMER
2010-- = ALPHA

Here comes the objectively true classification (im 1993).
>1980 - 1985
early millenial, boomer
>1986 - 1991
core millenial, boomer
>1992 - 1995
late millenial, doomer
>1996 - 1997
proto-zoomer, lost generation
>1998 - 2003
early zoomer
>2004 -
late zoomer

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Internet was becoming a thing sometime around 1997-1998 where I was from, and not many people had it back then. First time I actually typed an URL was during my IT class

this is correct.

i hate everyone on this entire website

1998 was something we 1993 kids considered tiny babies and a truly different generation. "98" was literally used as an insult.

No. Most people didn't even have computers. According to google, less than 10% of americans used the web in 1995. If you clearly remember 1995 then you remember a time when most people were only vaguely aware the web thing existed. Even if 1995 was the year where web usage accelerated in growth, it didn't result in an immediate change to our current culture where people get the shakes if they don't have a phone in their hand.

please, i do not want to be lumped in with entitled Millennial's they can take there faggoty yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards and shove them up there fat hairy ass. i was fortunate enough to enjoy 5th and 4th gen without having to be apart of there autism

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like that?

if you were born in mid to late 90s your still a zoomer you grew up in the early to mid 2000s and had your teens in the 2010s

you're a fucking faggot okay?

Im 38 and been here over a decade. Watching you guys bicker like there's a difference between being born in 1994 or 1999 is sad. Almost as sad as being 38 on Yea Forums

1995 and above are zoomers, mate

>not a millennial söyboy
>not an adhd fortnite obsessed mid/late zoomer
feels good

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I'd make fun of your fads but they're so irrelevant I don't even know what they are. I'll bet you're one of those fags who posts MW2 nostalgia threads though.

look at it this way the younger you are the higher chance that you will be still be alive when fully customizable sex robots come out. take that you retarded boomers

>Boomers didn't watch the most kino version of the turtles, also had the third best TMNT game after Tournament Fighter and Turtles In Time

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born in '86, I just want to go back to 1999 and stay there permanently.

They give up on life earlier and earlier every year.

I have never actually played MW2 though i didn't really like COD all to much but i really dont like being closer to 30 so i will take my current birth year at 1999 and be thankful

>1998 was something we 1993 kids considered tiny babies and a truly different generation
Yeah. Which is why it's funny seeing on social media the "98-03 gang" fighting with the "Fortnite jake paulers" of 04/05+. When from the POV of those our age, both of those age groups are tiny babies.

I'll get 26 next month, why did you never move on to a different image board or entierly away from internet? In the last 2 years I thought about dropping my computer and gaming habbits for good on multiple occasions. Why did you never stop? asking honestly here

If you're born in 1996, you don't remember shit about 9/11.

TMNT 2003 came out when it was still technically in the late millennial kid culture. Maybe the later "flash forward" seasons from 2006-09 could be counted as zoomer.

89 here as well. Was born after the cold war officially ended but before the Wall actually came down.

whats so bad about being a zoomer? if youre being called zoomer theyre callling you young. theres nothing wrong with being a yound adult.

would you rather be a 20 year old virgin or a 30 year old virgin (with no wizard powers)

youngfags automatically win by having their lives ahead of them and not being uglier from age

its by decade. by that logic 80s kids can and should claim sonithe hedgehog 1-3 as their own, and i know the 90s kids on Yea Forums will throw a shitstorm if they did that

I'm with you. Born in 1987, I miss the comfy nineties and 2000s. Everybody was just happy we didn't get nuked and that the Russians finally fucked off. And we've gotten the best version of Batman there was with Batman:TAS.

It's a unique circumstance for us though. Millenials have a special place in history where we remember the world pre Internet and post internet. Calling somebody a zoomer is basically just saying "you lack perspective, faggot"

Please clarify what you mean by 80s kids and 90s kids.

People born in the 80s grew up in the 90s, and could indeed claim Sonic 1-3. People born in 84 were 7-10 during the original trilogy.

if you spent most of your childhood in the 80s youre an 80s kid.
if you spent most of your childhood in the 90s youre a 90s kid.
simple as that.

Its not about your biological age but your mental state. zoomers especially 1999 upwards are extremely delusional that is even amplified by their modern exrteme nihilistic media culture. you zoomers dont give the slightest shit about the time before your birth regardless if its right or wrong simply for the sake of not caring. you are de facto learn resistant.

I like it here. Been on here since i was 25 and really i dont know where else I'd go. Back in 2011 i purposely banned myself with the Alice method, if thats still a thing. After about a year i was back though. I used to think it was bad or a waste of time coming here but not anymore. This place still makes me laugh and even though id hate you all in real life it feels like we're friends.

I'm pretty normal, good job with a wife and kids.

Leave if you have to. I totally get it. Dont feel bad if you don't. Thia place isn't rotting your brain unless it was that way to begin with. Im successful even after browsing here for over a decade. Enjoy life

honest to god no one cares who saw things post or pre internet. its like the old guys who used to complain about home TVs.
at the same time too if a zoomer is never gonna experience a pre internet world, why should they care? its physically impossible to time travel.

Because this place is full of manchildren who think they were born at the perfect time in cultural history (as all manchildren are), and think anything older than what they grew up with is old shit their dad liked, and anything newer is soulless crap.
10 years ago people gushed about the 80s, now people gush about the 90s, and in 10 years people will be gushing about the 00s. It's a never ending cycle.

I guess that makes me old when I remind myself about 9/11 and think "It's a recent thing".

we care. there's nothing to be done about it, however

90s gushing on Yea Forums is pretty old and was more popular on here in like 2012.

Now in 2018-19, zoomer nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s has finally arrived (pic related).

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92 kid here. Why does it feel like my generation got thrown out like some used family car.

are we supposed to care about the 90s? just because i was born in 98 dont mean im gonna kiss the feet of everyone who fucking grew up in that time.
we dont care because we got our own fucking world and things to deal with lol.

we cant be stuck in the past, we gotta move forward.
the time i spend thinking about old shit is time i couldve spent fapping to mythras tits

>Born in 2000
>Still grew up with sonic because one of my first games was Mega Collection Plus for PS2

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>born too early to witness the year 2100
>born too late to be liked by my elders

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dont lump me in, i dont give a shit

Also, you asked about gaming habits. Dont give it up. It's a good way to relax. People need to zone out. Not all the time. For better or worse its a hobby. Obviously pick something better but if you haven't discovered it yet just enjoy life and play the cards your dealt. Your 30s will be so much better than your 20s. I mentor some younger guys at work and tell them this all the time and they have a hard time believing it. Being a guy in your 30s is like being a girl aged 17-27...everyone loves you

youre right. its just a classic case of humans thinking theyre finite existence is something of worldwide inherent value.

No the 90s or 80s history but history in general. zoomer simply don't care about any past whatsoever

Because the Internet's usually popular with 13-21 audiences, and generations rotate in and out of that demographic.

In 2012, 92ers were the majority of Yea Forums, but now in 2019 it's more 98-99ers. Since 92ers mostly outgrew the site's main demographic.

>tfw 1997 zoomber
>tfw been regularly browsing Yea Forums since 2010
thank you for introducing me to a bunch of great games this past decade, also all the flavor of the month flash games from Transformice to Ace of Spades to Board Game Online to Ace Attorney Online were amazing

also, contrary to what many may assume, I think I grew up way less autistic and socially inept than I would have had I not discovered this place. This whole website making fun of autists, people spilling their spaghetti, and the self-loathing of being losers, and (for the lack of a better term) the "red pills" and cynicism about life, women, romance etc. really drove me to try and no longer be the "shy but creative" kid I was in middle school, and actually pursue good ideals and socializing when starting college while still keeping check on harsh realities. I'd honestly have been way more of a beta had it not been for Yea Forums.

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>Be 1997 user
>Hated by everyone, parents resent me not being like my chad brother with friends to go out with every day
>Is a massive failure, about to fail a class in college for the 3rd time in a row and lost scholarship

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honestly i have a strange fascination with stuff from the 1870s-1890s old west stuff. i just find cowboys really cool.

70s had some cool cars

1996. Don't care what people think, especially on this autism support form. I just regret I've spent the last 9 years here and went from being a semichad normie to an introverted loser. Seriously, why did girls become so scary? I blame all of you.

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>Everything is fucked from the ground up by every other generation up to this point each with their own flavor of fuckery
>Somehow they're still blaming it on us

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My brother

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Thanks, I feel like my gen is truly the doomer generation and see things overly pessimistic and paining. They way you tell me to relax and enjoy life is kinda refreshing to hear from someone whos older. In the 20s you really feel for the first time how your days are limited with frist time getting wrinkles, losing hair, immense career pressure, etc

Meh, zoomers are far from the only generation getting heat. Millennials are hated for being entitled weak soiboy hipsters and culture war firebrands, while boomers are hated for being selfish and short-sided and destroying society. Gen X is the only generation that isn't hated or talked about much these days.

I'm a '97 kid as well, my parents were both born in 1980 so I had a lot of exposure to the games they enjoyed as teenagers/ young adults. Starcraft, Abes Oddysee, zoo tycoon, hell, I remember playing a shit ton of old NES games that my mom had as a kid. I was too young to really play competitively for games that came out around 2007, but Halo 3, Fallout 3/NV, GoW, everything from the golden age of 16 player multiplayer are deeply engrained into my memory, and I'm still very nostalgic for it. Shitty xbox 360 mic quality will always have a special place in my heart.

To be fair, after the fall of communism, there was a long period of a rather cozy End of History time in the 1990-2000 when virtually nothing significant was happening and everybody was just chill and content with what they have. To some (mostly in America) it ended with 9/11, to some others in 2008 (mostly in Europe), to yet some others with the arrival of SJWs, Gamergate and this whole bullshit cultural war nobody wanted. I get why people would be nostalgic for the 90's period.

All this time, I thought the term ‘millennial’ meant someone born in 2000+

Why are all these terms so arbitrary and unstandardized? It makes everyone argue for no good reason.

girls are zoomers and boomers too, they change just like you

>97 kid
>you were a 2000s kid, at best

Millenial is such a weird term - I am born in late 80's so this technically makes me a millenial. But it was people way younger than us that started the culture war. My generation doesn't give a fuck about social justice - we are kinda past that phase.

>Millenial is such a weird term - I am born in late 80's so this technically makes me a millenial. But it was people way younger than us that started the culture war. My generation doesn't give a fuck about social justice - we are kinda past that phase.
But Anita sarkeesian and zoe quinn are your age

The flower power culture war of the 70s never stopped

>spend 9 years on Yea Forums
>actually regressed

youre supposed to visit other boards and eventually find your way to /fit/ where you become an introverted jacked guy who can pretend to be chad sometimes

there are people your age who are totally absorbed in the whole sjw culture. theyre the ones with the "my kid is trans" signs looking for validation

i think millenials are split between being SJWs and being the complete opposite. not much in between

Born '99 but raised in poverty and on hand me down boomer culture.
What meme buzzword does that make me?

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But her rethoric never caught on with my generation it seems. Her peers were the first to call her out on her bullshit. It was the college kids of the time that fell in love with this whole ideology.

>Zoomers are culturally fucked due to millennials being batshit insane
>Financially fucked by Boomers and their short sighted shitty practices and lack of plans, essentially in infinite debt as soon as you're out of the womb
>Xers are okay but they kinda let this happen

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1986 here
I saw many awesome things in the 90's and early 2000's
>Owned nes, snes, n64 loved zelda franchise. Other console was a sega genesis
>Played text based multiplayer games that even the shittiest computer can run (Favorite was MUME. It makes Dark souls look like a fisher price game)
>Played on for Duke3d and Quake 1, Medal of Honor:AA
>Played the fuck out of Quake 3 (rail freezetag on q3dm7 me anytime bitch)
>Played early Everquest 1 briefly,(first MMO was amazed by neat spell particles ) Took 24 hours to update on dial up
>Switched from dial up to DSL(FUCK YEAH NAPSTER)
>Played the fuck out of BF1 and BF2
>Played the fuck out of Halo 1,2,3 and Smash bros at my buddies house
>played the fuck out of Gmod Prop hunt, and spacebuild

Great times

/fit/ is for actual fags who gave up on women. The people who fuck go to /bant/ and /diy/

>but also resented by zoomers for being the last person old enough to have experienced sixth gen gaming first hand

I guess it also depends where you come from. Most European "old" millenials don't give a fuck. Americans are going all out for the SJW rhetoric.

'97 kids rise up

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Wait, since Im a 93 kid, Im actually a millenial?

I didn't have internet until 1998. I remember the first thing I did with it was look up information about the pokemon movie. then when I tried to tell my friend in 5th grade he threw a chair at me because he thought I was going to spoil it.

OP I'm another 'tweener. Born 95. Kind of tough figuring out where I weigh in once the wojack and boomer memes start getting flung

>ywn play Mortal Kombat, Diablo 2, Unreal and Baldur's Gate for the first time again.
It sucks.

That should be correct but the reality is that those born after 1996 act and think significantly unlike late Millennials

you can observe this on this very website in multiple threads where age is the topic

I'd say 1997 or 1998 is basically the beginning of zoomerdom, in reality
in theory, it should have been 2001 or 2000 until ~2018

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I'm not the same year as you but I understand your sentiment with regard to one's immediate elders.

All my upperclassmen were much cooler than my class and the ones under us.

1993 here, this is how I see it generally

As someone born close to '95 I absolutely would not put '95 in zoomer territory
If anything, you could call them the very last of the millennials---either them or cut it off at some point during 1996

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OH FUCK how could i forget!
1986 here adding:
>LOVED going to roller rinks and arcades: Mortal combat, Street fighter, Simpsons, X-men, Ninja Turtles
>Played the fuck out of Baldur's Gate, warcraft 1,2,3, and Age of Empires,Unreal2k4, HL1 and HL2

Not even halfway through this thread, and look at how much fucking proof there is that nobody knows when the fuck Gen Z starts. If you're a mid-90's fag like me, just know nobody gets to define what generation you fall in. I think behavior and opinions/taste should determine that shit if you're on the fence.

Soon, brother, soon.

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Pew research says 97 and up. Mid 90s is millennial, while late 90s is zoomer.


Well, which era here would you say resonated most with your childhood here?

gay opinion

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Sorry its '96 onward. People born on '96-2010 start to experience their first "technology" as a young adult with iPhones instead of a laptop or a desktop. That's the zoomer generation.

Until I see that you've actually put together a report of some kind with solid data after spamming this for so long, I'm gonna ignore it
Who knows how many repeats you got

Get to work

1996-born was nokia and flip-phones
kill yourself retard

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