This was the worst E3 Press Conference I've ever seen.
>featuring several shitty mobile games on stage, at E3, and spending way too much time on them
>Commander Keen lol
>thinking mobile Elder Scrolls on Switch is an exciting announcement
>not announcing Fallout New Vegas/Oblivion/Fallout 3 ports for Switch instead
>insincere apology for their mishaps over the past year and quickly brushing it aside
>thinking a battle royale mode for 76 was a satisfactory idea when the game is a piece of shit
>making a big deal out of adding NPCs and a story to a Fallout game
>drawn out cinematic trailers with abstract imagery that did nothing to excite
>show was constantly intercut with cringy hired actors sucking Bethesda's dick
>manufactured positivity and excitement for the company
>audience was filled with paid actors and Bethesda employees that would hoot and holler at the most uninteresting announcements to make it seem like it was a big deal
>trailers and coverage for games we've already seen ad naseum (Doom 2 and Wolfenstein)
>spending way too long on fucking ESO
>cringy dialogue from presenters--forced swearing to make themselves seem cool and hip with gamers
>talking about cloud streaming technology shit at E3 as show filler and not at GDC or CES
>just completely tone deaf and out of touch with what people look for at E3 (new announcements, gameplay trailers, quick presentations, no mobile shit or irrelevant shit)
>just briefly mentioning Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 are still in development
>more intercut paid actors talking about being gamers and how it saved their lives and stupid shit
>abrupt ending, no cherry on the top moment like Nintendo
Everyone considers their show to be the worst of the entire event. How fucking lost is Bethesda?