Games only you played

games only you played

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Hol up my man that gem got a remaster on pc like a year aho

Its great


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cant even remember if i enjoyed it or not

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I used to beat off to the magazine ad all the time, but yeah, I never played it.

I used to love this game as a kid. Such a comfy Zelda clone.

i played it once, i remember the commercials more than the actual game. "THE FUTURE IS FORSAKEN. THE FUTURE IS FORSAKEN."

It hurts so bad that this wasn't successful.

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get on my level faggot

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sega version was dope. skitchin was great too

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Holy shit I got that for my birthday when I was a kid, I still have the it too

it was fucking terrible

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Anyone played this?

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same here my negro

>roadrash 64

I've put so many hours into this on an emulator listening to shit like Hammerfall. Pretty goat.

[spolier] MEAN MACHINE, MEAN MACHINE [/spoiler]

If memory serves, Descent is so much better I doubt an HD remaster would negate that.

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I never played it but im pretty sure I jerked off to that face in an ad in pc gamer or wizard magazine at the time.


only played a demo of that game

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I played that game, good times.

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These threads are godawful

>I wanna make a thread today! Let me look up obscure (insert console here) game and pretend like I'm the only human that ever played it in the history of ever!

>Reply: Wow user, youre so stupid, I looked this game up on google moments after you made this thread, so that I can also pretend to have played it!

>Thread proceeds with dozens of images of shitty games nobody cared about then or cares about now

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It was pretty comfy desu. Played it all day Christmas day
>tfw wandering around the shire with a full belly and ready for adventure

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____ ___

All I remember is eating popcorn and turning into super Ed

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I'd like to point out that Forsaken's box art is one of the all-time best ever precisely because it has nothing to do with the game.

Really nice game. Loved the levels

i had the misfortune of playing the ps2 version. those load times were pure agony.

Tried replaying this recently, it's so much more boring than how I remembered it
most of the quests require you to travel across the map & back again which is not fun at all

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>I didn't care so nobody should.
>I knew about these so you should have all known about them and how bad they are.

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There's two of us.

Man imagine being so bitter and lonely you post something like this.

The show was better.

Ahead of its time if you ask me
I was pretty impressed with the flying combat at the time and Id imagine its a bit of a feat in terms of programming but what do i know

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Main menu theme is never not playing in my mind at any point

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thanks for reminding me user

i remember seeing this boxart at blockbuster all the fucking time, never picked it up tho for some reason

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>that pre-"i just want to fly" sugar ray

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>bro rented it for me
>thought it was some type of sports game
>MFW it was a decent platformer and decent weekend

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I've never seen ANYONE talk about this game.

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i played the shitout of this and modding it, good times.