Grow up.
Grow up
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you already need an adult's salary to be able to afford pokemon in the modern day
They can do whatever mental gymnastics they want. If they're too tired of putting in effort into pokemon games thats whatever just pass the torch they haven't put in much effort in years. But they're fucking dreaming if they think legend of zelda/dragon quest knock off is going to be another multi-billion dollar empire.
Well it’s good that they’re straight up not giving excuses now for it being a weak installment. That’s what miffed me really. Pokémon is getting too big for Gamefreak but they won’t admit that.
just buy it and stop asking questions goy
>Growing and Evolving
>By shrinking
Just give it to the yokai watch guys and be done with it
Somebody post that story about the Lillie models. Shows just how fucking inept they are at programming.
Well Ash doesn't fucking grow up
Maybe that's why he loses all the godamn time.
I want to grow and evolve the pokemon girl's tits and asses haha
>Grow Up
>Scottish Trainer Lass will "mature"
>1 year had passed since the start of his journey in JOHTO
>They now want anyone to believe he's still in his first year more than a decade later
Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products
Why are you niggers so easy to bait? I put absolutely zero effort into this thread
This game isn't even being handled by their A Team, Town is.
What do you gain from continuing to suck GameFreak's dick?
It doesn't make you morally superior
>she gets big honkers by the end of the game
>hurr durr ash doesn't grow, why should I?
Why did this become a meme? What cartoon has ever had the protagonist "grow-up", especially one that's continued for 20 years with the same one? I don't see why you faggots care so much that this children's show still has a child MC.
Based hydration bro
OUCH, Masuda. What happen.
Cope. Gamefreak are inept.
how long until gamefreak essentially tells everyone to have sex
For once I agree, it's time to evolve trainers
It's time to move on from this franchise. It's been great, all the dragons that cloud, the NO ES FAKE, every moment spent with Yea Forums and /vp/ and my Swampert were amazing and I cherish every moment
I thank you all
2019年のグレートポケモンカリング The Great Pokemon Culling of 2019 全国図鑑 National Dex バトルフロンティアBattle Frontier 3DSの最適化 3DS Optimization ポケモンコンテスト Pokemon Contests 世代を超えた進化 Cross-generation evolutions 飛行ハガネール Floating Steelix メガシンカ Mega Evolution トリプル バトル Triple Battle ローテ バトル Rotation Battle ポケモンワールドトーナメントPokemon World Tournament 森本茂樹Shigeki Morimoto 岩田 聡 Satoru Iwata データ圧縮 Data Compression ずかんナビ Dexnav ウルトラチェンジ Ultra Changes
Imagine being this autistic
I will, bro.
Honestly anyone who is losing their mind over a feature like national dex is never going to have sex
A crummy pail of water? She should be forcing her to be her Pokémon creature!
They're right perhaps it's time grow and evolve away from pokemon.
All Pokemon has going for it at this point is the sexy ladies.
It's funny that while Nintendo's E3 was pretty great and sold people on a lot of games, the thing that was probably their big console pusher for the year wound up being their worst in show.
>look at this faggot noticing things and having opinions about a multibillion dollar staple of modern culture that has existed for over 20 years
>飛行ハガネール Floating Steelix
You clearly haven't seen /vp/ shills telling /vp/ sould make a better game than Gamefreak with $0, otherwise they will not accept criticism.
i will once gamefreak stops putting niggers in their games
>The world only went to shit JUST NOW
You're a clown alright.
gf is a small company you autist they get less than 1% from the profits pkmn brings in.
>/vp/ is a hugbox for pokemon
Didn't they warm up to LGPE as well? Yeah, that's no shock that they have no taste.
nothing said that louder than the shift the anime took after Ash lost the championship. they went in the complete opposite direction and completely de-emphasized the competitive aspect, put Ash on a vacation and made him act and look like a silly goofy goofball.
>le shaming tactic
nice female brain you have there
Unfortunately, not for the franchise, because the gameplay hasn't evolved since Gen 4
Nigger everyone on /vp/ is mad its just contrarians on Yea Forums.
>less than 1%
>of a series with profits exceeding 90 billion dollars
I wish pokefags would stay in their containment board.
where did i say the world went to shit? i said it's not autistic to notice things and make observations. but of course it's only autistic if you don't care about the observations
How did gf do it? How did they manage to convince so many people they're this tiny little company that puts their heart and soul into their games?
Not even disney could do it.
>you'd have to be blind to not see how stale the show has become as a result of ash being a never growing, never winning protagonist.
Gotta love boomers who don't actually watch the show. "Improvement" and "character growth" is more than winning one specific type of tournament (the league). Not to mention leagues are made of the best in the entire country, I'd say it's better writing to have him take several attempts just to reach even the runner-up position. Fuck, the director originally wanted to end the show after that first "failure".
Anyone that doesn't believe this user in the images should find a file extracter for 3DS ROMs, get sun or moon and open up the game's files.
>growing and evolving
Yet they still make the bottom of the barrel game from years ago with no evolution themselves
The series and movies quality and toys/cards did a good job spreading the series around.
Everything was good till they switched to 3D where work increased exponentially.
/vp/ is on fire because one of the rules of the board is "gotta catch em all" where you are literally not allowed to imply that you haven't begun, or are not in the process of, 'catching them all'. The meme has become that you can't say you are playing Sw/Sh without violating this rule since you cannot 'catch em all' anymore.
That's advanced autism, I'm embarrassed to be a fan now.
don't pretend you don't get that they are talking about the showrunner's autism that if Ash won a single tourney he would just retire and the show would end, so he can never win a league because the show is a series of commercials and ash is the vehicle that carries you through them.
the games and the anime are creatively bankrupt beyond what little depth they can manage to fit in here and there in time to keep up with the Schedule of The Brand
>Didn't they warm up to LGPE as well?
Nope. People literally created the KANTOOO posting to mock people who liked LGPE. Not a single LGPE general was possible in /vp/ ever. And that's a good thing. But shills now feel attacked and they're defensive as fuck since their furry board is now a hell for them.
The fuck are you talking about? /vp/ is literally infested with shills. Furries are the worst ones.
Now you that while it's currently in a series that focuses more on slice of life type shit than being a shounen battle adventure series. He'll likely win the upcoming one since that's literally the plot of the game, but who cares either way?
It’s not that he’s lying, it’s that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. These are not real issues, they are common industry-standard methods:
You’re an idiot if you think anything in those screen caps is actually bad.
>These are not real issues, they are common industry-standard methods
Source me on other companies doing this, please.
In a way I agree. Cause this is the last piece of bullshit I needed to quit pokemon. So if that's what they're going for they nailed it.
That's been the franchise bedrock since day one.
>Implying GameFreak have a A Team to begin with
fair enough. Town is done by the D team while Pokemon is done by the F team
They have.
I'm not buying the new game, but if they wouldn't have been so god damn lazy and put all of Pokemon in people would have ate this shit up. I don't know how you can be this stupid to keep trying to defend it instead of making your free money from retards
Heh what kind of entitled fucking manchildren do you have to be to want a good video game
It's sand really...
>still looks barely on-par with level five games from last generation
I wish the budget could grow up.
If you don't like it then just don't buy it
Just vote with your wallet :^)
At least is not N64 tier.
That's what we say and shills scream "YOU'RE GONNA BUY IT ANYWAY, YOU'RE LYING!". See:
This isn’t Anthem where there was never hope or interest. I want Sword and Shield to be good and ignoring a problem isn’t going to work
>"grow up"
>target game to kids anyway
Based best girl poster.
And it's not just the English side this time, Japs are pissed, Spics are pissed, everyone is pissed.
just no
t. C++ developer
>just crank up the brightness and change nothing else
Poor job
>defending GF
They own a third of the IP you dope.
Key word. It won't.
GF owns 1/3 of IP.
nice rebuttal