Kiss me, Yea Forums

Kiss me, Yea Forums

You love me over, Tifa, right?

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Yes I do my queen

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*blocks ur path*

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Look at that. One small detail and suddenly a Square character looks 100x more real and 100x more likeable

I'm 29 and never kissed a girl

feels bad. I bet if you told that to a bunch of girls eventually one would kiss you

Nope, I love Reisen!

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Made for BBC

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>I bet if you told that to a bunch of girls eventually one would kiss you
lmao no. Girls hate virgins

I thought hookers didn't let Johns kiss them on the mouth?

Made for Masamune.


God... fucking...

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>girls hate virgins
>girls also hate guys that sleep with girls
wtf girls

ew gross

Too bad she's gonna have the same pure good girl blank expression throughout the entire game. No other emotions allowed.

That wrinkled/dimpled visage turns her into a common roastie

Please delete this image

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No kissing is gay

Remake converted me to Aerithfag anyone else?

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>>girls also hate guys that sleep with girls
No they don't. Only ugly girls who dont get sex hate those types of guys.

I'll give her another chance. The gap closed a little at least

I was always an Aerithfriend.

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No, I want Yuffie

Why would you want that though?

cursed image

>girls also hate guys that sleep with girls
What the fuck are you talking about?

Sure, whatever

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Girls are always complaining about how guys have lots of sex with women.

1 gil.

Sorry Aeris, even though Tifa's fashion sense is turning wack I just can't quit her.
In any case you got Zack and that dude is like a thousand times cooler than any pasty, out of shape weeaboo NEET you'll find here.

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Yeah the guys that they fuck or want to fuck.
Girls actually love players. And complaining.

Man, how smile changes a woman. Beautiful.

*kisses with dick hole*

based udongeposter

>Wahhhhhh mama mama
>why there no games with realistic women because I am too fat and ugly to go outside and meet actual woman
>Wahhhhhh I need them in my games wahhhh

I'm pissed that they made super cute because now I'll give a shit when she dies.

She's still a prostitute though.

I want Tifa to crush my balls

I wish, so you degnerate can't reproduce

Haha silly, i reproduce via spores.


>It's only 9 AM
Still smiling even though she knows her day of work is far from over, what a good girl.

Can someone post those creepy smile pics of her?

>Waah I hate real women so I want fake women
>The less real the better. Wah
>And give huge titties too. Wah

Sounds pretty based desu.

No one really likes Aeris

>Breast reduction

I don't love you anymore.


I have genuinely never seen the appeal of Aerith.

How can Tifa even compete?

Why is she so smug?

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>22 years old in a JRPG
Writing was on the wall as soon as I saw that she was older than Cloud. The japs just don't go for that kind of thing in their RPGs.

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>those eyes
absolutely disgusting

Superiority to other females.

The fuck did you do?

Sorry once you go CHAD, there is no going back.

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Embrace your dreams.