Dude tentacles

dude tentacles.

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Howard was always the better racist pulp author.

Cephalopods are fucking strange and awesome

>dude it's scary cause you don't see the monster
>dude psychological horror

Howard was the better action guy, Lovecraft was the better horror guy. Clark Ashton Smith is the better "dude whoa" guy.

Why aren't there more Lovecraft porn parodies?

*inception horn noise*

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It'd just be more boring monster x girl shit instead of the superior monster x guy kino.

>dont see the monster
Confirmed for not reading Lovecraft.

The Sinking City looks really good though

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Oh look, another thread full of people that refuse to read a few Lovecraft short stories before shitposting about him. They're mediocre, but you should at least know what you're talking about.

Chances of it being better than Call of Cthuhulu? CoC was somewhat almost ok but I ended up dropping it halfway for just not quite getting there

There was an early 2000s hentai called Mystery of the Necronomicon.

>uses 4 adjectives for every noun ever
i still love it

What caused it to become reddit shit?


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It's not new. The public hasn't gotten Lovecraft for more than 50 years because of Derleth.

>reducing lovecraft to dude spooky tentacles lmao

I hate it.

Literally none of you faggots have read Lovecraft.
I've read all his stories, every single one even the ones coauthored and Lovecraft and he wasn't even remotely about 'muh tentacles'.
God I hate normies so much. I wish you would all die.

lovecraft is normalfag shit fuck off

After Call of Cthulhu, I'll be keeping my distance until a few weeks after release, hopefully it can do Lovecraft's style of horror right.

>not appreciating both
I do hope you guys know they were good friends.

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>le must hate anything popular meme
YAWN, wake me up when Yea Forums comes up with something new

The only normalfag shit about lovecraft is retards who try to seem intellectual by namedropping Cthulhu despite never actually having read any of Lovecrafts works. These dumb asses think that he only does Cthulhu tier stuff yet they never mention the rest of his works that don't actually have anything to do with that motif.

>dude "dude"

I'm curious about the gameplay, seems like they do new stuff with detective mechanics.

For instance there is a library in the open world you visit when you need to do research

I agree, its popularity is the only reason people pretend to hate BOTW

Any other games where to you have to do some detective work to figure out what are you going against and how to prepare?

Of course I do. I love them both, just for different reasons. That said, Howard's horror stories are pretty good. I'm also sad that Clark Ashton Smith never got the same recognition Lovecraft or Howard got.

, , here. Don't lump me in with those fags. I do actually read Lovecraft. Favorite stories are The Festival, Nyarlathotep, Haunter of the Dark, and Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Whoops, ignore me linking to . Meant to link back to my post here .

Not that I know of. Looks like the game will be the first sort of an open sandbox detective game which makes me more excited for it than the lovecraft themes.

1920s is also a kino setting and the devs aren't shying away from accurately displaying racism and the attitude of the times.

I have

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These were great too

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No, but I have listened to some audio books of his. ALso Poe > Lovecraft desu

dude fear of the unknown lmao

>open world gameplay of the entirety of Innsmouth by the developers of the the Sherlock Holmes games
Honestly looking forward to this.

Get the Knickerbocker or Gollancz edition.

God man you're getting screwed with those shitty copies. Stop it. Go buy a definitive edition like the ones I recommended.

PRETTY MUCH yeah, that'd be about it.

On Lovecraft's hostility to dogs and appreciation of cats

>"In essence, Lovecraft's argument is that the cat is the pet of the artists and thinker, while the dog is the pet of the stolid bourgeoisie. "The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind." This leads inevitably to a class distinction that is neatly summed up in the compact utterance: "The dog is a peasant and the cat is a gentleman.""

On Lovecraft's hostility to sexual intercourse

>"Eroticism belongs to a lower order of instincts, and is an animal rather than nobly human quality [...] The primal savage or ape merely looks about his native forest to find a mate; the exalted Aryan should lift his eyes to the worlds of space and consider his relation to the infinity!! [...] About romance and affection I never have felt the slightest interest [...] And in truth, is this not the natural attitude of an analytical mind? What is a beauteous nymph? Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, a dash or two of phosphorous and other elements - all to decay soon. But what is the cosmos? What is the secret of time, space, and the things that lie beyond time and space?"

dude cats

The stories are the same, stop being a dumb elitist

>the cat is the pet of the artists and thinker, while the dog is the pet of the stolid bourgeoisie. "The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind."
>calls his cat a nigger
What did he mean by that?

On Lovecraft's female cousin's memory of him as a young boy

>"Mrs Ethel Phillips Morrish [...] confessed in an interview [...] that she did not much care for her cousin, finding him eccentric and aloof. She became very irritated because Lovecraft did not apparently know how a swing worked.

On Lovecraft's mother attempting to make her son learn to dance

>"Susie also attempted to mould him in ways he found either irritating or repugnant. Around 1898 she tried to enrol him in a children's dancing class; Lovecraft "abhorred the thought" and, fresh from an initial study of Latin, responded with a line from Cicero: "Nemo fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit!" ("Scarcely any sober person dances, unless by chance he is insane".

On one local girl's memory of young Lovecraft

>"Howard used to go out into the fields in back of my home to study the stars. One early fall evening several of the children in the vicinity assembled to watch him from a distance. Feeling sorry for his loneliness I went up to him and asked him about his telescope and was permitted to look through it. But his language was so technical that I could not understand it and I returned to my group and left him to his lonely study of the heavens."

tl;dr dogs are for retards. Sounds about right to me.

have sex howard

On Lovecraft's worldview in his teens

>"By my thirteenth birthday I was thoroughly impressed with man's impermanence and insignificance, and by my seventeenth, about which time I did some particularly detailed writing on the subject, I had formed in all essential particulars my present pessimistic cosmic views. The futility of all existence began to impress and oppress me; and my references to human progress, formerly hopeful, began to decline in enthusiasm. [...] I looked on man as if from another planet. He was merely an interesting species presented for study and classification."


On young Lovecraft's existential burden

>"Many times in my youth I was so exhausted by the sheer burden of consciousness & mental & physical activity that I had to drop out of school for a greater or lesser period & take a complete rest free from all responsibilities; [...] In those days I could hardly bear to see or speak to anyone, & liked to shut out the world by pulling down dark shades & using artificial light."


On young Lovecraft attempting to educate a young Swedish boy

>"I came a cross a superficially bright Swedish boy in the Public Library - he worked in the "stack" where the books are kept - and invited him to the house to broaden his mentality (I was fifteen and he was about the same, though he was smaller and seemed younger). I thought I had uncovered a mute inglorious Milton [...] and despite maternal protest entertained him frequently in my library. I believed in equality then, and reproved him when he called my mother "Ma'am" - I said that a future scientist should not talk like a servant! But ere long he uncovered qualities which did not appeal to me, and I was forced to abandon him to his plebeian fate."

>collecting the stories piecemeal with other "authors" intruding by editing and adding useless forewords and afterwords
I might be an elitist but you're the dumb one here.

On young Lovecraft's fourth existential crisis

>"In 1908 Lovecraft stood at the threshold of adulthood: he was doing reasonably well at Hope High School, he had become prodigiously learned in chemistry, geography, astronomy, and meteorology [...] He seemed destined for a career as an academician of some sort [...] What derailed that future - and what ensured that Lovecraft would never lead a "normal" life - was his fourth "near-breakdown," clearly the most serious of his life. In some ways he never recovered from it. Lovecraft is very reticent about the causes or sources of what we can only regard as a full-fledged nervous breakdown in the summer of 1908. [...] the period 1908 - 13 is a virtual blank in the life of H.P. Lovecraft."


On young Lovecraft's regretful lack of foresight after leaving highschool

>"I made the mistake in youth of not realising that literary endeavour does not always mean an income. I ought to have trained myself for some routine clerical work [...] affording a dependable stipend yet leaving my mind free enough for a certain amount of creative activity - but in the absence of immediate need I was too damned a fool to look ahead. I seemed to think that sufficient money for ordinary needs was something which everyone had as a matter of course - and if I ran short, I could always sell a storm or poem or something. Well- my calculations were inaccurate!"


On Lovecraft as a young hermit

>"Lovecraft was a bit more than a bit troubled. In 1908, at the age of 18, he was the victim of what we might describe as a "nervous breakdown", and sank into a lethargy that was to last for a dozen years. At the age when his old classmates, impatiently crossing the bridge of childhood, threw themselves into life like a marvelous adventure into the unknown, he cloistered himself in his home, did not speak to his mother, refused to get up all day, shuffling about in his dressing gown all night."

On Lovecraft's demeanor in the years of unemployment after leaving highschool

>"Clara Hess [...] wrote: "Sometimes I would see Howard when walking up Angell Street, but he would not speak and would stare ahead with his coat collar turned up and chin down." [...] [Harold W.] Munro states: "Very much an introvert, he darted about like a sleuth, hunched over, always with books or papers clutched under his arm, peering straight ahead recognizing nobody."


On Lovecraft's shame at being unemployed

>"Of my non-university education, I never cease to be ashamed; but I know, at least, that I could not have done differently. I busied myself at home with chemistry, literature, & the like [...] I shunned all human society, deeming myself too much of a failure in life to be seen socially by those who had known me in youth, & had foolishly expected such great things of me."

On Lovecraft's appearance as a young man

>"by the age of eighteen or twenty he had perhaps reached his full height of five feet eleven inches, and had probably developed that long, prognathous jaw which he himself in later years considered a physical defect [...] As late as February 1921 [...] Lovecraft writes to his mother of a new suit that "made me appear as nearly respectable as my face permits."

Lovecraft was the original incel

Ignore the illiterates, Lovecraft was truly /ourguy/

>he wrote in 1918, "all rationalism tends to minimize the value and importance of life, and to diminish the total quantity of human happiness. In some cases the truth could cause suicide, or at least precipitate a near-suicidal depression.""

On Lovecraft's own distinctive Cosmic perspective

>""I could not write about "ordinary people" because I am not in the least interested in them. Without interest there can be no art. Man's relations to man do not captivate my fancy. It is man's relation to the cosmos - to the unknown - which alone arouses in me the spark of creative imagination. The humanocentric pose is impossible to me, for I cannot acquire the primitive myopia which magnifies the earth and ignores the background."

On Lovecraft's "perfected" cynicism

>"In "A Confession of Unfaith" Lovecraft suggests that the immediate postwar period let to the solidifications of his philosophical thought: "The Peace Conference, Friedrich Nietzsche, Samuel Butler (the modern), H. L. Mencken, and other influences have perfected my cynicism; a quality which grows more intense as the advent of middle life removes the blind prejudice whereby youth clings to the vapid 'all's right with the world' hallucination from the sheer force of desire to have it so. [...] One should come to realise that all life is merely a comedy of vain desire, wherein those who strive are the clowns, and those who calmly and dispassionately watch are the fortunate ones who can laugh at the acts of the strivers. The utter emptiness of all recognised goals of human endeavour is to the detached spectator deliciously apparent - the tomb yawns and grins so ironically!"

>deeming myself too much of a failure in life to be seen socially by those who had known me in youth, & had foolishly expected such great things of me."
fuck, this nigga knows.

Nietzsche came first

ITT: Fish people

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On Lovecraft's first impression of New York

>"My gawd - what a filthy dump! I thought Providence had slums, and antique Bostonium as well; but damn me if I ever saw anything like the sprawling sty-atmosphere of N.Y.'s lower East Side. We walked - at my suggestion - in the middle of the street, for contact with the heterogeneous sidewalk denizens, spilled out of their bulging brick kennels as if by a spawning beyond the capacity of the places, was not by any means sought. [...] these swine have instinctive swarming movements, no doubt, which no ordinary biologist can fathom. Gawd knows what they are [...] a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh without intellect, repellent to eye, nose, and imagination - would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the place."

On Lovecraft's reaction to other races in New York

>"Soon after we were married he told me that whenever we have company he would appreciate it if there were 'Aryans' in the majority. [...] whenever he would meet crowds of people - in the subway, or, at the noon hour, on the sidewalks in Broadway, or crowds, wherever he happened to find them, and these were usually the workers of minority races - he would become livid with anger and rage. [...] It was then that he said: "It is more important to know what to hate than it is to know what to love.""

>"Mrs Ethel Phillips Morrish [...] confessed in an interview [...] that she did not much care for her cousin, finding him eccentric and aloof. She became very irritated because Lovecraft did not apparently know how a swing worked.
>"Howard used to go out into the fields in back of my home to study the stars. One early fall evening several of the children in the vicinity assembled to watch him from a distance. Feeling sorry for his loneliness I went up to him and asked him about his telescope and was permitted to look through it. But his language was so technical that I could not understand it and I returned to my group and left him to his lonely study of the heavens."
Fucking women, amirite.
He should have just molested her, she would have probably like him more then and I'm only half joking.

On Lovecraft's visit to New York's Pelham Bay Park

>""My Pete in Pegana, but what crowds! And that is not the worst... for upon my most solemn oath, I'll be shot if three out of every four persons - nay, full nine out of every ten - weren't flabby, pungent, grinning, chattering niggers!"

On Lovecraft's desire to deport all "mongoloids"

>"The more prolonged is Lovecraft's enforced sojourn in New York, the more his repulsion and terror grows until it attains alarming proportions. As he wrote to Belknap Long, "one cannot speak calmly about the mongoloid problem of New York". Later on in the letter, he declares: "I hope the end will be warfare -- but not till such a time as our own minds are fully freed of humanitarian hindrances of the Syrian superstition imposed upon us by Constantinus. Then let us show our physical power as men and Aryans, and conduct a scientific wholesale deportation from which there will be neither flinching nor retreating."


On Lovecraft's dislike of Jews

>"A long letter in early January [1926] goes on at length about the fundamental inassimability of Jews in American life, maintaining that "vast harm is done by those idealists who encourage belief in a coalescence which never can be. [...] he went on to note that "On our side there is a shuddering physical repugnance to most Semitic types."


On Lovecraft and the Jewish domination of publishing

>"As for New York - there is no question but that its overwhelming Semitism has totally removed it from the American stream. Regarding its influence on literary & dramatic expression - it is not so much that the country is flooded directly with Jewish authors, as that Jewish publishers determine just which of our Aryan writers shall achieve print & position. [...] Taste is insidiously moulded along non-Aryan lines - that [...] it is a special, rootless literature which does not represent us."

Why is the sudden popularity for this guy's stuff anyway?
I remember when the only thing of notice was Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, now even that faggot Peele is making a show about him on HBO.
I hope he stays in relative obscurity so that it doesn't get infected with the current woke faggotry.

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On Lovecraft and the Jewish domination in media

>"not a paper in New York dares to call its soul its own in dealing with the Jews [...] I do think that something ought to be done to free American expression from the control of any element which seeks to curtail it, distort it, or remodel it in any direction other than its natural course."

On Lovecraft's feelings towards black people and his thoughts on segregation

>As he wrote in a letter, "Either stow 'em out of sight or kill 'em off" ; and he came progressively to consider the former solution as preferable, particularly in the wake of some time spent in the South, at the home of writer Robert Barlow, where he observed with wonder that the maintenance of a strict racial segregation could allow a white, educated American to feel at ease in the middle of a population with a high density of blacks. Naturally, he states precisely to his aunt, "they can't let niggers use the beach as a Southern resort - can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees?"

On Puritanism

>"as for Puritan inhibitions - I admire them more every day. They are attempts to make of life a work of art - to fashion a pattern of beauty in the hog-wallow that is animal existence - and they spring out of that divine hatred for life which marks the deepest and most sensitive soul [...] An intellectual Puritan is a fool [...] but a Puritan in the conduct of life is the only kind of man one may honestly respect. I have no respect or reverence whatever for any person who does not live abstemiously and purely"


On Lovecraft's view of aristocracy and democracy

>"I believe in an aristocracy, because i deem it the only agency for the creation of those refinements which make life endurable for the human animal of high organisation [...] Aristocracy alone is capable of creating thoughts and objects of value. Everyone, I fancy, will admit that such a state must precede democracy or ochlocracy in order to build the original culture. Fewer are willing to admit the cognate truth that democracies and ochlocracies merely subsist parasitically on the aristocracies they overthrow, gradually using up the aesthetic and intellectual resources which autocracy bequeathed them and which they never could have created for themselves."

Catfags are almost always poor, fat and lazy.

It was his childhood cat (it disappeared when he was 12), and it was a different time.

On Lovecraft deciding to return to Providence

>"I am essentially a recluse who will have very little to do with people wherever he may be [...] To all intents & purposes I am more naturally isolated from mankind than Nathaniel Hawthorne himself, who dwelt alone in the midst of crowds [...] I am always an outside - to all scenes & all people - but outsiders have their sentimental preferences in visual environment. I will be dogmatic only to the extent of saying that it is New England I must have - in some form or other. Providence is part of me - I am Providence.""

On Sonia's remarks about the end of her marriage

>""If the truth be known, it was this attitude towards minorities and his desire to escape them that promoted him back to Providence [...] I did not leave him on account of non-providence, but chiefly on account of his harping hatred of Jews. This and this alone was the real reason."

Seething dogfag.

Goddamn, this is some cosmic-level redpill and basedness right here.

On Lovecraft rejecting practical nihilism

>"The matters crops up in a discussion with Morton, who appears to have questioned why Lovecraft was so passionately concerned about the preservation of Western civilization when he believed in a purposeless cosmos: "It is because the cosmos is meaningless that we must secure our individual illusions of values, direction, and interest by upholding the artificial streams which gave us such worlds of salutary illusion. That is - since nothing means anything by itself, we must preserve the proximate and arbitrary background which makes things around us seem as if they did mean something. In other words, we are either Englishmen or nothing whatever."


On Lovecraft's defence of tradition

>"Amidst the variability there is only one anchor of fixity which we can seize upon as the working pseudo-standard of "values" which we need in order to feel settled & contended - & that anchor is tradition, the potent emotional legacy bequeathed to us by the massed experience of ancestors, individual or national or biological or cultural. Tradition means nothing cosmically, but it means everything locally & pragmatically because we have nothing else to shield us from a devastating sense of "lostness" in endless time & space."

On Lovecraft's prediction for the future of America

>""The social-political future of the United States is one of domination by vast ecconomic interests devoted to the ideals of material gain, aimless activity, & physical comfort - interests controlled by shrewd, insensitive, & not often well-bred leaders recruited from the standardised herd through a competition of hard wit & practical craftiness - a struggle for a place & power which will eliminate the truth & the beautiful as goals, & substitute the strong, the huge, & the mechanically effective."

because dumb niggerfaggots like OP and tumblr gurlz xd see a bunch of tentacles and go "Ooh, so quirky, Look at me I'm so artsy and bookish hehe"
Fucking cancer upon mankind

On the decline of art

>"Bourgeois capitalism gave artistic excellence and sincerity a death-blow by enthroning cheap amusement-value at the expense of that intrinsic excellence which only cultivated, non-acquisitive persons of assumed position can enjoy. The determinant market for written [...] and other heretofore aesthetic material ceased to be a small circle of truly educated persons, but became a substantially larger [...] circle of mixed origin numerically dominated by crude, half-educated clods of whose systematically perverted ideals [...] prevented them from ever achieving the tastes and perspective of the gentlefolk whose dress and speech and external manners they so assiduously mimicked. [...] and they so outnumbered the remaining educated gentlefolk that most of the purveying agencies became at once reorientated to them."

On Lovecraft's and the qualities of the ideal man

>"what I used to respect was not really aristocracy, but a set of personal qualities which aristocracy then developed better than any other system [...] a set of qualities, however, whose merit lay only in a psychology of non-calculative, non-competitive disinterestedness, truthfulness, courage, and generosity fostered by good education, minimum economic stress, and assumed position"


On Lovecraft distinguishing aristocrats from the masses

>"We cannot [...] afford to base a civilisation on the low cultural standards of an undeveloped majority. Such a civilisation of mere working, eating, drinking, breeding, and vacantly loafing or childishly playing isn't worth maintaining. None of the members of it are really better of than as if they didn't exist at all [...] No settled, civilised group has any reason to exist unless it can develop a decently high degree of intellectual and artistic cultivation."

>This and this alone was the real reason."

>not because his aunts were upset over their nephew being married to someone who had to work for a living
>not because her job required her to move to Chicago when Lovecraft considered New York City to be too far from Providence

Stupid catfat

>Naturally, he states precisely to his aunt, "they can't let niggers use the beach as a Southern resort - can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees?"

On Lovecraft's poverty, regrets and fears for the future late in life

>"I know of few persons whose attainments fall more consistently short of their aspirations, or who in general have less to live for. Every aptitude which I wish I had, I lack. Everything which I value, I have either lost or am likely to lose. Within a decade, unless I can find some job paying at least $10.00 per week, I shall have to take the cyanide route through inability to keep around me the books [...] & other familiar objects which constitute my only remaining reasons for keeping alive. [...] Adverse criticism has of late vastly undermined my confidence in my literary powers. And so it goes."


On Lovecraft's ill-health

>"On February 28 [1937] he made a feeble response to Talman's continues queries about the Morrow book deal: "Am in constant pain, take only liquid food, and so bloated with gas that I can't lie down. Spend all time in chair propped with pillows, and can read or write only a few minutes at a time"

On Lovecraft assessing the value of his life

>"Failure though I be, I shall reach a level with the greatest - and smallest - in the damp earth or on the final pyre. [...] Success is a relative thing [...] So I turned to observe other mediocre and handicapped persons about me, and found pleasure in increasing the happiness of those who could be helped by such encouraging words or critical services as I am capable of furnishing. That I have been able to cheer here and there an aged man, an infirm old lady, a dull youth, or a person deprived by circumstances of education, affords to me a sense of being not altogether useless, which almost forms a substitute for the real success I shall never know. [...] Surely it is well that the happiness of the unfortunate be made as great as possible; and he who is kind, helpful, and patient with his fellow-sufferers, adds as truly to the world's combined fund of tranquility as he who, with greater endowments, promotes the birth of empires, or advances the knowledge of civilisation and mankind."

On the death of Howard Phillips Lovecraft

>"Howard Phillips Lovecraft died early in the morning of March 15, 1937. He was pronounced dead at 7.15 A.M."

On the final stanza's of Lovecraft's poem 'Despair'

>Evil wings in ether beating;
>Vultures at the spirit eating;
>Things unseen forever fleeting
>Black against the leering sky.
>Ghastly shades of bygone gladness,
>Clawing fiends of future sadness,
>Mingle in a cloud of madness
>Ever on the soul to lie.

>Thus the living, lone and sobbing,
>In the throes of anguish throbbing,
>With the loathsome Furies robbing
>Night and noon of peace and rest.
>But beyond the groans and grating
>Of abhorrent Life, is waiting
>Sweet Oblivion, culminating
>All the years of fruitless quest.


>It is more important to know what to hate than it is to know what to love
Something something, videogames.

On the effect on Lovecraft of his family's declining wealth

>"This was probably the most traumatic event Lovecraft experienced prior to the death of his mother [...] By 1904 he and his mother were living alone [...] at 454 Angell Street [...] To compound the tragedy, Lovecraft's beloved black cat, Nigger-Man, disappeared sometime in 1904. This was the only pet Lovecraft ever owned in his life [...] Nigger-Man's loss perhaps symbolised the loss of his birthplace as no other event cold."

Is there actual action/fighting in it or is it a glorified walking simulator like CoC was?

Conspiracy, plain and simple, explained in RA Wilson's Illuminatus.

>he wasn't even remotely about 'muh tentacles'.
No but for some reason all the pictures of his monsters have an absurd amount of tentacles and most idiots can't be assed to actually read a book so they look and pictures, read a wiki entry and think they're the authority on the subject.

>Other creators like James takes a more pervasive approach. One of Innsmouth’s goals is to pay homage to the “fun” aspects of the Cthulhu mythos while subverting its problematic aspects. Innsmouth uses diversity as a weapon to assault Lovecraft’s bigoted ideals and exposes them as outlandishly idiotic. While the WASPish characters of the book are either idiots, evil, or both, the black and Muslim characters are both competent and educated.
>James’ delightful perversion of Lovecraft runs far deeper than adding a few non-white characters to the cast of her book. One of Innsmouth’s two main characters is Fatima Alhazred, the direct descendant of Abdul Alhazred, the “Mad Arab” who wrote the Necronomicon. While Lovecraft only created Alhazred to come up with an origin for the Necronomicon before it found its way into the hands of his white characters, Fatima represents a direct connection to the Cthulhu mythos in Innsmouth. James extracts one of the few non-white/non-squid monster aspects of Lovecraft’s works and celebrates it in a way that most modern day Lovecraft homages fail to do.

>self hating mentally ill leech who contributed almost nothing to society for most of his life spends so much thought on things he hates

>Such a civilisation of mere working, eating, drinking, breeding, and vacantly loafing or childishly playing isn't worth maintaining. None of the members of it are really better of than as if they didn't exist at all [...] No settled, civilised group has any reason to exist unless it can develop a decently high degree of intellectual and artistic cultivation."
What an idiot. Lovecraft drones on and on about how emotion, idleness and instinctual motivations are useless but did he ever ask himself why he values what he does? Probably because he feels strongly about it and no other reason, which makes him a hypocrite with no objective basis to claim his world view is more valuable than someone else's because humans are biased by their own nature

>Another way James takes aim at Lovecraft’s inherent bigotry is through Charles Patrick Armitage, Fatima’s boss and the Eldritch Studies Professor as Miskatonic University. In a typical Lovecraft story, Armitage would be the protagonist/hero, an educated white Protestant bravely fighting against those who would usher in the dark and unknown. In Innsmouth, Armitage is a self-aggrandizing asshole who ultimately reveals himself to be the ugly and terrible person that usually is the villain of a Lovecraft tale.
>More importantly, Armitage’s eventual “heel turn” isn’t due to a madness caused by Cthulhu, but rather from his own privileged arrogance. James presents Armitage as a motif commonly seen in Lovecraftian lore and then explicitly rejects him and ultimately gives him the grizzly fate reserved for the worst kind of Lovecraft antagonists. By feeding him to a Shoggoth, James says “Fuck it” to the bland idealized Lovecraft hero and opts for a much more interesting and fun story instead.
> It also shows why fans of “problematic” works shouldn’t be afraid to tackle those issues head on. James celebrates Cthulhu and all his unknowable and horrific evil while thumbing her nose at Lovecraft’s bigotry. As James states in the forward of the first issue of Innsmouth, one of her goals in making the comic was to have Lovecraft “spinning his grave, not unlike a corpse in a washing machine.” Personally, I think she succeeds with arcane and unknowable flying colors.

On Lovecraft's "Americanism" and attacking Israel Zangwill's "Melting Pot"

>"The essay "Americanism [...] embodies this conception. For Lovecraft, Americanism is nothing more than "expanded Anglo-Saxonism": "It is the spirit of England, transplanted to a soil of vast extent and diversity [...] It is the expression of the world's highest race under the most favourable social, political, and geographical conditions. [...] Most dangerous and fallacious of the several misconceptions of Americanism is that of the so-called "melting-pot" of races and traditions. It is true that this country has received a vast influx of non-English immigrants who come hither to enjoy without hardship the liberties which our British ancestors carved out in toil and bloodshed. [...] But from this it does not follow that a mixture of really alien blood or ideas has accomplished or can accomplish anything but harm [..] Immigration cannot, perhaps, be cut off altogether, but it should be understood that aliens who choose America as their residence must accept the prevailing language and culture as their own; and neither try to modify our institutions, nor to keep alive their own in our midst."

Christ, he was autism incarnate.
If he were alive today he'd probably be obsessed with Sonic

But does it have giant robots and tits like Demonbane?

>humans are biased by their own nature
>calling someone a hypocrite

what a disconnect

On Lovecraft's angry letters to a literary magazine

>"Lovecraft's tirade was not inspired merely by unwonted dominance of [romance author Fred] Jackson in the pages of Argosy [...] noting a little dryly that "There is a numerous set of people whose chief literary delight is obtained in the following of imaginary nymphs and swains through the labyrinthine paths of amorous adventure"; [...] it is a fact, maintains Lovecraft, that Jackson is simply a bad writer: "Apart from the mere choice of subject, let me venture to describe the Jacksonine type of tale as trivial, effeminate, and, in places, course. [...] Into the breasts of his characters, and appearing to dominate them to the exclusion of reason, he places the delicate passions and emotions proper to negroes or anthropoid apes.""


On a summary of the years Lovecraft's early 20s

>"Lovecraft had no job, was only toying with chemistry and astronomy, was living with a mother who was steadily losing her mental stability, was writing random undistinguished bits of verse about his native region, and was devouring the Munsey magazines but had no thought of contributing any fiction to them or to any other market. But [Fred] Jackson's work so irritated Lovecraft that he emerged from his hermitry at least to the extent of bombarding letters to the magazines in question."

All I have from Lovecraft is this which I read all of already. It was pretty swell. Is it missing any stories I should read?

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>Is there actual action/fighting in it

man, he would absolutely love Yea Forums

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Kill yourself mass replyer

What in tarnation? Why would somebody write something in Lovecraft's universe for the sole purpose of shitting on it and subverting it? That seems really petty

t. nigger lover


How am I wrong? Everything you do only has value as far as it's rooted in your own emotions and motivations. So Lovecraft decrying those things while trying to dictate what has value is hypocritical

Mad Arabs

Dude, thats the entire fucking agenda that neo feminist and sjws follow
Where have you been for the last few years?