What was the biggest lie in gaming?

What was the biggest lie in gaming?

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anything Todd Howard has said in his career

Anything by Peter Molyneux and Todd Howard.

>PS3 will render games in 2K resolution

Dating sims. They make you feel even lonelier.

Don't doubt the cel m8

>not completely giving up on reality
You're doing it wrong.

>horse armor isn't a big deal

>xbox is about to become the next water cooler


YOU CAN SEE HER THONG in that video..... I got like 170 likes on the original youtube video for pointing that out and the time stamp/ gonna link it my boys


Women are 3D.

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It really is amazing how Molyneux's lies just kept getting bigger and bigger and somehow he got away with it every time

Todd Howard got away with it for years until Fallout 76.....

no wayyyy but who cares about that fat burguer eater?

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Killzone 2 pretty much did deliver on this. youtube.com/watch?v=MC-hiXr69kY

that i can catch them all

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I remember it barely now, but the lead dev Will Wright had all the right stuff and intent.
But another designer on his team convinced him that nobody wanted the grounded and realistic layout that he had in mind.

Instead Will followed this other designer's advice to greatly reduce the complexity of the stages of life, monster evolution and overall game play while making everything cartoony and simple in both appearance and use. From UI to monsters to life cycles of said monsters & editor everything was dumbed down to appeal to a casual audience.

After Spore was still 'well received' but overall didn't do very well, Will stepped down and it was the last game he ever made. From Sims, SimCity & then Spore until this one fucking assistant convinced him to botch his own game.
I can't find the article but he later accepted the poorer reception and criticisms for the game as the lead and everything was his decision; of course protecting Judas.

This video is a lie and would've been bigger than Half-Life 2 or Crysis in another gaming venture and completely new genre/IP.

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Spore sounded so cool.
Shame what happened into it.
I think it sucks so much I can't even finish the first stage when you get on land.

I wouldn't trust this guy even if I didn't know anything about him, he just looks like a shithead.

It's over for him, Godus was the perfect redemption project for him
>£450k in funding
>No publisher
>God game genre
>Can do whatever he wants
And he turned it into a shitty mobile-esque game where you had to wait hours to continue playing. It almost had microtransactions as well until players found that shitty feature before it debuted. The game was obviously a flop and his reputation beyond repair

Attached: Godus-4.jpg (2048x1536, 617K)

todd didnt lie about oblivion.

everything he "lied" about is autists taking todds facts and warping it. every single one of them. example:
Claim: "the game has 70 endings"
Reality: theres 70 endings
"the lie": "reee those endings dont have full fmv`s and 4 pages of text each, so its NOT A REAL ENDING REEEEE"

prove me wrong

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>still no link

it IS a mobile game.

It was a PC game first before getting ported to mobile

You're on the wrong board on the wrong website. Reddit is two blocks down.


2:49 my dude sorry for the late was posting in a ff7 thread about tifa tits

croikey she's a roight soize that sheila

Clean panties smell like any other fresh laundry. Years ago I made the mistake of sniffing my ex's g-string that was waiting to be cleaned. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT (in a bad way). Normal used panties have a musky scent- the g-string is an asshole scraping tool and reeks like shitstink.

What happened to this guy? He fell off the map and even the autists who he stole money from don't even care enough to bring it up anymore.

only normies believed he would deliver what frontier or multimillion-dollar RSi investment couldn't over a long development period.

What the fuck did she even mean by that? I didn't understand back then and years later I still don't.

isnt 2k just 1080p? and did i just fall for bait?

honestly no

i remember watching that shitty video and facepalming really hard, and that happened back when shipping buggy unfinished EA shit wasn't really a thing yet, when you thought of shitty gaming maybe something like "big rigs" would pop in your head and not much else... dont even know why people would waste their time to preach about kinect and its greatness, don't these people have shame

...what does a k generally stand for. 1000, right.

now think about what resolution you just said.

so here it is. back in the day when the water cooler was invented (people started to put ice in it to hold beers), the water cooler was used as a tool to hang out, sit around the water cooler and drink some beers with friends

THIS is what that hollywood executive lady meant when she said xbox one would be the next water cooler....lol only for xbox tv to be cancelled, her ass leaving and the xbox one losing the console race before it even came out

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God. I remember watching that video a thousands times, waiting for it to come out.

I remember how horribly disappointed I was.

1920 is pretty fucking close to 2000 dude

>don't you have Xbox360s?!?
>gets BTFO'd and flees to Zynga
He was a cancer for years

child's understanding of how resolutions work

that presenter has a nice butt

i always wondered this since e3 2013

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Yet 4k is 4096 x 2160, so it only makes sense if 2k was 1920x1080.
The whole "k" label for resolutions is fucking stupid anyway, and is only used because it's easier to sell to normies.

I agree with you.

He's right you fucking retard. Don't talk out your ass.

dummy niggas

the hype died with ouya

kill yourself

Project Milo WAS Peter Molyneux

But you could plant an acorn which then grew into a tree and you could also climb the mountain that you could see from a distance.

Digital distribution. Nothing else compares, it has done far more damage to gaming than anything else and is the cause for most cancers plaguing gaming today

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1080p is 2k you fuck

I'm glad Phil "my ass with your semen" Spencer is there now

For me personally, gaming's innocence died with Spore being such a disappointment from what was promised. Maybe it was because I turned 18 and moved away to college at the time, but gaming never elicited the same feelings of wonder and magic after that.
Was this the one that was announced by that massive pixel clicking game?

By your logic 4K is actually 2K

No, the massive cube you clicked pixels off of was the previous "game" by him. The "winner" of the cube was supposed to get part of the revenue from Godus which was the next game but obviously he lied about that as well

He’s finally done... he destroyed my childhood dreams with fable 1. It was a great game but the things he promised soured everything about that game for me

Different standards but I get your point. Other guys was being retarded

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Spore is the last game I bought full price. Fuck EA.

I think his point was that most PS3 games did not output at 1080p.

Don’t forget that kid who won “god mode” and then had his contact cut because the guy who was supposed to give him info quit and didn’t even care to pass it on. That shit was a hilarious read

>Game has infinite gameplay if you stand still and let it run.
Holy fuck

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Aliens: Colonial Marines
The final product was so far off the marketed trailer that it actually had reasonable grounds for a lawsuit. SEGA threw up a couple million to settle it out of court.

Prove what wrong you nigger you didnt present any real examples

No it didn't. It wasn't even actual gameplay, it was a CGI cutscene made to look like gameplay. The game doesn't eve look that good
Like having the gun turn into a 2d artifact when going under cover? Such a nice milestone to gloat about.

which it does. just because it isnt up to your standard dosent mean its not true.

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what. are you retarded? i cant post any examples of todd lying because my argument is that todd didnt lie

are you okay

>Never go into combat
>Cant lose health
>Infinite health
Every game just became easy

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That's not a lie though, digital distribution does as advertised. Also most of that stuff is really just a result of going online in general.

>Dont insert the disc
>Wtf this game has no gameplay
I feel ripped off

almost all of this already existed. its just more prevalent.

bethesda claimed that there would be console mods, for the PS4 and Xbox.
As of 2019, there are still no mods on PS4. Just basic .ini altering shit you'd do on PC. But nothing that fulfills the definition or even comes close to of a "mod". This is an undeniable lie.
Furthermore, your definition of a lie is narrow. He intentionally used misleading and manipulative speech. That's just as bad as lying.

Gran Turismo 5 literally runs at 1920x1080p60

>"Always Online"
>Download game to hardrive
Take that corporate cucks.

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He said Games not Game.

Why did anyone reply after this

Isn't Okami rendered at like 4k and downsampled?


Gran Turismo 5: Prologue = 1080p mode is 1280x1080 (2xAA) in-game while the garage/pit/showrooms are 1920x1080 with no AA. 720p mode is 1280x720 (4xAA)
Gran Turismo 5 = 1280x720 (4xAA), 1280x1080 (QAA, TAA selectable), 1280x720 (QAA) in 3D mode

alright, lets just ignore the minor detail of "not something that todd said, but bethseda, and thus completely fucking irrelevant", and just examine this, because i feel this actually kills 1 stone with 2 birds

>Just basic .ini altering shit you'd do on PC
thats a mod.
. But nothing that fulfills the definition or even comes close to of a "mod"

"reee those endings dont have full fmv`s and 4 pages of text each, so its NOT A REAL ENDING REEEEE"

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It took 19 replies to get to spore

Spores release heralded the end of the golden era of gaming, ever since then its gotten worse year upon year

I was about to call you out on this but you are right. Even in the first game you can't catch all the mons on 1 cart you need a friend/2nd gameboy with the other to complete the dex.

But I suppose gotta get em all isn't as catchy.

Sorry meant Ridge Racer 7 launch title

How have people forgotten?

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Since you just said that making a 0 value into a 1 counts as a mod, I'm just going to ignore everything you say as the retarded ravings of a child and simply state the fact that it IS something that Todd himself claimed. I would suggest not using the internet until you have resolved your issues.
The fact that you write like you have fucking schizophrenia just supports this theory.

>More than one
Fuck off you triple nigger

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For me personally this.
It's not even acknowledged as the shameless lie that it most definitely is by most people

Also the case of that tomb raider dev that called out Naughty Dog's lie with 2 again was forced to apologize.

What's the problem?

that it made money

>Since you just said that making a 0 value into a 1 counts as a mod,
which it is. lets directly relate it to one of todds very own games. the "killable children" mods for fallout 3. at their very core, a simple change of "essential" from 1 to 0. viola.

Not Oblivion but Skyrim
>If you burn a windmill it will affect the economy of the surrounding area
The “See that mountain?” meme was overblown and stupid though.

i didnt say skyrim.

>all this todd hate
Just because Todd is a wizard with words does not mean he's a liar. He has the integrity not to bad mouth his own products even when he knows there could be improvements. This is not lying, at the worst its some mild deception.

The AI in the finished game was nowhere near as good.

Oh man, that's up there.

>Milo is a REAL BOY with REAL feelings
>You'll be able to show him shit you made in REAL LIFE and he'll have REAL thoughts about it

What were they even hoping to achieve here?


So much shit from the PS3 days count

Half-Life 2 Episode 3

Microsoft: "Sure, our warranty covers xbox 360 hardware failure :^) "

did valve or gabe even say episode 3 was ever going to be a thing