Pokemon collapsing

>pokemon collapsing
>mm2 looks awful
>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
>smash generated less hype than ff7
>astral chain censored
what went wrong?

Attached: bundle_color_portable (1).jpg (554x369, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why? Its literally Port-Machine Portable

You forgot this

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Pokemon looks awful yes

Mario maker 2 looks great

Ac looks like an animal crossing game and thats all the people who actually play animal crossing even care about. Cant say i've ever met someone that unironically enjoys that shit tho

Smash generated less hype than ff7? Dunno man smashfags are really loud and there's a whooole lot of them

Astral chain got censored?

dunno man i think your opinions kinda suck tbqh famalammadingdong

fucking yikes

>smash generated less hype than ff7

hahahaahahaha maybe for normalfags

Yes. The boxart is censored


Attached: 123456786543256.jpg (490x563, 90K)

mm2 is good what are you talking about

wait why should I care how much a product sells unless I'm an investor? All I care about is games

>astral chain censored
>box art censor
Fuck off

Attached: 1550460912364.png (500x500, 304K)

Whaaat? Really? Pics?

>not showing any signs of slowing down
Bruh they're releasing new consoles next year arent they lmao that's definitely gonna switch shit up

Well, uh, you see...

Attached: niggers.jpg (1887x1500, 1.49M)

Why does this place like Nintendo so much now? One of the only good things about Yea Forums was that it was the only place on the internet that wasn't an echo chamber for Nintendtard games. What happened?

Attached: IMG_2889.jpg (415x518, 40K)

>smash generated less hype than ff7

I guarantee you FF7 will never reach Ultimate's sales

You activated my trap card.

Attached: 235534223.jpg (491x228, 34K)

The box art?
>Boo fucking hoo, my box art looks slightly different
Grow up and find something that's not petty to complain about

Because they're unironically doing great right now. I don't understand people who hate Nintendo when they're saving video games.

Ngl I think most of this is your shit opinion that very little people agree with (except Pokémon, that looks like shit)



Every cover looks like the left one including the Japanese. They had to shrink the title for the German cover because of that massive rating logo.

Nintendo is not a company silly it's a cult and you need to do your part to make sure they get revenue regardless of the sanitised repetitive shit they produce.

you are an idiot, the game's title has moved because of the shitty usk logo

>>pokemon collapsing
it's only trannies who are complaining, braindead normies are gonna get the game anyway
>>mm2 looks awful
>>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
it looks alright, try actually explaining why it looks bad next time
>>smash generated less hype than ff7
suprise suprise
>>astral chain censored
this is an outright lie.

>what went wrong?
your life.

>One of the only good things about Yea Forums was that it was the only place on the internet that wasn't an echo chamber for Nintendtard games.

because it means your taste is bad

>mm2 looks awful
You know that's not true.

>astral chain censored
What? Care to explain?

I have made more today than you will see in your life while you waste your life defending a toy company for children.

>can't even drum up arguments any more

Who has fallen more than Sony ponies guys?

Attached: 43f.jpg (1199x623, 88K)

People are mad OVER THIS?

That's it? Letters were bigger to fit the ratings system. Once again this board is a joke

made more what? bait threads?

>final fantasy XV has shipped 8.4 million units in 3 years
>Smash Ultimate has already easily beaten it by nearly 5 million in less than a year
>somehow thinks the remake will totally beat Ultimate

Imagine being pathetic enough to get offended over this

That's highly doubtful mr.minimum lol.

PS. Go to a proper trade school

>shit empty open world game that was completely forgettable
>shit bayonetta sequel
>mass marketed babby fighting game
>literally the same fucking IPs rehashed over and over again
>pornbait because sex sells
>the same overbright textureless Petri dish art style
>Nothing but ports and meme games
>"They're unironically doing great"
Suck a dick sycophant

all better than your cinematic remake of a 20 year old game except it's just the first town :')

You don't have to support the Ps4 or Xbox to dislike the current Switch lineup. There is honestly nothing to convince me to dust off my switch at the moment, as I just stick to my PC.

What did any of the consoles offer? Casual games with no challenge, aka Luigi's Mansion? Cinematic games like FFVII or Astral Chain? Shovelware like smash bros or Splatoon? Miss me with that senpai.

The only game I'm honestly looking forward to is a multiplat anyway, so there's no reason to play it on the switch unless I care about portability.

Attached: MV5BMTI4ZDFjNGEtMjIzMS00OThjLTk5NjktZjgyMTU3ZWJjMTEzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDIwOTkyNjM@._V1_UY268_CR10,0,18 (182x268, 12K)

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>mm2 looks awful
Stopped reading right there. I don't care for creation games but it looks great


Can't use that word without defining it user

>you can actually see more skin in the "censor"

Are you a rich businessman wanker? Why do you care about sales figures?
>retarded nigger masses love FIFA and can't wait for the next porkyman R34!!!
Obtain integrity and drink water

You were never going to buy any of this shit because you're a snoy fanboy faggot just stop being so obsessed and have sex

>literally the same fucking IPs rehashed over and over again

Haha, look, the baby can't even explain himself properly. Out with it junior , provide substance to your words

you said it generated less hyped, Im proving you wrong retard

Mario Maker 2 looks like a perfect sequel
Astral Chain looks fucking amazing
Three Houses redeemed itself with E3
Animal Crossing still has another year of development

Really the only big disappointment is Pokemon, but at this point you're just a newfag if you expected anything else.

>you can actually see more skin in the "censor


Oof and a yikes from me dawg

I would personally define shovelware as "game whose gameplay isn't as important as story, or multiplayer, or meme shit, or waifus."

I listed Splatoon specifically because the fandom is nothing but children who want inkling porn. Nobody cares about the actual game. I listed smash brothers because nobody cares about the game, and it's just rosterfaggotry.

In fairness, I could list Bloodborne as shovelware too since sony fans only use it in console war shitposting, and barely even talk about it. but you get my point.

so "any game I feel like is shovelware", got it

>cinematic games like Astral Chain
you could've just ignored this thread and moved on with your life but you had to expose yourself as a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. sad.

Is this the official snoyboy cope thread?

Attached: sonygro.jpg (246x300, 13K)

No it's not, it's the same as the Japanese box art

Yes, laugh at the retarded OP and think about him every time somebody praises snoy

Don’t care
Haven’t heard, what got censored?

"Any game where the fandom is more interested in shitposting than actual game discussion" would fit.

Is it not a platinum game? Platinum has never once made a game that was 100% gameplay. They have to constantly force stupid cutscenes in your face, and the fandom makes the stupidest excuses for it.

>so what if there's a pile of shit on the sidewalk? You can just skip over it! now stop complaining!

>literally needs to redefine existing words to have his own most subjective definition
LOL, that might be the most retarded thing I have ever seen on Yea Forums, congrats

>"Any game where the fandom is more interested in shitposting than actual game discussion" would fit.

that's literally every game on this fucking board you retard

>it's a cult
Guys, spot the victim

He's ACfag, a known gay autist

I love this idea that’s being promoted that this place wasn’t always Nintendo bias. Say it enough and maybe we’ll start believing

You failed not even a paragraph in, how do English teachers put up with this in America.

>The dildo is not black
You fuck up...

Cash money, idiot. I’m a VP-level exec at a major west coast financial company. And when I go home I play an Xbox One X on my 4K display instead of playing Nintendo’s newest toy like you.

Newfags don't believe in that , then again their only interaction with Yea Forums nowadays are template reaction images

You’re problem there buddy. If you’re a pc fag why did you buy a console?
You’re the asshat here buddy

>pokemon collapsing

This is your only valid point. Stay seething.

>>"Any game where the fandom is more interested in shitposting than actual game discussion" would fit.
Just like Hollow Knight then.

Attached: horney.png (585x900, 163K)

And you can't see an ass in the censored version fuckface.

Lol that's not a position

Well, what should I consider these games then? I've never heard a legitimate argument in favor of these games that wasn't borne out of blatant bias and non-arguments.

>hey guy, Splatoon is the best shooter of this entire gen, it's probably the best game ever made!
>okay, what do you like about it?

With such stunning "arguments" you'll have to pardon me if I'm not convinced.

Only happens with bad games, or games propped up by marketers.

I wanted some indie games for portability, but half of them suffer from FPS issues and various other problems.

Hollow Knight can have actual discussion though. Being a multiplat, it's immune to console warring for starters.

Maybe open a dictionary, you dumb fag

Aww is baby gonna cry

Nigger, Splatoon2 is the best shooter released this gen it just so happens to have pretty waifus too.

>can have
oh, so we're moving the goalposts again?

The title had to be moved because of the fuckhueg rating label, retard

seethe harder lmao the gyro alone makes Splatoon GOAT

Attached: squishy_waifu_cheeks_by_lil_berry_babe-dbw4fru.png (792x792, 694K)

>Hollow Knight can have actual discussion though
That moving the goalposts for ACfag, only if every reply is 100 percent gameplay does it count to him

There are a lot of people who like nintendo on Yea Forums but it could seem otherwise because all the sonyfags are busy spamming wojacks every threat

>Pokemon collapsing
This is a good thing.

Attached: Activate it, zura.jpg (470x300, 25K)

This is bullshit, right? We literally have lewd games uncensored on b the system

>The boxart is censored
Every single version, CERO, ESRB, and PEGI all look the same. Germany's USK cover with its giant ratings marker that would have crept all over the game's logo, is the only exception and had its logo shrunk.

I kind of doubt Germany got the true cover with the rest of the entire world getting censored.
Really. The cover is not censored.

Yeesh, and already the hostility starts.

see, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of arguing the game on merits of the gameplay, your best foot forward is "haha it makes muh peepee hard". What the hell kind of an argument is that?

Hollow Knight does have 100% gameplay discussions. Whereas I invite you to find even one Splatoon thread that isn't people circlejerking over inkling porn.

this is what snoyger do when they can't play games for more than 8 months in a row... a melt down.

>Instead of arguing the game on merits of the gameplay, your best foot forward is "haha it makes muh peepee hard". What the hell kind of an argument is that?
read my posts again, retard.

>this insane nitpick
>when we have lewd as fuck games on the system right now without censorship
So you faggots are high on shitpost again

Not an argument, dumb fag.
Try actually arguing

And no, most HK threads are about bug cunny, try harder next time.
Or be less gay

That's pretty hard for ACFag

when sony does it, it gets multiple threads full of outrage.
when nintendo does it, it's swept under the rug with apologism like this.

I did read them. For future reference, I instantly ignore any argument if you so much as mention the waifus in a positive light even once. That completely taints any argument you could put forth.

To have a rational and non-biased judgement of gameplay quality, you must despise waifus and anything else that isn't gameplay.

>And no, most HK threads are about bug cunny
We literally had mountains of threads discussing the new gameplay trailer at E3. What's Astral Chain's excuse, or Splatoon's excuse? Despite both of them having content announced, be it the final Splatfest or gameplay trailers, both fandoms would rtaher just console war shitpost and spam porn.

>I did read them.
No you didn't

>I instantly ignore any argument if you so much as mention the waifus in a positive light
That's pretty retarded

> That completely taints any argument you could put forth.

>To have a rational and non-biased judgement of gameplay quality, you must despise waifus and anything else that isn't gameplay.
Maybe if you're autistic

Astral Chain was all about Gameplay, and all of HK was just porn about hornet.
COPE harder.

Not either of those other guys but you're such a fucking autistic faggot holy shit kys

>mm2 looks awful
Piss off, it looks substantially better than every Wii U port they've shat out.

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I love how ACfag single handedly killed all sympathy people had for homosexuals and sonyfags on Yea Forums.

Thanks, now nobody will ever take them seriously again.
People excused snoy censorship for a while, but you made everybody see how retarded that is.

>waifus are more important than good gameplay lol you're gay

I must say, your argumentative skills could use some work. In an interactive medium, you'd assume GAMEPLAY is the most important.

>Astral Chain was all about gameplay
And yet half the damn trailer was cinematic bullshots.

This thread already started as hostile, shitty baitposting you dumb faggot.

If you can't handle people being rude to you on the internet, then fucking leave.

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>>waifus are more important than good gameplay lol you're gay
That's not what I said, retard ;)

>you're such a fucking [non argument] [non argument]

That's nice user, but do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?

That's weird, considering I dislike sony. I dunno how I can now magically be a supporter of them, when they don't even have anything worthwhile coming out.

What is it saying? No really what is this retard spewing?

To have a rational and non-biased judgement of car quality, you must despise paintjobs and anything else that isn't cars

All of those games are going to do very well despite any backlash or disappointments.

Just say the game is shit then. Shovel ware is specifically near universally disliked garbage made on the budget of a ham sandwich that is generally meant to sell to literal toddlers who don’t anything about video games other than that they want to play them. Pic related for example

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The moment something possibly female is brought up, Acfag's brain has a complete shutdown.
Just a sideffect of being this gay

please stop we already had an entire thread dedicated to btfoing a poor user who thought the animal crossing treehouse demo was the finalized product when we were shown how the game will look like and everyone who was whining has either never played the game or were visually impaired

nobody's mad about it, shitposters are trying to make it sound like people either are or should be mad about it. people like thiscan't understand why adjusting a title position in germany isn't the same as banning completed games from releasing.

>Why does this place like Nintendo so much now?
are you serious? literally every single nintendo thread there's at least one guy who keeps hating on Nintendo and the game for no reason and don't forget the console wars threads and the ports comparisons threads to shit on Nintendo

>smash generated less hype than ff7

I would fucking hope so. All they did was announce a couple DLC characters.

You can be rude as much as you want. But at least have an argument behind it. I'd rather be called a faggot as long as you can then back up your statement with something that isn't shitposting.

Then you shouldn't have a problem with me hating anything that isn't gameplay in a game.

THis is completely true though. people obsessed with trivial things like paint jobs don't have any idea of actual car quality.

>Shovel ware is specifically near universally disliked garbage made on the budget of a ham sandwich that is generally meant to sell to literal toddlers who don’t anything about video games other than that they want to play them.
That sounds like alot of Nintendo games if you ask me, save for the "universally disliked" part. Not a single game Nintendo has made in the past several years has had any upward challenge and honestly does appeal to toddlers.

>Then you shouldn't have a problem with me hating anything that isn't gameplay in a game.

No but I have a problem with you saying the game is objectively bad because of it lmao

that you were born OP.

>COPING this hard.
So when will you finally kill yourself?
Should just be a question of time

Except it is. Why is Nintendo so afraid of making a game so heavily reliant on graphics and waifus and cinematic storytelling? Aren't they supposed to be the only company not falling into those pitfalls?

But if a single non Gameplay moment exists, the game must he shit!
Remember the small Cutscenes in Pacman?
Those make the game shit!

>>astral chain censored

>snoyfags are this mad
LOL, have vaginal Sex, you faggot


Everything, from your mom keeping you till now.

Didn't they had pulled a similar shit with Persona 5 boxart?

>hate story heavy games
>get called a snoy fag

Attached: 129643020441.png (374x342, 147K)

Are you kidding I think everybody agrees that Nintendo is KILLING it in the waifus department this gen

Attached: ifoy97hyq4b01.jpg (736x1005, 82K)

whats wrong with mega man 2?

>lmaoing so hard my sides are bursting
oh my god this is almost as good as the military pasta, based fucking retard

snoyfags(Acfag): I need MORE cinematic storytelling movies

>only complains about Nintendo, never in a Sony thread
>not a snoyfag
We all know what you are stop denying it

Attached: 4 the gays.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>op lives in tiny video entertainment bubble

Gotta step outside bro

I meant to say "why is Nintendo so hesitant to NOT make games like that. A small typo. The disgusting sex fanservice in their games is what makes them so terrible. Interesting that you bring up Xenoblade, one of their worst games.

Too hard for people who are used to "cinematic games".

Have these faggot never looked the damn banner?
It’s fucking Wario with in an Nintendo font

LOL, nice backpaddeling

Sorry, that was a typo. Last thing I want is to imply that I like cinematic garbage.

I complain in sony threads too, but nobody ever calls me a faggot in those. Weird, since I use similar arguments, but I guess nobody minds because I'm attacking a Yea Forums approved target.

When will you marry him, Acfagfag ?

>Sonyfags grasping at straws this hard


Attached: snoy wojak irl.jpg (1652x1606, 755K)

Hey Acfag if you hate waifus so much why do you enjoy TF2? Is it because you're gay??

Attached: 1558508722747.png (645x731, 216K)

No you don't, show me one Sony thread where you sperg out like this, fag

emuandn when aaaaaaa

You know Yo-Kai Watch already collapsed with 3?

>Can’t handle hostility over the internet
Bite the fucking curb and die you sub human monkey

Attached: 47395226-C486-4268-8E74-B2E27CA7C0F3.png (629x1173, 131K)

He's not, acfagfag. Take your meds, schizo.

wow, he literally is the basedjack.

>Hey Acfag if you hate waifus so much why do you enjoy TF2?
Honest answer: husbandos are better than waifus in every way. The latter only has to have a sexy pair of tits, whereas the former needs to have a good personality, a good work ethic, and be fun to play as, which is why low quality shooters like Overwatch and Splatoon will never compare.

He literally admitted it, you fucking moron.
Nice try COPING, though

Dunno, when will you marry him? At least stop stalking him.

Ok, so which one is uncendored? Left, that shows full 'police' on guy's chest, or right, that shows full ass?

>he literally admitted his entire existence and argument is just based on being a faggot
LOL, no wonder you're a snoyfag

I know. You're talking with yourself. Have fun, schizo

>if you're being literal
What the fuck does that even mean?

amazing post

Attached: 1559970532613.jpg (722x1200, 115K)

The German cover shows more ass because of the retarded labeling.
That’s it every other looks the same

>leaving out impending GotY LM3
>leaving out kino TBS game and interesting one involving dark crystal

I can't find a specific sony thread, but I do mention my disdain of GOW and TLOU here.


Why are Snoyfags so pathetic? This is what they have to counter with? Good lord.

Come on user, you’re being deliberately obtuse. You know WHY those games are universally disliked vs most nintendo games, they aren’t even trying to make a good game.

>MM2 looks awful
>astral Chain censored

>can't show it's him
>isn't in a Sony thread at all
LOL, you definitely are a snoyfag.

>3 sold so well in the west that it was selling out every time it came back up for sale
>4 just released not too long ago in Japan
Whatever you say, Pokebab. Keep desperately clinging to this.

Attached: 1552075744742.png (465x506, 193K)

Consider the following gentlemen:

>waifus like Pyra, or Marina, or Bayonetta, are jobless sluts who exist solely to show off their titties
>based demoman/engineer/heavy are successful hard working gents who not only take pride in their jobs, but are the best at it

Attached: 1560408243414.gif (250x270, 804K)

It seems less like it got censored and more like they adjusted the size of the title to not overlap with the ratings label
The smaller the ratings label, the bigger the title is and the more it covers up of the art

He's ACfag, he's actually that dumb.
And gay


Attached: dxgzs.png (431x911, 471K)

AC is censored?

not buying it then.

>>mm2 looks awful
>>smash generated less hype than ff7
wrong again
>>astral chain censored
wrong AGAIN

They're universally disliked because they lack the same marketing budget. Look at the new pokemon for example. People say that it's gonna be a downgrade and there's multiple major issues, but I can't hear them over the record breaking amount of pre-orders and sales on the horizon.

thank you for proving my point. Because I don't mention a nintendo game, you can't even tell that such is my post. But the image posted with it will tell you otherwise. Check the Md5 and hash if you want.

Do you just live in a vat of bait or something?

>astral chain censored

yo kai watch is killing pokeshit right

Still not even in a Sony thread, guess why you snoyfag.
Snoyfags are known to be the biggest falseflaggers, just show how you try to shut up a snoy thread

Attached: 1548808899086.png (1853x1394, 916K)

Blame ACfag
A mod literally banned him fucking 12 times in the same thread and he somehow kept posting
People have literally doxxed him and told on him to his mom and she just said he’s a special boy and doesn’t see the problem.

>>pokemon collapsing
You said the same thing about the Pikachu and Evee games and they went on to sell over 12+ million copies.

hur dur unless its the other side like when someone like Call of Duty and people yell at him for having bad taste. Go fuck yourself user, you have a pea sized brain.

>Right had big ass fucking ratings icon
>So they made the fucking text smaller

You guys fucking suck. You won't make it to adulthood without your government NEET bucks.

>Sales = Quality
Ironic that Japan is blaming dumbshit Burgers for ruining Sword&Shield

Attached: nani.png (300x300, 145K)


>Still not even in a Sony thread, guess why you snoyfag.
Because I don't catalog every thread. I figured I'd at least give you evidence of me criticizing non-Nintendo games. Check that MD5 and hash yet?

Time to go back to your old board, Yea Forums's majority always changes fucking tastes because they fucking lie to themselves in order to shitpost.

Its just a retard posting it every astral chain thread he sees, with same filename even. Pretty sure he started this thread a few minutes after posting it in the other thread.

Attached: AC box JP_US_UK.jpg (1372x738, 711K)

Bitching about IP repeats when the literately the only thing I know about SONY is the ff7 remake.

At least Nintendo tries to make games.

True. I'd appreciate it if they focused solely on games instead of damn movies like Pokemon and Astral Chain.

But not in a snoy thread.
Or making an anti-snoythread like this one.
How weird, isn't?
Almost too convenient, you gay little sonyfag

>pokemon collapsing
>mm2 looks awful
Looks good. The only problem was the mystery mushroom.
>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
Mario Oddyssey is amazing. AC looks already better than 3DS and crafting looks good.
>smash generated less hype than ff7
Nah. FF7 threads was there to complain about retarded SNOY censorship. Banjoposting and DQ posting is alive and well.
>astral chain censored

Ah yes, the "every edit has to be censorship".
Sometimes I wish I could enter a coma for 10 years just to get over this Yea Forums phase.

FF7 is Square Enix, dumb dumb. Besides it's coming to PC anyway.

>right doesn't have the girl's ass being covered by letters anymore
Based Merkel.

>Blame ACfag
Nah. SNOYfags keep doing this everytime.

What part am I looking at that people are saying is being censored?

Pre-2012 Nintendo lads were a great, chipper lot who rarely bothered people or got overly obnoxious. They were undeniably autistic, but it was a charming autism.

The Wii U era is when things really took a turn for the worse. The defence forces were astounding, the smash spam posting really took off in the most egregious way imaginable. The overblown, pathetic and desperate shilling of any exclusive Wii U received, (The Wonderful 101 was perhaps the most blatant example). That odious card nintendips sent on behalf of "Yea Forums", as if they were the fucking emissaries of the site.
It rapidly span out of control to the point where Nintendo posters became the worst, most fiendish little goblin people on the site, attaching themselves parasitically to "PC" whenever someone even remotely questioned the value of them waiting for ports to their dated hardware (which is still occurring). Despite everyone acknowledging the underlying truth that a lot of people genuinely exclusively choose to play on Nintendo-hardware only. Which is pretty sad.
I seriously think the Wii U just downright broke a lot of the the Nintendo fanbase on Yea Forums. They couldn't take the banter from Sony, PC and even Xbox fans. The Smash Spam, Switch shilling and port begging for any multiplatform title, Monster Hunter World's existence and the butthurt surrounding it. Nintendo fans have a nintendency to form secret alliances on background forums like discord. There was an anti-MH World discord in fact, with a mission statement to spread as much concern and reference the old games as a possible, the anguish was just that immense.

The fact that a ton of Nintendo stuff just never gets banned despite obviously being low-effort regurgitated spam (Botw ass threads, Smash threads etc.), only encourages what was always essentially a very vocal minority in the beginning to post ceaselessly. I suppose the Switch's success justifies the larger volume of Nintendo-related posts nowadays.

Attached: Most Embarassing moment in v history.jpg (600x309, 69K)

>it's coming to PC anyway.

>>smash generated less hype than ff7
What are you talking about, smash is generating more hype than ever before

Attached: 1490922784013.png (500x461, 233K)

I just needed a little bit to find a few threads I've been in. You forget that I don't avatarfag, I don't use a tripcode, and I even flush my reaction images, as I don't want to come across as an attention whore. Here, will this suffice?


Now go ahead and say "that's not you" even though it's clearly calling out the game for being disgustingly cinematic, thereby proving my point that I literally stop existing unless I talk negatively about a Nintendo game.

>none of your normal buzzwords
>one post
You're fooling nobody.

the larger logo in the american version cover's the girls ass

The german box has a smaller title logo. Literally one guy claiming its the uncensored version.

Arguably, it generated the hype it deserves from only showing trailer for two fighters.
FF7 at least is something half the world has waited for since 2005. If FF7 remake doesn't generate millions and millions in hype tweets, they did something extremely wrong, and that would not be because of Tifa alone.

>pokemon collapsing
The game will do fine.

I thought I was the only one who used the word "cinematic" too much. Isn't that what you said? But now you change goalposts obscenely fast.

Absolutely obsessed

LOL, Acfag is actually that dumb.
No, your weird ideas how anything outside of Gameplay invalidates everything is how people identify you, you faggot

Doug Harris is ACfag

The German cover.
Because clearly Germany alone managed to get their hands on the true Astral Chain cover, whereas the rest of the entire world, Japan included all had censored covers. No other possible explanation. Certainly noting to do with the the USK rating's ridiculously huge mark.

Attached: covers.jpg (1828x739, 1.06M)

>mm2 looks awful
no it doesn't.
>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
the fact that you think either of those games look soulless is absolutely wild
>smash generated less hype than ff7
one of these two games got an entire sticky thread to themselves, and it wasn't ff7
>astral chain censored
all in all, op is a faggot

this whole game

Attached: Eznh3+P7DlR5uQNeiuAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png (240x210, 9K)

>No, your weird ideas how anything outside of Gameplay invalidates everything is how people identify you, you faggot
And yet when I say things like "the 60 hours of gameplay in GOW don't matter because the rest is boring, poorly optimized trash" I get pats on the back and universal applause.

>subtly trying to suck of snoy
LOL, you're just making it more obvious that you're a snoyfag.

>pokemon collapsing
>mm2 looks awful
>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
are you dumb?
>smash generated less hype than ff7
>astral chain censored
what where
>what went wrong?

You didn't say that, and didn't garner any replies like that.
That just sound like you trying to defend Sony while really trying to pretend you aren't

the more consoles and games nintendo sells the more it attracts third-party developers

that's the only reason

>as if they were the fucking emissaries of the site.
It was more that people were part shocked and incredibly impressed and pleased with the whole e3 treehouse stream format.
And now Nintendo have stuck to that idea which has benefited us all.

>Miss me with that senpai.
these games aren’t for tryhard fortnite zoomers yeah. They’re just to have fun

The game hasn't been censored so far its just nitpicking over a box art like Mario Odyssey

>LITERALLY say that GOW is a cinematic experience only praised by journalists because muh wife's son plot
>even imply that the originals weren't that good either, and it's just been a downward spiral of flashy movie games
>THIS is somehow praise for sony

Attached: 1560622584579.png (480x446, 259K)

>challenging games are evil and bad because muh tryhards

Attached: a94.png (500x616, 108K)

As you get older, less games appeal to you, either because you've seen it before or you are too busy to afford the time to play every game release. I have 4 games currently for the switch; BotW, Smash, Mario Cart, and Mario Party. The last three are just for when I have friends over, literally BotW is the only game I bought the switch for, and likely BotW2 will be the only other single-player game I buy. Everything else I like is on PC, and that's ok. Most Nintendo games are for kids or for fans that aren't you.

>>pokemon collapsing
It collapsed years ago
>>mm2 looks awful
No it doesn't
>>ac looks like the most souless game since mario odyssey
AC looks fucking great
>>smash generated less hype than ff7
I have no idea if that's true but it doesn't matter anyway
>>astral chain censored
>what went wrong?
you, shitposter

>not that good is the worst thing he can possibly say about his God snoy
>And look at these 60 hours of Gameplay!!!
You're not fooling anybody.
How come you never called it irredeemable trash like all the other games?

Oh please. I know you're a newfag, so you obviously don't realize that Nintendo's E3 2014 blew literally everyone else out of the water. It was the best show bar none.

"Not that good" was what people considered GOW at its height. I'm simply shattering this illusion that older sony was somehow better. But if I downright call them bad games, people might think I'm being too cynical, so I'm trying to be reasonable. Geez, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

>And look at these 60 hours of Gameplay!!!
I'm making a point user. If a game being cinematic nullifies any gameplay, then the game IS irredeemable trash, right? It's to dispel the silly notion that a JRPG can be a game, especially when people tout 100+ hours of grinding and hallways as good gameplay.

I'm trying to make you think. My overall point is that no amount of gameplay can justify a bad game, and that quantity can't take precedence over quality.

>my overall point is that no amount of gameplay can justify a bad game, and that quantity can't take precedence over quality
LOL, how retarded you are.
You just admitted any quantity of anything else will always trump quality of Gameplay.
Your argument is literally quantity>quality, you brainlet.
So much for making anybody think

...by showing a bunch of mediocre/bland Wii U titles and a showpiece that would eventually become synonymous with the Switch

>But if I downright call them bad games, people might think I'm being too cynical, so I'm trying to be reasonable. Geez, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
But only for snoy games.
Because you are a massive snoyfag

Console sales = games for it. Remember at the end of the Wii-U era, Nintendo just shat out polished alpha games. Mario Tennis Ultra Smash to Mario Tennis Ace for example.

>You just admitted any quantity of anything else will always trump quality of Gameplay.
Smoothbrain statement here. I stated before, and will state again, that 5 hours of a good game will trump 100 hours of a cinematic game. Ignore anything else if you think it conflicts with this. That is the only statement that matters right now.

>Your argument is literally quantity>quality, you brainlet.
[citation needed]

Fake news.

Attached: Switch only sold a little bit.jpg (606x605, 55K)

Is there a source for this?

No, I do that for all games. For example, alot of my criticisms for Breath of the Wild also apply to OOT, but I try my hardest to resist calling it bad, and instead just insinuate that the game has flaws. You call me a shitposter, and yet here I am trying not to step on anyone's toes by being respectful of older games, while not holding back criticisms for them.

Wait 4 is already out in japan?
Is it good?
I've seen the demo vids but they're not enough to form an opinion

No, you said 1 minute of Cutscenes is more important than 100 hours of amazing Gameplay, because one invalidated the other.
So yes, quantity >quality is your favorite argument

>you said 1 minute of Cutscenes is more important than 100 hours of amazing Gameplay,
If the gameplay was amazing, it wouldn't need that 1 minute of cutscene, now would it?

Not really, you're just being extremely faggytrying to protect your snoy feelings

>he confirms it
See, it is your argument that quantity >quality

Not an argument.

Nope, it's not my argument. If the gameplay was good, the game wouldn't need it. In a good game, the cutscene would be seen as a flaw and no rational human being would defend it as a necessity. Infact, you'd be happy to remove the cutscene to get to the game faster.

are people still arguing with that one shitposter desperate for an identity?

You just proved him right


Still hoping ACfag kills himself eventually, Yea Forums is slowly pushing him every day

>any quantity of cutscenes detracts form any quality of gameplay
Sure sounds like you got BTFO just now

How? You cannot argue that any gameplay is good if it needs story to be good. Who looks at a video game and says "I need a cutscene to play or I can't get interested"?

Who is defending sony again? Is it the guy who hates story heavy games and just wants a pure videogame, or the ones literally advocating that games without heavy amounts of story are bad?

>tries to quickly change topics
Holy shit, you just got fucking raped

I want the world.
I want the whole world.
I want to lock it at 720 when I dock it
But it'll fit in my pocket!
Give it to me!!

Attached: Tactically.png (1702x365, 71K)

Sure sounds like a strawman argument

Not what you said, you said it makes any game shit.
No matter how good the Gameplay is, Cutscenes will always make it a bad game, that was your argument.

So yes, simply quantity >quality is your main reason to exist

>caping trannyera and Gaf posts

When i play a video game, I expect quality gameplay. Is it not fair to then hate cutscenes that constantly take away my ability to play the game? Whatever happened to this simple concept of a video game dropping you into a world and you playing it? Why is this such a detestable thing?

Nothing you just said was an argument, sound just like you're trying to find distractions after being destroyed beyond recovery

He's a sonyfag, resetera and sonygaf are his natural habitat

and I'm sure your argument is much stronger? Please, tell me what I should think, if I'm so wrong. I should never once criticize sony and I should love all of their cinematic games? That's what I'm getting from you at least.

>strawmanning this hard
LOL, you really got fucked up by the quantity over quality argument.
Try pulling more out of your ass.

It's not even a Resetera/Neogaf post lmao. Ya'll Nintendlets stay reaching though. You have to reach after all, scraping the bottom of the barrel will do that to you.

But they didn't sensor her sensitive, kissable lips.

It's a stupid thing to sperg about in the first place, there's no favoritism here.
>Oh goodness me, the logo was moved slightly to fit in the rating because of formatting requirements, now the ass is hidden
Grow up.

The same shit happened to Mario Oddysey yet not a single soul is bitching about it. What a fucking pathetic autist People of this board trully are if they care more about a PNG file instead of the actual game. The boxart could have just been redesigned for more appeal but instead MUH CENSORSHIP when Snoy has way more instances and in the actual games...


Attached: a6bd5172452730877a6adc84c0b6dcaf.jpg (400x386, 23K)

Just kill yourself already

I'm still not hearing an argument from you. What do you think is the right way of thinking? I tried explaining my position, but you had no argument and just called me a faggot. Perhaps a little clarification is in order?

I'll say it again though, for clarity. There is no such thing as quality in a game that so heavily emphasizes non-gameplay elements. Now, without throwing insults at me, tell me why this is a wrong notion.

You said 1 minute of cutscenes in 100 hours of gameplay you fucking faggot. Quit changing your argument

I'm going to call you a faggot as much as I want, fag.
You're the one who thinks quantity >quality, use your own brain for once in your faggot life.

Is the gameplay good even if you took out the cutscene, yes or no? If taking out that one single cutscene somehow ruins all of the game, then the gameplay isn't good.

>if taking out that one single cutscene somehow ruins all of the game, then the gameplay isn't good.
Nobody ever said this you fucking moron. YOU are the one who said a single minute of cutscenes ruins an entire game.

But your argument is that the Cutscenes being in there ruins the entire game, stop deflecting.
Which is why your argument is literally quantity >quality, fag

>Pokémon collapsing

Imagine thinking this.

I look forward to the game selling a billion copies and everyone pretending they weren't a part of this cringe boycott campaign.

Attached: 1559547489145.jpg (385x293, 26K)

If the gameplay is good regardless of the cutscenes' presence, then it doesn't ruin the game. If you think I said anything else, then ignore it. HOWEVER, that means I should be able to take out the cutscene, and nobody will complain.

It may have taken a few more posts than I wanted, but that's my main point. A game should be fun even if it lacks everything, from graphics to story to waifus to cutscenes and even music. Your game should still be fun in absence of all of these things.

The reason I say that the 100+ hours is shit is because of how hostile people get if you imply that the game would be better without the cutscenes. And if you ask me, only a snoy would defend games having cutscenes.

Seek help

You honestly believe this is censorship? I doubt anyone involved in this actually gave it a single brain cell's worth of thought to censoring the ass and were purely trying to move the title to a more noticeable location to stand out more. If the USK logo wasn't so fucking gigantic, I guarantee you the boxart would be the fucking same.

Remember when they "censored" P5's cover but it was actually because the ratings system logo was a different size on the US version? You fags really need to stop reaching for outrage because it just makes people ignore the real censorship issues

It can still be enhanced significantly, you fucking faggot.
Nothing you said makes sense and your argument is still quantity over quality, try deflecting less next time.

See, at the end you try being honest and say the exact opposite of what you said before.
What a fag you are, you were completely destroyed.

Congratulations you talked yourself into a corner
You played yourself

Actually this past E3 is what finally convinced me to buy a Switch. There was way more Switch titles that piqued my interest than anything else

Attached: 3.gif (209x180, 1.18M)

It seems like alot of people are forgetting what happened with the wii.

So those are the words of a humiliated man, just trying to prevent himself from crying faggy tears.

If Cutscenes can enhance a game, than people will complain about their removal.
Prove all of that stuff is bad first, try it without making the hay argument

>listening to ANYTHING Colin Moriarty says
Guy is a fucking idiot mook.

The man is the most genius Sony fan boy ever, how dare you!

Attached: snoyfags.jpg (677x512, 50K)


>cutscenes enhance GAMEPLAY
Funny, because last I recall, when a game forces me to stop playing to watch a cinematic, that kind of makes the game worse.

>you don't like watching cutscenes? Haha you stupid fag that doesn't make sense
I just don't get this logic. I thought you were a snoy if you wanted games to be more movielike. But now it's wrong to want less cutscenes? What kind of honking crazy clown world do we exist in?

>If Cutscenes can enhance a game, than people will complain about their removal.
Cutscenes CAN'T enhance a game. They are, by their nature, detrimental to the entire medium. It's this kind of "argument" that pretentious hollywood devs use to justify their games being giant walking simulators.

How can I jack off to the box art now

>Cutscenes CAN'T enhance a game. They are, by their nature, detrimental to the entire medium
Prove it

Back to the old quantity over quality argument again, LOL


cutscenes only improve games.

Seek help

No. Stop baiting him

>shit empty open world game that was completely forgettable
Yet still lives in your head more than those who played it and enjoyed it.

Attached: 028.png (536x812, 71K)

The more you bait him, the more likely he is to eventually kill himself, which is great

>put in element that decreases interactivity

Attached: 1f914.png (128x128, 10K)

jesus christ

If anything went wrong here it's that your coping is going full retard.

>music can never use pauses and silence
Holy shit, the fags retardation knows no bounds

This bait is so obvious I hope you all aren't falling for it

Is the music still nice to listen to, even without pauses and silence? Because if not, then you're just allowing gimmicks to overtake the medium.

>it's just a pause and a silence here and there, how can that be bad?
Because then you end up with pretentious people like John Cage and his magnum opus.


Vid related is the musical equivalent of Uncharted or God of war, with all the pretentious intact.

false equivalency and you are a retard

what world do you live in?

But yes, fuck pokemon

Prove it, it is a perfect analogy you fag.

Nope, ACfags argument would be any silence makes the entire Opera complete shit.

>Nope, ACfags argument would be any silence makes the entire Opera complete shit.
Nice putting words in my mouth.

>can't go even one sentence without using the word fag
That's very telling.

>upset about being called a fag
Holy shit, either a fag or a tranny

And that's literally 1:1 your argument, like quantity over quality you're just to retarded to admit it

>smash generated less hype than ff7
Really? Reaaally? THAT surprises you? Only Nintendo-fags give a fuck about smash. And not even all Nintendo-fags, just zoomers and millennials. FF7 spans acrosss 6 different platforms, including PC which is responsible for 56% of all game sales. And it surprises you that more people care about FF7 than a cartoon fighter that doesn't even have titty jiggle physics?

>Preferring thighs over ass
I disagree but I respect it.

>JP rating so small the title has room for a subtitle

>And that's literally 1:1 your argument, like quantity over quality you're just to retarded to admit it
My argument is that a game should be fun by itself, and not need gimmicks. Nothing more, nothing less.

No, you said Cutscenes make a game bad.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Don't try deflection, it's makes you look even faggier

Cutscenes are bad, no argument there. Games should have less cutscenes. Or are you implying that "experiences" like TLOU and the Order 1886 are somehow the height of the medium?

Nice strawman, try actually arguing faggot

>agree with me or you are fans of these games
What a terrible argument

>actually defending the sony line of thinking

I'm sorry user, but I want my games to remain games. If you want "interactive artistic experiences" then I think you should just read a book, or watch a movie.

That cover is almost sonic-chu tier bad

Literally the only thing disappointing is Pokemon
AC looks like the most complex yet and seemless co-op looks amazing, Luigi's Mansion knocked it out of the park, Astral Chain looks awesome, FE actually looks good now, NMH3 and Panzer Dragoon are coming out, DQXI S earned its delays, and Banjo is very welcomed by the west with the Hero being extremely welcomed by Japan.
Coping snoys are just mad that everyone except Gamefreak is on point at Nintendo right now

ACFag you're so retarded you have no idea about anything least of all what you want.

You heard it here first. Any criticism of sony now makes you retarded. Here I thought good gameplay was the cornerstone of a good game, but I guess I'm not "with the times" anymore.

you never were ;)

I guess by your logic Nintendo lost E3, since they didn't have as many CGI trailers and celebrities.

>Mario Maker 2 looks like a perfect sequel
No it's not. It's an enhanced port with a DLC sized amount of content added. It's pathetic.

>Astral Chain looks fucking amazing
It looks ok. Probably going to be VERY short.
>Three Houses redeemed itself with E3
>Animal Crossing still has another year of development
and this still won't change anything at all/not much will be added.

It certainly was the only console worth it for me.
Even as someone who had every Sony console so far, the PS4 was too much of a dissapointment to ever buy. They even ennounced the PS5 now and there are still not more than 3-5 games worth owning whioch I can't get on any other system. Meanwhile most of the announced switch games are looking great.

E3 isn't a competition, moran.

Attached: d99582837a49001545d1800c9cb52aa2--the-frog-frogs.jpg (236x132, 8K)

Trying to kill a shitposter by responding to it is like trying to starve a man by feeding him.

Not a shitposter, just a very mentally unstable person looking to kill himself one day

He's a narcissist. A sociopath. Knowing that he's annoying people and getting attention for it makes him HAPPY. You are literally accomplishing the opposite of your goal.

I'm so very sorry that you hate me so much, and for what crime am I guilty of? Just wanting less movie stuff in games? Wanting a better ratio of gameplay to story (preferably 100/0)? Is this so worthy of reproach?

You give him too much credit, he's just an autistic incel who shots himself everyday because XC2 and splatoon were a success.

Hey, maybe Astral Chain will finally put him over the threshold for suicide, I hope he livestreams it for Yea Forums

But MM2 looks like basically the same game with some extra features and, more importantly, not on a under-performing platform.

>What happened?
Your hatred blinded you.

Seek help

your faggy nature lmao

Oh, so you're just a moron who's confusing him for another infamous shitposter. There's a saying called "don't feed the troll," it's literally older than you are.


>smash less hype

>it's not me guys, honest!

Acfag is pretty easy to spot

Still no arguments in sight.

Is this supposed to be Kevin

>argue with my never ending supply of strawmen and hyperbole
I stopped doing this years ago, doug

Still no life in sight for you lol

They are dead when ps5 hits the market. No they survive. Just repeat of every Nintendo console since wii, dies in obscurity.

grasping at straws aren't we?

What strawmen? What hyperbole? I'm stating some simple facts, but some people can't fathom that someone might not want to watch 50 hours of cutscenes.

Well, you're right about Pokemon.

>smash generated less hype than ff7

Attached: 1559229932608.jpg (720x697, 38K)

The cover art fucking sucks. The game will sell less than it should thanks to this shit cover art.

>mfw FF7 Remake won't even outsell Splatoon 2 let alone Smash Ultimate, Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey

Attached: 1410548277190.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

>wait why should I care how much a product sells unless I'm an investor? All I care about is games

You just spoke like a true brainlet.

>More console sales means bigger installer base
>A bigger installer base means more people that want to spend his money on games
>More more people with money to spend on games means more developers will want to publish their games on the system, that means a higher chance of getting a richer and varied library of games to choose

This doesn't apply only to Nintendo consoles but to ALL CONSOLES.

Because that worked out so well for the Ps4, right?

Kys faggot

and yet the playstation exclusives are some of the weakest games of the gen
