ISP gives us a 2000GB/month bandwidth limit as an eid mubarak gift

>ISP gives us a 2000GB/month bandwidth limit as an eid mubarak gift
>have nothing to download
>mfw even if i did my combined disk space is less than 30GB anyways
what do?

Attached: Screenshot (247).png (1920x1080, 141K)

I don't understand, how is your ISP arbitrarily limiting you a gift?

because normally it's only 200GB/month data limit, they decided that for june they're gonna increase it to 2000GB as an eid gift and then revert it back to 200GB/month. such is life in the 3rd-world i suppose.

Buy 4TB HDDs.
Start compressing things.
Quit your ISP and get a real one with no data caps.

>such is life in the 3rd-world i suppose.
Mexico here, 200/50 is $35, no datacaps.

Its not about living in a shithole is just that you have a jewish ISP, or a country that refuses to invest in fiber when its cheaper than cooper lines in both short and long term use.

toppest kek

I download like 1TB of anime every 3 months, how can you live with a 200GB cap?

>have nothing to download
Just enjoy high quality streaming. It's the only reason you would need such a high allotment anyway.

>200GB cap
Wouldn't that get filled real fast with a few 1080p60 Youtube videos?


what game should I download lads?
ha I never go past 480p on youtube.

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Attached: Screenshot (249).png (1920x1080, 218K)

Get 7-zip.
Comrpess with strongest setting.
Enjoy 300GB more.

I'm curious, how long would that take?

just tried it, it says 9 hours.

Depends in your CPU and RAM but lets say you have a good one, 2 days since it looks like 1TB of stuff.

no it's around 500GB

Why not just go rape some virgins if you're in a country where it's legal? Seems like more fun than figuring out which game to pirate.
If you're still opting for the game thing, get Sekiro. It's only like 7 GB.

>data limits

is this 2001?

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My ISP doesn't have any limits but that's because I live in the only market in the US with actual competition. 9 different ISPs want my money.

Can you guess which market it is?

No it's just a media streaming era.

the gay market

what word/dictionary size should I use?
I have 16GB 1866Mhz ram, and 3770K cpu.

oh and Solid Block Size.

at least in windows 10 there's also some weird file compressor thing. doesn't work well with all file types but it's cool since you can still use the files without unzipping etc. compactGUI on github for the graphical interface

>Can you guess which market it is?
Somewhere outside california or NY.

muuuh cocaine

I haven't downloaded 1MB of anime in the last ten years. How can you live being such a faggot?

Man that is terrifyingly close.

Wrong. Where is the place most likely to have a healthy market to lull Congress into a false sense of competition?

Washington DC? Kansas City would be my other bet

that's not third world, that's just america but cheaper.

$90/mo, no caps. I can go with AT&T or Comcast. ATT has no cap on their gig speed plans but both in my market offer uncapped if you're willing to pay a little extra monthly

Attached: att.png (410x507, 28K)

Got it one. Only place in America where competition is real, but that's just to maintain the illusion.