Yea Forums: "Bro that back is so unrealistic! What is wrong with japan??"

>Yea Forums: "Bro that back is so unrealistic! What is wrong with japan??"
>Yea Forums: "Bro that face is all wrong she should just be a full rabbit!!"
>Yea Forums: "Bro why are they sexualizing Blades in a children's game??"
Me: [too busy FURIOUSLY jacking off to notice/care]

This is why we can never see eye to eye, Yea Forums.

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jesus christ just stop posting please

>addresses Yea Forums as if it were one person
Obliterate yourself from existence

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wtf op is jesus christ?

>any of that shit
>Yea Forums
Way to out yourself, tourist.

OP is based and rabbitpilled. She was made to be fapped on. Any over thinking is stupid

He's not wrong you know


I want to cuddle her

Attached: coom.png (2408x1996, 414K)

image the fluffy titties, unf

>11 posts
>9 IPs

Who else would it be?


Are all rare blades viable in this game? I just wanna take note before I start playing.

All blades are viable even the common ones (especially the ones with Orb Master). If you're a min-maxing faggot, just use the tier chart.

All rare blades are viable, but only a few are key for defeating superbosses.

i felt like many of the spear ones are weak

Post the image with the rabbit nose, it's unironically much better


It's a single player game, everything is viable. Only the super bosses would tax you to at least do some thinking with your setup, everything else is faceroll

post rabbit tits

these, fucks sake

>not even a single dahlia image aside from OP
Wow, Yea Forums gets gayer with every year.

I like how this basically proved OP's point

Don't worry, I'll make it even gayer.

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Reminder that this is the artist that created Dahlia.

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>A woman made a titty rabbit

Disgusting men made her do it. Poor woman.

That back looks terrible tho.
Noone cares that you fap to it however.

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>finch and boreas that low
what in the fuck. Wasn't finch one of the best tank ones and boreas one of th ebest healers?

Being dromarch is suffering.

That list is minmaxing faggotry for postgame shit

>being a tierfag
You can use whoever the fuck you want for the main story. Worrying about tiers, having 'the best' blades and getting them on the optimal driver is a fantastic way to completely sour your experience, because the game simply isn't designed to be played that way.

The reason I love this design is because it's made by a woman so tards can't just yell durr sexualized without looking stupid.
Keep seething numale cuckolds.

>I love this design is because it's made by a woman
lmao what a fucking cuck you are

This is a shit design though, regardless of how big her tits are. Also why do none of the characters in this game have any ass? They can't even make sexy characters properly.

>Also why do none of the characters in this game have any ass?
Have you not fucking seen Dahlia's ass?

When is this shit gonna fucking end?


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have sex

Post mommy rabbit

That southern bunny girl made me want to play that game more than anything else I saw

Did anyone else jack off immediately when you got Dahlia? because I know I did

Dick too small.
Don't hit me with that "small dicks are cute" talk either.

>the only two rares I got all game are both absolute shit tier
just fuck my shit up famalam


Alright. What am I in for?

Attached: wew.png (2542x1440, 329K)

the worst xeno game and the best jrpg of that generation

Too many sidequests.

Eric, soon you will have your 2nd year anniversary of seething about XC2. It's time to let go.

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Literally doesn't matter.
A nice game.

She is too human

blunderfag's moved on for the most part, user
I think he's shitposting the switch port of DQ11 now

>those jiggly tits
my fucking dick FUCK

The arched back and animal limbs are what killed it for me, and that's saying something because God fucking damn, are big titty ice bitches my type.

When the fuck is the XCX port.
Or when will it emulate without being shitty.
I don't give a shit if the story is bad I want robots.

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Xenoblade 1 is the best of the Xenoblade series though.

a terrible game but the only RPG the Switch has. So if you're starving for games like most of us are, then you will cope and force yourself to enjoy it until you believe it.

I thought I loved Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but this jap puts me to shame

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Check the photo, he's clearly got Xenoblade 1 on Dolphin ready to go.
He's probably confusing that with 2.

Well, he's a kid.

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shit taste

I don't doubt that they've played a lot, but it's pretty likely a decent chunk of that is just idle time.

All those great designs, chose the worst one.

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I had a 7" dick at 13 don't give me that

She looks like a cheap bimbo from some chinese mobile game made exclusively to make quick cash from horny teenagers. There is nothing appealing about her, nor her game for that matter.


Then the best JRPG of the generation with the best soundtrack of the generation, also a comfy adventure with classical tropes for your enjoyment (instead of Xeno 2 which has anime tropes to make you cringe)

Mechanical Rhythm is based

>that fox one in the right column
God that would have been amazing. all the human ones are shit

Reminder that Rex is NOT a shota

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I trust this tier list way more personally. Nia definitely shouldn't be that high on yours for instance

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>no nia peeking from one of the windows

what a missed opportunity

That girl on the lower left is a way better looking rabbit/human mix than Dahlia's final design. The fox is interesting too.
A lot of them are pretty boring, though. There are already way too many Blades in XB2 that are just normal humans, so I'm okay that we got what we got instead of any of the variations of 'normal girl in blue dress with snowflake/ice crystal motif' on that page.

you have to admit that looks fucking retarded

I like yakuza games? Is that even possible

Nia got her weekly Rex time. So its back to the shed with her!

Except for hes not wrong, Yea Forums will literately find a thing to bitch about just to call OP a fag, regardless of what he says. Trash people in a trash board.

>Implying both xenos aren't full of anime tropes
it's shounen shit vs adventure+mech shit

Being a kid is no excuse to have a two-inch microdick.

>mfw mentally retarded and emotionally impaired Feminists are gymnophobes and genophobes with a fear of the nude body as prominent as the puritan Churcher soccer mommies they emulate
>mfw these retards project their fear of the nude body onto fictional character and drawings
>mfw Feminist retards now look more mentally retarded and unhinged than the people who jack off to anime

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The face is stupidly generic and flat, if it was as ridiculous as the rest of the body the design would work.

Bros I just reached Chapter 4 just after the Hikari reveal. And now I can't play till next Monday. Not even on the go.

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While I wouldn't support censoring her, she is really fucking hideous.

stop doing that, user why the fuck is that even a "feature", fuck chinkmoot

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It's because the tier list that user posted isn't meant to be as simple as just 'stronger blade > weaker blade' like the ones that have the S/A/B/C ranks and all that. I have no idea why people keep posting it without translating the tiers, because it's worthless without that.

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chapter 4 is fucking terrible. brace yourself for filler garbage

Is this the blue pill thread?

bro what the fuck

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Oh come ON. Really? What a bummer.

The Yakuza substories are great. Xenoblade 1 absolute utter sidequest bukkake and they're not even interesting.

Don't worry about it user, unless I'm shitposting, which I don't do

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I like what they ended up with. I know it’s MUH DICK waifubait but of those options at least it seems like most unique and outlandish.

Wish Pyra had been the MC instead.

it was absolutely bizarre watching the whole internet collectively shit themselves over this design.
She was a bunny which is also a symbol of fertility.
Not only that but who fucking cared?

Was the one time people actually teamed up with SJWs to bitch about this.

Chapter 4 almost made me dislike the game. Fuck it's bad. Only goes up from there though.

>no gameplay discussion in sight
>just people jerking off to their waifus

I guess I should've expected this from a cinematic experience.

it's the point where the most people drop the game for a reason.
chapter 3 gets your expectations up and then 4 does nothing with it

Chapter 4 is /m/ Kino. And Mor Ardain is dope. Only tasteless plebs or idiots not able to navigate for shit and lose their car in a parking lot don't like it.

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lol dumb phone tourist

I said classical tropes in the very post I called out anime tropes you inbred.

There is a difference between using tropes from classical anime, and using tropes from ECCHI anime.

>t. Resetera

She would look objectively better with an anthro head. Prove me wrong.

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I had no trouble navigating the old city area or the factory, it was still shit. A few mecha references at the very end of an awful chapter doesn't save it.

tfw there will never be a super nintendo wars.

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>Yea Forums: dude female warriors are unrealistic
>*masturbates to this*

I can't because you are right

How do I motivate myself to continue playing this? I told myself I wouldn't play any other game on the Switch until I finished this one

I just got the 4th playable party member

Having giant milkies is hard on the back.

chapter 3? switch to easy to get through that part if you really need to, it drags a lot
you'll get something that opens up your combat options a lot soon


Emulating it won't make XCX any less shitty senpai.
It's a garbage game.
Nobody would care about it at all except that WiiU had no other comparable games, on account of nobody bought the console.

That one is a dps chart.

Four thousand hours grinding blades, most of the rest spent killing X of Y

Being pampered by male attention eases the pain everyones worried about

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Chapter 4 is fantastic if you enjoy /m/ references.

>Dahlia thread
>0 Dahlia images

Yea Forums is so fucking gay it hurts

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not a chance
I play games really slowly, stop to take screenshots and fuck around doing nothing a bunch, talk to every npc, didn't bother to do things to make the grind to get all rare blades optimal, and filled out all of my rare blades' charts out manually (without using merc missions), finished all sidequests in my first playthrough and NG+, got every blade up to S+, beat all of challenge mode and so on and I only have 480 hours
that guy's on a whole other level

Arched backs make me cum

>Chapter 4 is fantastic if you enjoy /m/ references.
All of the /m/ references are in the last 30 minutes, and that's being generous. That doesn't make the rest of that garbage 'fantastic' in any way.

finally someone gets the idea. Bless you user

>could have had qt kemono blade

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I can't have been the only one who thought the common blade was the cutest one of them all.

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They're pretty cute.

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Most of the blades I used were in the bottom half and finished the game fine


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The bottom tier of that list isn't 'shit' it's 'fine for the story'.
It's meant for extra challenge mode stuff, not regular gameplay.



red: Undeniably strong
orange: Has a single gimmick that makes them op
yellow: In the correct situation, really strong
green: Some aspects are really strong
blue: Has potential, but hard to pull off
dark blue: useful for beating the main storyline

Must be hard jacking off when the game looks like this

Attached: XB2 Beautiful Meadow.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

lol what a gay

When it comes to arguments about realism they are almost entirely about sexy female characters. Women would be cowering as the men fight if it was realistic.

Where did the skirt come from? They have a o shape on their crotch on mine.

post rabbit tits

Depending on the game there may only be percentage chance differences in choices when it comes to tier lists.

translated version of the image

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>Bro why are they sexualizing Blades in a children's game
Holy shit America is full of faggots.

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Kek. I kept waiting for the image to load

the irony of posting that image

>in 20 years
>Xenoblade 2 remake
>wtf why did they make Dahlia's tits smaller!? And she has clothes now? Fuck Anita

What's ironic about posting Christ-chan?

I just started this game and WHAT THE FUCK
Rex is so fucking cute??? his eyes are so vibrant and lifelike and his perpetual :3 is wonderful
and that voice is adorable


Well well, you came to seek me out. Jokes on you because I, Yea Forums am the most powerful shitposter this side of the internet. They even made a board just to contain me, fools it only has allowed my strength to grow and multiply. You are but a mortal so I can't fault you too hard but in the end you are still in the wrong. You see *chuckles* while you think with your dick, I see video games under the light of critical thinking and logical story telling. I have played all there is and can write a master's level thesis on game design. Not even your tranny jannies have been able to out me after all these years. Truly you have met your end sailor. I summon my Jojo stand FEET AND CUNNY POSTERS, ASSEMBLE ONTO ME AND GIVE ME YOUR POWER!

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>Assuming Yea Forums is a hivemind that shares the exact same opinion
You never see eye to eye with an entire image board because you're a retard.

post more rabbits