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Other urls found in this thread:

Formerly Wolfenstein 3D

Will boomers ever stop being triggered by the new Doom games? Will they ever throw in the towel and just admit that 2016 was a good game?

I am ready for Doom Adventure 2: Eternal.

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I've played both old and new and love both

The old games have the mod advantage shit though with Brutal Doom, Project Brutality and D4T

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Slayer is not the Doomguy.

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shut up

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I liked 2016 though, good mix of modern and old school shooters.

Thoughts? They said they went with the huge obnoxious clown vomit coloured HUD so you can keep track of shit.

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And Grezzo 2!

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I don't recall seeing anybody complaining about Doom 2016's HUD so I genuinely have no idea why they decided to make it look like a diversity hire designed the new one

He looks like steve irwin

>Not zoomer edgelords buthurt that brutal doom isn't the hot shit anymore

Stop trying to use fake controversy, people that played the originals love 2016 their only problems are the demon limitations and the multiplayer not being inhouse id

>we live in a timeline where this happened.

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>people that played the originals love 2016
This your first DOOM thread?

>“We talk about this with the team, we made an announcement, we’re not making an immersive cinematic experience. We’re making a video game,”


>“There are other games that it’s right for their brand to make an immersive cinematic experience, but I think it is a functional choice to make everything big, bold and loud in the game, like floating guns, because again these are the ways that we can communicate to somebody moving 200 miles an hour. And communicate that, ‘I see that question mark, that is a secret, do I want to get that? No.’ We’ll see where we land with the gun pickups but certainly whatever it is, we want it to be obvious.”

Tldr: we want to cater to console babies with our huge new HUD

>it's meant to attract Nintendo kiddies!

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"If it doesn't look like shit then it's not a real video game"
what did they mean by this

>using Yea Forums threads as proof of anything

What makes you think there are boomers from the early id days actually on Yea Forums right now talking shit about the newest Doom? That's like a fightan fag going to the gamestop forums to talk shit about the newest Street Fighter.

>people who played the originals love 2016
>here are a lot of people who played the originals saying they don't love 2016
>hurr that doesn't count

Honestly doesn't look too bad. The gameplay shown so far seems fun and that's what truly matters at the end of the day.

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Nu-Doom doesn't trigger me. What triggers me is when faggots say doomguy is related to this non-canon communist polish jew.

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please don't tell me they're putting a FUCKING LIVES SYSTEM in the game

Isn't this Arcade mode or something like that?

Anyone here have any knowledge of Doom mapping/coding? What are the best resources to find shit out?

>empty cylinder rotates to another empty cylinder
>ammo rises up out of the ground behind it
fucking what

Is any of this real? I tend not to keep up with shit tier mobile games desu.

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You bet your ass they did, and they're defending it too.

No, it and all the other arcadey looking trash is in the main game, they're going for a super flashy arcadey design philosophy in doom eternal for some god forsaken reason

Why do you screencap cringe reddit posts like this? You're like a bunch of fucking schoolgirls.

Nope. Game isn't even launching with Arcade mode.

tell HDoomguy to hurry his butt up with HDoom updates

Never rush perfection

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>we’re not making an immersive cinematic experience

I think it's just based off the original Keen/Doom, since current Doomslayer is supposed to be some ancient knight from long, long ago or something.

Technically, because Doomguy's been confirmed to be Keen's son, which this kid is, and in the past his name's also been given as B.J Blazkowicz III, which this kid's name is.
But Doom RPG was years ago, and it's unlikely anyone at ID was paying attention to an obscure phone game.

I'm kind of worried honestly, on one hand you have the devs saying shit like this and then on the other there has been several cutscenes revealed in the game so far and the anouncment of an "expanded univesre" with shitloads of lore at last year's quakecon. It seems like the devs don't know what they want.

Eh, I like this.

"Love" is a strong word. It's not a bad game by any means, but is bogged down by too much shit and becomes repetitive once all of the monsters are introduced halfway through the game.

>find long lost twin sister in Eternal
>Doomgal campaign DLC
>3rd game will have Co-Op

>doomslayer's twin sister shows up to smash hell's patriarchy
it's going to happen

Kind of. They let you respawn immediately after dying without losing any progress instead of reloading a checkpoint.

>Bottom left and bottom right

Are you UNIRONICALLY getting triggered by neon green?

it's a genuinely good game.
will it ever be as good as original doom? probably not.

>stupid cinematic cutscene

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bottom left is le epic railgun cutscene and bottom right is just retarded you moron

Get better sources.

But Doomguy fist pumping and action figure was fine, right?

>this thing was bad
>so these things that are far worse must actually be fine
nigger what

Getting down on your level and get your shit taste? Never, kid.

They literally quote the devs in the article dumby

Doomguy’s life in a nutshell (and yes, in a phone).

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I have a feeling it's going to be like Shadow Warrior. I liked the first game (reboot), but the sequel had a lot of stupid decisions.

Gameplay was fine besides Doomguy being slow and the music being garbage wub industrial shit instead of haunting melodies and metal.

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>Technically, because Doomguy's been confirmed to be Keen's son
No, he's Keen's GRANDson, just like Keen is BJ's grandson. The new Keen isn't Doomguy, but he could be Doomguy's dad.


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>Billy is Doomguy
pffff dont make me laugh virgins

we all know who actually became the one and only Doomguy

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For me, it's GZDoom and mods.

>A small easter egg you had to purposely seek out is the equivilent of permanently changing entire main game concepts

Please bring her back

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thank ms. skeltal

I feel it's probably moreso for Switch owners in Handheld mode.

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>will it ever be as good as original doom? probably not.
Its not even in the same category of shooter as the original Doom. I like 2016 but I don't understand how the devs think that their game is anything like the old Doom. They are barely comparable if at all. Old Doom was about tight level design, with a focus on exploration and secrets. Most dangerous enemy encounters were traps sprung on you through hidden walls and shit. 2016 is just an arena shooter. Its about jumping around small arenas and shooting every single demon until they stop respawning. The weapons all feel great and the enemies are fun to fight so its still good, but its not anything like the original at all. I also don't understand why the movement speed is so slow as well. Titanfall proved you could have really fast movement in a console shooter so there really is no excuse for how slow the movement speed in DOOM is. Everytime I get the haste powerup I think to myself how much more fun the game would be if it was like that all the time. Some of the changes in the new Doom just baffle me. They please no one while making hardcore fans of the older games upset because of how its too different from the original.

Yeah that's what I was getting at. I think pandering to switch players will be a mistake though.

They confirmed they're ditching deathmatch and everything that was in it. The only MP mode in eternal will be the new invasion mode.
Tom Hall says he's Keen's kid, but it's not like ID games are known for their expansive, concrete lore.

>They please no one
Fuck off Boomers, Doom 2016 was fun. I'm sick of your kind demanding the game be exactly like Doom from 1993.

>The only MP mode in eternal will be the new invasion mode.
You mean Battle Mode. Actual SP invasions are gonezo.

But the 1ups, question marks and tokens will also only be in secret areas though.

I think it's still quite enjoyable, compared to most modern FPSs that just bore me to death.
But the fact that the original doom still has a huge modder/player base is enough to tell that it has made lots of correct design choices.

It shouldn't have been called DOOM if its not going to be anything like Doom. Also I'm not even close to being a boomer, I'm 22 and I just played both 2016 and the original for the first time a few months ago. Also who does the slow movement speed please, exactly?

>what is reading comprehension
Tom Hall says that the dude got the generations wrong, implying that there's a generational gap between all three MCs. It goes
>BJ from Wolfenstien
>literally who TV talkshow host (could be changed to be one of the twins in the nu-lore)
>Commander Keen

Attached: file.png (622x382, 46K)

I'm glad I never really gave a shit about Doom or I might be upset that the new one are shit and loved over the originals.

Was this made by Yoji or just someone who managed to captured his style?

The movement speed all that slow. I don't understand this meme.
>It shouldn't be called Doom if it's not going to be anything like Doom
Way closer than Doom 3 is

I'm not even fuckin talking about Commander Keen. what are you, high?

There was literally a 1up in the fighting area in one of the gameplay reveals

You know the hud is very customizable in 2016 as far as turning certain parts of it off or all of it entirely, this will 100% be in eternal.

>Actual SP invasions are gonezo

el sauco

Jesus christ. I thought Marty knew what the fuck he was doing.

Fuck, I meant to reply to with Pretty sure my plugin fucked up or something.

You better be more careful or else someone might call you a retard on the internet.

On Yea Forums? Surely you jest.

You move like twice as slow as you do in the original when you sprint. You played the original, correct?
>Way closer than Doom 3 is
That may be the case but that doesn't change the fact that Doom 4 is nothing like classic Doom.

The new keen game stars the original commander keens kids, so it's obvious that billy and billie are doomguy's parents.

As long as I can turn off the lives and that pointless demonic enemy kill counter then I'm fine with it

Romero and Tom Hall have confirmed the direct bloodline being BJ - Arthur - Keen - Doomguy.
The twins from Youngblood should have a brother or one of them turns out to be Keen's mother if they don't feel like adding Arthur in.
Either way, Keen exists in this timeline so Doomguy is next. If they paid enough attention to know who Keen's grandfather is, they know who Keen's son is supposed to be.

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Nice false flagging, most people enjoy both, just because 1 out of every 10 doom threads on this laotian leaf wiping forum gets a couple of people pissed off about nudoom doesn't mean that it is widely hated

They sounded pretty adamant about keeping the UI exactly as is in one of their interviews honestly. I'm going to withhold judgement until quakecon though

>no cute 11ft Baroness wife to rule with in a cozy Château in a nice part of hell

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2016 is okay but the arena combat is very different from originals

So if I don't to see a terrible UI, that was perfectly fine in '16 or the first Eternal footage they showed, my only choice is to get rid of it entirely?

There is no source, but they didn't mention anything about invasions anywhere and Battle Mode is definitely a separate competitive mode all of its own.

Why is she so fat?

They said you can't, at least at this point in development

>don't want to see
My mistake

Compared to most modern FPS games it's still pretty quick. The base movement speed is still faster than old Doom, so I'm not sure why this is such a problem when there are more options like double jumping and being able to actually look up and down.

>nothing like classic Doom
God forbid a game changes the formula over the course of 20 years.

From what they've said, you kinda have to go out of your way to find them, kinda like a secret.

Demons don't care about your feelings

better when cuddle

When will Nuumfags stop pretending that their slow arena wave shooters are Doom games?
Every single thread is filled with people acting like they're "not THAT different" and Nuum "is not THAT slow compared to the originals"

Battle Mode uses the same format as when they first introduced invasions; 2 demons vs doomguy. They even demonstrated the same monsters from Quakecon.

What did ID software mean by this?

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>”Hey pokefans, Michael here!”

doom 2016 was boring and ugly and didnt even have mods
terrible sequel

If you want to feel like your going faster just crank up the fov you numb nut.

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And does that mean Invasions are still going to be in the singleplayer campaign when they've segregated this content into the only multiplayer mode in the game now? The way Battle Mode was presented screams that they stripped it out of the campaign to be its own thing.

>brewtal dewn
kill yourself


>so it's obvious that billy and billie are doomguy's parents
I mean, ONE of them would be, but unless the twins fucked each other and Doomguy is some incest baby (which would explain the retard strength), I doubt BOTH of them are.

>Romero and Tom Hall have confirmed the direct bloodline being BJ - Arthur - Keen - Doomguy.
Where? I don't see them mentioning it in the thread aside from that one comment on the generations between BJ and Keen being wrong (which could also be taken to mean there was one between Keen and Doomguy as well).
>The twins from Youngblood should have a brother or one of them turns out to be Keen's mother if they don't feel like adding Arthur in.
>If they paid enough attention to know who Keen's grandfather is, they know who Keen's son is supposed to be.
>Either way, Keen exists in this timeline so Doomguy is next.
That's a lot of supposition. It's not unfeasible to think that Doomguy wouldn't even exist in this timeline, even if Keen does. We can't just mix-and-match lore wherever we please to create a patchwork as the Wolfenstein lore (let alone the Doom lore) has clear conflicts and retcons.
>inb4 Doomguy is William Joseph Blazkowicz III and Keen is William Joseph Blazkowicz II
If there was a generational gap between Keen and Doomguy and Doomguy's dad wanted to name him after his own father, it wouldn't be strange for his father to continue the numbering tradition. It's only after a few generations where you'd see the number drop off and start from zero again.

Reminder that most NUUM fags play it on their nintendo switch while their "gf" gets railed by other men

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reminder that vanilla doom is a slow dungeon crawler and is only fast if you're just trying to run past enemies and complete the level as quickly as possible

I don't think the HUD is that bad that it's going to ruin the game for me, it's a shame that it's more intrusive. But if the HUD alone ruins the game for you, you're very picky.

Hell tried to fuck with Doomguy's mind.
So Doomguy fucked Hell back.

Did Yea Forums actually making some WORDs\Mods right now, or is it just /vr/ ?

Attached: Screenshot_Doom_20190105_024634.png (640x384, 110K)

There is no mention of invasions on the Steam page or Slayers Club site, so I have no reason to believe they're still in the game.

baby weight

Here’s your new Doom bro

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one of the art designers from doom was kind of an edgy weirdo who hated commander keen

so he put him in doom and let you murder him for "revenge"

It's no worse than the HUD I already use when playing Doom. I appreciate the crosshairs being visible this time around.

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Anybody have doom for switch a want someone to play with

eternal looks good

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For the numbered generation that's been established. Arthur used the name Blaze for himself but then had Billy Blaze/Keen regain it. It's not unheard of this to happen, specially when family members share the same first name. There's 3 Williams in the family, BJ, Keen aka William II, Doomguy aka William III. All use the short form of Billy.
For the confirmation, the tweet was posted earlier. It clearly states that BJ is the great grandfather, and Keen being Doomguy's father, which is why they even talk about "Who is Keen's father? Who is this badass who hasn't been talked about" To which Tom Hall says he was a newscaster as he's shown in one of the Commander Keen games.

Its actually a really good port
The framerates isn't a problem at all and the gyro aiming is great


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Ruin it? No. But is it going to make it less of an experience? I believe so. It's too "mobile tier" design. Why change what they did perfectly fine in '16? Just because it's going to be on the Switch? Just have two UI's to choose from. One that looks straight out of a mobile game and one that actually looks like it makes sense in that world.

30fps with drops is pretty awful when it costs literally twice as much as every other version.

Again, I'm not debating the genealogy between BJ and Keen, I'm debating the genealogy from Keen to Doomguy. Pic related is not specific, even in the context of the thread. While its CONFIRMED that it's speaking about BJ and Keen, it neither confirms or de-confirms the father-son link between Keen and Doomguy.

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I shouldn't be feeling this for a trap version of Doomguy.

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I like it, it needs to be scaled down a bit but its fine
im sick and tired of devs putting no effort into their minimalistic transparent ui

It's a mix of the Switch and Stadia. The game is being designed with mobilefags in mind.

I got it on sale
And plenty of game can play fine with 30 fps
For me 30 fps is fine as long as it stays smooth

The "one generation off" is talking about Arthur not being mentioned. What's what gets Romero to say "Who is Keen's father? Only Tom Hall knows"

And how much did you pay for it on sale? If it's more than $10, you got ripped off.

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the thing is, 30FPS is never smooth, especially for a shooter


Fucking mobile and now streaming ruin everything.

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>hdoom cacodemon is a floating fucknugget instead of cookiemonster

>The "one generation off" is talking about Arthur not being mentioned.
And nothing else in the post discusses the generational specifics between Keen and Doomguy; there's neither a confirmation or a de-confirmation of a father/son connection. All he states is that there is a link between them in the old canon.

Hey I'm fine with it
I'm not saying it's the superior version but it's pretty well done

Nah fuck off. D2016 was a fun romp but it's got a lot of problems such as the awful sound design and pace-killing upgrade system.

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Did you read the rest of the conversation they had on twitter?
>Tom Hall: The lineage isn't a theory. Fact. And I think you have one generation off, there.
>Romero: Blazkowicz is Keen's grandfather. Which makes you wonder: why is Keen's Dad not some badass hero? Who IS he? WHAT is he? Only @ThatTomHall can say.
>Tom Hall: He was an awesome, heroic... newscaster. Changed to "Blaze" as a stage name. Which is decidedly unsubtle and more radio DJ, but....
So Romero confirms that the "one generation thing" is just about Keen being BJ's grandson, and Arthur was the one missing.

It may be a controversial opinion but I think Doom 2016 had better art style than Eternal, specially the suit and the HUD, having a more high-tech look to it rather than looking gamey

Going into detail about one mistake doesn't mean that it was the only mistake. The thread was about Wolfenstein and Commander Keen and so it made sense they were focusing on Wolfenstien and Commander Keen. The detail about Doomguy was never touched on by anyone from id.

Outside of prefering the current enemy models that look more like traditional Doom, I agree. i have no idea why they seem to be taking this into some arcade thing when Doom, at no point, ever was anything of the sort.
Fuck, I was more expecting a new UI too look closer to the original than this shit.

>keen fucked his babysitter
absolutely based

explain the presence of Daisy in the cover art

He looks irish.

I seriously can't wrap my head around what you're saying. Tom Hall confirms the lineage but says ONE generation is off. Romero jumps in to correct that BJ is the GRANDFATHER instead of the father of Keen. But you think that means there were actually TWO mistakes.
>The thread was about Wolfenstein and Commander Keen
The thread was about the id family tree. Someone asked the question, starting a thread about it. Just because the very first tweet is about Romero talking about Wolfenstein ads is insignificant.

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well, he is catholic

Daisy is dead, so clearly Dudelayer is not Doomguy


I'm willing to bet there's going to be some sort of dream-like sequence where Daisy is sort of brought back to life just for Doomguy to see her die again.
Quake Champions is canon btw.

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>have design that works
>Fuck it up for no reason

I really dont think I'll ever understand the videogame industry.

Based. Doom needs to be fucking HARDCORE and realistic for badass Chads such as myself.

He looks like Yea Forums Minecraft Steve

Far right, next to the arachnotron

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goddamn right

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They're wrong. Mostly because the new HUD actually has less contrast on the numbers that matter, making them hard to see. Shit is also oversized, especially the low health/ammo warning, which is encased in a large, opaque, flashing red box, which couldn't be turned off last game.

I agree 100%, doom eternal looks like it was designed by reddit

He seems like a cool guy. Would drink beer and mow lawn with him.

How the fuck is this better than the Doom 2016 mod?

>First rule of HUD design; It should not be noticeable unless the player pays attention to it.

Attached: qyqDW2N.png (1850x968, 3.24M)

They probably realised that no one wants to be waiting around for someone in SP to trigger a flag and if you wanted to invade your buddy you'd be waiting till they got to that point and decided to instead strip it into's its own gameplay mode for easier drop in matches.
Makes sense to me

The HUD should always be noticed in a game when you have a large amount of action, colours and motion all occuring at once. A player should be able to clearly see if they're quickly losing health and what resources they need to top up on since combat is the way to top up resources


Banished from Earth,Doomguy broadcasts from the Intergalactic Space Hell on its never-ending mission to slayeverything

>Tom Hall confirms the lineage but says ONE generation is off.
>Romero jumps in to correct that BJ is the GRANDFATHER instead of the father of Keen.
>But you think that means there were actually TWO mistakes.
"One generation off" could be taken as meaning there is one mistake in generation (IE, between BJ and Keen) or one mistake in generation between all three (IE, between BJ and Keen AND Keen and Doomguy).
Even then, Hall prefaces his "confirmation" with "I think", meaning that while he's qualified to comment and confirm a connection, he's either giving his personal opinion or is making a joke (or is unsure of the connection himself, but considering his coming comments, this is unlikely), leaving the final say up in the air. Romero jumps in and confirms the connection between BJ and Keen (which Hall then elaborates on), but never comments on the connection between Keen and Doomguy, leaving that unconfirmed.
>The thread was about the id family tree. Someone asked the question, starting a thread about it. Just because the very first tweet is about Romero talking about Wolfenstein ads is insignificant.
The thread (and by that I mean the twitter thread, as I did last time as well), for as long as the people who actually worked at id were involved, was about the link between Keen and BJ. None of them even mentioned Doom or Doomguy.

>A player should be able to clearly see if they're quickly losing health and what resources they need to top up on since combat is the way to top up resources
I never needed the HUD for this.

2016 HUD was fine. Good enough for info, not obstrusive enough to be bothersome

why the fuck is the "demonic corruption" bars different colors?

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RIP Commander Kunny

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This seriously just looks like a mobile game that ripped off the Doom models.
>It's not Doom, it's Poom, made by IDD
>The HUD should always be noticed in a game when you have a large amount of action
Weird, I played a lot of Doom '16 and not once did I feel like I couldn't see how much health I had. Then again, I was playing on an actual screen and not a 5 inch screen. Because apparently that's where the Doom audience is, playing on the tiniest screen possible.

>whooo colours wooooo

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Fuck you

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>Because apparently that's where the Doom audience is, playing on the tiniest screen possible.

Do you guys not have phones??

the guy with the helmet just looks like a retard in VR

oh god oh fuck he's entering our reality

Doom is supposed to be an hour long metal guitar solo that leaves you deaf.
Not fucking clowns honking. Drop the cartoon bullshit you fucks. YOU FUCKS.

You're not just fucking with me, right?
You might be the only human who sees that exchange and doesn't see that it's saying BJ-Arthur-Keen-Doomguy. I honestly don't know how to even explain it better.

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Nice shilling ID. Now, fix your horrible kiddie HUD

>health is blue
>shields are green

who the fuck did this?


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user haven't you heard? Everything must be cartoonified.

It's like they're intentionally trying to make the UI look like shit

>not the version with the tags

Fuck, didn't even notice that. Who the fuck designed this shit?

Fuck off rpgcodex.Doom 2016 was based.

why do you hate funny things

Why is Doom 3 such trash?

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tbf it also was in 2016, but not as ugly as this shite

But it isn't though

because it tries to fuse action and horror and fails to exceed at either, because the jumpscares just get repetitive and the combat isnt satisfying

Fair enough. I guess I didn't even register the colors. Maybe because it's actually a decent HUD which makes the health much larger to see than the armor.

Attached: Screenshot-2016-05-08-14.37.11.png (1360x768, 819K)

I'm 29 and like both.

Now that the series got back on track, I look at Doom 3 as just an experiment that didn't work out, not some unspeakable thing that must be ignored. Some stuff was alright for what it was trying to do but not what I want out of the Doom name.

>health pick-ups are blue
>armor pick-ups are green

samn in quak champions, health pickups are blue and shields are green
literally never had a problem reading it

What the fuck was so bad about this HUD? It's literally perfect, didn't need changing

I can imagine that if you were to play the game in switch handheld mode the small screen can make it difficult to read. so they went big and bold to both emphasize the old school shooter approach and so the switch, which is a launch target system this time around, never loses readability

Every new piece of information about this game is starting to lose me. And they started so fucking strong when they first showed Eternal. What the absolute fuck happened? I thought Marty was supposed to know what he was doing. Did he bang his head recently?

No idea, the mincraft steve grunt, floating weapon pick ups and the HUD are slowing down my hype train.

I'm a boomer whose favorite game is Doom and I love nuDoom. It's not exactly like the originals but is about as good as a modern shooter can do to stay in spirit with the original while evolving.

>emphasize the old school shooter
That's part of what pisses me off. When did old school shooters ever looked like this? At no point in history did Doom's HUD ever look like a Fisher Price toy.
>Doom 2016 has the HUD look like it's been seen from inside the helmet
>Fits the sci-fi look of the world
>Doom Eternal looks like a mobile game, HUD doesn't even try to look like it's from inside the helmet, it's just perfectly horizontal lines

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that's literally how it is the original.

This part triggers me the most.

Why are you so mad about colors, jesus fuck
My problem with the hud is how weird it looks coming off of the previous game, but you're acting like a colored HUD is a bad thing when it literally tells you everything you need to know and color codes by ammo type for ease of use. Each of those colors are also subdued besides Demonic Corruption ratings and the game itself throws bright colors everywhere but you're not bitching about that are you?

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Pretty much. I might actually just pass this one out. I'll just replay D44M or the old ones. But if there aren't options to get this shit out of the game, I'm just out.

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Playing through nuDoom. Why the fuck do later levels curtail backtracking so much? Early levels seem to be more open to letting you progress a bit then go find shit.

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Hey just before you make yourself look pretty silly you should look up what a "sabot" is

>hating grunts

Because D16 was cobbled together from a disjointed development where the devs had no real direction until the last six months, if that. Every time the level design feels abnormal or contradictory to what came before it, just remember that almost everything was sliced and diced up because they had shit like the Echoes planned as a regular cutscene mechanic, a slower game in general, and likely far less collectibles if any in mind.

>Why are you so mad about colors, jesus fuck
How about getting some dignity and calling bullshit design out when you see it. This shit is bad design, pure and simple. Making things readable doesn't mean to make sure every single thing is in different NEON FUCKING COLORS
Doom is not this. Doom should never be designed like it needs to cater to the mobile crowd first and foremost. And that's exactly what this shit is. That's why everything seems to be so stupidly exaggerated in terms of HUD, UI, pickups. Because the little bastards that Bethesda think will play Doom on some retarded minuscule screen need to be catered towards.

how is it colorcoded when the bullets and shell weapons are the same color

You have absolutely no idea how game design works, do you? And that sure as fuck ain't neon. You're acting more like a baby than the audience you're accusing.

user, shells are yellow, bullets are a different shade of green than armor. You might be colorblind, but then that is a low quality screenshot.

Really not pushed about the new HUD either way. Reintroducing pain grunts is good though, it's pretty easy to not notice you've taken damage in 4 and totally mute Doomguy is dumb anyway. 1UP is a stupid concept though, probably an excuse to avoid smarter checkpoint placement.

Please do justify how they went from a nice, clean HUD in Doom 2016 to a Fisher-Price HUD.

grunting doomguy is a key part of the experience
D44M felt so empty without them

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>babbys firs sophism

It is ugly and nobody complained about the doom 2016 HUD. Why fix something that isn't broken?


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Any got the webm of the Baron of Hell BJ?

>but they didn't mention anything about invasions anywhere
They mentioned it in an interview at E3.
I don't remember the exact time but Marty mentions it at some point in there.

it was a good game if it didn't have Doom on cover

>I think with DOOM 2016 players really got into the lore, they got into the power of who he is. But we did it in ways that were, I would call them a bit harder core. I mean if you wanted to know the Slayer testaments you had to go up to a rock and listen to a booming voice, which was amazing, but you kind of had to stand there and listen to the rock for the most part.
>So with this game, and all we wanted to do, and the questions we wanted to answer, and the whole new spectacle of it all, we really felt like telling parts of the story through more conventional means, we could really boost the feel of who the Slayer is, what he’s doing. It just gives you a lot of freedom to tell the story and represent the lore in a way that’s very approachable and understandable
It just keeps getting worse.

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Forgot to add
>And it’s more efficient. I mean a lot of times if you stay first-person, it’s harder, it gets more complicated, there’s more moments of, ‘stand still while someone vomits exposition at you and, why aren’t I engaging, why am I standing still, I’m the Doom Slayer?’ So if you notice with all the scenes, there’s a fluidity to them. Every single decision, whether it’s third-person cutscenes or big floating guns, it’s in the service of the game. That’s it. It’s better for the game, we do it

Attached: 3c4.png (500x738, 225K)

>rams through 10 feet of steel and concrete after getting shout out of a railgun
>doesn't make a peep
>gets caressed by zombie
fucking garbage, he was better silent
next thing you will want him to say one liners like in Brutal Doom

Attached: Ye7sCoQ.gif (500x490, 1.99M)

>sucked into lorefaggotry
oh god

Probably so it would be easier to see on smaller screens. I hate it, though, especially since the hud seen in the quakecon footage was perfectly fine and pretty much finished. I really hope they include it as a togglable option if not on release then as a post-release update like they did with centered weapons in 2016. The devs are clearly aware that a lot of people aren't fans of the new hud.

Explain why he had the Praetor Armor, something he explicitly got after being a lone wolf demon hunting terror, while he was at Argent D'Nur?

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>wah it's not realistic

>why aren’t I engaging, why am I standing still, I’m the Doom Slayer?
So now the same thing will happen except it's just the player not playing as well. Well thought out, Hugo.

any chance doom 2016 goes on sale for $10 or under before eternal comes out? it's hit $6 before but the eternal hype might make them raise the price now

Problem is they've already come out in its defense. It seems this shit is ingrained in the game, not something a simple option will fix.

Check CD key sites. I got it this past Halloween for $8.

You're right, Doomguy turns into Doomslayer after stumbling upon Argent D'Nur after the events of D64.

Man I just got this and my lithograph in the mail today

>Fisher Price toy
holy shit THIS

"Doom Slayer" is a dumb name to call him officially. Doom Marine is better.

Just "Slayer" sounds better, which is what they seem to be going for now.

I regularly play both and I'm such a boomer that I un-ironically drink Monster Zero. I browse wads for the Ultimate Doom almost every day, and I play Doom 4's multiplayer every weekend because there are some fucking awesome dudes that play it and they are great to compete with.

Fuck off with your zoomer vs. boomer rhetoric
Doom is popular again and all the poser hipster faggots won't be missed when they drop the series for some bullshit reason like optional features that can be turned off.

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NuDoom is shit.
You move too slow
In Doom, you can snipe arachnotrons from across the map with the shotgun.
In NuDoom, you can only one shot imps with the shotgun if you are literally in melee
And even then, it doesn't kill him and just puts him in the dazed glory kill state.
The music is awful, the levels are awful.
Now there are floating 1ups and platforms? Hookshot to get around? Dash and double jump? What the fuck is this shit?
>we're going to take away doomguy's speed and give him instead a bunch of tacked on mobility options :^)
Fuck those retards and their retarded game.

>Problem is they've already come out in its defense.
Sounds like the new hud was more of an executive-level decision and not necessarily something the devs thought would be better.

Threadly reminder

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There was a namefag yesterday under the name of fuck you, hugo fire me, or something similar. Seeing this shift in UI that tries to focus on smaller screens, adding 3rd person cutscenes and who knows what else they're fucking with, I now get why the guy would want to be fired.
If I worked on Doom 2016, I would be proud. If I worked on this, not so much. This thread legitimately knocked the hype out of me.

I'm 15 minutes into this and I haven't heard a single mention of invasions.

Likely but I think if it was just an executive decision, there wouldn't be this many changes. Here or there, sure but this might as well be called Super Ultra Doom Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX.

>Wolfenstein New order and Old Blood were both decent games
>New Colossus ends up being a disappointment in comparison
>Doom 2016 was a decent game
>Doom Eternal is starting to show questionable design choices every time the game is shown off
I really don't want a repeat of New Colossus.

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they dont go into any detail about it but he mentions it as an example of DE's replayability, confirming its still in

Well that's good. I wasn't expecting it to return, but I'm glad to hear it's still there.

It is always some bs none game decision fucking it up.

I'm honestly impressed that the retard that came up with this managed to figure out how to even upload it.

I didn't grow up playing Doom, I grew up playing Chex Quest. rate me out of 10

2016 is decent. Only thing I'm triggered about are fags who refuse to even play the original Doom games.

Reminder that Doomguy is canonically a virgin.

Doomguy is the best name, all other options are SHIT

I played Doom since launch (last time I played it was yesterday) and I asked for refund of Doom 2016.
Not that the game is terrible, but I made the mistake of starting to play in "Nightmare" and I simply hated the fact that my weapons were all fake, since instead of killing the enemies, a lot of them would get dizzy after take shots and if I did not do a "fatality," he would resuscitate and continue firing.
I found this mechanic so grotesque that I simply decided to ask for refund not to get angry with the game. Later they told me that this is a failure of Nightmare mode, which tries to force the player to do the fatalities and that in "Ultra Violence" the game is decently balanced.

My headcanon is that RtCW/2009 and nu-Wolfenstein are two seperate timelines

>looks foreing

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cant wait to play mario3d first person

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ultra-violence doomguy takes way too little damage, nightmare is the best balanced version.

I don't get why people get so bothered by the glory kill stagger. Just shoot them again, man. You have instant weapon swap and ammo is plentiful, it's not like it's hard, or anything.

I've played the first level of doom 2016 like a dozen times and even when you have the shotgun with no grenade launcher at first two decently placed shotgun blasts while advancing on an imp will kill it, or a punch followed up with a point blank blast, or just a really well-placed point blank headshot if you're feeling spicy.

The way 2016 is balanced (less demons but they're more agile and hit harder) can't die as quick as they do in doom, where they're basically just ammo drains.

What's so bad about Brutal Doom, other than the creator being a piece of shit?

Havent played NM but in UV they can still be killed with regular bullets while staggered, you dont have to glory kill every enemy.
Of course the game is balanced around doing it at least sometimes to refill on health.

that was mostly the problem for ultimate doom wads because of the lack of the super shotgun

and insane doom 2 wads like hr2

i got you senpai

He was an art designer for keen also

you think slayer is the betrayer despite the devs saying he isnt? one singular yike my friend.

>can't even bring up flaws in a multiplatform game without bringing up the bingbingwahoo boogeyman

> conflates realism with internal consistency


Fanbase is annoying as fuck and used to never shut up about it, including pestering mapmakers and modders about it endlessly, resulting in the Doom playerbase developing a kneejerk reaction of "fuck off and die." Sort of like furries, or bronies.

Also, Project Brutality is a thing and it's basically better than Brutal Doom in every way imaginable.


>one singular yike
kek stealing this

dude wtf no its mine

Most of it just boils down to BD being baby's first Doom mod, so it's amusing to see people use it as an example of what Doom mods have to offer when their are much more creative and better designed gameplay mods available.

Personally I find BD to be really bloated (a result of the creator continuously milking his patreon supporters, I imagine), and I don't see much appeal in what it has to offer when I could just mix a few standalone mods together and achieve a similar result without having to check to see if the megawad I'm going to play is BD-friendly.

>nitpicking this hard
jesus christ

>new game comes with 50% cut content

consumers will buy anything lol

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something wrong user?

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I'll admit the new grunts are annoying. They sound too different from the classic 'grehh' and sound more like "AUGH' and "OOGH'. They seem too loud and comically deep.

>mad about colors
Classic Doom was very, very colorful. It just didn't have neon green floating powerups.

So Samus x Doomguy when?

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If/when he gets confirmed for Smash Please Sakurai

the new Doom and wolfenstein games are a complete joke
id is dead, these 2 retards have no clue how to make a shooter

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It was and it was done right. What Eternal is doing is not right. Fuck it, let's go deeper.
Why did they make the weapon wheel in 2016 mostly transparent? So that you could always see what's on screen. The section that's less transparent is to show which weapon is being selected. Good design.
Eternal 2019 - Everything has different colors, no transparency in the weapon wheel so literally half the screen is unusable.
Doom 2016 - Minimal information on screen done subtly so that the player can immerse themselves in the world as much as possible, so that as much of the combat is visible uninterrupted
Eternal 2019 - Every corner has multiple glowing lights

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I honestly cannot for the life of me comprehend. They get praised to hell and back about D44M. And what do they do? Let's fuck it.
I just can't.

>using the weapon wheel
>not just scrolling the mouse or using the keyboard numbers
kek okay consolebabby

Play the fucking games and stop reading copypastas on how the games suck by people who havent played the game either
>inb4 muh glorykills kill the momentum

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Oh shut the fuck up. I use the mouse pad too but that doesn't mean bad design should be ignored.

Okay fair. The floating neon powerups are too big and bright for my taste. I like that they made the new healthkits resemble the classic ones but they're so fucking huge, I wish they'd size them down.

>‘I see that question mark, that is a secret,
If it's fucking signaled how is that a secret?

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That's the thing. They're clearly designing the game around smaller screens where this shit has to be absurdly big. For every step forward, like the enemies getting their classic look back, they're now taking two steps back.
How the fuck is that something that should be accepted? They got nothing but love for D44M. The first footage they showed of Eternal made everyone hyped as hell. Now they show this shit and try to pretend it looks better.

I've played through it multiple times even on nightmare and ultra nightmare, the game on a technical and presentation level is really good on par with any other AAA offering but the actual game part is atrocious, an abortion of game design.
id has no excuse when no-budget indie games like dusk etc can get it right.

there gold orbs

>id is dead, these 2 retards have no clue how to make a shooter
stay mad based retard

Okay that's pretty fucking funny.
>They got nothing but love for D44M
They got shit on by a lot of classic fans for it being too dark/not bright, for the levels being too arena-based and not sprawling enough, and for the colors being dull. They seem to be trying to rectify all those complaints but seem to have gone overboard with the colors.
What fucking sucks is that my wageslave tutor ass laptop can barely run D44M so it's sure as hell won't be able to run Eternal, so I'm almost certain I'll have to play it on the Switch since I already own that for Smash and Splatoon.

post some metal right now

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Slayer is Doom Guy. Axe Demon is Night Sentinel Betrayer

>Night Sentinel king on the throne and on the lithograph wears similar armor to the axe demon Marauder
>the Betrayer was supposedly the leader of the Night Sentinels before his treachery
You're probably right.

What data log entry makes people say he's the Betrayer?

not made, dissapointed that this pile of shit has the doom brand attached to it
at least they can't retroactively shit up the old games.

what if the maurader is the corrupted marine from doom 3 resurrection of evil

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was hoping someone would use my OC in this thread. I was dissapointed
please notice me senpai

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please, Doomguy is all about business over pleasure

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combination of "he wore the crown of the night sentinels" from Testament I, and when they say the leader of the Night Sentinels betrayed them for his son's revival. Can't remember the specific codex on the second one.

>They got shit on by a lot of classic fans
Yes, the game wasn't perfect by any means, obviously some people would always not like it. But a lot of classic fans did enjoy it. It was a fun modern translation of Doom that relied on speed and aggression. And like I said, that first footage of Eternal was, like you said, seemingly trying to fix some of this complaints.
Then we get this Fisher-Price shit. I honestly thought this was just some Arcade mode, not meant to be the actual campaign.
Over the past couple of days, for whatever reason, there's been really fun and chill Doom threads. They actually got me hyped for Eternal. I was having fun just talking about Doom.
After this thread, seeing them defend this bullshit and cutscenes and leaving the 3rd person instead of always staying in 1st person, all under the guise of "no seriously, this is better, this is the real Doom experience". I'm just fucking tired.
I'm done. No Eternal for me. Unless they go back on what the initial reveal of Eternal was, I'm simply done.

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>replay all the older Doom games up to and including Doom 3
>computer too much of a fucking toaster to try Doom 2016

This sucks.

They're still all good, though. Apart from Doom 3, which is like a mix between Bioshock and Fear with shitty gun sfx and not remotely as good as either game it wishes it was. And I didn't even like Bioshock.

Fucking kek. Saved.

Yeah I really liked Doom '16. Felt like a really good modern Doom. I don't really like the fuckhuge everything in Eternal and I sure as hell don't like the 3rd person cutscenes, no matter how funny it is to see Doomguy no-sell his human cannonballing through space. I hope they change those things but I still will play it.

Unless they change all this stuff back, I'm not. I just can't. I've praised so much about Doom 2016's design, so many choices I believe were great, how they managed to convey an actual personality through simple camera movements of the head and body language alone, fucking perfection. This just seems like it was hit with the mobile and AAA formula ray. After how much I enjoyed D44M, this Eternal is not going to be what I want. I'll just go install some wads and leave it at that.

>how they managed to convey an actual personality through simple camera movements of the head and body language alone
God I loved that. Shit, I hope this isn't a shark jumping moment for the franchise.

If they make a direct where Dante and the Doom Slayer are fighting demons together then fighting each other, I will buy Smash. Nothing less than this could make me.

I hope you can set HUD transparency, it probably wont look that bag at like 10%

I won't defend the cutscenes, but people are making way too big a deal about the HUD. To the point of them ignoring the gameplay improvements.

I seriously don't understand how people are okay with this. Good HUD design is what Doom 2016 and the first footage of Eternal did. This would be laughed at by any half decent UI designer. The point of the game is too see the game, not have my eyes constantly darting to the corners of the screen because of bright multi-colored lights. What's funny, and by funny I mean sad, is that the actual information that's supposed to be displayed is less readable. The colors are so exaggerated that the actual number for the health/armor/ammo is less visible.
It's like every corner of the screen is screaming for attention.

Look, I honestly do not think they're thinking of smaller screens. Or do you think they think the game will be played on smartphones or something?
It's just a really bad design.

Eternal's HUD had some problems of its own, like moving relevant information outside of view when performing certain actions.
I would like some opacity or scaling options, but the colors are a nonissue for me.

I honestly dont know what to expect of Eternal. Reveal made me cum but the more we got to know the more I'm worried. The core game seems fine but shit like hud, lore, platforming and alike are very concerning.

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To me it feels like they got a modern Doom game almost perfect in 2016.
All they needed to do was add new levels and polish it up for the sequel, but they felt like they need to to do more to justify their wages or some shit so they started jamming in random unnecessary shit just for the sake of doing it.
>Over the past couple of days, for whatever reason, there's been really fun and chill Doom threads.
They will be missed when they're gone, they've been the best threads on Yea Forums in recent months.

>Or do you think they think the game will be played on smartphones or something?
Stadia has been planned since day 0, so yes.

Reading this thread made me change my mind on the HUD from neutral to hating it. Hope they give us opacity and scaling settings even on console since my toaster probably won't be able to handle it.

Elaborate why it's concerning, please?

The grapple and dodge allow for more acrobatic combat that wasn't really possible in any of the previous games. Breaking up the tired arena > hallway > arena formula from 4 with some platforming is something I see as a positive change.

On one hand it was a fun thing on 16 but recently they have REALLY hammered this shit around. I'm concerned that it could be detrimental to the levels we play in if they fall for the show meme.

Is there anyway to get rid of the cutscene shit in 2016? Stuff like activating the panels, or waiting for some cunt to talk to you for hours

Did you see Bethesda's E3? They had a whole section about Orion or whatever it was called. It was some streaming shit being played on what looked like a smaller iphone screen. And what game did they show? Eternal.
>like moving relevant information outside of view when performing certain actions.
Nothing that can't be quickly fixed.
Look at this for a moment
See how much of the screen is blocked by the bright colors, how, at a glance, you can't even read the damn purple number because of the gun underneath. Between the HUD and the gun, that's half the screen that's filled with crap when the only thing I should be seeing is a demon's head being fired at.

Until they confirm you can adjust HUD shit or ATLEAST fucking tone the neon down I will be extremely skeptical of this shit. The fact that it's meant to be played on streaming worries me if they down the shit out of the game too, consoles was already enough to downgrade.
Fuck I just wanted this game to be a guaranteed fun time.

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>post yfw playing grezzo 2 for the first time

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I'm starting to get this too. 2016 balanced out the goofy overtone of Doomguy being this incredibly pissed off guy to Doom comic levels. Between that and the overtly arcade design, I don't think they'll be able to balance it out.

Your picture conveys the amount of frames that Grezzo 2 has per second, too.

You're exaggerating. The health/armor indicator is not significantly larger than it was in the Quakecon footage, with the indicator being the only addition. The ammo indicator takes up no more room than the gun, just like it was in both the Quakecon footage and Doom 4.

Play Arcade.

I just hope they keep it to the codexes again. I hope the angel speech from the trailer will be like Hayden's "so you've returned" speech from '16 - you can walk around and start opening doors while they talk.
>And what game did they show? Eternal.
D44M, actually. But yeah Eternal is being made with that in mind.

>D44M, actually.
Fair enough, my mistake.

yes he is.

I checked the options menu on 2016 to be sure, a lot of shit can be turned off individually, so hopeful. You can also adjust transparency.
Weapon wheel isn't a concern if you play in PC like you should.

Still really shit, Quakecon one was almost perfect.

It was good but I grew up with classic DOOM, so of course I'm biased towards it.

Doom was one of my first computer games when I was a kid and love the whole series including 3. The fuck are you on?

>a lot of classic fans blah blah

no, no we didnt. doom 4 fucking sucks cock its just serious sam

The issue is nothing is balanced out. What do I need to see in the HUD? Number of health points, number of armor points, ammo counter. These are the three big things I need because they're the ones that will result in me losing.
What does Eternal do? Everything is the same size with no distinction of what's important information and what's secondary.
Look at the first Eternal image. 97 and 150 are larger next to equal sized symbols to represent armor and health with a tiny visual bar just there for the sake of representing the percentage of those points. It's offset with a darker opaque background so that nothing that's happening in the game ever clouds that information.
New Eternal footage - numbers blend with the background, as seen with the purple number being nigh unreadable.
I could seriously go on for quite a fucking while with this.

>you know how people liked how the story/lore was presented in a relatively non-obtrusive way, and how a lot of people complained they got stuck in a room with the big fuck off robot while he yammered and the game got locked to 60fps
>let's interrupt everything with 3rd person cutscenes, people liked reading the lore so they will love this!

Attached: b0rg.png (500x431, 261K)

lol do you fags really care about doom lore outside of "guy kills demons"?

doom is garbage

I find it fun and I liked how it was done in Doom 2016. If you don't care, you just keep playing, if you do you can stop and read about it. It was up to the player.

I like knowing a lot about the demons themselves and interesting stuff about hell.

Sure. It's interesting.

I wish I could play my games without Steam or Internet installed on my computer but it seems I need both when transporting the Steam games to my Internetless, Steamless PC. How do I correct this lads?

>Everything is the same size with no distinction of what's important information and what's secondary.
The three most important pieces of information are different colors, popping out from the rest of the HUD. Every piece of secondary information is yellow.
I agree that the numbers should have more opaque backgrounds. It's easy for the amount of ammo you have to be obscured. It's less of a problem with non-plasma weapons, but it shouldn't be a problem to begin with.

The graphics look really good. I hope my 580 can run it.

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Why not just put Steam and your games on a portable harddrive.

Is it worth it to get good to do Ultra Nightmare?

Doomguy could have gotten the "crown" after the Betrayer's betrayal.

>Yea Forums hates Doom Eternal now before even playing the game.

Yep. Place has definitely gone to shit.

by using a cracked version

And no one will read this post
and everyone will continue to shitpost about the new doom
without actually understanding how the lives system works
continuously posting
>the changes are to attract kiddies
to a game about ripping and tearing demons in half

My thoughts exactly. Betrayer gets kicked out of what's left or Argent Dnur, becomes the Marauder or someshit, the Night Sentinels fight a losing war with the demons until Doomguy comes along and makes it look easy slaying entire hordes in an afternoon, they decide to make him leader.

did you complain when doomguy was fine when he fell 100 feet in doom 1 lmao

Did they say it was the leader? I thought it was just a random member.

Unless they make checkpoint few and far between, the life / 1-up system will only casualize the game. I hope harder difficulties remove them, or keep the 1-ups while removing checkpoints or some thing.

>Berserk buff is given for the remainder of the level

doesn't really gel with the fact that the demons consider the doom marine incorruptible so it's pretty silly

It's a shame there are so many RPG mechanics in these games, or I'd like to see the lives work how they do in 2016's arcade mode.



I know that’s what I did, but I still have to have Internet for some reason. I don’t know what to do. I think maybe the Steam on the original computer (laptop) needs to be turned offline before I put it on the recipient desktop. That way maybe the error I’m getting disappears and I’ll be able to play it.

In fact, friend, let me do that right now and I’ll report back here and tell you what happened.

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Yeah, the hell lore was neat. It was just the UAC logs that were kind of boring to read.

>Doomguy by fans
>Doom Marine by the UAC and official promo stuff
>Doom Slayer by demons

Now that you mention, yeah, it didn't specify it was their leader. Just another reason as to why Doomguy=Betrayer is a stupid theory.
My thoughts exactly. I'd sooner believe the Doomguy was a normie human space marine who's rabbit got killed and just never stopped killing demons.

How exactly do those colors pop out when everything else is also colored. I'll go on.
Doom 2016, it's white for HUD design, color for the percentage of health, a little opaque to avoid any blending into the background.
Doom Eternal 2018 - White for HUD outline, darker blue for opaque sections, color is only used for health/ammo/dash. Three simple colors, all in the corner in an understandble order.
Doom Eternal 2019 - Every HUD section uses the same color. The HUD itself is as visible as the numbers, making the colors themselves blend, leading to less readability. Upper left corner has a small yellow symbol with a number in the same color. Center up, the closest we see to some transparency. Upper right - 5 different colors slightly organized. Weapon whell is a clusterfuck. Left lower corner. three different colors with not a single offset of transparency in the background to make them readable. It's just plastered on screen. Every corner has some sort of symbol.
A bit further. The HUD in 2016 and 2018 being slightly in a perspective not only helped the idea that this was seen from inside a helmet, it gave it depth and it points to the area of interest.
In 2019, it's all horizontal lines just plastered on.

>All the seething boomers in this thread

It's beautiful. I'm going to purchase and play the absolute fuck out of Doom Eternal and have fun with it. Because Yea Forums is always wrong about everything.

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How much health do you get when you respawn using a life
Do you get any ammo
How long will it take before the enemies reaggro to you
How difficult is the base game

Good pic. Would be great if we got to wear classic armor at some point in Eternal.

1. You're revived at full health.
2. They haven't said if you will. I assume whatever ammo you had at death will remain the same with a 1-up.
3. If you revive in a fight, the fight just continues as is.
4. Don't know.

>How exactly do those colors pop out when everything else is also colored.
Because they're all unique colors. Ammo is color-coded on both the HUD and weapon wheel, letting you know what weapon uses what right away without having to pay attention to icons. Armor is always a distinct green, and health varies depending on your state, but is usually blue. Everything else is the same shade of yellow. The primary information has numbers, while everything else is relegated to a bar.
>A bit further. The HUD in 2016 and 2018 being slightly in a perspective not only helped the idea that this was seen from inside a helmet, it gave it depth and it points to the area of interest.
>In 2019, it's all horizontal lines just plastered on.
This much is just nitpicking.

>i'm going to eat shit and love it


Attached: hugo.png (536x643, 363K)
You get max health, no ammo, and you get a few seconds of invulnerability to reorient yourself.


At one point in, I think, the first gameplay video, the player picks up something that makes his next melee attack after a glory kill deal extra damage. This seems like a rune, but we didn't see him equip it. Does that mean runes no longer have to be equipped, that they're now automatically put into effect and you don't have to pick and choose which ones you want? I didn't like that about runes.

I feel like they're overcompensating for DOOM 2016s success and are going overboard in areas that were good because they were minimal like the arcade aesthetic.

The HUD looks really bad and there are guns floating around like it's MP? Why do they have to play with fire when 2016 was almost perfect the way it was?

pic related
According to Rock Paper Shotgun, there's now Perks and Runes and they are separate, and perks don't seem to require equipping and don't take up slots. What he got to power up his melee may have been a perk.

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You can see it again in some of the b-roll footage from E3. There's a perk and rune pickup, respectively.

The melee powerup is just a base player trait now, it's what the meter next to the dash signifies.

I love his new design.

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I played Doom again this week, I gotta say games, stale af, its just kill kill kill glory kill, I don't know it didnd't feel satisfying as much as the first time I played.

>Because they're all unique colors.
Tell me. What do you see more in a crowd. One guy with pink liberty spikes in a sea of normal haircuts, or a guy with pink liberty spikes in a sea of people with different colored liberty spikes?
>This much is just nitpicking.
No, it's caring about good design. You know what the overall mantra for design in general is? No one notices good design. People just accept that its there because it fits. People only notice bad design.
Not once did I see a single person complain about the HUD in 2016 or 2018. People accepted it was there because it fit. The fact that Hugo or Marty had to come up to defend it shows people noticed it and it's not what they want. You call it nitpicking, I would call it doing my job right.

This shit looks fun as fuck. I don't care what any of you think.

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Just to add, you think I want to shittalk a franchise I love? Up until a few days ago I was fucking hyped. More hyped than I've been for a game in a long fucking time. I've spent the last few days diving into Doom. Instead of going to sleep and getting some actual rest, I've been one these threads wanting to talk about Doom. But every choice that has since come up only managed to make me angry and tired.

>Tell me. What do you see more in a crowd. One guy with pink liberty spikes in a sea of normal haircuts, or a guy with pink liberty spikes in a sea of people with different colored liberty spikes?
Are you saying you can't differentiate colors? Even if you can't, ammo is the only number on that side of the screen.
There are legitimate complaints about the HUD, but having things angled or not is irrelevant.


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fair dinkum, mate.

So was Argent D'Nur a Heretic/Hexen style fantasy world?

>but having things angled or not is irrelevant.
Is it a nitpick? Yes. Does it improve its design? Yes. I mean fuck, UI design is all about these subtle things.

It felt more like a system shock game than a doom game

I'm so scared for this game's release, I loved 2016 so much and played it to death, same with Wolfenstein TNO, then wolf 2 released and was utter trash gameplay AND story wise. When they announced Doom 2 I was hyped up until I saw the gameplay and monster design, I hate his sleeveless suit too

why the shit is this retard killing my brothers and sisters en masse over a retarded rabbit?
its just a fucking bunny get the shit outta my home

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so made for console babbys and journos

t. newfag to FPS and arena shooters, liked 2016.
What should I play to get knowledge on the genre? I only liked a few missions from the original Doom and didn't like Quake

Why didn't you like Quake?

>The only MP mode in eternal will be the new invasion mode

So basically like Doom 4? Are we ever going to get an actual continuation of the actual Doom formula?

It just felt very lifeless to me, just nonstop brown everywhere.
The boss of the first chapter was pretty idiotic as well

Bro it's supposedly a callback to his original design so people will stop comparing his praetor suit to Master Chief.

>not preferring Eternal's monster designs which actually look like the classic designs over 2016's generic alien garbage

I don't see anything wrong with this.

It's definitely darker, but I don't think it's pure brown. And I think the level design and gunplay is a huge improvement over base Doom. Like, honestly I'd say to play through Quake just to see why it was so influential. If you want fucking amazing level design, play the Arcane Dimensions mod. Quake mapping has seen a bit of a renaissance over the past 3 years, and some amazing stuff has been made. I started off on Doom, but honestly once Quake clicked for me, it became hard for me to go back to Doom.

Also that said, people in here should watch Seal of Nehahra. It's a four hour long Quake machinima movie that came out in 2000. Shit's weird, and it's weird how it manages to be really good.

They arent color coded by ammo though, that's just false, you can even see the ammo counts are different. Are you a shill or just retarded?

It's always been like this

Attached: download.png (640x480, 73K)

So we've been bitching because they going out of their way to make Doom Eternal feel as much like classic doom as they can?

The new revenant is a 100 percent downgrade

>$800 a month on patreon
>for like 2 sprites a month



My favorite band in high school.

Can't wait to play him and Reimu in Smash!

Attached: Reimu.jpg (2000x2500, 2.79M)

fuck off rosterfag

>Maybe Heaven will get in the Slayer's way
>he may or may not be the Doomguy


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Zoomers hate it because it isn't 2016, slightly older Zoomers hate it because they think it's cool to fanboy for a game as if they grew up on it when really they were born in 2000 and played it for the first time at the age of 18 after hearing about it on Yea Forums

Good thing I'm neither and just think it looks fun as hell. (no pun intended)

What the fuck is this meme where unless you were born before a game then you can't enjoy it?

>The Betrayer is actually Lucifer and the Doom Slayer got his armor from Satan
>God is pissed that he's stopping the Apocalypse
>fite me irl slayer
>The ending is the Slayer being banished to Hell to contain it for eternity

I could see it hap'nin'

Attached: earth-is-the-melting-pot-of-the-universe_c_7242819.jpg (500x421, 84K)

You can enjoy it if you were born after its release date, but you aren't allowed to lie about how you've always loved it way more than it's sequels, or act like you have more knowledge than the real veterans who have been playing it since it came out

>Satan calls God for help

>You will never be as retarded as 466922227
Feels good

Hugo looks fucking miserable here.

It tried to be system shock and failed

This seems like a good as place as any to ask is the Blood remaster the definitive version yet?

So would Doomguy and Dante trade playlists?

If Dante and Doom Slayer swapped roles for a day, would Vergil have a field day with him?

>Is rushing in blind all you can do?
>applies fist to Vergil's face

>Hey... God... It's m-me, Satan..
What the hell do want this time?
>Y-yeah... you know h-h-how you wanted me to do that "Apocalypse" th-thing? I can't do it.
I thought you wanted to fuck shit up?
>Oh I do! I do... th-there's just this... guy...
>Please help, I'm scared
I'll be right there, you fuckin' pussy...

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>Brutal Doom

Attached: SHIGGY NESS.jpg (500x667, 84K)

>Story trailer is mostly gameplay

Attached: nice.png (330x190, 65K)

This concept is so fucking stupid and ridiculous that it is just awesome.

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I for one am glad that grunting is back

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Same. Takes me back to Q3A.

Its really down to preference, and i can get behind their reasoning
I really meant the mancubus design and the god awful baron of hell reskin, what designs do you like?

>I was hyped up until I saw the gameplay and monster design, I hate his sleeveless suit too

Attached: 87593317.17000005_1554193348087.png (720x720, 883K)

Attached: doom1.jpg (572x467, 84K)

shit he's right

Attached: doomd.png (217x138, 82K)

Nothing alike.

Attached: doomposting.jpg (480x498, 50K)

Are you fucking BLIND

Why does he look like that doom dev hugo martin?