Recently they made Farcry classic backwards compatible for the Xbox one. The OG Farcry has always held a special place in my heart, and this version made me loose all faith in xbone. The version is a literal steaming pile of dog shit, I don't know how anyone let them put this on the market place as a product. Some major issues are : >You can't cycle your weapons (A fundamental aspect of the game) > It looks uglier than the original that came out in 2004 > They made the kino weapons ugly as sin >they took out scenery objects like the shark in the beginning of mission 3
How could they have fucked this so bad? I have never had this much hate in my soul
>playing a game like Far Cry on console Even the console exclusive version on the 360 (Far Cry Instincts: Predator) sucks balls The water is very pretty tho, I'll give it that
Evan Harris
There’s a conspiracy these days to make really shitty games and remaster old good games and turn them into shit. They’re trying to convince the world gaming is a disease so they are trying to make it seem games always sucked.
Elijah Morales
This review also sums up my feeling How can a team take an old game from from 15 years ago and make it 10 times worse. The only plus side is that they added an iron sight animation, but that is negligible compared to everything else
Wouldnt those faults just be the original console ports problem? I wouldnt believe that they would make changes like that for what I assume is emulation
Ryan Peterson
I love the game and have played it 10+ times on PC and 5+ times on the 360 version, so of course as a fan I gave it a shot
I hope they realize the errors and update them, but this was the last set of backwards compatible games they're releasing, so this may be the final product
Every game between the original and far cry 2 was garbage
Gavin Walker
Sorry to break it to you, but it was fake enjoyment, both of them are shit
Joshua Powell
can it even be called backwards compatibility when you have to download the game anyway even if you have disc. and apparently it might not even be the same game if op is true. weird stuff
Gavin King
I actually liked these fuckers, it added a whole other aspect to the game, making it scarier and changed up the pace. Kinda like the flood in halo
I guess not, it’s technically a revamped version, hence the name “Farcry Classic” instead of just “Farcry” they changed small parts, mainly weapon skins
Jayden Smith
Finally found someone who likes them other than me
Nolan Cook
It ain’t your Xbox bro the games just shit always was.