What do you want for your birthday, user?

what do you want for your birthday, user?

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my gf to be beside me again

I want to smash that pussy.

I want to fuck Satania
December 3rd
don't forget

Jannies to not ban Satania threads and leave stupid frog threads up longer in the mean time

i want someone to congratulate me

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an end to the suffering

I don't know. Someone remembering my birthday would be nice.

apple to not be btfo

To make Satania a mother

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Being realistic i want pic related, if i could get whatever i wanted it would be to be with her again

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that doujin was fucking fantastic

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A close companion to play vidya and chill with. But just like every year...

My youngest sister to die.

A family that doesn't hate me. Or a servant that will serve as my companion until my death

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To be happy

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I don't want anything. Birthdays and birthday presents are a Jewish ploy.

It was five days ago. I got nothing. Not even a cake.

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>be bored
>then be bored and depressed
Why does this happen

a reason to live

>be bored and depressed
>feel a lot better and can focus on playing vidya
I dunno

Peace of mind.

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For my mom to wash my hair as we take a shower together.

For Satania to be dead.

To get out of fucking Michigan

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My birthday was yesterday. I bought myself a new 300 dollar monitor. My grandparents gave me 500 dollars. My parents got me a small carvel ice cream cake from Target at the last minute on the way to our uncles house for a father's day cookout. Everyone wish me happy birthday. I sat on my phone the entire time waiting until it was time to leave.

I want iToddlers BTFO.

A child