FFXIV:Stormblood is almost over.
Was it a good expansion? Did you enjoy the MSQ? Was the job rework good enough? Favorite primal/raid?
And the most important question: who is SB's best girl?
FFXIV:Stormblood is almost over
Storblood was so bad I quit the game at level 63
No, parts of it, no, shinryu, and yshtola.
post more tum tums
>Favorite primal?
only 2.0 has been good so far
>Ysayle started a Primal fight
Shame she jobbed though
Did Journeys get uploaded yet
>elezen look ba-
Meh, it was nice, but also introduced shit like Eureka, Eureka relics and limited jobs. The MSQ was nice, as long as Lyse was not on screen. Some jobs were still very obviously fucked. Phantom Train. Omega-F.
>*Undercuts You*
2.1 still best patch, and that's ignoring the delayed Crystal Tower drop.
I skipped all cut scenes / dialogue and anytime i mention it in the /xivg/ the trannies there have a meltdown.
I'll be skipping all of shadowbringers too
Felt like the job changes added a small amount more complexity to some of them. Not sure how I feel about the loses in ShB
Elezen do look good but you just look like a butler NPC.
Stormblood's MSQ was mostly forgettable, except Zenos and Yotsuyu who were bot absofuckinglutely terrible and actively dragged the game down in every scene they were in.
On the other hand, Return to Ivalice was fucking incredible. That's the most I've enjoyed the story since Final Steps of Faith and hands down the funnest fights in any MMO I've played. TG Cid is especially so much fun.
Would've been better content-wise than HW if it weren't for Eureka. Splitting the MSQ into two wildly different regions was a mistake and the overall writing suffered immensily from it.
Is the mod still deleting threads?
Come play mahjong with me user, it's fun, I promise
>I'd say Lakshmi if they didn't ruin her by excluding her lamia tail/O11
Why bother playing FFXIV then? The story is one it's main draws to players.
Only good thing about the SB is Solus, Xaela lore dump and maybe Tsukiyomi. Most of it was pretty forgettable.
The butler look is just what I was going for so thanks.
Na, they conceded or got shit from the rest of them for making more mess than he solved.
Parts of it were good, but those parts were usually in the Doman area and Ala Mhigo got shafted hard. On the one hand, fuck Mhiggers. On the other hand, I know there were a lot of people before 4.0 that were excited to liberate Ala Mhigo and they got fucked over. RIP them I guess. Some jobs got fucked hard, like Machinist, and some jobs got fucked slightly, like Dark Knight, and then a few jobs were made to be very simple after a patch or two, like Warrior. Favorite primal was Susano. Would have to pick between Yugiri or M'naago for SB girl.
>I'm so cool I skip every story part in this MMO that is clearly heavily focused on story
picked the crap ears though
so it's shit by default
He's taking a Hot Pocket break right now, he'll be back to it tomorrow
Transferring out of Crystal, where should I go?
>he isnt an omnicrafter
>Was it a good expansion?
>Did you enjoy the MSQ?
Absolutely not.
>Favorite primal/raid?
Just an unrelated question. I am level 28 yet I still haven’t fought Ifrit, do you recommend that I just power through the main story quests (and only do the main story quests) and do all side-shit later?
>not liking the Vulcan ears
so I rejoined and had this thing pop up, is it even worth using? the EXP bonus doesn't work past level 60?
O-oh my.
They call it Early Access so that people don't complain about the game shitting itself.
I never bothered with it.
Does anyone have those charts being posted yesterday that showed level breakdowns for jobs? To see what you have when synced in roulettes?
But I am, slut.
It doesn't matter. Accepting just puts you in the cancerous Novice Network chat which you can leave or mute and you get a tiny exp boost from kills (not quests) only when in a party with a Mentor for as long as you have the Returner status (whether you stay in the NN or not). It's nothing like the 50% exp bonus from Preferred Servers or anything.
Ok, will try to fight my OCD urge.
It must be wierd to play without knowing what is going down or why it is happening.
I personally feel that, apart from SCH, MNK and DRK, most of the shit removed is a good riddance. Has any RDM player ever unironically casted Tether?
Tank stances were terrible design for this game, glad they are basically dead and buried.
Alisaie is best girl of course.
>Has any RDM player ever unironically casted Tether?
It's nice in Eureka for getting away from shit that will kill you.
So, what is your leveling plan, Yea Forums? What class do you intend to play as to get through the 5.0 story? Are you going to immediately jump to another combat class, or are you going to start on your crafters and gatherers?
>Has any RDM player ever unironically casted Tether?
I did once by accident, since I kept it right next to Scatter.
mogstation sales WHEN
grug match tiles till grug wins
grug never wins
True. It was interesting how Eureka managed to make some abilities worth using.
I remember joking with people about BLU being a Eureka-only job, and in the end, that would probably have been better than what we got.
Then I think it was 4 you were after. Vulcan ears are just pointed human, not sideways antennae. At the very lest, should've cut down the length (and therefore made them less outwards).
Going through the story as SMN, then leveling alt jobs with my wife and grinding crafters and gatherers while she's at work
GunCHAD, of course, then I'll level DNC and WHM
You look like someone who constantly gets his dick sucked but you'd rather be at home playing video games.
Honestly that's probably how they'll keep Eureka alive for the sake of relics. Bump BLU up to 70 and then say that you can use it to solo through NMs.
I like Lyse.
I'm gonna be maining DNC and tsking it through the MSQ.
Which means I'll be in HoH hell on launch weekend. God I'm not looking forward to that.
Yeah, focus whatever the MSQ has you doing and use side quests to fill inevitable gaps. If you're OCD on lost exp then you can always go through them as you're levelling a 2nd/3rd/4th job.
>Was it a good expansion?
It was ok, it had some good stuff but I hated some of the changes.
>Did you enjoy the MSQ?
Far East stuff was cool, like the xaela tribes, and we learned more about the garleans. Some sidequests are pretty neat too.
>Was the job rework good enough?
Fuck all edgybabbies that cried about how DRK was too hard for them, faggots ruined the job.
>Favorite primal/raid?
Phantom Train, Susano and Orbonne are some of my favorites, but I enjoyed most of them.
>who is SB's best girl?
Obviously Alisaie.
Get DNC to 70 ASAP so I can go through ShB with it.
I'll do crafters/gatherers after I finish the MSQ then move to other combat classes.
>not proudly displaying your superior elezen bloodline
You're no fun dude.
Good for you, man.
Story: Generally rushed and superficial, the war and occupation themes completely miss their potential. There are still some really enjoyable parts (like Zenos and Solus)
Areas: Most boring and ugliest in the game
Dungeons: Quality over quantity, the best in the game
Trials and raids: I loved most of them. Savage hit a sweet spot difficulty-wise for me, and most of the fights are really well designed (there are a couple of sucky ones though, for some reason the second fights of every 'Scape are noticeably lower quality). Ivalice is easily the best 24-player raid series so far.
Job design: Compared to HW and speaking in terms of how fun they are to play in my opinion, some jobs became better (BRD, AST), some stayed on the same level (BLM, MNK), some became worse (SCH, WAR). I'd say the overall quality stayed about the same. BLU was added in a blatantly half-bakes state
Eureka: Awful at first, but became pretty decent further on. In the end it's a good addition to the variety of content
Gonna log in (logged out in Gridania inn), unlock GNB, equip the shire gear (and maybe glamour the free level 60 gear), try out my rotation on dummies, and start the leveling grind.
Gonna go through ShB as a tank. I switched from DPS to tanks when there were rumors that either BLU or the gunblade job would be tanks, and I got what I hoped for, so I'm going to play it first to 80 for sure.
Probably gonna level MCH or DNC next just to have a pocket DPS and because both look cool.
Could this be Angela Aki singing?
An actual pseudo-endgame for BLU in the form of Eureka might be nice for sure.
>Eureka: Awful at first, but became pretty decent further on. In the end it's a good addition to the variety of content
Do you realize how much resources that took away from other content and how many people quit playing because of this trashheap? Do you realize that nobody will ever do this content again as soon as Shadowbringers is out while every other relic is still farmed to this day? God I wish I could fucking kill you right now you damn cocksucker.
I'm sticking with Monk til 80, playing through the story with it so that i can get a feel for the changes. If I'm no longer having fun, I'm switching mains to MCH.
I just want to main my favorite job but I don't think it will ever happen.
Can anyone explain to a pleb the differences in colors when it comes to engaged, unengaged, captured, uncaptured in the settings?
Nah he's busy watching asmong stream
damn the flood of light changes you to THAT?
>he isn't spiderman
text colour on mob names
you know the usual yellow unengaged, red engaged etc.
captured/uncap I think is the same but for enemies engaged to others.
What a fucking chad
This is your party tonight
>Do you realize that nobody will ever do this content again as soon as Shadowbringers is out while every other relic is still farmed to this day?
I really hope that they do something to make Eureka's level grind easier after it dies. At this point I just want to finish the story and get my lore dump.
You and me both.
At a bit of a crossroads since I want to go through the MSQ as DRK, but also want to get into ex primals as fast as I can, which I would rather do with WAR.
Lightchads WW@?
>none of them are miqkittens or lalas
what a shit
I enjoyed it far more than the other relic grinds.
I agree that using so much development time on it was probably a mistake, but on the other hand they managed to make new type of content that actually works. I think that's more valuable than one more dungeon per patch
So cap uncapped is for like 24 man raids/randoms on map?
just like the good old days
Shouldn't it be illegal to make a commercial about something but then not once show what it actually is?
Would you accept a BLU that learns its moves through level up like everyone else (though they'd still be monster abilities)?
God I wish that were me.
no thanks
I want to suck middle's big titties
>Do you realize how much resources that took away from other content and how many people quit playing because of this trashheap?
Really? All we truly lost was a couple dungeons, and in exchange we got Ultimate, Eureka and Masked Carnivale.
Yeah, BLU learns skills differently in every game anyway. I'd prefer though if they used the system currently in place with the job quests requiring you to learn a spell on your own before accepting. Then you could have the hunting aspect and the job quests would fill the same role of ensuring you have a skill.
His NTR level is rising past measurable output!
>Was it a good expansion?
It was to me, but I started in 4.1.
>Did you enjoy the MSQ?
I enjoyed it, the high point of the MSQ overall was 3.3 with Final Steps, while SB was weaker than that.
>Was the job rework good enough?
I find a lot of jobs fun to play.
>Favorite primal/raid?
UCOB and UWU by far, nothing else compares.
But that is how perfume commercials works.
SE has a bad habit of doing that
Oh I agree, that'd be optimal. I just think if it ever became a "real" job they'd probably restrict it to level up spells. And I'd be fine with that too.
>but on the other hand they managed to make new type of content that actually works
It almost killed the entire expansion you lunatic.
>in exchange we got rehashed content, garbage and sad excuse for a proper new job
Wow gee what a bargain.
I didn't want to get reminded of that
There aren't that many zones in the game.
What killed the expansion for me wasn't Eureka, it was the fucktarded Yotsuyu plot and how they kept trying to make us feel bad for her despite her being absolute scum.
Do it pussy.
what's the rightmost panel from?
he can't be contained
Personally (I'm ), yes.
Although there is an alternative way too: make them start at 30 with a basic skillset unlocked, and then make it so that as you level, you unlock new fights in the Carnivale, and you get all your spells from there.
If they are afraid of trolls going in without the spells, lock you away from duties until you catch up on your Carnivale fights.
Based, I can't believe how anyone can defend Eureka.
Imma do the MSQ as DRK for maximum edgyness.
>tfw 1 more week
>Barely finished HW and loved it
>Wonder if I should skip all cutscenes and just rush MSQ through all of STB
>All my friends are urging me to do this so I can be ready for the expansion
Well that's why they have samples in the stores. Still not good either.
Wolf Guy or how was it called. It had rape Namek arc.
Content you don't like =/= bad content.
Do you really care about a handful of dungeons that much?
Your friends are retarded. Do it at your own pace.
>how they kept trying to make us feel bad for her despite her being absolute scum
They never did that. When she's dying you don't even get a dialogue option that isn't filled with spite. All they did was explain how she got that way. Her getting amnesia was for Gosetsu's plot development, not to build sympathy for her.
Ready how?
Looks like a Butterball Turkey stuffed in a bikini.
You have ten days, probably more than enough to get through SB, especially if your friends help you with queues.
Yes as we all now Eureka is beloved by all in the FFXIV community.
Fuck off you delusional tranny.
Absolutely not, why the fuck would you skip the story?
Your friends are faggots. Play the main quest.
If you take your time, you'll still have time to cap and gear up before Eden.
>people ITT genuinely defending and even praising Eureka
Should be enough time for the MSQ without skipping cutscenes.
>Even for a moment considering skipping story in an RPG
The entire Tsukuyomi fight is framed to make you sympathetic toward her, with things like images of her parents attacking you. And she doesn't deserve that sympathy at all.
More than ten days, honestly. Normal mode raids won't come out until the 16th, and Savage raids until the 30th. Even if you aren't at ShB when the gates open, you can easily get your ass geared before savage hits.
>Requeue into this party
Much better
Bard or Machinist?
>He did not protect Krile's smile
I had fun in Hydatos.
If your faggot friends wants to help you then make them help you with dungeon queues and to provide some 380 gear once you hit 70.
>dungeon takes 50mins
if they looked like that fanart the ingame roe population would drastically raise
I won't defend Eureka but I will defend BA. If it was up to me I'd just cut all of it and just do 5 BA style dungeons instead.
yeah found it, shit it's hilarious
Too bad actual Roegadyn look like Shrek.
*joins your party
Post 4.0 MSQ was laughably bad.
She's a women of course she jobbed.
I thought these threads were being deleted.
What should I do to prepare for Shadowbringers?
>Log in and try to find an FC
>Unleash gold magic
janny's on his lunch break
>Yes as we all now Eureka is beloved by all in the FFXIV community.
It is indeed not beloved by all, but it is still content that many people liked, especially once Pyros dropped.
And once again, do you really care about losing a grand total of three dungeons in exchange for all the new stuff SB brought?
BA was trash though, massive disappointment.
-It was an ok expansion. Lower quality than HW.
-Fav primal was extreme Shinryu
-Sadu of course.
And then when the fight is done your character continues to look at her with nothing but scorn. The most sympathetic dialogue option you get is 'Gosetsu will be sad'.
Best DoH/DoL Questline?
t. autist afraid of /sh
Female elezen look always like shit
Male elezen could look great.
any cutscene that isn't voiced is safe to skip
fuck the waking sands
You were never supposed to feel bad for Yotsuyu, no matter what the ghosts say. Still, she did wipe out her whole shitty psycho family. In some way shes a hero.
Japan still did it better
Will people still run BA after ShB drops? Fuck me I still have some exams left and I don't have enough time to resub and do eureka shit.
Well, I prog'd it with the group that eventually got Primal first and I had a ton of fun.
If you came late to it and had to go through the discord trannies I guess I can see how you wouldn't like it.
I’m wrapping up the MSQ right now, going to do Ghimlyt Dark tonight. Combining both the ShB trailers and what I’m seeing in-game, here’s my basic understanding
>the First needs our help, whatever the WoDs and Minfilia did wasn’t enough
>only spirits/souls can travel between worlds, which is how the Ascians move
>someone outside our world is pulling the Scions’ souls from their bodies on our end and bringing them over there
>Crystal Tower seems to be connected to the whole thing, so I’m assuming the Allagan cloning facilities are making bodies for the Scions’ souls to occupy on their end
>Thancred, who was yanked first, has been over there for quite some time and that’s why he seems to be the most settled in their world and is already getting stuff done (adopted GNB/found Minfilia/”this town sure has changed”)
>on our end, Matoya’s soul is residing in Y’Shtola’s body while she’s on the First, hence why whoever is possessing Urianger’s body addresses her as such
Am I close? It doesn't explain why the voice talked about time compression or who is in Urianger's body, but it seems to address the basics.
Now this is a group I can trust.
Almost, except for
>on our end, Matoya’s soul is residing in Y’Shtola’s body while she’s on the First, hence why whoever is possessing Urianger’s body addresses her as such
That scene takes place in Rak'tika, on the First. Those are just Y'shtola and Urianger themselves.
It was consistently better than HW's and ARR's. And no, 2.5 sucked dick because almost nothing that happened there mattered in the end. All 3.x had going for it was 3.3 and even that had the huge retard moment of tossing eyes off a bridge.
it was framed to make you pity her, not sympathize. The whole ark was really.
Then why does Urianger call her "Master Matoya"?
You can't know what else they would've done. Could be just 3 more dungeons, could be something else entirely.
it's a title, not a name
because she swapped to black magic and became a wtich to fight against the light
>You were never supposed to feel bad for Yotsuyu
This. Yotsuyu was the irredeemable cunt who enjoyed being a cunt that you have no pity for. Contrasted against Fordola who was the misguided cunt who did what she though was right out of despair. The whole point of the two was to show that just because you have a shit life doesn't mean you have an excuse to be a cunt once you realize how wrong you were.
I liked all the different solo instances they put into the MSQ, especially letting us play as other characters.
>Was it a good expansion? Did you enjoy the MSQ? Was the job rework good enough?
no to all. Was the Azim Steppe portion written by someone else, because it was the only good part of the MSQ
It was led by a different writer, who's supposedly at the helm for ShB's MSQ.
Azim Steppe was written mainly by the woman who did the majority of the Dark Knight quests.
I just thought it was something like him musing out loud and Yshtola quipping after hearing it.
They've been tight lipped about it, so we don't know.
How are PLD and WHM going to fight on the first since they use Light Magic?
ah, that explains it then
Yes, but speculating on hypotheticals leads nowhere.
>the huge retard moment of tossing eyes off a bridge.
To be fair, that's like tossing something into the Marina Trench. It's pretty reasonable to think something down there is gone forever.
Yes, she also wrote pic related and is doing the Shadowbringers MSQ, which is one of the reasons people are actually excited.
Meanwhile, the creator of the Blackrose gas who also lost his memories was executed off screen
We know as it's been stated in interviews. At least in regards to BA, which came in lieu of a 3rd Ultimate.
The same way BLMs fight Ifrit: The magic of handwaving away inconvenient shit.
Right, so Eureka is still trash and "3 dungeons" is no excuse for it then.
I laughed aloud that they took time to explicitly show Estinien puncturing and destroying both at the end of SB to avoid any more chances of Nidhogg going back.
I wouldn't assume the Marina Trench unreachable if I lived in a high fantasy world, though.
I mean sure, if you didn't live in a world filled to the brim with bullshit magic
WoL should've just curbstomped the eyes as soon as they got them out of Estinien's hands
pretty much. that area aether wind storms that'll rip things apart, except for the WoD of course
I think Chaos just got DDoSed.
They should have just made Viera only have one set of ears to make hats/helms possible. Hrothgar they have no excuse.
Nobody quit playing because of Eureka. The sub count in this game has only been going up.
I rather have eureka over ultimate which is literally dead content that appeals to 0.1% of playerbase, if even that.
Anyone ripped Journeys?
Uhhhh yes, gaijin. DDOS attack. Not a problem caused by more than 100 people trying to pray game
You people are thinking of that moment as a viewer. Aymeric wanted those eyes away from his best friend that they had just been mindraping. Why do you expect him to calmly just keep them around and consider the best move? And even if he'd remembered Ascians, what then? There's literally no place on the entire planet that Ascians can't reach. They can teleport anywhere.
it comes out in 2 days retard
you haven't forgotten him, have you?
Blm all he years
I hate Lalafells. Please remove them from the game.
I bet you do, tranny.
>Right, so Eureka is still trash
As I've repeatedly stated, you personnally hating the content does not make it bad content. Yoshi-p has stated multiple times that he does not design the game with the intent of having everyone love every piece of content, and you aren't the audience for Eureka, which is okay.
Viera is going to only get "some" hairs that other races can use, mainly the paid ones. Hrothgar though are fucked and locked to face type so only time you get new hair you'll get a new face possibly.
>how many people quit playing because of this trashheap?
Like three screeching retards? I'm sure their subs are sorely missed.
Holy shit how you faggots can be this delusional?
>more than 100 people trying to pray game
i tord them to unsubscribu baka gaijins
Lalafell cunny
okay my dude
But trannies also are at the top of ultimate parses..
>no idea what I want to play in Shad
I want to fucking kill myself, I enjoy and am interested in basically everything except healer and I just can't stick to something.
What's his name?
I thought the trannies were the ones autistically obssessed with peak performance and high-end raiding? Can't you keep your story straight for two minutes?
You will never ever have a lalafell wife.
Nobody except tranny attentionwhores are the audience for Eureka you fucking faggot.
Nah, I'm thinking of it more from a writing's perspective. It would have been easier to justify it had they lingered on the moment and try to come up with a solution first, then either toss it off the bridge anyway or something else similar. Instead the scene comes across as being rushed in one evening's worth.
Do you think one of the worlds is modern era?
All female lalafells are cockhungry sluts, they'll never settle down.
>Dumped like a million gil into finally finishing up my Kaiser Knuckles Zeta after resubbing
>Already made it back without actually trying even though I'm still stuck at 60
Man once I hit cap on some gatherers or crafters and go full jew again I should have enough money to do anything I want, especially with this Ishgard stuff.
And Laurentius and Yuyuhase, who were stalking you for the entire campaign into Ala Mhigo, got arrested and are in jail now.
t. horse fucking xaela roleplayer
I'm only really concerned about hats/helms. I think the vast majority of shared hairstyles added to the game since launch are shit. I never changed hair on my current character.
How much autism do I need to solo HoH? I'm not planning on clearing it before ShB, but I want something to do.
Then don't hide critical parts of a beloved characters story AND the relic for the expansion behind it.
>KF writes in copious amounts of lalafellin loin aching in both the game and the lorebook
>refused to translate Haurchefant and called it problematic
What's Koji's endgame?
hi everyone, this is my wife! say something nice about her!
how can darkness even compete
>It would have been easier to justify it had they lingered on the moment
How? It was an incredibly emotionally charged moment and Estinien is Aymeric's best friend. You wanted Aymeric to put his hand to his chin and calmly think, "Hmm... well... what should we do...? Umm, hmm... well there are Ascians, right...? Uh, well they can get anywhere anyway so... uhh... hmm...........................
What's a fun melee dps? just realized I don't have a sinlg one past 30. I like MNK's greased lightning but everything else looks absolutely fucky later on
Actually, casual players are the audience for Eureka. You know, the kind of player that doesn't often post on forums, and whose opinions are often ignored, hence why all the places where people discuss XIV think that Eureka is almost universally hated.
I don't care what others say but from personal experience trannies are the ones who barely play the actual game and rather just chat all fucking day and emote at each other while grinding something in a big train, so exactly what Eureka is basically.
>haven't played since HW
>hyped for ShB
>old PC died and using a toaster now
>worried you fags will spoil the story
Tempted to get the game for PS4 and play that for a few months till I get a new PC
Are you guys looking forward to shadowbreakers?
The official EN Twitter retweeted this and immediately after, deleted the retweet lmfao
do we know what lvl gun starts at?
i want to lvl gun but if they start at 50 then il be sticking to PLD
will lvl RDM and BRD afterwards.
John Crow was the one who changed Haurchefant, and if you watched his dev panel he comes across as incredibly arrogant like he's too good for this video game bullshit.
GNB and DNC start at 60.
I personally know of at least 2 tranny discords who absolutely love Eureka and sit in there all fucking day.
I'm going to be starting this fresh when Shadowbringers comes out. I want to play a Hrothgar, should I start now, and change later, or just wait for 5.0?
stormblood is complete ass so just skip everything
Gaming Journalism is a professional business. Totally not full of failures who can't even get jobs writing for news sites.
Ah yes, Shadowbreakers
Is that why all the loudest crybabies are also the ones who play Eureka by far the most? Fucking idiot.
>Using a retarded oversimplification as an example
Never mind, clearly you were the target audience with that writing.
She can't be your wife, she's my wife.
Why not? The relic is inferior to raiding weapons until the raids are obsolete, it's the perfect reward for content aimed at casuals.
Guarantee a large portion of the players in Eureka were only there for relic and hated the whole thing anyway.
They can talk about target audiences and participation rates all they like, it's only half the story. People will do shit they don't like if the carrot is good enough to them.
>people actually defending eureka
You faggots are doing the contrarian thing too hard or are blinded by the immense relief of being done with the “”””content””””
Faggots must be purged.
>levelling an alt dps, unlock shisui
>que pops, get a burger king crown tank and healer
>tank pulls one pack then stops. Take the penalty and do msq.
>this happens two more times
Jesus fuck what happened to all the gung-ho tanks that pull wall to wall? It's such a waste of aoe to do one pack at a time. I was able to get to 65 without doing shisui once but goddamn.
thats not too bad
Shadowbreakers sounds cooler imho.
They should have called the expansion Lightbreakers.
You've got a good deal of MSQ to go through if you're not skipping anything.
I would start now, and use the free fantasia you get on switching to Hrothgar when the expansion releases.
Aww shit get hyped for the Panda Express crossover raid
Dont get hit into the Beijing Beef!
What's the best way to level up a secondary job and gear it up?
You get a free Fantasia potion to remake your character during the Lv50 part of the MSQ, just hang onto that. You probably won't get that far before Shadowbringers is out anyways.
Just wait 2 weeks you faggot.
HoH is pretty straight forward, you just need some luck and knowing the general strats. It might take a couple of tries but it's doable.
PotD is a whole other beast.
I couldn't be patient and wait for early access so I just resubbed.
What is worth doing for the last two weeks before an xpac?
>game still hasn't let us gut them like the swine that they are
Literally what the fuck, Yoshi
Only interesting thing in that interview is about a crossocer:
>Could The Witcher world ever fit into XIV?
>The possibility is there, yeah. We heard that somewhere, I’m afraid we don’t remember when or where, but we heard that one of the leads in the development team for “Witcher 3” is an avid “Final Fantasy XIV” player, and we were talking about if there’s an opportunity, it would be great to start a conversation.
>Guarantee a large portion of the players in Eureka were only there for relic and hated the whole thing anyway.
But that's my point.
WoL almost never jobs
>tfw no Garland battle stance
Will Y'shtola finally become a good character instead of a shitty cat that people only care about because they jack off to cats?
irregular tomestone farming to get items you want
Finish reading a post before replying.
No shit, sherlock
>garo armor is job specific
>many of the armor sets don't even fit their jobs at all
what were they thinking? This could have been a great collab for glamours if it wasn't for the job locked armor.
Are the aetheryte earrings account-wide or just for one character?
I'm having a hard time choosing between SMN or MCH
Probably more fun than Eureka.
>the scene comes across as being rushed
So it did it's job then. It's a fast stressful climax. They finally managed to beat the piss outta the baddest Dragon enough to subdue it and rip its soul from it's host. A feat that took the the damn WoL, boosted by the second baddest dragon, and the souls of Ysale and Haurchufant to do. You dont even know if the eyes can be destroyed because the expert was recently mind fucked and cant answer questions atm. But you need the eyes gone and fast before they possible take control again. So off the bridge they go.
Who would make a good boss for a W3 crossover fight?
>Implying Sadu would be doing a cute V Sign and not giving the middle finger in every selfie
> hrothgar
i hope you didn't plan to play tanks or dragoon
Any suggestions?
I don't see anything wrong with her character. Sounds to me like you are either just a contrarian dickhead (most likely scenario) or don't like her character type.
150 million Drowners
I would kill for Witcher gear in FFXIV. I’m sick of fantasy armor with random metal bits.
It's cute who cares!
>he still has his job after the Haurchefant debacle
Yoshi had to personally intervene because he went against orders and sneaked in his own retarded changes without consulting anyone. His dialogue didn't even match up with the cutscenes, it was so sloppily done; Haurchefant is making exaggerated body movements, the camera is going everywhere, the WOL has an extremely worried expression, yet the english dialogue is about border security.
I don't know much about modern Japanese society but I assumed he had been executed and replaced, not given leave to continue writing for the game.
What do I queue for to farm these? Just the specific instances they drop from or are any of the roullettes good for it?
You are either gay or a woman.
Yet it's ok to hide critical lore behind raiding like they did with Coil
>I'm sick of Final Fantasy armor in my Final Fantasy game
Look, personally I like more realistic armor too but I want over-the-top stylish fantasy bullshit in my FF game.
which mememount are you guys maining for Shadowniggers? im thinking christmas bear or adamantoise
Which patch was the best in SB?
There's a wall between each pack in that dungeon anyway
Here’s a revolutionary idea: why not have both?
Raiding doesn't take weeks/months, that's why Normal/Savage is a thing.
I'd appreciate more Akihiko Yoshida designs. Fantastical, but still grounded.
Not him but she's a good character. It's just the hordes of people acting like she's the GOAT of any FF ever piss me off.
Depending on your specs it's probably better to go on ps4. And if you have a vita you can play XIV in bed
>a few hours versus weeks or even months of grind
Get your fucking head checked.
It would probably be something along the lines of the monster hunter crossover, like hunting Rathalos but this time it's some big wraith or vampire or wilderbeast. Could also be something with the wild hunt attacking somewhere, and we encounter Geralt or Ciri. We know that Ciri jumps between worlds, she even hinted to the cyberpunk77 world in the witcher 3 so that's the in game explanation.
They made raids normal/savage so everyone can see the story now retard.
There are quite some more realistic looking outfits in the game, not sure what's your problem.
I just started the game, is there any point to doing all these busywork side quests shit is extremely tedious
Just fought Ravana, and goddamn he's a massive upgrade from the ARR bosses, does that trend continue further into Heavensward?
Overall maybe, but in these threads no. I even replayed the story on my alt and I still can't understand why people like her.
>all melee dps got a bunch of positive changes that make them feel better to play except monk
Thanks Yoshi
The first two geyser walls have two packs between them. They were doing 3 mobs at a time.
Not him but Hrothgar look like complete shit on plate armor
Stick to robes, leather, cloaks and basically any open or revealing armor pieces
Every few packs, not every single pack. They'll grab like 3 of the 15 available before the wall and think they're awesome.
Many monsters would make a good witcher fight. They did pretty good with the leshen in MHW. Speaking of, a TW3 boss could maybe 4 man content like Rathalos.
Wild Hunt
Does Godbert react differently to (You) when you meet with him in the Gold Saucer and haven't done Hildi's quests?
Do blue sidequests to unlock content, ignore the grey ones until you need to level an alternate job
You sound like a faggot who has never played an rpg before.
no. don't even do optional dungeons, just msq and job quests until you've caught up.
You should watch some garo.
How do I BLM?
>level bard
>get at least one commendation every run
I dont get it, i dont do anything special, i just play my songs, use AOEs and put foe up and sometimes Pali the tank
The ones with a + sign unlock dungeons, jobs and other features so do those
The rest are generic quests to get items and exp
your aoe rotation is less ass
They look good to me. There are a few current benchmark sets that look bad on them like Behemoth, but that one looks like shit on everyone.
Maybe they're giving you pity commendations if you're new
Im grinding mog tomes to get the Pegasus, but lowbie dungeons and castrum are frying my brain.
If I cant make it Ill just ride my goobbue
I'm about to pull the trigger and grab this game. Any tips?
Godbert is involved in so many different quests I'm not sure anymore. I do know that he says something different depending on context.
>A majority of people can clear raid content in a few hours.
Fucker, even just the people who do raid a majority take months to clear. And there's even more who cant because they suck. So yea, both lock lore for a demographic. At least Eureka literally anyone can do with time.
Is it me or is going nin for Leap of Faith makes doing it harder?
Where is that Khloe mod?
Imagine the things she can do with all her shadow clones.
Yes, Heavenward is kino which is why we aren't going to get anything like it ever again
Yes. He doesn't recognise you at all, since you haven't met before.
Minimize movement and cast as many explosions as possible within your fire phase
>11 Days
Bismark is ass, but rest of the primals are great.
I understand that the jobs match the characters who wear the armor in garo. still looks out of place on their xiv jobs.
>using one instance of something happeneing, one that has been subsequently fixed in design, to justify doing it again
Not too bright, are you?
Hw yes, then there is a big dip in quality once you reach SB
> tfw the final verse is sung
Unlock Crystal Tower if you hate low level dungeons and MSQ that much, it's still easy due to everyone having ridiculous ilevel, and most being familiar with mechanics, but it's still more involved than the other two with wipes being possible bar Syrcus, and gives two mog times a pop
One of the best scenes in Sengoku Rance to be honest family.
>normal/savage so everyone can see the story now
And you faggots bitched when that shit first dropped. "People need to gitgud and earn the true end"
Move as little as possible. Sounds easy but I can't empathize it enough. BLM becomes better the more you learn the fight so you can do shit like pic related.
I do one or two baby pulls to judge how well the healer can handle it, then go wild if we don't wipe
>didn't even use this
>And you faggots bitched when that shit first dropped
No I didn't. I was happy because I don't do savage raiding and only did Coil unsynched during HW.
>game unironically tries to justify/make me feel bad for them
This is shite writing lads.
if you're a weirdo who doesn't immediately leave the dungeon as soon as possible then you'll frequently get commends because lmao ps3 limitations mean you can't give them to people who've already left. Just like how you need to stay in the dungeon until the loot enters your inventory instead of being able to roll and then leave, allowing fags to hold everyone else hostage until the timer ticks down
thats great then
i wanted to try a Hrothgar too but they looked like shit imo, even in full alexander gear it looked bad, and everyone looks good in that set
>body is turning to crystal
Freaky, I bet his tail fell off from that
Confess unto me all your mogstation sins my children.
I’ve bought Gosetsu’s outfit just for his pants, and considered getting Aymeric’s for his hairstyle.
Shisui big pulls are not even hard.
Rance and XIV event when
>Do normal double pack pull.
>If we wipe I leave and do dailies because the healer is trash.
BA is a glorified 24man with even easier mechanics. The only thing that makes it different is the slapped-on permadeath
What the fuck are you talking about? Normal raids let you experience the full story and can be done by even the biggest casual. You don't need to do Savage to see the story.
or he could just tie it around his waist.
Did he do anything wrong?
Ethys proves this wrong
Why is open shoulder kimono so hot?
I mean, i have two tanks maxed, and BRD is the second DPS im leveling, so i dont think thats the case. Maybe regular DF bards suck
>even in full alexander gear it looked bad
Okay, now you're just talking out of your ass
Did he do anything?
I've never used the Mogstation. What's in game is enough glamour for me, and my free MSQ fantasia is still collecting dust in my inventory.
>so you can do shit like pic related
Shit like dropping your enochian and then long, hard casting blizzard 3 like a retard? That's what's going on in this gif as I'm sure you're aware.
its because they're girls. would not have happened if they were guys
>And you faggots bitched when that shit first dropped.
Was that a thing? I can't remember anyone complaining about that.
I bought a fantasia to change my character’s eye colour.
Do you think he'll break down live on stream after ShB launch when he finds out he's wrong? I hope so.
Your wife is very cute. I'm sure you two will have many happy years ahead.
I'm gonna say the C word.
Never trust women
God I'd love to see him start backpedaling.
>tfw no Nhaama
Dropping your Enochian is fine if you can reset your rotation immediately. Sure it's a loss but still better than running around doing nothing.
i like bullets and machinery more then i do arrows and chords but go for what you like user
Right, let's believe the guy who thought Unukalhai was Gaius's illegitimate half Ala Mhigan son.
How do I play WAR properly?
That's stupid because even an afk scholar's fairy is enough to keep alive tanks who are """"Respecting""" the content, and a tank at 50% health while the healer spams AOE is much better than needless over healing
Whenever I heal for roulettes I throw an excogitation and toggle Sprint then run past the first pack once the tank has aggro, all but the most braindead get the idea and go wall to wall
Are they gonna change Barrel Stabilizer's screen in 5.0?
That wasn't the point of the gif and you know that.
So is it normal to consider Zenos a bro?
Because I like him
>wrong about Lyse being lost Ala Mhigan princess
>wrong about Unukalhai being Gaius secret kid. wtf theory was this anyways?! what proof did he have?
what else did he get wrong?
You said the thing that would hurt the most. I hope you're happy.
>15 dollary doos for Aymeric's do
Goddamn, that is some next level jewing
Unfortunately I'm tempted
forgot pic
Too many fucking elitists in this game.
Of course. You are his only friend after all.
I don't remember running into them or seeing them during SB?
I bought a fantasia to change my character height because I didn't realize how fucking long and lanky Elezen can be.
because the men wouldn't have been wrong to begin with
Why, user? Not like Alisaie is gonna die anytime soon.
Ethys mate, if you're gonna upload a lore vid, remove your meme twitch notifactions for subs and shit, fucking cunt.
>decide to try and get my Phoenix clear
>Relearn the mechanics in 2 pulls
>tanks cant stay alive and keep getting sucked in the hole.
>waste 1 and a half hours in there trying for clear
>Say fuck it, lets learn snake boy ex
>Extremely easy and straightforward.
>Spend an hour before disband because tanks cant learn it and keep splashing the party
>"Farm" party has two first time clears, disbands after two scales and 3 wipes.
They were following you in the background throughout the entire Ala Mhigo segment. Later on in 4.1 Raubahn says they were captured and he asks for your opinion on their sentencing.
What are you maining in ShB?
You mean that they will change it to remove the Bishop turret? If so, I really doubt it.
> armor stretched beyond belief
I'll pass
Unukalhai doesn't even sound Ala Mhigan
And Gaius doesn't seem the type to go for foreign whores anyway
>Uchiha Frieza
Are you ready to help this robot kill more robots?
Mainly because it spoiled the fuck out of mechanics etc. making savage prog that much faster and having that much less to learn. Kinda half kills wanting to do them blind.
The story shit was more of an excuse to tell people to git gud, as usual.
For the easy 80 points, do I just need any chest and boots with black sooth dye + woolen dress gloves?
From level 1 i decided to level every single gathering and crafting class alongside my combat class
It took me so long to drag the non-combat classes along with me that i ended up maining four different combat classes to prevent any one of them from outleveling my non-combat classes
i ended up burning out at lvl67
did anyone actually avoid burning out doing this
highly doubt they will
Looks like WoW body paint armor. The fuck were they thinking
Why do people keep saying the Azim Steppe part was good? Nothing was good about it. All the bullshit fetch quests, having to pick up dung, becoming buddy buddies with that faggot after he tried to constantly kill you, having to go visit some tranny camp site.
The only thing good was the instance.
what's wrong with this
Japs have a fucking hardon for evil women being forgiven just because they're pretty and sad
It's a disgusting trope
>finally play Stormblood
>expect Lyse to be the worst thing ever
>she doesn't ever steal credit from WoL and thanks/praises you constantly
>did make some dumb decisions
>no where near as bad as made out to be
If anyone tried to take undeserved credit it was Hien.
Main thing Lyse did wrong was have smaller breasts than in the trailer.
>dropping it while stood still and just casting
Nah, they're just shit.
Yep, that's what it means.
Did we ever see them and/or show up?
Yeah just put on some shitty crafting gear and dye it and make sure every other slot is filled with something it doesn't matter what.
Yes, you just need stuff equipped in every slot, the woolen dress gloves in your hand slot, and the chest/boots dyed soot black.
The way the scoring works is that you basically get like 4 points per equipment slot just for having anything equipped there, then bonus points from there depending on how well it matches the "theme" and like 2 points for the correct dye.
I honestly felt like Fordala was a worse character then Yotsuyu. Yotsuyu had no intention of doing anything good while Fordola did but still chose to be a cunt until shes been beaten and tossed in jail. I don't understand how anyone could have sympathy for her, she let everyone step on her then decided to be "good" because she lost. At least Yotsuyu was a cunt till the end.
Ok retard
Why not put it to a poll?
It's been a bit, I am going to repost my Strawpoll: What are you going to main in Shadowbringers?
You dont actually get to talk to them or even see them in the overworld, but right around the time you take over the bridge some cutscenes will linger on them skulking about. Then right before you head off to the Peaks for the second time one of your companions says Arenvald has been sent to deal with them and you never hear about it again until the post-game quests. He captured them and imprisoned them off screen. You dont get to visit them.
>Mainly because it spoiled the fuck out of mechanics etc. making savage prog that much faster and having that much less to learn. Kinda half kills wanting to do them blind.
That would be an argument if Alex and Omega didn't have at least double the mechanics per fight compared to the relatively(!) piss easy Coils. Sounds like fearmongering to me.
Post more based garland.
No one fucking does this.
t. Lyse
Please look forward to it
we literally have no idea, I personally think Matoya is gonna pull a Louisoix and sacrifice herself to get us there
Any pics of this set on a Roegadyn for comparison?
You see like 4 seconds, who the fuck knows what happened.
New classes don't interest me so I'm going WAR all the way, like I always do. Just gonna cruise through the story at my leisure.
People were selling the Taffeta Shawl and Light steel galerus for 200k+
t. lala
>she doesn't ever steal credit from WoL and thanks/praises you constantly
Nigga she killed a PRIMAL at 25% HP with a limitbreak.
>advertise Lyse with big highlander titties
>just give her regular ones in SB
Why does Minfilia get to have them and not her
Because they don't consider women fully responsible for their own actions. They are viewed and get treated as a kids basically. Of course that is not as prominent nowdays, but it is still a cultural thing.
It's so they can push people through in two large waves to hopefully avoid the game shitting itself. Pre-order people versus off the shelf people.
Do we even know why they gave a shit about Ala Mhigo because I'm pretty sure both of them aren't Ala Mhigan?
>regular ones
Lyse literally has 0 on the bust slider
Looks fine to me. Whatever issue you see with this is easily fixed when they stand straight anyway. If any race has a problem with stretched armor, it's definitely roegadyn.
DRK, like I have since HW
They change the mechanics combos and slightly expand on others. Very rarely are new mechanics added. You literally walk into savage knowing, at minimum, half the fight. That's not an insignificant amount of prog.
>having any room to talk
Literally caused two, maybe three expansions
>Main thing Lyse did wrong was have smaller breasts than in the trailer.
People may disagree on the other points, but this is unironically correct.