Games only """"""journalists"""""" care.
Games only """"""journalists"""""" care
>Gone Home.
Bioware must die
*care ABOUT.
You stupid motherfucker.
op is a retard
Literally everyone hates this game and the honeymoon is over
your mad
Because you write like shit you son of the fattest bitch imaginable.
Was there ever a honeymoon though? I literally only saw the media and some paid shills talking about this game.
Games only Journalists Car about:
Gone Home
Depression Quest
Really just any pretentious indie walking simulator that has had any buzz in the past few years.
If anything, people hate it less now, the honeymoon phase was when everyone was laughing at it.
Now the only ones mocking it are the ones who actually bought the game.
Destiny 1 and 2.
There were people who unironically bought it day one and clung on to it. But the content just isn't there. Months later and the content still isn't there. The game is unironically dead because the only people still playing it only play the same mission on the same difficulty over and over again because it's the only part of the game that doesn't hand out shit loot.
I simply cannot understand how could anyone preorder that game. There was NOTHING to it. It always looked extremely bland and boring. Considering EA/Bethesda track record lately, it should have been pretty obvious.
These people must be the closest thing to human cattle.
EA/Bioware i meant.
I already have buyer's remorse....don't do this to me man ;_;
Tells us your story. WHY did you fall for it, user? WHY?
Everyone that played it was excited for the potential but nothing ever came and now no one plays anymore
>Fell for ironman meme
>High expectation due to bioware name
>Thought they'd learn from Destiny and Warframe because of all the time they'd had
>MUH STORY MUH CHOICES (You only get like 2 choices in convos, smug, and slightly more smug)
>High expectation due to bioware name
user, where have you been this past decade?
We can all forgive you because you learned from it. Remember some people NEVER do.
The underlying structure of the game was actually very fun, and I enjoy looter shooters. Unfortunately it was exactly like warframe where the things to do were pointless and the missions all felt the same. The endgame damage paths were pretty unbalanced too
Not playing bioware games I can tell you that. The Kotor games were a big chunk of my early years though.
What is your obsession with games journalists?