Buildin' a sentry!
>scout rushes in avoiding your shitty sentry's A.I and shoots it to scraps before bonking you to death
Buildin' a sentr-
>demonigger effortlessly shoots stickies around sentry nest before pilling me to death
Buildin' a se-
>screaming Heavy rounds the corner and punches sentry into scrap before taunt killing me
>spy facestabs me and red tape records my sentry
>get sniped by a tiny colored dot living across the map
>soldier shoots in general vicinity of me and my sentry with a crocket
>medic crits me with a solemn vow as my sentry is building before 4 heavies swarm from behind him and destroy my nest
>enemy engineer throws down a mini sentry in under .5 seconds in front of my still-building level 1 sentry
>pyro rounds the corner
Buildin' a sentry!
Whoa its like you need time to setup and properly position your sentry.
Just get good faggot
Wow, what a high IQ class!
Meanwhile the enemy engineer always has backup from a pyro, a heavy, and a sniper and is completely untouchable.
All Engie needs are more buildings types and maybe a buff to the Sentry in the form of better AI.
Suggest new buildings. PDAs with Dispenser and tele replacements and wrenches with sentry replacements.
>Not protecting your baby with your shotgun
Yeah, playing engineer is fucking hard.
If only there was some kind of motivation to be found... some proof that engineers could be effective - great even... a webm or something like that...
A sentry that builds quickly and has a chunky amount of HP but does not ever fire on it's own.
Instead it mimics the actions of the engineer that built it. If you fire a shotgun, it fires a shotgun. If you fire a pistol, it fires a pistol. It gives engineer a reason to DM a little and also a reason to use something other than the wrangler.
If you swing a wrench, it swings a wrench so you could also use it to repair and upgrade things from a distance.
yes If only there was some way to learn more information about this
That's the price you pay for having the single realistically-highest potential DPS of any class.
If I had time I would make an entire thread dedicated to TF2 version of DHMIS
Sorry user but this is one of the most stupid sentry ideas I've ever read.
Aw nuts
Just cut off your hand and shoot people while they're distracted by your piss shooter
Engineer is still a bitch to play even when you are setup
>scout corner peaks your sentry
>try to attack scout
>get two shot
>demo corner peaks sentry or places stickies around it
>try to attack demo
>get two shot by launcher
>heavy + medic rush in and destroy it
>spy saps sentry
>try to attack him
>he runs up and facestabs you
>soldier corner peaks sentry
>try to attack him
>either get two shot or one shot depending on the launcher used
>> maybe a buff to the Sentry in the form of better AI.
>Anyone runs around the corner or straight forward towards my sentry and they get lit up before getting too close
>Pyro runs around the corner or straight forward and somehow deals hard damage to my sentry while my sentry forgets its sentry and lets the pyro get close to it
Are you using the wrangerler