why does Yea Forums have a hate boner on CD projekt ?
Why does Yea Forums have a hate boner on CD projekt ?
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Their marketing and Reddit/YouTube appeal is annoying
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
CDP: No LGBT FoLkS In oUR gaMes
why does reddit have a regular boner on CD projekt ?
They lie a lot.
>medicore games
>constant lying and hipocrisy
>trying to keep a "we're total bros amirite :)" attitude throughout it all which makes it extra annoying
and of course
>normies love the shit out of them which makes Yea Forums's contrarian instincts kick in
Some Yea Forumsirgins bit hard on the "plucky underdog doing it out of love" marketing campaign and refuse to believe anything else.
There are none so blind as those that won't see.
>Arent popular
>Get incredible popular
Also few autistic shitposters who cannot stop writing lies about them
Pic related
That hate boner is about to lower since they will finally release a game on the Nintendo system.
TW3 sucked balls but I hope they compensate with cyberpunk
Yea Forums will find a way to be contrarians even if it meant having their anus probed by Tyrone
its too mainstream and now the shut ins are upset people know about a game they have been seething in anticipation about has exploded in stardom with Keanu at the forefront of it
Yea Forums unironically is filled with hipsters who want their niche to stay niche
because it's popular
Because they are not Japanese
Because they acknowledge that trans people would probably exist in future San Francisco
Extremely overrated.
This is CDPR, say something nice about them
white and based, fuck the US and fuck Yea Forums
ESL be gone
vee is very tsundere about dickgirls
consolekiddies hate CDPR because theyre the posterchild for the PC platform
intense jealousy
>No nigger
>Huge ammount of QT3,14s
>No basedface
they're making new vegas 2 basically, except with more cool shit
I have a love boner for them.
GoG is the last chance for gaming.
Based Chang
if only this were true.
>Very few wemen
>they don't have any weird hair colors like green, blue or purple
I'd gladly let you fangirls have fun with it but you just won't shut the fuck up about it everywhere.
When are mods gonna ban these posts
>no cute dev gf
are you blind?
the less faggot representation the better
Yeah, I guess I missed the yellow haired thing
They are fucked
When given the choice between transsexuals and GAMERS, they chose to respect trannies.
40Gb of hard drive space #willnotbeerased on my watch.
fucked up the Saints Row 2 port
they make normie games
they are also very popular, probably the second most popular after rockstar
Yet she's the one who pissed off sjws with the tranny ad
Because it's Yea Forums
That's him?
This. Yea Forums is loaded with low functioning nerds with nonexistent motorskills that only play turn based Japanese garbage that they pretend to understand the story but the truth is they're awfully written naratives only people with spectrum disorders can follow or at least pretend to enjoy because everyrhing else that they're not good at sucks.
>pic related
I wanted an RPG not a cinematic action/adventure game
I was out here telling sunfags to fuck off too but they were right
they used to be /ourguys/, made games "by gamers for gamers", but then those Polaken Kurwaken sold out because they wanted to be like Bethesda and Rockstar.
They are only an iota better than Ubishit and Activision at this point because they don't shove microtransactions in their generic lowest common deniminator Redditbait, YET.
could you express your opinion without exposing yourself as a twitter-obsessed cunt?
Hello re**it, don't forget to put me in the screenshots r/Yea Forums/
I was ready to agree with you until I saw that you were the autistic namefag sperg that does the same shit.
Thanks for reminding me to filter your posts.
success breeds jealousy
Autism is a superpower.
Normalfaggotry is a disability.
They haven't even banned seething dilate threads. Never.
that's all you need to know, really
That is not her real hair you fucking hobo. The girl don't have any hair.
Please tell me that in the original image there was a dog in that car and not an autistic sperg
in fact there was a grown ass neckbeard manchild with a Mario hat bing binging on his Switch
Because they are a good company that makes good games.
Yea Forums is contrarian to the core and generally and must have an opposing view/opinion except very rare cases.
CDPR is good therefore Yea Forums thinks it's bad.
They lied about the downgrades and they lied about REDkit. Now they're scrapping features out of CP2077 and wasting their budget on crappy Jewlywood personas and tranny gender options.
Also their unpaid legion of toilet cleaners ruin everything they infest.
Fanboys claim they're some god tier developer who make 10/10 games and laud them as the second coming of Jesus Christ.
When actually Witcher 3 was kind of meh, the open world wasn't that good, it was pretty but not something I felt like I wanted to explore in and the combat was at times so off-putting that I didn't want to play the game anymore. The story is also not as great as people claim it is and most quests are also pretty boring except for the Baron questline.
And whenever there are people claiming something is 10/10 the best thing ever there will be people who shit on it just because those people praising it are most often than not wrong so why not shit on them
You're not wrong, I hate when games I like go mainstream. I hate the crowd it brings in, I hate that people who don't already love something that's niche just come in for a month or two and pretend its their favorite game since forever because their favorite streamer played it.
I envy people who enjoy flight sims since its very unlikely normalfags will ever infiltrate their ranks
if pic related ever gets a remake and is the new hot thing I'm going to have a fit
I feel ya, when things catch mainstream attention it gets milked hard, blame popularity or blame the stages of inevitable exploitation thanks to the way of capitalism, pretty much any game with sequels turns to shit sooner or later
There’s one autist who hates them so badly he’s waging a one man shitposting campaign against them. It just makes it all the funnier when CDPR sends out another GOTY that sells 20 million.
>why does Yea Forums have a hate boner on CD projekt ?
It doesn't. Most of Yea Forums thinks CDPR are the best current video game devs in existence.
The ones that hate them are just a loud minority.
As to why they hate them, there are many different reasons. You have SJWs that think they're too white male-centric. You have Bloodborne fans and other action RPG fans that are STILL butthurt TW3 mogged them all (even though TW1 and TW2 did it already but not in the normiesphere).
who cares
This might explain it.
Fagboys will claim the Witcher 3 was kinda meh, the open world wasn't that good, yet cannot name a SINGLE game that is universally lauded by normies and neets alike to be better. It happens EVERY thread someone shits on TW3, and I've yet to hear of a serious contender.
That thing with the yellow hair bro...
its the perfect explaination
Do any of the women do anything meaningful when it comes to the actual making of the game like coding/animating the game ect... or do they have very menial tasks at cdpr?
Fags deserve death
The combat does turn a lot of people away from it though. I liked the story and geralt enough to stick with it. The other thing that annoys me is the lack of challenge. Deathmarch is what the reg difficulty should of been. Anything below that is a complete joke.
>Yea Forums is one person
he based
The woman with the Mohawk that Yea Forums was sperging out at is one of the concept art leads and helped design all those recent posters. Also a woman wrote the Bloody Baron storyline.
Yep. It’s very specific autism, Obsidian and CDPR get negative threads, Bioware and Bethesda get positive threads. Remember all those MEA threads where the OPs bragged about how Andromeda was going to destroy CDPR and W3?
Behold my autism, I actually summed up that video.
I feel like things are never going to be good again. All I can do is join or build small communities and hope no one ever discovers them. Maybe if technology faces another evolution and creates a new popular thing that only attracts normalfags and replaces the analog internet. Maybe then we can have another era of creativity
I liked the combat. They were aiming for realism, and less for the 'video gamey' feel which is why you can't jump and slash in midair and perform combos.
And as you said, if you played on Deathmarch you would have 0 qualms with the difficulty. I agree it was easy, but I'd rather have easy than difficult. The thing with RPGs is, the gameplay is merely vehicle for the story. So many people forget that. And TW3 has better combat than Deus Ex, VtMB, Thief, all the TES' and all the other lauded RPGs combined. People only complain about it because there's nothing else to complain about.
I hate how this is basically reddit 2 except you don't get banned for saying nigger. I hate you, where do I find a niche place big enough to talk about stuff with a lot of people but small enough to weed little shits like you out?
go to resetera to stay with your ilk
This is unironically the least disgusting dev team I've seen in a long time
I think you are one of the most retarded on this board, congratulations on being below average