U-mm, user-san... Are you... Interested in older women?

U-mm, user-san... Are you... Interested in older women?...

Attached: f81bd5b2fe4c51d31849cfa259983cf4.png (500x500, 146K)

Hang yourself, P5zoomer. Only the first 3 persona games exist.

depends I mean after all Kashiwagi is best girl

Stinky homeless gypsy

You're dead. Torment me no longer, spirit.

>older woman
>sounds young
>looks young
what's this character's target demographic

>ywn have a drug-infused 12 hour long tantric sex session with this dirty hippy

Attached: 1560518888536.jpg (428x589, 123K)

Persona 5 is a game for 16 year olds. She's an older woman by their standards.


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Am I really supposed to believe that a people as docile and basically utterly cucked as the Japanese in her home town got so mad at this chick for accurately predicting how trash they were at life that they burned her fucking house down while she was in it and chased her out of town?

Attached: 62776330_p0.jpg (2550x3300, 1.27M)

>what's this character's target demographic
Incels. They are intimidated by actual women so all their "women" look and behave just like little girls.


>this is a little girl
wtf I'm a paedo now

Attached: file.png (476x1691, 681K)

>look and behave just like little girls.
if this doesn't get you hard you got the homo

Yes. Now good bye, it was nice meeting you.

Only in this one.
And Sae.

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People who enjoy lies
But for me, its my wife Maiko!

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exquisite taste

gyppos are scum

yeah totally. Where's the /gfd/ at?

>the reaction of her father at link 10

Why yes. How could you tell?

Attached: Morgana.png (736x580, 176K)

Just because they're quiet about it and hide the shit they pull doesn't mean the Japanese can't be just as disgusting as the rest of the world.

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Thanks for reminding me about that you fucker.

>'''''actual women'''''

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Her brief scene in the anime was actually pretty kino
doesn't seem to be on youtube though since no one gives a shit about Chihaya

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>P3 MC - robutt
>P4 MC - little girls
>P5 MC - cakes
What's the P6 MC going to be into?

littler girls


P2 MC has that covered already

How old are we talking about?
13 year old matrons?

Yes! I love Fuuka!

Attached: Bridal Fuuka.png (650x507, 287K)

Family members

as long as they are still alive.

little boys

Attached: femc.png (325x978, 219K)

She said older

Furry girls

>yfw one of miyu matsuki's last posts was about wanting to gell well enough so that she could get married

it will never stop hurting

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Best girl in Persona 5, prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't, and Yukari and Ai were the best girls of 3 and 4 respectovely too.

Yeah, I'm dating Kawakami, why do you ask?

Chihaya is like, 21-22 max. She's the youngest older woman option.

Attached: miyu blog.jpg (1421x3526, 1.18M)

>tfw 20 years old
>a 26-28 years old girl, really cute, was starring at me for at least 50 seconds with a curious face
I don't know how to act in moments like this

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SEETHING trannies. Dilate

Fuck you I just don't like old womem

Haha, my wife Chihaya is so cute

Fuuka is older than me!

Attached: Fuuka's Eyes.jpg (477x687, 123K)

Attached: oh crap. she's going to be real sad when she finds out i'm dead.png (1262x1326, 1.47M)

Not even memeing


Absolutely no one:

Literally not one soul:

Incels on the internet: I KeEp SeXuAlIzInG aLl WoMeN dEsPiTE nOt GeTtInG aNy

Stare at her back until she fucks off with this face.

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>People unironically went after the fortune teller
Oh no no no no no no

Attached: Haha+what+a+slut+_6155cdc5cdfe1deb83922ba425d7cc79.png (467x456, 199K)

I don't get how I'm supposed to read this meme from reddit or whatever the fuck that you guys keep repeating nowadays

Her and Tae were the only ones who weren't annoying by the end of their Confidants to be fair.

She's objectively better than the majority of the female cast what's your problem faggot?

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>Personafags all start posting after the American schoolday is finished
Really makes you think

But Schools out for summer

Isn't Haru like one year older than Joker?

I feel like it's mostly manchildren in these threads and not actual children honestly

all the actual children go to smash threads

You werent annoyed by Futaba were you? You fucking monster

Based retard

ok virgin

>roastie teacher with poodle hair is the "popular" one
i know weebs have shit taste in general but god DAMN


Seething Fatlusfag

>older women
I'm at the age where older women in games and anime are younger then me.


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Her confidant was good but more because of it's contents than her specifically, it involved a bunch of different characters all just hanging out

Will you let me put it in your butt?

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Her and hifume just suck ass. they are boring

How could anyone be annoyed by best girl?

I dunno, i liked seeing her make progress slowly. And the Mishima scene was great.

Futaba: Bland looks, plain, boring speech pattern, no sex appeal whatsoever.... Mishima, are you an NPC?

Mishima: .....

Protagonist: Savage

I want to sex her while she spouts chuuni nonsense

Attached: Sunbeam -Persona 5- Conceal and Reveal - Part 2 (a).png (923x1397, 659K)

>t. landwhale cat lady who thinks men don't like her because they're intimidated

She'd be popular if she was boring honestly, the most popular chicks in the game have by far the most repetitive and boring s.links in the game.

Futaba's was great but she was the least entertaining part of it somehow, I don't even particularly dislike her either
her and Yusuke had the best part confidants overall for sure

What do you mean first 3? Other than spin-offs there's only P3 P4 and P5...

I didnt like Yusuke at all first playthrough, only reached like level 3 confidant, but then i did it all on NG+, and im man enough to admit when im wrong. Yusuke is a great character

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Tae, Kawakami and Chihaya are the best romantic confidants actually, though Hifume is alright too. How is it all the female party members are so much worse by comparison? Only decent one was Futaba but I can't help but see her as more of a little sis.

Kawakami walks old peoples dogs for money

Attached: YJAYR -Persona 5- Kawakami Sadayo 01.jpg (879x1500, 491K)

If that user likes Chihaya's Confidant he should like Futaba's as well.

>Futaba and Chihaya - Joker helping some fucked up dumbass come out of their shell and live properly, clingy chicks that attempt to make the player feel like a hero
>Makoto and Kawakami - Supposed to be smart, actually the most retarded chicks in the game and spend the entire Confidant complaining about the most menial shit, people like them because they initially seem great and have deluded themselves into ignoring how bad their Confidants actually are (in Kawakami's case you at least unlock overpowered abilities though)
>Haru and Ohya - They're both shit and no one cares about them lmaooo
>Ann and Tae - Hot but kinda boring all in all, no real character beyond both having a misleading image about them, but they're inoffensive at least. Simple girls for simple people.

Ann was ok, shame her condidant line ended on that shitty modelling thing.

And i liked Haru too, though i guess she is a little boring compared to the others

Based and milf pilled.

>I wanna fuck this autistic girl
Yikes. Futaba is cute though :^)