>a PC can do everything an Xbox One and PS4 can, and can be improved with custom parts without voiding some shitty warranty
>Nintendo Switch is the only console that provides ways to play that can't be done (usually) on PC's
why haven't you jumped on the PC/Switch combo yet and stopped paying for toddlerbox computers?
A PC can do everything an Xbox One and PS4 can...
Other urls found in this thread:
good troll! u really made me butthurt XD
I have a midrange PC (for 1080p60), a PS3 I got in January for old exclusives, a SNES (with a currently broken CRT, at least I hope it's the CRT and not the RCA cables or the peritel) and a 3DS that's gathering dust. Do I pass?
Not him but you own a PC anyway right?
Imagine wasting your life shilling for a children's toy company.
and also
>thinking that you require 1200 dollars to play games with the same performance as a console
>meanwhile, console companies are able to sell their toddlerbox computers for less than 400 dollars and still turn a profit
It's not that parts are too expensive, it's just that you're shit at finding parts and building computers. this doesn't just apply to you, but to everyone who thinks the same as you do
>Paying every month for basic features
cope and seethe and dilate and have sex
>>Nintendo Switch is the only console that provides ways to play that can't be done (usually) on PC's
So that's why it's full of years old indies and downgraded mainstream shit.
Good to know.
>expression of positive opinion upon something I don't like
>while simultaneously expressing negative opinion about something I do like
>must be shilling!
imagine wasting your life and hard drive space bitching about a toy company
>Ran me a little over 600 euros at the time the 1050ti came out, budget build.
>Emulators, Piracy, Milsims, Mods, Pornographic Vidya with Mods, no Censorship, Mods.
Did you run out of onions enemas, faggot?
>downgraded mainstream shit
That's why in my OP I mentioned a PC/Switch combo, retard
cant play ninja gaiden black and 2 on pc
Switch is already emulatable
imagine buying a cucksole this generation
but can it play bloodborne?
Why are they always compelled to make that fucking face? Why can't a simple smile, maybe with a touch of teeth, be enough?
>believing companies don't shill on Yea Forums
>2019 1/2
My point is that spouting shill doesn't actually make any arguments against what I posted
my thing is:
if you know your right, why do you argue about it and force your opinions on everyone every time it's mentioned?
>a PC can do everything an Xbox One and PS4 can
How's your playthrough of Bloodborne and Uncharted coming along?
>why haven't you jumped on the PC/Switch combo yet and stopped paying for toddlerbox computers?
Because I rather have an Xbox Scarlett and Switch over some $1000 PC, shill.
>switch shilling
its a dead console already, generic nintenkiddo games and 5 year old downgraded ports.
>I don't know how to refute his arguments so I'll just call him a shill lol I win!
I already have the ultimate combo. Switch + PC. But I have to admit, by the time Tsushima and Death Stranding come out I might get memed into getting a second hand ps4.
>not getting a ps4 to be a bluray player/youtube/netflix machine and to play exclusives.
both on PS now (for free)
seethe snoy
Everything is best on Switch. No reason to own anything but a Switch
>muh graphics
Nobody cares
idgaf about grafix but poor framerate really fucks with my ability to enjoy a game
>>not getting a ps4 to be a bluray player/youtube/netflix machine
You mean a TV?
>and to play exclusives
There are none
I like the console gaming experience more, the plug and play, the whole owning a physical copy thing, the fact that it's designed from the ground up for a living room experience.
I still own a pretty capable PC (1070 ti) for when I want to pirate new games but if I can I prefer playing on consoles.
To be fair I'm worried about the next generation, Microsoft is basically dead and Sony dropped the ball really hard recently, and Nintendo has their head too far up their ass to be the industry's savior so I guess I'll stick around with PC and see how it goes.
a PC is enough, i don't care about Nintendo or any of their exclusives.
Mother fucker I dare your ass to build a PC at the same price and power as the Xbox Scarlett next year, you can't go over the revealed price point when you do it.
You should have said Spiderman or even Horizon... Uncharted is shit m8
Oh boy for the low price of $300 I can
A) Play games I'll run through once and be done with
B) Play games at a framerate with drops that I already deemed so unacceptable that I dropped $250 on a better CPU to prevent them
What a fricken epic combos guys. I'll order one today so I can smear it with my feces-covered hands in the 3-minutes that I'm in the bathroom ASAP, because if you didn't know, you can play it on the toilet guys!!!
>>Nintendo Switch is the only console that provides ways to play that can't be done (usually) on PC's
Well, remote play is a thing on phones now so you can have your entire PC library playable on the go, whether or not you want to do that with touch controls or a weird controller setup I can't say.
Yea ForumstendieGAF shilling this fisher price tablet so hard will never get old lol
>Nintendo Switch is the only console that provides ways to play that can't be done (usually) on PC's
What a load of shit.
There are actual portable sized PCs. There are also laptops if you aren't a sperg who HAS to play games on the bus (come on, 99% of the time you're just playing them on some other place within your house, mostly the shitter or bed). Speaking of which Vita is just as good as the Switch for those 99% of situations, considering you can play your PS4 on it with wifi.
To me the portability argument is completely irrelevant because I just can't find the mood to play games on the metro/bus (the ONLY places where Switch would offer any sort of advantage) and I just listen to videos/podcasts instead, they're enough of a distraction while keeping an eye around my surroundings.
I don't yet have a Switch because it doesn't have any game I care about. The "off-brand" games I enjoy like Advance Wars, Golden Sun, Battlenetwork, etc are nowhere to be seen. Lately the things that made me glued to the 3DS were MonHun and Etrian Odyssey, one of which is on every other platform except for the Switch (MHXX is absolute trash and I already invested more hours than I want to admit on the 3DS version) and the latest EO game still came out on 3DS.
SMTV is the one and only game I actually give a shit about, that was announced on Switch's reveal and there's still no news outside of rumors of development hell.
Also there are many things a PC can't replicate from the PS4, such as day1 launches, like not waiting 3 weeks on Automata to get my shit absolutely spoiled and then massive troubleshooting problems on release because most jap ports are a mess. There is zero port begging because games will guarantee release day1 on PS4 while it's always a gamble on PC, where is EDF5 for example? It released in the west December last year and despite EDF4.1 seeing a release on PC there are no news on 5. Unless you are a fan of nothing, PC is a shit platform for jap games.
Can a PC let me play online multiplayer games with a controller along with only other controller user?
If you want to replace consoles with PCs then you might as well replace the Switch with a tablet.
Tendies hiding behind PC again.
What an insecure fanbase. They know their toy tablet can't stand on it's own so they have to hide behind another platform.
damn... this nigrump straight dumb af
You can emulate the Switch now so that's useless. PC is the best platform for multiplats.
PS4 if you want Sony exclusives. The Switch is useless.
Shut the fuck up
I completed botw without problems on PC,the switch emulator is close to running Odyssey perfectly,the only two games that matters on switch are already emulated,switchlets BTFO
Nintendie shit never goes to PC so you're right, but is it really worth spending $300+ on a new console/accessories to play it? $300 for Smash and Breath of the Wild? Especially since BotW emulated pretty decently now and it's a single player game so you don't need online?
>PC/Switch combo
pc can play botw at a higher res and framerate than a real switch (cemu)
switch emulation is going to make nintendo irrelevant in less than 1 year
I can play Switch games on my PC, I can also already play games on my laptop or tablet if I want portability, so get the shitty recolored and closed source version of Nvidia shield, AKA the Switch, outta of that combo..
The same faggot who is posting Switch can be emulated is now shitting up 2 threads at once.
Listen up niger emulating 1 game badly isnt equal to emulating an entire console library you dingus.
PC can let you play on controller against KB+M without being at severe disadvantage.
But it's the only game worth playing?
Actually not my opinion, BotW is open-meme shit that ditched everything that made Zelda games Zelda games. If I can't be bothered to emulate Switch why would I be bothered to buy one?
Yuzu emulator as well.
I just bought a switch and I need a selfie. How much do I have to open my mouth?
The portability argument was always retarded, the sheer size and bulk of the Switch makes it highly unpractical to carry around with you unless you're one of those weak onions guzzling faggot walking around with a purse like bag not to mention the abyssmal battery life.
Reminder that buying a new console means you need to buy online and controllers for it. Whereas on a PC you can use any controller you want and you're already paying the online. Convincing someone to go from solo PC to PC+console is much more of a hard sell than convincing someone on console to go console+PC
tl:dr if you have a Switch it's worth it to look into PC gaming as well, but not the other way around.
why not just own everything rather than being such a pleb
Best combo is PC + borrow PS4 for Bloodborne from some snoygoy friend. Or just buy a used one and sell it after finishing Bloodborne.
when your console has two or three games worth playing why care about an entire library dumbfuck,also,botw is perfect playable with framers and resolutions above the switch,on an 1050ti,and a modern i3, dumbfuck
>sony exclusives
lmao no one wants your shit movie games
I agree that running games better than the Switch isn't particularly great quality to begin with, but unlike a Switch(Or console in general), PC gets graphical updates for these programs.
Open the entire mouth.
>2 or 3 games
thats 2 or 3 games more then xbone or snoystation has
I know right?
I'd be scared to death breaking the fucking thing, not to mention Nintendo is the worst platform holder in existence and can't even make cloud saves right. I will NEVER buy a console without having 100% of its library cloud save-able. I laughed when I heard the upcoming Animal Crossing won't have them either, just imagine the 2500 hour sperg losing his save for 1 of 50 possible reasons and not being able to get it back.
I ain't using that shit nigga
PC has:
>no games
>no classics worth playing
>shoddy emulation inferior to the real hardware
>OS overhead resulting in input lag
>boasts a mediocre input method with no force feedback, no analog input and is literally only good for one genre: point & clickers
>mods are dead and now PC gamers only have titty mods, shrek mods and epic meme mods instead of TCs and massive content expansion
>digitally cucked, no physical ownership, all digital services require you to agree to the fact you don't own nothing
>bloated prices for hardware, poor dev support means little optimization, forcing you to upgrade to keep up with 60fps1080p, let alone the 1440p/144hz memes
>delayed releases
>no exclusives
>a literal platform war between download services
>the highest number of trannies
>the highest number of furries
>the most amount of spying
>can't even turn off updates on steam any more, updates are forced upon use
>no meaningful support from japanese devs
Why should I play on PC again?
>PS4 has no exclusives
>pls port this game to PC I buy 3 copies on steam
Which is it faggot?
Why own useless paperweights when you can get a platform that inevitably gets all the games?
I don't think everyone is so obsessed with playing games that they'd have to take it everywhere.
when I said own everything I meant everything
Don't even get a switch , breath of the wild can be played on pc
What an embarrassed thread.
>settling for inferior emulation
Lmao what snoy games do you think im begging for? There hasn't been one worth playing since BB and that was 4 years ago
switch is emulatable
dont group us with u manchildren
Why would I get a PC when I can buy a PS4 and Xbox for cheaper?
It's literally a Soul vs Souless thing. Why have the same old shitbox playing the same old games using the same old hardware giving money to the same old fat jew when it's more fun to set up and fuck around with various hardware?
Playing Halo on Xbone has a distinct feel to it, playing the latest Japan studio on PS4 has a distinct feel to it, playing the latest Mario game on Wii U has a distinct feel to it.
Im going out and buying a switch today
everything means everything
b-but you can play with shitty homogenized hardware and input methods and poorly implemented xinput built for the 360 controller from 15 years ago.
>Nintendo Switch is the only console that provides ways to play that can't be done (usually) on PC's
You realize that there exist a HUGE slew of new laptops released in the past few years that are extremely thin and lightweight with good battery life and can get upwards of a 14,000 FireStrike score, right? Inb4 kiddies complain they can't afford pocket change for the average adult.
not seeing any xbox, sat, PCE, neogeo, basically just all lowest common denominator shit. Gonna post your hidden gem library consisting of mgs, sotn, ff7 and crash bandicoot next?
Because I’m not a poorfag like you and own all 4.
Anyone else tired of these marketing shills?
yeah but no games so who cares
Is iBuypower PCs a good service? Or should I just go fuck myself?
>it's s-shilling!
I have a switch and most of what it gets is shit I played, often on my pc, years ago.
It's boring.
>Why should I play on PC again?
You can play on platform you want as long as it keeps you busy and stops from posting such low quality baits. Not even worth a pity (you).
and then you run out of games
Fucking peabrained mouthbreathing nigger, consoles are cheap because they are manufactured with wholesale parts. Meanwhile retard incel in his basement has to shell out for his "gayman" pc parts sold at scalper prices
sadly no pc engine, neo geo, or commodore. I also don't have a dos computer anymore. I have a lot of atari. If you really wanna know what gets the panties to drop I've got a couple of ti83's and a transfer cable
lmao, seething
this reeks of damage control
You can use Steam Input to properly use gyro on Dualshock or Switch controller. Sticks are inferior to trackpads though. And both trackpad and stick are inferior to keyboard for movement.
> keyboard for movement.
>only cardinal&ordinal controls
>no analog input
>more games than his toybox, infinitely more exclusives in particular.
>all the classics worth playing, even the ones on his legacy consoles.
>constantly updated emulation that ends up running games better than his abandoned console.
>thinks his console isn't using an OS of which takes up a few gigs of his console's hard drive. Not realizing that his console is just a locked down shitty PC.
>Brainlet doesn't realize that PC has all the input methods.
>thinks mods are dead
>ignores the hard drive in his console and the fact that the fragile disks he has are mere installation discs.Too tech illiterate to know that you can back up something in spite of it being acquired digitally. Ignores that his consoles are going toward a streaming platform, so he will be even more cucked compared to PC, than already.
>thinks his low spec paperweight that will be abandoned is a good deal.
>constant releases, unlike on console and their
players who will praise any piece of scraps released, due to being so starved for content.
>A stance against console faggot practices trying to proliferate on PC.
>outing himself as a tranny
>outing himself as a furry
>actual security options , unlike on console
>thinks Steam is needed to even run games much less that updates matter or can't be mitigated.
>more and more Japanese dev support with each passing day.
Not as comfy at the couch and no RDR2 :)
>what is emulation
Switch shill threads are always cringe.
I beat it just fine on PC, didn't even need to buy them.
maximum cope: engaged
I'm a PC gamer and I won't get a Switch because I'm not 10 years old or a manchild.
no, im pretty sure the soi meme is cringe though
But I already have your games.
The Switch is a shitty fisher price tablet with nothing but ports that are superior on real consoles.
PC and PS4 are the only platforms that matter.
Post your copy of gravity rush 2 and monster boy then
I don't play games alone. I have friends. For that reason I game on console and away from NEET PCs
he said games not interactive movies, brainlet
Keyboard is precise and instant.
Stick is sloppy.
Having full control over just 8 directions and a couple movement states (sprint, walk) is better than 360 degrees and gradual speed scale shoved into one wobbly plastic shroom. Analog movement might look good in 3rd person but sucks ass functionally.
>sucks ass functionally.
>it's not good for my point & click games like fortnite
yeah, but try playing better games instead.
how do I play red dead redemption and metal gear solid on my pc guys? I was told pc can do everything
Wait 40years for it to be emulateable
first you must write a petition
>why haven't you jumped on the PC/Switch combo yet and stopped paying for toddlerbox computers?
There is not a single game on switch that I am interested in playing.
>a pc only game
Holy fucking BASED retard
>Spend 1500 bux on a PC
>Just to play indie shit, MMOs and autism simulators.
>"But I get the best version of multiplats and those are the games that make up most collections!!!!!!!!!!"
>Install a multiplat, its poorly optimized for PC and runs at 15 frames while frequently crashing
>"Haha console games are shit anyway!"
>Installs Epic Gamers launcher because they keep buying PC exclusivity on multiplats
>"But at least I dont have to pay for xboxlive/psn! Hahahah!"
You suuuuure got us beat.
Oh you only play PC only games like horses & swords IV, dragon's dildo: Gold Edition and Flight Control Management Simulator 2018.
>point & click
>keyboard movement
Not to mention that Xbox Scarlett and PS5 are just ditching trying to be a console and be more like an inferior PC.
I seriously hope you aren't playing games keyboard only
Gravity Rush Remastered is on PSnow, I expect the sequel to be there too eventually. Though it looks easy enough to emulate in time if it hasn't already. Like pointed out before in this thread, PC gets all the games at the end of the day.
Ain't gonna lie, I got the PS3 for the Blu-ray player back in the day and feel in love with the Killzone series. Got the PS4 for the sequel and damn what a waste of money. But found God of War and Uncharted, which provided me with hours of enjoyment.
>not a manchild
Literally on a video game form trying to act superior for playing on PC. Why are PC gamers the biggest children?
>Planned Release Date: July 25
where's your copy? I beat the game half a year ago.
> PSnow
>16frames of input lag
truly an experience fitting of the master races standards.
Name one switch exclusive that isn't a children's game.
Japanese games are dirt cheap on consoles. Pick of Dynasty warriors 9 for $14 instead of $60 on steam.
>Streaming shit
Are you retarded?
People who install Epic Games launcher obviously buy pre-build 1500$ computers (due to having same mental disabilities as consoleniggers) which explains why it runs multiplat at 15 fps.
He's a PC gamer, what do you think?
my brain is hardwired to computers = work so I prefer consoles over PC to play vydia any day of the week, besides I enjoy vydia for what they are "games" rather than how technically impressive a game can look.
I play platformers, shmups, top-down/3rd person actions without camera control and early FPS on keyboard only.
>on keyboard only.
so you're a philistine like all other pc gamers
>Consigning gamepads to be a console only thing because of tribalism
You arent' a true PC master race.
kill yourself nintendofag
I have, but I still have a PS4 Pro for exclusives, and an Xbone X for an expensive paperweight (especially once Halo hits Steam).
>paying 350$ for a console that's not only inferior to a PC, its also inferior to other consoles
Because I'm not a retarded manchild desperately trying to recapture my youth by playing smash and pokemon.
That's literally the entirety of nintendos audience at this point, people who are so pathetic they pay full price for budget hardware so they can pretend they're 11 years old by playing a bad fighting game.
I work in the I.T field and spend alot of time at desk. I been gaming on console more lately because it's comfy.
>Spend 600 bux for inferior performance to a PC build for the same price, just to play a handful of exclusives that take the entire life span of the console to come out before being abandoned. Exclusives that will inevitably come to PC.
>CoughCrashCough, CoughDemonSoulsCough, CoughDavidCage, CoughBloodborneCough,CoughUnchartedCough, CoughLastofUsCough, CoughGearsCollectionCough, CoughHaloCollectionCough, CoughEntireNintendoCatologueCough.
>indie shit keeping consoles on life support while the exclusives are taking their time getting made.
>multiplat always poor quality on console, due to being a console, with no options to improve it, unlike on PC.
>buying Epic timed exclusives ever. So shitty that the devs still depend on Steam for life support at the end of the day.
>gloating about paying for online........
Conventional controllers are console only thing because PC has objectively better alternative
oh wow games that were so bad it crashed the industry great defense for your lack of anything remarkable
My PS4 cost $200
My video card cost $200
I wonder, user
Bleh, switch doesn't appeal to me. I can emulate those games too, and I usually don't need to play on the go. And if I wanted to, I can get a laptop which I can also use for work and other stuff.
I went for the pc/ps4 combo. No regrets at all
>this is a race user.......
>buying a console for timed exclusives ever.
Cope that your snowflake game isn't console exclusive.
>truly an experience fitting of the master races standards.
16 frames would be the true console
experience, and I didn't even have to buy the game or a console, not that the game won't be emulated anyway.
I got ps4 for $260, and xbox one for $200 with games.
>The cope cop out
annnnd you auto lose
>its good if you include this other shit
>My PS4 cost $200.
And will be abandoned. Should honestly cost much less.
lel somebody hates atari
must be a shitty video card. mine was $700
This. PS4 and PC is the best combination.
this is peak seeth
>why haven't you jumped on the PC/Switch combo yet and stopped paying for toddlerbox computers?
I'm considering a Switch for a few games, but I'm holding off for now because the rumors about an improved model coming 'soon' have resurfaced again. I don't own other current-gen consoles.
>jinx non argument
Sure kid.
>tl:dr if you have a Switch it's worth it to look into PC gaming as well, but not the other way around.
On what fucking planet does this solitary switch only user exist?
lmao i wrote that
Forgot the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S&X upgrades, also adding to the overall price.
Don't laugh at him
Playing only TSA for several months can do this to you
1) Don't be retarded enough to buy a PC during this transitionary period. You're paying the most for the fastest redundant PC possible within these next 8 years.
2) Make your own. Spend 10 hours researching which parts are best. Heads up, go with a Ryzen CPU.
name ONE game that looks as good on PC as this you literally can't
thank god no pc game looks as """"""good""""" as yours
holy cope
I'll just wait for Brokeback Mountain 2 to release on PC, they're making retards double dip like GTAV and I'm just going to pirate it anyway.
amen, post more godrays brother
All videogames are for children
Zen2 and Navi drop in less than a month, wait till August.
>He buys games
>Especially Epic shill games
Yarr, yer too young for these seas laddie
Grow some beard and then we'll see, if yer free enough to be a man o' sea
>Not buying on the price-performance curve
Because buying anything that isn’t a straight up toaster that’ll only play SS13 costs more than a console. Like, you aren’t playing a current gen game on a sub-$400 computer unless you buy it off a friend.
Lots of literal Nintendies exist user, they post on Yea Forums all the time about how great the games are on the switch when 80% of the games they talk about are multiplats.
everyone I seen pull out a switch in public look like they have autism, I thought this shit was a meme but I saw a dude pull out one wen I was getting out my glasses.
rent free
The fanboys are just as whiny if not more, no thanks.
amd vs intel nvidia vs amd linux vs windows modders vs unmodders pirates vs buyfags steam vs epic
>Not just buying all the consoles and a pc
Do you not have a job?
>answer a direct question about switchfags
>"rent free"
Do you even know what that means, tendie?
I had a PC since last august and the thing I hate the most is the PC community. It's too spread out. Games like destiny 2 which I like are practically dead on PC. While on ps4 I have all my friends and plenty of people to play with. I feel as though cross play is a MUST if PC ever wants to get decent amount of players for most games like fighting games
I've been PC/Switch Master Race for 2 years now. Feels good.
Because Yuzu emulator exists OP, also I do not support Nintendo because they are the worst console company that forwards the exclusivity agenda. If you aren't a pirate in this day and age for 95% of your video games then you are factually the problem killing the industry, but hey what do I know. Go pay 60 bucks for some cardboard and rubber bands OP, you make daddy proud.
on PS Now
>Persona 5
fully emulatable at 60 fps on rpcs3
What exactly is the reason for owning a PS4 when its only two good exclusives are playable on PC?
piracy is the one reason pc is automatically better than all consoles, you can play all the games you want for free
>red light on gameboy
>'I should save, but what if it cuts power right at that moment and corrupts my file'
>Don't be retarded enough to buy a PC during this transitionary period.
bro things have been fucked for going on 5 years now. that could be a long while before we get back to fair prices.
because neither of those two options were available when I played them. It mostly collects dust now, but at least CTR is coming out soon and the Spyro/Crash remakes were pretty good.
I never bought Spooderman or RDR2 because they looked boring.