Why did you stop playing Overwatch, Yea Forums?

Why did you stop playing Overwatch, Yea Forums?

Particularly interested in answers from people who played competitive regularly on PC and ranked at least platinum - be sure to mention if that's you. If not, that's okay too, because you can't have an esport without casuals (non-insulting context there) to watch it.

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no toilet slut hero

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because blizzard is too retarded to add in a map maker

Why do you write like this? Are you a marketer?

I've played few hours, it's boring as fuck.
Feels like playing ASSFAGGOTS after playing Starcraft.

master pc. played 2016-2017
seeing the same seething trannies every match was getting boring, but not as stupid as seeing the devs buff every mongoloid hero just so these trannies could win games and climb

underwhelming abilities and low damage output
too many nerfs

I realized that the gameplay was always the same and I don't have to play the game to enjoy the r34 content.

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every class having shields are annoying as fuck, cant carry because the game doesnt value skill

it's a game where you win through ultimates, and my favorite characters (pharah and mccree) had garbage ultimates

those two in particular i cannot believe they allow to exist in such a poor state, considering what a core fps playstyle they each have

None of the new characters appeal to me apart from Ashe. They all look really out of place.

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I stopped playing this shit game after the first junkenstein event due to the repetitive maps and the god awful 'meta' kids were screaming at me. I heard theyve only added 4 maps since release.

>Feels like playing ASSFAGGOTS after playing Starcraft.
this argument is garbage, those two don't play anything alike, stop repeating what butthurt youtubers told you

Stopped mid 2018, low gm.
All the new content fucking sucks, no new comp gamemodes, hero balance is dogshit.

how do i climb out of plat senpai

DPS became irrelevant, I got tired of fighting shields instead of players.

I got to Masters and just lost interest in the game entirely.
Engagement design in OW is really fucking trash. It's a shooter only in the way that you keep your aim on target for a few seconds, track them and press your ability buttons at the right time to get a slightly higher chance of winning the engagement. If stalemates happen, which is common because most teams prefer to retreat rather than feed after a single kill, you're literally just trying to hit as many things as you can to build ult and then combo to get through a particularly annoying chokepoint or something similar. High ground, map control and more are literally irrelevant and the game is so strategically shallow it's just a chore to play, add to that shit like hard counters and the cemented cancer meta that the game's been stuck for two years in, and it all just gets really fucking boring, man.
I eventually just called it quits and went to play R6S. For as filled with closet hackers and boosted children crying all day on mic, it's still a better and far more rewarding experience despite a few design flaws (whoever was the tranny that thought shields were acceptable in a game that lives and dies on the ability for one single man to carry the entire team deserves the guillotine though)

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I never did. Because casual TF2 is still unironically alive and well
And OW is for Tumblrinas.

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I've never watched any youtuber who isn't related to FGC so your argument is invalid.
This game compared to arena shooters really feels like casual rock-paper-scissors game.

map design is fucking terrible and balancing is standard blizzard fare
having characters take turns being either over-tweaked or literally unusable was just tiring

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Who is the insane person that makes this daily "why did overwatch die/stop playing" thread?

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I still play occasionally but the balance is really awful. Recent buffs turned Hanzo and Mei into one-hero armies and it's absurd how the entire team has to focus a single DPS otherwise they lose.

Masters on PC, quit early s14. Meta was really stale, GOATS everywhere was fucking cancer. Being forced to play the same faggot comp nearly every game after retards force it after they lose a round is tiring. It was either GOATs or getting stomped / carried by a Widow smurf. I mained Hog and Zarya and just couldn't take it anymore, the whole ult economy and map chokes design sucks massive gorilla dick. It's just not as fun as it used to be, healing powercreep and CC ruined the game.

>having characters take turns being either over-tweaked or literally unusable was just tiring
I love how 2 years before the game came out I knew this was going to be the case just because it's Blizzard making it and that's how it goes with all their games

TF2 became shit after about 2 years when it became a hat simulator

I hate how sterile and clean everything looks. Like a pixar game or some shit. Also no custom maps. Pic related 75% of all my hours in tf2 was spent playing here and I loved every minute of it.

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Because the content updates were almost always exclusively focused on obnoxious timed cosmetics adding no real value to the game.
Also everyone started acting like huge sperg faggots after comp came out and it wasn't even fun as a halfbaked TF2 ripoff anymore because everyone was treating it like it was serious business

It's not even as competitively viable as Smite or TF2, both of which are a joke competitively themselves

also the lack of barefoot skins. If there was more skins like the dva watersports one I would probably have more incentive to play

The shitty metas and the slow release of maps that are just as chokey and basic as the others

the game is not fucking fun to play you retard

do you have any opinions on siege vs csgo? i realize it's still pretty apples-to-oranges

I played a lot of comp and hit platinum once or twice. I stopped playing when they nerfed roadhogs gun in response to his healing being too good. It was at that point I realized that blizzard didn't know how to balance games and I stopped playing

Blizzard employee

>can't go to a imported mario map
>can't play on a actually decent fan map
>can't load up a shitpost map and fuck around for hours
>can't play full-on custom modes like wacky races
>can make slight adjustments to the game for one server for a sloppy boss fight or tag
thanks blizz, if it wasn't for all the money they've pumped into trying to get epsorts off the ground this game would have been dead already

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The hat simulator and goofiness is reason TF2 still has a high player count at 13 years old. Its longevity comes from it being a fundamentally stupid game.

>Wide cast of characters you can play as
>But the meta/matchmaking demands that you only play as a small amount of them
>No time to ever practice/use your lesser played characters unless you want to throw the match and have your team angry at you
>Boatloads of other design/balance issues

>who played competitive regularly on PC and ranked at least platinum
I don't play it because I got banned, but there is like 20 accounts from my friends that never play it so that's not the real reason.
The reason is that the competitive is completely broken at this point. But blizzard is satisfies with it's numbers, a lot of people just play shitty arcade stuff and maybe do the placement matches and that is all.

So in short, I'm not playing it because I know that blizzard is never going to fix it because they don't care.

lootboxes and limited content. fuck that shit, I refuse to get jewed anymore in non-f2p games

never started, I wasn't going to play a multiplayer shooter on console and I didn't have a non-potato PC at the time
now I feel it's too late to jump in and I still don't want to pay for it

I took a break because I thought the game's balance was taking a nosedive.

I started playing against recently because it's better now. Still not good, but better.

I'm tired of:
-broken characters outweighing skill and strategy
-one shitter deciding the fate of an entire team
-individual rating based on a team result
-too much healing
-French subhumans

because the game is garbage and lacks skill
it fails to be fun in every single game mode
even Gun Game, a game mode that makes the shittiest fps games fun, they managed to make it awful

*again, not against.

Also, I peaked at 3777 SR a few seasons ago before GOATS took off. That's when I quit comp, and I quit entirely a few months following. GOATS is still meta in comp so I don't touch it, but at least casual has improved.

you can't anymore, people learned how the game is played (finally) and you can't carry every game and play without any mistakes whatsoever which means you will lose every other game

why should I waste my time in this fucking trash game (trying hard to get a better rank for no reason) when it plays the same way with any character

the game was only fun to play when you were winning and stomping retards that didn't know what they were doing and you thought you were good

It took me a long, long while but I finally got tired of the maps.

bullshit, majority of people got sick of the maps a few months after release

Plat, above that in DM.
Ultimately what I figured out is that something I really enjoy from FPS games is the ability to outplay somebody in skirmish situations (e.g. 1v1/2v2ing other team's scout(s) in TF2 before your team arrives).
In Overwatch, my opponents abilities feel like something completely outside of my control; they add too much more asymmetry to the situation (like the awful abilities in Quake Champions).

I might check out the arcade stuff.

boring repetitive game. the meta game isn't fun and it forces you to play characters you don't feel like playing. Casual mode doesn't offer enough to keep you playing and to keep things fresh
Its an OK game at best, not worth the 30€ i payed for it but maybe worth a sub 15€ pricetag

I got bored of playing the same maps and same modes, also they ruined my gal Symmetra

>like the awful abilities in Quake Champions
retard detected
you've never played any quake game

beta , got bored fast.

somewhere between the 2000-3000 daily "IS OVERWATCH DED YET" threads. I only let Yea Forums tell me what to think.


I meet your qualifiers.
The game's fucking stale. It didn't allow enough player content. No custom maps, no meaningfully custom gamemodes.
The playerbase is fucking miserable. You either play the meta or die instantly.
Blizzard is insufferable, encouraging a meta where the goal is more to NOT DIE than to KILL, inherently boring, turtle-y and defensive.
Overall everything charming about it is gone.

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Unless they've re-balanced them since the last time I've played (admittedly quite a while ago), I don't see the justification for lizard man's instant-kill button and ghost lady's "i'm losing this engagement so I'm going to reset for free" ability.

That's why I said it took me a really long time.

The workshop exists user. Player made content is at an all time high.

The rest of your post is accurate though. They need to wipe Brigitte off the face of the earth and nerf healing across the board.

>Casual TF2 is still unironically alive and well
I mean, it's alive and well like WoW is alive and well. Just a bunch of sunken cost fallacy bronies and retards.

I liked it at first, but then it somehow became the most boring game in existence to me.

Without custom maps and player-hosted servers, the workshop is just a stopgap.

because it's a shit game.

yes that's what I implied by posting that

imagine the faggots rebuying the game multiple times or just still playing this
they must be the most braindead people alive

I made it to Master rank every season I played, and I quit for the same reasons. Even by the absolutely pitiful standards of online shooters, the playerbase is completely insufferable. Losing a match in something like Team Fortress 2 was water on a duck's back, but losing in Overwatch is agonizing, and getting berated at by a gaggle of assholes every other game simply isn't enjoyable.
Brigitte and Ashe are pretty cute, though. I give them credit for that.

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>Lootbox game
Fuck Off

>Losing a match in something like Team Fortress 2 was water on a duck's back, but losing in Overwatch is agonizing, and getting berated at by a gaggle of assholes every other game simply isn't enjoyable.
Apples and oranges. TF2 is a casual game, Overwatch is designed and marketed to be more competitive.

Master S2, Grandmaster S3, played casually for a brief period after those seasons and then stopped completely.
I got burnt out, Blizzard doesn't know how to balance a game, and throwing more characters into the mix when the balance is a bit wobbly just fucks everything up even more, instead of focusing on actual content, seasonal updates were just adding cosmetic shit so they could sell more loot boxes, a lot of the maps relied too heavily on chokepoints (Hanamura, Hollywood, etc.)
The skill ceiling is too low with a lot of the characters, makes it feel like there's not much to master and it gets stale after a while.
I got really sick of the forced meta shit in comp, yes, there's always going to be powerful characters, but some retards would throw a fit if you dared pick something that their e-sports idols didn't use and throw the match, also fuck Blizzard for forcing that shit down people's throats
I probably forgot some other shit too, but that's about the gist of it, I'm disappointed because the game had potential, but it'll remain as a mediocre shooter forever if Blizzard is involved.

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I quit after they nerfed Roadhog cause bronze shitters were whining that he could one shot their one trick heroes.

Yes, it's designed to make you feel like shit for losing. It's also designed to make it basically random when you lose. This is inherently shitty design.

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It got boring.
they focused more on "pro gaming" than making a fun game to play. it started out well but they showly but surely did what they did with WoW.
erode things about the classes(heroes) that made them unique and fun.
newer heroes were standards and brang nothing new to the table.

Aight, fuck it, here we go again, buckle up
>boot up new shit from Blizzfags, maybe this will be tf3
>game is fun as fuck, look at them animations, bro
>main Zen, play bunch of other shit from season 1 to season 4 or 5 or something like that
>first season is a complete shitshow, so it does not count
>grind my way to the top500 around season 4
>game is stale as fuck
>there is no variety in actions, every match is the same
>nothing to change about your character's actions, so nothing unique is going on
>since every match is the same, and you do seemingly the same shit every time every time something unusual is happening in your team while you are losing - people are blaming that
>since everything is stale as fuck, only fun you can get in ranked is "Play of the game" and a Victory, keep in my the first one
>due to people remembering their first time playing being fun and close to magical, everybody craves for something new
>meanwhile people are getting stuck in their rank, game is nowhere fun for them
>high ranked players create smurfs to get some fun out of this shitshow
>IIRC there was a statistic around that time that 90%? of people were below plat rank
>so they are getting backed the fuck out by smurfs
>faggots like IDDQD, ster and (I think) this Genji main promoting this shit on their stream calling it (broze to master challenge)
>while everyone is reporting each other for the smallest things
>play attack Symmetra? Reported; play Tracer while maining support? Reported; Attack Torb/pick Sombra/not switch? Guess what
>lower ranks even start blaming people for not using a Voice chat and reporting them
>Blizzcucks are bombarded by the reddit begging for toxicity fixes
>Jeff comes out with 3 videos in a row with how they will fix it and what not
>all this while game is an unbalanced mess

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I think CS:GO is still more about mechanical perfection while Siege still has a high mechanical skill ceiling, but strats and prediction are just as if not even more important.
As a sport CS is way more polished, but I just find Siege more fun as a game. Both have pretty stupid bullshit though, and unlike GO Siege is a buggy piece of shit


2:34 for gold.

thought it was shit in beta. Dont even fap to the porn out of genuine disgust

Mid master top, low master average

Stopped playing around the time they added brig and reworked hanzo's scatter arrow. Not because of the meta, but because the matchmaking is completely retarded. You throw a coin and if it's heads you get a high master or GM player in your team that mains DPS, but if it's tails then you get one that mains a support. This is the decisive factor in at the very least 50% of the games. Then you throw another coin for a smurf account (or a booster duo, same shit). There you have like 80% of your games decided purely by how good of a high level player you get.
I tried to get over it and some shit, but I just couldn't. I've been in master for like 3-4 seasons at that point, and it's not like I wanted to get higher or something, I just wanted to play the game because I kinda liked it. If I had fair matches all day I wouldn't give a shit if I was plateauing around low masters forever. It's not the issue "bah those pro level dudes and the MM rng is holding me back", really idgaf about ranks.

I agree with that. Actually, what you just said reinforces my stance further. It's not that the community is worse than TF2's; peoples' attitudes are simply a natural response to how Overwatch is designed. Losing feeling like complete shit. It's a really focused competitive experience. Queuing into games with randoms that you'll probably never see again removes any sense of community or connection from either your teammates or your opponents.

In Overwatch, everyone, even your teammates, are just faceless bots filling a role. If they don't fill that role, you lose. Losing feels like shit, so you get mad at the faceless bot for making you lose. That's not the community's fault, it's Blizzard's fault for creating such a god awful negative feedback loop.

started out playing Lucio, hit 74 in S1, close to 4100 in S2, started just playing Symmetra for the fuck of it in S4 until S14, hit a peak SR of 4687 in season 6 and hit top 10, maintained at least GM for all those seasons.

just got really bored with the meta.

"A really focused competitive experience" implies it's good at being competitive. And yet, the design of the actual gameplay detracts from this too. The asymmetric nature of the heroes and abilities makes it unsatisfying from a mechanical standpoint.

No life solo gm dps here (mostly tracer and McCree)

My isp went to shit and now when my roommates watch anything online, my game becomes more jittery than a Mexican jumping bean.

Honestly if my internet was consistent again, I'd still be playing comp.

And yes i've called my isp and talked to my roommates about it.

Supposed to be getting 100 down and 50 up. But I'm getting 1/5th of that WHEN NO ELSE IS ON THE NETWORK.

Fuck spectrum man... I miss playing comp modes :(

It's interesting to go back to the TF2 commentary tracks (much of which they started to disregard later into the game's life) and hear about how important it was to them that just the simple and common act of dying should be somehow fun.

It's related to how after you lose you still have something to do: run around with your arms flailing trying not to die instead of OW's giant DEFEAT screen.

I got up to Masters once and then never touched Competitive again so I suppose I qualify.
The game was starting to get insufferable because of all the piling crowd control that made playing my favorite characters unbearable. Sleeps, and flashbangs, and traps, and freezing, and bashing, and god knows what else made me take a good, long break from it a little while before Hammond was introduced. And in some way that was actually made me drop the game too, just the look and the nature of the character made something snap and I never came back from that break. I play Paladins now instead, but it's not as good a substitute as I wish it were, I miss the polish of it and the fun I had with my favorite characters

>"A really focused competitive experience" implies it's good at being competitive.
Nah, it doesn't. Games can try hard to be competitive, incentivize competition, and endorse tryhard approaches without ACTUALLY being a satisfying competitive experience. These days especially, every online shooter and their mom are trying to push their game as an esport despite sucking shit competitively.

Competitive games being born from grassroots scenes are a thing of the past. It's all about forced competition now to latch onto the esports bandwagon. Overwatch is one of many.

that's my fetish

Shame there's no video.

I was diamond in season 5 or so. Hated competitive and could never bring myself to do placements since, even though I wanted a golden gun for Ana.
I stopped playing because... Apex Legends came out and stole my interest. It's my first BR, so that caught my attention rather hard.
Whenever I want to play a game, I gauge my expected emotional stress. Competitive Overwatch is too stressful, so I outright don't do that. Quick Play is less stressful, but it's still the weight of a team on my shoulders, and it's way too common to have a retarded teammate who tips the scales in your disfavor. It can get stressful. At some point I just resorted to playing the free-for-all deathmatches in the arcade for stress-free play. Pretty fun and chill, but I suppose it gets repetitive. Battle Royale games, like Apex, are built around quickly getting back into a match after you fuck up and lost. There's no impact to losing. A lot less stressful.
In general, I think I mostly played Overwatch to unlock stuff. To unlock stuff I needed to level up, so I started having level goals. I reached the golden levels. I think I now have a golden star, which is like 13xx. I got to the golden levels, and I guess that released a "goal reached" message in my brain that allowed me to let go. I'm sure once I reach level 100 in Apex, and the lootboxes stop showing up, I'll be prone to leaving that behind as well.

Used to play Ranked, floated around high plat low diamond. I started getting burnt out. Then Deathmatch came out and I would just play that occasionally to collect the easy loot boxes, then eventually I got bored and stopped. Haven't played since before the Soldier 76 being gay thing, that didn't help

I had fun while it lasted, actually liked it. Might consider going back someday.

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TF2's commentary crushes my spirit. I played that game started in 2008 (not an originalfag, feels bad) and I loved it so much.

Playing it now really, really fucking sucks. I don't know if it's me getting old and bitter, but I feel like TF2 was the last truly great online fps game, and seeing it slowly rot is the worst thing. I wish they just shut it down 5 or 6 years ago.

my friend is grandmaster in OW and its the worst player in all the other games we play in our group

Overwatch is a super bad game, not fun, no skill needed, no content

I have not.
I'm a grandmaster hitscan main.
I only take long breaks from the game.

way too much focus was put on comp and the opinions of pro players rather than focusing on keeping the game fun for the average player

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Some of the worst maps I have ever seen in a "competitive" shooter.

You do realize you're literally bringing your team down by playing hitscan, right
No hitscan heroes are actually good, if you want to frag while actually being useful and winning go zen or something you retard

which hitscan do i pick in which situation

This is the opinion of someone that can't play widow or tracer.
Look at him, look at him and laugh.

1. All my friends stopped playing it
2. Game has became slate and boring

t gold ranked player

I mean it's either OW or CS:GO, and CS:GO is full of cheaters and retarded hitscan so I guess I'm stuck with OW.

the same reason I told you last time blizzard: I got sick of the poorly designed maps, terrible balance, clumsy attempts to make a shooter, total failure to pick an art direction and stick with it, ham handed pandering, and censorship
the last good thing you made was Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. Now eat my ass and finally die.

I miss 2008-2012 TF2

Everything went to shit after Meet your Match

I got sick of playing as hard as I could in Comp and still losing because teammates wouldn't coordinate.

This, jesus fucking christ. The state of online fps games is so dire right now. I've just given up by this point, all I play is dead arena shooters like Warsaw with my boomer bros.

Widow in every situation, it's a no brainer.
McCree if they have doomfist, sombra or hammond. (the new buffs will make him exceptionally good against everything, not just against those 3)
Ashe if you can't play widow\have a mercy otp in your team.
Soldier in a 3dps hammond comp.
Tracer if you're on coke\underage.
Sombra if they're running goats.
Hanzo if you can consistently hit your shots at short\medium distances.

sick of loot boxes. will pick up if they ever let me just get the skins I want without gambling.

Why play Widow when Hanzo exists? You're literally doing nothing except getting ONE(1){one} single pick to reset the fight because sightlines in 99% of the maps are complete shit.
are you from the past or something?
High masters, actually
There's literally NO reason to actually pick hitscan characters for anything other than being a burden to your team and get carried.

I spent most of my 2000 hours playing on orange maps only

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>Widow in every situation, it's a no brainer.
orisa is omnipresent in gold/plat right now and cucks me out of doing anything on seemingly any hitscan, especially widow

Of all reasons to quit a game, you picked this one.

Also you can literally buy skins with gold, user. What do you want, 20 legendaries or something?

I was regularly platinum.
Real just cause it got boring, how many times can you play the same couple dozen characters on the same couple dozen maps?

It had it's run, it was fun, but it's just not a game built to be fun for 10 years like a DOTA/League.

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>some heroes are borderline OP, some heroes are subpar at best
>I HAVE FUCKED HotS SO BAD THAT I WAS FIRED LMAO is balancing this game, comes out to say that he can't nerf Genji even he is OP, cuz that would piss off Genji players (dude has mobility beyond any reason, but whatever, tale is not about that)
>Mercy gets really popular with twitchwhores and gamer girls since she is piss easy and can be played without even using WASD at all, no joke
>those whores get carried by other to high ranks, and when two of them meet? well it's gg, since neither can switch to something else and be efficient
>"we've heard you about toxicity, lads" is what we hear being adresed instead
>so Jeff gets blown the fuck out
>shits his bed, runs back soon enough just to say they are nerfing Mercy
>Mercy gets insane buffs instead
>goes to be from 90% presence in matches (maybe in one team) to 95% pickrate and being an autolose if you do not have one
>mfw Zen main
>Mercy goes to be 95% pickrate for THREE months
>they are nerfing her once per two weeks, it's useless
>they have a balls to say that Toxicity is their main concern
>and even more balls to say that since League is coming soon, there will be no balance patches til then

>now let's back it up
>Overwatch has a lore, which comes out at the crawling fucking speed due to the new Story writer being a fuckhead
>new timed game modes are 30 min of fun, then a choir
>new skins are literally nothing aside from initial reaction
>new heroes are made with "wouldn't it be cool" instead of "what would benefit the game" in mind
>"when everything is OP then nothing is OP" is OW team's moto, yes, really
>Shields are the prime go to for them when it comes to teamplay
>shazam, game is a shield fest now, on top of being stale faggotry, on top of having literal "undo the mistake" character, on top of being unbalanced mess with no content beyond skins/ shitty gamemodes on top of being a trench war in every rank

i find it amazing how OW is so stale and bad that it's gotten people to respect LoL more

I miss that era of Valve period. I sunk hours into L4D and TF2 during high school


that was the shit, wish I could still play with my old friends again

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Go away Jeff accept that no one gives a shit about your game anymore and move on.

But user, MYM was 2016. How do you feel about 2012 to 2016 TF2?

Dev team is deluded, community is garbage, meta is garbage and is forced by the devs, game client is getting worse and worse with no optimization in sight, hit detection is fucking shit for projectiles and the story is really bad with chu only pandering to tumblr shipping fantasies than actually writting a story for the game.

All that overwatch had good was a great initial art team to come up with a great initial roster and a god tier marketing team. Other than that overwatch was and still is a pile of shit.

Hearing about all their banning procedures put me off of it. that and my internet connection isn't as good. need a new wifi adapter.

Never touched comp except for like once at the very beginning.
I quit because I realized I just wasn't having fun half the time I played. It could be a combination of many reasons, I don't know, but I realized one day as I was about to launch the game that there was a really good chance I just wasn't going to have fun, so I didn't load it up and haven't really felt the urge to since. There are many other games that I know I'll enjoy nearly every time I play them.

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>and is forced by the devs,
It's actually forced by the pro teams since none of them know how to play the game any other way

>Played all the time with group of friends
>Would push to Diamond every season just one tricking stupid heroes
>Had so much fucking fun every single day
>Slowly one by one people quit
>Until it was just me left playing...
>Still love the game and lore and everything
>But get insanely depressed when I play it
>None of them want to play it anymore

Thanks for reminding me, OP.

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I was losing my interest on TF2 during that era, I had more fun playing MvM than playing the vanilla game, too bad they stopped doing MvM missions

>Girl who introduced me to Overwatch ended up leaving me
>Can't play without bawling my eyes out

Women ruin everything.

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i mean the game is chock full of chicks with daddy issues

just farm em up like i do

The pro teams are all trying new strategies but nothing is sticking because GOATS is still too oppressive. The onus is on blizz.

this but I'm your friend

I played TF2 and Halo CE at a pro level 10 years ago but I swear I've unlearned how to play games.

plat/diamond here.

When they nerfed Roadhog because golds and under were shit at the game. Also, all these new supports are convoluting the game, it's not comfy anymore.

Stop replying to me.
Hardstuck master subhumans like you have right to open their mouth.
>hurr widow bad hanzo good
>hurr tracer bad cus 4gitte
Fuck off back to whatever streamer you've been binge watching, your opinions are uneducated garbage coming from the bottom of the ladder.
That's why you flank and exploit the sightlines.

Then if goats is nerfed, the individual heroes from goats become total shit. If the goats counters are buffed to counter goats, then we get power creep.

A good example is spamrat.

Meant to reply to

I never started it to begin with.

>people are either throwing, cheating or smurfing to have SOME fucking fun
>there is no reason to play anything other than Ranked since QP is a sniper practice range and Arcade is underdeveloped
>all this while console Overwatch is a different kind of shitshow: top500 is filled with XIM nerds, Torb was OP for like a quater of a year, you count smurf it up without even buying a new game
>but the main point being, that there is literally no reward for playing this shit
>you don't get better at your hero, there is nothing to lean at all
>any fun mechanic is nerfed or deleted
>Lucio had some what high skill gameplay due to a bug - was nerfed
>Doomfist was a fun addition - streamlined
>"it's not fair to the players that don't put as much of a time in a game as some people"

>and then you watch League with this shitty Mercy and you realize that this game is not fun at all
>and then they buff Junkrat instead of nerfing Mercy
>and then they add Briguetee or what's her name
>and then you look at the time you've spend on this shit and you try any other competitive game
>and then you realize that not being able to customize anything about your character's gameplay is the most retarded thing you could do in a multiplayer
>and you realize that you are the dumbest faggot of them all for wasting your life on this shit, hoping that Blizznerds can fix it

It's a shame, since the game had so much potential. But in the end it was for casuals by the casuals, and it was a lesson for me. I hope this answers your question, OP, I am sorry for the ramble, I'm a bit drunk.

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MvM/Mettle update was about where I started losing interest, personally. They were cute, but they just didn't inspire anything in me. I tried MvM but I really couldn't get into it.

All they need to do is scale back healing (it's a huge problem even outside of the context of GOATS). Beyond that, they need to retool Brigitte, because her current kit design is unsalvageable.

Ah, then I agree. Can I also say that I super agree with your assessment that the game's matchmaking fetish makes it impossible to feel any camaraderie or community

Too slow and the maps are too corridorey.

Have a good 1000 hours on this and while it was fun for a time most of it was just infuriating. While I did play a lot with friends I played more alone and that was frustrating but I couldn't stop since the simple gameplay was pretty addicting. Stopped a year or so ago. Downloaded it again today but will only ever play with friends and never alone again.

I started playing overwatch month 1. I played pretty much daily with randos or friends. Leveled up alot, got frags, and had actual fun. I still played alot during the holidays and comp seasons. But during Doomfists release thats when the game started to die out for me. Nothing new thats interesting other than skins or heroes. No new gimmicks to keep me playing. The game also started turning into a toxic dump and just started to burn out. I eventually stopped playing altogether. Now I just look at the community and game now and just laugh

Tedium basically.

You've seen everything after 50 hours
Shit balancing
Arguably the worst maps ever designed for a TBS
Shitty cashgrab event locked skins
Actually fun gamemodes are rotated out and in for no fucking reason
Low skill floor and E-Sports culture creates a playerbase of dumb cunts who think they are the next epic e-sports star
Stupid ass fuck "hit one button to win teamfight" design

I sunk 600 hours into and got platinum every season, I got my worth out of it.

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pleb "shooter". rquires literally less brain and skill than fortnite

Got bored, stoped playing about a year ago. Was low Diamond.

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I hate the community, it's like playing the fucking LoL playerbase instead of the ultra comfy TF2 base.

Any game designed from the ground up to be an e-sport is destined for failure.

>Stupid ass fuck "hit one button to win teamfight" design

You do need some what of a brain to use ults correctly. you can't just rush in with dead eye or Hanzo dragon and expect to kill everyone

I played from launch up until the Archives event about 2 months ago. Only reason I played that long is because I have a group of friends that I played with and playing with them was what actually made the game fun for me. Some of those friends have been busy with other things and haven't been able to play so that's mostly why I stopped playing. The game just has too many problems that make me not want to play it alone.
Biggest problem is how slow they release content for the game. Maps and heroes are trickled out while Blizzard spends most of their time bullshitting around with stupid features meant to make the community less "toxic" or trying and failing horribly to balance the heroes for competitive play.
When we did get new maps they where always designed like shit with most of them having single choke points with no alternate routes that forced a stalemate until the attacking team managed to build enough ults to break through.
They really needed to release a map maker so the community can actually contribute to the content of the game rather than relying on Blizzard to shit out one crappy map every few months.
Another big problem are the events. They're literally the exact same each year with very little changed from the year before. I might actually be more interested in playing the events more if they added some fun new modes but all you literally get is just more fucking skins to make you buy more fucking loot boxes or grind for hours and hope you get the ones you actually want.
The team just seems to want to spend time doing retarded shit rather than things that might actually make the game more fun and interesting.

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Great points user, it's time to move on
Zen is based by the way, and so are you

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Played it for about four months before I drifted from it like I do all fps games

I hit GM in three different seasons. Came real close to top 500 a few times. I played very competitively and kept up with every last change for the first two years or so. My story?

Overwatch needed bans. Every game settles into that optimal meta sooner or later, and it grows stale for everyone. Bans push players to discover the second best meta, and the third best meta. To practice. And to practice countering. It spurs so much additional speculation about what is possible in a game, besides just which meta is the best.

Instead, Blizzard chased their own idea of 'balance' for a couple years, effectively going in circles, but spiraling downward.

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This is fair

I meant more like "hit graviton and hit dragon" kind of thing which does take coordination

Took too long to release new content. In the last one month riot has released two new champions and a reworked champion with a new appearance and new abilities. Comparatively it took blizzard-like over a year to release Sombra and doomfist.

GOATS and because the DPS meta fell off
if tracer ever makes a comeback ill play it more

genuinely this. Rarely is it more than 1 single character per meta that is turning it into a mirror match. Right now its orisa, before it was bridgette, then mercy, then lucio and on and on.
I was high diamond my entire career and from what I could tell. I feel like the biggest issue is the number of dps compared to support and tanks. The fact that there are only like 2 reliable sheild tanks makes it so fucking bland. Theres only like 3 main healers too.
why did they make so many fucking dps?????

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Ellie from Second Wind got all my friends banned, so I quit

They kept making really shitty decisions.
>New skins for events only
>Events are entirely the same
>Events focus on a set list of holidays
(They have Lunar New Year but if they're doing it for diversity sake there's more than just Asia)
>No new gamemodes
>Hero changes are made to accommodate unskilled players
I probably stopped playing so routinely around when they changed Mercy. I stopped all together after the shitty Archives event this year.

Mercy's ult was for shitters and def rewarded no skill play though

I stopped playing after a week because it seemed really formulaic.

Also fucking hate the fact that such kool character designs are locked into such a shitty game (Reinhardt)

too much sjw trash

every character that wasn't Genji, Dva or Lucio was boring as shit to play, already got everything I wanted out of it by the end of the last beta

I got suspended 3 times. Last time it was for a month so I never came back.

I wasn’t even that toxic. The last time I was insta suspended after I talked about Torb jizzing his ult and a bitch mother complained because her kids were playing.

Fuck blizz and fuck activision

What? How?

What game are you playing that isn’t formulaic? lol

the problem with overwatch is that the player count is too low. you can't play a 6v6 game "casually", there is far too much responsibility on each individual to contribute. overwatch needs 12v12+ and revamped maps to support it.

>from people who played competitive
I literally quit before that existed

fuck that hide and seek challenge in numbani. impossible to do it with orisa and zen

I stopped playing because the community was awful.

>post yfw TF2 is gonna outlive Overwatch somehow despite being sustained by handicapped devs with slow as fuck updates

climbed to plat from silver with hopes of reaching diamond eventually but stopped shortly thereafter. i realized the game is too meta-driven. Sure your skill can carry you a long way but ultimately each match is defined by what characters are played and whether the other team picks their respective counters. Ults decide matches too easily, and the character balancing feels rough (see: Brig). Playing solo and getting people who don't speak sucks, but getting assblasted trannies who instalock hanzo or widow and aren't even good is even worse.

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Early on I noticed the game was going to go downhill once they nerfed mccree, and roadhogs damage output.
CC out the ass.
DPS became obsolete, replaced by tanks.
Excessive shields, armor, hp, stuns etc.. put the FPS side of the game on the back burner.

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6v6 is also too high for an individual to actually carry on his own, which makes it even more shit

>dipshit team goes Hanzo, Genji, Widow, another damage dealer, and Roadhog
>go healer to try and keep everyone alive
>can't pass the shield-heavy enemy comp
>team doesn't change
I just got sick of fucking monkeys picking a single hero for the entire match.
If you're not doing so hot, then change your fucking character
>but muh ult
Look man your fucking ult isn't going to do much if you're getting blown the fuck out. Just rip the bandaid off now instead of hoping your dogshit pick will suddenly change the game.

I placed diamond every season I played & diamond equivalent in season 1 (ended at 64), I probably could have hit masters if I kept playing but diamond was where you stopped decaying, so it's where I ended up

I quit playing because I only play junkrat & every map they released was horrible for him

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when their first major update was to add skins instead of addressing glaring issues with the game or add more maps, i knew the game was doomed

Have made it to gm, make at least master every season. Last season dropped to plat because I played right before the season ends when everyone is trolling. Got tired of having to rely on team mates. Would rather play a game where every character is balanced and there are no hard counters. That way no one gets triggered about character pics etc.

Not interested in playing it anymore.

Overwatch has an exceptionally high female player base. Something like 1:3.

implying i would ever play that absolute shit filled with cucked faggots

Pandered to a vocal SJW minority and fucked with Tracers pose. Then I did nothing but shit talk it whenever the opportunity arose when they made Tracer gay for the sole reason to pander. I'm fine with gay characters but there was zero reason for it to matter in this game.

I'll start playing again when they add in a twink. Honestly, I don't get why western games are so afraid of including twinks.

but genji and arguably every male healer

Balance patches fucked it over to the point of not being fun, not to mention the map designs being 90% chokepoints.
The Deathmatch update was fun and it actually let me use my man Lúcio with gusto in a map that wasn't shit for once. But adding cut-down versions of their payload maps into the mix was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I returned to TF2 because at least I can have >fun there

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It was a combination of too many limited time events made it feel like playing was an obligation and so many games being decided by stacked ultimates. It just stopped being fun.

>forrced meta (eg. no mercy =loss)
>new map and character every 9 months or so
>rarely have any cool events
>progression is based on unlocking lootboxes
>letting itstelf get spitroasted 24/7 by the esports scene and not giving a fuck to normal players needs
>no story mode even though the characters themselves were interesting af (no sane person reads the boring ass comics)
>"lmao everyone is gay suddenly deal with it you bigot"

Literally burnt toast. And always covered up with that cyber suit.
By definition, twinks have no facial hair. But he's close.
Not in the slightest.
Robots don't count.

I pray one day pic related gets added into the game.

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It got boring to me and I hated the design of the new heroes. Heroes went from being unique and focused into crossclass garbage. Ana/Moira with Healing/damage, Hammond with Tank/damage and Bridgette with Tank/healing. Multiclassing is killing overwatch.

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got tired after playing it for 2 years, no game lasts forever, still I got my moneys worth out of that game.

Game is balanced based on feelings rather than, you know, fucking balance

>introduce an entire character to cuck flankers and still gut her because they cried too loudly
Fucking lmao

Every fucking map is the same with the exact same warehouse mid-point and bend to last point, add some fucking variety.

silver gold and plat of today is like master grandmaster and top 500 of old days

Roadhog nerf

>Particularly interested in answers from people who played competitive regularly on PC and ranked at least platinum - be sure to mention if that's you.
That's me.

Got sick of the dogshit servers. They got worse and worse with each update, to the point that every few months they'd go up another 10 or 15 ms ping, every fucking time. I had a bunch of other minor issues that seemed a lot more like random input lag or netcode issues, but with how bad the ping got I couldn't be sure what was behind some of them.
It's not my internet. No other game does that for me. I could play Rainbow 6 Siege at 25 ms ping at launch, today, and every day in between. But Overwatch had gone from 20-30 ms at the start, up to 80-90 ms by the time that I finally fucking quit.

I also got sick of having to fight against my teammates every fucking game.
Examples to follow, yay character limit.

I played since beta and for about 2 years or so. After the first anniversary I just barely played on and off with a friend just cause he still played it. I played casually for many seasons cause I hate ranked in any game but one season I actually tried and got diamond.
I stopped because the updates were all shit. Most updates were just for adding some skins and maybe an arcade mode with some shitty balance changes. They had no clue how to balance any of the characters too, they backpedalled all the time, couldn't decide how to remake shitty characters like symmetra, and continued to release awful characters that I hated. The only good character added after release was Ana, and I mained her. Doomshit, sombra, brigette, they're all bad and every release made me like the game less and less. The maps they've added have all been fucking garbage, except maybe eichenwald. This is probably my biggest gripe personally. After about a year of updates, they only added two maps, one of which was fucking awful (oasis). Moon colony and junkertown are ok but my interest had waned so much by then I just didn't care. The game had nothing to keep me interested, especially not after 2 years of content updates that were 99% skins. So then I quit.

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Used to play a bunch during the first few seasons and got to Masters. I slowly just stopped playing ranked as I realized that it just wasn't for me anymore. My problem with overwatch is that I never know WHY I win or lose. It just seems like a lucky ultimate always wins the game. I see the game as brainless unbalanced chaos, and that's why I turned to quick play. I play OW every now and then when I feel like it, still a great game in my opinion and I never understood the hate it gets.

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Casual player here. I just got bored. I was never particularly in to shooters anyway.

When is michael chu going to reveal d.va is on a interracial relationship with lucio and that mercy ia transexual for that sweet gayming media free advertisement?

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I read that in his voice and then imagined his laugh

>having to play the role of kindergarten teacher to get my teammates to stop bickering with each other
>being the only calm person every match who's willing to speak up and defuse other people's arguments for them
>having to coach other adults to actually focus on the game and work together
>being the nice guy who agrees to fill, and then losing because my five other teammates don't know what the fuck they're doing
>saying "that's enough filling for a while," just playing heroes that I like and know I'm good at, contributing to my team, making plays and taking objectives, getting all of the medals that matter, play of the game, multiple post-game cards... and still losing because I have 5 anchors on my team
>knowing that I'm not god-tier like Bird or Kephrii or whoever else the swinging dick is these days, so there are some people out there that I just can't carry, and that some games are just an auto-loss
>being WAY into the match and having gold healing as Soldier, gold damage as a tank (or, god help us, as a healer), or gold objective time as a DPS
>still having to explain how basic parts of the game worked to other players who had silver portrait borders
>working my ass off in a game, only to lose it because of something that I couldn't control (like teammates)
>working my ass off to win one game, only to lose the next one because of something that I couldn't control, and ending up wasting hours of my life for no reward (and slightly lower SR)
>having all of the stars align where I got my teammates to work together, played really well, going above and beyond with callouts, plans, covering for other people... only to lose the game because some guy decided to throw out of fucking nowhere, and no one understands why, and we're talking to him and trying to be as understanding and accommodating as we can, but nope, he's locked in now

It just felt like I was beating my head against a wall and wasting my life by the end of it. I felt so happy when I quit.

I got tired of it and could never seem to get any meaningful progression out of ranked as a solo-duo queue. I guess that's partly on me for not finding a regular group, but you shouldn't need that if you want solo players to keep playing. The community is also just shit and you'd spend half a comp match(In gold no less) listening to some mouthbreather whining that you were playing off meta.

Finally Blizzard are just lazy retards with balance and content. Every new character is shit and most are horrible designed. The maps are shit and comp needs more game modes than some mediocre KotH and 2 different versions of "who can steamroll the other defense better?"

Oh, old diamond player here.

>you can't have an esport without casuals to watch it.
yes you can
just need enough bots

It's inherently extremely competitive and if you perform poorly, you're letting your team down because they have little chance for a carry.

My policy in multiplayer shooters is to play as though my team doesn't exist so it's not a very good fit for me.

I used to play this game so fucking much
quit about the time the politics became far too heavy handed

never played it lol knew this shit was trash from day -120

Casual here. The main reason i stopped playing was because of the emphasis the game gives to team composition. There's a lot of heroes in total, but every team needs a good balance of DPS, tanks and healers to do well at all. This usually means you're stuck playing something you don't want, and if you don't, you'll probably lose. The heroes are so restricted in what they can do, and it feels like personal skill doesn't carry you as much as it should.

The second reason i stopped playing is because i hate the characters. Their personalities are sterile as fuck and they only speak in one-liners. I especially hate May. Everytime she talks i want to beat the life out of her. Fuck her.

There wasn't enough focus on esports. They kept trying to get me to play all these different game modes but all I wanted to do was watch my local New York boys slaughter the competition in the league. It just spread my attention too thin so I stopped.

Everyone hates Mei.

triple tank meta unga bunga

Pretty much after Dive became a thing. Nothing was more tilting than having a weeb, a monkey, and a lesbian dash and jump into the backline as an Ana because 1 sleep dart wasnt enough to get away most the time. Than when they nerfed Dvas shield time by like half I cut cold turkey.That was around Season 3 or 4 I think.

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I actually tried this game a few times
Every time I play I hear the most degenerate incel loser screaming at me over every little thing I've done wrong
if you're trash at video games you'll never improve looking at everyone else's mistake and OW players have to be the dumbest group of nerd furries I've ever came across

there were already multiclassers in vanilla, like roadhog and zenyatta. also, dedicated healers aren't fun to play. It's still a problem in overwatch now but I'd much rather play ana in OW than medic in TF2 kit-wise


Not meins. One shotting a tracer with a icicle was too satisfying.

I was playing regularly in diamond until about 3 months ago when I bought a GTX 1660ti and now I crash whenever I play comp for some reason. It says my render device is lost, but my gpu isn't actually crashing or anything. I just get a popup and force close. I've been updating my drivers for months with no fix. Nobody responded to me on the forums either. I just play arcade now.

It was shit to play and even more boring to watch.

ranked was cancer
most new maps sucked
most new heroes sucked
not enough content updates
quickplay is special needs daycare
arcade is fun but only when the right modes are in rotation
and instead of fixing bugs or giving us something new that's playable we only got OWL promotion shit and btw all heroes are gay

I stopped playing because shit like scatter arrow existed for years.
It just shows that Blizzard have no idea how to balance a game properly.

Plus the characters and lore are all fucking shit and cringe.

I was 3450 at one point. Game felt too muddied out. It felt like the characters either brought me down to worse players levels or brought them up to mine without involving skill. OW isnt the only MP game with this problem right now though.

Peaked around mid-diamond.

At first I left because I noticed I could actually reach masters by spamming Mercy instead of heroes that require good aim. I think the game is unfair in that regard where some heroes are insanely hard to play and others are like playing animals crossing.

After some months I came back and Brigitte got released. GOAT meta was the last nail in the coffin.


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it has shit gunplay and movement

Just install a script already, retard.

Old roadhog was more CC, picks and damage then anything, he doesn't have a tanking ability/utility. He is misclassed and isn't a tank. Hammon i more about area denial, stunning and causing chaos then being kill focused, yet he can shit out damage and be mobile as fuck like a flanker.
Zenyatta never did direct damage with his debuff. Ana's shots and grenade do healing and damage, Moyra has damage focused abilities and a suck that heals herself.

it just isn't fun
i like the characters but the game just sucks

Bought it and play to hiplat with a friend by being is pocket healer .Then they rework is main diva and nerf her so he stop playing .Cant find a guy as good as him ,cant carry game alone ,balance is broken ,dive meta was bad but tank meta suk donkey dik.No other game mode,almost no story 3 years later ,no bot game.Have to wait 15 minutes in high elo to play and peoples rage quit all the time.

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How am I supposed to play this game when jerking off to it is more fun

The obvious answer is that playing solo isn't fun. It's really that simple IMO. All the talk about balance, characters, updates and so on just skip past the simple fact that this game is not designed for the solo player. TF2 is fucking fun as a solo player, you can still have a good time if your team is being mercilessly stomped to shit at spawn.

1. Blizzard needs to force the 2-2-2 meta, at least in ladder (pros can do whatever they want, don't care)
2. Add role preselection before you queue. Team composition is too important, we all lost countless games because EVERYONE wanted to play dps and I don't blame them

There, fixed your shitty game

I don't know
I only played solo so I guess that took its toll after a while, and I was gold I think : pretty shitty
I don't even dislike anything in particular really, I'm just not compelled to play it

OTP Hanzo 4k mmr then Hanzo got reworked and scatter arrow was too much fun, can't play without missing it.

I was one of those who thought it would be a tf2 replacement, but found the forced 6v6, wait > Q > wait gameplay loop and babyproofing balance changes killed any enjoyment I could glean from it after a while

Why do you only want to hear from people who stopped? I've played competitively for over 2 years now and am masters

>people bitch and moan about being scatter arrowed around corners
>they rework him and just make him even more spam friendly, except now he can melt tanks too

Absolutely moronic.

>zen never did direct damage with his debuff.
zen could nuke flankers and do really significant damage to tanks if he actually hit his orbs, of course the problem is actually doing that

Damn, your pic related could've been 2B reverence status if she was in a better game. Overwatch was designed for porn and thats it

I hated that scatter arrow was used to miss enemies to deal more damage
the dumbest fucking shit ever
seeing a hanzo shoot at your feet & one shot you was literal aids

>character designs are annoying, boring, or waifubait
>no depth to the mechanics and any that are interesting by accident are removed
>every character has a specific way they are meant to be played, no customization in playstyle
>casual is filled with retards who pick the same 3 characters every game
>dont want to talk to the sweaty tryhards in ranked and neither does anyone i know
>arcade is shit and so is the server browser
>uninteresting gamemodes
>no reward for playing, skins are zoomer trash and medals only serve to tell the retards on your team they can do no wrong should they have one
>shit community, appeals to normans, attracting females and hence beta orbiters
>went all in on esports which is are retarded as a concept but even more so here as there is no mechanical skill
shit game

Because almost 50% of player base have stop playing and its only getting worse overwatch is now full of bot and its basically a coin toss each match.Cant play for fun have to be a meta slave and the toxicity of this game is unreal.

As someone that doesn't care about the competitive scene in shooters, it's the overall lack of content. Everything's match making and playing the same payload and control point maps. I can't, for instance, create a server of my own that has mix of the game's official maps with custom maps of my choosing joke or otherwise. Also the game's balance is all over the place and no matter how much you fine tune it adding on more heroes is going to make it worse. Also I hate cool down timers. If there's one thing I hate it's when a game forbids me from using moves it wants me to use for an arbitrary amount of time.

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i actually really miss scatter arrow, it was a cool thought to give one of the marksman characters the ability to ricochet shots around corners and junk.

now he just has a more annoying version of fan the hammer.

i play sometimes but i used to play a lot more before. i got turned off by blizzards constant crying about toxicity and virtue signaling bullshit.

Never played it to begin with

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Coin toss has been there since the game was released. That's one of the reasons I gave up competitive.

Most of my games felt like a stomp from one side either because one team was full of smurfs or had throwers or bad hero picks. You rarely see both teams trying to actual win with legit comps.

zenyatta+lucio meta of Season 2 was the best the game has ever been and its been downhill ever since

When I started to realize that heroes whom I think are only bad for the game were nerf immune and infact seen as worthy of huge buffs. Heroes I'm talking about are actually heroes like Reinhardt, Ana and Zarya.

Reinhardt isnt fun. He's flown in mandatory tier and has been said to be balanced here, he is the only hero who literally created another hero to try and dethrone him instead of baalnce him. It didn't work. He devalues the game a lot to what it is in its current state. Hold Shield in choke, press Q, win.

I have a lot of issues with Ana, I know she's hailed as the best addition to the game ever. But she's really just a massive, massive power creep that made Supports dominate every meta from her introduction onward. Every support has to have an ultimate tier ability to even be good, because of ana. Healing was pretty moderate in the game, until Ana came in and made healing tanks piss easy, a lot of supports were buffed to her level and she is the standard now.

Zarya is more tolerable than the other two, but the entire Grav dragon thing was when I said "Ok, I'm done." I remember it was buffed a while before this meta to have no real counterplay, and I just got bored of fighting it. I know the meta has evolved into something gayer, but I still see Zarya at the top of the leader boards so its nice to know nothing has changed.

That and the general lack of effort in anything made me drop it around season 11. I'm seeing that the new lore for the game is literally just text dumps and patches happen less and less frequently, think I made a good decision.

Sorry for the blog.


Zen's debuff doesn't do direct damage, yes you could nuke people down, but that wasn't part of his role and it isn't intended to be a 1v1 ability.

The heavy is a spy!

All they needed to do was make Scatter arrows have scaling damage based on distance the arrows traveled. A scatter placed under someone's feet would do normal arrow damage where as Scatter arrows that have been bouncing for a while do more damage.

>Reinhardt isnt fun
He's fun if you have an aggressive team and good healers.

>Lots of colorful characters
>...But you can only have 6 characters on your team
>No duplicates either
>Also no fan-service skins(the only good thing in shitty MOBA games) because we are progressive
>Btw here is a tribalistic black man from Africa who solves everything with violence and power
>Wanna play another fucking game in Volskaya industries?
>Oops, looks like the enemy has a smurf, have fun
>You cannot force your team into vc! Player freedom is important
>Though you get reported if you play your fav character too much or heroes outside of the meta
>Looks like enemy team has 2 players that pressed q, does your healer have q? No? Gg
>Let's rework the builders into generic dps heroes, perfect! Fuck different playstyles!
>Do you want to play quickplay, or quickplay where people try and you play against people your skill level? Also you get golden guns in the latter
>What if the game wasn't part of the game's lore? Cool idea!
>Fuck custom skins and maps
>Buy some lootboxes! Also watch our youtube video where we beg you to play our events
>That are same every year
>Ana's Bastet challenge is important! Also panic gay button!

Also I was plat

>used to eat Zarya ults all day as D.va
>Can barely do it now because LOL 2 SECONDS.
D.va is such a shit tank now, shes just a fat DPS, matrix was the only thing she had and the removed it for some shitty rockets.

Yeah I could see heal stacking making tanks god mode again being fun.

But I mean for when the meta isnt just Tank supports fucking around, if you take basic bitch overwatch, Reinhardt isnt fun, and if he is fun its because you're fighting shitters.

Players being banned ingame for stuff they did outside of the game.

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>Buff D.Va to be less of a tank and more of a DPS
>Nerf Roadhog to be more of a tank and less of a DPS
>Allow Zarya to be both a tank, and a DPS with a DPS sized hitbox but tank sized HP with a kit with no counterplay, which was also buffed to have no counterplay.
>Allow Reinhardt to become the main of flex players because he is simultaneously mandatory and not fun.

yup thats why I quit.

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Jeff banned me for onetricking widow

>having all of the stars align where I got my teammates to work together, played really well, going above and beyond with callouts, plans, covering for other people... only to lose the game because some guy decided to throw out of fucking nowhere, and no one understands why, and we're talking to him and trying to be as understanding and accommodating as we can, but nope, he's locked in now

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Blizzard has never once released player numbers for overwatch so any claim of how much the player base shrunk is complete bullshit.
>Cant play for fun have to be a meta slave
Also wrong. Meta only matters going from masters to gm, you can literally play anything at all and get to masters if you're good enough. Masters is where you'll hit the wall and stop unless you start playing meta, but below that you can literally just get good
>toxicity of this game is unreal.
actually true

t. Masters Torbjorn one trick

Are you me.

>on offence first
>Work really hard to push, bairly making it to just before the final point
>Team hyped and working together
>Other team pushes through without any trouble, never stopping.
>Everyone is mortal enemies.
Or even worse
>Other team pushes the full length of the map entirely in overtime.

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>The game has just as many players now as it did at its peak!
user, theres a reason they don't release player numbers

D.va Legitimately has a 100% pick rate in pro play. D.va is a character who works in LITERALLY EVERY comp you can make. D.va has been indisputably the best character in the game since its come out. She literally has the highest pick rate in the entire game

Tf2 was so near perfection that any game (including overshit) was going to be a step back.

I was 2999sr unironically and then they announced a new hero "Brigitte" I played her on the test server and heard they were gonna remove scatter from my main and I said ok here we say our goodbyes OW. I started from fucking bronze. PC/EU

why are you making up a quote that no one said

Yeah, and they practically removed all of her tanking ability.

>Blizzard has never once released player numbers for overwatch so any claim of how much the player base shrunk is complete bullshit.
Games lose players user. No game grows forever.

She was pretty shite for the first half a year, then was buffed to try and compete with Zarya and Reinhardt's Q2W orgy.

And has been getting nerfed every since because they over did it. And now d.va is becomming harder and harder to play in anything except OWL tier cordination.

your black text doesn't dispute or contradict the green text at all. They are both true.

>D.va has been indisputably the best character in the game since its come out

D.Va was trash for months after launch because they're nerfed her so badly from the closed beta, where she was ridiculously overpowered at first.

It took like fucking 2-3 months after releasing ranked so I quit, also the content updates were slow as fucking shit.

Content updates means less boredom - and free content for Twitch streamers and youtube to fuck around with.

Being such veteran game designers at blizzard they are slow as fuck.

>And now d.va is becomming harder and harder to play
which is a good thing because as mentioned before she has the highest pick rate in the entire game and is indisputably the best character

The only data we have on "active players" is probably twitch viewers, and thats in the trash compared to even a year ago. Saying that you cant prove how much the game has shrunk is a lie

I'd argue she isn't becoming harder, but more useless, and that isn't a good thing

>Saying that you cant prove how much the game has shrunk is a lie
its not though, you literally cannot prove how much the game has shrunk.

I dont considering even in Diamond you can't get someone to play Mandantory M2Man anymore.

Its just going to make the games less fun

When I played with actual good semi proplayers and they told me I had potential to be a high level player, then I went back into comp and got demoted to bronze because of mexicans not communicating and amerifats and europoors throwing matches. No matter how good you are you will be punished for other people being shit.

Her defense matrix getting a cooldown increase means you actually had to proactively plan what you were going to eat, rather than being reactionary. That's directly making her more difficult, not less useful. Good d.va's still eat zarya grav's for breakfast because they ult track the enemy zarya and know exactly which fight she's going to grav during.

Top 500/GM on xbox for 6 seasons. Eventually I just got tired of playing against someone using a keyboard. If the enemy have a XIM and you don't it's almost a certain loss. Lesser reason was how common it was for one team to be all solo-q or 1 duo while other team is a 4+stack, unfun regardless of which side you're on.

>The workshop exists user

You mean the shitty, glorified game browser that no one plays? It gives NO exp and the only reason to play OW is for skins.

Yea but it gives progression for the normie, League of Legends was shit because my friend smurfed for the first time after getting Diamond ranking for half a decade straight took him 300+ games to get from Silver 4 to Diamond 5 on his girlfriends account.

NO PLAYER SHOULD PLAY 300 GAMES IN A RANK THEY DON'T BELONG IN. This means the balance is shit.

>No matter how good you are you will be punished for other people being shit.
I've climbed 3 seperate accounts to masters. You're bad at the game, stop trying to blame others.

>Lesser reason was how common it was for one team to be all solo-q or 1 duo while other team is a 4+stack
you can only duo now above gm. You can't make a group larger than 2 if you're in gm fyi

I keep playing it but not often as I used to, I'm still playing ranked but I found some ultimates too strong and hard to deal especially if u are playing on solo queue.

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>you actually had to proactively plan what you were going to eat, rather than being reactionary
2 seconds is nothing to work with. You can't stop a push with that. A good Zarya will either Wait for the matrix to be gone, simply walk in and drop it at her feet or she'll just push you since D.va cant cock blocker her anymore. Its gone from being her defining trait to being an unnecessary luxery. The nerf to duration and flashing completely changed how she plays, she isn't D.va anymore. Shes next to useless as a frontline tank

>Its gone from being her defining trait to being an unnecessary luxery
you legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. She has the highest pick rate in the game and that's actually all there is to the discussion. Your opinion is irrelevant when she's the most picked character in the entire game and works in literally every single situation.

She literally isn't even the same character anymore, We aren't discussing pickrates faggot.

>We aren't discussing pickrates faggot.
we are though. You're calling a character useless who is LITERALLY the most used character in the game. You're objectively wrong.

She is useless as a tank, prove me wrong. She has no tank utility outside of a shit 2 second matrix

>character is stupidly overpowered
>skillset has little to no counters to it
>don't buff current counters or include new ones
>only option is to nerf the shit out of the aforementioned character.

It's like how the comp that consists of nothing but healers and high health characters in a game with literally only a single anti-healing ability and not a single anti-high health mechanic (e.g. percentage based damage ability / gun) has been meta for months.

>She is useless as a tank, prove me wrong.
She is the most used tank in the game. Boom, you're wrong.

Nice meme, I bet you think Roadhog is a good tank too.

Plat around season 2/3, quit around the time Ana came out. She affected the meta far too much, and with a lack of map content to keep the game fresh it got boring very quickly. Came back recently and the game is somehow even more unbalanced.

>you may have proven me wrong but HAHA with a flick of the wrist I change the goal post!

>the game was only fun to play when you were winning and stomping retards that didn't know what they were doing and you thought you were good
You should unironically drop down to bronze/silver then if you want these kinds of games, friends did something similar and started having tones of fun antagonizing all the bronze shitters and mercy mains who are predominantly female (female).

You literally didn't prove me wrong. Show me what use she has as a tank, tell me how wrong I am and how she can hold off pushes and cover her teammates. I will suck your cock if you can convince me she is good at blocking damage and protecting her team.

>if you can convince me
impossible, you're retarded.

Got sick of it. 1-7seasons/2800-3100
Garbage role design. Supports shouldn't be that strong in 1v1. Heal stacking shouldn't be a thing.
Garbage map/mode design. 2cp, choke fiesta maps, all of that.
Hanzo/widow/one shot heroes that have wallhack don't belong to the game with single choke maps. Holy shit.

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>complain about goal posts
>respond with ad hominem

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>the gameplay was always the same
This. Plus unnecessary buffs/nerfs to cater to casuals who don’t like winning through putting in time to acquire skill and would rather just press the same two buttons.

Playing it just made me want to murder everyone on my team, including my friends.

>Move goalposts
>Surprised the person you're arguing with insults you instead of attempting to argue against a different argument

>Still hasn't mentioned anything about D.va's tanking ability.
I guess I'm right be default.

I just picked it back up during the anniversary event after not playing for like 6 seasons. New characters and maps are fun. I still pick it up when I don't know what I want to play.
It almost never gets boring desu, like rocket league. Don't play much comp any more tho.

Played nonstop in closed and open. Dropped the game around Christmas 2016. My peak was BARELY platinum.
Went back to try the game last year, but every match had trannies on the tranny champ Moira barking orders like they were relevant to the game. Ultimately i had fun the first year, but now the champs and community have degenerated into something not for me

Because the Free weekend expired.

I played Overwatch for the first four or five seasons at high Masters.

It just got to the point where I didn't like the heroes being added and I didn't like the constant shifts in the meta. I wanted the game to become more stable over time, not less.

It's incredibly shallow

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I'm a diehard Junkrat player in competitive (regardless of what map and whether we're attack or defend) and I do get some disparaging comments about picking him.

If I do well then they change their tune, but if I do bad they just accept the match as a loss.

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This. Siege added bans and it's based. I have no clue why Blizz doesn't want to follow suit.

I play Torb and people flame nonstop regardless of how good you're doing or whether or not you're winning. Luckily I don't give a fuck and carry games anyway.s

I stopped the moment competitive mode was announced. Got a good 80 hours of play out of the game and felt quite satisfied till it started feeling the same

Every map is designed the same
Not ban system

Lately I've been seeing a lot of Attack Widows and they've been actual good people.
>enemy Widow on Attack is a menace to us trying to defend
>ally Widow is either quite adept or actually switches off when they're not getting picks
Sometimes you run into the strangest people.

They nerfed Mercy to the point that she wasn't fun to play anymore. The rationale was that she was just being used to hide and rez, but that only happened on the pro scene, nobody really played her like that. That's really the sum of the problem with the game - the pro players are in a different world, playing a different game, and if you balance for them, you're fucking up the 99%.

The arguments against mass rez were always horseshit anyways. It's a-ok and skill based to press Q and minus five the enemy team, but if I press Q and plus five my own team, that's "broken".
Every online game ends up the same - good at release, then bitchers get an outsized voice, and it gets balance patched to death.

Ultimates. I understand their purpose in the broader tug of war of a match, but in moment to moment gameplay getting blown up by a tire just felt shitty, and having pushes boil down to hoarding ults created a lot of downtime where nothing happened.

I got tired of shooting barriers and being stunned and wasting time shooting players getting healed and every map being chokepoint city

I stopped playing because of a drought of content, and that I had already played the first 2 seasons fucking endlessly on PS4 with friends. My record high there is 2929, PC is pic related which was Season 3.

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>pick up overwatch during black friday, literally only care about playing junkrat
>become somewhat ok at him
>play one game of ranked with him
>half my team hate my guts because i wasn't pulling my weight, despite having stopped multiple flank attempts and a few double/triple kills
>just because we lost
put a real damper on my tune of the game in all honesty
that and he didn't really feel as fun as demoman anyway outside of riptire

I still play overwatch, biggest issues with it right now are:
>OWL shilling
>Playerbase divided between comp and QP (No decent players in QP/arcade, everybody is a tryhard faggot in comp)
>Updates lowering in frequency
>Gameplay revolves around ultimate abilities (nobody likes losing a match to grav + dragons or similar combos)
>Braindead characters are among the most powerful (Playing moira at OWL level is easier than playing most heroes in the game at silver level)

> only care about playing junkrat
Thanks for quitting user

don't like being hit by someone who can't aim for shit?
me neither

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had the game since launch, played through periods of daily playing and then equal time not playing for months
i was plat most of the time i played, just didn't feel like the game was going anywhere i guess, i haven't played since they added the cowgirl

shit meta
shit maps
too much autistic tryhard shit
shooting takes a backseat to using skills

I went in expecting a successor to TF2 and left disappointed

I stopped playing competitive because I got tired of depending on teammates, especially those that think they are better than they are.

Also got tired of picking characters I dont want to play. Not only I dps not meta I'm also not allowed to play it because 4 other guys did and I don't like meta-heros.

I still play arcade casually it very rarely

>playing Mercy
>Junkrat main confronts me
>misses 5 shots in a row
>gets angry and uses shift ability because he can't aim
>goes back to camping behind a wall and spamming blind shots at the ally junkrat who is doing the same thing
Every time

They removed multiple heroes from quickplay.

Newsflash Blizzard: Anyone who gives a fuck about trying will play comp mode. Quickplay is for fun. Let us play fun compositions and MAYBE I'll come back

>remember when mentioning tf2 made you a newfag
>these days people use it to show how hardcore they are
oh how the times have changed

4bastion orisa lucio is too strong for QP, please understand

Game felt too sanitized it took me a while to notice but OW doesn't have any blood or gore in it and I couldn't stop noticing it, also maybe it's just me but being unable to bitch at somebody for being shit or annoying without the threat of a ban really just sucks the joy out of the game.
That and no custom maps, I didn't know how much I missed shitty community servers and meme maps until I played tf2 again, game just feels like something made to be an esport and not really be played for fun

Fuck stun in fps games

>can't play full-on custom modes like wacky races
tbf you can now that they have added workshop mode

Good, the only options for the game beforehand were having to deal with elo obsessed faggots or being dived by 6 dva mechs

Are you saying he killed you with mine or that he used the mine to jump away from you?

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killed me with mine

Mercy was never fun, healbitch

She was for a time. But dumbasses always get their way, eventually, and anything that makes a shitty DPS player need to think about something other than hurrrrrr shoot front hurrr has to go.

You can't design a game with something as simple as tank/dps/heal anymore, people are too stupid for it. It has to be call of duty, dps only. In five or ten years, it'll be nothing but dps bots fighting each other, while you faggots watch on trans-Twitch.

Mercy is literally the most fun hero to play

killed with the mine
it's the goto move of all bad junkrat players
>oh I can't hit you with more than 1 grenade?
>haha 120 damage execute in your face!
the right way to do things is to bounce them up first with the mine and then follow up with a midair

gameplay sucks ass

>Junkrat main tries this
>fails terribly
>basically gives you a free ride to any highground
>Bonus points if you're mercy and can glide off of it

The first time they actually added more counters to d.va was the change to her boosters to no longer bypass knockback and mei's slow.

Everything else has just been dumb. They seem to rather something be worthless than fall in line with the entire counterpick mentality that formed the game.

I guess this is what it's like trying to live after having a lobotomy

I played a lot at release and quit around the time competitive was added. It's just a clunker TF2 without level variety. The only part that stood out to me in a good way was some of the character specific movement options.

Scripts can only go so far. Wacky races needs a map built for it too

I only played it because my fuck off retarded friends moved there from Starcraft 2. All they did was get mad as fuck and scream at each other. Now none of them play anything and I hear less and less about this game. Good Ridence.

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Nah, you don't have to aim but knowing when and who to heal or damage boost, deciding on whether or not a rez is worth the risk, and surviving even though you're the number one target in the server can get pretty difficulty

You should know what the characters can do and distance yourself from him.

Masters PC player here

The answer: Moira, Mei, Brigitte, Torbjorn, Symmetra.

Remove them from the game and the player population will double within a month.

Aren't Torb, sym, and mei usually incredibly underpowered?

Where's Doomfist, Sombra, Roadhog, McCree, Reinhardt and Zarya?

Yes. My list isn't OP heroes. It is a list of heroes that make the game unfun and cannot be fixed.

where's sombra on your list?

I got to high platinum once, gold every other season after because I get too bored and fed up with retards to keep playing through.

>majority of the player base is too dumb to exist, full of people who legitimately have under 70 IQ
>maps are crap, uninteresting, shitheaps especially compared to any other game in the genre
>characters are flat and boring, any retained fanbase only cares about their shitty fucking tumblr shipping with ugly faggot characters
>majority of the heroes are unfun to play and feel neutered in their abilities. Shields, armor and barriers all contribute to this to an egregious amount
>gameplay caters toward which team has enough neurons to rub together in order to form up into a group and steamroll the other team of retards who were too stupid to stick near each other
>80%~ of the cosmetics are incredibly shitty, which is surprising because the same gooks who make them also make Fortnite cosmetics which usually look good enough to pull people to at least trying the game
>the other 20% of cosmetics are just okay
>wouldn't be a problem if the game didn't base a large portion of itself around collecting cosmetics at monthly events
>redditors complained too much about heroes hitting harder so everything has to be made of foam and another satisfying hero to play will never be released
>too busy having chinks automatically ban people who get reported for toxicity too much to ever add meaningful and fun content to the game
>quickplay penalizes you for leaving too often midmatch, the message being "it's your responsibility to carry retards or else you're ruining the game!" to justify it
>majority of the players now are either gook hackers who still play so poorly that their PC Bang aimbot isn't enough to help them or gook retards who play so poorly that them not existing at all and their spot remaining empty would be a net benefit to the game

If I wanted to exhaust myself I could keep going for this entire thread.

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5 minute games are boring and repetitive, and leaves no room for the community to grow and get to know each other, no ACTUAL custom games. Having attractive waifus doesn't make the game good unfortunately.

That's a good point, my bad. Sombra should be there too.

sure you do bud

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These heroes are all fun to play as, they just need to change Mei's ult and remove sym's turrets and they wouldn't be bad to play against

Remove Widowmaker, Ana, Hanzo, Genji, Mei, Moira, Symmetra, Pharah, and Orisa.
Buff Lucio and Winston.
There, I just fixed the entire game.

Got into this after a long hiatus, trying the new characters I never got to see before, is Ashe not just worse than Widowmker and Mcree at long/close range?

t. silver Rein/Soldier/Junkrat/Mercy player

>not shooting sym's slow ass sentries out of midair
Kill yourself normalfag, Jesus Christ. The only reason Symmetra is bad is because stupid fucking BRs only pick her instead of something useful like a second healer who doesn't just pocket their shitter stack members.

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Actually it's so people don't pick it on your team. See Get dysentery and shit yourself to death.

All Blizzard had to do was make TF2 with cute girls, and somehow they decided that wasn't a good option.

Or keep everyone but remove Ultimates.

Please tell me how I can shoot turrets out of the air if they were set up before I got to the point, placed directly onto a wall, or teleported? The issue with her turrets isn't that they're op, it's that they deal 30 damage before you can even react and your teammates are usually too retarded to shoot them

>make the game have even less content and more benefit to barriers

Unironically, Blizzard's incessant need to push Esports into everything.
Overwatch was great as a goofy TF2 style game where you could pick what you want and fuck around without taking it too seriously. As soon as they started pushing it as a competitive Esport and announced a ranked mode I dropped it because I knew it was going to ultimately be the game's downfall.
Sure enough I was right and the game's struggling right now because of the Esports bullshit.

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Maybe turn around and shoot them
>they were already shooting me for several minutes until I found the bright glowing beam hitting me exactly where the damage indicator was coming from! it isn't fair reddit IT ISN'T FAIR

Definitely a console nigger, get off this website.

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If the only way to even get anything done in OW is Ultimates than the game is shittily designed.

I just got bored with it and my ex-friend would only play this and try to force me to play it while I wanted to play Yo-Kai Watch 2.

The game is shittily designed.

that is me
it's a strategy game more than it's an FPS
superior teamplay trumps everything, no matter how good you are at FPS
and that's why I stopped

Play fighting games instead.

I got to master's playing tank, then Brigitte came out. I got a smurf account from the humble monthly deal and just play with my friends in gold usually in quickplay because higher level competitive just isn't fun between either dealing with cancer comps or people getting mad and throwing.

A good Rein game still feels amazing, but then any other game where they just start tossing out as much CC as they can it just makes me not want to play.

CC and one shot abilities like doomfist or hanzo just feel terrible to play against and constantly watching people peek just to get headshot and force us to wait another 10 seconds makes the game ass to deal with competitively.

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nah, I'll just play another FPS because that's what I wanted to play in the first place

Well if you ever want a competitive game without teamplay bollocks, give it a try.

I'm still maintaining my rating (currently 4021, but 3800-4200 most of the time) but my heart really isn't in it. If I'm dropped into a game with certain people I may as well be tanking because I don't even want to listen to voice chat.

I definitely don't play outside of maintenance and I've let that slip a couple times/seasons.

I'll probably let go completely when something that really eats up my time comes out. Like Cyberpunk 2077.

And for the same reasons: I'm actually someone who could theoretically make it as a pro but I don't want to be a pro. I have a real job that I like making more than I could playing Overwatch. My friends play less and less and are quitting. Plus I have to split time between my scrubby friends and competitive play which just sucks.

The game has so many problems it's not worth hashing them all out, but the biggest one right now is a complete disconnect between the audience and the developers. We want less grind, more fun, and less focus on esports.

Used to watch a buddy play it after work when we'd smoke weed. (Inb4 DUDE) It was free on pc so I gave it a go, played literally one game got some legendary skin to a hero I had no interest in, and uninstalled because that was the entire loop, no personal progression other than increasing the rank number and your little icon.

The game was always boring and bad, but it was 'babby's first pc class shooter' for a lot of the fags in the thread and elsewhere. It was boring right from the start because of ultimates. The game can never be redeemed because it's designed around ultimates. I'm not saying there's no strategy to it, there's plenty of that. Managing a steady ult growth. Denying the enemy team ult. Ult shutdowns. Syncing your ult with your teams'. Baiting out enemy ults. Tracking enemy ult growth... the list goes on.

But none of that shit is actually fun. The game tricked you into thinking it was fun because the first 50 or so times your crammed your overweight digit onto the Q key and watched half the enemy team poof back to spawn you squealed in autistic delight over how cool and badass you were. But then the allure of letting the game handhold you gradually wore off and you stopped caring... and all the other flaws of the game became more readily apparent.

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>mfw never played this faggot ass, soi boy ass, roastie ass, twitch thot ass game

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masters/GM player here

Removing snipers would improve the game 400%

You can make arguments for the rest, but simply removing Ana, Hanzo, and Widowmaker would improve the game immensely overnight.

I made it to diamond. Needing to rely so heavily on the team running the perfect strats and perfect heroes made it start to feel like every match was the same. If everyone didn't pull their weight perfectly we were wasting a lot of time. Very low skill ceiling in my opinion.

PC player, diamond rank here.

Quit maybe a year ago after playing since around launch. There's a few things that killed OW for me, among them the slow dripfeed of content and the recycled annual events, but all of that pales in comparison to the balancing changes they'd made since launch.

Back when OW was new, there was a variety of very dangerous characters in the roster who if left unchecked could turn the tides of battle all on their own. A Mercy, for example, could zip in and revive her entire team turning your successful push into a complete failure. A Hanzo could easily wipe out your DPS and healers if not countered. As could a Genji. As could a Widowmaker. Shit, as could a Roadhog.

As a competitive player, I feel these things added to the experience. Single opposing characters could be lethal and thus your team was required to respond accordingly by deploying counters, focusing on particular characters and employing strategies to manage their particular team composition. Not to mention that composition was fluid and could change several times throughout a fight. This meant the challenges you'd face would vary in real time. This kept playing the same modes and maps over and over again somewhat interesting and made competitive play a genuinely enjoyable experience.

Blizzard however viewed this as a balancing problem, and over the course of the games lifespan proceeded to gut these characters and take away or nerf what made them dangerous to an enemy party. As such, this entire component of competitive play gradually wound down. The way a competitive match plays today is vastly different to how they played on launch, and vastly less interesting. Counters are nowhere near as important as they once were, nor is team composition - typically assuming you have the right amount of each role, you're fine, regardless of what those individual characters are (not a golden rule by any means, but much moreso the case now than a few years ago).

I have no friends and playing with randos is trash.


4504 peak DPS player. I stopped playing because of the direction the developers took with hero balance.

During Season 1 I was already complaining that tanks and supports were too strong relative to the skill it required to play them. I had no idea how bad it was going to get. For the past 1.5 years, the game's meta has been GOATS - Go All Tanks & Supports - and before that DPS was still getting chewed up by dive and didn't really influence the game.

The bottom line is that Overwatch is maintained by ex-MMO developers, and they do not like FPS games or FPS mechanics like aiming or positioning. They took a good FPS game and turned it into a mediocre strategy game played from a limiting first-person perspective.

They don't understand that they also gimped their $400,000,000 forced esports league by doing this to the game. In beta, tournaments with 5k prize pools pulled 140k+ viewers. That's because it was a DPS-centric meta. Everyone wants to see headshots. No one wants to see two teams use ultimates on each other.

Anyway, while I'm here, have a sneak peek at my fragmovie I'm working on.


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Snipers are almost always impossible to balance in a vacuum in any FPS. The only things that come close are:

>map design
>game type
>vulnerability if caught out
>specific counter roles that prevent them running rampage

TF2's sniper for the most part is kept in check by the first two... though there's some inherent weaknesses in the way he snipes. Widow in a vacuum is ridiculous because her rifle is semiautomatic and even a bad sniper can just repeatedly spam shots until they get lucky. She also has an easy escape... so the only thing that seemingly balances her is counter classes (tanks and shielding), but this just creates the modern overwatch scene where only characters not perturbed by snipers are used competitively and the moment that meta breaks snipers will run rampage again.

i only played comp season 1 and was ranked like high-70s
there was no reason to play it after that point, they made no improvements and failed to fix any of the problems people had with matchmaking, bad maps being forced into the playlist, and general lack of cooperation from teammates

but thats not why i quit, i kept playing qp for a long while after that despite to my memory not really having fun a single notable time, mostly due to how people treated the non-comp modes as their own personal "designated shitting grounds" where theyre not expected to play to win or even try to do anything really

no, the reason i stopped is that the games probably, historically, one of the singly worst-managed games in the history of the industry

i cannot name another game that after 3 years of consistent updates has managed to make it a worse experience for its players after almost every single active change to character balance
whoever it was that was personally in charge of making sure changes to the game would be a net positive benefit for the people currently playing shouldve been fired fucking years ago, their fixation on prioritizing and championing uninteractive exchanges, ie deaths via stuns, instakills, undeniable and uncounterable ults absolutely RUINED the game, and the resultant push for stronger healing abilities and buffed heal output in general in a desperate attempt to search for "counterplay" to these abilities without actually negatively influencing their ability to kill made everything that wasnt built around exploiting them completely and totally nonviable
i could rant for fucking hours about the complete lack of understanding of really basic game design goals, really, it should be obvious to anyone thats ever even tried to play a game that being robbed of your ability to act, react and counter an opponents action is not going to be fun for anyone
characters like widow, brig, zen, etc do not belong in a "competitive" shooter

Every match is the same, I feel like I barely even have to think when I play.

Watching a pro Widow click on heads is like watching an outfielder catch a pop fly. also your frag clip looks bad, 1k's? why even bother?

>He thinks I ever played that shit

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To add to this, a big reason I think this happened like it did was casuals. No, no, hear me out. The higher tiers of competitive understood the threat certain characters posed and knew how to deal with it. The lower tiers and quickplay community would get one hit by a scatter arrow and loudly cry about it on the forums, calling bullshit. There's only one voice talking here, and that's the voice they heard. By listening to complaints and addressing them, they gutted a key component of the game failing to realize that it was that very component which made the higher levels of competitive good in the first place. It's not really Blizzards fault, but it's a damn shame all the same.

And don't get me wrong, a lot of things they've added since launch were genuinely great. I loved the addition of the arcade mode, it made the casual side of play much more varied and enjoyable and offered rewards to boot. Some of the characters they added were also pretty good. Emphasis on some. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the maps. OW's maps, even those in the game at launch, aren't great.

Anyway, OW had a lot of potential. It just so happens Blizzard went in the wrong direction post launch and turned what could have been a great competitive game into a casual friendly slog. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is.

Ashe's dynamite is one of the most busted abilities in the game. This plus she has a boop, which is one of the most useful character mechanics to have in the game because you can boop away a winston or blading genji or doomfist or anyone who normally contests snipers. She's lowkey busted as fuck but widow owns her at range.

It's funny to me that after nearly two years of "zero DPS characters, sniper or otherwise" being the meta, you're complaining about snipers being too powerful.

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>He thinks an extremely bare bones map editor that doesn't even come close to what the Steam Workshop and Hammer is capable of will save the game.

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>how people treated the non-comp modes as their own personal "designated shitting grounds" where theyre not expected to play to win or even try to do anything really

This as well. Huge frustration for me. If you wanted to play properly, you had to play competitive. QP was full of people who had no actual intention of playing the game properly. It was immensely frustrating.

Don't want to put up with pubbies, but don't have any friends that play.

You have zero reading comprehension. I could probably insult your mother and you'd be left scratching your thick monkey cranium wondering what I just said.

Theres no content.

Yes, I did read the part where you insinuated that GOATS is meta because of Widowmaker. The thing is you're just fucking wrong, lol. You have zero understanding of the game if you actually think that. What is your SR and most played heroes?


>I still came into this thread anyway

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Only healsluts hate snipers coz of thier inferiority complex

>High Diamond 2016- 2018
>Blizzard cant balance shit for
>every update was a flavor of the month pick on who will be stupid strong and who will be a useless troll
>release new characters on top of this to completely fuck up the basics of the game
>major focus on Esports and being nice to one another instead of the game itself
>Gain small amount of SR because you carry 5 idiots on your team to victory with a bunch of gold medals almost every game
>lose a lot more SR than you gain from a win because you cant carry 5 idiots on your team
>people "throw" on purpose, and if you call them out nothing happens and your labeled toxic
>people pick their autistic favorite character regardless of the teams composition
>will happily lose all day and never switch to something better to handle the other team
>winning with these autists means the five people on their team must only pick shit to support the autists pick, or get steam rolled
>reporting these idiot players does absolutely nothing as you mind as well ban half the fucking player base
>diamond is the top 10 percent of players that play the game which says a lot about the playerbase of this game
>The games an FPS but it rewards good aim so very little compared to the amount of ability spam ways to team wipe the enemy
>healers that dont heal
>DPS that "flank" and die for 4 minutes straight
>tanks who either don't know what the w key is or rush in to solo 6 enemies and die before their team can catch up and help
>communication meme so plat & below players think they'll become masters rank if they spam "widow widow widow, mercy mercy mercy" in chat
>despite being diamond I've played a lot of matches with master and GM players because the matchmaking was always shitty
>Pretend to not care casual scene in QP, but will scream about reporting people not trying in chat
Source: A player who has been a flex pick for too long and watched his teammates consistently do stupid shit in ranked for over 2 years.

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List of people whose opinions don't matter:

- Players under top 100
- Players who pick support or tank

It's not about balance it's about turbo retards no longer having their insta-picks available so they have to either leave or contribute something besides standing around missing shots.

Everytime I get to high plat, Blizzard puts me with retards in unwinnable games to bring me back down.

You have SR and a hidden MMR.

When your SR exceeds your MMR, you are matched with retards in unwinnable games to bring you back down.

The only way to beat this is hundreds of games to bring your MMR up too.

I just quit every time I get to high plat for this reason.

I was in the top 3% of CSGO players and I have incredibly aim, I have a very good understanding of the game, I am not a plat or diamond player.

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If you're stuck in plat you're plat. I have boosted quite literally hundreds of people out of plat and never had any difficulty. Not even in masters did I have difficulty.

actually you are literally a plat player

So why aren't you just playing CSGO?

When the game first came out it felt like you could make nice plays to counter any enemy. Now everything is hard counters. You essentially have to switch if some one picks your characters hard counter and has any skill.

Probably because CSGO is incredibly slow and boring.

Countering snipers is easy enough if you're playing with people who aren't literal lobotomies. But even in masters/GM that doesn't always happen and sometimes you find yourself in a game where you're just getting shredded because the team composition can't manage a good counter comp.

If you're getting shit on by a sniper, here is how you counter them: go into your spawn room, pick sniper, kill the enemy sniper.

If you can't do that, you're worse and you deserve to lose

I could get out of plat if I wanted to play hundreds of games to boost my hidden MMR.

The best player in the world can't carry themselves out of their SR being below their MMR without hundreds of games.

The "unranked to GM" series works by getting placed with an already high MMR.

When your SR exceeds your hidden MR, you get an SR debuff + Blizzard will match you with retards in unwinnable games.

Not even the best player in the world can carry themselves out of this without hundreds of games to also boost their MMR.

I am literally in the top 1% of damage for Mccree and Hanzo on Overbuff.

You can solocarry plat with battlemercy. If you trully global elite or whatever, you should be able to one trick widow to high gm in few days.

Is it just me or are the characters in overwatch that are relatively analogous to tf2 classes designed by people who were butthurt about sucking hard?

>Pharah was designed by shitty soldier players envious of soaring rocketjumping soldiers but unable to replicate their feats
>Hanzo was designed by salty hunstman players mad about having a slow draw and reload and limited ammo and zero mobility
>Widow was made by terrible sniper mains with no understanding of positioning or of moving spots semi-regularly and who kept getting second scoped so they made her rifle semi automatic
>Mei is Pyro made by pyro mains angry that people can run away from them and expect the game to just give them kills if a single particle of their spray touches someone
>mercy is designed by medic players who have absolutely no idea how to read a battlefield and predict when to retreat.

I'll boost you out of plat tonight if you want. It'll take like an hour at most.
You can enable the phone authenticator thing and e-mail me the code to login, that's how everyone does it in professional boosting to avoid account hijacking.

>not the far more based ORIGINAL mario_kart

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the correct answer. absolutely ruined playing Reinhardt.

And the big problem with the game being about hard counters is that it seems the devs want to encourage constant character swapping... only losing ult on switch discourages it.

Not when your SR is above your hidden MMR.

When this happens, you receive an SR debuff and Blizzard puts you with retards in unwinnable games, until your SR backs down to your hidden MMR.

It takes hundreds of games to increase your hidden MMR to counteract this.

"Unranked to GM" works by these players getting placed with high MMRs.

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I can do that, but I'm also a main tank player.

>posts the most autistic wojak ever created
>posts get off this website
the absolute state of Yea Forums

>I am literally in the top 1% of damage for Mccree and Hanzo on Overbuff.
and you are literally playing against other plat players to get that stat lmao. Gm players are against other gm players with gm positioning and mechanics, you can't compare stats across elos. Not that it matters though, you're a plat player at the end of the day.

I am in the top 3% of CSGO players and I have infinitely better aim then you and I understand how to play Overwatch at least as well as you.

I am better than you.

I could get myself out of plat if I wanted to deal with Blizzards way of dealing with your SR being above your MMR.

It had some fundamental flaws that were never addressed, balancing became moronic, new content either broke shit or didn't matter

In the end I left because you couldn't have dumb fun with it but at the same time it was hard to take it seriously if you didn't have a stack

GM widow can solo entire enemy team in plat, there is no unwinnable games. Git gud.

got to masters
game sucks
game sucks
cc everywhere
fun characters get you yelled at
even having a super high WR on lucio got people jerking me around cus they wanted Niggeeta or Moira or Mercy
the retarded trannies that play this game are the worst people
can comfortably say I got masters only playing lucio in solos. fuck everyone that ever told me to switch. bunch of shitters.

I stopped playing it within the month it came out.

>Couldn't host private servers
>No ability to customize game rules
>No modding capability

It felt like a mobile game version of TF2.

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>I could get myself out of plat
you can't though, because you haven't yet.


Dead game is dead

According to my ledger with myboosting, I have boosted 226 people out of platinum. It took a mean time of 1hr 16mins to complete each order

>GM widow can solo entire enemy team in plat,

They can get really good plays sometimes of course.

The best widow in the world can't win in plat without their team cooperating.

I stop playing the game every time I know that my SR is above my hidden MMR and Blizzard wants me to grind through that rigged system.

You sound literally, genuinely delusional.

Stop? I never started. That shit is for onionss and rosterfags. always has been.

>I stop playing because I was hardstuck in plat

You are a very lucky person then.

Because I am in the top 3% of CSGO players and I guarantee I am WAY better than you at any FPS game including Overwatch.

I simply quit playing when I know Blizzard's rigged system starts making my SR chase my hidden MMR down at high plat.

The ranking system. Theres more punishment for losing points wise and if someone in my team quits, which is such a common issue for gold at least, I shouldn't lose points for losing the match. Sure, give the winner points, but I shouldn't be punished for some retard leaving or having a shit connection and dropping. Give me no points, but no penalty either.

Also add a story mode and more variety in arcade. Lucio Ball should always be in the arcade to easily join with your bros. Simple things like that odder variety. Otherwise it can become rather stale once you finally do move on from the game.

I understand now. This was bait all along

Nobody wants to shoot barriers all day while getting their movement stunned and disrupted

SR and hidden MMR are known facts.

Your SR will chase your MMR.

When your SR is above your MMR, the matchmaking system will put you in unwinnable games with people on losing streaks, you will gain less SR on win, and lose more SR on loss, irrelevant of your performance, until you play enough games that your MMR also increases.

>Because I am in the top 3% of CSGO players
yeah but you're a platinum overwatch player so you're literally wrong about being better than me at it

Competitive was introduced and the game went from a fun capture the flag/move the payload game to a game where either had to play in league with a bunch of try-hards trying to become e-Michael Jordan or play quickmatch where everyone just fucked around and griefed/trolled.

I am not, I could beat you in a 1v1 all day.

You are not a better player than me, Blizzard most likely even has a system to detect by IP/hardware that a different player with a known higher MMR is playing on that account.

SR is meaningless, the only thing that matters is your hidden MMR, which takes hundreds/thousands of games to change depending on how much playtime is on the account, and Blizzard will rig your matchmaking and SR gain/loss until your SR reflects your MMR.

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e-sports shit ruined it. I had a lot of fun with it in the early days before comp mode came around and people started forcing a meta on everyone else. also, the continually buffing and gimping of heroes really soured things.

>You are not a better player than me,
I literally am though, you're only a plat player


Stopped being fun. It's just that simple. New characters after Sombra were poorly designed, new stages were a mess, balance is clearly designed to rotate the popular characters.

Simply put, most of the people in diamond and above got there during the earlier seasons of the game, when it was much easier.

Their MMR is now in that rank, they will have an easy time getting back to that rank, even on a new account, because Blizzard does have IP/hardware/OS based methods of detecting multiple accounts or a different player on an account, and what their MMR is on their main.

Unless they drastically change that through many games.

>balance is clearly designed to rotate the popular characters.
this.. mercy is #1 most player hero and has literally never not been meta

Playing exclusively mystery heroes is how I keep playing this game, no pressure to abide by a meta so no one can be angry at your pick. It's a good mix of casual but still playing to win because half of the people are probably doing lootboxes.

Lesee now,
>>poor balancing
>>e-sports bullshit
>>faggot pandering with regards to Tracer and Soldier 76 being lesbian and gay/bisexual respectively.

Simply put, platinum is the average rank. If you're even slightly above average at the game you will easily climb out of plat. If you were a good player capable of climbing out of plat you would begin to understand how hilarious it is to see someone claim beating AVERAGE skilled players is impossible. You are below average in skill though and incapable of climbing out of plat so you experience a duning-kruger effect where you can't even see how pathetic you are.

I was between high gold/low plat for competitive. The game just got pretty fucking stale. Other than what people always mention about ultimates (which are fucking awful for FPS games, by the way), I have a problem with the Assault game mode (where you capture point A and B). It's by far the worst experience in that game. It's so fucking boring and literally made obsolete by Escort, which is pretty much the same general idea except executed way better. I think my enjoyment of the game would increase by a solid 30% if I could just only queue for the attacking side on Escort on quickplay.

Also, there's just not a lot to do. At least Source games have modding and community maps, so we get shit like surf, bhop, jailbreak, etc, plus tons of great maps. I could totally see overwatch having a ton of fun lucio wallriding maps, pharah boosting maps, genji dash maps. Plus people could make a shit ton of PvE maps. Would literally breath so much life back into the game.

Hitscans should do 1.5-2x damage to shields

You have to swallow something else aswell

They made s76 a faggot, havent played since out of sheer disgust.

1v1 and live stream it or you're both fags.

Diamond, and I just quit completely when they murdered Hog.
I was already playing less before that, but eh.

It was boring when it came out and now it really shows how little content it has.

Got diamond in season 2 on console and pc, then master on PC after I abandoned shit ass consoles.

Stopped playing because the playerbase is miserable.

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I remember that one Torb main who got banned for a couple weeks because he played torb exclusively

siege remains undefeated

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I was GM for eight seasons. The game got stale and forces meta too much. I'm also becoming too old for video games, my skills are degrading.

There's objectively nothing wrong with a ban/protect system

Also, I forgot to mention two main things:
- Barriers are incredibly annoying and an absolute snoozefest to deal with.
- The amount of healing/armor/shields this game has is ridiculous. Between all the characters that can heal, and how fast they can heal - it's just fucked. Healers shouldn't be as important as they are.

Attached: overwatch is dying.png (853x831, 643K)

I was not interested after playing on Free Weekends

What wojak I posted a mirror

Individually I can beat the vast majority of plat players.

What I can't do, is play hundreds of games to raise my MMR.

Unless I do this, my SR will be above my MMR, and Blizzard will put me in unwinnable games, and give me an SR debuff (less SR on win, more on loss), regardless of my performance.

They do this until your SR matches your MMR.

They do the opposite when your SR is below your MMR too.

>Blizzard will put me in unwinnable games,
Blizzard puts you in high plat games, which are unwinnable to you because you're low-mid platinum skill

Like 3 new maps since it came out. Rainbow Six Siege runs rings around their content release schedule. Competitive also has some of the worst human beings alive playing it. They immediately inspect your profile and harass anyone with a private profile or level lower than theirs. How pathetic can you get.

thought it was boring as fuck, on the plus side it rekindled my love of TF2

It's not that Blizzard's servers look at Anon1990 and thinks "Hey this guy's won too much recently, let's throw him to the wolves!". It's more the fact that Blizzard's MMR system is retarded and always ends up over-adjusting because actually finding 12 players of the same skill level queuing at the same time is not likely so it quickly expands the search to include more and more players farther and farther away from your skill level. Most players don't notice when the expanded search benefits them, but EVERYONE notices when it hurts them.

I'm not here to say you're wrong and E-Sports is some great thing. But almost everyone who complains about Esports and ends up listing the tings they like, end up listing things that have strictly come from E-sports and not grassroots.

You could put me in a GM game with a functional team and I would get gold damage.

I don't think you understand what an SR debuff is.

When your SR is above your hidden MR, you will gain less SR on a win, and lose more on a loss, REGARDLESS OF YOUR PERFORMANCE.

On top of that, Blizzard will put you with retarded teammates in unwinnable games.

They do this (or the opposite of this) until your SR reflects your MMR.

>You could put me in a GM game
I couldn't though because you're literally a hard stuck plat player

Nvidia drivers went to shit with this game. The frame stutter made it unplayable, so I stopped playing. By the time I upgraded to a 1080Ti and revisited, the game had changed far too much and the FUN FACTOR was gone.

Also if we're talking about the console version, Overwatch has (or at least had, I haven't checked lately) what I believe to be the worst aiming mechanics of any major release in the past 12 years.

Yes, because of how Blizzard's matchmaking and "TrueSkill" system works.

I do not want to put hundreds of games into this account to manipulate it.

I am quite literally a top level CSGO player currrently, and GM level Overwatch player, except in plat because of how Blizzard's system works.

I hate team shooters because fuck ass teammates want to chase Genji around instead of playing the objective.

>in plat
honestly enough said

GM for the first few seasons on PC then stopped playing. The game is fundamentally about ult management/counters/meta and less about creative teamwork, movement or aim.

Characters generally aren't complex enough mechanically to allow for much flexibility in strategy, and long respawn times make playing aggressively a bad idea and generally low reward vs potentially dying and leaving your team in a 5v6 for almost a minute. In TF2 for example med bombing is worth the risk partially due to larger team sizes meaning you're loosing less players relatively speaking and respawns are faster, or in Siege roaming can potentially result in several kills and forces the other team to be more cautious.

Played support 90% of the time by myself, mostly Lucio and Zen, some Ana, occasionally might take. I made Masters back in season 4 I believe.

I stopped having fun with it basically, my PC had broke so I took an extended break for about a month or two, beforehand I was already slowing down. Ladder became frustrating and while I was able to break into masters with good shotcalling, the game didnt really improve in anyway in that league, there was still tons and tons of toxic attitudes and shitters, still tons of garbage comps or people who refused to communicate, so my shotcalling got tiresome and I started becoming angry with the game. Half the time youd ladder and have a competent team and the other half it was like it was a team of absolute dickheads. There was no consistency, no enforcement of like minded players on the same teams, just often what seemed like coin toss games or a general lack of interesting matchmaking.

The game also revolves too heavily on the ultimates and countering them, maybe thats the point, but it didnt stay interesting long enough.

When I made my PC again and came back for a couple games I just realized I no longer had fun with OW. The communication was garbage, the teamwork was often not there and the community was just awful. I was playing CSGO before and despite what people said, I found the community to be pretty solid, I only made it into Nova4 at my highest but rarely found trolls or shitheads playing, most people were friendly enough and willing to strategize.

I got back into sc2 though, surprised how much life is still in the game and on ladder.

I quit after they added the hamster. I wanted to wring the thing's neck. They spent a year or two developing Winston, a really dumb and silly concept, to be an actual interesting character. THEN THEY GO AND ADD A FUCKING HAMSTER, showing 0 ability or care for any sort of cohesive world building. This is completely separate from the whole moira issue, she at least FELT inline with the world.

from a purely gameplay perspective though hamster is actually decently creative at least. Hamster mechanics feels actually game-y and fun to me like I'm playing a video game and not a chore.

Some time after the second year. I realized they were never going to do anything new and just dole out the same events every year. That killed a lot of my enthusiasm.
Played competitive regularly the first 2-3 seasons, but lost interest because it felt like random chance whether it was a good game or not because of the community.

I sometimes play it a bit every once and a while. But it just feels like there's a continual cycle of a handful of characters that people play as that changes based on buffs and nerfs. Competitive community is bad, and people just goof off in quickplay so aside from the arcade there's really nothing there for me anymore.

Character design aside the hamster is one of the few things they got right.

Agree, they just keep recycling the same events every year, and produce one map every 6-12 months. Does anyone even do any work on the Overwatch team?

I like playing the actual game I don't care about cosmetic DLC or new content.

People have been playing Melee and Counter Strike for 20 years with little to no changes.

Not sure what you people want.

Maybe I'm too demanding but a new map every 3 months or so would be great to keep the game fresh. COD manages to produce 4 every 3 months, and they're not even really trying.

•same gamemode over and over again
•cant sell your skin
•lootbox is broken
•no story progress in over 4 years
•everyone is a faggot unless they said so
•dont get good with a character because they will nerf the shit out of it because some maggots cant get good and bitch about it
•a fucking hammster
•in game reward is fucking shit you must play like 12 matches to get 1 lootbox

t. plat on ps4

gm, highest i got was in the 4200s, matchmaking was rigged either for you or against you a lot of the time to maintain that 50 percent winrate, took all the fun out of winning when you knew your team had it in the bag from the get go and losing just felt worse with retards on the team, got bored and trolled down to plat, it was hilarious watching the matchmaker try to keepy win rate up, had so many games on my losing streaks where it would shove multiple smurfs on my team and 6 retards on the other just to give me a pity win thinking it would make me wanna keep playing despite doing the exact opposite

they released 2 new maps in the last 4 months

diamond here, i stopped playing because the meta was stale af and gay as hell and everyone i played with was extremely tryhard/toxic or they were gay or some bitchy cunt with her white knights. so shit playerbase and shit balancing.

Maybe I should shut up and come back then

That's because the gameplay in those games is actually praised. Overwatch actually needs the extra fluff to keep it interesting.

the maps are both garbage unfortunately lmao

Comp mccree here, went to tournament. I dont like the characters constantly being fucked with, like Hanzo. And mccree being "nonviable” i was good with him regardless but everyone wants me to switch to soldier. Talk about a foreign character. The final straw was the community and how they let them shape the game.

I know Yea Forums doesn't know how computers work and all, but god damn this is a whole new level of idiocy.

PC plat/diamond tank and support main. Didn’t like the new characters, balancing was awful, expanding lore to shoehorn in LGBT shit, cancer community. I liked to watch OWL but trying to play like that in competitive wasn’t fun since your team must be very coordinated and it’s very rare to find that in pubs. Plus my friends were all gold/silver so I couldn’t really stack with them, and I couldn’t abandon them to play with better people.