Not counting the DLC bosses, would you say pic related has the best bosses compared to souls franchise and bloodborne
Not counting the DLC bosses, would you say pic related has the best bosses compared to souls franchise and bloodborne
without question yes
The boss AI, complexity and challenge in Sekiro massively exceeds that of previous games. The single combat system and weapon seems to have given the developers a lot more freedom in making the bosses feel reactive and aggressive.
Genichiro and Isshin are the best fights. Rest are forgettable
only boss comes close to sword saint in terms of difficulty, fun factor and intensity is orphan of kosm
>great shinobi owl
>father owl
>old isshin
>guardian ape
not hard when they only bothered to make 6 bosses and rehashed them all 3 times each
Oh yeah I liked Lady Butterfly as well. Guardian Ape had shock factor but isn't that good of a fight. Haven't done the Ashura route yet. I beat Genichiro again but my motivation to continue after that dropped because it would take so long to get to the next good boss fight
fair enough i guess I thought Ape's first phase is so fantastic. You didn't like the owl fight?
Once you learn the patterns, the AI, complexity and challenge are nonexistent. You haven't played the game.
>once you learn the patterns
such a well crafted and thought provoking point you bring up user, nobody would have ever guessed that
Owl fight is pretty good but I beat him on my fourth try
DLC bosses?
dlc bosses from souls and bloodborne
why is that "but"?
Activision shills of this game fucking annoy me. Just stop. Sekiro sucked. No, I'm not filtered by Ogre, like how you like to say. I beat it and don't wanna come back to this shitfest worse than DS2.
Absofuckinglutely not.
I mean on my first blind playthrough I didn't really have to grow or learn that much to meet the challenge Owl presented. Most of the more difficult fights had me trying up to the double digits
>don't wanna come back
then why the fuck did you click this thread
nm for some dumb reason I thought OP was saying there were DLC bosses in sekiro. thought maybe I had missed some recent news or release.
Sounds like you don't like action games. I don't find souls games fun, and I loved sekiro.
No, and you obviously never played demon souls
rumors are that sekiro wont have a dlc
they have great presentation and are memorable experiences, but they're garbage on a mechanical level
bumping this thread just to spite you
>demons souls
>good bosses
Why wouldn't we count DLC bosses? I know the Soulsborne DLCs had some fantastic boss fights, but the best fights of Sekiro absolutely hold up against them.
DeS fags remain to this very day the single most bitter, delusional, nostalgia-ridden fanbase on all of Yea Forums.
i think isshin and owl father in sekiro are the only ones that can stand up against souls and borne dlc bosses
>the hardest bosses that you're likely to die a lot of times to always have a cutscene before them and slow down your character's walk speed as you get close to the arena
fuck whoever thought that was okay. but SS and donkey kong were cool.
but sekiros dlc is not out yet