>have pc
>literally no fun games to play
I wish I had a switch to be honest.
Have pc
Other urls found in this thread:
Except there's no games on that either until smtv.
must suck to have spent $1000 on a pc just to see all the best games come out for a 200$ tablet instead
>I wish I had a switch
You do because you have a PC. The switch has emulators.
and metroid prime 4
and pokemon
and animal crossing
and monster hunter generations
and mario kart
meanwhile pc has shit.
There's plenty to play on PC. You just don't like videogames.
Play mario royale.
emulate BotW
Is there a good guide on how to do it yet that doesn't have a million steps and require a million different installs and it still ggoes wrong?
oh yeah, tell me some games then that are genuinely fun and with great gameplay, i'll wait
>listing games that aren't out
Might as well say "Kingdom Hearts 4" for PS5 and "Half Life 3" for PC.
Get one and play some games with me!
>Have a access to a store with a ton of games from each generation
>Have access to emulators
>No games but I wish I had a switch
You fucking retard. You just don't like games.
CK2 with rape mods
sucks to be you, faggot. I for one, built a PC and can't find time to play all these great games (PC-only, porn games, pirated shit and emulators)
I guess you just don't like vidya, are depressed, or an attention whore
>le emulators
fuck off with that. I want pc games.
>le autismo simulator
This doesn't even have gameplay at all.
>90% of every switch bois library is indie games you can get on pc
You wont be happy with a switch user.
no, though performance is better
But you need high IQ first
>you need high IQ
I don't want it then. I hate these "too deep for you" types of games. I just want something fun and engaging, like Nintendo games.
play Mario then, you falseflagging retard
Cook Serve Delicious 2 is a fun game. While you're in it you just can't think of anything else. It's really goot at getting you in "the flow".
>have pc and switch
>buy a single non-indie port for it
>immediate regret, terribly low quality settings
>mario, LGPE botw are both now so far along in their emulation that you've been able to play them in 1440p/144hz 4k/60fps since 2018 with the hardware I have with high res texture mods if I want them
>no longer have any reason to play them on the shitty underpowered tablet that only plays botw in 30 fps on its publisher's own hardware
>only Nintendo games I was excited for after that were pokemon, turned out to be complete dogshit
>switch collecting dust for months now
Just emulate them retard.
I'M HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. There are no fucking fun games to play on PC. I tried these lately:
>alan wake
>dead rising
>dragon age origins
>civilization v
>cities skylines
>vampire the masquarade
>valkyria chronicles
>doom 2016
they are ALL fucking shit and boring. I keep reading these recommended pc games lists over and over and over trying to find games that might interest me. I'm going fucking insane.
o-okay, this one does seem fun. i'll give it a try. thanks.
Have you tried not having trash taste?
Agreed. I guess this faggot has played every single major release in the past decade because I've only scratched the surface of my backlog.
What the hell DO you like then? Painkiller? Myst? IL-2?
PC is for multiplats you dumb nigger, if you have a PC there's literally no reason to play multiplats on anything else. I only really use my switch to play Mario Odyssey and I play pretty much everything else on PC.
more evidence that everything should just be cross platform. theres like 2 good games on every console and you all know it. only console i remember being worth a shit was the n64
No. Fuck you
just emulate older games, there really isn't too much modern shit that is good
you sound like a shit taste bastard, really
neck yourself
What games are "good" then, retard? Bloodborne? I feel like that's the single argument you could make but even then it's nowhere near worth buying a ps4 over a pc when I can play 97% of ps4's games on superior hardware. As for the switch, all Nintendo games are trash that are only remotely fun with other people. All the single player ones have been thoroughly yuzu'd as well.
the pc has tons of great games i guess you have shit taste faggot
There are tons of fun videogames to be played you retarded OP.
I reinstalled aoe2 and now I've been having a blast getting my shit together and learning new stuff about the game and shit to become better in ranked.
There's also Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, Rising Storm 2, Darkest Hour mod for RO1, GTA5 and Conan Exiles that have taken my time. Git gud man.
Dragon's Dogma?
Grim Dawn?
Warhammer 2?
these is some I liked on pc:
>mh world
>re1/2 remake
>all dark souls
>all yakuza
>hollow knight
>dragon's dogma
>the witcher 2/3
>shogun 2 total war
>call of juarez
and that's pretty much it in 2 years.
>What games are "good" then, retard? Bloodborne?
I'm not saying that they aren't good, i'm saying that I subjectively find them shit. and the ps4 is shit as well, but it has some fun games that pc doesn't have, like hatsune miku.
Fortnite battle royale
If you legitimately can't enjoy any of those titles, you might actually just hate video games.
Imagine being such a retard you can't find a fun game in a library so massive.
what type of games do you like then? we cannot read your mind
I don't know how people get like this. I have so many games to play that my library feels endless. After I beat age of decadence I gotta go finish up Lobotomy Corp. After that I'll know out Bloodstained and switch gears to Ys Seven afterward.
Then I'll probably knock out a jrpg since I haven't done that in a while. Maybe Resonance of Fate?
learn to program, lol
>have a switch
>literally no fun games to play
>It only has games from 2010s that I finished before and mediocre indies
>Literally no game since Smash that came out last year
I wish it had games to be honest. I'm tired of being held hostage by Nintendo "Don't worry, games are coming! Just wait another year!".
I'm thinking on selling it and buying a laptop to be honest.
Buy a Switch then
I mean, unless you're a NEET or something LOL
>soulsfag has shit taste
I'm just playing Slay the Spire on my switch right now, so it's not wildly different
>metroid prime 4
wait 5 more years fag
shitty game for kids
>animal crossing
actually based just hoping they don't fuck it up
>mario kart
is mario kart really that relevant tho?
Cirno sure is dumb, she cares what difficulty other people play video games on. What a fucking idiot!
You're subjectively retarded and I doubt you played 1/3rd of your list.
Please don't insult me in my own thread.
play Gothic 2
>and metroid prime 4
Emulate the trilogy
>and pokemon
Emulate all of them + romhacks
>and animal crossing
Emulate New Leaf at a high resolution
>and monster hunter generations
Play World or emulate Generations on 3DS upscaled
>and mario kart
Emulate 8 on Cemu
>meanwhile pc has shit.
Meanwhile PC can emulate half the good stuff on Switch and has a ton of multiplats that the Switch can't handle.
retards like you won't know a good game even if it smacks you in the face
kys retard
alright, I lold
thank you, have a good day, friend
okay, fair enough, might give it a try
>Grim Dawn?
the mmo hud displeases me, are you sure it's worth it?
i mentioned them here good for you, but not all people are pleased with anything that exists
say some them idiot, you don't even know it
I played them all for 20 minutes until I gave up from boredom
maybe my pc can't emulate everything, have you thought about that? have you thought that maybe i'm a thirld worlder because i don't have money to buy a switch in the first place? you're all so annoying
same same
Just save up some money and buy one.
Same OP. I literally just finished work right now and I have no idea what I want to play on PC. Hell, I haven't played shit on my PC in forever.
Ah well. Super Mario RPG here I come! Forgot I was playing it on my R Pi.
I really hate having so many games I never played at my disposal, because I always think "hold on, maybe I should play this instead!" and I never fucking finish any.
The new Pokemon is going to be complete fucking garbage. MP4 has been delayed for years, and AC until next year. Mario Kart isnt that fun and I've only ever played it with my girlfriend for a single course. I'll even include Smash and argue that Smash isn't fun for longer than 30 minutes unless you're a turbo autist tryhard with that game.
>maybe my pc can't emulate everything, have you thought about that? have you thought that maybe i'm a thirld worlder because i don't have money to buy a switch in the first place?
Then get a fucking job and either upgrade your PC and/or buy a Switch and stop whining.
I won't upgrade my pc. it's enough to play anything on 1080p other than shitty emulators that can't compare to the real thing anyway. i'm not wasting mroe money.
>have PC
>literally hundreds of fun games to play
>all I want to play are dead as fuck MP games from 20-15 years ago
I mean, your taste seems pretty shit overall. Have you considered that maybe videogames aren't for you?
>only sunk 20 minutes into any of them
Imagine my shock you adhd nigger.
t. Adhd nigger who only sits down and sinks time into a game when I'm prepared for play it for at least an hour.
Also you said you regret having bought a pc instead of a switch, which implies you sunk a significant amount of money into your build. How much did you spend? A $600-700 build should play anything 1080p 60fps.
>Build a high-end PC
>End up playing a ton of single player games from the 90s and early 00's on it
Freespace 1 and 2. Get a flightstick as well for it.
Everything probably seems easy to you when you're the strongest to be fair
>get a switch
>lose job shortly after because college is more important than filling every busy minimum wage shift
>no money for games
ffffuck bros
I only bought BotW and I'm tired of it
What do I do
Just play factorio and zachtronics games nerd.
Now that I think about it, I played most of them more than 1 hour surprisingly, I just couldn't continue because they are boring.
Why aren't you playing Gaia Online or old PS4 ports? Isn't that what makes PC so great :-)
>shogun 2 total war
a bunch of guys are uploading multiple rts games in this page:
that might keep you entertained
If you want more third person stuff you might like
Rune Classic
Severance: Blade of Darkness
Wild Metal Country
Conflict series
I like mostly old stuff because everything new sucks and is either AAAshit or indie pixelshit. The middle market is non-existent
mario kart is still a system seller, remember 8 deluxe just being a port of the wii u is still the best selling game on the switch even above botw and odyssey
>SMT fags being delusional again
of course
I have both and its not any better
this generation sucks
You from the future rn to tell you not to do this shit. Get this shit and never look back, you'd likely spend at least this much on a laptop that's half as powerful. amazon.com
The only delusion is thinking SMTV is going to release before the Switch gets replaced
its Persona 5 all over again
>changes story
thank you dude, you were nice unlike most of the shitters on this thread. i'll try your games.
Touhou Luna Nights
Katana Zero
Crypt of the Necrodancer
A Hat in Time
The End is Nigh
Baba is You
Ace Combat 7
Yakuza 0 series
Into the Breach
Hollow Knight
Rogue Legacy
Dirt Rally 2.0
DOOM 2016
Dying Light
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Devil Daggers
Alien Isolation
Dark Souls series
La Mulana series
Enter the Gungeon
Binding of Isaac
Darkest Dungeon
God Eater series
Payday 2
Killing Floor 2
Elite Dangerous
XCOM series
Resident Evil series
Metal Gear series
Borderlands series
Serious Sam series
Any Vlambeer game
Any Platinum Games game
Any Behemoth game
Ys series
DMC series
Dead Cells
Wizard of Legend
Warhammer Vermintide 2
EDF 4.1
Gato Roboto
Risk of Rain 1 + 2
Shovel Knight
NieR Automata
Endless Legend
The good Sonic games
The Talos Principle
Half Minute Hero series
Mount and Blade series
Environment Station Alpha
Path of Exile
Destiny 2
Dishonored series
Deus Ex series
Hitman series
STALKER series
crack your switch, retard
Git gud faggot
>Waaah I should have gotten a switch but I want PC games
You are a literal window licker.
Don't you need an SD card for that? Because I don't have one. My Switch is also updated, so I think it's impossible to crack at this point.
The best game to play is suicide then.
Post more suit Astolfo.
There are enough decent/good games on that list that you dont have to put in garbage like Destiny and God Eater to pad it out
Why not just buy one lmao?
you are either overweight or underweight and a NEET i presume
But I posted only games I enjoyed, and I like Destiny and God Eater.
>feeding the retard/troll/nigger
Shiggy diggy, diggity doo.
>720p port machine or poorly made games for children, your choice
The only worthwhile switch game runs better on PC anyway. Although it's still a mediocre game.
PC has a ton of fun games though. Which ones are you playing?
this is a public board
I'm not gonna spam images but I can give you this one.
And this is a public post. Suck your mother's stank off my unwashed chode, you retarded faggot.
i doubt he is, as i feel the exact same way about it. I wouldn't trade my PC for one or anything, but I finally do want a console.
what emulator are you using that the games are that stable ?
okay, i'll try the ones that i didn't already, although i've seem most in recommended lists
stfu idiot
these are the ones i didn't like: these are the ones i liked
solid advice in general, but
>Smash isn't fun for longer than 30 minutes unless you're a turbo autist tryhard with that game.
dont be talking shit about Terraria faggot
>hating on literal kino
Thank you, user. You're too kind.
You have assuredly not played at least one of these five games, try them.
How is switch emulation right now? I know you can emulate BotW but anything else?
>Risky Rains 2
>literally thousands of games you can play, old and new
>would rather have a 720p smash machine that requires you to pay for the worst console online service available
i'm gonna play dead space later, kinda hoping i don't get spooked but i've always wanted to ty the game ever since it originally came out on the 360
based and checked
too old
>risk of rain 2
don't like online
tried, not for me.
sorry, i don't mean to be nitpicky, but it is what it is
This. I just play Fortnite on PS4 and shitpost instead
>risk of rain 2
You know it's a single-player game first, right? The online is mostly intended for friends to play together.
I've got a Switch. It's not much better if you don't really care about the Mario games
oh okay. if that's the case, i might try 1 first.
>deadly shadows
>too old
not really, it's the third game in the series and still looks great. much better than the latest one
This entire thread is an exercise in shit taste
>have a shitty PC
>want to play all the fucking games but can't
fuck you richfags
>buying games
how is deadly shadows compared to 1 and 2?
i played 1 earlier this year and loved it. still need to play 2 eventually
Play some old games then, you graphics whore. I played a lot of old games on my shitty work laptop while traveling and had a fucking blast.
Don't I have both and I barely touch my Switch
you fucking retarded cunt I can't RUN them
i pirate everything
This, you can play up to ps2 games even with shit pc's
>graphics whore
suck a dick faggot i'm not grpahics whore
i play fucking dorf fort
What's the problem then, niggertits? Just play old games and fuck off!
I've been playing them for 15 fucking years already I want some new shit
kys faggot cunt nigger
then look for more obscure shit, I always find something new
Then sell your ass on the street motherfucker. Perhaps you can afford a switch after the 1000th pozzed load?
>alan wake
these are all games that came out in the ninties
>Heart of Darkness
Fuck YES! I need to play this again! Thanks!
Alan Wake sucks ass, the shine light at shadow person and shoot thing gets boring after the first hour and the game drags it on for an additional 9 before it ends. Very obvious that it was cut to pieces trying to make a full game out of that Open world thing they tried to create
I thought it was pretty cool
good luck with the cloning monsters
>and the game drags it on for an additional 9 before it ends
How are you so bad at video games it took you 10 hours to beat Alan Wake? It's maybe 6 or 7 hours at most.
Half of them will probably be released cross-platform with the next nintendo console.
Literally because there's no fucking game during launch. Would you rather get some literally who indieshit like Snipperclips and Fast RMX or would you rather grab first party titles like MK8D and BOTW? It's a fucking no brainer.
actual discussion starts here
how do you cope, or deal with the reality that gaming isnt fun enough, or engaging enough that you actually want to spend time playing them, and instead spend all of your time here, "discussing" videogames?
I doubt you're a PCfag, you're probably just a toddler trying to start your daily shill thread. But I'll bite, OP. I really can't see any good game on Switch. I bought one just for MHGU and now it's now collecting dust after I've done all the EX quests (750+ hours).
Emulatable on PC
Looks fun but not worth it to get a Switch for one game
Waggle shovelware trash
>Super Mario Odyssey
Bing Bing rehash; platformers are shit in general
>Splatoon 2
Play real shooters like CSGO and R6S instead
>Xenoblade Chronicles
Cinematic anime experience; play CRPGs instead
>Mario x Plebbit: Kingdom Battle
Play XCOM, Nu-COM/2, and Jagged Alliance/2 instead
>Pokemon LGBT
Pokemon rehash; densetsu no kusoge
>Super Mario Tennis
>Super Mario Party
Same desu, pc gaming is boring