So Jedi Fallen Order is apparently a Metroidvania and Respawn were too incompetent to showcase that fact...

So Jedi Fallen Order is apparently a Metroidvania and Respawn were too incompetent to showcase that fact, choosing instead to sell the game as if it's an Uncharted spin-off

>you have your own ship you can enter and chat up crewmates
>can go to planets in any order you'd like
>new abilities will allow you to traverse new areas on said planets

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Wow. The same features as KoTOR, a Star Wars game that came out in 2003. Fucking epic.

>backtracking: the game
wow so hype my dude

They talked about it in interviews at E3.

They already lost me when they ripped off the Jedi Knight Academy box art

>have to go and backtrack through areas and suffer through the shitass gameplay all over again to be able to fully explore them
>worthless "interactive lobby" ship between maps

fucking christ just when I thought it can't get worse


Did he mean mass effect?

>First you go to each planet
>Then, in the second half, you go back through each planet
So it's a 6 hour game stretched to 12 cool fucking beans I can't wait to get ripped off

You do that in Force Unleashed as well.

>it's okay when Japan does it

>visit planets in any order
That's not Metroid at all. Metroid and most games like it are intended to be done in a certain order unless you go out of your way to sequence break. It's non-linear only to some extent.

anyone that sat through them died from an aneurysm it's understandable no one knew.


It should be an AAA game rule that if your game feature spaceships, you should be able to fly them yourself instead of using them as a glorified hub. Looking at you Warframe.

>>you have an interactive base where you can chat with other characters

How can this even be called a feature at this point? Every fucking game has one. God of War has Yggdrasil and the teleporting room. Monster Hunter has Astera. Bloodborne has Oedon Chapel. As already mentioned, KoTOR had one back in 2003. As did it's sequel. And Subnautica. And XCOM. And Nier Automata. And MGSV. And Mad Max. The Force Unleashed if you want another Star Wars game. SW:TOR obviously did it too.

That's a mighty meaty vagina, bro.

>3D game

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The first Force Unleashed did the same thing and no one cared, as long as the gameplay and story stay consistent no one will care here either

>Any game with sequence breaking is a metroidvania
Personally? My favorite metroidvania is Megaman.

>Metroid Prime

So they made a few maps and you have to backtrack all over them with your later-upgraded Force Powers to find all the secret Jedi e-books (holocrons or whatever) that the devs stashed around the planets as part of the classic metroid formula of "collect hidden shinies"? And you'll be getting around by Force Jumping and Force Dashing and Force Rolling I can only assume since metroidvania means that kinda platforming it's part of the game category

>blocks your path

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Oh, so it's going to be structured exactly like God of War 2018. Which was fucking boring.

Metroid Prime isn't a metroidvania.

Nice try, but you're not getting a (you) for that.

You must be delusional if you think anything released nowadays is going to revolutionize the industry.

So fucking what?

I just assumed it would be that you can go to the planet but will eventually hit a point where you can't progress without an upgrade from another planet.

A journalist just spouting random buzzwords seems more likely though now that I think about it, I mean who just calls something "a metroid game" if they are talking about a metroidvania?

They are calling it a metroidvania but to me it sounds more like Ratchet and Clank where you revisit old levels to unlock new areas.

Kotor didn't have any metroid elements

the tweet is cut off

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So instead doing their own unique thing they just copy an existing game and slap some new textures/models on that?

can you choose your crew or arre you forced to have all these niggers?

Thanks for the delicious premium (You)

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They did talk about it in interviews and press releases though, only idiots that don't pay attention didn't know

It's not about knowing, it's about showing, R-tard.

Sure,sure, show a hub area, players looove hub areas, followed by a chopped footage just to highlight the fact that you can come back to explore areas that you couldn't before, it sure will show well
Non-linearity isn't easy to show in games, especially on a gameplay demo like the one they had

>implying ea is capable of more than that

>be wrong
>get argument
>call it bait

Star Wars is for niggers, trannies and mentally ill women now so who gives a fuck


I don't think it's actually aimed at anyone these days. It's literally just masturbation at this point.

>Uncharted-lite gameplay but you also backtrack

Damn this is truly revolutionary.

sounds like sekiro

It is

Great too bad I won't buy it unless the mark of the beast gets removed from it.

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It literally isn't, it's 3D
Dark Souls isn't a metroidvania

it's literally called metroid

>reveal gets middling reception
>ACTUALLY, the game is much different than what you saw. Trust us, what you saw was not the truth
>Jason 'Destiny is different now w-...I promise' Schreier

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Do these people actually ever played any Metroid games? Or is it just a buzzword?

okay hey yeah cool man but their core gameplay loop is lousy.
Even if the overall structure is as you say, I have zero interest in this at this point after those 10 minutes of gameplay.

Being 2D or 3D has nothing to do with being a Metroidvania, and Dark Souls isn't Metroidvania for completely different reasons.

That's not what a Metroidvania is you fucking retard.

Don't care because the game still has the EA logo on the box.

They probably think any action adventure game is a metroidvania.

this. That doesn't sound fun.

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WHAT ? i can pirate and feel good about my self , shit is great

Metroidvanias are 2D.

That has nothing to do with anything you retard.

>Jason Schreier

Please neck yourself

I was certain both Titanfall and Apex were going to be trash and I ended up thoroughly enjoying both, so I'm not counting the game out just yet.

on the other hand this sounds like damage control.

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>wanting an EA game.
The only thing I want from that company is for it to be shut down.
also this

>its nonlinear that makes it a metroidvania!

>Metroidvanias are 2D.
Whatever you say

Someone post the definition of a metroidvania so all the retards in this thread can fuck off.

Concession accepted!
See and don't be an idiot next time

the graphics are just extremely jarring though.
It tries too hard to look real but fails.

everything else looks like standard gameplay.
wether it is metroidvania or not isn't even relevant for me.

That's a completely different argument from "it can't be Metroidvenia because it's not 2D", which is literally the only (non)argument you have
you retard

No one liked the first Force Unleashed. It had mediocre reviews and the only thing people cared about was the Euphoria engine AI.

They're both related and valid arguments
Stop being retarded

Sure, you just happened not to tell me whatever your other argument for Prime not being Metroidvania was beyond it being 3D

Metroidvanias are not exclusively 2D you fucking retarded cunt. It's a subgenre that is challenging, exploration-based. Progression throughout is based on acquiring items or upgrades to access new areas. This is the bare bones way to identify a metroidvania. Think of Hollow knight. It can easily translate to 3D. Why are there always retards like you that have no idea what metroidvania even is?

It's because he has no idea what a metroidvania is.

>metroidvanias cant be 3D

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I pointed you to it because it's another part of the argument and it helps to reinforce the definition that you seem to be struggling so hard to understand. Were you dropped on your head as a child? This isn't complicated.

>Metroidvanias are not exclusively 2D you fucking retarded cunt
Yes it is. It's the definition. Dark Souls is not a metroidvania.

Projecting will only weaken your argument

>Metroid Prime isn't a Metroidvania
you are the ONLY person who subscribes to this definition. you have autism and should be killed like the leech on society you are

>Yes it is. It's the definition.
So what about the Metroids and Castlevanias that aren't 2D?

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>it's soulslike!
>it's sekirolike!
>it's metroidvania!

This needs to fucking stop.

Look who gave up and made his bait obvious.

based and cadeuxpilled

You make literally zero arguments. You're the only one projecting here. No one said dark souls was a metroidvania. You don't even know what a metroidvania is.

Jason Schreier will never be a legitimate journalist for as long as he lives. He will always be a talentless games writer known best for calling Dragon's Crown a lolicon game.

Batman archam asylum is metroidvania. Prove me wrong. Protip you can't because you have no clue what you're even talking about.

Not metroidvanias. Every game in a franchise doesn't have to fall into the same genre bucket and more often than not it doesn't happen anyways.

Nobody has ever legitimately called Metroid Prime a metroidvania. No metroidvania lists include the Prime games or any 3D games at all. You are fucking stupid. This is the definition of the term.

>hurr bait
Concession accepted! Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
My argument is the definition, and your argument is "noooo the definition is wrong." That's all I need to say.

>Batman archam asylum is metroidvania. Prove me wrong.
It's 3D.
The widely accepted definition for "metroidvania" includes it being a 2D sidescroller.

Except metroidvania is a subgenre. The rest aren't. Learn what it is before spouting shit.

I'd like to waste your time a little longer, you seem like the fag who has to keep up the bait at all costs

From Wikipedia:
>Metroidvania games typically are sidescrolling platformers, but can also include other genre types.
Now try to tell me how shadowman is not a metroidvania, without using the 2d arguement.

Metroid prime isn’t a metroidvania?

That should be a good thing

The definition you made up. No one has ever defined metroidvania as exclusively 2D. You have severe autism my friend. Get your definitions sorted out or post a source to back that up.

That was one of the first things they said about it during e3 dunce.

that actually sounds kind of cool

You haven't posted a definition though. Spouting bullshit about metroidvania not being 3D is not a definition retard.

>The widely accepted
it's only widely accepted because
1. you accept it
2. you are wide

>public source editable by the idiot masses
Hmm weird I wonder why it's wrong
Wikipedia is also wrong about roguelikes, wikipedia is not a valid source for community-defined things like this


>The definition you made up.
The irony.

As opposed to not having them

>linear Nathan Drake-ish action-"adventurey"

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>widely accepted
No it ain't, as this thread continuously proves it.

how fucking hard is it to make a proper reboot to this series, there's not a single star wars game series that measures up to this

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Okay let's try this again...
>tell me how shadowman is not a metroidvania, without using the 2d arguement


If non-sidescrollers could be Metroidvanias, Zelda would be a metroidvania and the term loses all meaning

It's ironic how easy it is to find the same definition by everyone simply by googling or checking a youtube video from avid metroid fans. People without your retarded autism agreed on the definition years ago. There is literally not a single definition to back your bullshit up and you won't ever post one.

>two or three autists being wrong in this one thread proves it's "widely accepted"
>every genre collection image and thread about metroidvanias other than this that only includes 2D games doesn't
You might actually have brain damage
See if you're still not getting it

>tell me why it's not a metroidvania without mentioning the reason it's not a metroidvania

They’re metroidlikes you fucking morons

During one of their E3 videos, Brad Shoemaker said that the game has shrines that you meditate at and the enemies respawn when you do. What the fuck is this game?

Fallout, KotOR, and Elder Scrolls are metroidvanias. Prove me wrong.

>I'm right because I say so
Great argument
Every real source includes "2D sidescroller" in the definition, if you don't basically every adventure game with a map is a metroidvania and that isn't true

Dark Souls isn't a metroidvania

The Dark Souls of Star Wars games

it also has estus and sekiro style posture

>Not Mass Effect

>a game of show and tell
>they show mediocre bullshit
>tell you that it has loads of depth
Really got my noggin joggin

My favorite Metroidvania series is Grand Theft Auto

>respawn is shit at marketing
lmao they did not learn from titanfall 1/2 or ape legs

why is EA trying so hard to fuck respawn? They've been shitting on them ever since titanfall 2
something is not right here

can you even collect everything in single Fallout run? I thought the point of having different builds is to experience something different with each playthrough.

ill believe it if they show it

Except thats not what a metroidvania is. There's a reason dark souls isn't a metroidvania. It's not just about the map. It's about the challenge, items unlocking new areas, upgrades etc. You clearly have no idea what a metroidvania is hence why you believe it would lose meaning if people took away the 2D. Meanwhile a literal motroid game in 3D exists. On top of that multiple 3D games exist with the correct ingredients for a metroidvania.
Honestly kill yourself.

>the game has backtracking

>Microsoft turns Gears of Dudebro into Gears of Soap Opera
>Crystal Dynamics doesn't show any fucking gameplay of Avengers even though apparently they DO have gameplay so much so no one knows what the fucking game is actually like until the closed door presentations
>Respawn making Stur Wurs look like a mediocre linear action game

I'm convinced that it's finally happened, the people managing and marketing games have 100% disconnected from the audience and legitimately have no idea what people want to see or play, so they have to cloak what their developers make in FOTM veneer. Like how activision had no fucking idea how to market Sekiro besides IT'S A FROMSOFT GAME IT'S HARD!, or the countless 'community manager' boondoggles we see where they insult the fans

Fucking Yea Forumstards so delusional in their attempts to shit on EA and fit-in they're literally denying factual reality
You're losing touch with reality, fuckheads. Stop it, get some help.

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>its a metroid game
fuck, i hate these people

So you're telling me Zelda is a metroidvania?

They are still butt hurt with Vince over abandoning Medal of Honor to go make CoD

You have to be able to collect everything in a single playthrough for a game to be a Metroidvania? That can't be right, otherwise Pokemon wouldn't be a Metroidvania and we all know that's not true

This. Metal Gear Solid was another good Metroidvania

They recently bought them completely, and thats why. They sabotaged them so they could buy them after TF1 and TF2 failed

>Every real source
Provide these "real" sources then. Show your work.

Lttp is a metroidvania: prove me wrong

literally everything that isn't wikipedia or some autist on youtube
I'm not spoonfeeding you

Is Zelda a metroidvania?

a few of them unironically are since you explore and gain tools to explore new area's in linked area's

I did catch a hint of souls in the combat when you were locked on a character


Does this kind of shit happens often? I know Bethesda did the same with Arkane.


i'm fucking dying

So any open-world game is a metroidvania then

Zelda doesn't follow the structure of a Metroidvania game at all you fucking idiot

They didn't show it off because people like Jason and the rest of the gaming press are literal retards when it comes to games and everything has to be dumbed to them.

Imagine going on twitter and screencapping a post from a sniveling kike then having the audacity to post it on Yea Forums so you can gather people to be outraged.

Oh by the way


>literally everything that isn't wikipedia
You SAY that, but I bet you if I came back with a definition from a site that you deem shit, then what definition to I adhere to, yours?

>I'm not spoonfeeding you
Typical. Make an argument and when someone asks for proof you scream "Just look it up! YOU do the research!" Did you fail debate class?

Mario doesn't follow the structure of a platformer at all you fucking idiot

No retarded child. And that goes for every memeing fuck in this thread that thinks so. Learn what elements make up a metroidvania.

>A Metroidvania Star Wars game with Sekiro style combat.
Lord help me, I'm thinking of buying an EA game.

It's what it's always meant. Only until recently when normalfags got ahold of it did the genre start breaking down and referring to literally anything open world with backtracking. It's the same shit as uneducated retards calling Rogue Legacy a roguelike, no matter how many of them do it it won't be true.

The term was specifically created to describe games modeled after Castlevania SotN and Super Metroid. If you devolved the genre away from that it has no meaning and loses its point because there were already terms for those kinds of games. Look at literally any information about the genre that isn't from wikipedia or resetera or something and you'll find it's about 2D sidescrollers.

Zelda isn't a fucking metroidvania. The definition isn't what you think it is and you're wrong.

So what would you classify a 3D game that has literally every other element of a metroidvania as?

yo you're sperging out at a troll who won't make actual arguments and it's getting boring to watch so go screech at a different one

Stop replying you retard, he still hasn't came up with a proper definition from those so called sources he likes so much.

Imagine thinking this motherfucker has "insider information" when the only actual "leak" he has to his name is paying $10,000 for a Fallout 4 script from soneones wife

They're adventure games. The term "metroidvania" was created to describe a specific type of adventure games. You people are fucking stupid. No matter how many people call stuff like binding of isaac "roguelikes," it'll continue to be wrong and that's the same thing that's happening here.

>no argument
Thanks for admitting you're wrong!

Let me know when modders add in dismemberment then I'll give a shit.

>2 hours of you newfags arguing with that other newfag shitposter about metroidvanias only being 2D

Do you have actual brain damage?

Screechier is a genius of course. The absolute mad lad has hit on the perfect design for games, just chat with NPCs and visit the same area again and again. Each time you visit an area after the first you are symbolically reaching new heights and exploring new vistas subconsciously and more importantly politically as you learn greater acceptance for all people by shoving your ugly stupid face into the same corridor till you wanna puke from the regurgitating the same shit. 'Truly anything is better than this' you will scream as you learn to want and accept anything and anyone else other than that god forsaken corridor. This is the future of game design, thank you, koathangu.

>adventure games
Except what if they actually aren't adventure games? Adventure game doesn't describe them correctly. See the problem is you have literally no sources to back up your claims and you don't seem to understand subgenres or their elements very well.

I don't see any point in arguing with someone who lacks the basic information and understanding of metroidvanias or their sub elements and how they play a role in defining games.

Still not buying it. Theyve ruined Star Wars enough.

The absolute state of a Yea Forums.
When a literal video game board doesn't even know how to properly define a game.

we keep telling you that it is okay when Japan does it and no amount of crying is going to change it you western cuck

>Except what if they actually aren't adventure games? Adventure game doesn't describe them correctly.
Yes it does.
I repeat, do you think Zelda is a metroidvania?

I've made my point clear, the term was created for a reason and people misusing the term and devolving it on a mass scale doesn't make any of you right. No matter how many retards say 2+2=5 it doesn't come true.

I hope you get raped.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

How does it describe them as adventure games if that's literally not what they are?
literally redefining games here my boy. You can't just keep making up definitions as you go around. You keep using zelda and dark souls as examples when they aren't the ones people have been posting about.

How about defining shadow man or archam asylum? They aren't adventure games as a subgenre. Neither is darkwood.

There's more than one guy arguing with you retard

>an EA demo was complete horseshit
who wudda thunk it.

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Links awakening definitely has metroidvania elements

Having abilities/tools that open you new paths in previous missions dont make your game a metroid game.

zelda 2

So it has a level select?

Why do people have any hope that and EA Star Wars game will be anything other than mediocre to terrible? A franchise and a publisher with terrible track records.

So its going to play like Tomb Raider then. The new ones.

The only person that has no idea what the fuck they are talking about is you retard.

>Respawn were too incompetent

You mean EA. EA was too incompetent. The publisher is in charge of the marketing.

Based retard

So we are now officially in step one of the Schrier cycle.
>step 1: Jason runs damage control for EA devs, no one really believes him (randomly will also occur for Blizzard)
>step 2: Game bombs
>step 3: Jason writes a tell-all article after a bunch of people wasted their money based on the hype he helped to create