What’s the Infinity War/MCU of video game franchises?

What’s the Infinity War/MCU of video game franchises?

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Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom hearts

I don’t know

Shrek Super Slam

Unironically Kingdom Hearts. I guess maybe kinda Trails of

I still can’t believe the galar restriction is actually happening. It feels like one of those ”leak” hoaxes situations but it’s a actually real and people are defending it.

Tom Clancy's Elite Squad

Endgame was kino as fuck.

Shin Megami Tensei

That world of light intro in Smash Ultimate

Several different IPs owned by one company all crossing over into a big monumental moment? Smash easily

The avengers game

I lost brain cells watching infinity war. The entire movie was bad jokes and CGI. Are there any MCU movies that are actually good and not made for obese americans?


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Ragnarok is good, rest are meh

You got a loicense for that opinion?

Captain America Civil War, and probably Doctor Strange.

Super hero movies in general have been on a steady decline. Any smallville fans here?

Final Fantasy

the first iron man was good

Call of Duty

By pure level "big", Halo 3 was the last time I remember seeing so many people gathering around in expectation for something. It was truly the last big cultural cornerstone in vidya

Retards defend anything. I'm sure there were people defending Sony for putting root kits in their CD's.

Infinity War and Endgame's main appeal is less about the quality of the movie and more of the fact that its had 10 years worth of build up and hype for a suitable payoff and how so many characters being brought together didnt make it absolutely dogshit

Thanos just sucks the energy out of every scene he's in and he's just SO BORING. He just constantly mopes like ";_; why is everyone being so mean to me I just want to eliminate half of all life in the universe is that so bad :(" and then ruins every fight because he just uses his "lol I win" Jolly Ranchers.
Endgame was the better movie because it had like 60% less Thanos



The CGI in that film is incredibly beautiful compared to the recent MCU movies.

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Like, the common defence people gave was that ”it’s too much work” to put in all the pokemon into the game.
I cannot imagine any other company getting away with making an inferior product to it’s predacessor on the basis that it’a too much work to make it better.
The meme that it’s okay when Nintendo does it really does hold some merit.

UMvC3 debatably.

Ironman 1, Captain america 1, and black panther are the only really good movies. Maybe Ant-man if you want something that knows not to take itself too seriously.


>Black Panther

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>Nigger Cat
No thanks.

Modern Warfare 2 could probably be called a phenomenon.

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Its pokemon. There could 10 pokemon total that are all just pictures of someone's smelly shit and it would still sell record breaking numbers. ANY franchise that can sell well on name alone is doomed to increasing mediocrity by default.

>Captain america 1,
You meant The Winter Soldier right?
The first Captain America movie was terrible

I remember those days. Playing MW2 with the boys. Shame call of duty went down the shitter as hard as it did.

Thanos literally never mopes because people don't like his motivations. The only thing he's sad about is that Gammora or however you spell that bitch hates him. Also, he doesn't ruin a single fight, he makes them interesting because he's an almost insurmountable obstacle, which was fucking change for once. In Infinity War, he just wins, wins, wins and there is nothing anyone can do. His will simply prevails; he is the ultimate incarnation of the will to power. That made him satisfying. Of course they had to pull out some timetravel horseshit in Endgame, which ruined everything. The MCU should have ended with IW.

>first two Thor movies better than Iron Man 2 and 3
The fuck out of here.

Warhammer suffered the same shit.
>Make story based on civilisation getting destroyed
>Oh shit we can still make money from said universe instead of going along with the end of life
>Anything that made the end times interesting is retconned making it all a waste of time for everyone.

But who is the Zack Snyder of video games?
What is the DCEU of vidya?

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Gears of War

dr. strange for the absolutely kino sfx

Vs Capcom franchise.

MCU and MvC are now in the point of no return.

Unironically Venom.

>Zack Snyder of video games?
An edgelord who huffs his own farts?
Cliffy B

All of them suck ass. The only ones I can stomach are Raimi Spiderman ones.

>What is the DCEU of vidya?

Applies to MCU as well.

wait a minute
after all these years it's still funny

The mcu movies are all like 6/10 innofensive movies but absolutely nothing special. If you really hate cgi you’ll hate all of them.

>The MCU should have ended with IW.
This. Thank God that's the last Capeshit movie I went to watch and ever will watch (unless Joker is classed as capeshit). All this Capitan Foot fungus Blacked Spider Twink bullshit is so insufferable.

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iron man 1, civil war, doctor strange and the final battle of endgame are alright. rest are crap

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Are you guys actually upset that Spider-Man looks like a high school kid now?

Some people know the MCU is just a bunch of generic safe superhero movies. The MCU is more like call of duty or fifa. Synder and his fans seem to think man of steel and BvS are underappreciated analytical masterpieces despite the fact synder doesn't know to write something as important as character arcs.

jokes on you they're all for americans

I love Pom

commander keen/doom

Smash, Project X Zone and Super Robot Wars.

The Assassin's Creed series. It's consistently solid but never really great, it feels like it's been going on forever, the overarching story is a mess only autists care about, it's never done anything particularly creative or innovative and I never understood why people care about it.

I'm upset that no matter how much money they sink into nu Spider-Man Raimi's shit is still a lot more enjoyable than whatever PS3 cutscene I'm watching that has a high school twink that DOESN't deliver pizzas anymore.
Also, I'm sure Peter Parker's supposed to be a nerd or something. Why does he look like he belongs in one of those Gachi videos with Billy Herrington and Van Darkholme?

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Anything after the early seasons can fuck off. Otherwise, yeah I was a fan.

ragnarok is a cringe fest that only gets decent after the arena fight

thor 2 sucked donkey dick a handful of people walked out when I went including me

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So one's for children and the other thinks it's for adults. Both are equally dumb just like Bioshock.

Cyberpunk 2077 untill I find next meaningless, corporate garbage to obsess over.

>Also, I'm sure Peter Parker's supposed to be a nerd or something.
At least he's not as bad as Andrew Garfield in Amazing Spider-Man. They literally have Peter in that film rescue ANOTHER KID from getting bullied by Flash Thompson because it wouldn't be believable to have GigaChad Andrew Garfield getting bullied.

I only really casually watched the first few seasons because my dad got me into it and liked what I saw.
What happens in the later ones that made it bad?

Iron Man's first movie, Cap America's latter two movies, Guardians 1, Thor Ragnarok, Dr Strange

IW and Endgame are really good movies if you've been watching this shit for the past decade to see how it finally ends. If you went into it watching barely any MCU shit then half of what makes those movies appealing will go over your head

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The fuck is this trash opinion.

Tom Holland's Peter comes off just as much of a nerd as Toby. It was Andrew Garfield that they made him a Chad

The game was rigged from the start

pommy a cute!!!
7 and pommy becomes my wife

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The Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the only ones I've seen that felt like actual films with a creative vision instead of bland assembly line corporate shlock. And even then they still annoyed me a lot, so make of that what you will.


>it's never done anything particularly creative or innovative and I never understood why people care about it.
the first one was creative and innovative, too bad that´s also the one that aged like a woman

>releases the same mostly mediocre thing every year that normies eat up but recent ones have been improving the formula slightly
that'd be Assassins Creed
>black panther
just because it has niggers? I thought it easily had the most interesting story philosophically and thematically, and had the best villain out of all of them, beside Infinity War

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I think Brotherhood was the peak.
After that it was clear cut that Assassins creed is over.

not him the first half of black panther is boring as fuck and the CG is abysmally bad. I don't usually harp on bad CG but it was horribly distracting here

personally I'd give it a C

Yea Forums here. I will never understand the appeal of these movies, Iron Man and the first Captain America were great, Avengers was alright, all the others are pretty much trash. What the hell is the appeal in them? I've read plenty of comic books in my life. The only comic book movie I want to see is Joker, but does that even count?

I like Black Panther overall but it does have some very dumb parts, like when they expect the audience to legit believe T'Challa is dead

To be honest, I barely remember it now as it was years ago. But the story just nosedives as these things usually do. They lose focus on what made the idea fun and start putting in weaker and weaker plots/characters. I only really liked it when they were introducing new problem characters from the town who were getting kryptonite poisoning/powers from the residual shit scattered all over when Clark arrived.

The 'oh no, this new coloured kryptonite makes Clark super horny/mad/depressed/whatever' sort of stories started to annoy me as well.

Orange Juice

Bearly. I want to watch Joker aswell and I hate super hero movies.

Still waiting for the those FE characters to turn to dust.

Dark Souls

>black panther
>not an enjoyable movie that (started at least) with the kind of nationalism that all western countries should have
>hating it because it has a bunch of africans

you niggers are dumb as fuck

Toby was a very good fit for that nerdy outcast look. It could be what I grew up with seeing in school but Tom just reminds me of one of those "I'm not gay" (is really gay) kids that hangs around with a group of girls that failed to make it as the popular kids but aren't ugly or weird enough to be made fun of by everyone.
I don't know. I've just never known a nerd for being someone that looks like he should be getting railed on the Gay section of Pornhub.

Tom Holland actually looks like he could be in high school. Toby looked like a fucking 30 year old even in 2001

The movie was horrible.
You can’t hide behind your
> duh anyone who disliked this movie is probably only doing so because black people
Fuck off with that scapegoat.

>Tom just reminds me of one of those "I'm not gay" (is really gay) kids that hangs around with a group of girls that failed to make it as the popular kids but aren't ugly or weird enough to be made fun of by everyone.
>I don't know. I've just never known a nerd for being someone that looks like he should be getting railed on the Gay section of Pornhub.
I'll be honest user, these statements say more about you than they do about the actor. Awful lot of projection going on here

Okay. I guess I should rewatch the series sometime since it was like what 8 years since I last saw an episode and see if I even still like the show.

Just saying, I knew someone that was that "I'm not gay" (Ends up being gay) guy who looked almost like Tom.

Unironically Kingdom Hearts, I used to work at Hot Topic and the people there would usually always talk about Marvel and Kingdom Hearts or Nightmare Before Christmas.

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Endgame and Civil War weren't as good as Infinity War or Winter Soldier