What a disaster of a sequel.
What a disaster of a sequel
How so? It is just mario maker 1 with more stuff
explain or die
No Amiibo costumes but I'd just call that a disappointment and not a disaster.
>Just the first game with slopes and a few more enemies
>Full priced $60 game even though this would've been $15 Wiiware 10 years ago
only 1% of new features
Are the alternate characters just straight up gone or do they appear and just not require an amiibo?
Vertical levels make it worth $60 for me.
By being one of the most barebone sequels of all time.
>Here's mario 3D world style
>Here's 3 extra enemies
>Here's slopes
>Here's a shit tier night theme with mandatory gimmicky garbage attached to it and a cringy music box theme that can't be turned off
Wow, totally worth 60 dollars.
Also the lack of All Stars related stuff is fucking embarrassing.
All Stars is most mario games - except better.
Better music, better art style, better atmosphere.
Allow me to educate you niggers.
Regular SMB Ground theme -
Nostalgic but bland.
Now Mario All Stars SMB Ground theme -
Retains the nostalgia while sounding less flat, the melody is straight up superior.
SMB3 Athletic theme -
Once again, nostalgic but flat sounding.
Superior All Stars SMB3 Athletic theme.
We should have had art + music from All Stars in Mario Maker 2. That would have made it actually worth it.
Also night themes shouldn't be locked behind garbage gimmicks. They should be toggleable so you can use the night theme as purely an aesthetic choice without having any dogshit gimmicks tagged on to them.
Sounds like someone just discovered the word "disaster."
So what kinds of levels are you guys thinking of making? I really wanna try and get some creative use out of the big coins but I'm having trouble coming up with ideas without actually having the game in my hands.
>posts smug anime girl
>has no idea what they’re talking about
Seems about right.
Epic pasta. Enjoy the game bro
nintentards shit on people for buying their annual or subannual rehashes but they literally buy full priced ports/remasters and slightly updated games slapped with a $60 pricetag and do it with a shit-eating grin
>G...Guys dis game desaster i swear on my mom
Kys mongrol its again butthurt Pcfags who cannot play the game and will probably somehow resurrect threads about romhacks claiming this is so much better than Super Mario Maker 2.
Seething, also have sex and dilate
Romhacks are objectively superior to this and they're free lmao
>All Stars is most mario games - except soulless.
>Soulless music, soulless art style, soulless atmosphere.
too bad can't replicate mario maker psychics
not even any fangame.
Dilate tranny.
All-Stars is the best mario game ever made.
>he keeps pictures of trannies on his computer
But it’s not a single game, it’s a collection of games. Only a faggot-lover with immediate access to pics of some basedboy in a dress wouldn’t be able to claim a single specific title as their favorite and just point at a collection to claim it’s the best.
>Tranny in absolute shambles at seeing the sight of him and his putrid looking ilk
You can't make this shit up lmao
>But it’s not a single game, it’s a collection of games
It's a collection of games made infinitely better via better music and better art style.
just like digimon
>The virgin braindead looking poorly drawn bowser on the OG SMB side vs The Chad King of all Koopa's from All Stars
>Those shitty MS Paint drawn lava and bricks on the OG SMB side vs the aesthetic and detailed design of All Stars
>That non existent background vs the beautiful All Stars
Uhh, trannies, care to explain this?
>the longest part of this post was deciding which tranny pic to post from his 20GB folder
spoken like a true zoomer
Imagine unironically prefering the barren devoid of any detail left over the beautiful, aesthetic as fuck right.
Your mind would quite literally need to be going haywire from too much s()y intake
Gone completely. Which is a shame, because I was going to make a K.Rool stage.
What a disaster of a thread.
It looks to soft, dude. All-Stars is alright but I never liked the look of certain things, not everything translated well. For example, the ? blocks in that pic look like pillows or something.
How isn't the 3ds the worst version of the game.
The ? blocks are undoubtably better in all stars though. The lighting going across them in motion is perfect, they're the best looking ? blocks in the series.
The OG mario ones have absolutely no depth to them, they look like somebody just copy pasted a flat jpg over and over again.
>This is the nigger who thinks his shitty romhacks are better
So this is cope
Romhacks are leagues better. You can kick and scream all you want tranny, romhacks actually have all of the content in them. Mario Maker doesn't even have a fraction of the enemies the series is known for and you can't even place water blocks lmao
Mario Maker 2 has cars in it user
Zero Gravity cars
Game is gonna sell 15mil in its lifetime and all the snoylets on Yea Forums can do is seethe and cope. Hopefully Nintendo goes after SMBX and Lunar Magic next.
Sounds pretty cringe tbqhwy
I'd rather have the flying fire snake chain chomp-esque looking fucker to put in auto scroll stages
You can put those in stages too
And you can drive away from them in a car
They're not in Mario Maker 2
for the low low LOW price of 60 U.S. american dollars
1000+ rom hacks ready to go for every mario game
Your 60 US dollars doesn't even buy you that, they're straight up not in the game.
Nor are Pokey's, nor are Spikes, nor are Charging Chucks, nor is Boss Bass, nor are the Koopalings, nor are Fire Snakes, nor are Thwimps.
I could go on and on.
Is it even out yet?
Nintendo 10 years ago
>"we will never do dlc or charge for online"
Nintendo today
>make a dlc tier "sequel", charges 60 bucks for it and forces you to pay their garbage online thing to fully use it
The only part that seems disastrous about SMM2 is that the online is paid-only.
>All while still having less features than some fanmade shit made by a couple of randos
ITT: snoyboys mad that no one wants to play LBP
You can't say this or else someone's just gonna post the "why are you taking a shit on my plate" image and act like they won the argument.
>oh no 5 low tier enemies no one remembers are in the game
>no thwimps no buy
user, we all know you only have a Dell laptop to play 90s games on. You can't afford a switch. Sour. Grapes.
>you aren't allowed to dislike something or you can't afford it
Weak argument tranny boy, I've got a Switch with more than likely more games than you on it. Mario Maker 2 is just an objectively shit sequel.
ew, you're the night theme poster
ew, you're some literal who tranny lmao
You can make redstone-like programming now.
The thing that worries me is the multiplayer that will probably be broken.
But the game looks good. I and a lot of people have never played Mario Maker because the WiiU is probably one of the worst consoles in history. So the lack of new things will not be so bad.
Putting the whole game behind a paywall was disgusting, however.
is this the official crying about nintendo thread bros?
>tranny obsessed teenager continues to shit up every mario maker thread
get a fucking trip already
>nearly 2x the themes
>night themes, each with a gimmick to add even further (inb4 night theme autist)
>tons of new elements, some of which are huge additions such as on/off, snake blocks w/custom paths, etc...
>3D world theme
>online multiplayer
>local multiplayer
>local co-op making
>endless mario challenge
>vertical levels
>clear conditions
>better course world
>story mode
yeah truly a terrible sequel
It's what every sequence should be, ie keep what worked in the first version and expand the possibilities without modifying the scope of the original game.
The lack of unique levels for multiplayer will generate some bizarre situations however and many players will get frustrated with this.
>nearly 2x the themes
Good addition.
>night themes, each with a gimmick to add even further (inb4 night theme autist)
Garbage addition filled with gimmicky dogshit for people with the minds of a toddler.
>tons of new elements, some of which are huge additions such as on/off, snake blocks w/custom paths, etc...
All of which could be replicated in the first game perfectly fine.
>3D world theme
Good addition.
>online multiplayer
>local multiplayer
>local co-op making
All absolutely garbage and a waste of dev time.
>endless mario challenge
Worse, dumbed down version of the 100 life challenge.
>vertical levels
Good addition
>clear conditions
Gimmicky shit.
>better course world
>story mode
Padding shit which nobody wanted.
So 3 good additions, the rest are lackluster or straight up dogshit.
Only a tranny could find that sufficient for a sequel.
>waste of dev time
The problem I have is that there's a lot of 3D exclusive elements
>Hammer power-up
>Ant trooper
>Fire bro
>Sledge Fire bro
>Several block types such as Blinking Blocks, Track Block and Mushroom trampolines.
More enemies for the other themes can also lead to more mechanics.
can I make a Metroidvania esque level
This. What's the point of even having other themes if one does everything by default?
Exactly. The 3D World style is undoubtably a good addition, but the sequel frontlined all of its shit into that giving all of the other themes, aka the vast majority of the fucking game, next to nothing.
They added 3 (THREE) new enemies to the other themes.
It's not like they're running out of enemies to add either.
They STILL haven't gave us something as simple as fucking placeable water blocks like this pic shows
>disaster of a sequel
So do people really feel this way, or is this just the usual TORtanic mouthbreathers hoping against hope that something flops so that they can shitpost about it? It's hard to tell nowadays.
I hope what happened was they were forced to make SMM2 on a tight schedule so they decided to dump everything to 3D world first and then in future updates, add them and other things like Fuzzies and Pokeys to the game.
But I have doubts they'll add too much. At the very least we have 1 new style to look forward to.
>people who don't know how to formulate a decent argument and attempt to throw all points against the wall without thinking
Great job op lolol
No one is, this guy just decided to make shit up for attention. It's sad
Dumb (You) slut.
Game looks dope, you're a fag
Reminder that you can't even make authentic levels because of the "silly wackiness xd" that Nintendo forces into your levels like a fucking flying undo dog.
>There are people who actually like All Stars beyond its initial value of 3 games in one
>Get intellectually dominated
>Have your feeble retorts blown the fuck out
>"H-he's just making shit up".
Everything I said is objectively true.
They added fuck all of value outside of a few themes, 3D World style and slopes.
Get good why play lmao
>Op's thread crumbles this early in
New Yea Forums sucks at this. Also buy for Toadette
>All Stars is most mario games - except better.
End yourself asap.
Oh no, some faggot on Yea Forums doesn't like some random feature in the background of the game.
mario maker 2 is well and truly ruined.
Lol, you want to win so badly at internets. Learn how to structure baby boy , this Mario got new features ,look at the direct. Ka-chow
>>online multiplayer
>>local multiplayer
>>local co-op making
>All absolutely garbage and a waste of dev time.
Do you have friends to play with?
>Trannies have shit taste and like objectively inferior games for no reason what so ever.
Gonna be a massive yikes from me.
I already won though, you embarrassed yourself and now you're reduced to just throwing out cringey one liners lmao
I do but I play games that were actually made for multiplayer like Smash, Mario Aces, Mario Kart, Splatoon etc with them, not single player games with dogshit multiplayer modes shoehorned in to get tranny suckers to part with their money because they need multiplayer shoehorned into every game for some reason.
The multiplayer in Mario Maker 2 is unironically dogshit.
someone get this hothead outta here.
How is a platformer not made for multiplayer?
>sprite limits
>that resolution
>assembly magic
naw, even smbx is better than that
I'm hoping 3D replaces NSMB as the most used theme because so many levels use that theme and I'm just tired of looking at it. 3D World also just looks nice and has way better music.
There's not a single good platformer that is multiplayer.
Dustforce, Mario, Meat Boy, Celeste, Classicvania
The fuck are you even talking about?
It looks the same.
But you claiming an absence of evidence of any good multiplayer platformer does not explain how a platformer isn't made for multiplayer.
>t.the public
It does because we've already seen how mario maker multiplayer works and it's the same low quality garbage as NSMB
3D World looks the same as NSMB?
The quality of NSMB was not due to its multiplayer.
I'm still triggered by no costumes
NSMB's multiplayer is literally the exact same multiplayer they're using in Mario Maker 2. It's a mindless garbage cluster fuck.
What a fucking waste of dev time.
>The fucking game freeze when someone dies
How can people put up with that shit?
I have no idea.
I can't stand this screeching niggers who absolutely need multiplayer to be thrown into every fucking game ever. There's been so many games that were clearly built for single player that have had precious dev time wasted on throwing in a shit tier multiplayer which doesn't work or look even remotely fun just to pander to these mouth breathers.
Imagine not being able to go a second without playing a game with your mates, just how fucking dependent on them are you that you can't play a single player game alone?