aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game. fail.
Aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game. fail
First game was garbage anyway
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game.
i'm pleased by that, all i wanted was more content
Did you expect it to be an RTS?
it was supposed to be a dlc at first so it makes sense
>more hollow knight
I was honestly a bit disappointed over how similar it is to the first game
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game.
>and that's a good thing!
>aaaaaaaaaaand I'm a giant fucking faggot who needs to die!
Fixed that for ya, faggot!
Honestly, it looks so much more refined over the first game that I'll give it a shot either way. Also, don't fix what isn't broken.
>looks like the first game
>"This is just a rehash REEEEEEEEEEEE"
>looks different from the first game
>"This is too different REEEEEEEEEEEE"
It's almost as if there's literally nothing capable of pleasing the people who frequent this board
It's almost like there are people here who feed upon outrage culture so much that they hate absolutely everything
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game.
Fuck yes. Loved HK and played through at least 6 or 7 times.
That would actually be kinda cool. An rts based around making bug armies. You'd have like ant and bee races with some other stuff mixed between
New world.
New enemies.
New moves.
New characters.
New story.
Same mechanics.
Same systems.
Same genre.
Same gameplay loop.
Excellent. When can I pre-order?
This is literally what we want from it though. Retard.
The first game was good, we want more like it.
You should go tell that to a lot of devs. The Stronghold devs for a start.
I just hope it doesn't come short of content compared to the first. They've gathered an insame ammount of goodwill, they can take their time.
Perfect. Buying it ASAP.
>spend 20 years on a crowd-funded Metroidvania that costs $50 at launch and will likely be a 7/10 at best
>spend 2 years on a 10/10 Metroidvania that costs $15-20 at launch and will likely be a 10/10
Choose your destiny
post her butt
the atmosphere in hollow knight was cool but it got monotonous after the first areas.
Silksong's areas already look more diverse, but I'm worried about that a little bit too. Fungal Wastes kinda just... Bored me compared to most of the areas in the game, and the Ancient Basin just felt empty in a bad way, like the area was unfinished.
Why is that a bad thing?
If it's not broken, don't fix it.
Why are HKfags so defensive?
Exactly what I wanted. Based
Wow I love Silksong then
Can't please everyone.
you =/= we retard
>Let's completely change everything that worked for the millions of people who loved the first game to try to appease the handful of people who didn't like it for nebulous reasons and probably still wouldn't like it on principle if we did every single thing they asked for
Why do you go on the internet and act insincere and think other people are the ones with the problem?
I am gonna fuckin kill you bitch
Oh sorry, sad to hear you dont want it user who didnt play/didnt like the first game anyway.
>forced to play as a girl
>have sex
nigga what did you even see the treehouse demo?
>Similar enough to the first game that it still appeals to the people who enjoyed it and doesn't change what worked for no reason
>Different enough that it doesn't feel like a rehash and could potentially bring in new fans
It's looking fucking good
I'm happy that this is the SoTN to Hollow Knight's Super Metroid honestly.
Why are you projecting?
>t. got filtered by hornet
indiefags go die of AIDS
What were you expecting from it?
that'd be a spin-off rather than a sequel
go eat up whatever EA or ubisoft regurgitated again, normalfaggot
Hopefully it will come out before I die.
Git gud fag
Fuk u
Well it was an expansion pack/alternate campaign that got way too big in scope, right? It makes sense that it would be similar at a fundamental level.
Why was hollow knight so hard for you guys? This shit reminds me of dark souls release when all you fuckin babies couldn't beat that either
Flash garbage for tumblr retards.
I can't get over how terrible the characters look in this game, it's like a flash game on newgrounds.
>Decent art ruined by a shitty youtube meme
Can't choose easy mode so shitters give up.
Show me one flash game which looks like it.
>Why was hollow knight so hard for you guys?
It isn't, not to me at least. I was among first runner who pioneered NMG runs
I beat it but I don't have enough time to beat the final guantlet of the final dlc
Pantheon 5 is solely made for turbo autists and even more autistic speedrunners.
No shame in leaving that one. All you get is some dialogue and a worthless achievement.
I can beat the final boss in the practice hall but when it comes time to do it for real I fucked up the pogo on the final stage twice and dropped it. Seriously they could've just made it 30 minutes long and dropped the entire first half of the bosses
That's different, that shit is insane but this game had such a huge amount of whiners here. All the hard shit was optional
Shit like the gauntlets require some actual effort.
At least the 5th one.
It's just not worth it unless you really enjoy practicing most of the higher bosses a lot to not fuck them up and have to start it over.
112% was where i ended my own playthrough.
ITT: scrubs complaining about the fact TC won't casualize the game to appeal to them
I bet you have Wojaks saved on your desktop faggot
I still refuse to believe someone is that retarded.
>Mila figurine
something more different compared to HK
You clearly haven't paid attention to the gameplay then.
>different people have different opinions
Now this is real trannycore if anything.
What are you even doing here?
> 2020
Does it matter what month then as of now?
wasnt it 2019, when did it become 2020 give source
>Show me one flash game which looks like it.
it's TBA, we just don't know
comfy hk throd
1. the placeholder date leaked through steamDB was June 1 2020 until they hidden it
2. the havent event started production until q1 of 2019
3 guys, 2 coders, one artist
have to go through whole production phase
then post-production
then 1-2 months of PR/marketing phase
Do you really expect it before 2020?
The steamdb shit is flimsy evidence.
We're better off trusting that presentation Nintendo did about all the Switch games releasing this fiscal year.
>2. the havent event started production until q1 of 2019
Bullshit, give evidence of that.
They made it sound like they've been working on it since after the 1st game released, and namely during when they made the smaller content patches for HK1.
Everything about this game's setting and aesthetic is so reddit.
It's worse than steampunk
>2. the havent event started production until q1 of 2019
The fuck? They immediately started on silksong the moment Hollow Knight came out.
>q1 2019
lol I don't believe that at all
>The steamdb shit is flimsy evidence.
May be. But the rest still holds up (pardon my shitty english).
Anyway, if they were confident about 2019 we wold already had something like "December 2019". Sadly, q4 of 2019 is a very busy period with lots of big release so they will play it safely. Not that they couldnt release along with Destiny 3 it just they have full-fledged PR guy who wont allow that and they will listen.
>Bullshit, give evidence of that.
I cant, without de-user. But I had some inside knowledge of pre-prod stuff (pic related) and someone else, who knows devs, also recently confirmed they just left pre-production phase few months ago.
Look user, I know it hurts to cope and 2020 is like, 89 years away, but there isnt much we can do but endure
>The fuck? They immediately started on silksong the moment Hollow Knight came out.
Nope, that is incorrect. At the q3 of 2018 it was still planend as DLC. VERY late of 2018 is when they decided - fuck it, we are making separate game with Hornet. Switch success was partially responsible for that (sold more than PC)
>inside knowledge
so you know jack shit, got it
How far into the game did you get?
>kindergaden-level attempt to bait me
Really? This is famous Yea Forums? C'mon user.
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game
Fuckin' awesome.
That's not inside knowledge. They released those fucking animations ages ago.
How would you feel if it was 1-year Epic exclusive on PC, HKbros?
I'dstill buy it but only on Switch or PS4
>someone else, who knows devs, also recently confirmed they just left pre-production phase few months ago.
The trailer came out four months ago, and that was way past pre-production. The devs said at the time that the game had been in development for nearly two years. Stop bullshitting.
what the fuck are you talking about? I asked for proof and you're unable to give it. Why should I believe you?
also, it's "the infamous Yea Forums", not "famous Yea Forums"
not trying to be a cunt
That specific animation wasn't public until one of the recent KS updates, but I believe archive still has it when I first time posted it. Nobody seen it outside of private slack Ithink
Wouldn't care at all. Would be happy more money was going to the devs instead of a middleman.
I wouldn't give a shit because I pirate anyways
They said that they started working 100% on Silksong after Godmaster released, implying they'd been working on it in a partial capacity up to that point.
Would skip until the Steam release or maybe get the Switch version.
Stop LARPing you retard.
>And Pwoarrrrrrowza! if this one hasn’t been a struggle to keep under-wraps! Hidden behind the scenes, Hornet’s gigantic adventure has been growing (and growing and growing!) for well over a year now, with the very first pieces coming together right after the original PC release of Hollow Knight on Feb 24th 2017.
>looks exactly like the first game
Haha what?
>pirating good niche games
I hope you die a horribly painful death.
I like that it's similar, just hopefully better. The first one was a great game, but it was slow and tedious at some parts. I'm hoping Hornet's moveset and some enemy designs make it less annoying to backtrack.
Really looking forward to it. Other than my nitpick above, it was one of my favorite worlds to explore in the genre, it felt like there were so many little things tucked away.
The free DLC was alright, but really just needed a new world and I'm glad we got it. I play it more for the exploration than the combat.
I'd buy it from epic then.
They'd finally have a game on their store worth owning.
Sorry, I was retarded, I forgot it is 2019. Basically what I said still holds up but imagine it is 2018. My bad, time flies.
Here is random casual drop of info from someone who VERY familiar with devs.
lol get real
she has eight legs
Either way I'm not gonna argue to death. I'm not even gonan screencap this shit but I will show up for "I told you" when RD announced
Just to feel smug
This. It's not a good Metroidvania, I don't know why Yea Forums has such a boner for it.
It is a niche game, you fucking thief. Make the world a favor and go cut your own hands off.
An honest mistake.
lmao okay LARPer.
I just get all indie games on Switch now anyway unless it's better with a mouse/keyboard.
Do not lewd Hornet.
cry harder, cuck. maybe you'll get a free copy with all this goy guilt
>implying devs wanting to give away free copies to HK backers would willingly switch to Epic
There's a big difference between team Cherry and Yu
I have money, I don't have to resort to thievery like you, fucking scum of the Earth.
I don't even blame the Shenmue devs. There's a language barrier and they probably don't even know about any EGS outrage that exists in the west and figured everyone would be fine with that. Deep Silver has had a history of being ass long before EGS even existed, I've considered them a bite-sized EA for years now.
thanks for buying the game for me, goy
Went from 2 guys to 7. This is gonna be a flop.
No. Hornet is pure.
> to 7
I do not count the composer and the marketing guy. Core team always was 3 and they hired some help for switch port.
that;s all
>I dont even blame the Shenmue devs
You should. They raised three times their target amount in Kickstarter, were completely silent about the game's development all these years and suddenly sold their souls for Epicbux. The only logical conclusion is that they fucked up and pissed away the money they needed for development, so they decided to cash out while the getting was good
And then you have team cherry. God bless our fucking based aussie team cherry
Pure sex. yes
Every area in Hollow Knight feels and looks the exact same and the music is fucking awful.
Imagine being bad at video games lole
Thank you for you input, kind stranger!
Zoom zoom is mad there's no crafting system or voxels.
>Every area in Hollow Knight feels and looks the exact same
reasonable criticism that I can understand
>the music is fucking awful.
I hope you die
Shut up you're lying.
I deny your reality and substitute my own
God dammit the direct trailer saying COMING SOON had me excited
You do have a point, I'm sick of games getting Kickstarted and then getting a publisher. $6M+ was absolutely enough for a competent developer to fund a game like that.
>Every area in Hollow Knight feels and looks the exact same
Complete absolute retard.
You too.
I'd buy it on Switch then maybe buy it again on Steam if I feel like it
Pure cute. No sex.
Yeah it hurts but 2020 seems the most realistic target.
I said I can understand it, not that I agree with it
>music is fucking awful
>shitting on
I'd like a word with you
I understand that an absolute retard could be confused by consistent visual design and ambiance and could misinterpret that positive attribute to be "everything looking the same". I think that's distinct from calling it a reasonable criticism.
why doesn't this sequel look completely different from the first game?
>gloomy, cavernous, dark cave with slow ominous ambient piano in the background
Which area(s) does this describe?
>won't come out on ps4 until 2021
Most of the areas weren't dark. The game takes underground in a fallen kingdom, so every area should be gloomy and cavernous.
Literally just dirtmouth.
Hollow Knight's stretch goal was a campaign where you can play as Hornet. They decided to expand that and turn it into a full game. Backers get a free copy to satisfy that promise.
Forgotten Crossroads? The other two spooky cave areas don't have ambient music.
a few of them, though I'd need more details. is it wet? covered in mushrooms? dark and decaying? covered in plant life? a crystal mine?
The forgotten crossroads. And even that shit changes halfway through once it gets infected, with the gloom getting replaced by light and the bgm changing with (surprise!) no pianos
Actually I think this time they target all platforms at once.
Make that march AT MOST.
goddammit am I about to double dip on Slay the Spire
>Zoom zoom is mad there's no crafting system
God I just wanna bury my face into her chest fluff
No it doesn't. They're using a lot more color now.
Well, it makes sense, Switch was almost double of PC sales in almost 3x of timeframe
Sorry bud, money talk
Fungal doesn't have piano, it's cello and flute and other instruments.
Crystal is drums and guitar and bass
Abyss and Deepnest have spooky ambiance, Foggy ambience too, etc.
Based Nintendo.
I was only being sarcastic anyway. OP is an idiot but probably not really. I'm sure he just wanted a regular thread but a shitpost was the only way to pull it off.
Fluffy Moth is the only patrician waifu
I know, but it still hurts.
Really? Damn, i'm gonna get this game then.
It's alright fren, Bloodstained release tomorrow, play it to take off Waifusong out of your mind
There is actually a handful of promising metroidvanias coming out this year so you wont be bored
>handful of promising metroidvanias coming out this year
Like which ones? Except for Bloodstained
I think i heard ESA dude working on ESA2 but not sure if my mind didn't made that up
Depends on what we see from the next build. There was enough to demo but if they start showing more footage of different areas, I could see late this year. There are so many goddamn assets that anything shown is major progress because they already have the engine and it’s a matter of a fuckton of animations.
Blasphemous looks okay. I think that’s still this year and not total vaporware.
I hope the map system is even less convenient so the brainlets seethe even harder.
ESA2 has a CHANCE of being 2019 but unlikely.
There will be (just a few because I'm off to sleep and cant pull long ass list)
Siege and the Sandfox
Hearth Forth Alicia
Brave Earth (not metroidvania but castlevania-like)
NYKRA (puzzle-based tho)
Plague Huntress (may be? Hopefully!)
Ghost Song new demo (remade)
and a few more, but I dont have list right now. 2019 is looking good actually.
Right, Blasphemous is on my list too.
They finally streamed some gameplay so it's not vaporware that's for sure
Looks meh. At least Bloodstained seems replayable.
>I could see late this year.
Unlikely. As I mentioned - q4 is gonna be packed with big releases as usual because it is a common time for all AAA shit to float atop.
They can go for a bold move but I dont think they will. I feel like their 3rd game will be bigger and bolder and they would need lots of munny for that
it just a few, there is more, lots of them look good but I'm off, good night anono
So it's true. That's good to hear. I still have that endless goddamn frustrating post-game if i want more until then anyway.
Thanks for the list fren
They already went full bold by announcing silksong a day after the nintendo direct. And still stealing the limelight regardless.
The devs are fully capable of shadowdropping this shit if they want to. The only reason a release date doesn't exist is because they got burned with godmaster and the switch release dates getting delayed over and over again.
Related, what’s up with all these extremely ambitious indies in recent years? It almost gives me hope because most of them end up being pretty decent. I can’t think of a massive failure in the sprite art fap genre other than owl boy which was blatantly unfinished.
Would have been better as a linear action platformer with precision sections. Hollow Knight really shines during its boss battles but I could do without the treks in between. The level design is bland as hell and makes backtracking (which you'll be doing a lot of) a boring chore
>inb4 "b-but backtracking is a staple of the genre!"
Yeah and Hollow Knight doesn't do it well
What's so good abou the first game anyways? I see it marketed as a dark souls clone, but I don't really see it, 3D is an essential part of dark souls.
What puts this metroidvania over games like iconoclasts/momodora?
Fuck that. I love the way the world just got bigger and bigger and even long after I thought the map was done it still manages to surprise me with secret areas tucked inside.
>I see it marketed as a dark souls clone
No you don't.
It’s atmospheric exploration with brutally difficult bosses that barely mesh with the rest of the gameplay. Did you play it? Pirate it and form your own opinion after 20 hours.
As puzzled as you are. It was just endless Owlboy and Iconoclasts and then they started popping up like mushrooms.
And looks like failing? I mean Blasphemous is the only one that seems to have buzz about it, the others just went under radar seemingly.
Not a mvania.
Just s castle vania
>with brutally difficult bosses
lmao there are maybe three or four actually difficult bosses and they are all in the dlc at the very end of the game, git gud scrub
What's harder, pantheon 5 or goibnu mode ?
>goibnu mode
what's that
A lot of them have been in development since the era owlboy was announced in. This shift to FULL FUCKING GAMES is weird, it’s even started to seep out into 3D. It’s been brewing for a while but only recently has it come to a head.
If you mean Steel Soul mode, Pantheon 5 is harder.
t. never played hollow night [beyond mantis lords]
Can someone enlighten me on why people hate Epic other than the crunch time and data mining memes. Out of the loop on them.
they banned people for buying too many games during a sale
People resent exclusivity.
Hollow knight released on GOG.
Silksong becoming an epic exclusive means it's not on GOG anymore.
Simple enough?
>Female protagonist
That's, uh, gonna be a "No" from me, man.
what happened to Manbagi's face?
And that’s a good thing
>female protagonist with a sadistic lesbian rival
Can it get any worse?
Does Dark Samus count as a sadistic lesbian rival?
>The music is fucking awful
The only thing awful here is your taste.
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game.
and thats a good thing
How is that a bad thing? Imagine thinking completely changing the whole formula of a game just to appeal to some people is actually a good thing...
Also the gameplay when it comes to Hornet's movements seem more interesting imo.
Also guys what kind of ending would this one follow through? And do you think they should decide on a particular ending for Silsong knowing that it would invalidate the others?
I’d like it to at least say something about what happened at the end of Godmaster. The E3 demo made it clear that Hornet being taken away was the intro and where we start from, but they can’t just leave us hanging on the void going fucking ballistic and Hornet fighting The Hollow Knight
>asset flips are only ok when Nintendo does it
>asset flips
You know they created those assets right? You should say they reused those assets and added new ones on top.
>aaaaaaand looks exactly like the first game.
the first game was perfect, so awesome.
But we dont even know what kind of ending Silsong follow through though.
Also I have something in mind after watching the Treehouse gameplay. Didnt someone make the link between the first cutscene where Hornet gets saved by a white butterfly (destroying some sort of seal) and the part where Lace is with some other butterflies before Hornet fights her? Potential ally?
Give me your addresses little punk bitches
ur mums house mate
Lace was always going to be the new Hornet.
Though Hornet didnt guide the Knight when it was trying to find its way back to Hallownest did she? She was testing him at best.
can i be lesbians? is the princess gay?
>She was testing it at best.
oops fixed.
Well of course the difference of their actions are blatant considering the knight was one vessel out of god knows how many while Hornet is a one of a kind literal demi-god spider.
That is true.
This so much. I fucking hate when numale developers play metroid once and decide to make their own, with that silly level design with flat platforms for miles and flash art background. Hollow knight, axiom verge, etc etc could all as well be 1d with most rooms being a flat line from door to door, maybe with one jump when they feel like it. The only reason why metroid was so good is how much content and things they managed to fit on each screen, with tiny secret rooms and tons of terrain that actually matters because of combat system. Nudvanias are as flat and skinny as the guys who developed them.
>can i be lesbians? is the princess gay?
Hornet seems to be completely uninterested in this stuff. But hey fan canon and whatever. ;^)